资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //**********************************************************************
- // File name: IDS.CPP
- //
- // Implementation file for CDropSource
- //
- // Functions:
- //
- // See IDS.H for class definition
- //
- // Copyright (c) 1992 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //**********************************************************************
- #include "pre.h"
- #include "doc.h"
- #include "site.h"
- #include "dxferobj.h"
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::QueryDrag
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Check to see if Drag operation should be initiated based on the
- // current position of the mouse.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // POINT pt - position of mouse
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // BOOL - TRUE if drag should take place,
- // else FALSE
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // CSimpleSite::GetObjRect SITE.CPP
- // PtInRect Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- BOOL CSimpleDoc::QueryDrag(POINT pt)
- {
- // if pt is within rect of object, then start drag
- if (m_lpSite)
- {
- RECT rect;
- m_lpSite->GetObjRect(&rect);
- return ( PtInRect(&rect, pt) ? TRUE : FALSE );
- }
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CSimpleDoc::DoDragDrop
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Actually perform a drag/drop operation with the current
- // selection in the source document.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // none.
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // DWORD - returns the result effect of the
- // drag/drop operation:
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // CDataXferObj::Create DXFEROBJ.CPP
- // CDataXferObj::QueryInterface DXFEROBJ.CPP
- // CDataXferObj::Release DXFEROBJ.CPP
- // DoDragDrop OLE API
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- DWORD CSimpleDoc::DoDragDrop (void)
- {
- DWORD dwEffect = 0;
- OutputDebugString("In CSimpleDoc::DoDragDroprn");
- // Create a data transfer object by cloning the existing OLE object
- CDataXferObj FAR* pDataXferObj = CDataXferObj::Create(m_lpSite,NULL);
- if (! pDataXferObj) {
- MessageBox(NULL,"Out-of-memory","SimpDnD",MB_SYSTEMMODAL|MB_ICONHAND);
- }
- // initially obj is created with 0 refcnt. this QI will make it go to 1.
- pDataXferObj->QueryInterface(IID_IDataObject, (LPVOID FAR*)&lpDataObj);
- assert(lpDataObj);
- m_fLocalDrop = FALSE;
- m_fLocalDrag = TRUE;
- ::DoDragDrop ( lpDataObj,
- &m_DropSource,
- DROPEFFECT_COPY, // we only allow copy
- &dwEffect
- );
- m_fLocalDrag = FALSE;
- /* if after the Drag/Drop modal (mouse capture) loop is finished
- ** and a drag MOVE operation was performed, then we must delete
- ** the selection that was dragged.
- */
- if ( (dwEffect & DROPEFFECT_MOVE) != 0 ) {
- // ... delete source object here (we do NOT support MOVE)
- }
- pDataXferObj->Release(); // this should destroy the DataXferObj
- return dwEffect;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CDropSource::QueryInterface
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Return a pointer to a requested interface
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // REFIID riid - ID of interface to be returned
- // LPVOID FAR* ppvObj - Location to return the interface
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // S_OK - Interface supported
- // E_NOINTERFACE - Interface NOT supported
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- // CSimpleDoc::QueryInterface DOC.CPP
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP CDropSource::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj)
- {
- OutputDebugString("In IDS::QueryInterfacern");
- // delegate to the document
- return m_pDoc->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CDropSource::AddRef
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Increments the reference count on this interface
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // The current reference count on this interface.
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // CSimpleObj::AddReff OBJ.CPP
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // This function adds one to the ref count of the interface,
- // and calls then calls CSimpleDoc to increment its ref.
- // count.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDropSource::AddRef()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In IDS::AddRefrn");
- // increment the interface reference count (for debugging only)
- ++m_nCount;
- // delegate to the document Object
- return m_pDoc->AddRef();
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CDropSource::Release
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Decrements the reference count on this interface
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // None
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // The current reference count on this interface.
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // CSimpleObj::Release OBJ.CPP
- // OutputDebugString Windows API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- // This function subtracts one from the ref count of the interface,
- // and calls then calls CSimpleDoc to decrement its ref.
- // count.
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CDropSource::Release()
- {
- OutputDebugString("In IDS::Releasern");
- // decrement the interface reference count (for debugging only)
- --m_nCount;
- // delegate to the document object
- return m_pDoc->Release();
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CDropSource::QueryContinueDrag
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Called to determine if a drop should take place or be canceled.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // BOOL fEscapePressed - TRUE if ESCAPE key has been pressed
- // DWORD grfKeyState - key state
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL - drag operation should be canceled
- // DRAGDROP_S_DROP - drop operation should be performed
- // S_OK - dragging should continue
- //
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OLE API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP CDropSource::QueryContinueDrag (
- BOOL fEscapePressed,
- DWORD grfKeyState
- )
- {
- if (fEscapePressed)
- else if (!(grfKeyState & MK_LBUTTON))
- else
- return NOERROR;
- }
- //**********************************************************************
- //
- // CDropSource::GiveFeedback
- //
- // Purpose:
- //
- // Called to set cursor feedback
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // DWORD dwEffect - drop operation to give feedback for
- //
- // Return Value:
- //
- // DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS - tells OLE to use standard cursors
- //
- // Function Calls:
- // Function Location
- //
- // OLE API
- //
- // Comments:
- //
- //********************************************************************
- STDMETHODIMP CDropSource::GiveFeedback (DWORD dwEffect)
- {
- }