资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * INIT.C
- *
- * Application (not OLE) specific initialization code.
- * FApplicationInit
- * FFileInit
- * HLoadAppStrings
- * HListParse
- * PszWhiteSpaceScan
- *
- * FApplicationInit makes some calls into OLEINST.C and OLEINIT.C
- *
- * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp. 1992-1994 All Rights Reserved
- * Win32 version, January 1994
- */
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ole.h>
- #include "cosmo.h"
- #include "oleinst.h"
- #include "oleglobl.h"
- /*
- * FApplicationInit
- *
- * Purpose:
- * All application specific initialization including loading
- * the stringtable, registering window classes, and calling any
- * OLE specific initialziation code.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * pGlob LPGLOBALS to global variable block.
- * hPrevInst HINSTANCE to the previous application instance, if any.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * BOOL TRUE if everything succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
- * If FALSE is returned, allocated memory and objects
- * are not necessarily freed. The caller should then
- * use the FApplicationExit function to perform cleanup.
- */
- BOOL WINAPI FApplicationInit(LPGLOBALS pGlob, HINSTANCE hPrevInst)
- {
- HLOCAL hMem;
- LPSTR FAR * ppszCmds;
- LPSTR FAR * ppszT;
- //Make sure this is NULLed in case we fail
- pOLE->pSvr=NULL;
- #endif
- /*
- * InitApp allocates local memory for strings. WinMain must free.
- * If this fails, we should quit BEFORE we register any classes
- * or do anything else to suck up USER or GDI resources.
- */
- hMem=HLoadAppStrings(pGlob);
- if (NULL==hMem)
- return FALSE;
- pGlob->hStringMem=hMem;
- //Classes are only registered if hPrevInstance is NULL.
- if (!FClassRegister(pGlob, hPrevInst))
- {
- LocalFree(pGlob->hStringMem);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Register a private clipboard format, same as the class name.
- pGlob->cfCosmo=RegisterClipboardFormat(rgpsz[IDS_CLASSCOSMO]);
- hMem=HListParse(pGlob->pszCmdLine);
- ppszCmds=(LPSTR FAR *)(PSTR)hMem;
- ppszT=ppszCmds;
- /*
- * Scan the command line list for the first thing without a
- * / or - which is out initial file.
- */
- while (*ppszT)
- {
- if ('-'!=**ppszT && '/'!=**ppszT)
- break;
- ppszT++;
- }
- //Copy this filename for later loading during WM_CREATE.
- if (NULL==*ppszT)
- pGlob->szFile[0]=0;
- else
- lstrcpy(pGlob->szFile, *ppszT);
- /*
- * Go do anything that deals with the registration database.
- * Installation could be moved to an installation program
- */
- if (!FRegDBInstall())
- {
- LocalFree(hMem);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Initialize OLE specific data. FOLEInstanceInit affects pGlob->fOLE
- if (FOLEInstanceInit(pOLE, pGlob->hInst, rgpsz[IDS_CLASSCOSMO]
- , ppszCmds, pGlob->nCmdShow))
- {
- //We will open any linked file later in WM_CREATE.
- //Copy the new ShowWindow parameter.
- pGlob->nCmdShow=pOLE->pSvr->nCmdShow;
- }
- else
- fRet=FALSE;
- //Free the command-line string list in hMem.
- LocalFree(hMem);
- return fRet;
- }
- /*
- * FClassRegister
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Registers classes used by the application: "Cosmo" the main
- * window, and "Polyline" the editing window.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * pGlob LPGLOBALS to the global variables block.
- * hPrevInst HINSTANCE of any previous application instance.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * BOOL TRUE if all classes are successfully registered
- * (or if hPrevInstance is non-NULL). FALSE is
- * any registration fails.
- *
- */
- {
- if (hPrevInst)
- return TRUE;
- /*
- * Note that we do not need to unregister classes on a failure
- * since that's part of automatic app cleanup.
- */
- wc.lpfnWndProc = CosmoWndProc;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
- wc.hInstance = pGlob->hInst;
- wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(pGlob->hInst, "Icon");
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE + 1);
- wc.lpszClassName = rgpsz[IDS_CLASSCOSMO];
- if (!RegisterClass(&wc))
- return FALSE;
- wc.lpfnWndProc = PolylineWndProc;
- wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wc.hInstance = pGlob->hInst;
- wc.hIcon = NULL;
- wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_CROSS);
- wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
- wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wc.lpszClassName = rgpsz[IDS_CLASSPOLYLINE];
- if (!RegisterClass(&wc))
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * FFileInit
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Loads a file specified on the command line and sets the polyline
- * window data to reflect the contents of that file. This is set
- * in a different function instead of in FApplicationInit since
- * it depends on the Polyline window being created which has not
- * happened by FApplicationInit time.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * pGlob LPGLOBALS to global variable block.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * BOOL TRUE if everything succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
- *
- */
- {
- /*
- * If there is a file to load, then load it and change the
- * window title. If loading fails, then default to a new
- * untitled document.
- */
- if (0!=pGlob->szFile[0])
- {
- if (!FCosFileRead(pGlob, pGlob->szFile, &pl))
- {
- //If we're in OLE linking mode, return unsuccessful
- if (pGlob->fOLE)
- return FALSE;
- pGlob->szFile[0]=0;
- WindowTitleSet(pGlob->hWnd, rgpsz[IDS_UNTITLED]);
- pGlob->fOpenFile=FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- SendMessage(pGlob->hWndPolyline, PLM_POLYLINESET, TRUE,
- (LONG)(LPSTR)&pl);
- WindowTitleSet(pGlob->hWnd, pGlob->szFile);
- pGlob->fOpenFile=TRUE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * HLoadAppStrings
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Allocates FIXED local memory and reads the applications
- * string resources into that memory. Each string's pointer
- * is available with rgpsz[i] where i is the ID value of the
- * string. The strings must have sequential IDs.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * pGlob LPGLOBALS to global variable block.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HLOCAL Handle to the local memory. NULL if memory could
- * not be allocated.
- */
- {
- HLOCAL hLocalMem;
- char NEAR *pch;
- UINT cchUsed=0;
- UINT cch;
- short i;
- /*
- * Allocate memory and load strings. NOTE! The LPTR style
- * specifies FIXED memory. This should not be a big deal
- * since this is an early allocation into the local heap.
- * But it should be watched if the number of strings becomes
- * large.
- */
- if (hLocalMem==NULL)
- return (HLOCAL)NULL;
- /*
- * This operation is only valid for FIXED memory. Otherwise use
- * LocalLock.
- */
- pch=(char *)hLocalMem;
- /*
- * Load the strings into the memory and retain the specific
- * pointer to that string.
- */
- for (i=0; i<CSTRINGS; i++)
- {
- cch=LoadString(pGlob->hInst, i, (LPSTR)(pch+cchUsed), CCHSTRINGMAX-1);
- rgpsz[i]=(char *)(pch+cchUsed);
- /*
- * One is added to cch to include a NULL. The memory was ZEROINITed
- * on allocation so by skipping a byte we get the NULL.
- */
- cchUsed +=cch+1;
- }
- /*
- * We are assuming that no string is over CCHSTRINGMAX, and therefore
- * we did not use all the allocated memory. Therefore LocalReAlloc
- * will only SHRINK the block, never expand it. So if it fails, we
- * don't care--all the strings are still there, we just wasted some
- * space.
- */
- LocalReAlloc(hLocalMem, cchUsed+1, LPTR);
- return hLocalMem;
- }
- /*
- * HListParse
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Parses any string containing text separated by whitespace into
- * a list of pointers into that string as well as overwriting the
- * whitespace with null terminators. The result is that each
- * pointer in the list points to its own null-terminated string,
- * but those strings are not necessarily contiguous.
- *
- * Since MS-DOS command lines are limited to 128 characters, this
- * function limits the number of arguments to 64 separate strings.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * psz LPSTR to the string to parse.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * HLOCAL Local LMEM_FIXED memory handle containing the
- * list of LPSTRs to the list items. NULL if memory
- * could not be allocated.
- */
- {
- HLOCAL hMem;
- LPSTR FAR *ppsz;
- LPSTR pszT;
- UINT cp;
- //Allocate space for 64 pointers.
- hMem=LocalAlloc(LPTR, 64*sizeof(LPSTR));
- if (NULL==hMem)
- return NULL;
- ppsz=(LPSTR FAR *)(PSTR)hMem;
- cp=0;
- /*
- * For each string, scan for whitespace, save that pointer in
- * ppsz, and null-terminate that string. If it was already
- * null-terminated, then there are no more pieces in the list.
- */
- while (0!=*psz)
- {
- //Skip to beginning of first item.
- psz=PszWhiteSpaceScan(psz, TRUE);
- //If it's a zero, stop here.
- if (0==*psz)
- break;
- //Find the end of this item.
- pszT=PszWhiteSpaceScan(psz, FALSE);
- //Null terminate this string and point to next character.
- if (0!=*pszT)
- *pszT++=0;
- //Save this string pointer.
- *ppsz++=psz;
- cp++;
- //Check our limit of 64.
- if (64 <= cp)
- break;
- //Check next item.
- psz=pszT;
- }
- return hMem;
- }
- /*
- * PszWhiteSpaceScan
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Skips characters in a string until a whitespace or non-whitespace
- * character is seen. Whitespace is defined as n, r, t, or ' '.
- *
- * NOTE: This function is not extremely well suited to localization.
- * It assumes that an existing application seeking to become
- * and OLE server probably already has such a string function
- * available.
- *
- * Parameters:
- * psz LPSTR to string to manipulate
- * fSkip BOOL TRUE if we want to skip whitespace.
- * FALSE if we want to skip anything but whitespace.
- *
- * Return Value:
- * LPSTR Pointer to first character in the string that either
- * non-whitespace (fSkip=TRUE) or whitespace (fSkip=FALSE),
- * which may be the null terminator.
- */
- LPSTR PASCAL PszWhiteSpaceScan(LPSTR psz, BOOL fSkip)
- {
- char ch;
- BOOL fWhite;
- while (ch=*psz)
- {
- fWhite=('n'==ch || 'r'==ch || 't'==ch || ' '==ch);
- //Too bad C doesn't have a logical XOR (^^) operator.
- if ((fSkip && !fWhite) || (!fSkip && fWhite))
- break;
- psz++;
- }
- return psz;
- }