资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- **
- ** OLE 2 Sample Code
- **
- ** outltxtl.c
- **
- ** This file contains TextLine methods and related support functions.
- **
- ** (c) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992 - 1996 All Rights Reserved
- **
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "outline.h"
- extern LPOUTLINEAPP g_lpApp;
- /* TextLine_Create
- * ---------------
- *
- * Create a text line object and return the pointer
- */
- LPTEXTLINE TextLine_Create(HDC hDC, UINT nTab, LPSTR lpszText)
- {
- LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine;
- lpTextLine=(LPTEXTLINE) New((DWORD)sizeof(TEXTLINE));
- if (lpTextLine == NULL) {
- OleDbgAssertSz(lpTextLine!=NULL,"Error allocating TextLine");
- return NULL;
- }
- TextLine_Init(lpTextLine, nTab, hDC);
- if (lpszText) {
- lpTextLine->m_nLength = lstrlen(lpszText);
- lstrcpy((LPSTR)lpTextLine->m_szText, lpszText);
- } else {
- lpTextLine->m_nLength = 0;
- lpTextLine->m_szText[0] = ' ';
- }
- TextLine_CalcExtents(lpTextLine, hDC);
- return(lpTextLine);
- }
- /* TextLine_Init
- * -------------
- *
- * Calculate the width/height of a text line object.
- */
- void TextLine_Init(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, int nTab, HDC hDC)
- {
- Line_Init((LPLINE)lpTextLine, nTab, hDC); // init the base class fields
- ((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_lineType = TEXTLINETYPE;
- lpTextLine->m_nLength = 0;
- lpTextLine->m_szText[0] = ' ';
- }
- /* TextLine_Delete
- * ---------------
- *
- * Delete the TextLine structure
- */
- void TextLine_Delete(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine)
- {
- Delete((LPVOID)lpTextLine);
- }
- /* TextLine_Edit
- * -------------
- *
- * Edit the text line object.
- *
- * Returns TRUE if line was changed
- * FALSE if the line was NOT changed
- */
- BOOL TextLine_Edit(LPTEXTLINE lpLine, HWND hWndDoc, HDC hDC)
- {
- #if defined( USE_FRAMETOOLS )
- LPFRAMETOOLS lptb = OutlineApp_GetFrameTools(g_lpApp);
- #endif
- BOOL fStatus = FALSE;
- #if defined( USE_FRAMETOOLS )
- FrameTools_FB_GetEditText(lptb, lpLine->m_szText, sizeof(lpLine->m_szText));
- #else
- if (! InputTextDlg(hWndDoc, lpLine->m_szText, "Edit Line"))
- return FALSE;
- #endif
- lpLine->m_nLength = lstrlen(lpLine->m_szText);
- TextLine_CalcExtents(lpLine, hDC);
- fStatus = TRUE;
- return fStatus;
- }
- /* TextLine_CalcExtents
- * --------------------
- *
- * Calculate the width/height of a text line object.
- */
- void TextLine_CalcExtents(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, HDC hDC)
- {
- SIZE size;
- LPLINE lpLine = (LPLINE)lpTextLine;
- if (lpTextLine->m_nLength) {
- GetTextExtentPoint(hDC, lpTextLine->m_szText,
- lpTextLine->m_nLength, &size);
- lpLine->m_nWidthInHimetric=size.cx;
- lpLine->m_nHeightInHimetric=size.cy;
- } else {
- // we still need to calculate proper height even for NULL string
- GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm);
- // required to set height
- lpLine->m_nHeightInHimetric = tm.tmHeight;
- lpLine->m_nWidthInHimetric = 0;
- }
- #if defined( _DEBUG )
- {
- RECT rc;
- rc.left = 0;
- rc.top = 0;
- rc.right = XformWidthInHimetricToPixels(hDC,
- lpLine->m_nWidthInHimetric);
- rc.bottom = XformHeightInHimetricToPixels(hDC,
- lpLine->m_nHeightInHimetric);
- OleDbgOutRect3("TextLine_CalcExtents", (LPRECT)&rc);
- }
- #endif
- }
- /* TextLine_SetHeightInHimetric
- * ----------------------------
- *
- * Set the height of a textline object.
- */
- void TextLine_SetHeightInHimetric(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, int nHeight)
- {
- if (!lpTextLine)
- return;
- ((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_nHeightInHimetric = nHeight;
- }
- /* TextLine_GetTextLen
- * -------------------
- *
- * Return length of string of the TextLine (not considering the tab level).
- */
- int TextLine_GetTextLen(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine)
- {
- return lstrlen((LPSTR)lpTextLine->m_szText);
- }
- /* TextLine_GetTextData
- * --------------------
- *
- * Return the string of the TextLine (not considering the tab level).
- */
- void TextLine_GetTextData(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, LPSTR lpszBuf)
- {
- lstrcpy(lpszBuf, (LPSTR)lpTextLine->m_szText);
- }
- /* TextLine_GetOutlineData
- * -----------------------
- *
- * Return the CF_OUTLINE format data for the TextLine.
- */
- BOOL TextLine_GetOutlineData(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, LPTEXTLINE lpBuf)
- {
- TextLine_Copy((LPTEXTLINE)lpTextLine, lpBuf);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* TextLine_Draw
- * -------------
- *
- * Draw a text line object on a DC.
- * Parameters:
- * hDC - DC to which the line will be drawn
- * lpRect - the object rectangle in logical coordinates
- * lpRectWBounds - bounding rect of the metafile underneath hDC
- * (NULL if hDC is not a metafile DC)
- * this is used by ContainerLine_Draw to draw the OLE obj
- * fHighlight - TRUE use selection highlight text color
- */
- void TextLine_Draw(
- LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine,
- HDC hDC,
- LPRECT lpRect,
- LPRECT lpRectWBounds,
- BOOL fHighlight
- )
- {
- RECT rc;
- int nBkMode;
- COLORREF clrefOld;
- if (!lpTextLine)
- return;
- rc = *lpRect;
- rc.left += ((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_nTabWidthInHimetric;
- rc.right += ((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_nTabWidthInHimetric;
- nBkMode = SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT);
- if (fHighlight) {
- /*Get proper txt colors */
- clrefOld = SetTextColor(hDC,GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT));
- }
- else {
- clrefOld = SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
- }
- ExtTextOut(
- hDC,
- rc.left,
- rc.top,
- (LPRECT)&rc,
- lpTextLine->m_szText,
- lpTextLine->m_nLength,
- (LPINT) NULL /* default char spacing */
- );
- SetTextColor(hDC, clrefOld);
- SetBkMode(hDC, nBkMode);
- }
- /* TextLine_DrawSelHilight
- * -----------------------
- *
- * Handles selection of textline
- */
- void TextLine_DrawSelHilight(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, HDC hDC, LPRECT lpRect, UINT itemAction, UINT itemState)
- {
- if (itemAction & ODA_SELECT) {
- // check if there is a selection state change, ==> invert rect
- if (itemState & ODS_SELECTED) {
- if (!((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_fSelected) {
- ((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_fSelected = TRUE;
- InvertRect(hDC, (LPRECT)lpRect);
- }
- } else {
- if (((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_fSelected) {
- ((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_fSelected = FALSE;
- InvertRect(hDC, lpRect);
- }
- }
- } else if (itemAction & ODA_DRAWENTIRE) {
- ((LPLINE)lpTextLine)->m_fSelected=((itemState & ODS_SELECTED) ? TRUE : FALSE);
- InvertRect(hDC, lpRect);
- }
- }
- /* TextLine_Copy
- * -------------
- *
- * Duplicate a textline
- */
- BOOL TextLine_Copy(LPTEXTLINE lpSrcLine, LPTEXTLINE lpDestLine)
- {
- _fmemcpy(lpDestLine, lpSrcLine, sizeof(TEXTLINE));
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* TextLine_CopyToDoc
- * ------------------
- *
- * Copy a textline to another Document (usually ClipboardDoc)
- */
- BOOL TextLine_CopyToDoc(LPTEXTLINE lpSrcLine, LPOUTLINEDOC lpDestDoc, int nIndex)
- {
- LPTEXTLINE lpDestLine;
- BOOL fStatus = FALSE;
- lpDestLine = (LPTEXTLINE) New((DWORD)sizeof(TEXTLINE));
- if (lpDestLine == NULL) {
- OleDbgAssertSz(lpDestLine!=NULL,"Error allocating TextLine");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (TextLine_Copy(lpSrcLine, lpDestLine)) {
- OutlineDoc_AddLine(lpDestDoc, (LPLINE)lpDestLine, nIndex);
- fStatus = TRUE;
- }
- return fStatus;
- }
- /* TextLine_SaveToStg
- * ------------------
- *
- * Save a textline into a storage
- *
- * Return TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
- */
- BOOL TextLine_SaveToStm(LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine, LPSTREAM lpLLStm)
- {
- HRESULT hrErr;
- ULONG nWritten;
- USHORT nLengthOnDisk;
- nLengthOnDisk = (USHORT) lpTextLine->m_nLength;
- hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Write(
- lpLLStm,
- (LPVOID)&nLengthOnDisk,
- sizeof(nLengthOnDisk),
- &nWritten
- );
- if (hrErr != NOERROR) {
- OleDbgOutHResult("Write TextLine data (1) returned", hrErr);
- return FALSE;
- }
- hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Write(
- lpLLStm,
- (LPVOID)lpTextLine->m_szText,
- lpTextLine->m_nLength,
- &nWritten
- );
- if (hrErr != NOERROR) {
- OleDbgOutHResult("Write TextLine data (2) returned", hrErr);
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* TextLine_LoadFromStg
- * --------------------
- *
- * Load a textline from storage
- */
- {
- HRESULT hrErr;
- ULONG nRead;
- LPTEXTLINE lpTextLine;
- USHORT nLengthOnDisk;
- lpTextLine=(LPTEXTLINE) New((DWORD)sizeof(TEXTLINE));
- if (lpTextLine == NULL) {
- OleDbgAssertSz(lpTextLine!=NULL,"Error allocating TextLine");
- return NULL;
- }
- TextLine_Init(lpTextLine, 0, NULL);
- hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Read(
- lpLLStm,
- (LPVOID)&nLengthOnDisk,
- sizeof(nLengthOnDisk),
- &nRead
- );
- if (hrErr != NOERROR) {
- OleDbgOutHResult("Read TextLine data (1) returned", hrErr);
- return NULL;
- }
- lpTextLine->m_nLength = (UINT) nLengthOnDisk;
- OleDbgAssert(lpTextLine->m_nLength < sizeof(lpTextLine->m_szText));
- hrErr = lpLLStm->lpVtbl->Read(
- lpLLStm,
- (LPVOID)&lpTextLine->m_szText,
- lpTextLine->m_nLength,
- &nRead
- );
- if (hrErr != NOERROR) {
- OleDbgOutHResult("Read TextLine data (1) returned", hrErr);
- return NULL;
- }
- lpTextLine->m_szText[lpTextLine->m_nLength] = ' '; // add str terminator
- return (LPLINE)lpTextLine;
- }