资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /***********************************************************************
- File: Drones.c
- Abstract:
- This file contains the functions which are associated with moving and
- drawing drones.
- Contents:
- DeletePlayer() -- Free a record of type PlayerType
- NewPlayer() -- Create & initialize a record of type PlayerType
- RandRange() -- return a random number in a given range
- InitDrones() -- Add/remove drone entries from the list of drones
- MoveDrone() -- Timer callback to change drone positions in data struct
- ************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "winmaze.h"
- #include "mazproto.h"
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: DeletePlayer()
- Inputs: Pointer to record to delete
- Outputs: Returns pointer to next record in list
- Abstract:
- Returns pointer to next element to facilitate maintenance of
- linked lists
- ======================================================================*/
- PlayerType FAR *DeletePlayer(
- PlayerType FAR *ptTrav
- )
- {
- PlayerType FAR *ptHold;
- ptHold = NULL;
- if (ptTrav != NULL) {
- ptHold = ptTrav->next;
- hMem = (HGLOBAL) GlobalHandle(SELECTOROF( ptTrav));
- GlobalUnlock(hMem);
- GlobalFree(hMem);
- }
- return(ptHold);
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: NewPlayer()
- Inputs: Data elements of PlayerType element to be created
- Outputs: Pointer to newly created & initialize PlayerType record
- Abstract:
- Needs no explanation
- ======================================================================*/
- PlayerType FAR *NewPlayer(
- unsigned long ulID, // Unique identifier for this player struct
- DWORD dwPID, // process id of window
- LPSTR cUserName, // Name of the player
- LPSTR cComputerName, // Name of the computer player is on
- int ix, // Maze X- coordinate of player
- int iy, // Maze Y- coordinate of player
- BYTE Facing, // Facing of player in maze
- int iScore, // Points player is reporting
- int iPicNum, // Picture number to use for player
- int iGridNum, // Home grid #
- int iGridxPos, // Home grid x-position (in grid coordinates
- int iGridyPos, // Home grid y-position (in grid coordinates
- PlayerType FAR *next // for linked list maintenance
- )
- {
- PlayerType FAR *ptRet;
- hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,sizeof(PlayerType));
- ptRet = (PlayerType FAR *) GlobalLock(hMem);
- if (ptRet == NULL) {
- MessageBox((HWND) NULL,GetStringRes(IDS_MALLOCFAILABT),"NewPlayer",
- PostMessage(hWndMain,WM_CLOSE,0,0);
- }
- else {
- ptRet->ulID = ulID;
- ptRet->dwPID = dwPID;
- lstrcpy(ptRet->cUserName,cUserName);
- lstrcpy(ptRet->cComputerName,cComputerName);
- ptRet->Pos.ix = ix;
- ptRet->Pos.iy = iy;
- ptRet->Pos.Facing = Facing;
- ptRet->Drawn = FALSE;
- ptRet->iScore = iScore;
- ptRet->iPicNum = iPicNum;
- ptRet->iGridNum = iGridNum;
- ptRet->pGridLoc.x = iGridxPos;
- ptRet->pGridLoc.y = iGridyPos;
- ptRet->next = next;
- }
- return(ptRet);
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: RandRange()
- Inputs: Low, high end of range return value should be in
- Outputs: returns number between iLow and iHigh inclusive
- Abstract:
- Since this is using rand() it is not so random for a new process.
- ======================================================================*/
- int RandRange(
- int iLow,
- int iHigh
- )
- {
- float f;
- f = ((float) rand())/((float) RAND_MAX);
- return((int) (iLow+f*(iHigh - iLow + 1)));
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: InitDrones()
- Inputs: Globals only
- Outputs: none
- Abstract:
- Performs PART of drone initialization whenever # of drones or their
- speed is changed. This will add or delete drones from the drone list,
- as required.
- ======================================================================*/
- void InitDrones(
- )
- {
- int i,iCurNumDrones;
- BYTE b;
- PlayerType FAR *ptTrav;
- char buff[20];
- b = NORTH;
- //
- // If the number of drones has changed, but drones were
- // already active, we need to take a different course of
- // action, ie add or delete drones from active drones,
- // rather than creating completely new ones.
- //
- //
- // Find number of drones currently active.
- //
- iCurNumDrones = 0;
- ptTrav = &ptDrones;
- while (ptTrav->next != NULL) {
- iCurNumDrones++;
- ptTrav = ptTrav->next;
- }
- //
- // read in/ remove the drone bitmaps, as necessary
- //
- if (iNumDrones > 0) {
- AddPic(PIC_DRONE);
- }
- else {
- DelPic(PIC_DRONE);
- }
- //
- // If more drones have been added, we need to create them
- //
- for(i=iCurNumDrones;i<iNumDrones;i++) {
- sprintf(buff,GetStringRes(IDS_FMT_DRONE),i+1);
- ptTrav->next = NewPlayer(i,i,buff,ptSelf.cComputerName,
- b,0,PIC_DRONE,0,0,0,ptTrav->next);
- b = (BYTE) ((b*2 > 0x8) ? 0x1 : b*2);
- }
- //
- // Or, delete drones as needed
- //
- for(i=iNumDrones; i < iCurNumDrones;i++) {
- ptDrones.next = DeletePlayer(ptDrones.next);
- }
- return;
- }
- /*=====================================================================
- Function: MoveDrone()
- Inputs: Ignored except for hWnd, handle to current window
- Outputs:returns success/failure
- Abstract:
- This is a timer callback function which modifies the position of the
- drones in their data structures. After their positions have been changed
- in their record, a message is sent to the 3-d window telling it that
- drones need to be redrawn.
- ======================================================================*/
- HWND hWnd,
- UINT wMsg,
- UINT idTimer,
- DWORD dwTime
- )
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE b1,b2,dForward,dBack,dLeft,dRight;
- BOOL blocked;
- PlayerType FAR *ptTrav;
- PositionType ptPos;
- char cBuff[132];
- LPRECT rUpd;
- HANDLE hMem;
- static DWORD dwCallCount=0;
- dwCallCount++;
- //
- // If we're in demo mode, use this callback to move US!
- //
- if (bDemoMode) {
- x=ptSelf.Pos.ix;
- y=ptSelf.Pos.iy;
- dForward = ptSelf.Pos.Facing;
- dBack = BACK_TO_ABS(dForward);
- dLeft = LEFT_TO_ABS(dForward);
- dRight = RIGHT_TO_ABS(dForward);
- b1 = bMaze[x][y];
- b2 = bMaze[ADJ_X(x,dForward)][ADJ_Y(y,dForward)];
- blocked = FALSE;
- if ((b1&dForward)||(b2&dBack)) {
- blocked = TRUE;
- b2 = bMaze[ADJ_X(x,dRight)][ADJ_Y(y,dRight)];
- if ((b1&dLeft)||(b2&dRight)) {
- b2 = bMaze[ADJ_X(x,dLeft)][ADJ_Y(y,dLeft)];
- if ((b1&dLeft)||(b2&dRight)) {
- x = RIGHT;
- }
- else {
- x = LEFT;
- }
- }
- else {
- x = RIGHT;
- }
- }
- else {
- x = FORWARD;
- }
- y = RandRange(1,11);
- switch (y) {
- case 8:
- x = LEFT;
- break;
- case 9:
- x = RIGHT;
- break;
- case 10:
- x = FORWARD;
- break;
- case 11:
- x = BACK;
- break;
- }
- switch (x) {
- case LEFT:
- PostMessage(hWndMaze,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_LEFT,0);
- break;
- case RIGHT:
- PostMessage(hWndMaze,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_RIGHT,0);
- break;
- case FORWARD:
- PostMessage(hWndMaze,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_UP,0);
- break;
- }
- if ((RandRange(1,3) == 3)&&(!blocked)) {
- PostMessage(hWndMaze,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_SPACE,0);
- }
- }
- hMem = GlobalAlloc(GHND,sizeof(RECT));
- rUpd = (LPRECT) GlobalLock(hMem);
- if (rUpd == NULL) {
- MessageBox((HWND)NULL,GetStringRes(IDS_RECTALLOCFAIL),"MoveDrone",
- PostMessage(hWndMain,WM_CLOSE,0,0);
- }
- rUpd->right = rMaze.left;
- rUpd->left = rMaze.right;
- rUpd->top = rMaze.bottom;
- rUpd->bottom = rMaze.top;
- ptTrav = &ptDrones;
- while ((ptTrav->next != NULL)&&(!GamePaused)) {
- //
- // Only use every 2nd drone move in demo mode
- //
- if (bDemoMode && (dwCallCount % 2)) {
- break;
- }
- ptTrav = ptTrav->next;
- if (ptTrav->Drawn) {
- rUpd->right = (rUpd->right > ptTrav->rDrawn.right) ? rUpd->right : ptTrav->rDrawn.right;
- rUpd->left = (rUpd->left < ptTrav->rDrawn.left) ? rUpd->left : ptTrav->rDrawn.left;
- rUpd->top = (rUpd->top < ptTrav->rDrawn.top) ? rUpd->top : ptTrav->rDrawn.top;
- rUpd->bottom = (rUpd->bottom > ptTrav->rDrawn.bottom) ? rUpd->bottom : ptTrav->rDrawn.bottom;
- ptTrav->Drawn=FALSE;
- }
- x=ptTrav->Pos.ix;
- y=ptTrav->Pos.iy;
- dForward = ptTrav->Pos.Facing;
- dBack = BACK_TO_ABS(dForward);
- dLeft = LEFT_TO_ABS(dForward);
- dRight = RIGHT_TO_ABS(dForward);
- ptPos.ix = x;
- ptPos.iy = y;
- ptPos.Facing = dForward;
- b1 = bMaze[x][y];
- b2 = bMaze[ADJ_X(x,dForward)][ADJ_Y(y,dForward)];
- if ((b1&dForward)||(b2&dBack)) {
- b2 = bMaze[ADJ_X(x,dLeft)][ADJ_Y(y,dLeft)];
- if ((b1&dLeft)||(b2&dRight)) {
- b2 = bMaze[ADJ_X(x,dRight)][ADJ_Y(y,dRight)];
- if ((b1&dRight)||(b2&dLeft)) {
- ptPos.Facing = LEFT_TO_ABS(ptTrav->Pos.Facing);
- }
- else {
- ptPos.Facing = RIGHT_TO_ABS(ptTrav->Pos.Facing);
- }
- }
- else {
- ptPos.Facing = LEFT_TO_ABS(ptTrav->Pos.Facing);
- }
- }
- else {
- if (RandRange(1,10) == 1) {
- ptPos.Facing = LEFT_TO_ABS(ptTrav->Pos.Facing);
- }
- else {
- if (RandRange(1,10) == 1) {
- ptPos.Facing = RIGHT_TO_ABS(ptTrav->Pos.Facing);
- }
- else {
- ptPos.ix = ADJ_X(ptTrav->Pos.ix,dForward);
- ptPos.iy = ADJ_Y(ptTrav->Pos.iy,dForward);
- }
- }
- }
- ptTrav->Pos = ptPos;
- //
- // If the drone has homed in on us, we are dead!
- //
- if ((!InSanctuary(&ptSelf.Pos))&&
- (ptSelf.Pos.ix == ptPos.ix)&&(ptSelf.Pos.iy == ptPos.iy)
- ) {
- sprintf(cBuff,GetStringRes(IDS_FMT_RUNDOWN),ptTrav->cUserName);
- PrintTextLine(cBuff);
- ptSelf.iScore -=(iDroneSpeed) ? 36/iDroneSpeed/iDroneSpeed : 72;
- KillSelf();
- SendNetMessage(0,0,NULL,NP_SCORE);
- iKilledByDrones++;
- break;
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }