资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
- ' This is a simple browser for Active Directory which demonstrates
- ' the use of the basic Active Directory Automation interfaces from
- ' VB. Browsing starts automatically at the Namespaces
- ' Collection Object. The user can expand the browser tree
- ' to any level desired. The properties option allows viewing
- ' of the current Active Directory object's properties, while the Set
- ' button allows changing property values.
- Option Explicit
- Public currentADsObj As IADs
- Public currentADsObjCont As IADsContainer
- Public currentADsObjSchema As IADs
- Public currentNewObj As IADs
- Public strPath As String
- Public bStartup As Boolean
- Public errstring As String
- Public ERRNUMB As Long
- Public bAbort As Boolean
- Public Sub enumerate_path(ByVal Node As Node)
- '
- 'Name: enumerate_path
- 'Input: Node As Node
- 'Desc: Does the actual enumerating of input node.
- ' All child object are enumerated and placed under
- ' the input node as children.
- 'Return: none
- '
- '
- ' Set Error handler
- '
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Dim st As Variant
- Dim nodX As Node ' Create variable.
- Dim ChildNode As Node ' Create variable.
- Dim I As Integer ' Create a counter variable.
- Dim Container As IADsContainer
- Dim Class As IADsClass
- Dim Child As IADs
- Dim classobj As IADsClass
- Dim tempClass As String
- bAbort = False
- '
- ' Get the object selected
- '
- Set currentADsObj = GetObject(strPath)
- frmBrwsTree.txtName.Caption = currentADsObj.Name
- frmBrwsTree.txtPath.Caption = currentADsObj.ADsPath
- On Error Resume Next
- '
- ' Set the node if not passed into this sub as the current
- ' node we are working on (for the collection coming up).
- '
- If Node Is Nothing Then
- Set Node = frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes.Item(currentADsObj.ADsPath)
- Node.Sorted = True
- End If
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- If frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes.Count = 0 Then
- '
- ' This means we are enumerating the namespaces container
- ' No nodes expanded yet,
- '
- tempClass = SetClass(currentADsObj.Class)
- Set nodX = frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes.Add(, , currentADsObj.ADsPath, _
- currentADsObj.Name, tempClass)
- nodX.Sorted = True
- '
- 'Get namespace IDs
- '
- Set Container = currentADsObj
- For Each Child In Container
- tempClass = SetClass(Child.Class)
- Set Node = frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes.Add(nodX, tvwChild, _
- Child.ADsPath, Child.Name, tempClass)
- Node.Sorted = True
- '
- ' If the child is a container, then add a temporary nod
- ' to show that it can be expanded later.
- '
- Set ChildNode = frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes.Add(Node, _
- tvwChild, Child.ADsPath & "/Dummy", "Dummy", tempClass)
- ChildNode.Sorted = True
- Next Child
- bStartup = True 'disable expand processing
- frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes(1).Expanded = True
- bStartup = False
- Set Node = Nothing
- Else
- Set Container = Nothing
- Node.Sorted = True
- '
- ' Now, see if it's a container and if so, enumerate
- ' all objects below it.
- '
- On Error Resume Next
- Set Container = currentADsObj
- If Err = 0 Then
- For Each Child In Container
- If Child Is Nothing Then Exit For
- Err = 0
- I = I + 1
- '
- ' Every 80 objects we check for user input
- '
- If I = 80 Then
- DoEvents
- If bAbort Then GoTo quitloop
- I = 0
- End If
- tempClass = SetClass(Child.Class) 'Gets the image
- If tempClass = "" Then tempClass = "Dummy"
- Set nodX = frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes.Add(Node, tvwChild, _
- Child.ADsPath, Child.Name, tempClass)
- nodX.Sorted = True
- '
- ' If New node is a container then add temporary child node
- '
- If IsContainer(Child) Then
- Set ChildNode = frmBrwsTree.TreeView1.Nodes.Add(nodX, _
- tvwChild, Child.ADsPath & "Dummy", "Dummy", tempClass)
- ChildNode.Sorted = True
- End If
- skip:
- Next Child
- End If
- quitloop:
- Set currentADsObj = Nothing
- skip2:
- End If
- GoTo finish
- ErrorHandler:
- errstring = "Had an error:" & Err.Number
- ERRNUMB = Err.Number
- MsgBox errstring
- Resume Next
- finish:
- End Sub
- Public Function SetClass(classString As String) As String
- 'Name: SetClass
- 'Input: classString As String
- 'Desc: Used to determine what classname is
- ' used for the imagelist
- 'Return: SetClass As String
- SetClass = "img" & classString
- '
- ' Evaluate input class to set image to all classes
- '
- Select Case classString
- Case "Computer"
- Case "NameSpace"
- Case "Namespaces"
- Case "User"
- Case "Domain"
- Case "Service"
- Case "Group"
- Case "PrintQueue"
- Case "FileShare"
- Case "Organization"
- Case "Country"
- Case "Organizational Unit"
- SetClass = "imgOrganization"
- ' Here we set all others
- Case Else
- SetClass = "imgDefault"
- End Select
- End Function
- Public Function IsContainer(objADS As IADs) As Boolean
- '
- ' This Function returns True or False depending on whether the
- ' object referred to by objADs is a container or not
- '
- Dim Cont As IADsContainer
- On Error Resume Next
- Set Cont = objADS
- If Err Then
- IsContainer = False
- Else
- IsContainer = True
- End If
- End Function