资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*+==========================================================================
- Summary: Implementation file for the aggregatable COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object class.
- UTCRUCAR showcases the construction of the COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object class with the IUnknown, ICar, ICruise, and
- IUtility interfaces. This is done through Containment reuse
- of COCruiseCar's ICar and ICruise interface features.
- For a comprehensive tutorial code tour of this module's
- contents and offerings see the tutorial APTCLIEN.HTM
- file. For more specific technical details on the internal
- workings see the comments dispersed throughout the
- module's source code.
- Classes: COUtilityCruiseCar.
- Functions: CreateUtilityCruiseCar.
- Origin: 3-20-96: atrent - Editor inheritance from LOCCLIEN source.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file is part of the Microsoft COM Tutorial Code Samples.
- Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997. All rights reserved.
- This source code is intended only as a supplement to Microsoft
- Development Tools and/or on-line documentation. See these other
- materials for detailed information regarding Microsoft code samples.
- ==========================================================================+*/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- We include WINDOWS.H for all Win32 applications.
- We include OLE2.H because we will make calls to the COM/OLE Libraries.
- We include APPUTIL.H because we will be building this application using
- the convenient Virtual Window and Dialog classes and other
- utility functions in the APPUTIL Library (ie, APPUTIL.LIB).
- We include MICARS.H and CARGUIDS.H for the common car-related Interface
- class, GUID, and CLSID specifications.
- We include APTCLIEN.H because it has class and resource definitions
- specific to this LOCCLIEN application.
- We include UTCRUCAR.H because it has the COUtilityCruiseCar declarations.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ole2.h>
- #include <apputil.h>
- #include <micars.h>
- #include <carguids.h>
- #include "aptclien.h"
- #include "utcrucar.h"
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COUtilityCruiseCar's implementation of its main COM object class including
- Constructor, Destructor, QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::COUtilityCruiseCar
- Summary: COUtilityCruiseCar Constructor. Note the member initializer:
- "m_ImpIUtility(this, pUnkOuter)" which is used to pass the
- 'this' and pUnkOuter pointers of this constructor function to
- the constructor in the instantiation of the implementation of
- the CImpIUtility interface (which is nested inside this
- present COUtilityCruiseCar Object Class).
- Args: IUnknown* pUnkOuter)
- Pointer to the the outer Unknown. NULL means this COM Object
- is not being Aggregated. Non NULL means it is being created
- on behalf of an outside COM object that is reusing it via
- aggregation.
- Modifies: m_cRefs, m_pUnkOuter, m_pUnkCruiseCar.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::COUtilityCruiseCar(
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter) :
- m_ImpICar(this, pUnkOuter),
- m_ImpICruise(this, pUnkOuter),
- m_ImpIUtility(this, pUnkOuter)
- {
- // Zero the COM object's reference count.
- m_cRefs = 0;
- // No AddRef necessary if non-NULL, as this COM object's lifetime
- // is totally coupled with the controlling Outer object's lifetime.
- m_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;
- // Zero the pointer to the contained COCruiseCar object's ICar interface.
- m_pICar = NULL;
- // Zero the pointer to the contained COCruiseCar object's ICruise
- // interface.
- m_pICruise = NULL;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar Constructor. m_pUnkOuter=0x%X.", m_pUnkOuter);
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::~COUtilityCruiseCar
- Summary: COUtilityCruiseCar Destructor.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::~COUtilityCruiseCar(void)
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Destructor.");
- // Release the contained CruiseCar interfaces.
- m_pICruise->Release();
- m_pICar->Release();
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init
- Summary: COUtilityCruiseCar Initialization method.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_pICar, m_pICruise, m_cRefs.
- Returns: HRESULT
- Standard result code. NOERROR for success.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- HRESULT COUtilityCruiseCar::Init(void)
- {
- IClassFactory* pICFCruiseCar;
- // Set up the right pIUnknown for delegation. If we are being
- // aggregated then we pass the pUnkOuter in turn to any COM objects
- // that we are aggregating. m_pUnkOuter was set in the Constructor.
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter = (NULL == m_pUnkOuter) ? this : m_pUnkOuter;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init. pUnkOuter=0x%X",pUnkOuter);
- // Get a class factory for AptCruiseCar and issue IClassFactory's
- // CreateInstance method to manufacture a COCruiseCar COM object.
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init. Obtain CruiseCar Class Factory.");
- hr = CoGetClassObject(
- CLSID_AptCruiseCar,
- IID_IClassFactory,
- (PPVOID)&pICFCruiseCar);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init. CruiseCar Class Factory obtained.");
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init. Calling CFCruiseCar::CreateInstance.");
- // A NULL pUnkOuter is passed indicating that we are creating a
- // COCruiseCar component via the Containment reuse method. We can
- // currently pass nothing other than this NULL pUnkOuter because
- // aggregation is not supported across process or machine boundaries.
- // Since we are not requesting a COCruiseCar create for aggregation we
- // can directly request for the ICruise interface on the new object.
- hr = pICFCruiseCar->CreateInstance(
- IID_ICruise,
- (PPVOID)&m_pICruise);
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init. Releasing CruiseCar Class Factory.");
- pICFCruiseCar->Release();
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // Now that we have a valid interface pointer (m_pICruise) on the
- // new object we can obtain and cache a pointer to that contained
- // object's ICar interface as well. We must QI using the obtained
- // ICruise pointer on the object to ensure that the marshaling proxy
- // is involved in the QueryInterface call to provide the pointer to
- // the ICar interface proxy.
- hr = m_pICruise->QueryInterface(IID_ICar, (PPVOID)&m_pICar);
- }
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init (CruiseCar Containment) Succeeded.");
- }
- else
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Init (CruiseCar Containment) Failed. hr=0x%X",hr);
- }
- return (hr);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::QueryInterface
- Summary: QueryInterface of the COUtilityCruiseCar non-delegating
- IUnknown implementation.
- Args: REFIID riid,
- [in] GUID of the Interface being requested.
- PPVOID ppv)
- [out] Address of the caller's pointer variable that will
- receive the requested interface pointer.
- Modifies: *ppv.
- Returns: HRESULT
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::QueryInterface(
- REFIID riid,
- PPVOID ppv)
- {
- *ppv = NULL;
- if (IID_IUnknown == riid)
- {
- *ppv = this;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::QueryInterface. 'this' pIUnknown returned.");
- }
- else if (IID_ICar == riid)
- {
- *ppv = &m_ImpICar;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pICar returned");
- }
- else if (IID_ICruise == riid)
- {
- *ppv = &m_ImpICruise;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pICruise returned");
- }
- else if (IID_IUtility == riid)
- {
- // This IUtility interface is implemented in this COUtilityCruiseCar
- // object as a native interface of COUtilityCruiseCar.
- *ppv = &m_ImpIUtility;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::QueryInterface. pIUtility returned.");
- }
- if (NULL != *ppv)
- {
- // We've handed out a pointer to an interface so obey the COM rules
- // and AddRef its reference count.
- ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef();
- hr = NOERROR;
- }
- return (hr);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::AddRef
- Summary: AddRef of the COUtilityCruiseCar non-delegating
- IUnknown implementation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefs.
- Returns: ULONG
- New value of m_cRefs (COM object's reference count).
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::AddRef(void)
- {
- m_cRefs++;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::AddRef. New cRefs=%i.", m_cRefs);
- return m_cRefs;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::Release
- Summary: Release of the COUtilityCruiseCar non-delegating IUnknown
- implementation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefs.
- Returns: ULONG
- New value of m_cRefs (COM object's reference count).
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::Release(void)
- {
- ULONG ulCount = --m_cRefs;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::Release. New cRefs=%i.", m_cRefs);
- if (0 == m_cRefs)
- {
- // We artificially bump the main ref count. This fulfills one of
- // the rules of aggregated objects and ensures that an indirect
- // recursive call to this release won't occur because of other
- // delegating releases that might happen in our own destructor.
- m_cRefs++;
- delete this;
- }
- return ulCount;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COUtilityCruiseCar's nested implementation of the ICar interface
- including Constructor, Destructor, QueryInterface, AddRef, Release,
- Shift, Clutch, Speed, and Steer.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::CImpICar
- Summary: Constructor for the CImpICar interface instantiation.
- Args: COUtilityCruiseCar* pBackObj,
- Back pointer to the parent outer object.
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- Pointer to the outer Unknown. For delegation.
- Modifies: m_cRefI, m_pBackObj, m_pUnkOuter.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::CImpICar(
- COUtilityCruiseCar* pBackObj,
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter)
- {
- // Init the Interface Ref Count (used for debugging only).
- m_cRefI = 0;
- // Init the Back Object Pointer to point to the outer object.
- m_pBackObj = pBackObj;
- // Init the CImpICar interface's delegating Unknown pointer. We use
- // the Back Object pointer for IUnknown delegation here if we are not
- // being aggregated. If we are being aggregated we use the supplied
- // pUnkOuter for IUnknown delegation. In either case the pointer
- // assignment requires no AddRef because the CImpICar lifetime is
- // quaranteed by the lifetime of the parent object in which
- // CImpICar is nested.
- if (NULL == pUnkOuter)
- {
- m_pUnkOuter = pBackObj;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar Constructor. Non-Aggregating");
- }
- else
- {
- m_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar Constructor. Aggregating");
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::~CImpICar
- Summary: Destructor for the CImpICar interface instantiation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::~CImpICar(void)
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar Destructor.");
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::QueryInterface
- Summary: The QueryInterface IUnknown member of this ICar interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: REFIID riid,
- [in] GUID of the Interface being requested.
- PPVOID ppv)
- [out] Address of the caller's pointer variable that will
- receive the requested interface pointer.
- Modifies: *ppv.
- Returns: HRESULT
- Returned by the delegated outer QueryInterface call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::QueryInterface(
- REFIID riid,
- PPVOID ppv)
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::QueryInterface. Delegating.");
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's QueryInterface.
- return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::AddRef
- Summary: The AddRef IUnknown member of this ICar interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefI.
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer AddRef call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::AddRef(void)
- {
- // Increment the Interface Reference Count.
- ++m_cRefI;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Addref. Delegating. New cI=%i.", m_cRefI);
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's AddRef.
- return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Release
- Summary: The Release IUnknown member of this ICar interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefI.
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer Release call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Release(void)
- {
- // Decrement the Interface Reference Count.
- --m_cRefI;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Release. Delegating. New cI=%i.", m_cRefI);
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's Release.
- return m_pUnkOuter->Release();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Shift
- Summary: The Shift member method of this ICar interface implementation.
- A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar COM object for
- tutorial purposes. Presumably if this Car object were
- modeling a real Car then the Shift method would shift to the
- specified gear.
- Args: short nGear
- 0 - Neutral; 1 - 5 First 5 forward gears; 6 - Reverse.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- Delegated HRESULT.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Shift(
- short nGear)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Shift. Delegating. nGear=%i.",nGear);
- // Delegate this call to the contained COCruiseCar's ICar::Shift.
- return m_pBackObj->m_pICar->Shift(nGear);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Clutch
- Summary: The Clutch member method of this ICar interface
- implementation. A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object for tutorial purposes. Presumably if this Car
- object were modeling a real Car then the Clutch method would
- engage the clutch the specified amount.
- Args: short nEngaged)
- Percent clutch is engaged (0 to 100%).
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- Delegated HRESULT.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Clutch(
- short nEngaged)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Clutch. Delegating. nEngaged=%i.", nEngaged);
- // Delegate this call to the contained COCruiseCar's ICar::Clutch.
- return m_pBackObj->m_pICar->Clutch(nEngaged);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Speed
- Summary: The Propel member method of this ICar interface
- implementation. A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object for tutorial purposes. Presumably if this Car
- object were modeling a real Car then this method would
- accelerate/brake to bring the car to the specified speed.
- Args: short nMph
- New speed in miles per hour.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- Delegated HRESULT.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Speed(
- short nMph)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Speed. Delegating. nMph=%i.",nMph);
- // Delegate this call to the contained COCruiseCar's ICar::Speed.
- return m_pBackObj->m_pICar->Speed(nMph);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Steer
- Summary: The Steer member method of this ICar interface implementation.
- A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar COM object for
- tutorial purposes. Presumably if this Car object were
- modeling a real Car then the Steer method would set the
- steering angle of the Car.
- Args: short nAngle)
- 0 degrees straight ahead, -45 Full left, +45 Full right.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- Delegated HRESULT.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Steer(
- short nAngle)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICar::Steer. Delegating. nAngle=%i.",nAngle);
- // Delegate this call to the contained COCruiseCar's ICar::Steer.
- return m_pBackObj->m_pICar->Steer(nAngle);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COUtilityCruiseCar's nested implementation of the ICruise interface
- including Constructor, Destructor, QueryInterface, AddRef, Release,
- Engage, and Adjust.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::CImpICruise
- Summary: Constructor for the CImpICruise interface instantiation.
- Args: COUtilityCruiseCar* pBackObj,
- Back pointer to the parent outer object.
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- Pointer to the outer Unknown. For delegation.
- Modifies: m_cRefI, m_pBackObj, m_pUnkOuter.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::CImpICruise(
- COUtilityCruiseCar* pBackObj,
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter)
- {
- // Init the Interface Ref Count (used for debugging only).
- m_cRefI = 0;
- // Init the Back Object Pointer to point to the outer object.
- m_pBackObj = pBackObj;
- // Init the CImpICruise interface's delegating Unknown pointer. We use
- // the Back Object pointer for IUnknown delegation here if we are not
- // being aggregated. If we are being aggregated we use the supplied
- // pUnkOuter for IUnknown delegation. In either case the pointer
- // assignment requires no AddRef because the CImpICruise lifetime is
- // quaranteed by the lifetime of the parent object in which
- // CImpICruise is nested.
- if (NULL == pUnkOuter)
- {
- m_pUnkOuter = pBackObj;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise Constructor. Non-Aggregating");
- }
- else
- {
- m_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise Constructor. Aggregating");
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::~CImpICruise
- Summary: Destructor for the CImpICruise interface instantiation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::~CImpICruise(void)
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise Destructor.");
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::QueryInterface
- Summary: The QueryInterface IUnknown member of this ICruise interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: REFIID riid,
- [in] GUID of the Interface being requested.
- PPVOID ppv)
- [out] Address of the caller's pointer variable that will
- receive the requested interface pointer.
- Modifies: *ppv.
- Returns: HRESULT
- Returned by the delegated outer QueryInterface call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::QueryInterface(
- REFIID riid,
- PPVOID ppv)
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::QueryInterface. Delegating.");
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's QueryInterface.
- return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::AddRef
- Summary: The AddRef IUnknown member of this ICruise interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefI.
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer AddRef call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::AddRef(void)
- {
- // Increment the Interface Reference Count.
- ++m_cRefI;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Addref. Delegating. New cI=%i.", m_cRefI);
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's AddRef.
- return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Release
- Summary: The Release IUnknown member of this ICruise interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefI.
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer Release call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Release(void)
- {
- // Decrement the Interface Reference Count.
- --m_cRefI;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Release. Delegating. New cI=%i.", m_cRefI);
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's Release.
- return m_pUnkOuter->Release();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Engage
- Summary: The Engage member method of this ICruise interface
- implementation. A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object for tutorial purposes. Presumably if this Car
- object were modeling a real Car then the Engage method would
- turn the Cruise control system on or off.
- Args: BOOL bOnOff)
- TRUE for On; FALSE for Off.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- Delegated HRESULT.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Engage(
- BOOL bOnOff)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Engage. Delegating. bOnOff=%i.",bOnOff);
- // Delegate this call to the contained COCruiseCar's ICruise::Engage.
- m_pBackObj->m_pICruise->Engage(bOnOff);
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Adjust
- Summary: The Adjust member method of this ICruise interface
- implementation. A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object for tutorial purposes. Presumably if this Car
- object were modeling a real Car then the Adjust method would
- allow notching the cruise set speed up or down by increments
- of 3 mph.
- Args: BOOL bUpDown)
- TRUE for Up; FALSE for Down.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- Delegated HRESULT.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Adjust(
- BOOL bUpDown)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpICruise::Adjust. Delegating. bUpDown=%i.",bUpDown);
- // Delegate this call to the contained COCruiseCar's ICruise::Adjust.
- m_pBackObj->m_pICruise->Adjust(bUpDown);
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COUtilityCruiseCar's nested implementation of the IUtility interface
- including methods: Constructor, Destructor, QueryInterface, AddRef,
- Release, Offroad, and Winch.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::CImpIUtility
- Summary: Constructor for the CImpIUtility interface instantiation.
- Args: COUtilityCruiseCar* pBackObj,
- Back pointer to the parent outer object.
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter)
- Pointer to the outer Unknown. For delegation.
- Modifies: m_cRefI, m_pBackObj, m_pUnkOuter.
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::CImpIUtility(
- COUtilityCruiseCar* pBackObj,
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter)
- {
- // Init the Interface Ref Count (used for debugging only).
- m_cRefI = 0;
- // Init the Back Object Pointer to point to the outer object.
- m_pBackObj = pBackObj;
- // Init the CImpIUtility interface's delegating IUnknown pointer. We use
- // the Back Object pointer for IUnknown delegation here if we are not
- // being aggregated. If we are being aggregated we use the supplied
- // pUnkOuter for IUnknown delegation. In either case the pointer
- // assignment requires no AddRef because the CImpIUtility lifetime is
- // quaranteed by the lifetime of the parent object in which
- // CImpIUtility is nested.
- if (NULL == pUnkOuter)
- {
- m_pUnkOuter = pBackObj;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility Constructor. Non-Aggregating.");
- }
- else
- {
- m_pUnkOuter = pUnkOuter;
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility Constructor. Aggregating.");
- }
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::~CImpIUtility
- Summary: Destructor for the CImpIUtility interface instantiation.
- Args: void
- Modifies: .
- Returns: void
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::~CImpIUtility(void)
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility Destructor.");
- return;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::QueryInterface
- Summary: The QueryInterface IUnknown member of this IUtility interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: REFIID riid,
- [in] GUID of the Interface being requested.
- PPVOID ppv)
- [out] Address of the caller's pointer variable that will
- receive the requested interface pointer.
- Modifies: *ppv.
- Returns: HRESULT
- Returned by the delegated outer QueryInterface call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::QueryInterface(
- REFIID riid,
- PPVOID ppv)
- {
- LOG("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::QueryInterface. Delegating.");
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's QueryInterface.
- return m_pUnkOuter->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::AddRef
- Summary: The AddRef IUnknown member of this IUtility interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefI.
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer AddRef call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::AddRef(void)
- {
- // Increment the Interface Reference Count.
- ++m_cRefI;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Addref. Delegating. New cI=%i.", m_cRefI);
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's AddRef.
- return m_pUnkOuter->AddRef();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Release
- Summary: The Release IUnknown member of this IUtility interface
- implementation that delegates to m_pUnkOuter, whatever it is.
- Args: void
- Modifies: m_cRefI.
- Returns: ULONG
- Returned by the delegated outer Release call.
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Release(void)
- {
- // Decrement the Interface Reference Count.
- --m_cRefI;
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Release. Delegating. New cI=%i.", m_cRefI);
- // Delegate this call to the outer object's Release.
- return m_pUnkOuter->Release();
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Offroad
- Summary: The Offroad member method of this IUtility interface
- implementation. A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object for tutorial purposes. Presumably if this
- UtilityCruise Car object were modeling a real Car then the
- Offroad method would function the 4-wheel drive transfer case
- and shift it to the specified 4-wheel drive mode.
- Args: short nGear
- 0 = 2H or regular 2-wheel drive;
- 1 = 4H or 4-wheel drive high speed;
- 2 = neutral; and
- 3 = 4L or 4-wheel drive low speed).
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Offroad(
- short nGear)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Offroad. Called. nGear=%i.",nGear);
- // We don't delegate because this IUtility implementation is native to
- // the composite COUtilityCruiseCar object.
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*M+M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M+++M
- Method: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Winch
- Summary: The Winch member method of this IUtility interface
- implementation. A simple empty method on a COUtilityCruiseCar
- COM object for tutorial purposes. Presumably if this
- UtilityCruiseCar object were modeling a real Car then the
- Winch method would turn on/off the front-mounted Winch to the
- specified RPMs.
- Args: short nRpm
- 0 = off; 1 - 50 RPM.
- Modifies: .
- Returns: HRESULT
- M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M---M-M*/
- STDMETHODIMP COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Winch(
- short nRpm)
- {
- LOGF1("C: COUtilityCruiseCar::CImpIUtility::Winch. Called. nRpm=%i.",nRpm);
- // We don't delegate because this IUtility implementation is native to
- // the composite COUtilityCruiseCar object.
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*F+F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F+++F
- Function: CreateUtilityCruiseCar
- Summary: Creates an instance of the COUtilityCruiseCar COM object class
- returning a requested interface pointer. COUtilityCruiseCar
- uses the Containment reuse technique to incorporate
- COCruiseCar features (ie, ICar and ICruise implementations)
- into its Interface offerings of IUnknown and IUtility. With
- this containment, the ICar and ICruise interfaces are
- implemented in COUtilityCruiseCar as delegating interfaces
- that delegate to their matching interface implementations in
- an instance of the contained COCruiseCar. COCruiseCar is
- provided by the outside APTSERVE.EXE server.
- Args: IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- Pointer the outer Unknown interface. Non NULL implies
- that the new COM object is being created via an
- aggregation with an Outer object. NULL implies that the
- object is not being created via aggregation.
- REFIID riid,
- The GUID of the interface requested on the new COM Object.
- PPVOID ppv)
- Address of the caller's pointer variable that will
- receive the requested interface pointer.
- Returns: HRESULT
- NOERROR if successful, CLASS_E_NOAGREGATION if IUnknown is
- not requested with non-NULL pUnkOuter, or other errors as
- appropriate.
- F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F---F-F*/
- HRESULT CreateUtilityCruiseCar(
- IUnknown* pUnkOuter,
- REFIID riid,
- PPVOID ppv)
- {
- COUtilityCruiseCar* pCob;
- LOGF1("C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar. pUnkOuter=0x%X.",pUnkOuter);
- // If the creation call is requesting aggregation (pUnkOuter != NULL),
- // the COM rules state the IUnknown interface MUST also be concomitantly
- // requested. If it is not so requested ( riid != IID_IUnknown) then
- // an error must be returned indicating that no aggregate creation of
- // the COUtilityCruiseCar COM Object can be performed using anything
- // other than a controlling IUnknown interface.
- if (NULL != pUnkOuter && riid != IID_IUnknown)
- else
- {
- // Instantiate a COUtilityCruiseCar COM Object.
- pCob = new COUtilityCruiseCar(pUnkOuter);
- if (NULL != pCob)
- {
- // If we have succeeded in instantiating the COUtilityCruiseCar object
- // we initialize it (with any subordinate COM objects) to offer it's
- // interfaces.
- hr = pCob->Init();
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- // We QueryInterface this new COM Object not only to deposit the
- // main interface pointer to the caller's pointer variable, but to
- // also automatically bump the Reference Count on the new COM
- // Object after handing out this *ppv reference to it.
- hr = pCob->QueryInterface(riid, (PPVOID)ppv);
- }
- else
- }
- else
- }
- if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- LOGF1("C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar Succeeded. *ppv=0x%X.",*ppv);
- }
- else
- {
- LOGF1("C: CreateUtilityCruiseCar Failed. hr=0x%X.",hr);
- }
- return hr;
- }