资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * Cosmo Chapter 23
- *
- * Implementation of Cosmo's class factory.
- *
- * Copyright (c)1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Kraig Brockschmidt, Microsoft
- * Internet : kraigb@microsoft.com
- * Compuserve: >INTERNET:kraigb@microsoft.com
- */
- #include "cosmo.h"
- /*
- * CFigureClassFactory::CFigureClassFactory
- * CFigureClassFactory::~CFigureClassFactory
- *
- * Constructor Parameters:
- * pFR PCCosmoFrame that can create documents.
- */
- CFigureClassFactory::CFigureClassFactory(PCCosmoFrame pFR)
- {
- m_cRef=0L;
- m_pFR=pFR;
- m_fCreated=FALSE;
- return;
- }
- CFigureClassFactory::~CFigureClassFactory(void)
- {
- return;
- }
- /*
- * CFigureClassFactory::QueryInterface
- * CFigureClassFactory::AddRef
- * CFigureClassFactory::Release
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CFigureClassFactory::QueryInterface(REFIID riid
- , PPVOID ppv)
- {
- *ppv=NULL;
- if (IID_IUnknown==riid || IID_IClassFactory==riid)
- *ppv=this;
- if (NULL!=*ppv)
- {
- ((LPUNKNOWN)*ppv)->AddRef();
- return NOERROR;
- }
- return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE);
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CFigureClassFactory::AddRef(void)
- {
- return ++m_cRef;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CFigureClassFactory::Release(void)
- {
- if (0!=--m_cRef)
- return m_cRef;
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * CFigureClassFactory::CreateInstance
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Instantiates a Figure object that supports embedding.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * pUnkOuter LPUNKNOWN to the controlling IUnknown if we are
- * being used in an aggregation.
- * riid REFIID identifying the interface the caller
- * desires to have for the new object.
- * ppvObj PPVOID in which to store the desired
- * interface pointer for the new object.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HRESULT NOERROR if successful, otherwise contains
- * E_NOINTERFACE if we cannot support the requested
- * interface.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CFigureClassFactory::CreateInstance(LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter
- , REFIID riid, PPVOID ppvObj)
- {
- PCCosmoDoc pDoc;
- *ppvObj=NULL;
- //Great idea to protect yourself from multiple creates here.
- if (m_fCreated)
- return ResultFromScode(E_UNEXPECTED);
- m_fCreated=TRUE;
- hr=ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
- //We don't support aggregation
- if (NULL!=pUnkOuter)
- return ResultFromScode(CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION);
- //Try creating a new document, which creates the object.
- pDoc=(PCCosmoDoc)m_pFR->m_pCL->NewDocument(TRUE);
- if (NULL==pDoc)
- {
- //This will cause shutdown; object count will go to zero.
- g_cObj++;
- ObjectDestroyed();
- return hr;
- }
- //Insure the document is untitled; get the requested interface.
- pDoc->Load(TRUE, NULL);
- pDoc->m_pFigure->FrameSet(m_pFR);
- hr=pDoc->m_pFigure->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj);
- //Closing the document will destroy the objec, cause shutdown.
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- m_pFR->m_pCL->CloseDocument(pDoc);
- return hr;
- }
- return NOERROR;
- }
- /*
- * CFigureClassFactory::LockServer
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Increments or decrements the lock count of the serving
- * IClassFactory object. When the number of locks goes to
- * zero and the number of objects is zero, we shut down the
- * application.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * fLock BOOL specifying whether to increment or
- * decrement the lock count.
- *
- * Return Value:
- */
- STDMETHODIMP CFigureClassFactory::LockServer(BOOL fLock)
- {
- if (fLock)
- g_cLock++;
- else
- {
- g_cLock--;
- g_cObj++;
- ObjectDestroyed();
- }
- return NOERROR;
- }