资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //**********************************************************************
- // File name: obj.cpp
- //
- // Implementation file for the CSimpSvrApp Class
- //
- // Functions:
- //
- // See obj.h for a list of member functions.
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //**********************************************************************
- #include "pre.h"
- #include "obj.h"
- #include "ioo.h"
- #include "ido.h"
- #include "ips.h"
- #include "icf.h"
- #include "ioipao.h"
- #include "ioipo.h"
- #include "app.h"
- #include "doc.h"
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::QueryInterface
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Used for interface negotiation at the "Object" level.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // REFIID riid - A reference to the interface that is
- // being queried.
- //
- // LPVOID FAR* ppvObj - An out parameter to return a pointer to
- // the interface.
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // S_OK - The interface is supported.
- // E_NOINTERFACE - The interface is not supported
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // OLE API
- // IUnknown::AddRef OBJ.CPP, IOO.CPP, IDO.CPP, IPS.CPP
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP CSimpSvrObj::QueryInterface ( REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::QueryInterfacern");
- SCODE sc = S_OK;
- if (riid == IID_IUnknown)
- *ppvObj = this;
- else if (riid == IID_IOleObject)
- *ppvObj = &m_OleObject;
- else if (riid == IID_IDataObject)
- *ppvObj = &m_DataObject;
- else if ( (riid == IID_IPersistStorage) || (riid == IID_IPersist) )
- *ppvObj = &m_PersistStorage;
- else if (riid == IID_IOleInPlaceObject)
- *ppvObj = &m_OleInPlaceObject;
- else if (riid == IID_IOleInPlaceActiveObject)
- *ppvObj = &m_OleInPlaceActiveObject;
- else if (riid == IID_IExternalConnection)
- *ppvObj = &m_ExternalConnection;
- else
- {
- *ppvObj = NULL;
- }
- if (*ppvObj)
- ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppvObj)->AddRef();
- return sc ;
- };
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::AddRef
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Adds to the reference count at the Object level.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // ULONG - The new reference count of the Object.
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // Due to the reference counting model that is used in this
- // implementation, this reference count is the sum of the
- // reference counts on all interfaces
- //
- //********************************************************************
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::AddRefrn");
- m_lpDoc->AddRef();
- return ++m_nCount;
- };
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::Release
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Decrements the reference count at this level
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // ULONG - The new reference count of the object.
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // Due to the reference counting model that is used in this
- // implementation, this reference count is the sum of the
- // reference counts on all interfaces
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSimpSvrObj::Release ()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::Releasern");
- m_lpDoc->Release();
- if (--m_nCount == 0) {
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- return m_nCount;
- };
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::CSimpSvrObj
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Constructor for CSimpSvrObj
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // CSimpSvrDoc FAR * lpSimpSvrDoc - ptr to the doc object
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- #pragma warning (disable : 4355) // "this" used in base initializer list warning. This
- // can be disabled because we are not using "this" in
- // the constructor for these objects, rather we are
- // just storing it for future use...
- CSimpSvrObj::CSimpSvrObj(CSimpSvrDoc FAR * lpSimpSvrDoc) : m_OleObject(this),
- m_DataObject(this),
- m_PersistStorage(this),
- m_OleInPlaceActiveObject(this),
- m_OleInPlaceObject(this),
- m_ExternalConnection(this)
- #pragma warning (default : 4355) // Turn the warning back on
- {
- m_lpDoc = lpSimpSvrDoc;
- m_nCount = 0;
- m_fInPlaceActive = FALSE;
- m_fInPlaceVisible = FALSE;
- m_fUIActive = FALSE;
- m_hmenuShared = NULL;
- m_hOleMenu = NULL;
- m_dwRegister = 0;
- m_lpFrame = NULL;
- m_lpCntrDoc = NULL;
- m_lpStorage = NULL;
- m_lpColorStm = NULL;
- m_lpSizeStm = NULL;
- m_lpOleClientSite = NULL;
- m_lpOleAdviseHolder = NULL;
- m_lpDataAdviseHolder = NULL;
- m_lpIPSite = NULL;
- m_red = 128;
- m_green = 0;
- m_blue = 0;
- m_size.x = 100;
- m_size.y = 100;
- m_xOffset = 0;
- m_yOffset = 0;
- m_scale = (float) 1.0;
- m_fSaveWithSameAsLoad = FALSE;
- m_fNoScribbleMode = FALSE;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::~CSimpSvrObj
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Destructor for CSimpSvrObj
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- //
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // PostMessage Windows API
- // CSimpSvrDoc::GetApp DOC.H
- // CSimpSvrDoc::GethAppWnd DOC.H
- // CSimpSvrDoc::ClearObj DOC.H
- // CSimpSvrApp::IsStartedByOle APP.CPP
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- CSimpSvrObj::~CSimpSvrObj()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj's Destructor rn");
- // if we were started by ole, post ourselves a close message
- if (m_lpDoc->GetApp()->IsStartedByOle())
- PostMessage(m_lpDoc->GethAppWnd(), WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_CLOSE, 0L);
- // clear the OBJ ptr in the doc class
- m_lpDoc->ClearObj();
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::Draw
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Draws the object into an arbitrary DC
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // HDC hDC - DC to draw into
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // NONE
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // CreateBrushIndirect Windows API
- // SelectObject Windows API
- // Rectangle Windows API
- // DeleteObject Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::Draw (HDC hDC, BOOL m_fMeta)
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::Drawrn");
- char szBuffer[255];
- wsprintf(szBuffer,"Drawing Scale %3drn",m_scale);
- OutputDebugString(szBuffer);
- if (!m_fMeta)
- {
- //SetWindowOrg(hDC, (int)(m_xOffset/m_scale), (int)(m_yOffset/m_scale));
- SetWindowOrgEx(hDC, (int)(m_xOffset/m_scale),
- (int)(m_yOffset/m_scale), NULL);
- //SetWindowExt(hDC, m_size.x, m_size.y);
- SetWindowExtEx(hDC, m_size.x, m_size.y, NULL);
- //SetViewportExt(hDC, (int)(m_size.x*m_scale), (int)(m_size.y*m_scale));
- SetViewportExtEx(hDC, (int)(m_size.x*m_scale),
- (int)(m_size.y*m_scale), NULL);
- }
- // fill out a LOGBRUSH
- lb.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
- lb.lbColor = RGB(m_red, m_green, m_blue);
- lb.lbHatch = 0;
- // create the brush
- HBRUSH hBrush = CreateBrushIndirect(&lb);
- // select the brush
- HBRUSH hOldBrush = (HBRUSH) SelectObject(hDC, hBrush);
- HPEN hPen = CreatePen(PS_INSIDEFRAME, 6, RGB(0, 0, 0));
- HPEN hOldPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
- // draw the rectangle
- Rectangle (hDC, 0, 0, m_size.x, m_size.y);
- // restore the pen
- hPen = (HPEN) SelectObject(hDC, hOldPen);
- // free the pen
- DeleteObject(hPen);
- // restore the old brush
- hBrush = (HBRUSH) SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush);
- // free the brush
- DeleteObject(hBrush);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::GetMetaFilePict
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Returns a handle to a metafile representation of the object.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // Handle to the metafile.
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // GlobalAlloc Windows API
- // GlobalLock Windows API
- // SetWindowOrg Windows API
- // SetWindowExt Windows API
- // CreateMetaFile Windows API
- // CloseMetaFile Windows API
- // GlobalUnlock Windows API
- // XformWidthInPixelsToHimetric OLESTD
- // XformHeightInPixelsToHimetric OLESTD
- // CSimpSvrObj::Draw OBJ.CPP
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- HANDLE CSimpSvrObj::GetMetaFilePict()
- {
- POINT pt;
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::GetMetaFilePictrn");
- // allocate the memory for the METAFILEPICT structure
- hMFP = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_SHARE | GHND, sizeof (METAFILEPICT) );
- lpMFP = (METAFILEPICT FAR*) GlobalLock(hMFP);
- // get the size of the object in HIMETRIC
- pt.x = XformWidthInPixelsToHimetric(NULL, m_size.x);
- pt.y = XformHeightInPixelsToHimetric(NULL, m_size.y);
- // fill out the METAFILEPICT structure
- lpMFP->xExt = pt.x;
- lpMFP->yExt = pt.y;
- // Create the metafile
- HDC hDC = CreateMetaFile(NULL);
- //SetWindowOrg (hDC, 0, 0);
- SetWindowOrgEx (hDC, 0, 0, NULL);
- //SetWindowExt (hDC, m_size.x,
- SetWindowExtEx (hDC, m_size.x,
- m_size.y, NULL);
- Draw(hDC);
- lpMFP->hMF = CloseMetaFile(hDC);
- // unlock the metafilepict
- GlobalUnlock(hMFP);
- return hMFP;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::SaveToStorage
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Saves the object to the passed storage
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // LPSTORAGE lpStg - Storage in which to save the object
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // IStorage::CreateStream OLE
- // IStream::Write OLE
- // IStream::Release OLE
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // A real app will want to do better error checking / returning
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::SaveToStorage (LPSTORAGE lpStg, BOOL fSameAsLoad)
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::SaveToStoragern");
- LPSTREAM lpTempColor, lpTempSize;
- if (!fSameAsLoad)
- m_PersistStorage.CreateStreams( lpStg, &lpTempColor, &lpTempSize);
- else
- {
- lpTempColor = m_lpColorStm;
- lpTempColor->AddRef();
- lpTempSize = m_lpSizeStm;
- lpTempSize->AddRef();
- }
- uli.LowPart = 0;
- uli.HighPart = 0;
- lpTempColor->SetSize(uli);
- lpTempSize->SetSize(uli);
- li.LowPart = 0;
- li.HighPart = 0;
- lpTempColor->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- lpTempSize->Seek(li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- // write the colors to the stream
- lpTempColor->Write(&m_red, sizeof(m_red), NULL);
- lpTempColor->Write(&m_green, sizeof(m_green), NULL);
- lpTempColor->Write(&m_blue, sizeof(m_blue), NULL);
- // write the size to the stream
- lpTempSize->Write(&m_size, sizeof(m_size), NULL);
- lpTempColor->Release();
- lpTempSize->Release();
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::LoadFromStorage
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Loads the object from the passed storage
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // LPSTORAGE lpStg - Storage in which to load the object from
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None.
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // IStorage::OpenStream OLE
- // IStream::Read OLE
- // IStream::Release OLE
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::LoadFromStorage ()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::LoadFromStoragern");
- // Read the colors
- m_lpColorStm->Read(&m_red, sizeof(m_red), NULL);
- m_lpColorStm->Read(&m_green, sizeof(m_green), NULL);
- m_lpColorStm->Read(&m_blue, sizeof(m_blue), NULL);
- // read the size
- m_lpSizeStm->Read(&m_size, sizeof(m_size), NULL);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceActivate
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Does the inplace activation for the object
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // LONG lVerb - Verb that caused this function to be called
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // TRUE/FALSE depending on success or failure.
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // IOleClientSite::QueryInterface Container
- // IOleClientSite::ShowObject Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::CanInPlaceActivate Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::Release Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::OnInPlaceActivate Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::GetWindow Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::GetWindowContext Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::OnUIActivate Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::Release Container
- // IOleInPlaceFrame::SetActiveObject Container
- // IOleInPlaceUIWindow::SetActiveObject Container
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // ShowWindow Windows API
- // SetParent Windows API
- // IntersectRect Windows API
- // OffsetRect Windows API
- // MoveWindow Windows API
- // CopyRect Windows API
- // SetFocus Windows API
- // SetHatchWindowSize OLE2UI
- // CSimpSvrObj::AssembleMenus OBJ.CPP
- // CSimpSvrObj::AddFrameLevelUI OBJ.CPP
- //
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // Be sure to read TECHNOTES.WRI included with the OLE SDK
- // for details on implementing inplace activation.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- BOOL CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceActivate (LONG lVerb)
- {
- BOOL retval = FALSE;
- RECT posRect, clipRect;
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceActivatern");
- // if not currently in place active
- if (!m_fInPlaceActive)
- {
- // get the inplace site
- if (m_lpOleClientSite->QueryInterface(IID_IOleInPlaceSite,
- (LPVOID FAR *)&m_lpIPSite) != NOERROR)
- goto error;
- // if the inplace site could not be obtained, or refuses to inplace
- // activate then goto error.
- if (m_lpIPSite == NULL || m_lpIPSite->CanInPlaceActivate() != NOERROR)
- {
- if (m_lpIPSite)
- m_lpIPSite->Release();
- m_lpIPSite == NULL;
- goto error;
- }
- // tell the site that we are activating.
- m_lpIPSite->OnInPlaceActivate();
- m_fInPlaceActive = TRUE;
- }
- // if not currently inplace visibl
- if (!m_fInPlaceVisible)
- {
- m_fInPlaceVisible = TRUE;
- // get the window handle of the site
- m_lpIPSite->GetWindow(&m_hWndParent);
- // get window context from the container
- m_lpIPSite->GetWindowContext ( &m_lpFrame,
- &m_lpCntrDoc,
- &posRect,
- &clipRect,
- &m_FrameInfo);
- // show the hatch window
- m_lpDoc->ShowHatchWnd();
- // Set the parenting
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd(), m_hWndParent);
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd(), m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd());
- // tell the client site to show the object
- m_lpOleClientSite->ShowObject();
- RECT resRect;
- // figure out the "real" size of the object
- IntersectRect(&resRect, &posRect, &clipRect);
- CopyRect(&m_posRect, &posRect);
- POINT pt;
- // adjust our hatch window size
- SetHatchWindowSize ( m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd(),
- &resRect,
- &posRect,
- &pt);
- // calculate the actual object rect inside the hatchwnd.
- OffsetRect (&resRect, pt.x, pt.y);
- // move the object window
- MoveWindow(m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd(),
- resRect.left,
- resRect.top,
- resRect.right - resRect.left,
- resRect.bottom - resRect.top,
- // create the combined window
- AssembleMenus();
- }
- // if not UIActive
- if (!m_fUIActive)
- {
- m_fUIActive = TRUE;
- // tell the inplace site that we are activating
- m_lpIPSite->OnUIActivate();
- // set the focus to our object window
- SetFocus(m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd());
- // set the active object on the frame
- //m_lpFrame->SetActiveObject(&m_OleInPlaceActiveObject, "Simple OLE 2.0 Server");
- m_lpFrame->SetActiveObject(&m_OleInPlaceActiveObject, OLESTR("Simple OLE 2.0 Server"));
- // set the active object on the Doc, if available.
- if (m_lpCntrDoc)
- //m_lpCntrDoc->SetActiveObject(&m_OleInPlaceActiveObject, "Simple OLE 2.0 Server");
- m_lpCntrDoc->SetActiveObject(&m_OleInPlaceActiveObject, OLESTR("Simple OLE 2.0 Server"));
- // add the frame level UI.
- AddFrameLevelUI();
- }
- retval = TRUE;
- error:
- return retval;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::AssembleMenus
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Creates the combined menus used during inplace activation.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // CreateMenu Windows API
- // IOleInPlaceFrame::InsertMenus Container
- // InsertMenu Windows API
- // DestroyMenu Windows API
- // OleCreateMenuDescriptor OLE API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::AssembleMenus()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::AssembleMenusrn");
- OLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS menugroupwidths;
- m_hmenuShared = NULL;
- // Create the menu resource
- m_hmenuShared = CreateMenu();
- // have the contaner insert its menus
- if (m_lpFrame->InsertMenus (m_hmenuShared, &menugroupwidths) == NOERROR)
- {
- int nFirstGroup = (int) menugroupwidths.width[0];
- // insert the server menus
- //InsertMenu( m_hmenuShared, nFirstGroup, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP, m_lpDoc->GetApp()->GetColorMenu(), "&Color");
- InsertMenu( m_hmenuShared, nFirstGroup, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP,
- (UINT)m_lpDoc->GetApp()->GetColorMenu(), "&Color");
- menugroupwidths.width[1] = 1;
- menugroupwidths.width[3] = 0;
- menugroupwidths.width[5] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- // Destroy the menu resource
- DestroyMenu(m_hmenuShared);
- m_hmenuShared = NULL;
- }
- // tell OLE to create the menu descriptor
- m_hOleMenu = OleCreateMenuDescriptor(m_hmenuShared, &menugroupwidths);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::AddFrameLevelUI
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Adds the Frame level user interface
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // IOleInPlaceFrame::SetMenu Container
- // IOleInPlaceFrame::SetBorderSpace Container
- // IOleInPlaceUIWindow::SetBorderSpace Container
- // CSimpSvrDoc::GethDocWnd DOC.H
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::AddFrameLevelUI()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::AddFrameLevelUIrn");
- // add the combined menu
- m_lpFrame->SetMenu(m_hmenuShared, m_hOleMenu, m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd());
- // do hatched border
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd(), m_hWndParent);
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd(), m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd());
- // set the border space. Normally we would negotiate for toolbar
- // space at this point. Since this server doesn't have a toolbar,
- // this isn't needed...
- if (m_lpFrame)
- m_lpFrame->SetBorderSpace(NULL);
- if (m_lpCntrDoc)
- m_lpCntrDoc->SetBorderSpace(NULL);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceHide
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Hides the object while inplace actvie
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // SetParent Windows API
- // CSimpSvrDoc::GethDocWnd DOC.H
- // CSimpSvrDoc::GethAppWnd DOC.H
- // CSimpSvrDoc::GethHatchWnd DOC.H
- // CSimpSvrObj::DisassembleMenus OBJ.CPP
- // IOleInPlaceFrame::Release Container
- // IOleInPlaceUIWindow::Release Container
- //
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // Be sure to read TECHNOTES.WRI included with the OLE SDK
- // for details on implementing inplace activation.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceHide()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpSvrObj::DoInPlaceHidern");
- // if we aren't inplace visible, then this routine is a NOP,
- if (!m_fInPlaceVisible)
- return;
- m_fInPlaceVisible = FALSE;
- // change the parenting
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd(), m_lpDoc->GethAppWnd());
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd(),m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd());
- // rip down the combined menus
- DisassembleMenus();
- // release the inplace frame
- m_lpFrame->Release();
- m_lpFrame = NULL; // only holding one ref. to frame.
- // release the UIWindow if it is there.
- if (m_lpCntrDoc)
- m_lpCntrDoc->Release();
- m_lpCntrDoc = NULL;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::DisassembleMenus
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Disassembles the combined menus used in inplace activation
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // OleDestroyMenuDescriptor OLE API
- // RemoveMenu Windows API
- // IOleInPlaceFrame::RemoveMenus Container
- // DestroyMenu Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // Be sure to read TECHNOTES.WRI included with the OLE SDK
- // for details on implementing inplace activation.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::DisassembleMenus()
- {
- // destroy the menu descriptor
- OleDestroyMenuDescriptor(m_hOleMenu);
- if (m_hmenuShared)
- {
- // remove the menus that we added
- RemoveMenu( m_hmenuShared, 1, MF_BYPOSITION);
- // have the container remove its menus
- m_lpFrame->RemoveMenus(m_hmenuShared);
- // Destroy the menu resource
- DestroyMenu(m_hmenuShared);
- m_hmenuShared = NULL;
- }
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::SendOnDataChange
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Uses the data advise holder to send a data change, then updates
- // the ROT to note the time of change.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // IDataAdviseHolder::SendOnDataChange OLE API
- // GetRunningObjectTable OLE API
- // CoFileTimeNow OLE API
- // IRunningObjectTable::NoteChangeTime OLE API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::SendOnDataChange()
- {
- if (m_lpDataAdviseHolder)
- m_lpDataAdviseHolder->SendOnDataChange( (LPDATAOBJECT)&m_DataObject, 0, 0);
- GetRunningObjectTable(0, &lpRot);
- if ( lpRot && m_dwRegister)
- {
- CoFileTimeNow(&ft);
- lpRot->NoteChangeTime(m_dwRegister, &ft);
- lpRot->Release();
- }
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpSvrObj::DeactivateUI
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Breaks down the inplace ui
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // SetParent Windows API
- // IOleInPlaceUIWindow::SetActiveObject Container
- // IOleInPlaceFrame::SetActiveObject Container
- // IOleInPlaceSite::UIDeactivate Container
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //
- //********************************************************************
- void CSimpSvrObj::DeactivateUI()
- {
- // if not UI active, or no pointer to IOleInPlaceFrame, then
- // return NOERROR
- if (!(m_fUIActive || m_lpFrame))
- return;
- else
- {
- m_fUIActive = FALSE;
- // remove hatching
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd(), m_lpDoc->GethAppWnd());
- SetParent (m_lpDoc->GethHatchWnd(),m_lpDoc->GethDocWnd());
- // if in an MDI container, call SetActiveObject on the DOC.
- if (m_lpCntrDoc)
- m_lpCntrDoc->SetActiveObject(NULL, NULL);
- m_lpFrame->SetActiveObject(NULL, NULL);
- // tell the container that our UI is going away.
- if (m_lpIPSite)
- m_lpIPSite->OnUIDeactivate(FALSE);
- }
- }