资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /**********************************************************************
- File: InitMaze.c
- Abstract:
- This module contains drawing routines for MazeLords.
- Contents:
- DelHole() --
- NewHole() --
- DrawRect() --
- NewPlayerDraw() --
- DelPlayerDraw() --
- CheckForPlayers() --
- DrawFoundPlayers() --
- DrawMaze() --
- DrawTopView() --
- DrawPlayers() --
- Revision History:
- ************************************************************************/
- #include "winmaze.h"
- #include "mazproto.h"
- LPPOINT pDraw;
- LPBYTE pType;
- int PointCount;
- /**********************************************************************
- * *
- * FUNCTION: PolyDraw95(HDC, LPPOINT, LPBYTE, int) *
- * *
- * PURPOSE: Draws the points returned from a call to GetPath() *
- * to an HDC *
- * *
- * NOTES: This function is similar to the Windows NT PolyDraw *
- * function, which draws a set of line segments and Bezier *
- * curves. Because PolyDraw is not supported in Windows 95 *
- * this PolyDraw95 function is used instead. *
- * *
- * MODS: Added this function in order to provide support for *
- * Windows 95. *
- * *
- *********************************************************************/
- BOOL PolyDraw95(HDC hdc, // handle of a device context
- CONST LPPOINT lppt, // array of points
- CONST LPBYTE lpbTypes, // line and curve identifiers
- int cCount) // count of points
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<cCount; i++)
- switch (lpbTypes[i]) {
- case PT_MOVETO :
- MoveToEx(hdc, lppt[i].x, lppt[i].y, NULL);
- break;
- case PT_LINETO :
- LineTo(hdc, lppt[i].x, lppt[i].y);
- break;
- case PT_BEZIERTO :
- PolyBezierTo(hdc, &lppt[i], 3);
- i+=2;
- break;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- //
- // convert an offset to an increment to add.
- //
- #define ABS2OFFX(x,y,Facing) (((Facing)&NORTH) ? (x) :
- ((Facing)&SOUTH) ? -(x) :
- ((Facing)&EAST) ? (y) : -(y))
- #define ABS2OFFY(x,y,Facing) (((Facing)&NORTH) ? -(y) :
- ((Facing)&SOUTH) ? (y) :
- ((Facing)&EAST) ? (x) : -(x))
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DelHole()
- Inputs: Pointer to HoleType record to delete
- Outputs: Returns ->next field of deleted record
- Abstract:
- Deletes a record of type HoleType, returns ->next pointer to
- facilitate list maintenance
- ======================================================================*/
- HoleType FAR *DelHole(
- HoleType FAR *h
- )
- {
- HoleType FAR *t;
- HANDLE hMem;
- if (h == NULL) {
- return((HoleType FAR *) NULL);
- }
- else {
- hMem = (HGLOBAL) GlobalHandle(SELECTOROF( h));
- t = h->next;
- GlobalUnlock(hMem);
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- return(t);
- }
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: NewHole()
- Inputs: HoleType element values
- Outputs:Returns a pointer to a new initialized HoleType record
- Abstract:
- No explanation needed
- ======================================================================*/
- HoleType FAR *NewHole(
- int x1,
- int x2,
- HoleType FAR *next
- )
- {
- HoleType FAR *h;
- HANDLE hMem;
- hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,sizeof(HoleType));
- h = (HoleType FAR *) GlobalLock(hMem);
- if (h == (HoleType FAR *) NULL) {
- exit(0);
- }
- h->x[0] = x1;
- h->x[1] = x2;
- h->next = next;
- return(h);
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DrawRect()
- Inputs: Hole List (determining what is visible),
- relative x and y coordinates of wall to draw,
- relative facing of wall to draw
- Outputs: Modifies hole list, returns a pointer to where hole processing
- should resume from
- Abstract:
- DrawRect expects to draw a wall for the coordinate (iRelX,iRelY) relative
- facing bRelDir.
- For clipping, suppose we have
- xr
- |
- p1|---
- | --- xs
- | --- |
- | --- p4
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | --- p3
- | ---
- | ---
- p2|---
- where (p1 to p4) are known endpoints for a panel, and xr and xs are
- vertical clipping lines (fortunately we're restricted to these.
- The new dimensions for p1-p4 are easy to calculate, since, it is a matter
- of similar triangles:
- | ---. p3
- | --- ; .
- | --- ; .
- p2|---..........
- ;
- xs
- We need to recalculate p3, since it is past the clipping boundary. By
- similar triangles, we know (p3.y-p2.y)/(p3.x-p2.x) = (xs.y-p2.y)/(xs.x-p2.x).
- This in turn gives us xs.y = (p3.y-p2.y)*(xs.x-p2.x)/(p3.x-p2.x) + p2.y. This
- can be applied to all four endpoints.
- ======================================================================*/
- HoleType FAR *DrawRect(
- HoleType FAR *htTrav,
- int iRelX,
- int iRelY,
- BYTE bRelDir
- )
- {
- POINT p[4];
- int i,rb;
- int ihLeft,ihRight;
- BOOL bIsLeftSide;
- bIsLeftSide = (iRelX < 0);
- if ((htTrav == NULL)||(htTrav->next == NULL)) {
- return(NULL);
- }
- ihLeft = htTrav->next->x[0];
- ihRight= htTrav->next->x[1];
- if (ihLeft >= ihRight) {
- return(htTrav->next);
- }
- //
- //p1=p[0],p2=p[1],p4=p[2],p3=p[3] from diagram above.
- //
- switch(bRelDir) {
- //
- // Wall furthest away from us
- //
- case NORTH:
- for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
- p[i] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][iRelY+1][i];
- p[i+2] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][iRelY+1][i];
- }
- break;
- //
- // Wall closest to us
- //
- case SOUTH:
- for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
- p[i] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][iRelY][i];
- p[i+2] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][iRelY][i];
- }
- break;
- //
- // West ==> we're working on the left side of the screen
- //
- case WEST:
- for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
- p[i] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][iRelY][i];
- p[i+2] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][iRelY+1][i];
- }
- break;
- //
- // East ==> we're working on the right side of the screen
- //
- case EAST:
- for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
- p[i] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][iRelY+1][i];
- p[i+2] = pPost[iRelX+MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][iRelY][i];
- }
- break;
- }
- //
- // If we can see any of the panel through the hole,
- // go ahead and draw it!
- //
- if ((p[0].x < ihRight)&&(p[2].x > ihLeft)) {
- for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
- //
- // Clip the left side, if needed.
- //
- if (p[i].x < ihLeft ) {
- p[i].y = ((p[i].y-p[i+2].y)*(ihLeft-p[i+2].x)/
- (p[i].x-p[i+2].x)) + p[i+2].y;
- p[i].x = ihLeft;
- }
- //
- // and the right side...
- //
- if (p[3-i].x > ihRight) {
- p[3-i].y = ((p[3-i].y-p[1-i].y)*(ihRight-p[1-i].x)/
- (p[3-i].x-p[1-i].x)) + p[1-i].y;
- p[3-i].x = ihRight;
- }
- }
- //
- // Now we need to add these points into the draw list.
- //
- pType[PointCount]=PT_MOVETO;
- pDraw[PointCount++]=p[0];
- pType[PointCount]=PT_LINETO;
- pDraw[PointCount++]=p[1];
- pType[PointCount]=PT_LINETO;
- pDraw[PointCount++]=p[3];
- pType[PointCount]=PT_LINETO;
- pDraw[PointCount++]=p[2];
- pType[PointCount]=PT_LINETO;
- pDraw[PointCount++]=p[0];
- if (p[0].x == ihLeft) {
- if (p[2].x == ihRight) {
- //
- // If left and right match exactly, delete hole.
- //
- htTrav->next = DelHole(htTrav->next);
- }
- else {
- //
- // if left matches, but right doesn't, set hole to rt,rt
- //
- htTrav->next->x[0] = p[2].x;
- }
- }
- else {
- //
- // if the left doesn't match, at the very least we need
- // to keep the left to the current spot.
- //
- rb = htTrav->next->x[1];
- htTrav->next->x[1] = p[0].x;
- if (p[2].x != rb) {
- //
- // Also, if the right side didn't match up, we need to
- // create a new hole.
- //
- // need to make sure the hole won't get skipped as we
- // continue processing inside to outside...
- //
- if (bIsLeftSide) {
- htTrav->next = NewHole(p[2].x,rb,htTrav->next);
- }
- else {
- htTrav->next->next = NewHole(p[2].x,rb,htTrav->next->next);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return(htTrav);
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: NewPlayerDraw()
- Inputs: PlayerDrawType record element values
- Outputs: Pointer to a new, initialized record of type PlayerDrawType
- Abstract:
- No explanation needed.
- ======================================================================*/
- PlayerDrawType FAR *NewPlayerDraw(
- PlayerType FAR *p,
- LPRECT rDraw,
- LPRECT rClip,
- int iRelx,
- int iRely,
- PlayerDrawType FAR *next
- )
- {
- PlayerDrawType FAR *pdtRet;
- hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,(sizeof(PlayerDrawType)));
- pdtRet = (PlayerDrawType FAR *) GlobalLock(hMem);
- if (pdtRet == NULL) {
- MessageBox((HWND) NULL,GetStringRes(IDS_MALLOCFAIL),"NewPlayerDraw",
- }
- else {
- pdtRet->p = p;
- pdtRet->rDraw = *rDraw;
- pdtRet->rClip = *rClip;
- pdtRet->iRelx = iRelx;
- pdtRet->iRely = iRely;
- pdtRet->next = next;
- }
- return(pdtRet);
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DelPlayerDraw()
- Inputs: Pointer to PlayerDrawType record to delete
- Outputs: Pointer to ->next field value of deleted record
- Abstract:
- returns the ->next field for linked list maintenance
- ======================================================================*/
- PlayerDrawType FAR *DelPlayerDraw(
- PlayerDrawType FAR *pdtP
- )
- {
- PlayerDrawType FAR *pdtRet;
- pdtRet = NULL;
- if (pdtP != NULL) {
- pdtRet = pdtP->next;
- hMem = (HGLOBAL) GlobalHandle(SELECTOROF(pdtP));
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- }
- return(pdtRet);
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: CheckForPlayers()
- Inputs: List of players, holes in view, positions to check
- Outputs:
- Abstract:
- This routine checks for players on a single square, given the relative
- and absolute coordinates of that square. If a player IS on that square,
- then we check the hole we're looking through to see if any of the
- destination rectangle is visible. If it is, we make a note of the player
- by adding them to the pdtTD = 'Players To Draw' list.
- ======================================================================*/
- void CheckForPlayers(
- PlayerDrawType FAR *pdtTD,
- PlayerType FAR *ptObj,
- HoleType FAR *htHole,
- int iRelx,
- int iRely,
- int iAbsx,
- int iAbsy
- )
- {
- PlayerType FAR *ptTrav;
- RECT rDraw,rClip;
- float x,y,z;
- int xSize,ySize;
- POINT pCenter;
- if (htHole == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- GetClientRect(hWndMaze,&rMaze);
- pCenter.x = rMaze.left + (rMaze.right-rMaze.left)/2;
- pCenter.y = rMaze.top + (rMaze.bottom-rMaze.top)/2;
- //
- // Set x/y/z to screen coordinate upper left corner of panel
- //
- x = (float) ((iRelx*PANEL_WIDTH) - PANEL_WIDTH/2);
- y = (float) (-PANEL_HEIGHT/2);
- #if ( _ALPHA_ == 1 )
- z = (float) iRely*PANEL_WIDTH - (PANEL_WIDTH/2);
- #else
- z = (float) (iRely-1)*PANEL_WIDTH;
- #endif
- //
- // Calculate the physical width and depth of a panel placed at the bitmap
- // location, since this is the maximum possible size for a player bitmap.
- // PIC_X and PIC_Y are the pixel values for this.
- //
- xSize = (int) MC_TO_SC(PIC_X,z);
- ySize = (int) MC_TO_SC(PIC_Y,z);
- //
- // Calculate the physical rectangle to contain the player bitmap
- //
- rDraw.left = pCenter.x + (int) MC_TO_SC(x,z);
- rDraw.top = pCenter.y + (int) MC_TO_SC(y,z);
- rDraw.right = rDraw.left + xSize-1;
- rDraw.bottom = rDraw.top + ySize-1;
- //
- // Set the clipping rectangle to the visible screen
- //
- rClip.left = GREATEROF(rDraw.left,0);
- rClip.top = GREATEROF(rDraw.top,0);
- rClip.right = LESSEROF(rDraw.right,rMaze.right);
- rClip.bottom = LESSEROF(rDraw.bottom,rMaze.bottom);
- //
- // Adjust the clipping rectangle's left and right by the hole
- // which we're constrained by (Holes are horizontal coordinates only)
- //
- if (htHole != (HoleType FAR *) -1) {
- rClip.left = GREATEROF(rClip.left,htHole->x[0]);
- rClip.right = LESSEROF(rClip.right,htHole->x[1]);
- }
- //
- // If The whole picture is clipped, don't bother drawing it.
- //
- if (rClip.left >= rClip.right) {
- return;
- }
- ptTrav=ptObj;
- while (ptTrav->next != NULL) {
- ptTrav = ptTrav->next;
- if ((ptTrav->Pos.ix == iAbsx)&&(ptTrav->Pos.iy == iAbsy)) {
- //
- // We need to adjust the drawing coordinates according to this
- // player's picture.
- //
- pdtTD->next = NewPlayerDraw(ptTrav,&rDraw,&rClip,iRelx,iRely,pdtTD->next);
- }
- }
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DrawFoundPlayers()
- Inputs: List of players
- Outputs: modifies rBounds to contain rectangle saying where player is.
- Abstract:
- BUGBUG -- needs abstract
- ======================================================================*/
- void DrawFoundPlayers(
- HDC hDC,
- PlayerDrawType FAR *pdtTrav,
- LPRECT rBounds
- )
- {
- BYTE dBackward,b1,b2;
- dBackward = BACK_TO_ABS(ptSelf.Pos.Facing);
- while (pdtTrav->next != NULL) {
- b1 = BACK;
- b2 = ptSelf.Pos.Facing;
- while (b2 != pdtTrav->next->p->Pos.Facing) {
- b1 = (BYTE) ((b1+1)%4);
- b2 = RIGHT_TO_ABS(b2);
- }
- pdtTrav->next->p->rDrawn = pdtTrav->next->rDraw;
- if (rBounds != NULL) {
- rBounds->left = LESSEROF(rBounds->left,
- GREATEROF(pdtTrav->next->rDraw.left,
- pdtTrav->next->rClip.left));
- rBounds->top = LESSEROF(rBounds->top,
- GREATEROF(pdtTrav->next->rDraw.top,
- pdtTrav->next->rClip.top));
- rBounds->right = GREATEROF(rBounds->right,
- LESSEROF(pdtTrav->next->rDraw.right,
- pdtTrav->next->rClip.right));
- rBounds->bottom = GREATEROF(rBounds->bottom,
- LESSEROF(pdtTrav->next->rDraw.bottom,
- pdtTrav->next->rClip.bottom));
- }
- DrawClippedPic(pdtTrav->next->p->iPicNum,b1,hDC,
- &pdtTrav->next->p->rDrawn,
- &pdtTrav->next->rClip,
- &pdtTrav->next->p->rFrom,
- pdtTrav->next->iRelx,
- pdtTrav->next->iRely);
- pdtTrav->next->p->Drawn = TRUE;
- pdtTrav->next->p->rDrawn.right++;
- pdtTrav->next->p->rDrawn.bottom++;
- pdtTrav->next = DelPlayerDraw(pdtTrav->next);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DrawMaze()
- Inputs: DC, rectangle that needs to be redrawn
- Outputs: none
- Abstract:
- This entrypoint takes care of drawing the 3-d maze. It loops from
- front to back, inside to outside, Checking for panels. It keeps a list
- of all the 'holes' in panels in terms of physical coordinates. For
- instance, if I've found the wall in front of me, but no others, and
- I can see to the left and to the right of the wall, I would have two
- holes in my hole-list. The first would be from the left of the view
- window to the left side of the wall, and the second would be from the
- right side of the wall to the right side of the view window.
- ======================================================================*/
- void DrawMaze(HDC hDC,LPRECT rUpd)
- {
- int i,j,tx,ty,iEndl,iEndr;
- BYTE dLeft,dRight,dForward,dBackward,b1,b2,b3;
- HoleType htLeft,htRight,FAR *htTrav, FAR *htHold;
- BOOL bFound;
- PlayerDrawType pdtToDraw;
- HBRUSH hOldBrush,hWhiteBrush;
- HPEN hOldPen,hWhitePen,hBlackPen;
- if ((rUpd->left >= rUpd->right)||(rUpd->top >= rUpd->bottom)) {
- return;
- }
- hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,10000*sizeof(POINT));
- pDraw = (LPPOINT) GlobalLock(hMem);
- hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,10000*sizeof(BYTE));
- pType = (LPBYTE) GlobalLock(hMem);
- GetClientRect(hWndMaze,&rMaze);
- pdtToDraw.next = NULL;
- //
- // Clear out the space to be drawn into
- //
- hWhiteBrush = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
- hWhitePen = GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN);
- hBlackPen = GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
- hOldBrush = SelectObject(hDC,hWhiteBrush);
- hOldPen = SelectObject(hDC,hWhitePen);
- PointCount = 0;
- dForward = ptSelf.Pos.Facing;
- dBackward = BACK_TO_ABS(ptSelf.Pos.Facing);
- dLeft = LEFT_TO_ABS(ptSelf.Pos.Facing);
- dRight = RIGHT_TO_ABS(ptSelf.Pos.Facing);
- tx = ptSelf.Pos.ix;
- ty = ptSelf.Pos.iy;
- Rectangle(hDC,rUpd->left,rUpd->top,rUpd->right,rUpd->bottom);
- SelectObject(hDC,hOldBrush);
- SelectObject(hDC,hBlackPen);
- //
- // Find the End which lies straight before us, else default
- // it to MAX_DRAW_DIST.
- //
- b2 = bMaze[tx][ty];
- bFound = FALSE;
- for(j=0,ViewEnd=MAX_DRAW_DIST-1;j<MAX_DRAW_DIST;j++) {
- b1 = b2;
- tx = ADJ_X(tx,ptSelf.Pos.Facing);
- ty = ADJ_Y(ty,ptSelf.Pos.Facing);
- b2 = bMaze[tx][ty];
- if ((b1&dForward)||(b2&dBackward)) {
- ViewEnd = j;
- bFound = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- PointCount = 0;
- iEndl = iEndr = (rMaze.right - rMaze.left) / 2;
- //
- // Draw the end rectangle.
- //
- if (bFound) {
- //
- // Only bother with the draw if the end is to be updated
- //
- iEndl = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][ViewEnd+1][0].x;
- iEndr = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][ViewEnd+1][0].x;
- //
- // Left Post
- //
- pDraw[0].x = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][ViewEnd+1][0].x;
- pDraw[0].y = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][ViewEnd+1][0].y;
- pType[0] = PT_MOVETO;
- pDraw[1].x = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][ViewEnd+1][1].x;
- pDraw[1].y = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][ViewEnd+1][1].y;
- pType[1] = PT_LINETO;
- //
- // Right Post
- //
- pDraw[2].x = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][ViewEnd+1][1].x;
- pDraw[2].y = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][ViewEnd+1][1].y;
- pType[2] = PT_LINETO;
- pDraw[3].x = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][ViewEnd+1][0].x;
- pDraw[3].y = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+2][ViewEnd+1][0].y;
- pType[3] = PT_LINETO;
- pDraw[4].x = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][ViewEnd+1][0].x;
- pDraw[4].y = pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1][ViewEnd+1][0].y;
- pType[4] = PT_LINETO;
- PointCount = 5;
- }
- //
- // Make LeftHoles and RightHoles accordingly
- //
- htLeft.next = NewHole(0,iEndl,NULL);
- htRight.next = NewHole(iEndr,rMaze.right-rMaze.left,NULL);
- //
- // For the left side, loop from front to back, right to
- // left, checking the rEAST and rNORTH walls, in that
- // order. Eventually we'll need to put the check for players
- // in between the two. As a wall is found, draw it.
- //
- //
- // j is the relative y-offset into the maze.
- //
- for(j=0;j<MAX_DRAW_DIST;j++) {
- //
- // Check for players/drones directly in front of us,
- // make note of them to draw them later.
- //
- if (j < ViewEnd+1) {
- CheckForPlayers(&pdtToDraw,&ptPlayers,(HoleType FAR *) -1,0,j,
- ptSelf.Pos.ix + ABS2OFFX(0,j,dForward),
- ptSelf.Pos.iy + ABS2OFFY(0,j,dForward));
- CheckForPlayers(&pdtToDraw,&ptDrones,(HoleType FAR *) -1,0,j,
- ptSelf.Pos.ix + ABS2OFFX(0,j,dForward),
- ptSelf.Pos.iy + ABS2OFFY(0,j,dForward));
- }
- //
- // b1 is the square we're in, b2 the square we want to
- // see if there's a wall EAST/WEST between. b3 is the
- // square we want to see if there is a NORTH/SOUTH wall
- // from b2 to. Then we move to b2 and try it again.
- //
- htTrav=&htLeft;
- while((htTrav != (HoleType FAR *) NULL)&&(htTrav->next != (HoleType FAR *)NULL)) {
- // i will loop from the 0th relative column to the far left.
- // This will be done for each and every hole, or even some
- // holes more than once, depending upon how they are filled.
- // set (tx,ty) to spot in our x-pos with relative y j.
- tx = ptSelf.Pos.ix + ABS2OFFX(0,j,dForward);
- ty = ptSelf.Pos.iy + ABS2OFFY(0,j,dForward);
- b2 = bMaze[tx][ty];
- htHold = htTrav->next;
- for (i=0;(i>= -MAX_DRAW_DIST)&&(htTrav != (HoleType FAR *)NULL)&&(htTrav->next != (HoleType FAR *)NULL);i--) {
- //
- // if we're not in the hole yet, continue
- //
- if (htTrav->next->x[1] < pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+i][j+1][0].x) {
- continue;
- }
- //
- // if we're past the outside of the hole, go to next hole.
- //
- if (htTrav->next->x[0] > pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+1+i][j+1][0].x) {
- break;
- }
- //
- // b1, b2, and b3 correspond to the square to the inside of the one
- // we're checking, the square we're checking, and the square
- // forward past the square we're checking.
- //
- b1 = b2;
- //
- // set (tx,ty) one square to the 'left'.
- //
- tx = ADJ_X(tx,dLeft);
- ty = ADJ_Y(ty,dLeft);
- b2 = bMaze[tx][ty];
- b3 = bMaze[ADJ_X(tx,dForward)][ADJ_Y(ty,dForward)];
- if ((b1&dLeft)||(b2&dRight)) {
- htTrav = DrawRect(htTrav,i,j,WEST);
- }
- CheckForPlayers(&pdtToDraw,&ptPlayers,htTrav->next,i-1,j,tx,ty);
- CheckForPlayers(&pdtToDraw,&ptDrones,htTrav->next,i-1,j,tx,ty);
- if ((b2&dForward)||(b3&dBackward)) {
- htTrav = DrawRect(htTrav,i-1,j,NORTH);
- }
- }
- if ((htTrav!= (HoleType FAR *)NULL)&&(htHold == htTrav->next)) {
- htTrav = htTrav->next;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Same as above, except this time for the RIGHT side.
- //
- for(j=0;j<MAX_DRAW_DIST;j++) {
- htTrav=&htRight;
- while((htTrav != (HoleType FAR *)NULL)&&(htTrav->next != (HoleType FAR *)NULL)) {
- tx = ptSelf.Pos.ix + ABS2OFFX(0,j,dForward);
- ty = ptSelf.Pos.iy + ABS2OFFY(0,j,dForward);
- b2 = bMaze[tx][ty];
- htHold = htTrav->next;
- for (i=0;(i<MAX_DRAW_DIST)&&(htTrav != (HoleType FAR *)NULL)&&(htTrav->next != (HoleType FAR *)NULL);i++) {
- //
- // if we're before the hole, continue
- //
- if (htTrav->next->x[0] > pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+i+3][j+1][0].x) {
- continue;
- }
- //
- // if we're outside the hole, go to next hole.
- //
- if (htTrav->next->x[1] < pPost[MAX_DRAW_DIST+i+2][j+1][0].x) {
- break;
- }
- b1 = b2;
- //
- // set (tx,ty) one square to the 'right'.
- //
- tx = ADJ_X(tx,dRight);
- ty = ADJ_Y(ty,dRight);
- b2 = bMaze[tx][ty];
- b3 = bMaze[ADJ_X(tx,dForward)][ADJ_Y(ty,dForward)];
- if ((b1&dRight)||(b2&dLeft)) {
- htTrav = DrawRect(htTrav,i,j,EAST);
- }
- CheckForPlayers(&pdtToDraw,&ptPlayers,htTrav->next,i+1,j,tx,ty);
- CheckForPlayers(&pdtToDraw,&ptDrones,htTrav->next,i+1,j,tx,ty);
- if ((b2&dForward)||(b3&dBackward)) {
- htTrav = DrawRect(htTrav,i+1,j,NORTH);
- }
- }
- if ((htTrav != (HoleType FAR *)NULL)&&(htHold == htTrav->next)) {
- htTrav = htTrav->next;
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Draw the maze itself
- //
- PolyDraw95(hDC,pDraw,pType,PointCount);
- //
- // We were looking for players as we went along. Draw all the ones we
- // found
- //
- DrawFoundPlayers(hDC,&pdtToDraw,rUpd);
- //
- // Clean up.
- //
- htTrav = &htLeft;
- while (htTrav->next != NULL) {
- htTrav->next = DelHole(htTrav->next);
- }
- htTrav = &htRight;
- while (htTrav->next != NULL) {
- htTrav->next = DelHole(htTrav->next);
- }
- DeleteObject(hWhiteBrush);
- DeleteObject(hWhitePen);
- DeleteObject(hBlackPen);
- hMem = (HGLOBAL) GlobalHandle(SELECTOROF(pType));
- GlobalUnlock(hMem);
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- hMem = (HGLOBAL) GlobalHandle(SELECTOROF(pDraw));
- GlobalUnlock(hMem);
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- SelectObject(hDC,hOldPen);
- return;
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DrawTopView()
- Inputs: DC, whether or not it's a total redraw
- Outputs: none
- Abstract:
- This routine takes care of the top maze view window. It draws white
- lines over black and vice versa to get the window drawn in the shortest
- possible time. A triangle is drawn in the middle of the window to
- represent the player and his current facing.
- ======================================================================*/
- void DrawTopView(
- HDC hDC,
- BOOL bRedraw
- )
- {
- int i,j,Step;
- //
- //BUGBUG -- these can be fixed after we have square pens
- //
- // POINT p[5*5*4*2+5];
- // BYTE bType[5*5*4*2+5];
- //[3*5*5*4*2+5];
- LPBYTE bType;
- //[3*5*5*4*2+5];
- int cPoint,iPenWidth;
- int x,y;
- HPEN hBlackPen,hWhitePen,hPenOld;
- HGLOBAL hPMem,hBMem;
- hPMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,(3*5*5*4*2 + 5)*sizeof(POINT));
- p = (LPPOINT) GlobalLock(hPMem);
- hBMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,(3*5*5*4*2 + 5)*sizeof(BYTE));
- bType = (LPBYTE) GlobalLock(hBMem);
- cPoint = 0;
- Step = (rTopView.right - rTopView.left)/5;
- iPenWidth = Step/10+1;
- hBlackPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,iPenWidth,0);
- hWhitePen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,iPenWidth,0x00FFFFFF);
- //
- // First, we need to draw black lines for all the missing lines in
- // the current map
- //
- hPenOld = SelectObject(hDC,hBlackPen);
- for (i =-3;i<=2; i++) {
- for (j= -3; j<=2; j++) {
- if (bRedraw ||
- (!((bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i][ptLastPos.iy + j]&SOUTH)||
- (bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i][ptLastPos.iy + j+1]&NORTH)))
- ) {
- if ((bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j]&SOUTH)||
- (bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j+1]&NORTH)
- ) {
- p[cPoint].x = (i+2)*Step;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- }
- }
- if (bRedraw ||
- (!((bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i][ptLastPos.iy + j]&EAST)||
- (bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i+1][ptLastPos.iy + j]&WEST)))
- ) {
- if ((bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j]&EAST)||
- (bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i+1][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j]&WEST)
- ) {
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+2)*Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- PolyDraw95(hDC,p,bType,cPoint);
- //
- // next, we draw white lines over BLACK lines drawn but no longer
- // needed.
- //
- SelectObject(hDC,hWhitePen);
- cPoint = 0;
- for (i =-3;i<=2; i++) {
- for (j= -3; j<=2; j++) {
- if ((!bRedraw) &&
- ((bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i][ptLastPos.iy + j]&SOUTH)||
- (bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i][ptLastPos.iy + j+1]&NORTH))
- ) {
- if (!((bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j]&SOUTH)||
- (bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j+1]&NORTH))
- ) {
- p[cPoint].x = (i+2)*Step+iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- //
- // We also need to kludge to clean up until we get a square pen.
- //
- p[cPoint].x = (i+2)*Step+iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+2)*Step+iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step+iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step+iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- //
- // End kludge BUGBUG
- //
- }
- }
- if ((!bRedraw) &&
- ((bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i][ptLastPos.iy + j]&EAST)||
- (bMaze[ptLastPos.ix + i+1][ptLastPos.iy + j]&WEST))
- ) {
- if (!((bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j]&EAST)||
- (bMaze[ptSelf.Pos.ix + i+1][ptSelf.Pos.iy + j]&WEST))
- ) {
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+2)*Step+iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- //
- // We also need to kludge to clean up until we get a square pen.
- //
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+2)*Step+iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step+iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+2)*Step+iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- p[cPoint].x = (i+3)*Step+iPenWidth;
- p[cPoint].y = (j+3)*Step-iPenWidth;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- //
- // End kludge BUGBUG
- //
- }
- }
- };
- }
- PolyDraw95(hDC,p,bType,cPoint);
- SelectObject(hDC,hPenOld);
- DeleteObject(hBlackPen);
- DeleteObject(hWhitePen);
- //
- // And drawn an arrow for our ptSelf.Pos.Facing
- //
- x = y = (Step * 10) / 4; // the center
- Step /= 4;
- if (ptLastPos.Facing != ptSelf.Pos.Facing) {
- if (hWhitePen != NULL) {
- DeleteObject(hWhitePen);
- }
- hWhitePen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,0x00FFFFFF);
- hPenOld = SelectObject(hDC,hWhitePen);
- cPoint = 0;
- p[cPoint].x = p[cPoint+4].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = p[cPoint+4].y = y;
- bType[cPoint+4] = PT_LINETO;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- switch (ptLastPos.Facing) {
- case NORTH:
- p[cPoint].x = x+Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y-Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x-Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- case SOUTH:
- p[cPoint].x = x+Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y+Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x-Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- case EAST:
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y+Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x+Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y-Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- case WEST:
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y+Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x-Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y-Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- }
- cPoint++;
- PolyDraw95(hDC,p,bType,cPoint);
- SelectObject(hDC,hPenOld);
- DeleteObject(hWhitePen);
- }
- cPoint = 0;
- p[cPoint].x = p[cPoint+4].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = p[cPoint+4].y = y;
- bType[cPoint+4] = PT_LINETO;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_MOVETO;
- switch (ptSelf.Pos.Facing) {
- case NORTH:
- p[cPoint].x = x+Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y-Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x-Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- case SOUTH:
- p[cPoint].x = x+Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y+Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x-Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- case EAST:
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y+Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x+Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y-Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- case WEST:
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y+Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x-Step;
- p[cPoint].y = y;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- p[cPoint].x = x;
- p[cPoint].y = y-Step;
- bType[cPoint++] = PT_LINETO;
- break;
- }
- cPoint++;
- PolyDraw95(hDC,p,bType,cPoint);
- GlobalUnlock(hBMem);
- GlobalUnlock(hPMem);
- GlobalFree(hBMem);
- GlobalFree(hPMem);
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DrawPlayers()
- Inputs: DC, pointer to list of players, rectangle being updated on scrn
- Outputs: none
- Abstract:
- BUGBUG -- make an abstract for this.
- ======================================================================*/
- void DrawPlayers(
- HDC hDC,
- PlayerType FAR *ptPlyr,
- )
- {
- LPRECT rHld;
- PlayerType FAR *ptTrav;
- if (rUpd == NULL) {
- hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,sizeof(RECT));
- rHld = (LPRECT) GlobalLock(hMem);
- if (rHld == NULL) {
- MessageBox((HWND) NULL,GetStringRes(IDS_RECTALLOCFAIL),"DrawPlayers",MB_APPLMODAL);
- }
- /******
- rHld->right = rMaze.left;
- rHld->left = rMaze.right;
- rHld->top = rMaze.bottom;
- rHld->bottom = rMaze.top;
- ******/
- *rHld = rMaze;
- }
- else {
- rHld = rUpd;
- }
- ptTrav = ptPlyr;
- while (ptTrav->next != NULL) {
- ptTrav = ptTrav->next;
- if (ptTrav->Drawn) {
- rHld->left = LESSEROF(rHld->left,ptTrav->rDrawn.left);
- rHld->right = GREATEROF(rHld->right,ptTrav->rDrawn.right);
- rHld->top = LESSEROF(rHld->top,ptTrav->rDrawn.top);
- rHld->bottom = GREATEROF(rHld->bottom,ptTrav->rDrawn.bottom);
- }
- }
- PostMessage(hWndMaze,WM_COMMAND,IDM_REDRAW,(DWORD) rHld);
- }