资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function is qsort's callback
- to sort the moves based on quality
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int __cdecl cmpgle(const void* elem1, const void* elem2)
- {
- if ( (*(struct _piece_order_struct *)elem1).q >
- (*(struct _piece_order_struct *)elem2).q )
- return -1;
- else if ( (*(struct _piece_order_struct *)elem1).q <
- (*(struct _piece_order_struct *)elem2).q )
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- b - is the start board - it will be changed on return to
- reflect the move or moves (in the case of a double jump)
- made
- t - is whos turn it is RED or BLACK
- j - is jump continuation - must be 0
- prune_depth - how many levels to recurse to determine what to prune
- prune_size - how many branches of the pruned tree to pursue (note:
- each piece is considered as one branch even though it
- it results in as many as four actual branches
- max_depth - after the tree has been pruned how far should it recurse
- must be greater than the prune_depth
- side effects:
- Calls PrintBoard (debugio.cpp)
- note: we may wish to use iterative deepening here and base things on time
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- long PlayBestMove(BOARD b, int t, int j, int d,
- int prune_depth, int prune_size, int max_depth)
- {
- /* ----- stack variables ----- */
- int moves_made = 0;
- int best_move_type = -1;
- int best_move_number = -1;
- long best_move_quality = -1;
- long alpha_beta_c = -1;
- int fBreak = 0;
- int i;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- int jumps_made = 0;
- #endif
- AssertSz(prune_size <= SQRS_MAX, "me. prune size is way to big");
- AssertSz(prune_size > 1, "how much? prune size is way to small");
- AssertSz(0 == b[0], "b sub zero should equal zero");
- AssertSz(0 == b[SQRS_MAX-1], "b sub MAX-1 should equal zero");
- /* ----- debug ----- */
- if (debug && d < 3) PrintBoard(b,d);
- /* ----- initialize tables and variables ----- */
- depth_maximum = max_depth;
- computer_color = t;
- for (i=0; i<SQRS_MAX; i++)
- {
- piece_order[i].m = (SQUARE) i;
- piece_order[i].q = -1;
- }
- /* ----- seed the random number generator ----- */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- srand( 0 );
- #else
- #ifdef TEST
- srand( 0 );
- #else
- srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
- #endif
- #endif
- /* ----- iterate through all possible moves AT PRUNE_DEPTH ----- */
- if (prune_depth > 0)
- {
- depth_maximum = prune_depth;
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"PlayBestMove d=%d %s(%d)n",d,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- for (i=0;i<SQRS_MAX; i++)
- {
- int piece;
- piece = (int) piece_order[i].m;
- if (0 == (b[piece] & t)) continue; /* not our piece */
- moves_made += IterateJumps(b,piece,t,d,&best_move_type,&best_move_number,&piece_order[i].q,alpha_beta_c,best_move_quality,&fBreak);
- AssertSz(0 == fBreak,"I must not prune at the root level of the tree");
- #ifdef DEBUG
- jumps_made += moves_made;
- #endif
- }
- if (0 == moves_made /* enforce the must jump rule */
- || 0==rConfig.iMustJump
- #endif
- )
- {
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"could not find a jumping move to make %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- for (i=0;i<SQRS_MAX; i++)
- {
- int piece;
- piece = (int) piece_order[i].m;
- if (0 == (b[piece] & t)) continue; /* not our piece */
- moves_made += IterateMoves(b,piece,t,d,&best_move_type,&best_move_number,&piece_order[i].q,alpha_beta_c,best_move_quality,&fBreak);
- AssertSz(0 == fBreak,"I ought not prune at the root level of the tree");
- }
- }
- if (0 == moves_made)
- {
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"could not find a move to make (error not handled) %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- AssertSz(0, "I give up... why don't you go instead");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- moves_made = 1000;
- prune_size = SQRS_MAX;
- }
- /* ----- if we only have one move to make, dont recurse again ----- */
- if (moves_made > 1)
- {
- /* ----- shuffle the moves ----- */
- for (i=SQRS_MAX-1; i > 0; i--)
- {
- int r;
- struct _piece_order_struct temp;
- /* ----- pick a random interchange ----- */
- r = ((unsigned int)rand()) % ((unsigned int) i);
- /* ----- swap the order ----- */
- temp = piece_order[i];
- piece_order[i] = piece_order[r];
- piece_order[r] = temp;
- }
- /* ----- sort the move table based on the move qualities
- of each move that we tried ----- */
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"sorting... %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- qsort(piece_order,SQRS_MAX, sizeof(struct _piece_order_struct), cmpgle);
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"done sorting. %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- /* ----- recurse the pruned board to a deeper level ----- */
- continue_jump:
- moves_made = 0;
- depth_maximum = max_depth;
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"recursing pruned PlayBestMove d=%d %s(%d)n",d,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- for (i=0;i<prune_size; i++)
- {
- int piece;
- piece = (int) piece_order[i].m;
- if (0 == (b[piece] & t)) continue; /* not our piece */
- moves_made += IterateJumps(b,piece,t,d,&best_move_type,&best_move_number,&best_move_quality,alpha_beta_c,best_move_quality,&fBreak);
- AssertSz(0 == fBreak,"x2 I must not prune at the root level of the tree");
- #ifdef DEBUG
- jumps_made += moves_made;
- #endif
- }
- if ((0 == moves_made
- || 0==rConfig.iMustJump
- #endif
- )&& 0 == j) /* enforce the must jump rule */
- {
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"could not find a jumping move to make %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- for (i=0;i<prune_size; i++)
- {
- int piece;
- piece = (int) piece_order[i].m;
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"Next move piece=%d i=%d %s(%d)n",piece,i,__FILE__,__LINE__);
- if (0 == (b[piece] & t)) continue; /* not our piece */
- moves_made += IterateMoves(b,piece,t,d,&best_move_type,&best_move_number,&best_move_quality,alpha_beta_c,best_move_quality,&fBreak);
- AssertSz(0 == fBreak,"x3 I must not prune at the root level of the tree");
- }
- }
- if (0 == moves_made)
- {
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"could not find a move to make (error ! handled) %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- AssertSz(jumps_made, "Your turn. I mean. Can I move or something? .. nevermind .. why don't you just go");
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* ----- do the first step of any jumps ----- */
- if (best_move_type > TYPE_BLACK2)
- {
- switch (best_move_type)
- {
- case TYPE_RED_JUMP0 :
- j = red_jump_lut[best_move_number][1] ;
- piece_order[0].m = (SQUARE) j;
- MakeMoveNoKing_RED_JUMP0(b,best_move_number);
- if (0 != red_jump_lut[best_move_number][4] && !(KING & b[red_jump_lut[best_move_number][1]])) goto no_jump;
- break;
- case TYPE_RED_JUMP2 :
- j = red_jump_lut[best_move_number][3] ;
- piece_order[0].m = (SQUARE) j;
- MakeMoveNoKing_RED_JUMP2(b,best_move_number);
- if (0 != red_jump_lut[best_move_number][4] && !(KING & b[red_jump_lut[best_move_number][3]])) goto no_jump;
- break;
- j = black_jump_lut[best_move_number][1];
- piece_order[0].m = (SQUARE) j;
- MakeMoveNoKing_BLACK_JUMP0(b,best_move_number);
- if (0 != black_jump_lut[best_move_number][4] && !(KING & b[black_jump_lut[best_move_number][1]])) goto no_jump;
- break;
- j = black_jump_lut[best_move_number][3];
- piece_order[0].m = (SQUARE) j;
- MakeMoveNoKing_BLACK_JUMP2(b,best_move_number);
- if (0 != black_jump_lut[best_move_number][4] && !(KING & b[black_jump_lut[best_move_number][3]])) goto no_jump;
- break;
- default:
- AssertSz(0, "end case");
- break;
- }
- /* ----- re-initialize ----- */
- prune_size = 1; /* ! force it to use only the jump destination as a move */
- moves_made = 0;
- best_move_type = -1;
- best_move_number = -1;
- best_move_quality = -1;
- goto continue_jump;
- }
- no_jump:
- switch (best_move_type)
- {
- case TYPE_RED0 :
- MakeMove_RED0(b,best_move_number);
- break;
- case TYPE_RED2 :
- MakeMove_RED2(b,best_move_number);
- break;
- case TYPE_BLACK0 :
- MakeMove_BLACK0(b,best_move_number);
- break;
- case TYPE_BLACK2 :
- MakeMove_BLACK2(b,best_move_number);
- break;
- case TYPE_RED_JUMP0 :
- case TYPE_RED_JUMP2 :
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"skipping a jump move in IO %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- break;
- default:
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"printmove did not make the move on the board %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- pdebug(stddbgmin,"this could be a jump continuation %s(%d)n",__FILE__,__LINE__);
- break;
- }
- // make sure everything is kinged (in case we jumped to this point)
- if (RED & b[1]) b[1] |= KING;
- if (RED & b[2]) b[2] |= KING;
- if (RED & b[3]) b[3] |= KING;
- if (RED & b[4]) b[4] |= KING;
- if (BLACK & b[32]) b[32] |= KING;
- if (BLACK & b[31]) b[31] |= KING;
- if (BLACK & b[30]) b[30] |= KING;
- if (BLACK & b[29]) b[29] |= KING;
- /* ----- return to caller ----- */
- return best_move_quality;
- }