- %% 1D, 2D and 3D Box-counting
- % F. Moisy, 22 nov 2006
- % FAST, Univ. Paris Sud, CNRS UMR 7608
- %% About boxcount
- % This file illustrates how to use the function 'boxcount' to compute the
- % fractal dimension of 1D, 2D or 3D sets, using the 'box-counting' method
- % (Minkowski-Bouligand dimension, or Kolmogorov capacity, or Kolmogorov
- % dimension, or simply box-counting dimension).
- %
- % Three sample images are provided in the directory, and an additional
- % function 'randcantor' to generate 1D, 2D and 3D generalized random Cantor
- % sets.
- %
- % Type 'help boxcount' or 'help randcantor' for more details.
- %
- % To learn more about box-counting, fractals and fractal dimensions:
- % -
- % -
- % -
- % -
- %% Box-counting of a 2D image
- % Let's start with the image 'dla.gif', a 800x800 logical array (i.e., it
- % contains only 0 and 1). It originates from a numerical simulation of a
- % "Diffusion Limited Aggregation" process, in which particles move randomly
- % until they hit a central seed.
- % (see P. Bourke,
- c = imread('dla.gif');
- imagesc(~c)
- colormap gray
- axis square
- %%
- % Calling boxcount without output arguments simply displays N (the number
- % of boxes needed to cover the set) as a function of R (the size of the
- % boxes). If the set is a fractal, then a power-law N = N0 * R^(-DF)
- % should appear, with DF the fractal dimension (Kolmogorov capacity).
- boxcount(c)
- %%
- % The result of the box count can be obtained using:
- [n, r] = boxcount(c)
- loglog(r, n,'bo-', r, (r/r(end)).^(-2), 'r--')
- xlabel('r')
- ylabel('n(r)')
- legend('actual box-count','space-filling box-count');
- %%
- % The red dotted line shows the scaling N(R) = R^-2 for comparision,
- % expected for a space-filling 2D image. The discrepancy between the two
- % curves indicates a possible fractal behaviour.
- %% Local scaling exponent
- % If the set has some fractal properties over a limited range of box size
- % R, this may be appreciated by plotting the local exponent,
- % D(R) = - d ln N / ln R. For this, use the option 'slope':
- boxcount(c, 'slope')
- %%
- % Strictly speaking, the local exponent is not constant, but lies in the
- % range [1.6 1.8].
- %%
- % Let's try now with another image, the so-called Apollonian gasket
- % (Wikipedia,
- % The background level is 198 for this image, so this value is used to
- % binarize the image:
- c = imread('Apollonian_gasket.gif');
- c = (c<198);
- imagesc(~c)
- colormap gray
- axis square
- figure
- boxcount(c)
- figure
- boxcount(c,'slope')
- %%
- % The local slope shows that the image is indeed approximately fractal,
- % with a fractal dimension DF = 1.4 +/- 0.1 for scales R < 100.
- %% Box-counting of a natural image.
- % Consider now this RGB (2272x1704) picture of a tree (J.A. Adam,
- %
- c = imread('fractal_tree.jpg');
- image(c)
- axis image
- %%
- % Let's extract a rectangle in the blue (3rd) plane, and binarize the
- % image for levels < 80 (white pixels are logical 'true'):
- i = c(1:1200, 120:2150, 3);
- bi = (i<80);
- imagesc(bi)
- colormap gray
- axis image
- %%
- [n,r] = boxcount(bi,'slope');
- %%
- % The boxcount shows that the local exponent is approximately constant for
- % less than one decade, in the range 8 < R < 128 (the 'exact' value of Df
- % depends on the threshold, 80 gray levels here):
- df = -diff(log(n))./diff(log(r));
- disp(['Fractal dimension, Df = ' num2str(mean(df(4:8))) ' +/- ' num2str(std(df(4:8)))]);
- %% Generalized random Cantor sets
- % Fractal sets may be obtained from an IFS (iterated function system).
- % For example, the function 'randcantor' generates a 1D, 2D or 3D
- % generalized random Cantor set. This set is obtained by iteratively
- % dividing an initial set filled with 1 into 2^D subsets, and setting each
- % subset to 0 with probability P. The result is a fractal set (or "fractal
- % dust") of dimension DF = D + log(P)/log(2) < D.
- %%
- % The following example generates a 2048x2048 image with probability P=0.8,
- % i.e. fractal dimension DF = 1.678.
- c = randcantor(0.8, 2048, 2);
- imagesc(~c)
- colormap gray
- axis image
- %%
- % Let's see its box-count and local exponent
- boxcount(c)
- figure
- boxcount(c, 'slope')
- %%
- % For such set generated by an iterated scheme, the local slope shows as
- % expected a well defined plateau, around DF = 1.68.
- %% 1D random Cantor set
- % 1D random Cantor sets may also be generated. Here, a 2^18 = 262144 long
- % set with P = 0.9 and expected fractal dimension DF = 1 + log(P)/log(2) =
- % 0.848:
- tic
- c = randcantor(0.9, 2^18, 1, 'show');
- figure
- boxcount(c, 'slope');
- toc
- %% 3D random Cantor set
- % Now a 3D random Cantor set of size (2^7)^3 = 128^3 with P = 0.7 and
- % expected fractal dimension DF = 3 + log(P)/log(2) = 2.485 (no display
- % for 3D sets):
- tic
- c = randcantor(0.7, 2^7, 3);
- toc
- tic
- boxcount(c, 'slope');
- toc