资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //**********************************************************************
- // File name: DOC.CPP
- //
- // Implementation file for CSimpleDoc.
- //
- // Functions:
- //
- // See DOC.H for Class Definition
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1992 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //**********************************************************************
- #include "pre.h"
- #include "iocs.h"
- #include "ias.h"
- #include "ioipf.h"
- #include "ioips.h"
- #include "app.h"
- #include "site.h"
- #include "doc.h"
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::Create
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Creation for the CSimpleDoc Class
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // CSimpleApp FAR * lpApp - Pointer to the CSimpleApp Class
- //
- // LPRECT lpRect - Client area rect of "frame" window
- //
- // HWND hWnd - Window Handle of "frame" window
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // StgCreateDocfile OLE API
- // CreateWindow Windows API
- // ShowWindow Windows API
- // UpdateWindow Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // This routine was added so that failure could be returned
- // from object creation.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- CSimpleDoc FAR * CSimpleDoc::Create(CSimpleApp FAR *lpApp, LPRECT lpRect,HWND hWnd)
- {
- CSimpleDoc FAR * lpTemp = new CSimpleDoc(lpApp, hWnd);
- if (!lpTemp)
- return NULL;
- // create storage for the doc.
- 0, &lpTemp->m_lpStorage);
- if (hErr != NOERROR)
- goto error;
- // create the document Window
- lpTemp->m_hDocWnd = CreateWindow(
- "SimpCntrDocWClass",
- lpRect->left,
- lpRect->top,
- lpRect->right,
- lpRect->bottom,
- hWnd,
- lpApp->m_hInst,
- NULL);
- if (!lpTemp->m_hDocWnd)
- goto error;
- ShowWindow(lpTemp->m_hDocWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); // Show the window
- UpdateWindow(lpTemp->m_hDocWnd); // Sends WM_PAINT message
- // Ensable InsertObject menu choice
- EnableMenuItem( lpApp->m_hEditMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_ENABLED);
- // we will add one ref count on our document. later in CSimpleDoc::Close
- // we will release this ref count. when the document's ref count goes
- // to 0, the document will be deleted.
- lpTemp->AddRef();
- return (lpTemp);
- error:
- delete (lpTemp);
- return NULL;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::Close
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Close CSimpleDoc object.
- // when the document's reference count goes to 0, the document
- // will be destroyed.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // RevokeDragDrop OLE API
- // CoLockObjectExternal OLE API
- // OleFlushClipboard OLE API
- // ShowWindow Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpleDoc::Close(void)
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpleDoc::Closern");
- ShowWindow(m_hDocWnd, SW_HIDE); // Hide the window
- // Close the OLE object in our document
- if (m_lpSite)
- m_lpSite->CloseOleObject();
- // Release the ref count added in CSimpleDoc::Create. this will make
- // the document's ref count go to 0, and the document will be deleted.
- Release();
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::CSimpleDoc
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Constructor for the CSimpleDoc Class
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // CSimpleApp FAR * lpApp - Pointer to the CSimpleApp Class
- //
- // HWND hWnd - Window Handle of "frame" window
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // GetMenu Windows API
- // GetSubMenu Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- CSimpleDoc::CSimpleDoc(CSimpleApp FAR * lpApp,HWND hWnd)
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpleDoc's Constructorrn");
- m_lpApp = lpApp;
- m_lpSite = NULL;
- // set up menu handles
- m_lpApp->m_hMainMenu = GetMenu(hWnd);
- m_lpApp->m_hFileMenu = GetSubMenu(m_lpApp->m_hMainMenu, 0);
- m_lpApp->m_hEditMenu = GetSubMenu(m_lpApp->m_hMainMenu, 1);
- m_lpApp->m_hHelpMenu = GetSubMenu(m_lpApp->m_hMainMenu, 2);
- m_lpApp->m_hCascadeMenu = NULL;
- m_lpActiveObject = NULL;
- // flags
- m_fInPlaceActive = FALSE;
- m_fAddMyUI = FALSE;
- m_fModifiedMenu = FALSE;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::~CSimpleDoc
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Destructor for CSimpleDoc
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // CSimpleSite::Release SITE.CPP
- // IStorage::Release OLE API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- CSimpleDoc::~CSimpleDoc()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpleDoc's Destructorrn");
- // Release all pointers we hold to the OLE object. also release
- // the ref count added in CSimpleSite::Create. this will make
- // the Site's ref count go to 0, and the Site will be deleted.
- if (m_lpSite) {
- m_lpSite->UnloadOleObject();
- m_lpSite->Release();
- m_lpSite = NULL;
- }
- // Release the Storage
- if (m_lpStorage) {
- m_lpStorage->Release();
- m_lpStorage = NULL;
- }
- // if the edit menu was modified, remove the menu item and
- // destroy the popup if it exists
- if (m_fModifiedMenu)
- {
- int nCount = GetMenuItemCount(m_lpApp->m_hEditMenu);
- RemoveMenu(m_lpApp->m_hEditMenu, nCount-1, MF_BYPOSITION);
- if (m_lpApp->m_hCascadeMenu)
- DestroyMenu(m_lpApp->m_hCascadeMenu);
- }
- DestroyWindow(m_hDocWnd);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::QueryInterface
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Return a pointer to a requested interface
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // REFIID riid - ID of interface to be returned
- // LPVOID FAR* ppvObj - Location to return the interface
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // S_FALSE - Always
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // OLE API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // In this implementation, there are no doc level interfaces.
- // In an MDI application, there would be an IOleInPlaceUIWindow
- // associated with the document to provide document level tool
- // space negotiation.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP CSimpleDoc::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpleDoc::QueryInterfacern");
- *ppvObj = NULL; // must set out pointer parameters to NULL
- // Not a supported interface
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::AddRef
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Increments the document reference count
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // UINT - The current reference count on the document
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // CSimpleApp::AddRef APP.CPP
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpleDoc::AddRefrn");
- return SafeAddRef();
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::Release
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Decrements the document reference count
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // UINT - The current reference count on the document
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSimpleDoc::Release()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpleDoc::Releasern");
- return SafeRelease();
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::InsertObject
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Inserts a new object to this document
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // CSimpleSite::CSimpleSite SITE.CPP
- // CSimpleSite::InitObject SITE.CPP
- // memset C Runtime
- // OleUIInsertObject OUTLUI function
- // CSimpleDoc::DisableInsertObject DOC.CPP
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // This implementation only allows one object to be inserted
- // into a document. Once the object has been inserted, then
- // the Insert Object menu choice is greyed out, to prevent
- // the user from inserting another.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpleDoc::InsertObject()
- {
- CStabilize stabilize(this);
- UINT iret;
- //char szFile[MAX_PATH];
- m_lpSite = CSimpleSite::Create(this);
- // clear the structure
- memset(&io, 0, sizeof(OLEUIINSERTOBJECT));
- // fill the structure
- io.cbStruct = sizeof(OLEUIINSERTOBJECT);
- io.hWndOwner = m_hDocWnd;
- //io.lpszCaption = (LPSTR)"Insert Object";
- io.lpszCaption = _T("Insert Object");
- io.iid = IID_IOleObject;
- io.oleRender = OLERENDER_DRAW;
- io.lpIOleClientSite = &m_lpSite->m_OleClientSite;
- io.lpIStorage = m_lpSite->m_lpObjStorage;
- io.ppvObj = (LPVOID FAR *)&m_lpSite->m_lpOleObject;
- io.lpszFile = szFile;
- //io.cchFile = sizeof(szFile);
- io.cchFile = sizeof(szFile) / sizeof *szFile;
- //_fmemset((LPSTR)szFile, 0, sizeof(szFile));
- memset(szFile, 0, sizeof(szFile));
- // call OUTLUI to do all the hard work
- iret = OleUIInsertObject(&io);
- if (iret == OLEUI_OK)
- {
- m_lpSite->InitObject((BOOL)(io.dwFlags & IOF_SELECTCREATENEW));
- // disable Insert Object menu item
- DisableInsertObject();
- }
- else
- {
- m_lpSite->Release();
- m_lpSite = NULL;
- m_lpStorage->Revert();
- }
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::lResizeDoc
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Resizes the document
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // LPRECT lpRect - The size of the client are of the "frame"
- // Window.
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // NULL
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // IOleInPlaceActiveObject::ResizeBorder Object
- // MoveWindow Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- long CSimpleDoc::lResizeDoc(LPRECT lpRect)
- {
- CStabilize stabilize(this);
- // if we are InPlace, then call ResizeBorder on the object, otherwise
- // just move the document window.
- if (m_fInPlaceActive)
- m_lpActiveObject->ResizeBorder(lpRect, &m_lpApp->m_OleInPlaceFrame, TRUE);
- else
- MoveWindow(m_hDocWnd, lpRect->left, lpRect->top, lpRect->right, lpRect->bottom, TRUE);
- return NULL;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::lAddVerbs
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Adds the objects verbs to the edit menu.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // NULL
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // GetMenuItemCount Windows API
- // OleUIAddVerbMenu OUTLUI function
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- long CSimpleDoc::lAddVerbs(void)
- {
- CStabilize stabilize(this);
- // m_fModifiedMenu is TRUE if the menu has already been modified
- // once. Since we only support one obect every time the application
- // is run, then once the menu is modified, it doesn't have
- // to be done again.
- if (m_lpSite && !m_fInPlaceActive && !m_fModifiedMenu)
- {
- int nCount = GetMenuItemCount(m_lpApp->m_hEditMenu);
- OleUIAddVerbMenu ( m_lpSite->m_lpOleObject,
- m_lpApp->m_hEditMenu,
- nCount + 1,
- 0, // no maximum verb IDM enforced
- 0,
- &m_lpApp->m_hCascadeMenu);
- m_fModifiedMenu = TRUE;
- }
- return (NULL);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::PaintDoc
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Paints the Document
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // HDC hDC - hDC of the document Window
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // CSimpleSite::PaintObj SITE.CPP
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpleDoc::PaintDoc (HDC hDC)
- {
- CStabilize stabilize(this);
- // if we supported multiple objects, then we would enumerate
- // the objects and call paint on each of them from here.
- if (m_lpSite)
- m_lpSite->PaintObj(hDC);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::DisableInsertObject
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Disable the ability to insert a new object in this document.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // EnableMenuItem Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // This implementation only allows one object to be inserted
- // into a document. Once the object has been inserted, then
- // the Insert Object menu choice is greyed out, to prevent
- // the user from inserting another.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpleDoc::DisableInsertObject(void)
- {
- // Disable InsertObject menu choice
- EnableMenuItem( m_lpApp->m_hEditMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED);
- }