资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /****************************************************************************
- Microsoft RPC Version 2.0
- Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992, 1993, 1994- 1996
- picklp Example
- FILE: picklpc.c
- USAGE: picklpc -f filename (file to write to/read from)
- -d (serialization direction: decode)
- -e (serialization direction: encode)
- -i (incremental serialization on)
- PURPOSE: The only side of RPC application
- FUNCTIONS: main() - serializes data to or from a file
- COMMENTS: Data procedure serialization is demonstrated here
- ****************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "picklp.h" // header file generated by MIDL compiler
- #define PURPOSE
- "This Microsoft RPC Version 2.0 sample program demonstratesn
- the use of the [encode,decode] attributes. For more informationn
- about the attributes and RPC API functions, see the RPC programmingn
- guide and reference.nn"
- /* Used for incremental style only. */
- void __RPC_USER PicAlloc( void * pState, char ** ppBuf, unsigned int * pCount);
- void __RPC_USER PicWrite( void * pState, char * pBuf, unsigned int Count);
- void __RPC_USER PicRead ( void * pState, char ** pBuf, unsigned int * pCount);
- typedef struct PickleControlBlock
- {
- unsigned char * pMemBuffer;
- unsigned char * pBufferStart;
- unsigned long LastSize;
- } PickleControlBlock;
- static PickleControlBlock UserState;
- static PickleControlBlock * pUserState = &UserState;
- void Usage(char * pszProgramName)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", PURPOSE);
- fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %sn", pszProgramName);
- fprintf(stderr, " -dn");
- fprintf(stderr, " -en");
- fprintf(stderr, " -ffilenamen");
- fprintf(stderr, " -i n");
- exit(1);
- }
- void DumpData(
- char * pszComment,
- char * pszText,
- OBJECT1 * pObject1,
- OBJECT2 * pObject2 )
- {
- int i;
- printf( "n%sn", pszComment );
- printf( "tStringntt%sn", pszText );
- printf( "tObject1");
- for (i=0; i < ARR_SIZE; i++)
- {
- if ( (i % 5) == 0 )
- printf( "ntt");
- printf( "%08xl ", pObject1->al[i] );
- }
- printf( "ntt%xn", pObject1->s );
- printf( "tObject2");
- printf( "ntt%x", pObject2->sSize );
- for (i=0; i < ARR_SIZE; i++)
- {
- if ( (i % 10) == 0 )
- printf( "ntt");
- printf( "%04x ", pObject2->as[i] );
- }
- printf( "n" );
- }
- void WriteDataToFile(
- char * pszFileName,
- char * pbBuffer,
- unsigned long ulSizeToWrite )
- {
- FILE * pFile;
- size_t Count;
- if ( pszFileName ) {
- pFile = fopen( pszFileName, "w+b" );
- if ( pFile == NULL ) {
- printf("Cannot open the file for writingn");
- exit(1);
- }
- Count = sizeof(long);
- if ( fwrite( &ulSizeToWrite, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
- printf("Cannot write1 to the filen");
- exit(1);
- }
- Count = (size_t) ulSizeToWrite;
- if ( fwrite( pbBuffer, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
- printf("Cannot write2 to the filen");
- exit(1);
- }
- if ( fclose( pFile ) != 0) {
- printf("Failed to close the filen");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- void ReadDataFromFile(
- char * pszFileName,
- char * pbBuffer,
- unsigned long ulBufferSize )
- {
- FILE * pFile;
- size_t Count;
- unsigned long ulWrittenSize;
- if ( pszFileName ) {
- pFile = fopen( pszFileName, "r+b" );
- if ( pFile == NULL ) {
- printf("Cannot open the file for readingn");
- exit(1);
- }
- Count = sizeof(long);
- if ( fread( &ulWrittenSize, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
- printf("Cannot read1 from the filen");
- exit(1);
- }
- Count = (size_t)ulWrittenSize;
- if ( fread( pbBuffer, sizeof(byte), Count, pFile) != Count ) {
- printf("Cannot read2 from the filen");
- exit(1);
- }
- if ( fclose( pFile ) != 0) {
- printf("Failed to close the filen");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- void _CRTAPI1 main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- RPC_STATUS status;
- unsigned char * pbPicklingBuffer = NULL;
- char * pszStyle = NULL;
- char * pszFileName = "pickle.dat";
- int i;
- int fEncode = 1;
- int fFixedStyle = 1;
- /* allow the user to override settings with command line switches */
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- if ((*argv[i] == '-') || (*argv[i] == '/')) {
- switch (tolower(*(argv[i]+1))) {
- case 'd':
- fEncode = 0;
- break;
- case 'e':
- fEncode = 1;
- break;
- case 'i':
- fFixedStyle = 0;
- break;
- case 'f':
- pszFileName = argv[i] + 2;
- break;
- case 'h':
- case '?':
- default:
- Usage(argv[0]);
- }
- }
- else
- Usage(argv[0]);
- }
- /* Fixed buffer style: the buffer should be big enough. */
- /* Please note that the buffer has to be aligned at 8. */
- pbPicklingBuffer = (unsigned char *)
- midl_user_allocate( BUFSIZE * sizeof(unsigned char));
- if ( pbPicklingBuffer == NULL ) {
- printf("Cannot allocate the pickling buffern");
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- memset( pbPicklingBuffer, 0xdd, BUFSIZE );
- /*
- Set the pickling handle that will be used for data serialization.
- The global ImplicitPicHandle is used, but it has to be set up.
- */
- if ( fEncode ) {
- unsigned char * pszNameId;
- OBJECT1 Object1;
- OBJECT2 * pObject2;
- unsigned long ulEncodedSize = 0;
- printf("nEncoding run: use -d for decodingnn");
- if ( fFixedStyle ) {
- printf("Creating a fixed buffer encoding handlen");
- status = MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate( pbPicklingBuffer,
- & ulEncodedSize,
- & ImplicitPicHandle );
- printf("MesEncodeFixedBufferHandleCreate returned 0x%xn", status);
- if (status) {
- exit(status);
- }
- }
- else {
- pUserState->LastSize = 0;
- pUserState->pMemBuffer = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
- pUserState->pBufferStart = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
- printf("Creating an incremental encoding handlen");
- status = MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate( pUserState,
- PicAlloc,
- PicWrite,
- & ImplicitPicHandle );
- printf("MesEncodeIncrementalHandleCreate returned 0x%xn", status);
- if (status) {
- exit(status);
- }
- }
- /* Creating objects to manipulate */
- pszNameId = "Procedure pickling sample";
- for (i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE; i++)
- Object1.al[i] = 0x37370000 + i;
- Object1.s = 0x4646;
- pObject2 = midl_user_allocate( sizeof(OBJECT2) + ARR_SIZE*sizeof(short) );
- if (pObject2 == NULL ) {
- printf("Out of memory for Object2n");
- exit(1);
- }
- pObject2->sSize = ARR_SIZE;
- for (i = 0; i < ARR_SIZE; i++)
- pObject2->as[i] = 0x7700 + i;
- DumpData( "Data to be encoded", pszNameId, &Object1, pObject2 );
- printf("nEncoding all the arguments to the buffernn");
- ProcPickle( pszNameId, & Object1, pObject2 );
- printf("Writing the data to the file: %sn", pszFileName);
- WriteDataToFile( pszFileName,
- pbPicklingBuffer,
- fFixedStyle ? ulEncodedSize
- : pUserState->LastSize);
- midl_user_free( pObject2 );
- }
- else {
- char acNameBuffer[50];
- OBJECT1 Object1;
- OBJECT2 * pObject2;
- printf("nDecoding run: use -e for encodingnn");
- printf("Reading the data from the file: %snn", pszFileName );
- ReadDataFromFile( pszFileName,
- pbPicklingBuffer,
- if ( fFixedStyle ) {
- printf("Creating a decoding handlen");
- status = MesDecodeBufferHandleCreate( pbPicklingBuffer,
- & ImplicitPicHandle );
- printf("MesDecodeFixedBufferHandleCreate returned 0x%xn", status);
- if (status) {
- exit(status);
- }
- }
- else {
- pUserState->LastSize = 0;
- pUserState->pMemBuffer = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
- pUserState->pBufferStart = (char *)pbPicklingBuffer;
- printf("Creating an incremental decoding handlen");
- status = MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate( pUserState,
- PicRead,
- & ImplicitPicHandle );
- printf("MesDecodeIncrementalHandleCreate returned 0x%xn", status);
- if (status) {
- exit(status);
- }
- }
- /* Creating objects to manipulate */
- pObject2 = midl_user_allocate( sizeof(OBJECT2) + ARR_SIZE*sizeof(short));
- if (pObject2 == NULL ) {
- printf("Out of memory for Object2n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("nDecoding all the arguments from the buffern");
- ProcPickle( acNameBuffer, & Object1, pObject2 );
- DumpData( "Decoded data", acNameBuffer, &Object1, pObject2 );
- midl_user_free( pObject2 );
- }
- printf("nData serialization done.n");
- midl_user_free( pbPicklingBuffer );
- printf("nFreeing the serialization handle.n");
- status = MesHandleFree( ImplicitPicHandle );
- printf("MesHandleFree returned 0x%xn", status);
- exit(0);
- } // end main()
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* MIDL allocate and free */
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* A pickling buffer has to be aligned at 8.
- malloc() doesn't guarantee that, so some gimmick has to be done.
- */
- #define ALIGN_TO8( p) (char *)((unsigned long)((char *)p + 7) & ~7)
- void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t s)
- {
- unsigned char * pcAllocated;
- unsigned char * pcUserPtr;
- pcAllocated = (unsigned char *) malloc( s + 15 );
- pcUserPtr = ALIGN_TO8( pcAllocated );
- if ( pcUserPtr == pcAllocated )
- pcUserPtr = pcAllocated + 8;
- *(pcUserPtr - 1) = pcUserPtr - pcAllocated;
- return( pcUserPtr );
- }
- void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free(void __RPC_FAR *f)
- {
- unsigned char * pcAllocated;
- unsigned char * pcUserPtr;
- pcUserPtr = (unsigned char *) f;
- pcAllocated = pcUserPtr - *(pcUserPtr - 1);
- free( pcAllocated );
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /* Incremental style helper routines */
- /*********************************************************************/
- void __RPC_USER
- PicAlloc(
- void * pState,
- char ** ppBuf,
- unsigned int * pCount )
- {
- /* This routines "allocates" the next part from the preallocated
- buffer. It could call midl_user_allocate, too.
- */
- PickleControlBlock * pPic = (PickleControlBlock *)pState;
- if ( (pPic->pMemBuffer - pPic->pBufferStart) + *pCount <= BUFSIZE )
- *ppBuf = (char *)pPic->pMemBuffer;
- else {
- printf(" Buffer too smalln");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- void __RPC_USER
- PicWrite(
- void * pState,
- char * pBuf,
- unsigned int Count )
- {
- /* This routine just marks how much of the preallocated buffer is used.
- */
- PickleControlBlock * pPic = (PickleControlBlock *)pState;
- if ( pPic->pMemBuffer != pBuf ) {
- printf(" Buffer poiner corruptedn");
- exit(1);
- }
- pPic->pMemBuffer += Count;
- pPic->LastSize += Count;
- }
- void __RPC_USER
- PicRead(
- void * pState,
- char ** ppBuf,
- unsigned int * pCount )
- {
- /* This routine returns another portion of the preread buffer. */
- PickleControlBlock * pPic = (PickleControlBlock *)pState;
- *ppBuf = (char *)pPic->pMemBuffer;
- pPic->pMemBuffer += *pCount;
- }
- /* end picklpc.c */