- function [xEst,PEst,xPred,PPred,zPred,inovation,S,K]=ukf(xEst,PEst,U,Q,ffun,z,R,hfun,dt,alpha,beta,kappa);
- %
- % PURPOSE : This function performs one complete step of the unscented Kalman filter.
- %
- % SYNTAX : [xEst,PEst,xPred,PPred,zPred,inovation]=ukf(xEst,PEst,U,Q,ffun,z,R,hfun,dt,alpha,beta,kappa)
- %
- % INPUTS : - xEst : state mean estimate at time k
- % - PEst : state covariance at time k
- % - U : vector of control inputs
- % - Q : process noise covariance at time k
- % - z : observation at k+1
- % - R : measurement noise covariance at k+1
- % - ffun : process model function
- % - hfun : observation model function
- % - dt : time step (passed to ffun/hfun)
- % - alpha (optional) : sigma point scaling parameter. Defaults to 1.
- % - beta (optional) : higher order error scaling parameter. Default to 0.
- % - kappa (optional) : scalar tuning parameter 1. Defaults to 0.
- %
- % OUTPUTS : - xEst : updated estimate of state mean at time k+1
- % - PEst : updated state covariance at time k+1
- % - xPred : prediction of state mean at time k+1
- % - PPred : prediction of state covariance at time k+1
- % - inovation : innovation vector
- %
- % AUTHORS : Simon J. Julier ( 1998-2000
- % Rudolph van der Merwe ( 2000
- %
- % DATE : 14 August 2000
- %
- % NOTES : The process model is of the form, x(k+1) = ffun[x(k),v(k),dt,u(k)]
- % where v(k) is the process noise vector. The observation model is
- % of the form, z(k) = hfun[x(k),w(k),dt,u(k)], where w(k) is the
- % observation noise vector.
- %
- % This code was written to be readable. There is significant
- % scope for optimisation even in Matlab.
- %
- % Process defaults
- if (nargin < 10)
- alpha=1;
- end;
- if (nargin < 11)
- beta=0;
- end;
- if (nargin < 12)
- kappa=0;
- end;
- % Calculate the dimensions of the problem and a few useful
- % scalars
- states = size(xEst(:),1);
- observations = size(z(:),1);
- vNoise = size(Q,2);
- wNoise = size(R,2);
- noises = vNoise+wNoise;
- % Augment the state vector with the noise vectors.
- % Note: For simple, additive noise models this part
- % can be done differently to save on computational cost.
- % For details, contact Rudolph v.d. Merwe
- if (noises)
- N=[Q zeros(vNoise,wNoise); zeros(wNoise,vNoise) R];
- PQ=[PEst zeros(states,noises);zeros(noises,states) N];
- xQ=[xEst;zeros(noises,1)];
- else
- PQ=PEst;
- xQ=xEst;
- end;
- % Calculate the sigma points and there corresponding weights using the Scaled Unscented
- % Transformation
- [xSigmaPts, wSigmaPts, nsp] = scaledSymmetricSigmaPoints(xQ, PQ, alpha, beta, kappa);
- % Duplicate wSigmaPts into matrix for code speedup
- wSigmaPts_xmat = repmat(wSigmaPts(:,2:nsp),states,1);
- wSigmaPts_zmat = repmat(wSigmaPts(:,2:nsp),observations,1);
- % Work out the projected sigma points and their means
- % This routine is fairly generic. The only thing to watch out for are
- % angular discontinuities. There is a standard trick for doing this -
- % contact me (Julier) for details!
- xPredSigmaPts = feval(ffun,xSigmaPts(1:states,:),repmat(U(:),1,nsp),xSigmaPts(states+1:states+vNoise,:),dt);
- zPredSigmaPts = feval(hfun,xPredSigmaPts,repmat(U(:),1,nsp),xSigmaPts(states+vNoise+1:states+noises,:),dt);
- % Calculate the mean. Based on discussions with C. Schaefer, form
- % is chosen to maximise numerical robustness.
- % - I vectorized this part of the code for a speed increase : RvdM 2000
- xPred = sum(wSigmaPts_xmat .* (xPredSigmaPts(:,2:nsp) - repmat(xPredSigmaPts(:,1),1,nsp-1)),2);
- zPred = sum(wSigmaPts_zmat .* (zPredSigmaPts(:,2:nsp) - repmat(zPredSigmaPts(:,1),1,nsp-1)),2);
- xPred=xPred+xPredSigmaPts(:,1);
- zPred=zPred+zPredSigmaPts(:,1);
- % Work out the covariances and the cross correlations. Note that
- % the weight on the 0th point is different from the mean
- % calculation due to the scaled unscented algorithm.
- exSigmaPt = xPredSigmaPts(:,1)-xPred;
- ezSigmaPt = zPredSigmaPts(:,1)-zPred;
- PPred = wSigmaPts(nsp+1)*exSigmaPt*exSigmaPt';
- PxzPred = wSigmaPts(nsp+1)*exSigmaPt*ezSigmaPt';
- S = wSigmaPts(nsp+1)*ezSigmaPt*ezSigmaPt';
- exSigmaPt = xPredSigmaPts(:,2:nsp) - repmat(xPred,1,nsp-1);
- ezSigmaPt = zPredSigmaPts(:,2:nsp) - repmat(zPred,1,nsp-1);
- PPred = PPred + (wSigmaPts_xmat .* exSigmaPt) * exSigmaPt';
- S = S + (wSigmaPts_zmat .* ezSigmaPt) * ezSigmaPt';
- PxzPred = PxzPred + exSigmaPt * (wSigmaPts_zmat .* ezSigmaPt)';
- % Calculate Kalman gain
- K = PxzPred / S;
- % Calculate Innovation
- inovation = z - zPred;
- % Update mean
- xEst = xPred + K*inovation;
- % Update covariance
- PEst = PPred - K*S*K';