资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************/
- /** **/
- /** Microsoft RPC Examples **/
- /** Dictionary Application **/
- /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp. 1992-1996 **/
- /** **/
- /*************************************************************/
- #include <rpc.h>
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** RecordNode / RecordTree free routines ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- void
- RecordTreeNodeFree(
- IN RecordTreeNode * node
- );
- void
- RecordTreeFree(
- IN RecordTreeNode * node
- );
- VDict_Status
- RDict_Free_Dict(
- IN OUT RDict * r_dict
- );
- void
- VDict_Print(
- VDict * pvd,
- int indent
- );
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** State Allocate / Free routines ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- DictState * allocate_state(void);
- void free_state(DictState * state);
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Rdict Duplicate utilities ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- RDict *
- RDict_Duplicate(
- IN RDict * src
- );
- DictState *
- DictState_Duplicate(
- IN DictState * src
- );
- TreeNode *
- TreeNode_Duplicate(
- IN TreeNode * src
- );
- TreeNode *
- Tree_Duplicate(
- IN TreeNode * src
- );
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** MIDL_user_allocate / MIDL_user_free ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t count);
- void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void __RPC_FAR * p);
- /*************************************************************************/
- /*** Comparison and Printing routines ***/
- /*************************************************************************/
- Record *
- makeRecord(
- short key,
- char * name
- );
- void
- freeRecord(
- Record * pr
- );
- Record *
- ItemDuplicate(
- Record * item
- );
- void
- ItemCopy(
- IN Record * src,
- OUT Record * dest
- );
- int comp(void* x, void* y);
- void printRecord(void* rp);
- typedef void (*PrintFun) (void *);
- void prinTree(
- int lmargin,
- int indent,
- TreeNode *np,
- PrintFun print);
- void
- Dict_Print( /* prints the binary tree (indented right subtree,
- followed by the root, followed by the indented
- right dubtree) */
- Dictionary * dp,
- int indent); /* number of spaces to indent subsequent levels */
- TreeNode*
- makeNode(void * item);
- void
- Init_dict(Dictionary * dp);