资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Microsoft Windows
- // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
- //
- // File: bitmaps.cxx
- //
- // Contents: bitmap helper functions
- //
- // Classes:
- //
- // Functions: DDBChangeColor
- // LoadAndStretch
- //
- // History: 6-24-94 stevebl Created
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <windows.h>
- #include "bitmaps.h"
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: LoadAndStretch
- //
- // Synopsis: Loads a bitmap from our resources, and creates a bitmap
- // "array." The red portions of the bitmap are considered
- // clear. Each resource consists of two bitmaps side by
- // side: an "open folder" and a "closed folder". These
- // bitmaps are turned into 4 bitmaps: two selected, and
- // two unselected bitmaps.
- //
- // Arguments: [hinst] - instance containing the bitmap
- // [hbmpDest] - destination bitmap array
- // [lpszResource] - name of the bitmap resource
- // [cxBitmap] - width to stretch to
- // [cyBitmap] - height to stretch to
- // [crHigh] - color of the highlighted background
- // [crNorm] - color of the normal background
- //
- // Returns: TRUE on success.
- // FALSE on failure.
- //
- // History: 6-24-94 stevebl Stolen and modified from original DFView
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL LoadAndStretch (
- HINSTANCE hinst,
- HBITMAP hbmpDest,
- LPTSTR lpszResource,
- UINT cxBitmap,
- UINT cyBitmap,
- COLORREF crHigh,
- COLORREF crNorm)
- {
- HBITMAP hbmpOld1, hbmpOld2, hbmp;
- BITMAP bm;
- int i;
- HDC hdcDest = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- HDC hdcSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- if (NULL == hdcDest || NULL == hdcSrc)
- {
- DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
- DeleteDC(hdcDest);
- return(FALSE);
- }
- for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- hbmp = LoadBitmap(hinst, lpszResource);
- if (NULL == hbmp)
- {
- DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
- DeleteDC(hdcDest);
- return FALSE;
- }
- DDBChangeColor(hbmp, RGB (255,0,0), ((i == 0) ? crHigh : crNorm));
- GetObject(hbmp, sizeof (bm), &bm);
- hbmpOld1 = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcDest, hbmpDest);
- hbmpOld2 = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcSrc, hbmp);
- SetStretchBltMode(hdcDest, COLORONCOLOR);
- StretchBlt(
- hdcDest,
- i * cxBitmap * 2,
- 0,
- cxBitmap * 2,
- cyBitmap,
- hdcSrc,
- 0,
- 0,
- bm.bmWidth,
- bm.bmHeight,
- SelectObject(hdcDest, hbmpOld1);
- SelectObject(hdcSrc, hbmpOld2);
- DeleteObject(hbmp);
- }
- DeleteDC(hdcSrc);
- DeleteDC(hdcDest);
- return TRUE;
- }
- //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: DDBChangeColor
- //
- // Synopsis: Change a particular color in a bitmap to another color.
- // Strategy is to create a monochrome mask, where each pixel
- // in the source bitmap that matches the color we're converting
- // from is set to white (1), and all other colors to black.
- // We then Blt this mask into the original bitmap, with a ROP
- // code that does:
- //
- // (~Mask&Source) | (~Mask&Pattern)
- //
- // where Pattern is the color we're changing to.
- //
- // In other words, wherever the Mask is 1, we want to put the pattern;
- // wherever the Mask is 0, we want to leave the source alone. By
- // using a Truth Table, you'll find that this ROP code is equivalent
- // to DSPDxax or ROP code 0x00E20746.
- //
- // For info on figuring out ROP codes given a set of boolean ops,
- // check out the Windows 3.0 SDK, Reference Volume 2, chapter 11.
- //
- // Arguments: [hBitmap] - bitmap handle
- // [crFrom] - color to change
- // [crTo] - new color
- //
- // Returns: TRUE on success. FALSE on failur
- //
- // History: 6-24-94 stevebl Stolen from original DFView code
- //
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL DDBChangeColor (HBITMAP hBitmap, COLORREF crFrom, COLORREF crTo)
- {
- register int cx, cy;
- BITMAP bm;
- HDC hdcBmp, hdcMask;
- HBITMAP hbmMask, hbmOld1, hbmOld2;
- HBRUSH hBrush, hbrOld;
- if (!hBitmap)
- return FALSE;
- GetObject (hBitmap, sizeof (bm), &bm);
- cx = bm.bmWidth;
- cy = bm.bmHeight;
- hbmMask = CreateBitmap(cx, cy, 1, 1, NULL);
- hdcMask = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- hdcBmp = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);
- hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(crTo);
- if (!hdcMask || !hdcBmp || !hBrush || !hbmMask)
- {
- DeleteObject(hbmMask);
- DeleteObject(hBrush);
- DeleteDC(hdcMask);
- DeleteDC(hdcBmp);
- return FALSE;
- }
- hbmOld1 = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hdcBmp, hBitmap);
- hbmOld2 = (HBITMAP) SelectObject (hdcMask, hbmMask);
- hbrOld = (HBRUSH) SelectObject (hdcBmp, hBrush);
- SetBkColor(hdcBmp, crFrom);
- BitBlt(hdcMask, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdcBmp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
- SetBkColor(hdcBmp, RGB(255,255,255));
- BitBlt(hdcBmp, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdcMask, 0, 0, DSPDxax);
- SelectObject(hdcBmp, hbrOld);
- SelectObject(hdcBmp, hbmOld1);
- SelectObject(hdcMask, hbmOld2);
- DeleteDC(hdcBmp);
- DeleteDC(hdcMask);
- DeleteObject(hBrush);
- DeleteObject(hbmMask);
- return TRUE;
- }