资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Microsoft Windows
- // Copyright 1992 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- //
- // File: plasmaob.cxx
- //
- // Contents: Plasma Fractal engine object
- //
- // Classes: CPlasma
- //
- // Functions: StartGraphicsThread
- // Normalize
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ole2.h>
- #include <plasmcid.h>
- #include "plasma.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <strmhelp.h>
- #include <palsize.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #define MAX_RANDOM 50.0
- #define MIN_RANDOM 0
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: StartGraphicsThread
- //
- // Synopsis: Global function used to bootstrap into the GraphicsThread
- // member of the CPlasma class.
- //
- // Arguments: [lpdwParam] - not used
- //
- // History: 4-15-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD StartGraphicsThread(LPDWORD lpdwParam)
- {
- return (((CPlasma *)lpdwParam)->GraphicsThread());
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::QueryInterface
- //
- // Synopsis: standard OLE method
- //
- // Arguments: [riid] - id of desired interface
- // [ppv] - pointer to receive interface
- //
- // Returns: S_OK on success
- // E_NOINTERFACE if the requested interface isn't supported
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- *ppv = NULL;
- if (IsEqualGUID(IID_IFractalEngine, riid))
- {
- *ppv = (IFractalEngine *)this;
- }
- else if (IsEqualGUID(IID_IPersist, riid))
- {
- *ppv = (IPersist *)this;
- }
- else if (IsEqualGUID(IID_IPersistStream, riid))
- {
- *ppv = (IPersistStream *)this;
- }
- else if (IsEqualGUID(IID_IUnknown, riid))
- {
- *ppv = (IUnknown *)(IFractalEngine *)this;
- }
- if (*ppv)
- {
- ((IUnknown *)*ppv)->AddRef();
- return(S_OK);
- }
- return(E_NOINTERFACE);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::AddRef
- //
- // Synopsis: increments the reference count
- //
- // Returns: new reference count
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- return(++_cRef);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Release
- //
- // Synopsis: decrements the reference count
- //
- // Returns: new reference count
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- ULONG cRef = --_cRef;
- if (0 == cRef)
- {
- delete this;
- gcRef--;
- }
- return(cRef);
- }
- // IPersist methods
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::GetClassID
- //
- // Synopsis: returns the object's class ID
- //
- // Arguments: [pclsid] - pointer to recieve the class ID
- //
- // Returns: S_OK
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CPlasma::GetClassID(LPCLSID pclsid)
- {
- memcpy(pclsid, &CLSID_PLASMA, sizeof(GUID));
- return(S_OK);
- }
- // IPersistStream methods
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::IsDirty
- //
- // Synopsis: used to determine if the state of the object has changed
- //
- // Returns: S_OK if it is dirty
- // S_FALSE if it is not dirty
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CPlasma::IsDirty(void)
- {
- if (_fDirty)
- {
- return(S_OK);
- }
- else
- {
- return(S_FALSE);
- }
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Load
- //
- // Synopsis: loads the fractal properties from a stream
- //
- // Arguments: [pStm] - pointer to an IStream interface
- //
- // Returns: S_OK on success
- // E_FAIL on error
- // E_OUTOFMEMORY if there's not enough memory (can't happen here)
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CPlasma::Load(LPSTREAM pStm)
- {
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(_hRunning, 0))
- {
- return(E_FAIL);
- }
- if (FAILED(hr = ReadDouble(pStm, &_dRandomnessFactor, NULL)))
- {
- return(hr);
- }
- _fDirty = FALSE;
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Save
- //
- // Synopsis: saves the fractal properties to a stream
- //
- // Arguments: [pStm] - pointer to an IStream interface
- // [fClearDirty] - TRUE if the dirty flag should be cleared
- //
- // Returns: S_OK on success
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CPlasma::Save(LPSTREAM pStm, BOOL fClearDirty)
- {
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(_hRunning, 0))
- {
- return(E_FAIL);
- }
- if (FAILED(hr = WriteDouble(pStm, _dRandomnessFactor, NULL)))
- {
- return(hr);
- }
- if (fClearDirty)
- {
- _fDirty = FALSE;
- }
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::GetSizeMax
- //
- // Synopsis: used to determine the maximum size of the object's data
- //
- // Arguments: [pcbSize] - pointer to recieve the max size
- //
- // Returns: S_OK
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT CPlasma::GetSizeMax(ULARGE_INTEGER * pcbSize)
- {
- pcbSize->HighPart = 0;
- pcbSize->LowPart = SizeDouble();
- return(S_OK);
- }
- // IFractalEngine methods
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Init
- //
- // Synopsis: Initializes the graph engine and saves a pointer to the
- // IFractalHost interface that WinFract passes in as
- // the engine is initialized.
- //
- // Arguments: [pfh] - pointer to an IFractalHost interface
- //
- // Returns: S_OK
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPlasma::Init(IFractalHost *pfh)
- {
- _pfh = pfh;
- // NOTE that I don't addref this pointer! That would create a circular
- // reference count paradox.
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::SetDefaults
- //
- // Synopsis: initializes the graph engine with its default values
- //
- // Returns: S_OK
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- _dRandomnessFactor = 2.0;
- _fDirty = TRUE;
- SetEvent(_hRestart);
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::SetProperties
- //
- // Synopsis: Displays the graph engine's property dialog box.
- //
- // Arguments: [hwnd] - handle to the parent window
- //
- // Returns: S_OK
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- ShowDialog(ghinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(PROPERTIES), hwnd);
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::GetExtent
- //
- // Synopsis: retrieves the extent of the graph
- //
- // Arguments: [pdLeft] - x value at the left of the graph
- // [pdTop] - y value at the top of the graph
- // [pdRight] - x value at the right of the graph
- // [pdBottom] - y value at the bottom of the graph
- //
- // Returns: S_OK
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double *pdLeft,
- double *pdTop,
- double *pdRight,
- double *pdBottom)
- {
- *pdLeft = -1.0;
- *pdTop = 1.0;
- *pdRight = 1.0;
- *pdBottom = -1.0;
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::SetExtent
- //
- // Synopsis: sets the graph's extent
- //
- // Arguments: [dLeft] - x value at the left of the graph
- // [dTop] - y value at the top of the graph
- // [dRight] - x value at the right of the graph
- // [dBottom] - y value at the bottom of the graph
- //
- // Returns: S_OK - extents set
- // E_FAIL - the graph was running so the extents couldn't be set
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- double dLeft,
- double dTop,
- double dRight,
- double dBottom)
- {
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(_hRunning, 0))
- {
- return(E_FAIL);
- }
- _fDirty = TRUE;
- SetEvent(_hRestart);
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::SetGraphSize
- //
- // Synopsis: Tells the graph engine how big the graph is
- //
- // Arguments: [uWidth] - width of graph (in pixels)
- // [uHeight] - height of graph (in pixels)
- //
- // Returns: S_OK - success
- // E_FAIL - the graph was running or a value was illegal
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- unsigned int uWidth,
- unsigned int uHeight)
- {
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(_hRunning, 0))
- {
- return(E_FAIL);
- }
- if (uWidth == 0 || uHeight == 0)
- {
- return(E_FAIL);
- }
- _uWidth = uWidth;
- _uHeight = uHeight;
- SetEvent(_hRestart);
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Start
- //
- // Synopsis: starts the graph engine
- //
- // Returns: S_OK on success
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- SetEvent(_hRunning);
- return(S_OK);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Stop
- //
- // Synopsis: stops the graph engine
- //
- // Returns: S_OK on success
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- ResetEvent(_hRunning);
- return(S_OK);
- }
- // Methods that aren't part of any interface
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Initialize
- //
- // Synopsis: called by the clas factory to initialize the object
- //
- // Returns: TRUE on success
- // FALSE if the object couldn't be initialized
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CPlasma::Initialize(void)
- {
- _hRestart = CreateEvent(
- TRUE, // must be manually reset
- TRUE, // initially signaled
- NULL);
- if (_hRestart == NULL)
- {
- return(FALSE); // couldn't create an event
- }
- _hRunning = CreateEvent(
- NULL);
- if (_hRunning == NULL)
- {
- return(FALSE);
- }
- _hEngine = CreateThread(
- 0,
- (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) StartGraphicsThread,
- this,
- 0,
- &_dwThreadId);
- if (_hEngine == NULL)
- {
- return(FALSE); // couldn't start the graphics thread
- }
- return(TRUE);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::GraphicsThread
- //
- // Synopsis: main entry point for the engine's graphics thread
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- // Notes: This routine enters into an eternal loop. It will continue
- // looping until the class is destroyed at which point this
- // thread will be simply terminated.
- //
- // Algorithm: Wait for the engine to be started.
- // Clear the graph.
- // Plot the points at the graph's four corners.
- // Divide it into four quadrants and call Subdivide for each.
- // After falling out of the recursion, check to see if the
- // graph has been aborted.
- // If not, notify that the graph has been completed.
- // Loop back around to the beginning.
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DWORD CPlasma::GraphicsThread(void)
- {
- do
- {
- // wait here until someone starts the graphics engine
- WaitForSingleObject(_hRunning, INFINITE);
- // reset the _hRestart event so that we won't immediately fall out
- // of the engine
- ResetEvent(_hRestart);
- // Now begin drawing the graph
- // erase the background
- _pfh->Rect(0, 0, (int) _uWidth - 1, (int) _uHeight - 1, 0);
- // Seed the random number generator
- srand((UINT)GetTickCount());
- // plot the upper corner
- _pfh->Point(0, 0, rand() % (PALETTESIZE -1 ));
- // begin the recursion
- Subdivide(0, 0, (int) _uWidth, (int) _uHeight);
- // We're either done drawing the graph now or we have been restarted
- if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject(_hRestart, 0))
- {
- // Tell our clients that we're finished
- _pfh->DoneDrawingGraph();
- ResetEvent(_hRunning);
- }
- } while (TRUE);
- return(0);
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Normalize
- //
- // Synopsis: Makes sure that the value is within the legal color set.
- //
- // Arguments: [iTemp] - color index value
- //
- // Returns: 0 <= iTemp < (PALETTESIZE - 1)
- //
- // History: 4-28-94 stevebl Created
- //
- // Notes: There are a couple ways this could be achieved, most of them
- // are undesirable.
- //
- // For instance, we could just perform a modulus operation on
- // the value:
- //
- // iTemp = iTemp % (PALETTESIZE - 1)
- //
- // This would have the effect of causing numbers to wrap
- // around (PALETTESIZE - 1 would become 0). This would be bad because
- // in order for the graph to look good we want all the points to
- // transition as smoothley as possible. Doing it this way
- // would cause the graph to have an area where the elevation
- // suddenly changed dramaticaly when it should have been very
- // smooth.
- //
- // Another option would be to just truncate the value:
- //
- // if (iTemp) > PALETTESIZE - 2) iTemp = PALETTESIZE - 2
- //
- // This would cause our graph to have areas where it is
- // artificially flat.
- //
- // Instead, this routine reflects the value back down into a
- // range of values. For every unit the value is over
- // PALETTESIZE - 2, it is made to be that many units under
- // PALETTESIZE - 1. This avoids both sudden elevation changes
- // and flat spots.
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- inline void Normalize(int & iTemp)
- {
- while (iTemp < 0 || iTemp >= PALETTESIZE - 1)
- {
- if (iTemp < 0)
- {
- iTemp = 0 - iTemp;
- }
- else
- {
- iTemp = ((PALETTESIZE - 1) * 2) - (iTemp + 1);
- }
- }
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::Subdivide
- //
- // Synopsis: recurses into a rectangle
- //
- // Arguments: [xl] - left side
- // [yl] - top side
- // [xh] - right side
- // [yh] - bottom side
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- // History: 4-25-94 stevebl Created
- //
- // Notes: Each ittertation is responsible for drawing the
- // points marked X below if the haven't already been drawn.
- // The O's are points drawn by previous ittertations.
- // The .'s represent points to be drawn by future itterations.
- //
- // O . . . . . X . . . . . O
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // X . . . . . X . . . . . X
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- // O . . . . . X . . . . . O
- //
- // Once the routine has plotted its points, it divides
- // the graph into quarters and calls itself
- // for each quarter.
- //
- // Since the graph is erased to color 0 before itterations are
- // begun, testing if a point has already been plotted is simple:
- // if the point contians color 0 then it hasn't been plotted yet.
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CPlasma::Subdivide(int xl, int yl, int xh, int yh)
- {
- if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == WaitForSingleObject(_hRestart, 0))
- {
- WaitForSingleObject(_hRunning, INFINITE);
- // find the midpoints
- int iMidX = (xh + xl) / 2;
- int iMidY = (yh + yl) / 2;
- // find the four corner colors
- unsigned char cTL, cTR, cBL, cBR;
- unsigned uTemp;
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, xl, yl);
- cTL = uTemp - 1;
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, xh % _uWidth, yl);
- cTR = uTemp - 1;
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, xl, yh % _uHeight);
- cBL = uTemp - 1;
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, xh % _uWidth, yh % _uHeight);
- cBR = uTemp - 1;
- int cTM, cLM, cRM, cBM;
- unsigned uSpread = (unsigned)((xh - xl) * _dRandomnessFactor);
- // choose the top point
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, iMidX, yl);
- if (0 == uTemp)
- {
- cTM = (rand() % (uSpread * 2 + 1)) - uSpread;
- cTM += (cTL + cTR) / 2;
- Normalize(cTM);
- _pfh->Point(iMidX, yl, cTM + 1);
- }
- // choose the bottom point
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, iMidX, yh % _uHeight);
- if (0 == uTemp)
- {
- cBM = (rand() % (uSpread * 2 + 1)) - uSpread;
- cBM += (cBL + cBR) / 2;
- Normalize(cBM);
- // Don't need to use yh % _uHeight here because the only
- // way we can get here is if yh < _uHeight.
- _pfh->Point(iMidX, yh, cBM + 1);
- }
- uSpread = (unsigned)((yh - yl) * _dRandomnessFactor);
- // choose the left point
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp,xl, iMidY);
- if (0 == uTemp)
- {
- cLM = (rand() % (uSpread * 2 + 1)) - uSpread;
- cLM += (cTL + cBL) / 2;
- Normalize(cLM);
- _pfh->Point(xl, iMidY, cLM + 1);
- }
- // choose the right point
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, xh % _uWidth, iMidY);
- if (0 == uTemp)
- {
- cRM = (rand() % (uSpread * 2 + 1)) - uSpread;
- cRM += (cTR + cBR) / 2;
- Normalize(cRM);
- // Don't need to use xh % _uWidth here because the only
- // way we can get here is if xh < _uWidth.
- _pfh->Point(xh, iMidY, cRM + 1);
- }
- _pfh->GetPoint(&uTemp, iMidX, iMidY);
- if (0 == uTemp)
- {
- // choose the center point
- uSpread = (unsigned)((sqrt(((float)(xh - xl) * (xh - xl) + (yh - yl) * (yh - yl))) / 2) * _dRandomnessFactor);
- int cC = (rand() % (uSpread * 2 + 1)) - uSpread;
- cC += (cTL + cBR + cTR + cBL) / 4;
- Normalize(cC);
- _pfh->Point(iMidX, iMidY, cC + 1);
- }
- // now recurse
- if (xh - xl > 2 || yh - yl > 2)
- {
- Subdivide(xl, yl, iMidX, iMidY);
- Subdivide(iMidX, yl, xh, iMidY);
- Subdivide(xl, iMidY, iMidX, yh);
- Subdivide(iMidX, iMidY, xh, yh);
- }
- }
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::CPlasma
- //
- // Synopsis: constructor
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CPlasma::CPlasma()
- {
- _uWidth = 160;
- _uHeight = 120;
- _dRandomnessFactor = 2.0;
- _hRestart = _hRunning = _hEngine = NULL;
- _dwThreadId = 0;
- _cRef = 0;
- _pfh = NULL;
- _fDirty = TRUE;
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::~CPlasma
- //
- // Synopsis: destructor
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CPlasma::~CPlasma()
- {
- if (_hRestart)
- {
- CloseHandle(_hRestart);
- }
- if (_hRunning)
- {
- CloseHandle(_hRunning);
- }
- if (_hEngine)
- {
- TerminateThread(_hEngine, 0);
- CloseHandle(_hEngine);
- }
- }
- #define LENGTH 50
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Member: CPlasma::DialogProc
- //
- // Synopsis: Dialog proc for the Properties dialog box
- //
- // Arguments: [hwndDlg] - the dialog's window handle
- // [uMsg] - message
- // [wParam] - first message parameter
- // [lParam] - second message parameter
- //
- // History: 4-23-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL CPlasma::DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- char mbs[LENGTH + 1];
- switch (uMsg)
- {
- sprintf(mbs, "%.13g", _dRandomnessFactor);
- SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDM_RANDOMNESS, mbs);
- return(TRUE);
- case WM_COMMAND:
- switch (LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- case IDOK:
- GetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDM_RANDOMNESS, mbs, LENGTH);
- sscanf(mbs, "%lg", &_dRandomnessFactor);
- if (_dRandomnessFactor < MIN_RANDOM)
- {
- _dRandomnessFactor = MIN_RANDOM;
- }
- if (_dRandomnessFactor > MAX_RANDOM)
- {
- _dRandomnessFactor = MAX_RANDOM;
- }
- _fDirty = TRUE;
- SetEvent(_hRestart);
- EndDialog(hwndDlg, TRUE);
- return(TRUE);
- case IDM_ABOUT:
- {
- if (LoadString(ghinst, IDS_ABOUT_TITLE, szTitle, ABOUT_STRING_LENGTH))
- {
- if (LoadString(ghinst, IDS_ABOUT_TEXT, szText, ABOUT_STRING_LENGTH))
- {
- MessageBox(
- hwndDlg,
- szText,
- szTitle,
- }
- }
- }
- return(TRUE);
- case IDCANCEL:
- EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE);
- return(TRUE);
- default:
- return(FALSE);
- }
- }
- return(FALSE);
- }