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资源名称:P2P.rar [点击查看]
- unit fcDBCommon;
- interface
- uses db, classes, typinfo;
- Function fcGetControlDataSource(ctrl: TComponent): TDataSource;
- Function fcGetControlMasterSource(ctrl: TComponent): TDataSource;
- Function fcGetControlMasterDataSet(ctrl: TComponent): TDataSet;
- Function fcSetDatabaseName(ctrl: TDataset; df: string): boolean;
- Function fcGetDatabaseName(dataSet: TDataSet): String;
- Function fcGetTableName(dataSet: TDataSet): String;
- Function fcSetSQLProp(ctrl: TDataset; sql: TStrings): boolean;
- Function fcSetParamsProp(ctrl: TDataset; Params: TParams): boolean;
- Function fcGetParamsProp(ctrl: TDataset): TParams;
- implementation
- Function fcGetControlDataSource(ctrl: TComponent): TDataSource;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result:= Nil;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(ctrl.ClassInfo,'DataSource');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then begin
- result:= TDataSource(GetOrdProp(ctrl, PropInfo));
- end
- end;
- Function fcGetControlMasterSource(ctrl: TComponent): TDataSource;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result:= Nil;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(ctrl.ClassInfo,'MasterSource');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then begin
- result:= TDataSource(GetOrdProp(ctrl, PropInfo));
- end
- end;
- Function fcGetControlMasterDataSet(ctrl: TComponent): TDataSet;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result:= Nil;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(ctrl.ClassInfo,'Master');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then begin
- result:= TDataSet(GetOrdProp(ctrl, PropInfo));
- end
- end;
- Function fcSetSQLProp(ctrl: TDataset; sql: TStrings): boolean;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- result:= False;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropINfo(ctrl.ClassInfo,'SQL');
- if (PropInfo <> nil) and (PropInfo^.Proptype^.Kind = tkClass) then
- begin
- SetOrdProp(Ctrl,PropInfo,LongInt(sql));
- result:= True;
- end
- end;
- Function fcSetDatabaseName(ctrl: TDataset; df: string): boolean;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result:= False;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropINfo(ctrl.ClassInfo,'DatabaseName');
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if (PropInfo<>nil) and (PropInfo^.Proptype^.Kind = tklString) then begin
- {$ELSE}
- if (PropInfo<>nil) and (PropInfo^.PropType^.Kind = tkString) then begin
- {$ENDIF}
- SetStrProp(Ctrl,PropInfo,df);
- result:= True;
- end
- end;
- Function fcGetDatabaseName(dataSet: TDataSet): String;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result:= '';
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(DataSet.ClassInfo, 'DatabaseName');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then
- result:= GetStrProp(DataSet, PropInfo);
- end;
- Function fcGetTableName(dataSet: TDataSet): String;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- Result:= '';
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(DataSet.ClassInfo, 'TableName');
- if PropInfo<>Nil then
- result:= GetStrProp(DataSet, PropInfo);
- // if dataSet is TwwTable then result:= TwwTable(dataSet).tableName
- // else result:= '?';
- end;
- Function fcGetParamsProp(ctrl: TDataset): TParams;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- result:= nil;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropINfo(ctrl.ClassInfo,'Params');
- if (PropInfo <> nil) and (PropInfo^.Proptype^.Kind = tkClass) then
- result:= TParams(GetOrdProp(Ctrl,PropInfo));
- end;
- Function fcSetParamsProp(ctrl: TDataset; Params: TParams): boolean;
- var PropInfo: PPropInfo;
- begin
- result:= False;
- PropInfo:= Typinfo.GetPropInfo(ctrl.ClassInfo,'Params');
- if (PropInfo <> nil) and (PropInfo^.Proptype^.Kind = tkClass) then
- begin
- fcGetParamsProp(ctrl).Assign(Params);
- result:= True;
- end;
- end;
- end.