资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Microsoft Windows
- // Copyright 1992 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- //
- // File: fclass.h
- //
- // Contents: definition for the CFractalWindow class
- //
- // Classes: CFractalWindow
- //
- // Functions:
- //
- // History: 4-11-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef __WFCLASS_H__
- #define __WFCLASS_H__
- #include "cwindow.h"
- #include <commdlg.h>
- #include <frhost.h>
- #include <frcngn.h>
- #include "engnlist.h"
- #include <palsize.h>
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Class: CFractalWindow
- //
- // Purpose: implements MFract's main window
- //
- // Interface: CFractalWindow -- constructor
- // ~CFractalWindow -- destructor
- // InitInstance -- initializes an instance of the class
- // WindowProc -- main window procedure
- // DoMenu -- menu command handler
- // OnCreate -- called when the window is created
- // NewWindowSize -- called when window size changes
- // SetUpColorTable -- initializes the color table
- // SetDefaultColors -- selects the default color set
- // Wash -- creats a wash over a range of colors
- // ToggleTitle -- toggles full screen mode on/off
- // ChangeFractalEngines -- changes fractal engines
- // CycleStop -- stops color cycling
- // Faster -- alters speed of color cycling
- // LoadPalette -- loads a color palette from a file
- // SavePalette -- saves a color palette to a file
- // SaveBitmap -- saves the graph as a bitmap
- // LoadFile -- loads the graph from a docfile
- // SaveFile -- saves the graph to a docfile
- // OnStart -- starts the graph
- // OnStop -- stops the graph
- // GetHwnd -- gets the main window handle
- // DrawRect -- draws the zoom rectangle
- // EraseRect -- erases the zoom rectangle
- // ClipLine -- clips a line to the graph dimensions
- //
- // IUnknown methods:
- // QueryInterface -- retreives interface pointers
- // AddRef -- increments ref-count
- // Release -- decrements ref-count
- //
- // IFractalHost methods:
- // SetGraphSize -- changes the size of the graph
- // GetGraphSize -- returns the size of the graph
- // GetPoint -- returns the color at a point
- // Rect -- draws a rectangle
- // Line -- draws a line
- // Point -- plots a point
- // DoneDrawingGraph -- signals when the graph is complete
- //
- // History: 4-11-94 stevebl Created
- // 7-07-94 stevebl changed definition of GetPoint
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CFractalWindow: public CHlprWindow, public IFractalHost
- {
- public:
- CFractalWindow();
- ~CFractalWindow();
- BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int);
- LRESULT WindowProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- LRESULT DoMenu(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- void OnCreate(void);
- void NewWindowSize(unsigned uWidth, unsigned uHeight);
- void SetUpColorTable(void);
- void SetDefaultColors(void);
- void Wash(int i, PALETTEENTRY rgColors[]);
- void ToggleTitle(void);
- void ChangeFractalEngines(void);
- void CycleStop(void);
- void Faster(int);
- void LoadPalette(void);
- void SavePalette(void);
- void SaveBitmap(void);
- void LoadFile(void);
- void SaveFile(void);
- void OnStart(void);
- void OnStop(void);
- HWND GetHwnd(void);
- BOOL DrawRect(HDC, const RECT *);
- BOOL EraseRect(HDC, const RECT *);
- BOOL ClipLine(int & x1, int & y1, int & x2, int & y2);
- // IUnknown members
- STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID, void **);
- // IFractalHost members
- STDMETHOD(SetGraphSize) (THIS_ unsigned uWidth, unsigned uHeight);
- STDMETHOD(GetGraphSize) (THIS_ unsigned * puWidth, unsigned * puHeight);
- STDMETHOD(GetPoint) (THIS_ unsigned * puValue, int x, int y);
- (THIS_
- int iLeft,
- int iTop,
- int iRight,
- int iBottom,
- unsigned uColor);
- (THIS_
- int x1,
- int y1,
- int x2,
- int y2,
- unsigned uColor);
- (THIS_
- int x,
- int y,
- unsigned uColor);
- STDMETHOD(DoneDrawingGraph)(THIS_ void);
- private:
- HDC _hdcMem;
- ULONG _uRefreshRate;
- HANDLE _hTitleEvent;
- HANDLE _hGraphStartedEvent;
- HPALETTE _hpal;
- HBITMAP _hbmSavedBitmap;
- HBITMAP _hbmMainWindow;
- unsigned _uScreenWidth;
- unsigned _uScreenHeight;
- unsigned _uImageWidth;
- unsigned _uImageHeight;
- unsigned _uWindowWidth;
- unsigned _uWindowHeight;
- unsigned _uScrollPosX;
- unsigned _uScrollPosY;
- int _iCycleVelocity;
- int _iCurrentDirection;
- double _dLeft, _dRight, _dTop, _dBottom;
- PALETTEENTRY * _pEntry1, * _pEntry2;
- LOGPALETTE * _pLogPal;
- LOGPALETTE * _pSecondLogPal;
- ULONG _uRefCount;
- CEngineList * _pEngineList;
- unsigned _uFractalType;
- IFractalEngine * _pFractalEngine;
- RECT _rectZoom;
- BOOL _fZooming;
- BOOL _fRButtonDown;
- OPENFILENAME _ofnPalette;
- OPENFILENAME _ofnBitmap;
- TCHAR _szPalFileName[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR _szPalFileTitle[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR _szBmpFileName[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR _szBmpFileTitle[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR _szFileName[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR _szFileTitle[MAX_PATH];
- TCHAR _szHelpFile[MAX_PATH];
- RECT _rectPainted;
- IStorage * _pstg;
- char * _rgPixels;
- BOOL _fReRealizePalette;
- BOOL _fCanAnimate;
- };
- #endif // __cplusplus
- #define REFRESH_TIMER 1
- #define CYCLE_TIMER 2
- #define CYCLE_RATE 50
- #define QUICKWIDTH 160
- #define QUICKHEIGHT 120
- #endif // __WFCLASS_H__