资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * M S P I N I T . C
- *
- * Initialize the MAPI Sample Message Store Provider.
- *
- * Copyright 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- */
- #include "msp.h"
- CHAR szFolderTemplate[] = "*.fld";
- CHAR szMessageTemplate[] = "*.msg";
- CHAR szPropertyFileName[] = "folder.prp";
- CHAR szHierarchyFileName[] = "hierarch.tbl";
- CHAR szContentsFileName[] = "contents.tbl";
- CHAR szOutgoingFileName[] = "outgoing.tbl";
- #define MSP_CheckParameters(pobj, intf, method, arglist)
- OBJ_CheckParameters(pobj, intf, method, sizeof(MSP), &vtblMSP, arglist)
- MSP_Vtbl vtblMSP =
- {
- (MSP_QueryInterface_METHOD *) OBJ_QueryInterface,
- (MSP_AddRef_METHOD *) OBJ_AddRef,
- MSP_Release,
- MSP_Shutdown,
- MSP_Logon,
- MSP_SpoolerLogon,
- MSP_CompareStoreIDs
- };
- /*
- * Exported functions
- */
- /*
- * MSProviderInit
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Message Store Provider initialization and version handshake
- * with MAPI. Called once for each MAPI Session that uses this
- * store provider DLL on this process. Passes back an init
- * object (LPMSPROVIDER) used for further access to this provider.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * ulFlags Reserved for future use. Ignored.
- * ulMAPIVersion Version of Message Store SPI used by MAPI.
- * lpulMDBVersion [out] Version of SPI supported by the provider.
- * ppmsp [out] MS Provider object for further access.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * MAPI_E_VERSION Require a higher version of MAPI
- * MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY Insufficient memory
- * Any errors from ScInitMSInstance()
- */
- MSProviderInit(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPMALLOC pmalloc,
- LPFREEBUFFER pfnFreeBuf, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG ulMAPIVersion,
- ULONG * pulMDBVersion, LPMSPROVIDER * ppmsp)
- {
- SCODE sc = S_OK;
- PMSP pmsp = NULL;
- AssertSz(pmalloc, "Bad pmalloc");
- AssertSz(pfnAllocBuf, "Bad pfnAllocBuf");
- AssertSz(pfnAllocMore, "Bad pfnAllocMore");
- AssertSz(pfnFreeBuf, "Bad pfnFreeBuf");
- NFAssertSz(!ulFlags, "Unknown flags, bug in MAPI DLL");
- AssertSz(pulMDBVersion, "Bad pulMDBVersion");
- AssertSz(ppmsp, "Bad ppmsp");
- /* This provider requires MAPI to be at least the version
- * of the SPI defined at the time this provider was compiled.
- */
- {
- goto exit;
- }
- /* Initialize the per-instance global data */
- sc = ScInitMSInstance(pmalloc);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto exit;
- /* Allocate and initialize the MSPROVIDER object. */
- sc = ScAllocZ(sizeof(MSP), (PPV) &pmsp);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- {
- DeinitMSInstance();
- goto exit;
- }
- OBJ_Initialize(pmsp, &vtblMSP, OT_MSPROVIDER, 0, &pmsp->cs);
- pmsp->hInst = hInstance;
- pmsp->lmr.lpAllocBuf = pfnAllocBuf;
- pmsp->lmr.lpAllocMore = pfnAllocMore;
- pmsp->lmr.lpFreeBuf = pfnFreeBuf;
- InitializeCriticalSection(&pmsp->cs);
- /* Pass back [out] parameters. */
- *ppmsp = (LPMSPROVIDER) pmsp;
- exit:
- DebugTraceSc(MSProviderInit, sc);
- return ResultFromScode(ScCheckSc(sc, IMSProvider_Init));
- }
- /*
- - MSP_Release
- -
- */
- {
- LONG cRef;
- MSP_EnterCriticalSection(pmsp);
- cRef = --pmsp->cRef;
- AssertSz2(cRef >= 0, "MSP_Release(pmsp=%08lX): Bogus cRef (%08lX)",
- pmsp, cRef);
- AssertSz(cRef > 0 || pmsp->pobjHead == NULL, "There are still valid logons");
- MSP_LeaveCriticalSection(pmsp);
- if (cRef == 0)
- {
- DeleteCriticalSection(&pmsp->cs);
- FreeNull(pmsp);
- DeinitMSInstance();
- }
- return (cRef);
- }
- /*
- * MSP_Shutdown
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Allow MAPI to specify flags related to the Release().
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pulFlags Reserved for future use. Ignored.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * None.
- */
- MSP_Shutdown(PMSP pmsp, ULONG * pulFlags)
- {
- MSP_CheckParameters(
- pmsp,
- IMSProvider,
- Shutdown,
- (pmsp,
- pulFlags));
- MSP_EnterCriticalSection(pmsp);
- /* MAPI says it will never call Release with valid logons, */
- /* let's make sure. */
- AssertSz(pmsp->pobjHead == NULL, "There are still valid logons");
- #ifdef DEBUG
- pmsp->fInvalid = TRUE;
- #endif
- MSP_LeaveCriticalSection(pmsp);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * MSP_CompareStoreIDs
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Compare the EntryIDs of two message stores.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * pmsp MSPROVIDER object returned by MSProviderInit.
- * lcbEntryID1 Size of first EntryID.
- * lpEntryID1 First EntryID to compare.
- * lcbEntryID2 Size of second EntryID.
- * lpEntryID2 Second EntryID to compare.
- * ulFlags Flags. Reserved for future use.
- * pulResult Address in which to place the result of
- * the comparison (TRUE or FALSE).
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * None.
- */
- MSP_CompareStoreIDs(PMSP pmsp, ULONG lcbEntryID1, LPENTRYID lpEntryID1,
- ULONG lcbEntryID2, LPENTRYID lpEntryID2, ULONG ulFlags,
- ULONG *pulResult)
- {
- PEID peid1 = (PEID) lpEntryID1;
- PEID peid2 = (PEID) lpEntryID2;
- MSP_CheckParameters(
- pmsp,
- IMSProvider,
- CompareStoreIDs,
- (pmsp,
- lcbEntryID1,
- lpEntryID1,
- lcbEntryID2,
- lpEntryID2,
- ulFlags,
- pulResult));
- AssertSz(!pmsp->fInvalid,
- "This MSProvider has already been shutdown");
- /* The Sample Store's method of deriving and comparing */
- /* store EntryIDs has the quirky behavior that if any */
- /* OTHER store's EntryIDs are binary-comparable, this */
- /* function will return a successful match, without ever */
- /* knowing that the EntryIDs were not Sample Store */
- /* EntryIDs. A subsequent logon would, of course, fail. */
- /* Case-insensitive string compare on part, binary on rest. */
- if ( lcbEntryID1 >= offsetof(EID, szPath) + sizeof(TCHAR)
- && lcbEntryID1 == lcbEntryID2
- && memcmp(peid1, peid2, offsetof(EID, szPath)) == 0
- && peid1->bVersion == SMPMS_VERSION
- && lstrcmpi(peid1->szPath, peid2->szPath) == 0)
- {
- *pulResult = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- *pulResult = FALSE;
- }
- return hrSuccess;
- }