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资源名称:P2P.rar [点击查看]
- unit fcdbimager;
- {
- //
- // Components : TfcImager
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1999 by Woll2Woll Software
- // 4/21/99 - RSW - Added CopyToClipboard method
- // 8/2/99 - Check if parent is nil in BitmapChange event.
- }
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- fcCommon, fcBitmap, fcChangeLink;
- {$i fcIfDef.pas}
- type
- TfcImagerDrawStyle = (dsNormal, dsCenter, dsStretch, dsTile, dsProportional);
- TfcBitmapOptions = class;
- TfcRotate = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FBitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions;
- FCenterX: Integer;
- FCenterY: Integer;
- FAngle: Integer;
- procedure SetAngle(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetCenterX(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetCenterY(Value: Integer);
- public
- constructor Create(BitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions);
- published
- property CenterX: Integer read FCenterX write SetCenterX;
- property CenterY: Integer read FCenterY write SetCenterY;
- property Angle: Integer read FAngle write SetAngle;
- end;
- TfcAlphaBlend = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FBitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions;
- FAmount: Byte;
- FBitmap: TfcBitmap;
- FChanging: Boolean;
- function GetTransparent: Boolean;
- procedure SetAmount(Value: Byte);
- procedure SetBitmap(Value: TfcBitmap);
- procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
- protected
- procedure BitmapChanged(Sender: TObject); virtual;
- public
- constructor Create(BitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- property Amount: Byte read FAmount write SetAmount;
- property Bitmap: TfcBitmap read FBitmap write SetBitmap;
- property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent;
- end;
- TfcWave = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FBitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions;
- FXDiv, FYDiv, FRatio: Integer;
- FWrap: Boolean;
- procedure SetXDiv(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetYDiv(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetRatio(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetWrap(Value: Boolean);
- public
- constructor Create(BitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions);
- published
- property XDiv: Integer read FXDiv write SetXDiv;
- property YDiv: Integer read FYDiv write SetYDiv;
- property Ratio: Integer read FRatio write SetRatio;
- property Wrap: Boolean read FWrap write SetWrap;
- end;
- TfcBitmapOptions = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FComponent: TComponent;
- FAlphaBlend: TfcAlphaBlend;
- FColor: TColor;
- FContrast: Integer;
- FEmbossed: Boolean;
- FTintColor: TColor;
- FGaussianBlur: Integer;
- FGrayScale: Boolean;
- FHorizontallyFlipped: Boolean;
- FInverted: Boolean;
- FLightness: Integer;
- FRotation: TfcRotate;
- FSaturation: Integer;
- FSharpen: Integer;
- FSponge: Integer;
- FTile: Boolean;
- FVerticallyFlipped: Boolean;
- FWave: TfcWave;
- FOnChange: TNotifyEvent;
- FOrigPicture: TPicture;
- FDestBitmap: TfcBitmap;
- FUpdateLock: Integer;
- // Property Access methods;
- procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetBooleanProperty(Index: Integer; Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetTintColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetIntegralProperty(Index: Integer; Value: Integer);
- public
- constructor Create(AComponent: TComponent);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure BeginUpdate; virtual;
- procedure Changed; virtual;
- procedure EndUpdate;
- property DestBitmap: TfcBitmap read FDestBitmap write FDestBitmap;
- property OrigPicture: TPicture read FOrigPicture write FOrigPicture;
- property Tile: Boolean read FTile write FTile;
- property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
- published
- property AlphaBlend: TfcAlphaBlend read FAlphaBlend write FAlphaBlend;
- property Color: TColor read FColor write SetColor;
- property Contrast: Integer index 4 read FContrast write SetIntegralProperty;
- property Embossed: Boolean index 0 read FEmbossed write SetBooleanProperty;
- property TintColor: TColor read FTintColor write SetTintColor;
- property GaussianBlur: Integer index 3 read FGaussianBlur write SetIntegralProperty;
- property GrayScale: Boolean index 2 read FGrayScale write SetBooleanProperty;
- property HorizontallyFlipped: Boolean index 3 read FHorizontallyFlipped write SetBooleanProperty;
- property Inverted: Boolean index 1 read FInverted write SetBooleanProperty;
- property Lightness: Integer index 0 read FLightness write SetIntegralProperty;
- property Rotation: TfcRotate read FRotation write FRotation;
- property Saturation: Integer index 1 read FSaturation write SetIntegralProperty;
- property Sharpen: Integer index 5 read FSharpen write SetIntegralProperty;
- property Sponge: Integer index 2 read FSponge write SetIntegralProperty;
- property VerticallyFlipped: Boolean index 4 read FVerticallyFlipped write SetBooleanProperty;
- property Wave: TfcWave read FWave write FWave;
- end;
- TfcCustomImager = class(TGraphicControl)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- FAutoSize: Boolean;
- FBitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions;
- FDrawStyle: TfcImagerDrawStyle;
- FEraseBackground: Boolean;
- FPreProcess: Boolean;
- FWorkBitmap: TfcBitmap;
- // FBitmap: TfcBitmap;
- FPicture: TPicture;
- FChangeLinks: TList;
- FRespectPalette: boolean;
- function GetRespectPalette: Boolean;
- function GetSmoothStretching: Boolean;
- function GetTransparent: Boolean;
- function GetTransparentColor: TColor;
- procedure SetAutoSize(Value: Boolean);
- // procedure SetBitmap(Value: TfcBitmap);
- procedure SetDrawStyle(Value: TfcImagerDrawStyle);
- procedure SetEraseBackground(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetPreProcess(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetPicture(Value: TPicture);
- procedure SetRespectPalette(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetSmoothStretching(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetTransparentColor(Value: TColor);
- function GetDrawRect: TRect;
- procedure NotifyChanges;
- protected
- procedure SetParent(Value: TWinControl); override;
- procedure BitmapOptionsChange(Sender: TObject); virtual;
- procedure BitmapChange(Sender: TObject);
- procedure UpdateAutoSize; virtual;
- procedure Loaded; override;
- procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
- procedure Paint; override;
- procedure WndProc(var Message: TMessage); override;
- // procedure ParentMessages(var Message: TMessage; var ProcessMessage: Boolean); virtual;
- property EraseBackground: Boolean read FEraseBackground write SetEraseBackground default True;
- public
- UpdatingAutoSize: Boolean;
- InSetBounds: boolean;
- Patch: Variant;
- constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function PictureEmpty: Boolean; virtual;
- procedure Invalidate; override;
- procedure RegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink); virtual;
- procedure Resized; virtual;
- procedure UpdateWorkBitmap; virtual;
- procedure UnRegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink); virtual;
- procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override;
- procedure CopyToClipboard; virtual;
- property Align;
- property AutoSize: Boolean read FAutoSize write SetAutoSize;
- property BitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions read FBitmapOptions write FBitmapOptions;
- property DrawStyle: TfcImagerDrawStyle read FDrawStyle write SetDrawStyle;
- property PreProcess: Boolean read FPreProcess write SetPreProcess;
- // property Bitmap: TfcBitmap read FBitmap write SetBitmap;
- property Picture: TPicture read FPicture write SetPicture;
- property RespectPalette: Boolean read GetRespectPalette write SetRespectPalette default True;
- property SmoothStretching: Boolean read GetSmoothStretching write SetSmoothStretching;
- property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent;
- property TransparentColor: TColor read GetTransparentColor write SetTransparentColor;
- property WorkBitmap: TfcBitmap read FWorkBitmap;
- end;
- TfcImager = class(TfcCustomImager)
- published
- { Published declarations }
- property Align;
- property AutoSize;
- // property Bitmap;
- property BitmapOptions;
- property DrawStyle;
- // property EraseBackground;
- property Picture;
- property PreProcess;
- property RespectPalette;
- property SmoothStretching;
- property Transparent;
- property TransparentColor;
- property Visible;
- {$ifdef fcDelphi4Up}
- property Anchors;
- property Constraints;
- property OnEndDock;
- property OnStartDock;
- {$endif}
- property OnClick;
- property OnDblClick;
- property OnDragDrop;
- property OnDragOver;
- property OnEndDrag;
- property OnMouseDown;
- property OnMouseMove;
- property OnMouseUp;
- property OnStartDrag;
- end;
- implementation
- uses clipbrd;
- constructor TfcRotate.Create(BitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FCenterX := -1;
- FCenterY := -1;
- FBitmapOptions := BitmapOptions;
- end;
- procedure TfcRotate.SetCenterX(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FCenterX <> Value then
- begin
- FCenterX := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcRotate.SetCenterY(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FCenterY <> Value then
- begin
- FCenterY := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcRotate.SetAngle(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FAngle <> Value then
- begin
- FAngle := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TfcAlphaBlend.Create(BitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FBitmapOptions := BitmapOptions;
- FBitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- // FBitmap.OnChange := BitmapChanged;
- end;
- destructor TfcAlphaBlend.Destroy;
- begin
- FBitmap.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TfcAlphaBlend.BitmapChanged(Sender: TObject);
- begin
- if FChanging then Exit;
- FChanging := True;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- FChanging := False;
- end;
- function TfcAlphaBlend.GetTransparent: Boolean;
- begin
- result := Bitmap.Transparent;
- end;
- procedure TfcAlphaBlend.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- Bitmap.Transparent := Value;
- end;
- procedure TfcAlphaBlend.SetAmount(Value: Byte);
- begin
- if FAmount <> Value then
- begin
- FAmount := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcAlphaBlend.SetBitmap(Value: TfcBitmap);
- begin
- FBitmap.Assign(Value);
- end;
- constructor TfcWave.Create(BitmapOptions: TfcBitmapOptions);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FBitmapOptions := BitmapOptions;
- end;
- procedure TfcWave.SetXDiv(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FXDiv <> Value then
- begin
- FXDiv := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcWave.SetYDiv(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FYDiv <> Value then
- begin
- FYDiv := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcWave.SetRatio(Value: Integer);
- begin
- if FRatio <> Value then
- begin
- FRatio := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcWave.SetWrap(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FWrap <> Value then
- begin
- FWrap := Value;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- constructor TfcBitmapOptions.Create(AComponent: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FComponent := AComponent;
- FAlphaBlend := TfcAlphaBlend.Create(self);
- FRotation := TfcRotate.Create(self);
- FColor := clNone;
- FTintColor := clNone;
- FSaturation := -1;
- FWave := TfcWave.Create(self);
- end;
- destructor TfcBitmapOptions.Destroy;
- begin
- FAlphaBlend.Free;
- FRotation.Free;
- FWave.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmapOptions.Changed;
- var TmpBitmap: TfcBitmap;
- begin
- if (csLoading in FComponent.ComponentState) or DestBitmap.Empty or ((OrigPicture.Graphic = nil) or OrigPicture.Graphic.Empty) or (FUpdateLock > 0) then Exit;
- if (DestBitmap.Width = OrigPicture.Width) and (DestBitmap.Height = OrigPicture.Height) then
- DestBitmap.Assign(OrigPicture.Graphic)
- else begin
- if Tile then fcTileDraw(OrigPicture.Graphic, DestBitmap.Canvas, Rect(0, 0, DestBitmap.Width, DestBitmap.Height))
- else begin
- TmpBitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- TmpBitmap.Assign(OrigPicture.Graphic);
- TmpBitmap.SmoothStretching := TfcCustomImager(FComponent).SmoothStretching;
- try
- DestBitmap.Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(0, 0, DestBitmap.Width, DestBitmap.Height), TmpBitmap);
- finally
- TmpBitmap.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if FGrayScale then DestBitmap.GrayScale;
- if FLightness <> 0 then DestBitmap.Brightness(FLightness);
- if (FAlphaBlend.Amount <> 0) and not FAlphaBlend.Bitmap.Empty then
- DestBitmap.AlphaBlend(FAlphaBlend.Bitmap, FAlphaBlend.Amount, True);
- if FColor <> clNone then with fcGetColor(ColorToRGB(FColor)) do
- DestBitmap.Colorize(r, g, b);
- if FTintColor <> clNone then with fcGetColor(ColorToRGB(FTintColor)) do
- DestBitmap.ColorTint(r div 2, g div 2, b div 2);
- if FSponge <> 0 then DestBitmap.Sponge(FSponge);
- if FSaturation <> -1 then DestBitmap.Saturation(FSaturation);
- if FGaussianBlur <> 0 then DestBitmap.GaussianBlur(FGaussianBlur);
- if FEmbossed then DestBitmap.Emboss;
- if FInverted then DestBitmap.Invert;
- if FContrast <> 0 then DestBitmap.Contrast(FContrast);
- if FSharpen <> 0 then DestBitmap.Sharpen(FSharpen);
- if FHorizontallyFlipped then DestBitmap.Flip(True);
- if FVerticallyFlipped then DestBitmap.Flip(False);
- with FWave do if (Ratio <> 0) and (XDiv <> 0) and (YDiv <> 0) then
- DestBitmap.Wave(XDiv, YDiv, Ratio, Wrap);
- if FRotation.Angle <> 0 then with Rotation do
- DestBitmap.Rotate(Point(CenterX, CenterY), Angle);
- if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(self);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmapOptions.BeginUpdate;
- begin
- inc(FUpdateLock);
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmapOptions.EndUpdate;
- begin
- if FUpdateLock > 0 then dec(FUpdateLock);
- Changed;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmapOptions.SetColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- if FColor <> Value then
- begin
- FColor := Value;
- Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmapOptions.SetTintColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- if FTintColor <> Value then
- begin
- FTintColor := Value;
- Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcBitmapOptions.SetIntegralProperty(Index: Integer; Value: Integer);
- procedure DoCheck(StorageVar: PInteger);
- begin
- if StorageVar^ <> Value then
- begin
- StorageVar^ := Value;
- Changed;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- case Index of
- 0: DoCheck(@FLightness);
- 1: DoCheck(@FSaturation);
- 2: DoCheck(@FSponge);
- 3: DoCheck(@FGaussianBlur);
- 4: DoCheck(@FContrast);
- 5: DoCheck(@FSharpen);
- end;
- end;
- type PBoolean = ^Boolean;
- procedure TfcBitmapOptions.SetBooleanProperty(Index: Integer; Value: Boolean);
- procedure DoCheck(StorageVar: PBoolean);
- begin
- if StorageVar^ <> Value then
- begin
- StorageVar^ := Value;
- Changed;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- case Index of
- 0: DoCheck(@FEmbossed);
- 1: DoCheck(@FInverted);
- 2: DoCheck(@FGrayScale);
- 3: DoCheck(@FHorizontallyFlipped);
- 4: DoCheck(@FVerticallyFlipped);
- end;
- end;
- constructor TfcCustomImager.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited Create(AOwner);
- // FBitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- // FBitmap.OnChange := BitmapChange;
- FEraseBackground:= True;
- FPicture := TPicture.Create;
- FPicture.OnChange := BitmapChange;
- FWorkBitmap := TfcBitmap.Create;
- FRespectPalette:= True;
- FWorkBitmap.RespectPalette := True;
- FWorkBitmap.UseHalftonePalette:= True;
- FBitmapOptions := TfcBitmapOptions.Create(self);
- FBitmapOptions.OnChange := BitmapOptionsChange;
- FBitmapOptions.DestBitmap := FWorkBitmap;
- FBitmapOptions.OrigPicture := FPicture;
- ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
- FPreProcess := True;
- FChangeLinks := TList.Create;
- Width := 100;
- Height := 100;
- end;
- destructor TfcCustomImager.Destroy;
- begin
- FPicture.Free;
- FPicture:= nil;
- FBitmapOptions.Free;
- FWorkBitmap.Free;
- FChangeLinks.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- function TfcCustomImager.GetDrawRect: TRect;
- begin
- case DrawStyle of
- dsNormal: result := Rect(0, 0, Picture.Width, Picture.Height);
- dsCenter: with Point(Width div 2 - FWorkBitmap.Width div 2,
- Height div 2 - FWorkBitmap.Height div 2) do
- result := Rect(x, y, Width - x, Height - y);
- dsTile, dsStretch: result := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height);
- dsProportional: result := fcProportionalRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), FWorkBitmap.Width, FWorkBitmap.Height);
- end
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetDrawStyle(Value: TfcImagerDrawStyle);
- begin
- if FDrawStyle <> Value then
- begin
- FDrawStyle := Value;
- BitmapOptions.Tile := FDrawStyle = dsTile;
- Resized;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetEraseBackground(Value: Boolean);
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- if FEraseBackground <> Value then
- begin
- FEraseBackground := Value;
- if Parent <> nil then begin
- r:= BoundsRect;
- InvalidateRect(Parent.Handle, @r, True);
- // Parent.Invalidate;
- end
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetParent(Value: TWinControl);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.BitmapOptionsChange(Sender: TObject);
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- if Parent <> nil then
- begin
- r := BoundsRect;
- InvalidateRect(Parent.Handle, @r, Transparent);
- end;
- NotifyChanges;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.NotifyChanges;
- var i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to FChangeLinks.Count - 1 do with TfcChangeLink(FChangeLinks[i]) do
- begin
- Sender := WorkBitmap;
- Change;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.BitmapChange(Sender: TObject);
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- Resized;
- r := BoundsRect;
- if Parent<>nil then { 8/2/99 }
- InvalidateRect(Parent.Handle, @r, True);
- NotifyChanges;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.Resized;
- begin
- // if (not InSetBounds) and EraseBackground and not Transparent and not PictureEmpty and not WorkBitmap.Empty and (Parent <> nil) then
- // SendMessage(Parent.Handle, WM_ERASEBKGND, Canvas.Handle, 0);
- if csLoading in ComponentState then Exit;
- if not PreProcess and not (DrawStyle in [dsNormal, dsCenter]) then
- FWorkBitmap.SetSize(Width, Height)
- else begin
- if BitmapOptions.Rotation.Angle <> 0 then { 10/5/99 }
- FWorkBitmap.SetSize(fcMax(Picture.Width, Picture.Height), fcMax(Picture.Height, Picture.Width))
- else
- FWorkBitmap.SetSize(Picture.Width, Picture.Height)
- end;
- UpdateWorkBitmap;
- UpdateAutoSize;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.UpdateAutoSize;
- begin
- if FAutoSize and not PictureEmpty and not (csLoading in ComponentState) and (Align = alNone) then
- begin
- UpdatingAutosize := True;
- { if DrawStyle = dsProportional then
- begin
- with fcProportionalRect(Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height) do
- if (Width <> Right - Left) or (Height <> Bottom - Top) then
- SetBounds(self.Left, self.Top, self.Left + (Right - Left), self.Top + (Bottom - Top))
- end else }if (Width <> Picture.Width) or (Height <> Picture.Height) then
- SetBounds(Left, Top, Picture.Width, Picture.Height);
- UpdatingAutosize := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.UpdateWorkBitmap;
- begin
- if not PictureEmpty and not (csLoading in ComponentState) then
- begin
- if FWorkBitmap.Empty then Resized;
- BitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetPicture(Value: TPicture);
- begin
- FPicture.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetPreProcess(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FPreProcess <> Value then
- begin
- FPreProcess := Value;
- Resized;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if not PictureEmpty then Picture.Graphic.Transparent := Value;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetTransparentColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- WorkBitmap.TransparentColor := Value;
- UpdateWorkBitmap;
- Invalidate;
- ColorToString(clNone);
- end;
- function TfcCustomImager.GetRespectPalette;
- begin
- // result := WorkBitmap.RespectPalette;
- result:= FRespectPalette;
- end;
- function TfcCustomImager.GetSmoothStretching: Boolean;
- begin
- result := WorkBitmap.SmoothStretching;
- end;
- function TfcCustomImager.GetTransparent: Boolean;
- begin
- result := False;
- if not PictureEmpty then result := Picture.Graphic.Transparent;
- end;
- function TfcCustomImager.GetTransparentColor: TColor;
- begin
- result := WorkBitmap.TransparentColor;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetAutoSize(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if FAutoSize <> Value then
- begin
- FAutoSize := Value;
- UpdateAutoSize;
- end;
- end;
- {
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetBitmap(Value: TfcBitmap);
- begin
- FBitmap.Assign(Value);
- end;
- }
- function TfcCustomImager.PictureEmpty: Boolean;
- begin
- result := (FPicture=Nil) or (FPicture.Graphic = nil) or (FPicture.Graphic.Empty);
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.Invalidate;
- var r: TRect;
- begin
- if InSetBounds then exit;
- r := BoundsRect;
- if Parent <> nil then InvalidateRect(Parent.Handle, @r, True);
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.RegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink);
- begin
- FChangeLinks.Add(ChangeLink);
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.UnRegisterChanges(ChangeLink: TfcChangeLink);
- begin
- FChangeLinks.Remove(ChangeLink);
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
- var SizeChanged: Boolean;
- OldControlStyle: TControlStyle;
- begin
- SizeChanged := (AWidth <> Width) or (AHeight <> Height);
- if SizeChanged and not UpdatingAutosize then begin
- InSetBounds:= True; { RSW - Don't erase background when resizing }
- { 5/7/99 - Setting parent to opaque so it doesn't clear background.
- This allows imager to not flicker when resizing imager }
- if Parent<>nil then
- begin
- OldControlStyle:= Parent.ControlStyle;
- Parent.ControlStyle:= Parent.ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
- end;
- inherited;
- if Parent<>nil then Parent.ControlStyle:= OldControlStyle;
- if Visible then Update;
- Resized;
- InSetBounds:= False;
- end
- else inherited;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetRespectPalette(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FRespectPalette:= Value;
- WorkBitmap.RespectPalette := Value;
- if value then
- if (BitmapOptions.Color<>clNone) or (BitmapOptions.TintColor<>clNone) then
- WorkBitmap.RespectPalette:= False;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.SetSmoothStretching(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- WorkBitmap.SmoothStretching := Value;
- UpdateWorkBitmap;
- Invalidate;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.Paint;
- begin
- inherited;
- if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit;
- if FWorkBitmap.Empty and not PictureEmpty then
- begin
- UpdateWorkBitmap;
- Exit;
- end;
- if (csDesigning in ComponentState) and FWorkBitmap.Empty then with Canvas do
- begin
- Pen.Style := psDash;
- Pen.Color := clBlack;
- Brush.Color := clWhite;
- Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height);
- Exit;
- end;
- if FWorkBitmap.Empty then Exit;
- try
- with GetDrawRect do
- if PreProcess then
- case DrawStyle of
- dsNormal: Canvas.Draw(Left, Top, FWorkBitmap);
- dsCenter: Canvas.Draw(Left, Top, FWorkBitmap);
- dsTile: FWorkBitmap.TileDraw(Canvas, Rect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom));
- dsStretch: Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom), FWorkBitmap);
- dsProportional: Canvas.StretchDraw(Rect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom), FWorkBitmap);
- end
- else Canvas.Draw(Left, Top, FWorkBitmap);
- finally
- { if Transparent then fcTransparentDraw(Canvas, Rect(0, 0, Width, Height), DrawBitmap, DrawBitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0])
- else Canvas.Draw(0, 0, DrawBitmap);}
- end;
- end;
- (*procedure TfcCustomImager.ParentMessages(var Message: TMessage; var ProcessMessage: Boolean);
- var s: TfcCustomImager;
- begin
- if csDestroying in ComponentState then exit;
- if not PictureEmpty and ((not EraseBackground) or InSetBounds) and
- { not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and} { 4/27/99 - Comment out - RSW }
- (Message.Msg = WM_ERASEBKGND) then//and not (DrawStyle in [dsNormal, dsProportional]) {and (Align = alClient) }then { 3/19/99 - Comment out alClient to prevent flicker of form}
- begin
- with TWMEraseBkGnd(Message) do
- begin
- Result := 1;
- ProcessMessage := False;
- end;
- end
- end;
- *)
- procedure TfcCustomImager.Loaded;
- begin
- inherited;
- UpdateAutoSize;
- FBitmapOptions.Changed;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
- begin
- inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.CopyToClipboard;
- var tempBitmap: TBitmap;
- begin
- tempBitmap:= TBitmap.create;
- WorkBitmap.SaveToBitmap(tempBitmap);
- Clipboard.Assign(tempBitmap);
- tempBitmap.Free;
- end;
- procedure TfcCustomImager.WndProc(var Message: TMessage);
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- (*var Hook: HHOOK = 0;
- function CallWndProc(code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall;
- var p: PCWPStruct;
- begin
- result := CallNextHookEx(Hook, code, wParam, lParam);
- if wParam<>0 then
- begin
- p:= PCWPStruct(lParam);
- if (p.message= WM_ERASEBKGND) {and
- (p.hwnd=MonitorHandle) }then result:= 0;
- end
- end;
- initialization
- // Hook := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, @CallWndProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadID);
- finalization
- // UnhookWindowsHookEx(Hook);
- *)
- end.