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Visual C++
- /*
- * This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
- * Copyright 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * The following example uses the minimum amount of code required to
- * utilize any licensing system. This example is provided on the SDK
- * and can be used to familiarize oneself with a licensing system or
- * as a template for an application. Note that the code exits if a
- * grant cannot be obtained. Recall that this is strictly an
- * application's decision and is not dictated by any licensing system
- * which adheres to the LSAPI standard.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "windows.h"
- /*
- * Include the LSAPI header file.
- */
- #include "lsapi.h"
- /*
- * Define the product name, product version, and publisher name for
- * use with the licensing calls.
- */
- #define MYAPP_PRODUCT_NAME "sample_product"
- #define MYAPP_PUBLISHER_NAME "sample_publishers"
- /*
- * Define the strings used to log a comment with the license system.
- */
- #define MYAPP_REQUEST_LOG_COMMENT "Comment for the LSRequest call"
- #define MYAPP_RELEASE_LOG_COMMENT "Comment for the LSRelease call"
- /*
- * Forward declarations
- */
- void PrintErrors( LS_HANDLE handle, LS_STATUS_CODE errorCode );
- __cdecl main()
- {
- /*
- * LSAPI Variables
- */
- LS_ULONG unitsGranted;
- LS_HANDLE licenseHandle;
- LS_STATUS_CODE status;
- /************ the following code is for the LSAPI beta only! ************/
- char szProviderPath[ MAX_PATH ];
- UINT nChars;
- /* install if necessary */
- nChars = GetSystemDirectory( szProviderPath, sizeof( szProviderPath ) );
- if ( 0 == nChars )
- {
- printf( "Can't get system directory, error %d.n", GetLastError() );
- }
- lstrcat( szProviderPath, "\mslsp32.dll" );
- status = LSInstall( szProviderPath );
- if ( LS_SUCCESS != status )
- {
- printf( "Cannot install LSAPI, error 0x%08lx.n", status );
- }
- /* add licenses for our product */
- status = LSLicenseUnitsSet( LS_ANY,
- 1,
- 0,
- NULL );
- if ( LS_SUCCESS != status )
- {
- printf( "Cannot install licenses, error 0x%lx.n", status );
- }
- /************ the above code is for the LSAPI beta only! ************/
- /*
- * Make the call to request a grant
- */
- status = LSRequest(
- LS_ANY, /* Use any licensing system */
- (LS_STR FAR *)MYAPP_PUBLISHER_NAME, /* Publisher name */
- (LS_STR FAR *)MYAPP_PRODUCT_NAME, /* Product name */
- (LS_STR FAR *)MYAPP_PRODUCT_VERSION, /* Version number */
- LS_DEFAULT_UNITS, /* Let license figure units */
- 0, /* No Challenge */
- &unitsGranted, /* # units granted */
- &licenseHandle ); /* license context */
- /*
- * Check whether we got a successful grant. If not, then call a routine
- * which prints out the error message, free the license handle, and do
- * not continue running the application.
- */
- if ( LS_SUCCESS != status )
- {
- PrintErrors( licenseHandle, LS_USE_LAST );
- LSFreeHandle( licenseHandle );
- return(1);
- }
- /*
- * Continue with the application.
- */
- printf("Hello Worldn");
- /*
- * We are now done with the application, so we must make a call
- * to release the grant.
- */
- status = LSRelease(
- licenseHandle, /* License context */
- LS_DEFAULT_UNITS, /* Let license figure units */
- if ( LS_SUCCESS != status )
- {
- PrintErrors( licenseHandle, status );
- LSFreeHandle( licenseHandle );
- return( 1 );
- }
- /*
- * Free the license handle.
- */
- LSFreeHandle( licenseHandle );
- exit( 0 );
- }
- void PrintErrors( LS_HANDLE handle, LS_STATUS_CODE errorCode )
- {
- LS_STATUS_CODE status;
- char errorText[200];
- errorText[0] = 0;
- status = LSGetMessage( handle, errorCode, (LS_STR FAR *)errorText, 200);
- if ( LS_TEXT_UNAVAILABLE == status )
- printf("Error: No message catalog available.n");
- else
- if ( LS_UNKNOWN_STATUS == status )
- printf("Error: Unknown error code was used.n");
- else
- printf("Error: %sn", errorText);
- }