资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************/
- /** **/
- /** Microsoft RPC Examples **/
- /** Dictionary Application **/
- /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp. 1992-1996 **/
- /** **/
- /*************************************************************/
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** ***/
- /*** Example dictionary using splay trees: ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "replay.h" // header file generated by MIDL compiler
- #include "dict0.h"
- #include "util0.h"
- #define TAB_STOPS 3
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Declarations (from replay.h) ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*
- typedef struct _Record {
- short key; // RPC "generation"
- [string] char* name; // contributor
- } Record;
- typedef struct _RecordTreeNode RecordTreeNode;
- typedef struct _RecordTreeNode {
- RecordTreeNode *left; // left child pointer
- RecordTreeNode *right; // right child pointer
- Record *item; // pointer to a Record structure
- } RecordTreeNode;
- typedef struct _RDict {
- RecordTreeNode *root; // pointer to the root of a SAT
- long size; // number of records in dictionary
- } RDict;
- // RDict is used for marshalling a complete dictionary.
- typedef enum {
- } VDict_Status;
- typedef struct _DictState {
- short ref_count; // for shared dictionaries
- Record * curr_record; // for global iterators
- } DictState;
- */
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Internal state access methods ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- #define RDICT_CURR_RECORD(dict) (((DictState*)dict->state)->curr_record)
- #define RDICT_REF_COUNT(dict) (((DictState*)dict->state)->ref_count)
- #define RDICT_STATE(dict) (((RDict*)dict)->state)
- static int active_dictionary = 0;
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Generic Dictionary Operations: (From dict0.h) ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*** Dictionary *Dict_New(Cmp_rec*, Splay*, print_rec*) ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*** Dict_Status Dict_Find(Dictionary*, Item*) ***/
- /*** Dict_Status Dict_Next(Dictionary*, Item*) ***/
- /*** Dict_Status Dict_Prev(Dictionary*, Item*) ***/
- /*** Dict_Status Dict_Insert(Dictionary*, Item*) ***/
- /*** Dict_Status Dict_Delete(Dictionary*, Item**) ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*** Item* DICT_CURR_ITEM(Dict*) ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Virtual Dictionary Operations: (From replay.h) ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_New(OUT VDict **) ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Find(IN VDict*, IN OUT Record**) ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Next(IN VDict*, IN OUT Record**) ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Prev(IN VDict*, IN OUT Record**) ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Insert(IN VDict*, IN Record*) ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Delete(IN VDict*, IN OUT Record**) ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Curr_Item(IN VDict*, OUT Record**); ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Curr_Delete(IN VDict*, OUT Record**); ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Curr_Next(IN VDict*, OUT Record**); ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Curr_Prev(IN VDict*, OUT Record**); ***/
- /*** ***/
- /*** VDict_Status VDict_Get_Dict(IN VDict*, OUT RDict**) ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** context rundown routine ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- void __RPC_USER VDict_rundown (VDict v_dict)
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) v_dict;
- short count = --RDICT_REF_COUNT(pdict);
- printf("# of remaining users of context: %dnn",
- RDICT_REF_COUNT(pdict) );
- if (RDICT_REF_COUNT(pdict) <= 0) {
- printf("CLOSING CONTEXTnn");
- // free the splay tree
- RDict_Free_Dict(v_dict);
- // free the dictionary object
- free_state((DictState*) pdict->state);
- MIDL_user_free(v_dict);
- if (count == 0)
- active_dictionary = 0;
- }
- }
- // For now: need to allocate a new item record prior to operation,
- // for all OUT and IN OUT arguments, as the callee stub will free
- // storage allocated for such pointer parameters.
- //
- // Will be fixed by the introduction of [allocate(dont_free)]
- // ACF pointer type and parameter attribute.
- /**************************************************************************
- * VDict_New initializes a new dictionary if (1) a non shared dictionary
- * was requested, or (2) a shared dictionary was requested, but no shared
- * dictionary is currently active. There is at most one shared dictionary
- * at any point in time.
- *
- * BUGBUG: shared dictionaries are *NOT* locked (by semaphore, to
- * serialize access to them. They *should be, though...
- **************************************************************************
- */
- VDict_Status
- VDict_New(
- IN short shared_dict,
- OUT VDict * v_dict
- )
- {
- Dictionary * pdict0;
- static Dictionary * pdict;
- if (!active_dictionary || !shared_dict) {
- // server side dictionary initialization
- pdict0 = Dict_New(comp, tdSplay, printRecord);
- // Initializes RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict0) to
- // "minus infinity" in the order
- ((RDict*)pdict0)->state = allocate_state();
- Init_dict(pdict0);
- *v_dict = (VDict)pdict0;
- if (shared_dict) {
- active_dictionary = 1;
- pdict = pdict0;
- RDICT_REF_COUNT(pdict)++;
- } // else RDICT_REF_COUNT(pdict0) = 0;
- }
- else {
- RDICT_REF_COUNT(pdict)++;
- printf("# of users of shared context: %dnn", RDICT_REF_COUNT(pdict));
- *v_dict = (VDict)pdict;
- }
- return(DICT_SUCCESS);
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Find(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- IN OUT Record ** item
- )
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- status = Dict_Find(pdict, *item);
- if ( (pdict == NULL) || DICT_EMPTY(pdict) ) {
- *item = NULL;
- }
- else {
- *item = DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict);
- *item = ItemDuplicate(*item);
- }
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Next(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- IN OUT Record ** item
- )
- // get successor of *item, and update *item to point to it
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- status = Dict_Next(pdict, *item);
- if ( (pdict == NULL) || DICT_EMPTY(pdict) ) {
- *item = NULL;
- }
- else {
- if (*item == NULL)
- ItemCopy(DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict), RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict));
- *item = DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict);
- }
- *item = ItemDuplicate(*item);
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Prev(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- IN OUT Record ** item
- )
- // get predecessor of *item, and update *item to point to it
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- status = Dict_Prev(pdict, *item);
- if ( (pdict == NULL) || DICT_EMPTY(pdict) ) {
- *item = NULL;
- }
- else {
- if (*item == NULL)
- ItemCopy(DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict), RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict));
- *item = DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict);
- }
- *item = ItemDuplicate(*item);
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Curr_Next(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- OUT Record ** item
- )
- // get successor of RDICT_CURR_RECORD(v_dict),
- // and update *item to point to it (global iterator prev)
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- if ( (pdict == NULL) || DICT_EMPTY(pdict) ) {
- *item = NULL;
- }
- else {
- status = Dict_Next(pdict, RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict));
- ItemCopy(DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict), RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict));
- *item = DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict);
- }
- *item = ItemDuplicate(*item);
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Curr_Prev(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- OUT Record ** item
- )
- // get predecessor of RDICT_CURR_RECORD(v_dict),
- // and update *item to point to it (global iterator prev)
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- if ( (pdict == NULL) || DICT_EMPTY(pdict) ) {
- *item = NULL;
- }
- else {
- // update RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict)
- status = Dict_Prev(pdict, RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict));
- ItemCopy(DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict), RDICT_CURR_RECORD(pdict));
- *item = DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict);
- }
- *item = ItemDuplicate(*item);
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Insert(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- IN Record * item
- )
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- Record * rp = makeRecord(item->key, item->name);
- status = Dict_Insert(pdict, rp); // No return value required.
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Delete(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- IN OUT Record ** item
- )
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- status = Dict_Delete(pdict, (void **)item);
- // (*item) is returned by Dict_Delete!
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Curr_Item(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- OUT Record ** item
- )
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- if ( (pdict == NULL) || DICT_EMPTY(pdict) ) {
- *item = NULL;
- }
- else {
- status = SUCCESS;
- *item = DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict);
- }
- *item = ItemDuplicate(*item);
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Curr_Delete(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- OUT Record ** item
- )
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- Dict_Status status;
- if ( (pdict == NULL) || DICT_EMPTY(pdict) ) {
- *item = NULL;
- }
- else {
- *item = DICT_CURR_ITEM(pdict);
- status = Dict_Delete( pdict, (void **)item );
- }
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_Get_Dict(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- OUT RDict ** r_dict
- )
- // used to transmit the dictionary back to the callee
- // (In this demo program - for printing on the client side)
- {
- Dictionary * pdict = (Dictionary*) (v_dict);
- if (pdict == NULL) {
- }
- else {
- prinTree(0, 3, pdict->root, printRecord);
- *r_dict = RDict_Duplicate((RDict*)pdict);
- // Duplication is done to avoid freeing the tree by
- // the callee stub. This is a temporary fix, until we
- // implement [allocate(dont_free)]!
- return(DICT_SUCCESS);
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Server Utility Functions ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- void
- Init_dict(Dictionary * dp)
- {
- Record* rp;
- rp = makeRecord((short)0, "jack_smith"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)0, "john_doe"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)1, "steve_johnson"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)2, "debbie_jones"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)0, "mike_jacobs"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)2, "bill_jackson"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)0, "jane_doe"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)1, "james_doe"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)1, "jean_doe"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)0, "joana_smith"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)1, "michael_jones"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)0, "dianne_jackson"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- rp = makeRecord((short)0, "jacob_jacobson"); Dict_Insert(dp, rp);
- Dict_Print(dp, TAB_STOPS);
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Play oriented Functions ... ***/
- /*** (used to empty the tree and replace it by a tree of integers ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- VDict_Status
- VDict_X_Dict(
- IN VDict v_dict
- )
- // Empty the dictionary
- {
- RDict * prdict = (RDict*)v_dict;
- if (DICT_EMPTY(prdict))
- RecordTreeNodeFree(prdict->root);
- prdict->root = NULL;
- return(DICT_SUCCESS);
- }
- VDict_Status
- VDict_I_Dict(
- IN VDict v_dict,
- IN short size
- )
- // Insert integers from 3 to a specified upper bound into the tree
- {
- RDict * prdict = (RDict*)v_dict;
- Dict_Status status;
- short i;
- // Insert (<num'>, "") for all num' s.t. 3 < num' < num
- for (i=3; i < size; i++) {
- status = VDict_Insert(prdict,
- makeRecord(i, "<"));
- }
- return( (VDict_Status)status );
- }