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Visual C++
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // Util.C
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // Copyright 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- //
- // contains routines that we will find useful.
- //
- #include "IPServer.H"
- #include "Globals.H"
- #include "Util.H"
- void * _cdecl operator new(size_t size);
- void _cdecl operator delete(void *ptr);
- // for ASSERT and FAIL
- //
- //=---------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // overloaded new
- //=---------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // for the retail case, we'll just use the win32 Local* heap management
- // routines for speed and size
- //
- // Parameters:
- // size_t - [in] what size do we alloc
- //
- // Output:
- // VOID * - new memoery.
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- void * _cdecl operator new
- (
- size_t size
- )
- {
- return HeapAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, size);
- }
- //=---------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // overloaded delete
- //=---------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // retail case just uses win32 Local* heap mgmt functions
- //
- // Parameters:
- // void * - [in] free me!
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- void _cdecl operator delete ( void *ptr)
- {
- HeapFree(g_hHeap, 0, ptr);
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // MakeWideFromAnsi
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // given a string, make a BSTR out of it.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // LPSTR - [in]
- // BYTE - [in]
- //
- // Output:
- // LPWSTR - needs to be cast to final desired result
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromAnsi
- (
- LPSTR psz,
- BYTE bType
- )
- {
- LPWSTR pwsz;
- int i;
- // arg checking.
- //
- if (!psz)
- return NULL;
- // compute the length of the required BSTR
- //
- i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0);
- if (i <= 0) return NULL;
- // allocate the widestr
- //
- switch (bType) {
- case STR_BSTR:
- // -1 since it'll add it's own space for a NULL terminator
- //
- pwsz = (LPWSTR) SysAllocStringLen(NULL, i - 1);
- break;
- case STR_OLESTR:
- pwsz = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc(i * sizeof(WCHAR));
- break;
- default:
- FAIL("Bogus String Type.");
- }
- if (!pwsz) return NULL;
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, pwsz, i);
- pwsz[i - 1] = 0;
- return pwsz;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // MakeWideStrFromResId
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // given a resource ID, load it, and allocate a wide string for it.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // WORD - [in] resource id.
- // BYTE - [in] type of string desired.
- //
- // Output:
- // LPWSTR - needs to be cast to desired string type.
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromResourceId
- (
- WORD wId,
- BYTE bType
- )
- {
- int i;
- char szTmp[512];
- // load the string from the resources.
- //
- i = LoadString(GetResourceHandle(), wId, szTmp, 512);
- if (!i) return NULL;
- return MakeWideStrFromAnsi(szTmp, bType);
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // MakeWideStrFromWide
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // given a wide string, make a new wide string with it of the given type.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // LPWSTR - [in] current wide str.
- // BYTE - [in] desired type of string.
- //
- // Output:
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- LPWSTR MakeWideStrFromWide
- (
- LPWSTR pwsz,
- BYTE bType
- )
- {
- LPWSTR pwszTmp;
- int i;
- if (!pwsz) return NULL;
- // just copy the string, depending on what type they want.
- //
- switch (bType) {
- case STR_OLESTR:
- i = lstrlenW(pwsz);
- pwszTmp = (LPWSTR)CoTaskMemAlloc((i * sizeof(WCHAR)) + sizeof(WCHAR));
- if (!pwszTmp) return NULL;
- memcpy(pwszTmp, pwsz, (sizeof(WCHAR) * i) + sizeof(WCHAR));
- break;
- case STR_BSTR:
- pwszTmp = (LPWSTR)SysAllocString(pwsz);
- break;
- }
- return pwszTmp;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // StringFromGuidA
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // returns an ANSI string from a CLSID or GUID
- //
- // Parameters:
- // REFIID - [in] clsid to make string out of.
- // LPSTR - [in] buffer in which to place resultant GUID.
- //
- // Output:
- // int - number of chars written out.
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- int StringFromGuidA
- (
- REFIID riid,
- LPSTR pszBuf
- )
- {
- return wsprintf((char *)pszBuf, "{%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", riid.Data1,
- riid.Data2, riid.Data3, riid.Data4[0], riid.Data4[1], riid.Data4[2],
- riid.Data4[3], riid.Data4[4], riid.Data4[5], riid.Data4[6], riid.Data4[7]);
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // RegisterUnknownObject
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // registers a simple CoCreatable object. nothing terribly serious.
- // we add the following information to the registry:
- //
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID> = <ObjectName> Object
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>InprocServer32 = <path to local server>
- //
- // Parameters:
- // LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
- // REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
- //
- // Output:
- // BOOL - FALSE means couldn't register it all
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- BOOL RegisterUnknownObject
- (
- LPCSTR pszObjectName,
- REFCLSID riidObject
- )
- {
- HKEY hk = NULL, hkSub = NULL;
- char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN];
- DWORD dwPathLen, dwDummy;
- char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
- long l;
- // clean out any garbage
- //
- UnregisterUnknownObject(riidObject);
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID> = <ObjectName> Object
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>InprocServer32 = <path to local server>
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>InprocServer32 @ThreadingModel = Apartment
- //
- if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp;
- wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\%s", szGuidStr);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "InprocServer32", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- dwPathLen = GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szScratch, sizeof(szScratch));
- if (!dwPathLen) goto CleanUp;
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, dwPathLen + 1);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, "ThreadingModel", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)"Apartment", sizeof("Apartment"));
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- return TRUE;
- // we are not very happy!
- //
- CleanUp:
- if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk);
- if (hkSub) RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // RegisterAutomationObject
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // given a little bit of information about an automation object, go and put it
- // in the registry.
- // we add the following information in addition to that set up in
- // RegisterUnknownObject:
- //
- //
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> = <ObjectName> Object
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>CLSID = <CLSID>
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>CurVer = <ObjectName>.Object.<VersionNumber>
- //
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> = <ObjectName> Object
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>CLSID = <CLSID>
- //
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>TypeLib = <LibidOfTypeLibrary>
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>ProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>VersionIndependentProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>
- //
- // Parameters:
- // LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
- // LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
- // long - [in] Version Number
- // REFCLSID - [in] LIBID of type library
- // REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
- //
- // Output:
- // BOOL - FALSE means not all of it was registered
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- BOOL RegisterAutomationObject
- (
- LPCSTR pszLibName,
- LPCSTR pszObjectName,
- long lVersion,
- REFCLSID riidLibrary,
- REFCLSID riidObject
- )
- {
- HKEY hk = NULL, hkSub = NULL;
- char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN];
- char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
- long l;
- DWORD dwDummy;
- // first register the simple Unknown stuff.
- //
- if (!RegisterUnknownObject(pszObjectName, riidObject)) return FALSE;
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> = <ObjectName> Object
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>CLSID = <CLSID>
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>CurVer = <ObjectName>.Object.<VersionNumber>
- //
- lstrcpy(szScratch, pszLibName);
- lstrcat(szScratch, ".");
- lstrcat(szScratch, pszObjectName);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0L, "",
- NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch)+1);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CLSID", 0L, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr))
- goto CleanUp;
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0L, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CurVer", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> = <ObjectName> Object
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>CLSID = <CLSID>
- //
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s Object", pszObjectName);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hk, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "CLSID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>ProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber>
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>VersionIndependentProgID = <LibraryName>.<ObjectName>
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCLSID<CLSID>TypeLib = <LibidOfTypeLibrary>
- //
- if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp;
- wsprintf(szScratch, "CLSID\%s", szGuidStr);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch, 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hk, &dwDummy);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "VersionIndependentProgID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "ProgID", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,
- KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szScratch, lstrlen(szScratch) + 1);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "TypeLib", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE,
- NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- if (!StringFromGuidA(riidLibrary, szGuidStr)) goto CleanUp;
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szGuidStr, lstrlen(szGuidStr) + 1);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- return TRUE;
- CleanUp:
- if (hk) RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- if (hk) RegCloseKey(hk);
- return FALSE;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // RegisterControlObject.
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // in addition to writing out automation object information, this function
- // writes out some values specific to a control.
- //
- // What we add here:
- //
- //
- // Parameters:
- // LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
- // LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
- // long - [in] Version Number
- // REFCLSID - [in] LIBID of type library
- // REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
- // DWORD - [in] misc status flags for ctl
- // WORD - [in] toolbox id for control
- //
- // Output:
- // BOOL
- //
- // Notes:
- // - not the most terribly efficient routine.
- //
- BOOL RegisterControlObject
- (
- LPCSTR pszLibName,
- LPCSTR pszObjectName,
- long lVersion,
- REFCLSID riidLibrary,
- REFCLSID riidObject,
- DWORD dwMiscStatus,
- WORD wToolboxBitmapId
- )
- {
- HKEY hk, hkSub = NULL, hkSub2 = NULL;
- char szTmp[MAX_PATH];
- char szGuidStr[GUID_STR_LEN];
- DWORD dwDummy;
- LONG l;
- // first register all the automation information for this sucker.
- //
- if (!RegisterAutomationObject(pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion, riidLibrary, riidObject)) return FALSE;
- // then go and register the control specific stuff.
- //
- StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szGuidStr);
- wsprintf(szTmp, "CLSID\%s", szGuidStr);
- l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szTmp, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
- if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
- // create the control flag.
- //
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "Control", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- // now set up the MiscStatus Bits...
- //
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- hkSub = NULL;
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "MiscStatus", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- szTmp[0] = '0';
- szTmp[1] = ' ';
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, 2);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hkSub, "1", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub2, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szTmp, "%d", dwMiscStatus);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub2, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp) + 1);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub2);
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- // now set up the toolbox bitmap
- //
- GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szTmp, MAX_PATH);
- wsprintf(szGuidStr, ", %d", wToolboxBitmapId);
- lstrcat(szTmp, szGuidStr);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "ToolboxBitmap32", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp) + 1);
- // now set up the version information
- //
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- l = RegCreateKeyEx(hk, "Version", 0, "", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkSub, &dwDummy);
- wsprintf(szTmp, "%ld.0", lVersion);
- l = RegSetValueEx(hkSub, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szTmp, lstrlen(szTmp) + 1);
- CleanUp:
- if (hk)
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- if (hkSub)
- RegCloseKey(hkSub);
- return (l == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // UnregisterUnknownObject
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // cleans up all the stuff that RegisterUnknownObject puts in the
- // registry.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
- //
- // Output:
- // BOOL - FALSE means not all of it was registered
- //
- // Notes:
- // - WARNING: this routine will blow away all other keys under the CLSID
- // for this object. mildly anti-social, but likely not a problem.
- //
- BOOL UnregisterUnknownObject
- (
- REFCLSID riidObject
- )
- {
- char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
- HKEY hk;
- BOOL f;
- long l;
- // delete everybody of the form
- //
- if (!StringFromGuidA(riidObject, szScratch))
- return FALSE;
- if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
- f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szScratch);
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- return f;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // UnregisterAutomationObject
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // unregisters an automation object, including all of it's unknown object
- // information.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // LPCSTR - [in] Library Name
- // LPCSTR - [in] Object Name
- // long - [in] Version Number
- // REFCLSID - [in] CLSID of the object
- //
- // Output:
- // BOOL - FALSE means couldn't get it all unregistered.
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- BOOL UnregisterAutomationObject
- (
- LPCSTR pszLibName,
- LPCSTR pszObjectName,
- long lVersion,
- REFCLSID riidObject
- )
- {
- char szScratch[MAX_PATH];
- BOOL f;
- // first thing -- unregister Unknown information
- //
- f = UnregisterUnknownObject(riidObject);
- if (!f) return FALSE;
- // delete everybody of the form:
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName> [] *
- //
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s", pszLibName, pszObjectName);
- f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch);
- if (!f) return FALSE;
- // delete everybody of the form
- // HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT<LibraryName>.<ObjectName>.<VersionNumber> [] *
- //
- wsprintf(szScratch, "%s.%s.%ld", pszLibName, pszObjectName, lVersion);
- f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szScratch);
- if (!f) return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // UnregisterTypeLibrary
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // blows away the type library keys for a given libid.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // REFCLSID - [in] libid to blow away.
- //
- // Output:
- // BOOL - TRUE OK, FALSE bad.
- //
- // Notes:
- // - WARNING: this function just blows away the entire type library section,
- // including all localized versions of the type library. mildly anti-
- // social, but not killer.
- //
- BOOL UnregisterTypeLibrary
- (
- REFCLSID riidLibrary
- )
- {
- HKEY hk;
- char szScratch[GUID_STR_LEN];
- long l;
- BOOL f;
- // convert the libid into a string.
- //
- if (!StringFromGuidA(riidLibrary, szScratch))
- return FALSE;
- l = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
- if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
- f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szScratch);
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- return f;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // DeleteKeyAndSubKeys
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // delete's a key and all of it's subkeys.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // HKEY - [in] delete the descendant specified
- // LPSTR - [in] i'm the descendant specified
- //
- // Output:
- // BOOL - TRUE OK, FALSE baaaad.
- //
- // Notes:
- // - I don't feel too bad about implementing this recursively, since the
- // depth isn't likely to get all the great.
- // - Despite the win32 docs claiming it does, RegDeleteKey doesn't seem to
- // work with sub-keys under windows 95.
- //
- BOOL DeleteKeyAndSubKeys
- (
- HKEY hkIn,
- LPSTR pszSubKey
- )
- {
- HKEY hk;
- char szTmp[MAX_PATH];
- DWORD dwTmpSize;
- long l;
- BOOL f;
- int x;
- l = RegOpenKeyEx(hkIn, pszSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hk);
- if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE;
- // loop through all subkeys, blowing them away.
- //
- f = TRUE;
- x = 0;
- while (f) {
- dwTmpSize = MAX_PATH;
- l = RegEnumKeyEx(hk, x, szTmp, &dwTmpSize, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- if (l != ERROR_SUCCESS) break;
- f = DeleteKeyAndSubKeys(hk, szTmp);
- x++;
- }
- // there are no subkeys left, [or we'll just generate an error and return FALSE].
- // let's go blow this dude away.
- //
- RegCloseKey(hk);
- l = RegDeleteKey(hkIn, pszSubKey);
- return (l == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // Conversion Routines
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // the following stuff is stuff used for the various conversion routines.
- //
- #define HIMETRIC_PER_INCH 2540
- #define MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(x,ppli) ( (HIMETRIC_PER_INCH*(x) + ((ppli)>>1)) / (ppli) )
- #define MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(x,ppli) ( ((ppli)*(x) + HIMETRIC_PER_INCH/2) / HIMETRIC_PER_INCH )
- static int s_iXppli; // Pixels per logical inch along width
- static int s_iYppli; // Pixels per logical inch along height
- static BYTE s_fGotScreenMetrics; // Are above valid?
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // GetScreenMetrics
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // private function we call to set up various metrics the conversion routines
- // will use.
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- static void GetScreenMetrics
- (
- void
- )
- {
- HDC hDCScreen;
- // we have to critical section this in case two threads are converting
- // things at the same time
- //
- EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
- if (s_fGotScreenMetrics)
- goto Done;
- // we want the metrics for the screen
- //
- hDCScreen = GetDC(NULL);
- ASSERT(hDCScreen, "couldn't get a DC for the screen.");
- s_iXppli = GetDeviceCaps(hDCScreen, LOGPIXELSX);
- s_iYppli = GetDeviceCaps(hDCScreen, LOGPIXELSY);
- ReleaseDC(NULL, hDCScreen);
- s_fGotScreenMetrics = TRUE;
- // we're done with our critical seciton. clean it up
- //
- Done:
- LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // HiMetricToPixel
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // converts from himetric to Pixels.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // const SIZEL * - [in] dudes in himetric
- // SIZEL * - [out] size in pixels.
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- void HiMetricToPixel(const SIZEL * lpSizeInHiMetric, LPSIZEL lpSizeInPix)
- {
- GetScreenMetrics();
- // We got logical HIMETRIC along the display, convert them to pixel units
- //
- lpSizeInPix->cx = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(lpSizeInHiMetric->cx, s_iXppli);
- lpSizeInPix->cy = MAP_LOGHIM_TO_PIX(lpSizeInHiMetric->cy, s_iYppli);
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // PixelToHiMetric
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // converts from pixels to himetric.
- //
- // Parameters:
- // const SIZEL * - [in] size in pixels
- // SIZEL * - [out] size in himetric
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- void PixelToHiMetric(const SIZEL * lpSizeInPix, LPSIZEL lpSizeInHiMetric)
- {
- GetScreenMetrics();
- // We got pixel units, convert them to logical HIMETRIC along the display
- //
- lpSizeInHiMetric->cx = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(lpSizeInPix->cx, s_iXppli);
- lpSizeInHiMetric->cy = MAP_PIX_TO_LOGHIM(lpSizeInPix->cy, s_iYppli);
- }
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // _MakePath
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // little helper routine for RegisterLocalizedTypeLibs and GetResourceHandle.
- // not terrilby efficient or smart, but it's registration code, so we don't
- // really care.
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- void _MakePath
- (
- LPSTR pszFull,
- const char * pszName,
- LPSTR pszOut
- )
- {
- LPSTR psz;
- LPSTR pszLast;
- lstrcpy(pszOut, pszFull);
- psz = pszLast = pszOut;
- while (*psz) {
- if (*psz == '\')
- pszLast = AnsiNext(psz);
- psz = AnsiNext(psz);
- }
- // got the last character, so just go and replace the name.
- //
- lstrcpy(pszLast, pszName);
- }
- // from Globals.C
- //
- extern HINSTANCE g_hInstResources;
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // GetResourceHandle
- //=--------------------------------------------------------------------------=
- // returns the resource handle. we use the host's ambient Locale ID to
- // determine, from a table in the DLL, which satellite DLL to load for
- // localized resources.
- //
- // Output:
- //
- // Notes:
- //
- HINSTANCE GetResourceHandle
- (
- void
- )
- {
- int i;
- char szExtension[5], szTmp[MAX_PATH];
- char szDllName[MAX_PATH], szFinalName[MAX_PATH];
- // crit sect this so that we don't screw anything up.
- //
- EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
- // don't do anything if we don't have to
- //
- if (g_hInstResources || !g_fSatelliteLocalization)
- goto CleanUp;
- // we're going to call GetLocaleInfo to get the abbreviated name for the
- // LCID we've got.
- //
- i = GetLocaleInfo(g_lcidLocale, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, szExtension, sizeof(szExtension));
- if (!i) goto CleanUp;
- // we've got the language extension. go and load the DLL name from the
- // resources and then tack on the extension.
- // please note that all inproc sers -must- have the string resource 1001
- // defined to the base name of the server if they wish to support satellite
- // localization.
- //
- i = LoadString(g_hInstance, 1001, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp));
- ASSERT(i, "This server doesn't have IDS_SERVERBASENAME defined in their resources!");
- if (!i) goto CleanUp;
- // got the basename and the extention. go and combine them, and then add
- // on the .DLL for them.
- //
- wsprintf(szDllName, "%s%s.DLL", szTmp, szExtension);
- // try to load in the DLL
- //
- GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, szTmp, MAX_PATH);
- _MakePath(szTmp, szDllName, szFinalName);
- g_hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
- // if we couldn't find it with the entire LCID, try it with just the primary
- // langid
- //
- if (!g_hInstResources) {
- LPSTR psz;
- LCID lcid;
- i = GetLocaleInfo(lcid, LOCALE_SABBREVLANGNAME, szExtension, sizeof(szExtension));
- if (!i) goto CleanUp;
- // reconstruct the DLL name. the -7 is the length of XXX.DLL. mildly
- // hacky, but it should be fine. there are no DBCS lang identifiers.
- // finally, retry the load
- //
- psz = szFinalName + lstrlen(szFinalName);
- memcpy((LPBYTE)psz - 7, szExtension, 3);
- g_hInstResources = LoadLibrary(szFinalName);
- }
- CleanUp:
- // if we couldn't load the DLL for some reason, then just return the
- // current resource handle, which is good enough.
- //
- if (!g_hInstResources) g_hInstResources = g_hInstance;
- LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection);
- return g_hInstResources;
- }