- % PURPOSE : Demonstrate the differences between the following filters on the same problem:
- %
- % 1) Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
- % 2) Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
- % 3) Particle Filter (PF)
- % 4) PF with EKF proposal (PFEKF)
- % 5) PF with UKF proposal (PFUKF)
- % For more details refer to:
- % AUTHORS : Nando de Freitas (
- % Rudolph van der Merwe (
- % DATE : 17 August 2000
- clear all;
- clc;
- echo off;
- path('./ukf',path);
- % ==============================
- no_of_runs = 10; % number of experiments to generate statistical
- % averages
- doPlot = 0; % 1 plot online. 0 = only plot at the end.
- sigma = 1e-5; % Variance of the Gaussian measurement noise.
- g1 = 3; % Paramater of Gamma transition prior.
- g2 = 2; % Parameter of Gamman transition prior.
- % Thus mean = 3/2 and var = 3/4.
- T = 60; % Number of time steps.
- R = 1e-5; % EKF's measurement noise variance.
- Q = 3/4; % EKF's process noise variance.
- P0 = 3/4; % EKF's initial variance of the states.
- N = 200; % Number of particles.
- resamplingScheme = 1; % The possible choices are
- % systematic sampling (2),
- % residual (1)
- % and multinomial (3).
- % They're all O(N) algorithms.
- Q_pfekf = 10*3/4;
- R_pfekf = 1e-1;
- Q_pfukf = 2*3/4;
- R_pfukf = 1e-1;
- alpha = 1; % UKF : point scaling parameter
- beta = 0; % UKF : scaling parameter for higher order terms of Taylor series expansion
- kappa = 2; % UKF : sigma point selection scaling parameter (best to leave this = 0)
- %**************************************************************************************
- % ==========================================
- rmsError_ekf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- rmsError_ukf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- rmsError_pf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- rmsError_pfMC = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- rmsError_pfekf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- rmsError_pfekfMC = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- rmsError_pfukf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- rmsError_pfukfMC = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- time_pf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- time_pfMC = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- time_pfekf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- time_pfekfMC = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- time_pfukf = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- time_pfukfMC = zeros(1,no_of_runs);
- %**************************************************************************************
- for j=1:no_of_runs,
- rand('state',sum(100*clock)); % Shuffle the pack!
- randn('state',sum(100*clock)); % Shuffle the pack!
- % ==================
- x = zeros(T,1);
- y = zeros(T,1);
- processNoise = zeros(T,1);
- measureNoise = zeros(T,1);
- x(1) = 1; % Initial state.
- for t=2:T
- processNoise(t) = gengamma(g1,g2);
- measureNoise(t) = sqrt(sigma)*randn(1,1);
- x(t) = feval('ffun',x(t-1),t) +processNoise(t); % Gamma transition prior.
- y(t) = feval('hfun',x(t),t) + measureNoise(t); % Gaussian likelihood.
- end;
- % ========================
- figure(1)
- clf;
- plot(1:T,x,'r',1:T,y,'b');
- ylabel('Data','fontsize',15);
- xlabel('Time','fontsize',15);
- legend('States (x)','Observations(y)');
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM EKF and UKF ESTIMATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ============================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % ==============
- mu_ekf = ones(T,1); % EKF estimate of the mean of the states.
- P_ekf = P0*ones(T,1); % EKF estimate of the variance of the states.
- mu_ukf = mu_ekf; % UKF estimate of the mean of the states.
- P_ukf = P_ekf; % UKF estimate of the variance of the states.
- yPred = ones(T,1); % One-step-ahead predicted values of y.
- mu_ekfPred = ones(T,1); % EKF O-s-a estimate of the mean of the states.
- PPred = ones(T,1); % EKF O-s-a estimate of the variance of the states.
- disp(' ');
- for t=2:T,
- fprintf('run = %i / %i : EKF & UKF : t = %i / %i r',j,no_of_runs,t,T);
- fprintf('n')
- % ================
- mu_ekfPred(t) = feval('ffun',mu_ekf(t-1),t);
- Jx = 0.5; % Jacobian for ffun.
- PPred(t) = Q + Jx*P_ekf(t-1)*Jx';
- % ================
- yPred(t) = feval('hfun',mu_ekfPred(t),t);
- if t<=30,
- Jy = 2*0.2*mu_ekfPred(t); % Jacobian for hfun.
- else
- Jy = 0.5;
- % Jy = cos(mu_ekfPred(t))/2;
- % Jy = 2*mu_ekfPred(t)/4; % Jacobian for hfun.
- end;
- M = R + Jy*PPred(t)*Jy'; % Innovations covariance.
- K = PPred(t)*Jy'*inv(M); % Kalman gain.
- mu_ekf(t) = mu_ekfPred(t) + K*(y(t)-yPred(t));
- P_ekf(t) = PPred(t) - K*Jy*PPred(t);
- % Full Unscented Kalman Filter step
- % =================================
- [mu_ukf(t),P_ukf(t)]=ukf(mu_ukf(t-1),P_ukf(t-1),[],Q,'ukf_ffun',y(t),R,'ukf_hfun',t,alpha,beta,kappa);
- end; % End of t loop.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM SEQUENTIAL MONTE CARLO %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ============================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % ==============
- xparticle_pf = ones(T,N); % These are the particles for the estimate
- % of x. Note that there's no need to store
- % them for all t. We're only doing this to
- % show you all the nice plots at the end.
- xparticlePred_pf = ones(T,N); % One-step-ahead predicted values of the states.
- yPred_pf = ones(T,N); % One-step-ahead predicted values of y.
- w = ones(T,N); % Importance weights.
- disp(' ');
- tic; % Initialize timer for benchmarking
- for t=2:T,
- fprintf('run = %i / %i : PF : t = %i / %i r',j,no_of_runs,t,T);
- fprintf('n')
- % ================
- % We use the transition prior as proposal.
- for i=1:N,
- xparticlePred_pf(t,i) = feval('ffun',xparticle_pf(t-1,i),t) + gengamma(g1,g2);
- end;
- % ============================
- % For our choice of proposal, the importance weights are give by:
- for i=1:N,
- yPred_pf(t,i) = feval('hfun',xparticlePred_pf(t,i),t);
- lik = inv(sqrt(sigma)) * exp(-0.5*inv(sigma)*((y(t)-yPred_pf(t,i))^(2))) ...
- + 1e-99; % Deal with ill-conditioning.
- w(t,i) = lik;
- end;
- w(t,:) = w(t,:)./sum(w(t,:)); % Normalise the weights.
- % if resamplingScheme == 1
- % outIndex = residualR(1:N,w(t,:)');
- % ===============
- % Here, we give you the choice to try three different types of
- % resampling algorithms. Note that the code for these algorithms
- % applies to any problem!
- if resamplingScheme == 1
- outIndex = residualR(1:N,w(t,:)'); % Residual resampling.
- elseif resamplingScheme == 2
- outIndex = systematicR(1:N,w(t,:)'); % Systematic resampling.
- else
- outIndex = multinomialR(1:N,w(t,:)'); % Multinomial resampling.
- end;
- xparticle_pf(t,:) = xparticlePred_pf(t,outIndex); % Keep particles with
- % resampled indices.
- end; % End of t loop.
- time_pf(j) = toc; % How long did this take?
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM SEQUENTIAL MONTE CARLO WITH MCMC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%% ======================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % ==============
- xparticle_pfMC = ones(T,N); % These are the particles for the estimate
- % of x. Note that there's no need to store
- % them for all t. We're only doing this to
- % show you all the nice plots at the end.
- xparticlePred_pfMC = ones(T,N); % One-step-ahead predicted values of the states.
- yPred_pfMC = ones(T,N); % One-step-ahead predicted values of y.
- w = ones(T,N); % Importance weights.
- previousXMC = ones(T,N); % Particles at the previous time step.
- previousXResMC = ones(T,N); % Resampled previousX.
- disp(' ');
- tic; % Initialize timer for benchmarking
- for t=2:T,
- fprintf('run = %i / %i : PF-MCMC : t = %i / %i r',j,no_of_runs,t,T);
- fprintf('n')
- % ================
- % We use the transition prior as proposal.
- for i=1:N,
- xparticlePred_pfMC(t,i) = feval('ffun',xparticle_pfMC(t-1,i),t) + gengamma(g1,g2);
- end;
- previousXMC(t,:) = xparticle_pfMC(t-1,:); % Store the particles at t-1.
- % ============================
- % For our choice of proposal, the importance weights are give by:
- for i=1:N,
- yPred_pfMC(t,i) = feval('hfun',xparticlePred_pfMC(t,i),t);
- lik = inv(sqrt(sigma)) * exp(-0.5*inv(sigma)*((y(t)-yPred_pfMC(t,i))^(2))) ...
- + 1e-99; % Deal with ill-conditioning.
- w(t,i) = lik;
- end;
- w(t,:) = w(t,:)./sum(w(t,:)); % Normalise the weights.
- % ===============
- % Here, we give you the choice to try three different types of
- % resampling algorithms. Note that the code for these algorithms
- % applies to any problem!
- if resamplingScheme == 1
- outIndex = residualR(1:N,w(t,:)'); % Residual resampling.
- elseif resamplingScheme == 2
- outIndex = systematicR(1:N,w(t,:)'); % Systematic resampling.
- else
- outIndex = multinomialR(1:N,w(t,:)'); % Multinomial resampling.
- end;
- xparticle_pfMC(t,:) = xparticlePred_pfMC(t,outIndex); % Keep particles with
- % resampled
- % indices.
- previousXResMC(t,:) = previousXMC(t,outIndex); % Resample particles
- % at t-1.
- % ========================
- u=rand(N,1);
- accepted=0;
- rejected=0;
- for i=1:N,
- xProp = feval('ffun',previousXResMC(t,i),t) + gengamma(g1,g2);
- mProp = feval('hfun',xProp,t);
- likProp = inv(sqrt(sigma)) * exp(-0.5*inv(sigma)*((y(t)-mProp)^(2))) + 1e-99;
- m = feval('hfun',xparticle_pfMC(t,i),t);
- lik = inv(sqrt(sigma)) * exp(-0.5*inv(sigma)*((y(t)-m)^(2))) + 1e-99;
- acceptance = min(1,likProp/lik);
- if u(i,1) <= acceptance
- xparticle_pfMC(t,i) = xProp;
- accepted=accepted+1;
- else
- xparticle_pfMC(t,i) = xparticle_pfMC(t,i);
- rejected=rejected+1;
- end;
- end;
- end; % End of t loop.
- time_pfMC(j) = toc; % How long did this take?
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PLOT THE RESULTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ================ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- figure(1)
- clf;
- p0=plot(1:T,y,'k+','lineWidth',2); hold on;
- %p2=plot(1:T,mu_ekf,'r:','lineWidth',2); hold on;
- %p3=plot(1:T,mu_ukf,'b:','lineWidth',2);
- p4=plot(1:T,mean(xparticle_pf(:,:)'),'g','lineWidth',2);
- p1=plot(1:T,x,'k:o','lineWidth',2); hold off;
- %legend([p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6],'True x','EKF estimate','UKF estimate','PF estimate','PF-EKF estimate','PF-UKF estimate');
- legend([p0 p1 p4],'Noisy observations','True x','PF estimate','PF-EKF estimate','PF-UKF estimate');
- xlabel('Time','fontsize',15)
- zoom on;
- title('Filter estimates (posterior means) vs. True state','fontsize',15)
- figure(2)
- clf
- subplot(211);
- semilogy(1:T,P_ekf,'r--',1:T,P_ukf,'b','lineWidth',2);
- legend('EKF','UKF');
- title('Estimates of state covariance','fontsize',14);
- xlabel('time','fontsize',12);
- ylabel('var(x)','fontsize',12);
- zoom on;
- if (1),
- figure(3)
- clf;
- % Plot predictive distribution of y:
- subplot(231);
- domain = zeros(T,1);
- range = zeros(T,1);
- thex=[-3:.1:15];
- hold on
- ylabel('Time (t)','fontsize',15)
- xlabel('y_t','fontsize',15)
- zlabel('p(y_t|y_{t-1})','fontsize',15)
- title('Particle Filter','fontsize',15);
- %v=[0 1];
- %caxis(v);
- for t=6:5:T,
- [range,domain]=hist(yPred_pf(t,:),thex);
- waterfall(domain,t,range/sum(range));
- end;
- view(-30,80);
- rotate3d on;
- a=get(gca);
- set(gca,'ygrid','off');
- % Plot posterior distribution of x:
- subplot(234);
- domain = zeros(T,1);
- range = zeros(T,1);
- thex=[0:.1:10];
- hold on
- ylabel('Time (t)','fontsize',15)
- xlabel('x_t','fontsize',15)
- zlabel('p(x_t|y_t)','fontsize',15)
- %v=[0 1];
- %caxis(v);
- for t=6:5:T,
- [range,domain]=hist(xparticle_pf(t,:),thex);
- waterfall(domain,t,range/sum(range));
- end;
- view(-30,80);
- rotate3d on;
- a=get(gca);
- set(gca,'ygrid','off');
- % Plot predictive distribution of y:
- subplot(232);
- domain = zeros(T,1);
- range = zeros(T,1);
- thex=[-3:.1:15];
- hold on
- ylabel('Time (t)','fontsize',15)
- xlabel('y_t','fontsize',15)
- zlabel('p(y_t|y_{t-1})','fontsize',15)
- title('Particle Filter (EKF proposal)','fontsize',15);
- %v=[0 1];
- %caxis(v);
- for t=6:5:T,
- [range,domain]=hist(yPred_pfekf(t,:),thex);
- waterfall(domain,t,range/sum(range));
- end;
- view(-30,80);
- rotate3d on;
- a=get(gca);
- set(gca,'ygrid','off');
- % Plot posterior distribution of x:
- subplot(235);
- domain = zeros(T,1);
- range = zeros(T,1);
- thex=[0:.1:10];
- hold on
- ylabel('Time (t)','fontsize',15)
- xlabel('x_t','fontsize',15)
- zlabel('p(x_t|y_t)','fontsize',15)
- %v=[0 1];
- %caxis(v);
- for t=6:5:T,
- [range,domain]=hist(xparticle_pfekf(t,:),thex);
- waterfall(domain,t,range/sum(range));
- end;
- view(-30,80);
- rotate3d on;
- a=get(gca);
- set(gca,'ygrid','off');
- % Plot predictive distribution of y:
- subplot(233);
- domain = zeros(T,1);
- range = zeros(T,1);
- thex=[-3:.1:15];
- hold on
- ylabel('Time (t)','fontsize',15)
- xlabel('y_t','fontsize',15)
- zlabel('p(y_t|y_{t-1})','fontsize',15)
- title('Particle Filter (UKF proposal)','fontsize',15);
- %v=[0 1];
- %caxis(v);
- for t=6:5:T,
- [range,domain]=hist(yPred_pfukf(t,:),thex);
- waterfall(domain,t,range/sum(range));
- end;
- view(-30,80);
- rotate3d on;
- a=get(gca);
- set(gca,'ygrid','off');
- % Plot posterior distribution of x:
- subplot(236);
- domain = zeros(T,1);
- range = zeros(T,1);
- thex=[0:.1:10];
- hold on
- ylabel('Time (t)','fontsize',15)
- xlabel('x_t','fontsize',15)
- zlabel('p(x_t|y_t)','fontsize',15)
- %v=[0 1];
- %caxis(v);
- for t=6:5:T,
- [range,domain]=hist(xparticle_pfukf(t,:),thex);
- waterfall(domain,t,range/sum(range));
- end;
- view(-30,80);
- rotate3d on;
- a=get(gca);
- set(gca,'ygrid','off');
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- rmsError_ekf(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x-mu_ekf).^(2)));
- rmsError_ukf(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x-mu_ukf).^(2)));
- rmsError_pf(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x'-mean(xparticle_pf')).^(2)));
- rmsError_pfMC(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x'-mean(xparticle_pfMC')).^(2)));
- rmsError_pfekf(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x'-mean(xparticle_pfekf')).^(2)));
- rmsError_pfekfMC(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x'-mean(xparticle_pfekfMC')).^(2)));
- rmsError_pfukf(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x'-mean(xparticle_pfukf')).^(2)));
- rmsError_pfukfMC(j) = sqrt(inv(T)*sum((x'-mean(xparticle_pfukfMC')).^(2)));
- disp(' ');
- disp('Root mean square (RMS) errors');
- disp('-----------------------------');
- disp(' ');
- disp(['EKF = ' num2str(rmsError_ekf(j))]);
- disp(['UKF = ' num2str(rmsError_ukf(j))]);
- disp(['PF = ' num2str(rmsError_pf(j))]);
- disp(['PF-MCMC = ' num2str(rmsError_pfMC(j))]);
- disp(['PF-EKF = ' num2str(rmsError_pfekf(j))]);
- disp(['PF-EKF-MCMC = ' num2str(rmsError_pfekfMC(j))]);
- disp(['PF-UKF = ' num2str(rmsError_pfukf(j))]);
- disp(['PF-UKF-MCMC = ' num2str(rmsError_pfukfMC(j))]);
- disp(' ');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Execution time (seconds)');
- disp('-------------------------');
- disp(' ');
- disp(['PF = ' num2str(time_pf(j))]);
- disp(['PF-MCMC = ' num2str(time_pfMC(j))]);
- disp(['PF-EKF = ' num2str(time_pfekf(j))]);
- disp(['PF-EKF-MCMC = ' num2str(time_pfekfMC(j))]);
- disp(['PF-UKF = ' num2str(time_pfukf(j))]);
- disp(['PF-UKF-MCMC = ' num2str(time_pfukfMC(j))]);
- disp(' ');
- drawnow;
- %*************************************************************************
- end % Main loop (for j...)
- % calculate mean of RMSE errors
- mean_RMSE_ekf = mean(rmsError_ekf);
- mean_RMSE_ukf = mean(rmsError_ukf);
- mean_RMSE_pf = mean(rmsError_pf);
- mean_RMSE_pfMC = mean(rmsError_pfMC);
- mean_RMSE_pfekf = mean(rmsError_pfekf);
- mean_RMSE_pfekfMC = mean(rmsError_pfekfMC);
- mean_RMSE_pfukf = mean(rmsError_pfukf);
- mean_RMSE_pfukfMC = mean(rmsError_pfukfMC);
- % calculate variance of RMSE errors
- var_RMSE_ekf = var(rmsError_ekf);
- var_RMSE_ukf = var(rmsError_ukf);
- var_RMSE_pf = var(rmsError_pf);
- var_RMSE_pfMC = var(rmsError_pfMC);
- var_RMSE_pfekf = var(rmsError_pfekf);
- var_RMSE_pfekfMC = var(rmsError_pfekfMC);
- var_RMSE_pfukf = var(rmsError_pfukf);
- var_RMSE_pfukfMC = var(rmsError_pfukfMC);
- % calculate mean of execution time
- mean_time_pf = mean(time_pf);
- mean_time_pfMC = mean(time_pfMC);
- mean_time_pfekf = mean(time_pfekf);
- mean_time_pfekfMC = mean(time_pfekfMC);
- mean_time_pfukf = mean(time_pfukf);
- mean_time_pfukfMC = mean(time_pfukfMC);
- % display final results
- disp(' ');
- disp(' ');
- disp('************* FINAL RESULTS *****************');
- disp(' ');
- disp('RMSE : mean and variance');
- disp('---------');
- disp(' ');
- disp(['EKF = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_ekf) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_ekf) ')']);
- disp(['UKF = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_ukf) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_ukf) ')']);
- disp(['PF = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_pf) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_pf) ')']);
- disp(['PF-MCMC = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_pfMC) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_pfMC) ')']);
- disp(['PF-EKF = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_pfekf) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_pfekf) ')']);
- disp(['PF-EKF-MCMC = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_pfekfMC) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_pfekfMC) ')']);
- disp(['PF-UKF = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_pfukf) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_pfukf) ')']);
- disp(['PF-UKF-MCMC = ' num2str(mean_RMSE_pfukfMC) ' (' num2str(var_RMSE_pfukfMC) ')']);
- disp(' ');
- disp(' ');
- disp('Execution time (seconds)');
- disp('-------------------------');
- disp(' ');
- disp(['PF = ' num2str(mean_time_pf)]);
- disp(['PF-MCMC = ' num2str(mean_time_pfMC)]);
- disp(['PF-EKF = ' num2str(mean_time_pfekf)]);
- disp(['PF-EKF-MCMC = ' num2str(mean_time_pfekfMC)]);
- disp(['PF-UKF = ' num2str(mean_time_pfukf)]);
- disp(['PF-UKF-MCMC = ' num2str(mean_time_pfukfMC)]);
- disp(' ');
- %*************************************************************************
- break;
- % This is an alternative way of plotting the 3D stuff:
- % Somewhere in between lies the best way!
- figure(3)
- clf;
- support=[-1:.1:2];
- NN=50;
- extPlot=zeros(10*61,1);
- for t=6:5:T,
- [r,d]=hist(yPred_pf(t,:),support);
- r=r/sum(r);
- for i=1:1:61,
- for j=1:1:NN,
- extPlot(NN*i-NN+1:i*NN) = r(i);
- end;
- end;
- d= linspace(-5,25,length(extPlot));
- plot3(d,t*ones(size(extPlot)),extPlot,'r')
- hold on;
- end;