资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- * M S P R F S . C
- *
- * Code for implementing Get/SetReceiveFolder for the Message
- * Store object.
- *
- * Hungarian shorthand:
- * To avoid excessively long identifier names, throughout this
- * file, RFS is used to mean "Receive Folder Settings", and RFN
- * is used to mean an RFS Node.
- *
- * Copyright 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- */
- #include "msp.h"
- /* Manifest constants */
- TCHAR szRFSStreamName[] = TEXT("RFS_STREAM");
- /* GRoup of Flags (grf):
- *
- * grfStorageOpen: Flags used to open a read/write OLE IStorage object.
- * grfStorageOpenRO: Flags used to open a read only OLE IStorage object.
- * grfStorageCreate: Flags used to create an OLE IStorage object.
- * grfStreamOpen: Flags used to open a read/write OLE IStream object.
- * grfStreamOpenRO: Flags used to open a read only OLE IStream object.
- * grfStreamCreate: Flags used to create an OLE IStream object.
- *
- * See the OLE 2 Programmer's Reference for details on these flags.
- */
- #define grfStorageOpenRO STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE |
- #define grfStorageCreate grfStorageOpen | STGM_FAILIFTHERE | STGM_CREATE
- #define grfStreamCreate grfStreamOpen | STGM_FAILIFTHERE
- /* Function prototypes */
- static HRESULT OpenRFSStream(PRFS prfs, BOOL fModify, IStream **lppstream,
- LPSTORAGE *lppstg);
- static void CloseRFSStream(IStream * lpstream, LPSTORAGE lpstg);
- /*
- * Exported functions
- */
- /*
- * FIsValidMessageClass
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Checks to see if a message class is valid. A valid message
- * class is defined to be a series of one or more
- * period-delimited tokens with each token being a series of
- * one or more ASCII characters in the range 32-126
- * (inclusive) excluding period. Note that this definition
- * excludes message classes with a leading or trailing
- * period, or two or more consecutive periods, because this
- * would imply the existence of a zero-length token.
- *
- * We put this function in the RFS module because dealing with
- * receive folders is the primary place in the Sample Store where we
- * care about message class.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * szMessageClass String identifying the message class.
- *
- * Returns:
- * BOOL. TRUE if szMessage is valid, FALSE if not.
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * None.
- */
- BOOL FIsValidMessageClass(LPTSTR szMessageClass)
- {
- TCHAR *pch = szMessageClass;
- BOOL fWasPeriod = TRUE;
- if (szMessageClass && IsBadStringPtr(szMessageClass, (UINT) -1))
- return FALSE;
- /* Handle the default message class */
- if (!szMessageClass || *szMessageClass == ' ')
- return TRUE;
- /* disallow things:bad chars and cases where */
- /* period is not a delim(.1, 1., and 1. .1 bad) */
- while (*pch)
- {
- if (*pch < 32 || *pch > 126)
- return FALSE;
- if (*pch == '.')
- {
- if (fWasPeriod)
- return FALSE;
- fWasPeriod = TRUE;
- }
- else
- fWasPeriod = FALSE;
- pch++;
- }
- return !fWasPeriod;
- }
- /*
- * OpenRFS
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Given an OLE2 storage object, opens a stream on it and
- * prepares it for handling receive folder settings. OpenRFS
- * returns to the caller a pointer to the RFS structure which
- * is then used for access to the settings. The stream format
- * of the receive folder settings is extremely simple: the
- * first ULONG is a count of the number of RFNs in the
- * stream, and the nodes themselves follow sequentially
- * afterward. A node on disk is not the same as an RFN in
- * memory. On disk, it is a variable-sized structure
- * containing a ULONG which is the size (in bytes) of the
- * node not including this field, then a ULONG which is the
- * length (in bytes) of a
- * string containing the message class (NULL inclusive), which
- * immediately follows. After that is a ULONG which is the
- * size (in bytes) of a string containing the relative path
- * name of the receive folder (NULL inclusive), which also
- * immediately follows. Visually, a node looks like the
- * following:
- *
- * +--------------------+
- * | ULONG cbNode |
- * +--------------------+
- * | ULONG cbClass |
- * +--------------------+
- * | TCHAR szClass[] |
- * | . |
- * | . |
- * | . |
- * +--------------------+
- * | ULONG cbPath |
- * +--------------------+
- * | TCHAR szPath[] |
- * | . |
- * | . |
- * | . |
- * +--------------------+
- *
- * The size of the message class name, cbClass, will always be
- * > 0 for "valid" nodes (the default message class will be a
- * NULL string of size 1 TCHAR). Thus, a value of 0 for
- * cbClass will signify a "free" node. Free nodes are created
- * in the normal use of the stream by DeleteRFN, which
- * SetReceiveFolder calls, and are removed at close time (see
- * CloseRFS, below).
- *
- * Note that, because string lengths are byte-sized but the
- * strings themselves are made of TCHARs, translation between
- * BYTE and TCHAR sizes must be done.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * szStoreRoot Full path to the sample store "root"
- * directory.
- * szFile Relative path name of docfile containing
- * receive folder settings.
- * ulFlags Flags. The following are defined:
- * RFS_CREATE Create the docfile containing
- * receive folder settings
- * (default opens existing).
- * pprfs Location in which to return a pointer to
- * the newly created RFS structure.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * Various.
- */
- HRESULT OpenRFS(LPTSTR szStoreRoot, LPTSTR szFile, ULONG ulFlags, PRFS *pprfs)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- HRESULT hrStg = hrSuccess;
- SCODE sc;
- LPTSTR szFullPath = NULL;
- ULONG cRFN = 0L;
- IStream *lpstream = NULL;
- PRFS prfs = NULL;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- int cbOle = 0L;
- #else
- OLE_CHAR *szOle;
- #endif
- /* initial default receive folder settings */
- ULONG cInitRFNs = 1; /* number of default nodes */
- #pragma pack(1)
- struct RFN
- {
- ULONG cbNode;
- ULONG cbClass;
- TCHAR szClass;
- ULONG cbFolder;
- TCHAR szFolderPath;
- } DefaultNode =
- {
- (2 * sizeof(ULONG)) + (2 * sizeof(TCHAR)),
- sizeof(TCHAR),
- ' ',
- sizeof(TCHAR),
- ' '
- };
- #pragma pack()
- LISet32(liBeg, 0); /* This is an OLE initializer macro */
- AssertSz(szStoreRoot, "Bad szStoreRoot");
- AssertSz(szFile, "Bad szFile");
- AssertSz(pprfs, "Bad pprfs");
- hr = HrAppendPath(szStoreRoot, szFile, &szFullPath);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- sc = ScAllocZ(sizeof(RFS), &prfs);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
- goto exit;
- }
- prfs->szFile = szFullPath;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- cbOle = 1 + lstrlen(szFullPath);
- Assert(cbOle < MAX_PATH);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szFullPath, cbOle, szOle, cbOle);
- #else
- szOle = szFullPath;
- #endif
- if (ulFlags & RFS_CREATE)
- {
- hrStg = StgCreateDocfile(szOle, grfStorageCreate, 0, &lpstg);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- cbOle = 1 + lstrlen(szRFSStreamName);
- Assert(cbOle < MAX_PATH);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szRFSStreamName, cbOle,
- szOle, cbOle);
- #else
- szOle = szRFSStreamName;
- #endif
- hrStg = lpstg->lpVtbl->CreateStream(lpstg, szOle, grfStreamCreate,
- 0, 0, &lpstream);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Initialize the newly created stream */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, liBeg, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* add the default RFS setting of the root (path = ' ') */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cInitRFNs,
- sizeof cInitRFNs, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) &DefaultNode,
- DefaultNode.cbNode + sizeof(ULONG), NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Commit docfile changes. If we don't do this now, the file on */
- /* disk will NOT be a docfile (i.e. OLE2 will not recognize it as */
- /* a docfile) if opened again with no other changes made to it. */
- hrStg = lpstg->lpVtbl->Commit(lpstg, 0);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- }
- else /* Open an existing stream */
- {
- hr = OpenRFSStream(prfs, FALSE, &lpstream, &lpstg);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, liBeg, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cRFN,
- sizeof cRFN, NULL);
- /* fall through to error handler */
- }
- stg_err:
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- hr = ResultFromScode(MapStorageSCode(GetScode(hrStg)));
- exit:
- if (lpstream)
- {
- CloseRFSStream(lpstream, lpstg);
- lpstg = NULL;
- }
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- {
- FreeNull(szFullPath);
- FreeNull(prfs);
- UlRelease(lpstg);
- }
- else
- *pprfs = prfs;
- DebugTraceResult(OpenRFS, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * GetRFN
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Returns an RFN containing the receive folder setting
- * for the message class that is passed in as a parameter. If
- * there is not a receive folder setting for this particular
- * message class, the "best match" is returned, with best
- * match being defined in GetReceiveFolder (see msgstobj.c).
- * the way we measure this best match is to have a match index
- * which is incremented every time a section of the message
- * class is matched. These values begin at 2 because 1 is
- * reserved for the default message class. For example, the
- * message class "IPM.Note.Phone" matches against the
- * following receive folder settings in the following way:
- *
- * "" (default) 1
- * "IPM" 2
- * "IPM.Note" 3
- * "IPM.Note.Phone" 4
- * "IPC" 0
- *
- * Arguments:
- * prfs Pointer to the RFS context.
- * szClassName Name of the message class for which to
- * search for a receive folder setting.
- * pprfn Address of location in which to return a
- * pointer to an RFN structure containing
- * the message class and folder name of the
- * "best match" receive folder setting.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * Various.
- *
- * Notes:
- * Use FreeRFN() to release the memory of the returned
- * RFN structure in *pprfn.
- */
- HRESULT GetRFN(PRFS prfs, LPTSTR szClassName, PRFN *pprfn)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- HRESULT hrStg = hrSuccess;
- SCODE sc = S_OK;
- LPSTREAM lpstream = NULL;
- PRFN prfn = NULL;
- ULONG ibNextNode = 0L;
- ULONG ibMatchNode = 0L;
- ULONG cbNode = 0L;
- ULONG cbClass = 0L;
- ULONG cRFN = 0L;
- UINT uiMatchLvl = 0;
- UINT ui = 0;
- TCHAR rgch[1024];
- ULONG cbCls = 0L;
- ULONG cbName = 0L;
- AssertSz(prfs, "Bad prfs");
- AssertSz(szClassName, "Bad szClassName");
- AssertSz(pprfn, "Bad pprfn");
- hr = OpenRFSStream(prfs, FALSE, &lpstream, &lpstg);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Read the count of RFS nodes from the stream. */
- LISet32(li, 0); /* This is an OLE initializer macro */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cRFN,
- sizeof cRFN, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Loop over nodes, looking for the best message class match */
- for (ui = 0, ibNextNode = sizeof cRFN; ui < cRFN; ui++)
- {
- /* Set seek pointer to beginning of this node */
- LISet32(li, ibNextNode);
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Need to have an absolute index to the NEXT node. */
- /* Remember: cbNode is not self-inclusive, so the */
- /* next node is (cbNode + sizeof cbNode) from the */
- /* current node. */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbNode,
- sizeof cbNode, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- ibNextNode += cbNode + sizeof cbNode;
- /* Get and compare message class */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbClass,
- sizeof cbClass, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- AssertSz(sizeof rgch >= cbClass, "Message class too big!");
- if (cbClass > 0L) /* If it's not a free node */
- {
- UINT uiMatchCur = 0;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) rgch,
- cbClass, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- if (rgch[0] == ' ')
- {
- uiMatchCur = 1;
- }
- else
- /* count the matching message class sections */
- {
- TCHAR *pch1 = rgch;
- TCHAR *pch1Ahead = NULL;
- TCHAR *pch2 = szClassName;
- TCHAR *pch2Ahead = NULL;
- /* if matching against a class that is less refined than */
- /* what we are searching for return 0 */
- if (lstrlen(szClassName) >= lstrlen(rgch))
- {
- while (*pch1 && *pch2)
- {
- for (pch1Ahead = pch1 + 1; *pch1Ahead &&
- *pch1Ahead != '.'; pch1Ahead++)
- ;
- for (pch2Ahead = pch2 + 1; *pch2Ahead &&
- *pch2Ahead != '.'; pch2Ahead++)
- ;
- if (pch1Ahead - pch1 == pch2Ahead - pch2 &&
- !memcmp(pch1, pch2, pch1Ahead - pch1))
- {
- uiMatchCur++;
- pch1 = pch1Ahead;
- pch2 = pch2Ahead;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- /* We want to match a "real" setting higher than the */
- /* default, so we increment a real match to be > 1. */
- if (uiMatchCur > 0)
- {
- uiMatchCur++;
- }
- }
- if (uiMatchCur > uiMatchLvl)
- {
- /* Here we set ibMatchNode to be the absolute index of */
- /* the cbClass member of the node (NOT the cbNode */
- /* member. When we seek back to this position, we can */
- /* begin reading the cbClass immediately (see below). */
- ibMatchNode = ibNextNode - cbNode;
- uiMatchLvl = uiMatchCur;
- }
- }
- }
- if (uiMatchLvl == 0)
- {
- hr = ResultFromScode(MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND);
- goto exit;
- }
- /* Set the return variable w/best match */
- sc = ScAllocZ(sizeof(RFN), (PPV) &prfn);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto sc_err;
- /* Goto best match node, but seek pointer will be past cbNode */
- LISet32(li, ibMatchNode);
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Read in class name */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbCls,
- sizeof cbCls, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- sc = ScAlloc(cbCls, (PPV) &prfn->szClass);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto sc_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream,
- (LPVOID) prfn->szClass, cbCls, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Read in folder name */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbName,
- sizeof cbName, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- sc = ScAlloc(cbName, (PPV) &prfn->szName);
- if (sc != S_OK)
- goto sc_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream,
- (LPVOID) prfn->szName, cbName, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- sc_err:
- if (sc != S_OK)
- {
- Assert(hr == hrSuccess);
- Assert(hrStg == hrSuccess);
- hr = ResultFromScode(sc);
- }
- stg_err:
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- {
- Assert(sc == S_OK);
- Assert(hr == hrSuccess);
- hr = ResultFromScode(MapStorageSCode(GetScode(hrStg)));
- }
- exit:
- if (lpstream)
- CloseRFSStream(lpstream, lpstg);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- FreeRFN(prfn);
- else
- *pprfn = prfn;
- DebugTraceResult(GetRFN, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- - FreeRFN
- -
- * Release the memory of an RFN allocated and returned
- * by the GetRFN() procedure.
- */
- void FreeRFN(PRFN prfn)
- {
- if (prfn)
- {
- (void)FreeNull((LPVOID) prfn->szClass);
- (void)FreeNull((LPVOID) prfn->szName);
- (void)FreeNull((LPVOID) prfn);
- }
- }
- /*
- * DeleteRFN
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Delete the receive folder setting associated with a
- * particular message class. We do this by "zeroing out" the
- * node on disk, rather than actually removing it and
- * compacting the stream. We can easily zero out the node
- * once we've found the right one by setting the length of the
- * message class string contained in it to be zero (an invalid
- * value).
- *
- * Arguments:
- * prfs Pointer to the RFS context to use.
- * szClassName Buffer containing the name of the message
- * class for which to remove the receive
- * folder setting. We do a linear search
- * through the stream to find the node on disk
- * with a matching message class.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * Various.
- */
- HRESULT DeleteRFN(PRFS prfs, LPTSTR szClassName)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- HRESULT hrStg = hrSuccess;
- IStream *lpstream = NULL;
- ULONG ibNextNode = 0L;
- ULONG cbNode = 0L;
- ULONG cbClass = 0L;
- ULONG cRFN = 0L;
- UINT ui = 0;
- TCHAR rgch[1024];
- AssertSz(prfs, "Bad prfs");
- AssertSz(szClassName, "Bad szClassName");
- hr = OpenRFSStream(prfs, TRUE, &lpstream, &lpstg);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Read the count of RFS nodes from the stream. */
- LISet32(li, 0); /* This is an OLE initializer macro */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cRFN,
- sizeof cRFN, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Loop over nodes, looking for a message class match */
- for (ui = 0, ibNextNode = sizeof cRFN; ui < cRFN; ui++)
- {
- /* Set seek pointer to beginning of first node */
- LISet32(li, ibNextNode);
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, li, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Need to have an absolute index to the NEXT node. */
- /* Remember: cbNode is not self-inclusive, so the */
- /* next node is (cbNode + sizeof cbNode) from the */
- /* current node. */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbNode,
- sizeof cbNode, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- ibNextNode += cbNode + sizeof cbNode;
- /* Get and compare message class */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbClass,
- sizeof cbClass, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- AssertSz(sizeof rgch >= cbClass * sizeof(TCHAR),
- "Message class too big!");
- if (cbClass > 0L) /* If it's not a free node */
- {
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) rgch,
- cbClass, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- if (cbClass == Cbtszsize(szClassName)
- && !memcmp(szClassName, rgch, (UINT) cbClass))
- {
- LONG ibClass = 0L;
- /* Seek back to cbClass */
- ibClass -= (LONG) (cbClass + sizeof cbClass);
- LISet32(li, ibClass);
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, li,
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Zero out the node */
- cbClass = 0L;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream,
- (LPVOID) &cbClass, sizeof cbClass, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Commit the change */
- hrStg = lpstg->lpVtbl->Commit(lpstg, 0);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- stg_err:
- if (hrStg)
- hr = ResultFromScode(MapStorageSCode(GetScode(hrStg)));
- exit:
- if (lpstream)
- CloseRFSStream(lpstream, lpstg);
- DebugTraceResult(DeleteRFN, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * AddRFN
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Adds a node (on disk) to the stream that holds receive
- * folder settings for a message store. Does this by creating
- * a new node at the current End-Of-Stream (at the end of all
- * other nodes).
- *
- * Arguments:
- * prfs Pointer to the receive folder storage context.
- * prfn Pointer to the new node to add.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * Various.
- */
- HRESULT AddRFN(PRFS prfs, PRFN prfn)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- HRESULT hrStg = hrSuccess;
- IStream *lpstream = NULL;
- UINT ui = 0;
- ULONG cb = 0L;
- ULONG cbNode = 0L;
- ULONG cbClass = 0L;
- ULONG cbName = 0L;
- ULONG cRFN = 0L;
- AssertSz(prfs, "Bad prfs");
- AssertSz(prfn, "Bad prfn");
- AssertSz(prfn->szClass, "Bad prfn->szClass");
- AssertSz(prfn->szName, "Bad prfn->szName");
- hr = OpenRFSStream(prfs, TRUE, &lpstream, &lpstg);
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- goto exit;
- /* Find the end of the stream. Strictly speaking, we can't just seek */
- /* the current End-Of-Stream (what the IStream thinks is it's current */
- /* EOS), because we really want to be at the end of the last node, */
- /* and there may have been stuff written after (from a failed write). */
- /* First, read the count of RFS nodes from the stream. */
- LISet32(liEOS, 0); /* This is an OLE initializer macro */
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, liEOS, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cRFN,
- sizeof cRFN, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- for (ui = 0; ui < cRFN; ui++)
- {
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Read(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cb,
- sizeof cb, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- LISet32(liEOS, (LONG) cb);
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, liEOS, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- }
- /* Write out the node */
- /* Size of node: length of 2 strings + 2 NULL characters + 2 times */
- /* the size of the space needed to hold the string lengths. */
- cbClass = Cbtszsize(prfn->szClass);
- cbName = Cbtszsize(prfn->szName);
- cbNode = 2 * sizeof(ULONG) + cbClass + cbName;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbNode,
- sizeof cbNode, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbClass,
- sizeof cbClass, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) prfn->szClass,
- cbClass, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cbName,
- sizeof cbName, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) prfn->szName,
- cbName, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* Keep cRFN, the in-memory and on-disk */
- /* copies, in sync with each other. */
- LISet32(liEOS, 0L);
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Seek(lpstream, liEOS, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- cRFN++;
- hrStg = lpstream->lpVtbl->Write(lpstream, (LPVOID) &cRFN,
- sizeof cRFN, NULL);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- {
- cRFN--;
- goto stg_err;
- }
- /* Commit the change */
- hrStg = lpstg->lpVtbl->Commit(lpstg, 0);
- /* if ( hrStg ), fall through to stg_err */
- stg_err:
- if (hrStg)
- hr = ResultFromScode(MapStorageSCode(GetScode(hrStg)));
- exit:
- if (lpstream)
- CloseRFSStream(lpstream, lpstg);
- DebugTraceResult(AddRFN, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CloseRFS
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Frees and invalidates an open context for accessing receive
- * folder settings.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * prfs Pointer to the object to close.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * Various.
- */
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- AssertSz(prfs, "Bad prfs");
- FreeNull(prfs->szFile);
- FreeNull(prfs);
- DebugTraceResult(CloseRFS, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * Internal functions
- */
- /*
- * OpenRFSStream
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Open the stream within a docfile that contains receive
- * folder settings.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * prfs Receive folder settings context.
- * fModify TRUE indicates the caller wants write access.
- * lppstream Address in which to return a pointer to the
- * newly opened stream.
- *
- * Returns:
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * Various storage errors.
- */
- static HRESULT OpenRFSStream(PRFS prfs, BOOL fModify, IStream **lppstream,
- LPSTORAGE *lppstg)
- {
- HRESULT hr = hrSuccess;
- HRESULT hrStg = hrSuccess;
- DWORD grfMode;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- int cbOle = 0L;
- #else
- OLE_CHAR *szOle;
- #endif
- IStream *lpstream = NULL;
- AssertSz(prfs, "Bad prfs");
- AssertSz(lppstream, "Bad lppstream");
- #ifdef _WIN32
- cbOle = 1 + lstrlen(prfs->szFile);
- Assert(cbOle < MAX_PATH);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, prfs->szFile, cbOle, szOle, cbOle);
- #else
- szOle = prfs->szFile;
- #endif
- if (fModify)
- else
- hrStg = StgOpenStorage(szOle, NULL, grfMode | STGM_TRANSACTED, NULL,
- 0, &lpstg);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- #ifdef _WIN32
- cbOle = 1 + lstrlen(szRFSStreamName);
- Assert(cbOle < MAX_PATH);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szRFSStreamName, cbOle, szOle, cbOle);
- #else
- szOle = szRFSStreamName;
- #endif
- hrStg = lpstg->lpVtbl->OpenStream(lpstg, szOle, NULL, grfMode, 0, &lpstream);
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- goto stg_err;
- /* WARNING: If any code is added between here and the error handler */
- /* that can fail, a check in the error handler must be added to free */
- /* the open stream in the event of an error. */
- *lppstream = lpstream;
- *lppstg = lpstg;
- stg_err:
- if (hrStg != hrSuccess)
- hr = ResultFromScode(MapStorageSCode(GetScode(hrStg)));
- if (hr != hrSuccess)
- UlRelease(lpstg);
- DebugTraceResult(OpenRFSStream, hr);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * CloseRFSStream
- *
- * Purpose:
- * Close the stream within a docfile that holds receive folder
- * settings.
- *
- * Arguments:
- * lpstream Pointer to the stream.
- * lpstg Pointer to the storage instance in which this
- * stream resides.
- *
- * Returns:
- * void
- *
- * Side effects:
- * None.
- *
- * Errors:
- * None.
- */
- static void CloseRFSStream(IStream *lpstream, LPSTORAGE lpstg)
- {
- AssertSz(lpstream, "Bad lpstream");
- AssertSz(lpstg, "Bad lpstg");
- NFSideAssertSz(UlRelease(lpstream) == 0L, "lpstream not released");
- NFSideAssertSz(UlRelease(lpstg) == 0L, "lpstg not released");
- return;
- }