资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*+==========================================================================
- Summary: This client loads and accesses the Connectable SharePaper
- component provided in a separate out-of-process COM Server
- (DCDSERVE built in the sibling DCDSERVE directory). Thus to
- run DCOMDRAW you must build DCDSERVE first. This client
- application is meant to exercise the DCDSERVE out-of-process
- server and to illustrate the use of a shared single COPaper
- COM object in a remote server. Distributed COM (DCOM) is
- used. The shared COPaper object can store its drawing data in
- the structured storage of a single compound file.
- The COPaper object maintains logic and data to represent a
- white sheet of free-form drawing paper. The behavior is much
- like other C++ scribble code samples except that the
- DCOMDRAW/DCDSERVE pair are implemented using custom COM
- objects, interfaces, and standard COM services. The client
- mouse activity is used to draw ink lines on the paper
- surface. The COPaper object keeps a memory array of the Ink
- data but performs no GUI display. This DCOMDRAW (largely
- within the CGuiPaper object) manages the display of the
- current drawing data.
- There is no GUI behavior in the server--it is all in this
- client. This client instantiates one instance of the
- server's COPaper COM object and then allows the user to
- use the mouse to draw lines in the client area of the
- main window. If other clients are run they access the same
- shared drawing even if the server requested is on a remote
- machine. DCDSERVE registers its COPaper component so that
- there is one shared drawing per machine.
- For a comprehensive tutorial code tour of DCOMDRAW's contents
- and offerings see the tutorial DCOMDRAW.HTM file. For
- more specific technical details on the internal workings see
- the comments dispersed throughout the DCOMDRAW source code.
- For more details on the DCDSERVE.DLL that DCOMDRAW works with
- see the DCDSERVE.HTM file in the main tutorial directory.
- Classes: CMainWindow.
- Functions: InitApplication, WinMain
- Origin: 8-23-97: atrent - Editor-inheritance from the CONCLIEN source.
- [Revised]
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file is part of the Microsoft COM Tutorial Code Samples.
- Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997. All rights reserved.
- This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft
- Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. See these other
- materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples.
- ==========================================================================+*/
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We include WINDOWS.H for all Win32 applications.
- We include OLE2.H because we will be calling the COM/OLE Libraries.
- We include OLECTL.H because it has definitions for connectable objects.
- We include INITGUID.H only once (here) in the entire app because we
- will be defining GUIDs and want them as constants in the data segment.
- We include COMMDLG.H because we will be using the Open File
- and potentially other Common dialogs.
- We include APPUTIL.H because we will be building this application using
- the convenient Virtual Window and Dialog classes and other
- utility functions in the APPUTIL Library (ie, APPUTIL.LIB).
- We include PAPINT.H and PAPGUIDS.H for the common paper-related Interface
- class, GUID, and CLSID specifications.
- We include GUIPAPER.H because it has the C++ class used for GUI display
- of the drawing paper.
- We include DCOMDRAW.H because it has class and resource definitions
- specific to this DCOMDRAW application.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ole2.h>
- #include <olectl.h>
- #include <initguid.h>
- #include <commdlg.h>
- #include <apputil.h>
- #include <papint.h>
- #include <papguids.h>
- #include "guipaper.h"
- #include "dcomdraw.h"
- // Here is a structure for storing the remote server info.
- COSERVERINFO g_ServerInfo;
- // Storage for the user entered remote machine name.
- TCHAR g_szMachineName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("");
- OLECHAR g_wszMachineName[MAX_PATH];
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CMainWindow::CMainWindow
- Summary: CMainWindow Constructor.
- Args: .
- Returns: .
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- CMainWindow::CMainWindow()
- {
- // Ensure these member variable strings are null strings.
- m_szFileName[0] = 0;
- // Fill in the Open File Name Common Dialog's OPENFILENAME structure.
- m_ofnFile.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME);
- m_ofnFile.hwndOwner = m_hWnd;
- m_ofnFile.hInstance = m_hInst;
- m_ofnFile.lpstrFilter = TEXT(OFN_DEFAULTFILES_STR);
- m_ofnFile.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL;
- m_ofnFile.nMaxCustFilter = 0;
- m_ofnFile.nFilterIndex = 1;
- m_ofnFile.lpstrFile = m_szFileName;
- m_ofnFile.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
- m_ofnFile.lpstrInitialDir = TEXT(".");
- m_ofnFile.lpstrFileTitle = m_szFileTitle;
- m_ofnFile.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH;
- m_ofnFile.lpstrTitle = TEXT(OFN_DEFAULTTITLE_STR);
- m_ofnFile.lpstrDefExt = NULL;
- m_ofnFile.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY;
- m_pMsgBox = NULL;
- m_pGuiPaper = NULL;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CMainWindow::~CMainWindow
- Summary: CMainWindow Destructor. Destruction of the main window
- indicates that the application should quit and thus the
- PostQuitMessage API is called.
- Args: .
- Returns: .
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- CMainWindow::~CMainWindow()
- {
- // CMainWindow is derived from CVirWindow which traps the WM_DESTROY
- // message and causes a delete of CMainWindow which in turn causes this
- // destructor to run. The WM_DESTROY results when the window is destoyed
- // after a close of the window. Prior to exiting the main message loop:
- // We delete the CGuiPaper and CMsgBox objects that were made in
- // Initinstance.
- DELETE_POINTER(m_pGuiPaper);
- // We then post a WM_QUIT message to cause an exit of the main
- // message loop and an exit of this instance of the application.
- PostQuitMessage(0);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CMainWindow::InitInstance
- Summary: Instantiates an instance of the main application window.
- This method must be called only once, immediately after
- window class construction. We take care to delete 'this'
- CMainWindow if we must return the error condition FALSE.
- Args: HINSTANCE hInstance,
- Handle of the application instance.
- LPSTR pszCmdLine,
- Pointer to the application's invocation command line.
- int nCmdShow)
- Command to pass to ShowWindow.
- Modifies: m_szHelpFile, m_pMsgBox.
- Returns: BOOL.
- TRUE if succeeded.
- FALSE if failed.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- BOOL CMainWindow::InitInstance(
- HINSTANCE hInstance,
- LPSTR pszCmdLine,
- int nCmdShow)
- {
- HWND hWnd = NULL;
- // Create the Message Box and Message Log objects.
- m_pMsgBox = new CMsgBox;
- // Create the CGuiPaper C++ object.
- m_pGuiPaper = new CGuiPaper;
- if (NULL != m_pMsgBox && NULL != m_pGuiPaper)
- {
- // Note, the Create method sets the m_hWnd member so we don't
- // need to set it explicitly here first. Here is the create of this
- // window. Size the window reasonably. Create sets both m_hInst and
- // m_hWnd. This creates the main client window.
- hWnd = Create(
- ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)*2/5,
- ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)*2/5,
- hInstance);
- if (NULL != hWnd)
- {
- // Init the new GuiPaper.
- bOk = m_pGuiPaper->Init(m_hInst, m_hWnd);
- if (bOk)
- {
- // Ensure the new window is shown on screen and content
- // is painted.
- ::ShowWindow(m_hWnd, nCmdShow);
- ::UpdateWindow(m_hWnd);
- // Build a path to where the help file should be (it should be in
- // the same directory as the .EXE but with the .HTM extension).
- MakeFamilyPath(hInstance, m_szHelpFile, TEXT(HELP_FILE_EXT));
- // Init the Message Box object.
- bOk = m_pMsgBox->Init(m_hInst, m_hWnd);
- // Connect the new Paper Sink in this client to receive event
- // calls from a COPaper source in the server.
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->ConnectPaperSink();
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // Lock the paper object for drawing by this client. Can't draw
- // with mouse until doing this. Set the proper checkmark
- // indicator on the menu selections as well.
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->Lock(TRUE);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // Try to load drawing data from local COPaper's compound file.
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->Load();
- }
- else
- {
- // Shared drawing already loaded by another client.
- // Paint this client's window with the shared drawing.
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->PaintWin();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bOk = SUCCEEDED(hr);
- if (!bOk)
- {
- DELETE_POINTER(m_pGuiPaper);
- }
- return (bOk);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CMainWindow::DoMenu
- Summary: Dispatch and handle the main menu commands.
- Args: WPARAM wParam,
- First message parameter (word sized).
- LPARAM lParam)
- Second message parameter (long sized).
- Modifies: m_ofnFile, ...
- Returns: LRESULT
- Standard Windows WindowProc return value.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- LRESULT CMainWindow::DoMenu(
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- {
- LRESULT lResult = FALSE;
- switch (LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Handle File Menu Commands.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Ask the user for the name of the machine where the remote
- // DCDSERVE server is.
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->LoadRemote();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- // Ask COPaper to load the drawing from the local DCDSERVE server.
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->LoadLocal();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- // Ask COPaper to save the current shared drawing.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->Save();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- // The user commands us to exit this application so we tell the
- // Main window to close itself.
- ::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Handle Draw Menu Choice Commands.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Lock the paper object for drawing by this client. Can't draw
- // with mouse until doing this. This makes this client the master
- // client that currently owns the drawing. Drawing activity in the
- // master is echoed to any other connected slave clients.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (!m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->Lock(TRUE);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- // Unlock the paper object for drawing by this client. This
- // makes this client a slave to a separate other master client.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->Lock(FALSE);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- // Ask Paper object to redraw its current content.
- m_pGuiPaper->ClearWin();
- m_pGuiPaper->PaintWin();
- break;
- // Ask Paper object to erase its current content and if it can
- // Clear drawing display window.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->Erase();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Handle Pen Menu Commands.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Select Ink drawing color using ChooseColor common dialog.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- {
- COLORREF crNewColor = m_pGuiPaper->PickColor();
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->InkColor(crNewColor);
- }
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- case IDM_PEN_THIN:
- // Select thin Ink width. Set menu check indicator.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->InkWidth(INK_THIN);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- // Select medium Ink width. Set menu check indicator.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->InkWidth(INK_MEDIUM);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- // Select thick Ink width. Set menu check indicator.
- hr = E_FAIL;
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- hr = m_pGuiPaper->InkWidth(INK_THICK);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- Beep(2000, 200);
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Handle Help Menu Commands.
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We have some stubbed support here for bringing up the online
- // Help for this application.
- ReadHelp(m_hWnd, m_szHelpFile);
- break;
- // Call the APPUTIL utility function, ReadTutorial, to Browse the HTML
- // tutorial narrative file associated with this tutorial code sample.
- ReadTutorial(m_hInst, m_hWnd, TEXT(HTML_FILE_EXT));
- break;
- // Call the APPUTIL utility function, ReadTutorial, to Browse the HTML
- // tutorial narrative file associated with the DCDSERVE COM server.
- ReadTutorial(m_hInst, m_hWnd, TEXT(SERVER_TUTFILE_STR));
- break;
- // Call the APPUTIL utility function, ReadTutorial, to Browse the HTML
- // tutorial narrative file associated with the DCDMARSH COM server.
- ReadTutorial(m_hInst, m_hWnd, TEXT(MARSHAL_TUTFILE_STR));
- break;
- // Call the APPUTIL utility function ReadSource to allow the
- // user to open and read any of the source files of DCOMDRAW.
- ReadSource(m_hWnd, &m_ofnFile);
- break;
- {
- CAboutBox dlgAboutBox;
- // Show the standard About Box dialog for this EXE by telling the
- // dialog C++ object to show itself by invoking its ShowDialog
- // method. Pass it this EXE instance and the parent window handle.
- // Use a dialog resource ID for the dialog template stored in
- // this EXE module's resources.
- dlgAboutBox.ShowDialog(
- m_hInst,
- m_hWnd);
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Defer all messages NOT handled here to the Default Window Proc.
- lResult = ::DefWindowProc(m_hWnd, WM_COMMAND, wParam, lParam);
- break;
- }
- return(lResult);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CDlgLoadRemote::DialogProc
- Summary: Dialog proc for the Remote Load dialog box. This DialogProc
- method definition overrides the same-named pure virtual
- function in abstract base class CVirDialog thus giving unique
- message dispatching behavior to this derivation of CVirDialog.
- The remaining behavior of CDlgRemoteInfo is inherited from
- CVirDialog and is common to all CVirDialogs.
- Args: HWND hWndDlg,
- Handle to the dialog.
- UINT uMsg,
- Windows message to dialog.
- WPARAM wParam,
- First message parameter (word sized).
- LPARAM lParam)
- Second message parameter (long sized).
- Returns: BOOL. TRUE if message was handled; FALSE otherwise.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- BOOL CDlgLoadRemote::DialogProc(
- HWND hWndDlg,
- UINT uMsg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- {
- BOOL bResult = TRUE;
- HWND hCtrl = GetDlgItem(hWndDlg, IDC_EDIT_MACHINE);
- switch (uMsg)
- {
- SetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_EDIT_MACHINE, g_szMachineName);
- SetFocus(hCtrl);
- bResult = FALSE;
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- {
- WORD wCmd = LOWORD(wParam);
- if (wCmd == IDOK)
- {
- // Obtain the machine name from the edit control.
- GetDlgItemText(hWndDlg, IDC_EDIT_MACHINE, g_szMachineName, MAX_PATH);
- #if !defined(UNICODE)
- // Convert to WideChar Unicode if we are NOT compiled for Unicode.
- AnsiToUc(g_szMachineName, g_wszMachineName, 0);
- #endif
- ::EndDialog(hWndDlg, IDOK);
- }
- else if (wCmd == IDCANCEL)
- ::EndDialog(hWndDlg, IDCANCEL);
- }
- break;
- default:
- bResult = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- return(bResult);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: CMainWindow::WindowProc
- Summary: Main window procedure for this window object. See CVirWindow
- in the APPUTIL library (APPUTIL.CPP) for details on how this
- method gets called by the global WindowProc.
- Args: UINT uMsg,
- Windows message that is "sent" to this window.
- WPARAM wParam,
- First message parameter (word sized).
- LPARAM lParam)
- Second message parameter (long sized).
- Returns: LRESULT
- Standard Windows WindowProc return value.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- LRESULT CMainWindow::WindowProc(
- UINT uMsg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- {
- LRESULT lResult = FALSE;
- switch (uMsg)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- break;
- // If we were newly activated by a mouse click then don't just sit
- // there--re-paint. This is needed when another window was topped
- // over part of DCOMDRAW and the user then topped DCOMDRAW using
- // a mouse click on the visible part of DCOMDRAW. In any case let
- // the windows default WindowProc handle this message to set
- // keyboard focus to the newly active window.
- m_pGuiPaper->PaintWin();
- lResult = ::DefWindowProc(m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- break;
- // Get setup for painting text in this window. For later evolution.
- {
- lpmis->itemHeight = m_tm.tmHeight + m_tm.tmExternalLeading;
- lpmis->itemWidth = m_lWidth;
- lResult = TRUE;
- }
- case WM_SIZE:
- // Handle a resize of this window.
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- {
- m_lWidth = LOWORD(lParam);
- m_lHeight = HIWORD(lParam);
- // Inform CGuiPaper of the change.
- m_pGuiPaper->Resize(m_lWidth, m_lHeight);
- }
- break;
- case WM_PAINT:
- // If something major happened repaint the whole window.
- {
- if(BeginPaint(m_hWnd, &ps))
- {
- m_pGuiPaper->PaintWin();
- EndPaint(m_hWnd, &ps);
- }
- }
- break;
- // Start sequence of ink drawing to the paper.
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- m_pGuiPaper->InkStart(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
- break;
- // Draw inking sequence data.
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- m_pGuiPaper->InkDraw(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
- break;
- // Stop an ink drawing sequence.
- if (m_pGuiPaper->Master())
- m_pGuiPaper->InkStop(LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam));
- break;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- // Dispatch and handle any Menu command messages received.
- lResult = DoMenu(wParam, lParam);
- break;
- case WM_CHAR:
- if (wParam == 0x1b)
- {
- // Exit this app if user hits ESC key.
- ::PostMessage(m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
- }
- break;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- // The user selected Close on the main window's System menu
- // or Exit on the File menu.
- // If there is ink data that has not been saved then ask user
- // if it should be saved. If user cancels then cancel the exit.
- if (IDCANCEL == m_pGuiPaper->AskSave())
- break;
- case WM_QUIT:
- // If the app is being quit then close any associated help windows.
- default:
- // Defer all messages NOT handled above to the Default Window Proc.
- lResult = ::DefWindowProc(m_hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
- break;
- }
- return(lResult);
- }
- /*F+F++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Function: UnicodeOk
- Summary: Checks if the platform will handle unicode versions of
- Win32 string API calls.
- Args: void
- Returns: BOOL
- TRUE if unicode support; FALSE if not.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------F-F*/
- BOOL UnicodeOk(void)
- {
- BOOL bOk = TRUE;
- if (!GetUserName(szUserName, &dwSize))
- return bOk;
- }
- /*F+F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F
- Function: InitApplication
- Summary: Initializes the application and registers its main window
- class. InitApplication is called only once (in WinMain).
- Args: HINSTANCE hInstance)
- Handle to the first instance of the application.
- Returns: BOOL.
- TRUE if success.
- FALSE if fail.
- F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F-F*/
- BOOL InitApplication(
- HINSTANCE hInstance)
- {
- BOOL bOk;
- // The window class for all instances of the main frame window.
- // Assign the appropriate values for this main frame window class.
- wcf.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
- wcf.cbClsExtra = 0; // No per-class extra data.
- wcf.cbWndExtra = 0; // No per-window extra data.
- wcf.hInstance = hInstance; // Application module instance.
- wcf.lpfnWndProc = &WindowProc; // Global Window Procedure (defined in
- // APPUTIL for all CVirWindows).
- wcf.hCursor = NULL; // Load app cursor.
- wcf.hIcon = (HICON) LoadIcon( // Load app icon.
- hInstance,
- TEXT("AppIcon"));
- wcf.hIconSm = (HICON) LoadImage( // Load small icon.
- hInstance,
- TEXT("AppIcon"),
- 16, 16,
- 0);
- wcf.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); // Backgnd color.
- wcf.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; // Class style(s).
- wcf.lpszClassName = TEXT(MAIN_WINDOW_CLASS_NAME_STR); // Class name.
- wcf.lpszMenuName = TEXT(MAIN_WINDOW_CLASS_MENU_STR); // Menu name.
- // Register the window class and return FALSE if unsuccesful.
- bOk = RegisterClassEx(&wcf);
- // Zero the g_ServerInfo structure.
- memset(&g_ServerInfo, 0, sizeof(COSERVERINFO));
- // Init the remote machine name.
- g_wszMachineName[0] = 0;
- #ifdef UNICODE
- g_ServerInfo.pwszName = &g_szMachineName[0];
- #else
- g_ServerInfo.pwszName = &g_wszMachineName[0];
- #endif
- return (bOk);
- }
- /*F+F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F
- Function: WinMain
- Summary: The Windows main entry point function for this application.
- Initializes the application, the COM Libraries, and starts
- the main application message loop.
- Args: HINSTANCE hInstance,
- Instance handle; a new one for each invocation of this app.
- HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- Instance handle of the previous instance. NULL in Win32.
- LPSTR pszCmdLine,
- Windows passes a pointer to the application's
- invocation command line.
- int nCmdShow)
- Bits telling the show state of the application.
- Returns: int
- msg.wParam (upon exit of message loop).
- FALSE if this instance couldn't initialize and run.
- F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F-F*/
- extern "C" int PASCAL WinMain(
- HINSTANCE hInstance,
- HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR pszCmdLine,
- int nCmdShow)
- {
- CMainWindow* pWin = NULL;
- MSG msg;
- HACCEL hAccel;
- int iRun = FALSE;
- // If we were compiled for UNICODE and the platform seems OK with this
- // then proceed. Else we error and exit the app.
- if (UnicodeOk())
- {
- // Call to initialize the COM Library. Use the SUCCEEDED macro
- // to detect success. If fail then exit app with error message.
- // Tell COM that this client process will use the Single Threaded
- // Apartment model.
- if (SUCCEEDED(CoInitialize(NULL)))
- {
- // Ensure that DCOM (Distributed COM) is installed.
- if (DComOk())
- {
- // Initialize for Client process security. Allow COPaper to
- // call back into the client (ie, the client can impersonate
- // the server identity).
- hr = CoInitializeSecurity(
- NULL, //Points to security descriptor
- -1, //Count of entries in asAuthSvc
- NULL, //Array of names to register
- NULL, //Reserved for future use
- RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE, //Default authentication level
- // for proxies
- RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, //Default impersonation level
- // for proxies
- NULL, //Reserved; must be set to NULL
- EOAC_NONE, //Additional client or
- // server-side capabilities
- NULL); //Reserved for future use
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // If we succeeded in initializing the COM Library we proceed to
- // initialize the application. If we can't init the application
- // then we signal shut down with an error message exit.
- iRun = InitApplication(hInstance);
- if (iRun)
- {
- // Assume we'll set iRun to TRUE when initialization is done.
- iRun = FALSE;
- // We are still go for running so we try to create a nifty new
- // CMainWindow object for this app instance.
- pWin = new CMainWindow;
- if (NULL != pWin)
- {
- // Now we initialize an instance of the new CMainWindow.
- // This includes creating the main window.
- if (pWin->InitInstance(hInstance, pszCmdLine, nCmdShow))
- {
- // Load the keyboard accelerators from the resources.
- hAccel = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, TEXT("AppAccel"));
- if (NULL != hAccel)
- {
- // Signal App Initialization is successfully done.
- iRun = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (iRun)
- {
- // If we initialized the app instance properly then we are still
- // go for running. We then start up the main message pump for
- // the application.
- while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
- {
- if (!TranslateAccelerator(pWin->GetHwnd(), hAccel, &msg))
- {
- TranslateMessage(&msg);
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- }
- // We also ask COM to unload any unused COM Servers, including our
- // friend, DCDSERVE.
- CoFreeUnusedLibraries();
- // We'll pass to Windows the reason why we exited the message loop.
- iRun = msg.wParam;
- }
- else
- {
- // We failed to initialize the application. Put up error message
- // box saying that application couldn't be initialized. Parent
- // window is desktop (ie, NULL). Exit the failed application
- // (ie, by returning FALSE to WinMain).
- ErrorBox(hInstance, NULL, IDS_APPINITFAILED);
- // Delete the CMainWindow object.
- }
- // We're exiting this app (either normally or by init failure) so
- // shut down the COM Library.
- CoUninitialize();
- }
- else
- {
- // If DCOM isn't installed then indicate an error
- // and exit the app immediately.
- ErrorBox(hInstance, NULL, IDS_NODCOM);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We failed to Initialize the COM Library. Put up error message
- // box saying that COM Library couldn't be initialized. Parent
- // window is desktop (ie, NULL). Exit the failed application
- // (ie, by returning FALSE to WinMain).
- ErrorBox(hInstance, NULL, IDS_COMINITFAILED);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // If we were compiled for UNICODE but the platform has problems with
- // this then indicate an error and exit the app immediately.
- if (LoadStringA(
- hInstance,
- szMsg,
- {
- MessageBoxA(
- szMsg,
- }
- }
- return iRun;
- }