资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * M S P M S G . C
- *
- * Code for the MAPI Sample Store Provider implementation of the
- * IMessage object. The implementation is, in fact, a thin
- * wrapping layer around the implementation of IMessage on
- * IStorage. We wrap the IMessage object returned by IMsgOnIStg
- * so that we can handle those methods (like SubmitMessage) not
- * understood by a standalone message (e.g. one embedded in a word
- * document) but which makes sense for a message in the context of
- * a message store.
- *
- * Copyright 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- */
- #include "msp.h"
- #define MSG_ValidateParameters(pobj, intf, method, arglist)
- OBJ_ValidateParameters(pobj, intf, method, sizeof(IMSG), &vtblIMSG, arglist)
- /* Manifest constants */
- /* Number of properties to initialize a normal message with */
- #define cpropIMSGInit 11
- /* Number of properties to initialize a message-in-message with */
- #define cpropMsgInMsgInit 3
- /* Number of in-memory properties associated with a message object */
- #define cpropIMSGInternal 4
- /* The property attributes to set on the initial set of message properties */
- #define IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg) OBJ_EnterCriticalSection((POBJ)pimsg)
- #define IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg) OBJ_LeaveCriticalSection((POBJ)pimsg)
- typedef enum _mrflavor
- {
- ENUM_ADD = 1,
- /* internal functions */
- static HRESULT HrSaveMsgInMsg(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags);
- static SCODE ScFillOneSBPval(PLMR plmr, LPVOID pvOrigBuf, ULONG ulPropTag,
- ULONG cb, LPBYTE lpbData, LPSPropValue pval);
- /* Global variables */
- /* Dispatch table for IMessage objects */
- IMSG_Vtbl vtblIMSG =
- {
- (IMSG_QueryInterface_METHOD *) OBJ_QueryInterface,
- (IMSG_AddRef_METHOD *) OBJ_AddRef,
- (IMSG_Release_METHOD *) OBJ_Release,
- (IMSG_GetLastError_METHOD *) IMS_GetLastError,
- IMSG_SaveChanges,
- IMSG_GetProps,
- IMSG_GetPropList,
- IMSG_OpenProperty,
- IMSG_SetProps,
- IMSG_DeleteProps,
- IMSG_CopyTo,
- IMSG_CopyProps,
- (IMSG_GetNamesFromIDs_METHOD *) IMS_GetNamesFromIDs,
- (IMSG_GetIDsFromNames_METHOD *) IMS_GetIDsFromNames,
- IMSG_GetAttachmentTable,
- IMSG_OpenAttach,
- IMSG_CreateAttach,
- IMSG_DeleteAttach,
- IMSG_GetRecipientTable,
- IMSG_ModifyRecipients,
- IMSG_SubmitMessage,
- IMSG_SetReadFlag
- };
- /*
- */
- /*
- * IMSG_SaveChanges
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Saves changes made to a message object and all of its
- * sub-objects (attachments, et al.).
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulFlags Flags. The following are defined:
- * KEEP_OPEN_READONLY Do not invalidate the
- * object, make it read-only.
- * KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE Don't invalidate the
- * object, keep it open
- * read/write.
- * FORCE_SAVE Overwrite any changes made by
- * others since message was openned.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_SaveChanges(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- PIFLD pifldParent = NULL; /* parent as an open folder */
- ULONG ulPropMsgFlags; /* flags for save on property message */
- BOOL fUnread = FALSE;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- SaveChanges,
- (pimsg,
- ulFlags));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- /* Handle msg-in-msg separately. */
- if (OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_MSGINMSG))
- {
- hr = HrSaveMsgInMsg(pimsg, ulFlags);
- goto exit;
- }
- /* open up lpmsg's parent so we can update tables and contents counts */
- hr = HrOpenParent(pimsg->pims, pimsg->peid, MAPI_MODIFY, &pifldParent);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* mark the new message as complete by updating its ENTRYID property */
- if (OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_NEWLYCREATED))
- {
- PEID peidInt = NULL;
- ReplaceExt(pimsg->peid->szPath, MESSAGE_EXT);
- /* Assume that PR_ENTRYID is at position 0 in the in-memory */
- /* array. That's where it went in HrSetInternalProps. */
- AssertSz(pimsg->pval->ulPropTag == PR_ENTRYID,
- "The location of PR_ENTRYID in the in-memory array has changed");
- peidInt = (PEID) pimsg->pval->Value.bin.lpb;
- AssertSz(!FIsInvalidEID(pimsg->pval->Value.bin.cb, peidInt, NULL),
- "Invalid internal Entryid");
- if (peidInt)
- ReplaceExt(peidInt->szPath, MESSAGE_EXT);
- /* Now, we need to update PR_INSTANCE_KEY in the same way. Since */
- /* the message is just becoming permanent, it won't be in any */
- /* tables yet, so it can change without affecting any tables. */
- /* NOTE: this code assumes knowledge of the format of */
- AssertSz(pimsg->pval[1].ulPropTag == PR_INSTANCE_KEY, "The location "
- "of PR_INSTANCE_KEY in the in-memory array has changed");
- peidInt = (PEID) pimsg->pval[1].Value.bin.lpb;
- AssertSz(!FIsInvalidEID(pimsg->pval[1].Value.bin.cb, peidInt, NULL),
- "Invalid internal Entryid");
- if (peidInt)
- ReplaceExt(peidInt->szPath, MESSAGE_EXT);
- hr = HrGetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg->lpmsg, &pimsg->pims->lmr,
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* remember the message's unread status, and to update open tables */
- fUnread = !(ulMF & MSGFLAG_READ);
- ulChangeType = TABLE_ROW_ADDED;
- }
- /* When the spooler saves a message, from the client's perspective, it */
- /* hasn't been modified, because it has just arrived. */
- if (!OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_NEWLYCREATED)
- && !OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg->pims, MSF_SPOOLER))
- {
- /* unset the UNMODIFIED bit */
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- }
- /* save the changes but keep the property file open */
- ulPropMsgFlags = ulFlags;
- if (!(ulFlags & KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE))
- ulPropMsgFlags |= KEEP_OPEN_READONLY;
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(pimsg->lpmsg, ulPropMsgFlags);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* update the parent's contents table and parent folder properties */
- if (ulChangeType == TABLE_ROW_ADDED)
- {
- (void) HrIncrementOneROProp(pifldParent, 1, PR_CONTENT_COUNT);
- if (fUnread)
- (void) HrIncrementOneROProp(pifldParent, 1, PR_CONTENT_UNREAD);
- }
- ChangeTable(pimsg->pims, pifldParent->peid, pimsg->peid, MAPI_MESSAGE,
- ulChangeType, TRUE);
- exit:
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- UlRelease(pifldParent);
- if (hr == hrSuccess)
- {
- /* Unless the user requests to continue with modify access, switch */
- /* down to read-only access. This means that specifying neither of */
- /* the KEEP_OPEN flags means the same thing as KEEP_OPEN_READONLY. */
- if (!(ulFlags & KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE))
- OBJ_ClearFlag(pimsg, OBJF_MODIFY);
- OBJ_ClearFlag(pimsg, MSGF_NEWLYCREATED);
- }
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_SaveChanges, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_SaveChanges);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_GetProps
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Returns to the caller the value(s) of one or more
- * properties existent on an IMSG object. The order of the
- * properties in the returned ppval structure exactly
- * matches the order in which the properties were requested in
- * ptaga. The caller must free the returned
- * structure by calling MAPIFreeBuffer(*ppval), but
- * only if the function returns zero or the error
- * MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED. Uses the IMessage on IStorage
- * property interface implementation.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ptaga Pointer to a counted array of property tags
- * ("names") that identify the values to be
- * returned.
- * ulFlags UNICODE / String8
- * pcval Location in which to return the count of
- * elements in *ppval.
- * ppval Location in which to return an allocated
- * array of property values (the caller frees
- * by calling MAPIFreeBuffer).
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * If the call succeeded overall but access to one or more
- * properties failed, the function returns the warning
- * MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED. The calling application should
- * then check the Property Tag of each of the returned
- * properties to determine which ones failed. Those that fail
- * have their Property Type set to PT_ERROR and their value (a
- * ULONG) indicates which error occurred.
- *
- * MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS The caller does not have access
- * to the requested properties.
- * MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED The mechanism for making the
- * call to the service provider
- * failed.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_GetProps(PIMSG pimsg, LPSPropTagArray ptaga, ULONG ulFlags,
- ULONG *pcval, LPSPropValue *ppval)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- GetProps,
- (pimsg,
- ptaga,
- ulFlags,
- pcval,
- ppval));
- #ifdef VALIDATE
- if (ulFlags & MAPI_UNICODE)
- return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_BAD_CHARWIDTH);
- #endif
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->GetProps(pimsg->lpmsg, ptaga, ulFlags,
- pcval, ppval);
- {if(HR_SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- LPSPropValue pvalStoreSupMask = PpropFindProp(*ppval, *pcval,
- if(pvalStoreSupMask)
- {
- pvalStoreSupMask->ulPropTag = PR_STORE_SUPPORT_MASK;
- pvalStoreSupMask->Value.l = SMS_SUPPORTMASK;
- /* fix up hr */
- if(ptaga->cValues == 1)
- hr = hrSuccess;
- }
- }
- }
- /* If not message-in-message then wrap values. */
- /* Note that this wrapping function takes as an */
- /* argument the HRESULT from the previous GetProps call. */
- /* We aren't ignoring the error. */
- if (!OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_MSGINMSG))
- hr = HrWrap_GetProps(hr, pimsg->pims, pimsg->cval, pimsg->pval,
- pcval, ppval, FALSE, (ptaga != NULL), (POBJ)pimsg);
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (GetScode(hr) != MAPI_W_ERRORS_RETURNED)
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_GetProps, hr);
- #endif
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_GetProps);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_GetPropList
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Returns a list of all the properties currently accessible.
- * Uses the IMessage on IStorage property implementation.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulFlags UNICODE / String8
- * pptaga Location in which to return a pointer
- * to a counted array of property tags.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS The caller does not have access
- * to the requested properties.
- * MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED The mechanism for making the
- * call to the service provider
- * failed.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_GetPropList(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags, LPSPropTagArray *pptaga)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- LPSPropTagArray ptaga = NULL;
- LPSPropTagArray ptagaRet = NULL;
- UINT ind;
- SizedSPropTagArray(2, sptaToAdd) =
- { 2,
- }
- };
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- GetPropList,
- (pimsg,
- ulFlags,
- pptaga));
- #ifdef VALIDATE
- if (ulFlags & MAPI_UNICODE)
- return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_BAD_CHARWIDTH);
- #endif
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->GetPropList(pimsg->lpmsg, ulFlags, &ptaga);
- if (hr == hrSuccess && FIsUnsavedMsg(pimsg))
- {
- /* Remove PR_ENTRYID from the array. Since the message is unsaved, */
- /* don't return the entryid. Overwrite the PR_ENTRYID entry with */
- /* the last prop tag in the array. */
- /* //$ Should PR_INSTANCE_KEY be removed from the array too? */
- ULONG *pulPT;
- ULONG *pulPTMac;
- pulPT = ptaga->aulPropTag;
- pulPTMac = pulPT + ptaga->cValues;
- while (pulPT < pulPTMac)
- {
- if (*pulPT == PR_ENTRYID)
- {
- ptaga->cValues--;
- pulPTMac--;
- if (pulPT < pulPTMac)
- memcpy(pulPT, pulPTMac, sizeof(ULONG));
- break;
- }
- ++pulPT;
- }
- }
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- if(hr == hrSuccess)
- {
- if(!(hr = ResultFromScode(MAPIAllocateBuffer(
- CbNewSPropTagArray(ptaga->cValues + sptaToAdd.cValues),
- (LPVOID *)&ptagaRet))))
- {
- CopyMemory(ptagaRet, ptaga, CbNewSPropTagArray(ptaga->cValues));
- for(ind = 0; ind < sptaToAdd.cValues; ++ind)
- {
- if(!FContainsProp(sptaToAdd.aulPropTag[ind], ptaga))
- {
- ptagaRet->aulPropTag[ptagaRet->cValues++] =
- sptaToAdd.aulPropTag[ind];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- MAPIFreeBuffer(ptaga);
- if (hr == hrSuccess)
- *pptaga = ptagaRet;
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_GetPropList, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_GetPropList);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_OpenProperty
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Open a requested interface on a property for further
- * access. Commonly used for stream access to a large binary
- * or text property. This is the only way to access a
- * property of type PT_OBJECT, and may be used on other
- * properties depending on the implementation. Uses the
- * IMessage on IStorage property implementation.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulPropTag Property tag for the desired property. Only
- * the ID bits of the tag are used; the type bits
- * are ignored.
- * lpiid Pointer to the GUID identifying which interface
- * is desired.
- * ulInterfaceOptions specifies interface-specific behavior
- * lppUnk Location in which to return a pointer to the
- * newly created interface pointer.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_INTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED An error occurred opening a
- * supported interface.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_OpenProperty(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulPropTag, LPCIID lpiid,
- ULONG ulInterfaceOptions, ULONG ulFlags, LPUNKNOWN *lppUnk)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- OpenProperty,
- (pimsg,
- ulPropTag,
- lpiid,
- ulInterfaceOptions,
- ulFlags,
- lppUnk));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->OpenProperty(pimsg->lpmsg, ulPropTag, lpiid,
- ulInterfaceOptions, ulFlags, lppUnk);
- if (hr == hrSuccess
- && (ulFlags & (MAPI_MODIFY | MAPI_CREATE)))
- OBJ_ClearFlag(pimsg, MSGF_FRESH);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_OpenProperty, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_OpenProperty);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_SetProps
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Sets the value of one or more properties. This call passes
- * a number of Property Value structures. The Property Tag in
- * each indicates which property is having its values set and
- * the value indicates what should be stored. The caller must
- * free the returned property problem structure by calling
- * MAPIFreeBuffer(*lppProblems), but only if the call
- * succeeded overall. Uses the IMessage on IStorage property
- * implementation.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * cValues Number of values in lpPropArray.
- * lpPropArray Pointer to a Property Value array.
- * lppProblems Location in which to return a pointer to a
- * counted array of property problem
- * structures.
- *
- * Returns:
- * HRESULT. If the call succeeds overall, a zero is returned.
- * If there are problems with setting some or all of the
- * selected values, and a non-NULL is passed for lppProblems,
- * then a SPropProblemArray structure is returned with details
- * about each problem. The value returned in lppProblems is
- * only valid if zero is returned in the HRESULT. If an error
- * occurs on the call such that a non-zero value is returned
- * for the HRESULT then the contents of *lppProblems are
- * undefined. In particular, do not use or free the structure
- * if an error occurs on the call.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS The caller does not have access
- * to the requested properties.
- * MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED A general problem affecting
- * access to all of the object's
- * properties occurred.
- * MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED The mechanism for making the
- * call to the service provider
- * failed.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_SetProps(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG cValues, LPSPropValue lpPropArray,
- LPSPropProblemArray *lppProblems)
- {
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- SetProps,
- (pimsg,
- cValues,
- lpPropArray,
- lppProblems));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->SetProps(pimsg->lpmsg, cValues, lpPropArray,
- lppProblems);
- if (hr == hrSuccess)
- OBJ_ClearFlag(pimsg, MSGF_FRESH);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_SetProps, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_SetProps);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_DeleteProps
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Deletes the list of properties given in ptaga.
- * The caller must free the returned property problem
- * structure by calling MAPIFreeBuffer(*ppErr), but only
- * if the call succeeded overall. Uses the IMessage on
- * IStorage property implementation.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ptaga Pointer to an array of Property Tags
- * identifying the properties to delete.
- * ppErr Location in which to return a pointer to a
- * counted array of property problem
- * structures.
- *
- * Returns:
- * HRESULT. If the call succeeds overall, zero is returned.
- * If there are problems with deleting some or all of the
- * selected values, and a non-NULL is passed for ppErr,
- * then a SPropProblemArray structure is returned with details
- * about each problem. The value returned in ppErr is
- * only valid if zero is returned in the HRESULT. If an error
- * occurs on the call such that a non-zero value is returned
- * for the HRESULT then the contents of *ppErr are
- * undefined. In particular, do not use or free the structure
- * if an error occurs on the call.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS The caller does not have access
- * to the requested properties.
- * MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED A general problem affecting
- * access to all of the object's
- * properties occurred.
- * MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED The mechanism for making the
- * call to the service provider
- * failed.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_DeleteProps(PIMSG pimsg, LPSPropTagArray ptaga,
- LPSPropProblemArray *ppErr)
- {
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- DeleteProps,
- (pimsg,
- ptaga,
- ppErr));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->DeleteProps(pimsg->lpmsg, ptaga, ppErr);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_DeleteProps, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_DeleteProps);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_CopyTo
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Copies the contents of the current object to a destination
- * object. The entire contents, including contained objects,
- * are copied, or optionally the caller can provide a list of
- * properties that are not to be copied. Previous information
- * in the destination object which is not overwritten by
- * copied data is neither deleted nor modified.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the source object.
- * ciidExcl Count of the excluded interfaces in
- * rgiidExcl.
- * rgiidExcl Array of interface IDs specifying
- * interfaces not to be attempted in trying to
- * copy supplemental information to the
- * destination object.
- * ptagaExcl Counted array of property tags of
- * properties that are not to be copied to the
- * destination object. NULL indicates all
- * properties are to be copied.
- * ulUIParam Handle of parent window cast to ULONG.
- * lpProgress Callback for doing progress UI.
- * piidDst Interface ID of the interface of lpDestObj,
- * the destination object.
- * lpDestObj Pointer to the open destination object.
- * ulFlags Flags. Defined as follows:
- * MAPI_MOVE Indicates a move operation.
- * The default is to copy.
- * MAPI_NOREPLACE Indicates that existing
- * properties should not be
- * overridden. The default is
- * to overwrite existing
- * properties.
- * MAPI_DIALOG Display a progress dialog
- * as the operation proceeds.
- * MAPI_STD_DIALOG Use MAPI standard dialog
- * instead of
- * provider-specific dialog.
- * ppErr Pointer to a variable that is filled in
- * with a pointer to a set of property
- * problems. If NULL, no problem set is
- * returned on an error.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_CopyTo(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ciidExcl, LPCIID rgiidExcl,
- LPSPropTagArray ptagaExcl, ULONG ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress,
- LPCIID piidDst, LPVOID lpDestObj, ULONG ulFlags,
- LPSPropProblemArray *ppErr)
- {
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- CopyTo,
- (pimsg,
- ciidExcl,
- rgiidExcl,
- ptagaExcl,
- ulUIParam,
- lpProgress,
- piidDst,
- lpDestObj,
- ulFlags,
- ppErr));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->CopyTo(pimsg->lpmsg, ciidExcl, rgiidExcl,
- ptagaExcl, ulUIParam, lpProgress, piidDst, lpDestObj,
- ulFlags, ppErr);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_CopyTo, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_CopyTo);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_CopyProps
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Copies the specified properties of the current object to a destination
- * object. Previous information
- * in the destination object which is not overwritten by
- * copied data is neither deleted nor modified.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the source object.
- * ptagaIncl Counted array of property tags of
- * properties that are not to be copied to the
- * destination object. NULL indicates all
- * properties are to be copied.
- * ulUIParam Handle of parent window cast to ULONG.
- * lpProgress Callback for doing progress UI.
- * piidDst Interface ID of the interface of lpDestObj,
- * the destination object.
- * lpDestObj Pointer to the open destination object.
- * ulFlags Flags. Defined as follows:
- * MAPI_MOVE Indicates a move operation.
- * The default is to copy.
- * MAPI_NOREPLACE Indicates that existing
- * properties should not be
- * overridden. The default is
- * to overwrite existing
- * properties.
- * MAPI_DIALOG Display a progress dialog
- * as the operation proceeds.
- * ppErr Pointer to a variable that is filled in
- * with a pointer to a set of property
- * problems. If NULL, no problem set is
- * returned on an error.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- */
- LPSPropTagArray ptagaIncl, ULONG ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress,
- LPCIID piidDst, LPVOID lpDestObj, ULONG ulFlags,
- LPSPropProblemArray *ppErr)
- {
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMAPIProp,
- CopyProps,
- (pimsg,
- ptagaIncl,
- ulUIParam,
- lpProgress,
- piidDst,
- lpDestObj,
- ulFlags,
- ppErr));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->CopyProps(pimsg->lpmsg,
- ptagaIncl, ulUIParam, lpProgress, piidDst, lpDestObj,
- ulFlags, ppErr);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_CopyProps, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMAPIProp_CopyProps);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_GetAttachmentTable
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Returns, in table form, the list of attachments contained
- * in this message (one row per attachment). The table has at
- * least the PR_ATTACH_NUM and PR_RENDERING_POSITION columns.
- * Additional columns may be in the table depending on the
- * implementation. This table may change while it is open if
- * the application calls CreateAttach() or DeleteAttach(), or
- * if an attachment is modified in a way that some properties
- * in the table get changed.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulFlags Flags. Reserved for future use. Ignored.
- * lppTable Pointer to a variable in which the address of
- * the returned table object is placed.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for
- * the returned table object or
- * its underlying data.
- */
- IMSG_GetAttachmentTable(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags, LPMAPITABLE *lppTable)
- {
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- GetAttachmentTable,
- (pimsg,
- ulFlags,
- lppTable));
- #ifdef VALIDATE
- if (ulFlags & MAPI_UNICODE)
- return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_BAD_CHARWIDTH);
- #endif
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->GetAttachmentTable(pimsg->lpmsg, ulFlags,
- lppTable);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_GetAttachmentTable, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_GetAttachmentTable);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_OpenAttach
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Opens an existing attachment and returns a pointer which
- * provides further access to the open attachment. We get a
- * pointer to the attachment object from the IMessage on
- * IStorage implementation, and then wrap it with our own
- * attachment object.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulAttachmentNum Number of the attachment to be opened (the
- * value of this parameter comes from the
- * attachment table.
- * piidDst IID of interface requested for the
- * newly-opened object. NULL or IID_IMAPIProp
- * means to open the object using the standard
- * MAPI 1.0 interface for the object.
- * IID_IUnknown means to open it using
- * the easiest interface you can open.
- * ulFlags Flags. The following are defined:
- * MAPI_MODIFY Write access is desired.
- * The message must also be
- * open for write access.
- * lppAttach Pointer to a variable which is to receive
- * the pointer to the open attachment object.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * IStorage errors, plus,
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Could not allocate space for
- * the new attachment instance.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_OpenAttach(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulAttachmentNum, LPCIID piidDst,
- ULONG ulFlags, LPATTACH *lppAttach)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- LPATTACH lpattach = NULL;
- PIATCH piatch = NULL;
- BOOL fModify;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- OpenAttach,
- (pimsg,
- ulAttachmentNum,
- piidDst,
- ulFlags,
- lppAttach));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- /* Check for modification rights on the message. Switch to read-only */
- /* if the client asked for best access. */
- if (ulFlags & MAPI_BEST_ACCESS)
- fModify = !!OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, OBJF_MODIFY);
- else
- {
- fModify = !!(ulFlags & MAPI_MODIFY);
- if (fModify && !OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, OBJF_MODIFY))
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->OpenAttach(pimsg->lpmsg, ulAttachmentNum,
- piidDst, ulFlags, &lpattach);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- hr = HrNewIATCH(lpattach, pimsg, fModify, &piatch);
- UlRelease(lpattach);
- lpattach = NULL;
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- *lppAttach = (LPATTACH) piatch;
- exit:
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- UlRelease(piatch);
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_OpenAttach, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_OpenAttach);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_CreateAttach
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Creates a new attachment in a message and returns a pointer
- * which provides further access to the open attachment. We
- * get a pointer to the attachment object from the IMessage on
- * IStorage implementation, and then wrap it with our own
- * attachment object.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * piidDst IID of interface requested for the
- * newly-opened object. NULL or IID_IMAPIProp
- * means to open the object using the standard
- * MAPI 1.0 interface for the object.
- * IID_IUnknown means to open it using
- * the easiest interface you can open.
- * ulFlags Flags. Reserved for future use.
- * Ignored.
- * lpulAttachmentNum Pointer to a variable which is to
- * receive the number of the newly created
- * attachment. This number is valid only
- * within this message.
- * lppAttach Pointer to a variable which is to
- * receive the pointer to the open
- * attachment object.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * IStorage errors, plus,
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Could not allocate space for
- * the new attachment instance.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_CreateAttach(PIMSG pimsg, LPCIID piidDst, ULONG ulFlags,
- ULONG *lpulAttachmentNum, LPATTACH *lppAttach)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- LPATTACH lpattach = NULL;
- PIATCH piatch = NULL;
- ULONG ulAttachNum = 0L;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- CreateAttach,
- (pimsg,
- piidDst,
- ulFlags,
- lpulAttachmentNum,
- lppAttach));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- if (!OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, OBJF_MODIFY))
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS);
- goto exit;
- }
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->CreateAttach(pimsg->lpmsg, piidDst,
- ulFlags, &ulAttachNum, &lpattach);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Wrap the attachment object returned by IMessage. */
- hr = HrNewIATCH(lpattach, pimsg, TRUE, &piatch);
- UlRelease(lpattach);
- lpattach = NULL;
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- *lpulAttachmentNum = ulAttachNum;
- *lppAttach = (LPATTACH) piatch;
- OBJ_ClearFlag(pimsg, MSGF_FRESH);
- exit:
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- UlRelease(piatch);
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_CreateAttach, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_CreateAttach);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_DeleteAttach
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Deletes an attachment in a message. The current
- * application should release all pointers to an attachment
- * and its streams prior to deleting the attachment. Deleted
- * attachments are not permanently gone until changes to the
- * message are saved.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulAttachmentNum Index of the attachment to be deleted.
- * ulUIParam Window handle cast to a ULONG.
- * lpProgress Callback for displaying progress UI.
- * ulFlags Flags. Reserved for future use.
- * Ignored.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * Invalidates all pointers to the attachment, if it is
- * currently open (this is done by the IMessage on IStorage
- * implementation). These invalidated sub-objects then only
- * support the Release, AddRef, and QueryInterface methods.
- *
- * Errors:
- * IStorage errors (MAPI_E_WRITE_FAULT, etc.).
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_DeleteAttach(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulAttachmentNum,
- ULONG ulUIParam, LPMAPIPROGRESS lpProgress, ULONG ulFlags)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- DeleteAttach,
- (pimsg,
- ulAttachmentNum,
- ulUIParam,
- lpProgress,
- ulFlags));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- if (!OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, OBJF_MODIFY))
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS);
- else
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->DeleteAttach(pimsg->lpmsg, ulAttachmentNum,
- ulUIParam, lpProgress, ulFlags);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_DeleteAttach, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_DeleteAttach);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_GetRecipientTable
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Opens the recipient table in a message. The recipient
- * table for a received message or a message under composition
- * contains one row for each recipient of the message. The
- * table will have at least the following columns: PR_ROWID,
- * additional properties PR_ADDRTYPE, PR_SENDER_NAME,
- * PR_SENDER_ENTRYID, and PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME will appear in sent
- * messages (messages not under composition). Additional
- * columns may be in the table, depending on the
- * implementation.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulFlags Flags. Reserved for future use. Ignored.
- * lppTable Pointer to a variable in which the address of
- * the returned table object is placed.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Unable to allocate memory for
- * the returned table object or
- * its underlying data.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_GetRecipientTable(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags,
- LPMAPITABLE *lppTable)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- GetRecipientTable,
- (pimsg,
- ulFlags,
- lppTable));
- #ifdef VALIDATE
- if (ulFlags & MAPI_UNICODE)
- return ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_BAD_CHARWIDTH);
- #endif
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->GetRecipientTable(pimsg->lpmsg, ulFlags,
- lppTable);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_GetRecipientTable, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_GetRecipientTable);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_ModifyRecipients
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Adds, deletes, and/or modifies the recipients in a message.
- * The property set for each recipient being added or modified
- * must include a PR_ROWID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ADDRTYPE (it
- * may be empty), PR_ENTRYID (it may be empty), and
- * PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE. Additional properties may be specified,
- * but depending on the implementation they may be ignored or
- * discarded.
- *
- * The recipient table may be used to represent both
- * "resolved" and "unresolved" entries. An unresolved entry
- * is one that consists only of a display name. Applications
- * which allow users to type recipient names directly will
- * create these entries. A resolved entry contains more
- * information relating the display name to a recipient: an
- * email address type and an EntryID. Unresolved entries are
- * stored as entries with zero as a value for PR_ENTRYID and
- * PR_ADDRTYPE. A message with unresolved entries in the
- * recipient table will generate a non-delivery-report if
- * submitted.
- *
- * Parameters
- * pimsg pointer to message object
- * ulFlags flags: MESSAGE_REPLACE
- * lpMods Pointer to list of recipient modifications, additions, or
- * deletions to be performed on pimsg
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * This method converts all short-term EntryIDs to long-term
- * EntryIDs.
- *
- * Errors:
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_ModifyRecipients(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags, LPADRLIST lpMods)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- ModifyRecipients,
- (pimsg,
- ulFlags,
- lpMods));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->ModifyRecipients(pimsg->lpmsg, ulFlags, lpMods);
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_ModifyRecipients, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_ModifyRecipients);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_SubmitMessage
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Mark a message as ready for sending and saves all changes
- * to it and all its attachments. Since this is not
- * implemented in IMessage on IStorage, we must do it
- * ourselves.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulFlags Flags. Defined as follows:
- * FORCE_SUBMIT If set, MAPI should submit the
- * message even if it might not be
- * sent right away.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * If the submission is successful, the pointer to the message
- * and all associated sub-objects (messages, attachments,
- * streams, tables) are no longer valid, except for their
- * Release() methods. No other operations on these pointers
- * are permitted. MAPI expects the application to release the
- * message object and all associated sub-objects.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NON_STANDARD Unexpected queueing time is
- * possible. This error is only
- * returned if the FORCE_SUBMIT flag
- * is not set.
- */
- STDMETHODIMP IMSG_SubmitMessage(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- PIMS pims;
- ULONG ulcRow = 0L;
- ULONG cValues = 0L;
- LPSPropValue pval = NULL;
- LPSPropProblemArray pprba = NULL;
- ULONG ulPrepareFlags;
- ULONG ulPreprocess;
- LPSRowSet prws = NULL;
- #define NUM_FLAGTIME 3
- const static SizedSPropTagArray(NUM_FLAGTIME, proptagFlagTime) =
- {
- {
- }
- };
- #define NUM_RECIP_COLS 2
- const static SizedSPropTagArray(NUM_RECIP_COLS, proptagRecips) =
- {
- {
- PR_ROWID, /* make sure this stays first */
- }
- };
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- SubmitMessage,
- (pimsg,
- ulFlags));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- pims = pimsg->pims;
- if (OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_MSGINMSG))
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_SUPPORT);
- goto exit;
- }
- if (!OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, OBJF_MODIFY))
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NO_ACCESS);
- goto exit;
- }
- /* Get message flag to check for resubmit. */
- hr = HrGetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg->lpmsg, &pims->lmr,
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Check to see if the message was already submitted. If so, clear the */
- /* Preprocess bit in PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS, save the message, and update the */
- /* outgoing queue. */
- {
- AssertSz(OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg->pims, MSF_SPOOLER),
- "Message being resubmitted by other than the spooler");
- hr = HrGetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg->lpmsg, &pims->lmr,
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- {
- if (GetScode(hr) == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)
- {
- TraceSz1 ("SAMPLE MS: IMSG_SubmitMessage: Error %s getting "
- "PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS during resubmit.",
- SzDecodeScode(GetScode(hr)));
- hr = hrSuccess;
- ulSF = 0;
- }
- else
- goto exit;
- }
- hr = HrSetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg->lpmsg, &pims->lmr,
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Begin by making sure that all recipients have a PR_RESPONSIBILITY */
- /* property. If they don't, we need to put it in. */
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->GetRecipientTable(pimsg->lpmsg, 0L,
- &pmtRecip);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Get all columns and ensure that the PR_ROWID and PR_RESPONSIBILITY */
- /* columns are the first two table columns using the MAPI API function */
- /* HrAddColumns. */
- hr = HrAddColumns(pmtRecip, (LPSPropTagArray) &proptagRecips,
- pims->lmr.lpAllocBuf, pims->lmr.lpFreeBuf);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Check for PR_RESPONSIBILITY in each table row and set it if it's */
- /* missing. */
- while (TRUE)
- {
- LPSRow prw;
- LPSRow prwMac;
- LPSPropValue pvalT;
- /* Get 10 rows at a time. In general, GetRowCount may not */
- /* be supported by every provider. This loop does not count */
- /* on it working, even though I know that it would in this */
- /* implementation. */
- hr = pmtRecip->lpVtbl->QueryRows(pmtRecip, 10, 0L, &prws);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* All table implementations will return zero rows from QueryRows */
- /* when you're actually at the end of the table. This routine */
- /* uses that to test when to exit this loop. Note that this loop */
- /* doesn't need to check for no recipients at all, because */
- /* ExpandRecips (below) will do that as part of its processing. */
- if (prws->cRows == 0)
- break;
- prw = prws->aRow;
- prwMac = prw + prws->cRows;
- /* Loop through the rows. For each row, put in PR_RESPONSIBILITY */
- /* if it's missing. Don't change recipients that already have */
- /* a PR_RESPONSIBILITY property (due to resubmission). */
- while (prw < prwMac)
- {
- AssertSz(prw->cValues >= NUM_RECIP_COLS,
- "Bad # of values returned");
- pvalT = prw->lpProps;
- AssertSz(!IsBadReadPtr(pvalT, (UINT) prws->aRow->cValues
- * sizeof(SPropValue)), "Bad pval array");
- /* PR_ROWID is in column zero. Leave it alone, and start */
- /* with the next column. */
- ++pvalT;
- /* We don't ever want responsibility for any recipient. */
- /* If this isn't the spooler calling, then force ALL */
- /* responsibilities to FALSE regardless of what they were. */
- if (PROP_TYPE(pvalT->ulPropTag) == PT_NULL
- || !OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg->pims, MSF_SPOOLER))
- {
- pvalT->ulPropTag = PR_RESPONSIBILITY;
- pvalT->Value.b = FALSE;
- }
- ++prw;
- }
- /* modify the rows */
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->ModifyRecipients(pimsg->lpmsg,
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- FreeProws(prws);
- prws = NULL;
- }
- /* We're done with the recip table now, so release it. */
- UlRelease(pmtRecip);
- pmtRecip = NULL;
- ulPrepareFlags = 0;
- hr = pims->psup->lpVtbl->PrepareSubmit(pims->psup, pimsg->lpmsg,
- &ulPrepareFlags);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* ExpandRecips checks for no recip, and will return an error. */
- /* Therefore, this code doesn't need to check here for that case. */
- hr = pims->psup->lpVtbl->ExpandRecips(pims->psup, pimsg->lpmsg,
- &ulPreprocess);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Now, your store provider, if it wishes, may take responsibility */
- /* for any recipients that it wishes to handle. (For example, if */
- /* it is tightly coupled to a transport.) */
- /* Get the time to add to the message as PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME */
- GetSystemTime(&st);
- SideAssert(SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &ft));
- /* get the old values of PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS & PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME */
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->GetProps(pimsg->lpmsg,
- (LPSPropTagArray) &proptagFlagTime, 0, /* ansi */
- &cValues, &pval);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- /* Warnings are OK from GetProps here. */
- /* turn on the MSGFLAG_SUBMIT bit of PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS */
- pval[0].ulPropTag = PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS;
- pval[0].Value.l = pval[0].Value.l | MSGFLAG_SUBMIT;
- /* set the client submission time */
- pval[1].ulPropTag = PR_CLIENT_SUBMIT_TIME;
- pval[1].Value.ft = ft;
- /* set the submit flag. If necessary, turn on the preprocess flag */
- pval[2].ulPropTag = PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS;
- if (ulPreprocess & NEEDS_PREPROCESSING)
- pval[2].Value.l = SUBMITFLAG_PREPROCESS;
- else
- pval[2].Value.l = 0L;
- hr = pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->SetProps(pimsg->lpmsg, NUM_FLAGTIME, pval,
- &pprba);
- if (hr != hrSuccess || pprba)
- goto exit;
- }
- hr = pimsg->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(pimsg, KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* add or update (for resubmit) the message in the outgoing queue */
- hr = HrUpdateOutgoingQueue(pims, pimsg, NULL, TABLE_ROW_ADDED);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- exit:
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- if (pprba)
- {
- LMFree(&pims->lmr, pprba);
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
- }
- UlRelease(pmtRecip);
- LMFree(&pims->lmr, pval);
- FreeProws(prws);
- if (hr == hrSuccess)
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_SubmitMessage, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_SubmitMessage);
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_SetReadFlag
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Sets the MSGFLAG_READ bit in the PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS property.
- * In addition, it sends a read report to the originator, if
- * appropriate. A read report is only sent if the originator
- * of the message requested it. Applications generally cannot
- * determine if a read report has been requested.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Pointer to the object.
- * ulFlags Flags. SUPPRESS_RECEIPT
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * In order to generate a read report, a new message is
- * created which gets filled in by MAPI and then submitted.
- * This message will be in the same folder as pimsg, and will
- * have the same filename, except that it will have the read
- * receipt filename extension (.rrt) instead of the normal
- * message filename extension (.msg).
- *
- * Errors:
- * All errors associated with property modification, message
- * creation, or message submission.
- */
- {
- LPTSTR szFull = NULL;
- PEID peidCopy = NULL;
- PIMSG pimsgRRT = NULL;
- PIFLD pifldParent = NULL;
- ULONG ulObjType = 0L;
- PEID peidCopyFld = NULL;
- ULONG ulSeqNumber;
- PLMR plmr;
- LONG lUnreadChange;
- MSG_ValidateParameters(
- pimsg,
- IMessage,
- SetReadFlag,
- (pimsg,
- ulFlags));
- IMSG_EnterCriticalSection(pimsg);
- plmr = &pimsg->pims->lmr;
- hr = HrGetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg->lpmsg, plmr, PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS,
- &ulMF);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* if the flag is already set correctly, don't do anything. */
- if (ulFlags & CLEAR_READ_FLAG)
- {
- if (!(ulMF & MSGFLAG_READ))
- goto exit;
- lUnreadChange = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- if (ulMF & MSGFLAG_READ)
- goto exit;
- else
- lUnreadChange = -1;
- }
- hr = HrSetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg->lpmsg, plmr, PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS, &ulMF);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- hr = HrOpenParent(pimsg->pims, pimsg->peid, MAPI_MODIFY, &pifldParent);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* see if read receipts are requested */
- hr = HrGetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg->lpmsg, plmr,
- if (hr == hrSuccess
- && !(ulFlags & SUPPRESS_RECEIPT)
- && fRR
- && lUnreadChange == -1)
- {
- PIFLD pifldRoot = NULL;
- ULONG ulObjType;
- NFSideAssertSz(pimsg->peid,
- "PR_READ_RECEIPT_REQUESTED set on a message in a message ");
- /* Open the root folder */
- hr = pimsg->pims->lpVtbl->OpenEntry(pimsg->pims, 0, NULL,
- NULL, 0L, &ulObjType, (LPUNKNOWN *) &pifldRoot);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- Assert(ulObjType == MAPI_FOLDER);
- /* Create a read receipt message in the root folder and call */
- /* IMAPISupport::ReadReceipt */
- hr = HrNewEID(pifldRoot, pimsg->pims, READRECEIPT_EXT,
- &ulSeqNumber, &peidCopy);
- UlRelease(pifldRoot);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- hr = HrNewIMSG(peidCopy, pimsg->pims, TRUE, TRUE, ulSeqNumber,
- &szFull, &pimsgRRT);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- hr = InitIMSGProps(pimsgRRT);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- hr = pimsg->pims->psup->lpVtbl->ReadReceipt(pimsg->pims->psup, 0L,
- (LPMESSAGE) pimsg, (LPMESSAGE *) &pimsgRRT);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* If ReadReceipt didn't release and NULL the returned message, */
- /* then submit it. */
- if (pimsgRRT)
- {
- hr = pimsgRRT->lpVtbl->SubmitMessage(pimsgRRT, FORCE_SUBMIT);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- hr = pimsg->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(pimsg, KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE);
- if (HR_FAILED(hr))
- goto exit;
- /* Update the folder properties file -- WARNING: if we fail from */
- /* now until the end of the procedure, the folder unread count will */
- /* be inconsistent with the actual unread messages in this folder, */
- /* and we have no transactional way of backing out changes. */
- /* don't change folder properties for a message in a message */
- if (!OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_MSGINMSG))
- {
- hr = HrIncrementOneROProp(pifldParent, lUnreadChange, PR_CONTENT_UNREAD);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (HR_FAILED(hr))
- TraceSz1("Sample MS: IMSG_SetReadFlag: error %s changing the "
- "unread count on a folder.", SzDecodeScode(GetScode(hr)));
- #endif
- /* Ignore the error. It isn't fatal. */
- hr = hrSuccess;
- }
- exit:
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- UlRelease(pimsgRRT);
- FreeNull(szFull);
- LMFree(plmr, peidCopy);
- LMFree(plmr, peidCopyFld);
- UlRelease(pifldParent);
- IMSG_LeaveCriticalSection(pimsg);
- DebugTraceResult(IMSG_SetReadFlag, hr);
- return HrCheckHr(hr, IMessage_SetReadFlag);
- }
- /*
- * External functions (called from outside of this file).
- */
- /*
- * HrNewIMSG
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Allocates and initializes an IMSG object (internal
- * implementation of IMessage). Optionally creates storage
- * for the object (else it tries to open existing storage).
- *
- * Arguments:
- * peid Internal form of EntryID for message.
- * pims Message Store in which this message resides.
- * fCreate Boolean. TRUE means to create the storage for this message.
- * fModify Boolean. TRUE means to open the message for writing.
- * ulSeqNum The sequence number of the entryid.
- * pszFull Location in which to return the full pathname to the
- * file created or opened. If NULL, don't return the path.
- * ppimsg Location in which to return a pointer to the
- * newly created IMSG instance.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Could not allocate space for
- * the IMSG instance.
- */
- HRESULT HrNewIMSG(PEID peid, PIMS pims, BOOL fCreate, BOOL fModify,
- ULONG ulSeqNum, LPSTR *pszFull, PIMSG *ppimsg)
- {
- LPTSTR szFull = NULL;
- PEID peidCopy = NULL;
- ULONG cbeid;
- PIMSG pimsgNew = NULL;
- BOOL fDoneCreate = FALSE;
- SCODE sc = S_OK;
- PEID peidParent = NULL;
- AssertSz(peid, "Bad peid");
- AssertSz(pims, "Bad pims");
- AssertSz(ppimsg, "Bad ppimsg");
- /* Get all the necessary parts of an IMSG */
- hr = HrFullPathName(pims->szStorePath, peid->szPath, NULL, &szFull);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- ReplaceExt(szFull, MESSAGE_EXT);
- /* always open the internal message for modification so that */
- /* SetReadFlag will work. */
- hr = HrOpenIMsg(pims->pmsgsess, szFull, &pims->lmr, pims->psup, fCreate,
- TRUE, FALSE, &lpmsg);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- if (fCreate)
- fDoneCreate = TRUE;
- cbeid = CbEID(peid);
- hr = HrAlloc(cbeid, (PPV) &peidCopy);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- memcpy(peidCopy, peid, (UINT) cbeid);
- /* Allocate and initialize IMSG instance */
- sc = LMAllocZ(&pims->lmr, sizeof(IMSG), &pimsgNew);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
- goto exit;
- }
- OBJ_Initialize(pimsgNew, &vtblIMSG, OT_MESSAGE, pims, pims->pcs);
- pimsgNew->peid = peidCopy;
- pimsgNew->lpmsg = lpmsg;
- if (fCreate)
- {
- OBJ_SetFlag(pimsgNew, MSGF_FRESH);
- }
- else
- {
- hr = HrGetSingleProp((LPMAPIPROP) lpmsg, &pims->lmr,
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- if (fModify
- && !OBJ_TestFlag(pims, MSF_SPOOLER))
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_SUBMITTED);
- goto exit;
- }
- }
- if (fModify)
- OBJ_SetFlag(pimsgNew, OBJF_MODIFY);
- hr = HrGetParentEID(&pims->lmr, peid, &peidParent);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- hr = HrSetInternalProps(&pims->lmr, cpropIMSGInternal, &(pimsgNew->pval),
- &(pimsgNew->cval), peid, peidParent, ulSeqNum);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- OBJ_Enqueue((POBJ) pimsgNew, (POBJ) pims);
- exit:
- LMFree(&pims->lmr, peidParent);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- {
- UlRelease(lpmsg);
- FreeNull(peidCopy);
- if (fDoneCreate)
- DeleteFile(szFull);
- if (pimsgNew)
- LMFree(&pims->lmr, pimsgNew->pval);
- LMFree(&pims->lmr, pimsgNew);
- FreeNull(szFull);
- }
- else
- {
- *ppimsg = pimsgNew;
- if (pszFull)
- *pszFull = szFull;
- else
- FreeNull(szFull);
- }
- DebugTraceResult(HrNewIMSG, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * IMSG_Neuter
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Neuters an IMSG
- *
- * Parameter
- * pimsg pointer to IMSG to be neutered
- */
- void IMSG_Neuter(PIMSG pimsg)
- {
- /* Free IMSG object's internal memory */
- UlRelease(pimsg->lpmsg);
- LMFree(&pimsg->pims->lmr, pimsg->pval);
- /* delete the file if it was never saved */
- if (OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_NEWLYCREATED))
- {
- LPTSTR szFull = NULL; /* full path name of message */
- /* delete the file */
- if (HrFullPathName(pimsg->pims->szStorePath, pimsg->peid->szPath,
- NULL, &szFull) == hrSuccess)
- {
- ReplaceExt(szFull, MESSAGE_EXT);
- DeleteFile(szFull);
- FreeNull(szFull);
- }
- }
- FreeNull(pimsg->peid);
- }
- /*
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Wraps an IMSG object around a message that is contained in
- * an attachment (message in message). A message in message
- * has no EntryID, does not expose a PR_STORE_ENTRYID or
- * PR_STORE_RECORD_KEY, and cannot be submitted.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * lpmsg Message in message we get back from the
- * IMessage on IStorage implementation.
- * pobj Pointer to the parent object of the msg-in-msg.
- * ulFlags ulFlags from OpenProperty call
- * ppimsg Address in which to place a pointer to the
- * newly created IMSG instance.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Could not allocate space for
- * the IMSG instance.
- */
- {
- PIMSG pimsgNew = NULL;
- SCODE sc = S_OK;
- PIMS pims;
- AssertSz(lpmsg, "Bad lpmsg");
- AssertSz(pobj, "Bad pobj");
- AssertSz(ppimsg, "Bad ppimsg");
- pims = pobj->pims;
- /* Allocate and initialize IMSG instance */
- sc = LMAllocZ(&pims->lmr, sizeof(IMSG), (LPVOID *) &pimsgNew);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto exit;
- OBJ_Initialize(pimsgNew, &vtblIMSG, OT_MESSAGE, pims, pims->pcs);
- OBJ_SetFlag(pimsgNew, MSGF_MSGINMSG);
- if(ulFlags & MAPI_MODIFY)
- OBJ_SetFlag(pimsgNew, OBJF_MODIFY);
- pimsgNew->peid = NULL;
- pimsgNew->lpmsg = lpmsg;
- OBJ_Enqueue((POBJ) pimsgNew, pobj);
- *ppimsg = pimsgNew;
- exit:
- if (sc != S_OK)
- LMFree(&pims->lmr, pimsgNew);
- DebugTraceSc(NewIMSGInIATCH, sc);
- return ResultFromScode(sc);
- }
- /*
- * InitIMSGProps
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Sets the initial (and for read-only properties, the only)
- * values for the base properties of the Message Object:
- * takes as input parameters the values of those properties
- * that are specific to this message and derives the values of
- * those properties that are identical for all messages in the
- * Microsoft Sample Store Provider.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pimsg Internal IMessage object instance.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Could not allocate space for
- * the property arrays.
- */
- HRESULT InitIMSGProps(PIMSG pimsg)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- LPSPropValue pval = NULL;
- LPSPropProblemArray pprba = NULL;
- LPSPropTagArray ptaga = NULL;
- LPSPropAttrArray patra = NULL;
- ULONG cpropInit = 0L;
- BOOL fMsgInMsg;
- MAPIUID uid;
- PIMS pims;
- LPMESSAGE lpmsg;
- AssertSz(pimsg, "Bad pimsg");
- if (OBJ_TestFlag(pimsg, MSGF_MSGINMSG))
- {
- AssertSz(pimsg->peid == NULL, "Msg in msg has no entryid");
- fMsgInMsg = TRUE;
- cpropInit = cpropMsgInMsgInit;
- }
- else
- {
- fMsgInMsg = FALSE;
- cpropInit = cpropIMSGInit;
- }
- pims = pimsg->pims;
- lpmsg = pimsg->lpmsg;
- /* Allocate the property arrays. */
- hr = HrAllocPropArrays(cpropInit, &pval, &ptaga, &patra);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Initialize property value array and all property tags. */
- ptaga->cValues = patra->cValues = cpropInit;
- pval[0].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[0] = PR_OBJECT_TYPE;
- pval[0].Value.l = MAPI_MESSAGE;
- pval[1].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[1] = PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS;
- /* When the spooler creates a message, it is arriving into the store. */
- /* Therefore, the message should be unread, sent and unmodified. When */
- /* the client creates a message, it is unsent, read, and unmodified. */
- if (OBJ_TestFlag(pims, MSF_SPOOLER))
- pval[1].Value.l = MSGFLAG_UNMODIFIED;
- else
- pval[2].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[2] = PR_MESSAGE_CLASS;
- pval[2].Value.LPSZ = TEXT("IPM");
- if (!fMsgInMsg)
- {
- hr = pims->psup->lpVtbl->NewUID(pims->psup, &uid);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- pval[3].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[3] = PR_SEARCH_KEY;
- pval[3].Value.bin.cb = sizeof(uid);
- pval[3].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE) &uid;
- pval[4].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[4] = PR_STORE_ENTRYID;
- pval[4].Value.bin.cb = pims->eidStore.cb;
- pval[4].Value.bin.lpb = pims->eidStore.lpb;
- pval[5].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[5] = PR_STORE_RECORD_KEY;
- pval[5].Value.bin.cb = sizeof(pims->uidResource);
- pval[5].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE) &pims->uidResource;
- pval[6].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[6] = PR_MSG_STATUS;
- pval[6].Value.l = 0;
- * PR_INSTANCE_KEY to null strings to keep clients from writing over
- * them. We get the actual values internally.
- */
- pval[7].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[7] = PR_ENTRYID;
- pval[7].Value.bin.cb = 1;
- pval[7].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE) "";
- pval[8].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[8] = PR_PARENT_ENTRYID;
- pval[8].Value.bin.cb = 1;
- pval[8].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE) "";
- pval[9].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[9] = PR_RECORD_KEY;
- pval[9].Value.bin.cb = 1;
- pval[9].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE) "";
- pval[10].ulPropTag = ptaga->aulPropTag[10] = PR_INSTANCE_KEY;
- pval[10].Value.bin.cb = 1;
- pval[10].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE) "";
- /* this message is not complete until changes have been saved */
- /* mark it as such so that others don't see a partial message */
- }
- /* Initialize the property attribute array. */
- patra->aPropAttr[0] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- patra->aPropAttr[1] = grfpropattrIMSGInit | PROPATTR_WRITEABLE;
- patra->aPropAttr[2] = grfpropattrIMSGInit | PROPATTR_WRITEABLE;
- if (!fMsgInMsg)
- {
- patra->aPropAttr[3] = grfpropattrIMSGInit | PROPATTR_WRITEABLE;
- patra->aPropAttr[4] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- patra->aPropAttr[5] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- patra->aPropAttr[6] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- patra->aPropAttr[7] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- patra->aPropAttr[8] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- patra->aPropAttr[9] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- patra->aPropAttr[10] = grfpropattrIMSGInit;
- }
- /* Set the property values. */
- hr = lpmsg->lpVtbl->SetProps(lpmsg, cpropInit, pval, &pprba);
- if (hr != hrSuccess || pprba)
- goto exit;
- /* Set the property attributes. */
- hr = SetAttribIMsgOnIStg(lpmsg, ptaga, patra, &pprba);
- if (hr != hrSuccess || pprba)
- goto exit;
- /* If we succeeded up to this point, commit the properties. */
- hr = lpmsg->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(lpmsg, KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE);
- /* if (hr), fall through to exit */
- exit:
- AssertSz(hr == hrSuccess || HR_FAILED(hr), "No warning expected");
- if (pprba)
- {
- LMFree(&pims->lmr, pprba);
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED);
- }
- FreePropArrays(&pval, &ptaga, &patra);
- DebugTraceResult(InitIMSGProps, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * HrSetFlags
- *
- * Purpose
- * Set the value of flag bits on a message property. The
- * properties that this function is used for are PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS
- *
- * Parameters
- * pimsg A pointer to the message object.
- * ulAction SET or UNSET
- * ulPropTag the property tag to be changed.
- * ulFlag flags to be set or unset.
- */
- HRESULT HrSetFlags(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulAction, ULONG ulPropTag, ULONG ulFlag)
- {
- LPSPropValue pval = NULL;
- AssertSz1(ulPropTag == PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS || ulPropTag == PR_SUBMIT_FLAGS,
- "HrSetFlags: not designed for property %s", SzDecodeUlPropTag(ulPropTag));
- AssertSz1((ulAction == SET) || (ulAction == UNSET), "Bad ulAction: %08lX",
- ulAction);
- /* get the current value of the flag */
- hr = HrGetOneProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg, ulPropTag, &pval);
- /* compute and set the new value */
- if (HR_SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- LONG lOldFlag = pval->Value.l;
- if (ulAction & SET)
- pval->Value.l |= ulFlag;
- else
- pval->Value.l &= ~ulFlag;
- /* If the value that's there is correct, then don't set it. */
- if (pval->Value.l == lOldFlag)
- goto exit;
- }
- else if (GetScode(hr) == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)
- {
- pval->Value.l = (ulAction & SET) ? ulFlag : 0L;
- pval->ulPropTag = ulPropTag;
- }
- else
- goto exit;
- hr = HrSetOneProp((LPMAPIPROP) pimsg, pval);
- exit:
- LMFree(&pimsg->pims->lmr, pval);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * HrSetInternalProps
- *
- * Purpose
- * Sets up the in-memory array to hold properties that may change
- * when the message or folder object is moved or copied. See the
- * routine ProcessGetProps in mspmisc.c for details of how this
- * array is used.
- *
- * Parameters
- * plmr: A pointer to the linked memory allocation routines.
- * cprop: The number of properties to set into the in-memory array.
- * Note that the properties that are saved in-memory are placed
- * into the array in a hard-coded order (see below). Therefore,
- * changing cprop to a smaller number eliminates specific props
- * from the array.
- * ppval: A pointer to the location to place the in-memory pval array.
- * pcval: A pointer to the location to place the number of properties
- * placed into *ppval.
- * peid: The object's entryid that we are saving in-memory props for.
- * (Used to get the value for PR_ENTRYID and PR_INSTANCE_KEY).
- * peidParent: The entryid of the parent object. (Used to get the value
- * ulSeqNum: The value with which to fill PR_RECORD_KEY. (Only used
- * on message objects).
- *
- * Returns
- * HRESULT. Only errors are from memory allocation failures.
- */
- HRESULT HrSetInternalProps(PLMR plmr, ULONG cprop, LPSPropValue *ppval,
- ULONG *pcval, PEID peid, PEID peidParent, ULONG ulSeqNum)
- {
- LPSPropValue pval = NULL;
- LPSPropValue pvalT;
- LPSPropValue pvalTMac;
- SCODE sc;
- AssertSz(*ppval == NULL, "pval already allocated");
- AssertSz(*pcval == 0, "cval already non-zero");
- /* Allocate the property array. */
- sc = LMAlloc(plmr, cprop * sizeof(SPropValue), &pval);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto exit;
- pvalT = pval;
- pvalTMac = pvalT + cprop;
- if (pvalT < pvalTMac)
- {
- sc = ScFillOneSBPval(plmr, (LPVOID) pval, PR_ENTRYID,
- CbEID(peid), (LPBYTE) peid, pvalT);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto exit;
- pvalT++;
- }
- if (pvalT < pvalTMac)
- {
- sc = ScFillOneSBPval(plmr, (LPVOID) pval, PR_INSTANCE_KEY,
- CbEID(peid), (LPBYTE) peid, pvalT);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto exit;
- pvalT++;
- }
- if (pvalT < pvalTMac)
- {
- sc = ScFillOneSBPval(plmr, (LPVOID) pval, PR_PARENT_ENTRYID,
- CbEID(peidParent), (LPBYTE) peidParent, pvalT);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto exit;
- pvalT++;
- }
- if (pvalT < pvalTMac)
- {
- sc = ScFillOneSBPval(plmr, (LPVOID) pval, PR_RECORD_KEY,
- sizeof(ulSeqNum), (LPBYTE) &ulSeqNum, pvalT);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto exit;
- pvalT++;
- }
- AssertSz(pvalT == pvalTMac, "Not enough values to fill internal array");
- *pcval = cprop;
- *ppval = pval;
- exit:
- if (sc != S_OK)
- LMFree(plmr, pval);
- DebugTraceSc(HrSetInternalProps, sc);
- return ResultFromScode(sc);
- }
- /*
- * Internal functions (called only from within this file).
- *
- */
- /* HrSaveMsgInMsg
- *
- * Perform the necessary steps to save changes on a msg-in-msg type message.
- *
- */
- static HRESULT HrSaveMsgInMsg(PIMSG pimsg, ULONG ulFlags)
- {
- ULONG ulPropMsgFlags = ulFlags;
- if (!(ulFlags & KEEP_OPEN_READWRITE))
- ulPropMsgFlags |= KEEP_OPEN_READONLY;
- return pimsg->lpmsg->lpVtbl->SaveChanges(pimsg->lpmsg, ulPropMsgFlags);
- }
- /* Fills in an SBinary PropValue via AllocMore. */
- static SCODE ScFillOneSBPval(PLMR plmr, LPVOID pvOrigBuf, ULONG ulPropTag,
- ULONG cb, LPBYTE lpbData, LPSPropValue pval)
- {
- SCODE sc;
- sc = LMAllocMore(plmr, cb, pvOrigBuf, &(pval->Value.bin.lpb));
- if (sc == S_OK)
- {
- pval->ulPropTag = ulPropTag;
- pval->Value.bin.cb = cb;
- if (cb)
- memcpy(pval->Value.bin.lpb, lpbData, (UINT) cb);
- }
- return sc;
- }