资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Microsoft OLE DB TABLECOPY Sample
- // Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- //
- // @doc
- //
- // @module TABLE.H
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Includes
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #include "winmain.h"
- #include "common.h"
- #include "tablecopy.h"
- #include "table.h"
- #include "wizard.h"
- #include "progress.h"
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Defines / Macros
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define NO_MATCH 0x0000
- #define MATCH_EXACT 0x0001
- #define MATCH_TYPE 0x0002
- #define MATCH_SIZE 0x0004
- #define MATCH_DEFAULT 0x0008
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTable::CTable
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CTable::CTable(CWizard* pCWizard)
- {
- ASSERT(pCWizard);
- m_wszIDQuote[0] = EOL;
- m_wszIDSeperator[0] = EOL;
- //TableInfo
- memset(&m_TableInfo, 0, sizeof(TABLEINFO));
- m_wszQualTableName[0] = EOL;
- //IndexInfo
- m_cIndexes = 0; // Count of indexes
- m_rgIndexInfo = NULL; // Index information
- //ColumnInfo
- m_cColumns = 0; // Count of columns
- m_rgColDesc = NULL; // Column information
- //DataSource
- m_pCDataSource = new CDataSource;
- m_pCWizard = pCWizard; // Back pointer to Windowing class
- //Rowset
- m_pIAccessor = NULL;
- m_pIRowset = NULL;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CTable::~CTable
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CTable::~CTable()
- {
- delete m_pCDataSource;
- SAFE_FREE(m_rgIndexInfo);
- SAFE_FREE(m_rgColDesc);
- //Rowset
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIAccessor);
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIRowset);
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // BOOL CTable::Connect
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CTable::Connect(HWND hWnd, CDataSource* pCDataSource)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource);
- if(m_pCDataSource->Connect(hWnd, pCDataSource))
- {
- //Get LiteralInfo for this table
- GetLiteralInfo();
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // BOOL CTable::IsConnected
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CTable::IsConnected()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource);
- return m_pCDataSource->IsConnected();
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::GetLiteralInfo
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::GetLiteralInfo()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource);
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize);
- const static ULONG cLiterals = 2;
- IDBInfo* pIDBInfo = NULL;
- ULONG cLiteralInfo = 0;
- DBLITERALINFO* rgLiteralInfo = NULL;
- WCHAR* pwszCharBuffer = NULL;
- //Reset Info
- m_wszIDQuote[0] = EOL;
- m_wszIDSeperator[0] = EOL;
- //Obtain IDBInfo interface
- //Some providers may not support IDBInfo so don't display dialog
- QTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize->QueryInterface(IID_IDBInfo, (void **)&pIDBInfo));
- //GetLiteralInfo
- //Can return an error for unsupported literals
- hr = pIDBInfo->GetLiteralInfo(cLiterals, rgLiterals, &cLiteralInfo, &rgLiteralInfo, &pwszCharBuffer);
- if(rgLiteralInfo && rgLiteralInfo[0].fSupported)
- wcscpy(m_wszIDQuote, rgLiteralInfo[0].pwszLiteralValue);
- if(rgLiteralInfo && rgLiteralInfo[1].fSupported)
- wcscpy(m_wszIDSeperator, rgLiteralInfo[1].pwszLiteralValue);
- SAFE_FREE(rgLiteralInfo);
- SAFE_FREE(pwszCharBuffer);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // BOOL CTable::GetQuotedID
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- BOOL CTable::GetQuotedID(WCHAR* pwszOutBuff, WCHAR* pwszInBuff)
- {
- WCHAR* pwszItr = pwsz;
- ULONG cQuoteLen = wcslen(m_wszIDQuote);
- ULONG cSepLen = wcslen(m_wszIDSeperator);
- ULONG cPeriodLen= wcslen(wsz_PERIOD);
- //No-op case
- //If the provider doesn't have a delimiter, then just use input name.
- if(cQuoteLen == 0)
- {
- wcscpy(pwszOutBuff, pwszInBuff);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- //Put on front delimeter
- wcscpy(pwszItr, m_wszIDQuote);
- pwszItr += cQuoteLen;
- //Copy from Source to Temp
- while(*pwszInBuff!=EOL)
- {
- //If we have a seperator char, we need to quote both pieces
- if(wcsncmp(pwszInBuff, m_wszIDSeperator, cSepLen)==0)
- {
- // "nstl@odbc.authors -> "nstl"@"odbc.authors"
- wcscat(pwszItr, m_wszIDQuote); //Ending Quote
- wcscat(pwszItr, m_wszIDSeperator); //Seperator
- wcscat(pwszItr, m_wszIDQuote); //Beginning Quote
- pwszItr += cQuoteLen + cSepLen + cQuoteLen;
- }
- else if(*pwszInBuff == L'.')
- {
- // "nstl@odbc.authors -> "nstl@odbc"."authors"
- wcscat(pwszItr, m_wszIDQuote); //Ending Quote
- wcscat(pwszItr, wsz_PERIOD); //Period
- wcscat(pwszItr, m_wszIDQuote); //Beginning Quote
- pwszItr += cQuoteLen + cPeriodLen + cQuoteLen;
- }
- else
- {
- *pwszItr = *pwszInBuff; //Actual Character
- pwszItr++;
- }
- pwszInBuff++;
- *pwszItr = EOL;
- }
- //Put on the Tail delimeter
- wcscat(pwszItr, m_wszIDQuote);
- //Give back to the user
- wcscpy(pwszOutBuff, pwsz);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::GetTypeNameAndParams
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::GetTypeNameAndParams(ULONG iCol, WCHAR* pwszName)
- {
- ASSERT(iCol < m_cColumns);
- ASSERT(pwszName);
- WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_NAME_LEN]; // Buffer
- // Add CreateParams precision and scale information
- wszBuffer[0] = EOL;
- if(m_rgColDesc[iCol].ulCreateParams & CP_PRECISION && m_rgColDesc[iCol].ulCreateParams & CP_SCALE)
- {
- swprintf(wszBuffer, L"(%lu,%lu)", COLINFO_SIZE(m_rgColDesc[iCol]), m_rgColDesc[iCol].bScale);
- }
- else if(m_rgColDesc[iCol].ulCreateParams & CP_PRECISION || m_rgColDesc[iCol].ulCreateParams & CP_LENGTH || m_rgColDesc[iCol].ulCreateParams & CP_MAXLENGTH)
- {
- swprintf(wszBuffer, L"(%lu)", COLINFO_SIZE(m_rgColDesc[iCol]));
- }
- //Add the ColumnType
- //Check for "()" in the typename, indicating creation params
- //are required at some other position besides the end, ie: "numeric() identity"
- pwszName[0] = EOL;
- if(wcsstr(m_rgColDesc[iCol].wszTypeName, L"()"))
- {
- // Add the ColumnType, upto the '()'
- wcsncat(pwszName, m_rgColDesc[iCol].wszTypeName, wcsstr(m_rgColDesc[iCol].wszTypeName, L"()") - m_rgColDesc[iCol].wszTypeName);
- // Add the precision and scale information
- wcscat(pwszName, wszBuffer);
- // Add the ColumnType, after the '()'
- wcscat(pwszName, wcsstr(m_rgColDesc[iCol].wszTypeName, L"()") + 2);
- }
- else
- {
- // Add the ColumnType
- wcscpy(pwszName, m_rgColDesc[iCol].wszTypeName);
- // If required, add the precision and scale information
- wcscat(pwszName, wszBuffer);
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::GetColInfo
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::GetColInfo(DWORD dwInsertOpt)
- {
- ULONG i,cColumns = 0;
- WCHAR* rgStringBuffer = NULL;
- IColumnsInfo* pIColumnsInfo = NULL;
- //Obtain the rowset (m_pIRowset);
- QTESTC(hr = GetRowset(dwInsertOpt));
- CHECKC(m_pIRowset);
- //Now finally GetColInfo
- XTESTC(hr = m_pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IColumnsInfo, (void **)&pIColumnsInfo));
- XTESTC(hr = pIColumnsInfo->GetColumnInfo(&cColumns, &rgColInfo, &rgStringBuffer));
- //Alloc room for the COLDESC
- SAFE_FREE(m_rgColDesc);
- SAFE_ALLOC(m_rgColDesc, COLDESC, cColumns);
- memset(m_rgColDesc, 0, cColumns*sizeof(COLDESC));
- //Loop through the ColInfo and Copy to our ColDesc
- m_cColumns = 0;
- for(i=0; i<cColumns; i++)
- {
- //ignore Bookmark columns
- if(rgColInfo[i].iOrdinal == 0)
- continue;
- if(rgColInfo[i].pwszName==NULL)
- {
- //Although ColInfo is allowed to return NULL for unknown column names
- //TableCopy needs column names for many operations,
- //(CREATE TABLE, INSERT, INDEXES), so just "generate" one
- swprintf(m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].wszColName, L"Unknown%d", i);
- }
- else
- {
- wcscpy(m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].wszColName, rgColInfo[i].pwszName);
- }
- //Now copy the rest of the info
- m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].iOrdinal = rgColInfo[i].iOrdinal;
- m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].ulColumnSize = rgColInfo[i].ulColumnSize;
- m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].wType = rgColInfo[i].wType;
- m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].dwFlags = rgColInfo[i].dwFlags;
- m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].bPrecision = rgColInfo[i].bPrecision;
- m_rgColDesc[m_cColumns].bScale = rgColInfo[i].bScale;
- m_cColumns++;
- }
- SAFE_RELEASE(pIColumnsInfo);
- SAFE_FREE(rgColInfo);
- SAFE_FREE(rgStringBuffer);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::GetTypeInfo
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::GetTypeInfo()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource);
- IRowset* pIRowset = NULL;
- IAccessor* pIAccessor = NULL;
- ULONG i;
- ULONG cRowsObtained = 0;
- HROW* rghRows = NULL;
- //Current SchemaInfo for each type, until we find the correct match
- TYPEINFO TypeInfo;
- TYPEINFO* rgTypeInfo = NULL;
- ULONG* rgMatch = NULL;
- //Arrays to store best TypeInfo
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgTypeInfo, TYPEINFO, m_cColumns);
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgMatch, ULONG, m_cColumns);
- memset(rgMatch, NO_MATCH, m_cColumns*sizeof(ULONG));
- //Get ProviderTypes rowset IDBSchemaRowset
- QTESTC(hr = GetTypeInfoRowset(&pIAccessor, &hAccessor, &pIRowset));
- //Loop over all the Schema TypeInfo rowset
- //And match up with ColInfo
- while(TRUE)
- {
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowset->GetNextRows(NULL,0,MAX_BLOCK_SIZE,&cRowsObtained, &rghRows));
- if(cRowsObtained==0)
- break;
- //Loop over the BLOCK of rows obtained
- for(i=0; i<cRowsObtained; i++)
- {
- //Reset all the TypeInfo fields
- memset(&TypeInfo, 0, sizeof(TYPEINFO));
- //Put the data for one type into the TypeInfo Struct
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowset->GetData(rghRows[i],hAccessor, (void*)&TypeInfo));
- //Loop over all the columns and see if they match this type
- for(ULONG iCol=0; iCol<m_cColumns; iCol++)
- {
- ASSERT(m_rgColDesc);
- //Only try matching if this is the correct type and
- //the column doesn't already have a perfect match
- if(TypeInfo.wType != m_rgColDesc[iCol].wType || (rgMatch[iCol] & MATCH_EXACT))
- continue;
- //An NonAutoInc Column cannot be placed into an AutoInc type
- if(TypeInfo.fIsAutoInc && !m_rgColDesc[iCol].fIsNullable)
- continue;
- //A Nullable type cannot be mapped to a non-Nullable type
- if(m_rgColDesc[iCol].fIsNullable && !TypeInfo.fIsNullable)
- continue;
- //If never matched before, we at least know they match by type
- if(!rgMatch[iCol])
- {
- rgMatch[iCol] |= MATCH_TYPE;
- rgTypeInfo[iCol] = TypeInfo;
- }
- // Exact type/size matches take precedence
- if(COLINFO_SIZE(m_rgColDesc[iCol]) == TypeInfo.ulColumnSize)
- {
- rgMatch[iCol] |= MATCH_EXACT;
- rgTypeInfo[iCol] = TypeInfo;
- }
- // Otherwise try best fit size
- if(COLINFO_SIZE(m_rgColDesc[iCol]) < TypeInfo.ulColumnSize &&
- TypeInfo.ulColumnSize <= rgTypeInfo[iCol].ulColumnSize)
- {
- rgMatch[iCol] |= MATCH_SIZE;
- rgTypeInfo[iCol] = TypeInfo;
- }
- }
- }
- //Release this group of rows
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowset->ReleaseRows(cRowsObtained,rghRows,NULL,NULL,NULL));
- SAFE_FREE(rghRows);
- }
- //Now that we have the TypeInfo matched, fill in our ColDesc struct
- for(i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- ASSERT(m_rgColDesc);
- if(rgMatch[i])
- {
- wcscpy(m_rgColDesc[i].wszTypeName, rgTypeInfo[i].wszTypeName);
- m_rgColDesc[i].ulCreateParams = GetCreateParams(rgTypeInfo[i].wszCreateParams);
- m_rgColDesc[i].fIsNullable = rgTypeInfo[i].fIsNullable == VARIANT_TRUE;
- m_rgColDesc[i].fIsAutoInc = rgTypeInfo[i].fIsAutoInc == VARIANT_TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- wsz_NO_TYPE_FOUND_, GetDBTypeName(m_rgColDesc[i].wType));
- }
- }
- if(hAccessor && pIAccessor)
- XTEST(pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor,NULL));
- SAFE_RELEASE(pIAccessor);
- SAFE_FREE(rgMatch);
- SAFE_FREE(rgTypeInfo);
- SAFE_FREE(rghRows);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::MapTableInfo
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::MapTableInfo(CTable* pCSourceTable)
- {
- ASSERT(pCSourceTable);
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource);
- IAccessor* pIAccessor = NULL;
- IRowset* pIRowset = NULL;
- ULONG cRowsObtained = 0;
- HROW* rghRows = NULL;
- //Match bitmask, indicating what type of match was found
- BOOL fMatchedAll = FALSE;
- TYPEINFO TypeInfo;
- TYPEINFO* rgTypeInfo = NULL;
- ULONG* rgMatch = NULL;
- //ColumnInfo
- m_cColumns = pCSourceTable->m_cColumns;
- SAFE_FREE(m_rgColDesc);
- SAFE_ALLOC(m_rgColDesc, COLDESC, m_cColumns);
- memcpy(m_rgColDesc, pCSourceTable->m_rgColDesc, m_cColumns * sizeof(COLDESC));
- //IndexInfo
- m_cIndexes = pCSourceTable->m_cIndexes;
- SAFE_FREE(m_rgIndexInfo);
- SAFE_ALLOC(m_rgIndexInfo, INDEXINFO, m_cIndexes);
- memcpy(m_rgIndexInfo, pCSourceTable->m_rgIndexInfo, m_cIndexes * sizeof(INDEXINFO));
- //Arrays to store best TypeInfo
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgTypeInfo, TYPEINFO, m_cColumns);
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgMatch, ULONG, m_cColumns);
- memset(rgMatch, NO_MATCH, m_cColumns*sizeof(ULONG));
- //Get ProviderTypes rowset IDBSchemaRowset
- QTESTC(hr = GetTypeInfoRowset(&pIAccessor, &hAccessor, &pIRowset));
- //Loop until all types are matched.
- //We may not find a match, which promotes the type to the next higher
- //type, which will require another cycle to match that type...
- while(!fMatchedAll)
- {
- //Get data for each row in rowset
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowset->RestartPosition(NULL));
- //Loops over the entire SchemaRowset
- while(TRUE)
- {
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, 0, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, &cRowsObtained, &rghRows));
- if(cRowsObtained == 0)
- break;
- //Loop over the BLOCK of rows obtained
- for(ULONG i=0; i<cRowsObtained; i++)
- {
- ASSERT(m_rgColDesc);
- //Reset all the TypeInfo fields
- memset(&TypeInfo, 0, sizeof(TYPEINFO));
- //Put the data for one type into the TypeInfo Struct
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowset->GetData(rghRows[i], hAccessor, (void *)&TypeInfo));
- //Loop over the columns and get TypeInfo
- for(ULONG iCol=0; iCol<m_cColumns; iCol++)
- {
- //Only try matching if this is the correct type and
- //the column doesn't already have a perfect match
- if(TypeInfo.wType != m_rgColDesc[iCol].wType || (rgMatch[iCol] & MATCH_EXACT))
- continue;
- //An NonAutoInc Column cannot be placed into an AutoInc type
- if(TypeInfo.fIsAutoInc && !m_rgColDesc[iCol].fIsNullable)
- continue;
- //A Nullable type cannot be mapped to a non-Nullable type
- if(m_rgColDesc[iCol].fIsNullable && !TypeInfo.fIsNullable)
- continue;
- //If never matched before, we at least know they match by type
- if(!rgMatch[iCol])
- {
- rgMatch[iCol] |= MATCH_TYPE;
- rgTypeInfo[iCol] = TypeInfo;
- }
- // Exact type/size matches take precedence
- if(COLINFO_SIZE(m_rgColDesc[iCol]) == TypeInfo.ulColumnSize)
- {
- rgMatch[iCol] |= MATCH_EXACT;
- rgTypeInfo[iCol] = TypeInfo;
- }
- // Otherwise try best fit size
- if(COLINFO_SIZE(m_rgColDesc[iCol]) < TypeInfo.ulColumnSize &&
- TypeInfo.ulColumnSize <= rgTypeInfo[iCol].ulColumnSize)
- {
- rgMatch[iCol] |= MATCH_SIZE;
- rgTypeInfo[iCol] = TypeInfo;
- }
- }
- }
- //Release this group of rows
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowset->ReleaseRows(cRowsObtained, rghRows, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- SAFE_FREE(rghRows);
- }
- // See if every type has a match
- fMatchedAll = TRUE;
- for(ULONG i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- ASSERT(m_rgColDesc);
- // If not we will have to promote a type and try again
- if(rgMatch[i])
- {
- //If found a match fill in the TypeInfo fileds of our ColDesc
- wcscpy(m_rgColDesc[i].wszTypeName, rgTypeInfo[i].wszTypeName);
- m_rgColDesc[i].ulCreateParams = GetCreateParams(rgTypeInfo[i].wszCreateParams);
- m_rgColDesc[i].fIsNullable = rgTypeInfo[i].fIsNullable == VARIANT_TRUE;
- m_rgColDesc[i].fIsAutoInc = rgTypeInfo[i].fIsAutoInc == VARIANT_TRUE;
- //TODO: why is this here?
- if (m_rgColDesc[i].ulColumnSize > rgTypeInfo[i].ulColumnSize)
- m_rgColDesc[i].ulColumnSize = rgTypeInfo[i].ulColumnSize;
- }
- else
- {
- fMatchedAll = FALSE;
- //Try to promote it to the next largest type
- if(!GetPromotedType(&m_rgColDesc[i].wType))
- {
- //If unable to promote, we are out of luck
- wsz_NO_TYPE_MATCH_, GetDBTypeName(m_rgColDesc[i].wType));
- goto CLEANUP;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(hAccessor && pIAccessor)
- XTEST(pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL));
- SAFE_RELEASE(pIAccessor);
- SAFE_FREE(rgMatch);
- SAFE_FREE(rgTypeInfo);
- SAFE_FREE(rghRows);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::CreateTable
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::CreateTable()
- {
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource);
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText || m_pCDataSource->m_pIOpenRowset);
- BSTR bstrSqlState = NULL;
- WCHAR wszSqlStmt[MAX_QUERY_LEN]; // Create table statement
- ULONG cRecords = 0;
- IErrorRecords* pIErrorRecords = NULL;
- ICommandText* pICommandText = NULL;
- DBCOLUMNDESC* rgColumnDesc = NULL;
- //Release any existing rowsets
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIRowset);
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIAccessor);
- //If ITableDefinition is supported by the provider, use it by default.
- if(m_pCDataSource->m_pITableDefinition)
- {
- DBID TableID;
- QTESTC(hr = GetColumnDesc(&rgColumnDesc));
- //Create TableID
- TableID.eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
- TableID.uName.pwszName = wszSqlStmt;
- GetQuotedID(wszSqlStmt, m_wszQualTableName);
- //ITableDefinition::CreateTable
- hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pITableDefinition->CreateTable(NULL, &TableID, m_cColumns, rgColumnDesc, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- //If table already exists, offer to drop it
- {
- //If the user doesn't wants to drop it, exit
- wsz_ASK_DROP_TABLE_, m_pCDataSource->m_pwszTableTerm, m_wszQualTableName))
- goto CLEANUP;
- //Otherwise drop that table and continue
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pITableDefinition->DropTable(&TableID));
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pITableDefinition->CreateTable(NULL, &TableID, m_cColumns, rgColumnDesc, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- }
- else
- {
- //Some other failure
- //Display Extended ErrorInfo
- XTESTC(hr);
- }
- }
- // Otherwise use SQL to create the table.
- else if(m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText)
- {
- // Setup the initialize CREATE TABLE '<CTableName>'
- CreateSQLStmt(ESQL_CREATE_TABLE, wszSqlStmt);
- // Set the Command Text
- pICommandText = m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText;
- XTESTC(hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, wszSqlStmt));
- // Execute the command
- hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- // If this didn't work, then we need to display messages, and if the
- // error was a duplicate table, offer to drop.
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- //Get the Error Records, need to save them, since every call
- //cleans the previous error objects
- QTESTC(GetErrorRecords(&cRecords, &pIErrorRecords));
- //If Error was due to an existing table, just ask to drop it
- if(GetSqlErrorInfo(0, pIErrorRecords, &bstrSqlState)==S_OK &&
- bstrSqlState && wcscmp(bstrSqlState, L"S0001")==0)
- {
- //If the user doesn't wants to drop it, exit
- wsz_ASK_DROP_TABLE_, m_pCDataSource->m_pwszTableTerm, m_wszQualTableName))
- goto CLEANUP;
- //Otherwise drop that table and continue
- CreateSQLStmt(ESQL_DROP_TABLE, wszBuffer);
- //Drop the existing Table
- XTESTC(hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, wszBuffer));
- XTESTC(hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- //Now reset the CreateTable text to the SqlStmt and Execute
- XTESTC(hr = pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, wszSqlStmt));
- XTESTC(hr = pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- }
- else
- {
- //Otherwsie unknown error, just display it to the user
- DisplayErrorRecords(NULL, cRecords, pIErrorRecords);
- }
- }
- }
- SAFE_SYSFREE(bstrSqlState);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pIErrorRecords);
- if(rgColumnDesc)
- {
- for(ULONG i=0; i<m_cColumns && rgColumnDesc; i++)
- FreeProperties(rgColumnDesc[i].cPropertySets, rgColumnDesc[i].rgPropertySets);
- SAFE_FREE(rgColumnDesc);
- }
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::CopyIndexes
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::CopyIndexes(CTable* pCTable)
- {
- ASSERT(pCTable);
- WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_NAME_LEN];
- ULONG i;
- // Don't waste time if there aren't any indexes.
- if (m_cIndexes == 0)
- return (S_OK);
- //Copy Index Info from Source table
- m_cIndexes = pCTable->m_cIndexes;
- ULONG cIndexColumnDescs = 0;
- //Array to indicate which index/columns we have used
- ULONG* rgIndexUsed = NULL;
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgIndexUsed, ULONG, m_cIndexes);
- memset(rgIndexUsed, 0, m_cIndexes * sizeof(ULONG));
- SAFE_FREE(m_rgIndexInfo);
- SAFE_ALLOC(m_rgIndexInfo, INDEXINFO, m_cIndexes);
- memcpy(m_rgIndexInfo, pCTable->m_rgIndexInfo, m_cIndexes * sizeof(INDEXINFO));
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgIndexColumnDescs, DBINDEXCOLUMNDESC, m_cColumns);
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgDBIDs, DBID, m_cColumns);
- //Use IIndexDefinition::CreateIndex if supported
- if(m_pCDataSource->m_pIIndexDefinition)
- {
- //Create TableID
- DBID TableID;
- TableID.eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
- GetQuotedID(wszSqlStmt, m_wszQualTableName);
- TableID.uName.pwszName = wszSqlStmt;
- // Loop around each index that is valid. See if any are to be created
- for(i=0; i<m_cIndexes; i++)
- {
- //If this index has already been created, skip
- //might have been used in another index creation
- if(rgIndexUsed[i])
- continue;
- //If this index is used as a primary key, skip
- //PrimaryKeys are taken care of differently
- if(m_rgIndexInfo[i].fIsPrimaryKey)
- continue;
- //Create IndexID
- DBID IndexID;
- IndexID.eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_rgIndexInfo[i].wszIndexName);
- IndexID.uName.pwszName = wszBuffer;
- // Now loop through all columns that belong to this index
- cIndexColumnDescs = 0;
- for(ULONG iCol=i; iCol<m_cIndexes; iCol++)
- {
- //If not the same index skip
- if(wcscmp(m_rgIndexInfo[i].wszIndexName, m_rgIndexInfo[iCol].wszIndexName)!=0)
- continue;
- //mark this Index as used
- rgIndexUsed[iCol] = TRUE;
- rgIndexColumnDescs[cIndexColumnDescs].pColumnID = &rgDBIDs[cIndexColumnDescs];
- rgIndexColumnDescs[cIndexColumnDescs].pColumnID->eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
- rgIndexColumnDescs[cIndexColumnDescs].pColumnID->uName.pwszName = m_rgIndexInfo[iCol].wszColName;
- //Indicate column order
- rgIndexColumnDescs[cIndexColumnDescs].eIndexColOrder = (m_rgIndexInfo[iCol].dwCollation == DB_COLLATION_DESC) ? DBINDEX_COL_ORDER_DESC : DBINDEX_COL_ORDER_ASC;
- cIndexColumnDescs++;
- }
- //Now Setup Index Properties
- ULONG cPropSets = 0;
- DBPROPSET* rgPropSets = NULL;
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_AUTOUPDATE, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_AUTOUPDATE, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgIndexInfo[i].fAutoUpdate);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_CLUSTERED, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_CLUSTERED, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgIndexInfo[i].fClustered);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_FILLFACTOR, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_FILLFACTOR, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_I4, m_rgIndexInfo[i].dwFillFactor);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_INITIALSIZE, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_INITIALSIZE, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_I4, m_rgIndexInfo[i].dwInitialSize);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_NULLCOLLATION, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_NULLCOLLATION, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_I4, m_rgIndexInfo[i].dwNullCollation);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_NULLS, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_NULLS, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_I4, m_rgIndexInfo[i].dwNulls);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_PRIMARYKEY, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_PRIMARYKEY, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgIndexInfo[i].fIsPrimaryKey);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_SORTBOOKMARKS, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_SORTBOOKMARKS, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgIndexInfo[i].fSortBookmarks);
- // if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_TEMPINDEX, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- // SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_TEMPINDEX, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgIndexInfo[i].fTempIndex);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_TYPE, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_TYPE, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_I4, m_rgIndexInfo[i].wType);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_INDEX_UNIQUE, DBPROPSET_INDEX))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_INDEX_UNIQUE, DBPROPSET_INDEX, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgIndexInfo[i].fUnique);
- //IIndexDefinition::CreateIndex
- //Don't exit yet, the user might want to continue even though this index failed
- XTEST(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pIIndexDefinition->CreateIndex(&TableID, &IndexID, cIndexColumnDescs, rgIndexColumnDescs, cPropSets, rgPropSets, NULL));
- //Free Properties
- FreeProperties(cPropSets, rgPropSets);
- //If INDEX Failed
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- //Index Failed, Do you want to Continue?
- wsz_INDEX_FAILED_, m_rgIndexInfo[i].wszIndexName))
- goto CLEANUP;
- }
- //Since the User didn't exit, continue as normal
- hr = S_OK;
- }
- }
- //Using SQL Commands to insert the index
- else if(m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText)
- {
- // Loop around each index that is valid. See if any are to be created
- for(i=0; i<m_cIndexes; i++)
- {
- //If this index has already been created, skip
- //might have been used in another index creation
- if(rgIndexUsed[i])
- continue;
- //If this index is used as a primary key, skip
- //PrimaryKeys are taken care of differently
- if(m_rgIndexInfo[i].fIsPrimaryKey)
- continue;
- swprintf(wszSqlStmt, wsz_CREATE_INDEX_, (m_rgIndexInfo[i].fUnique == VARIANT_TRUE) ? wsz_UNIQUE_INDEX : wsz_SPACE);
- //Add IndexName to the list (quoted)
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_rgIndexInfo[i].wszIndexName);
- wcscat(wszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- //Add TableName
- wcscat(wszSqlStmt, L" ON ");
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_wszQualTableName);
- wcscat(wszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- wcscat(wszSqlStmt, wsz_LPAREN);
- // Now loop through find all columns that belong to this index
- for(ULONG iCol=i; iCol<m_cIndexes; iCol++)
- {
- //If not the same index skip
- if(wcscmp(m_rgIndexInfo[i].wszIndexName, m_rgIndexInfo[iCol].wszIndexName)!=0)
- continue;
- //mark this Index as used
- rgIndexUsed[iCol] = TRUE;
- //Add Column Name to the list (quoted)
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_rgIndexInfo[iCol].wszColName);
- wcscat(wszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- // Indicate Asending or Decending
- if(m_rgIndexInfo[iCol].dwCollation == DB_COLLATION_DESC)
- wcscat(wszSqlStmt, wsz_INDEX_DESC);
- //Add trailing "," between col names
- wcscat(wszSqlStmt, wsz_COMMA);
- }
- //Replace last trailing "," with a ")"
- wcscpy(&wszSqlStmt[wcslen(wszSqlStmt)-wcslen(wsz_COMMA)], wsz_RPAREN);
- // If user wants to see the statement, show it to them
- if(m_pCWizard->m_pCTableCopy->m_fShowQuery)
- wsz_SHOW_SQL_, m_pCDataSource->m_pwszDataSource, wszSqlStmt);
- //Set the command text
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, wszSqlStmt));
- //Execute the command
- //Don't exit yet, the user might want to continue even though this index failed
- XTEST(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- //If INDEX Failed
- if(FAILED(hr))
- {
- //Index Failed, Do you want to Continue?
- wsz_INDEX_FAILED_, m_rgIndexInfo[i].wszIndexName))
- goto CLEANUP;
- }
- //Since the User didn't exit, continue as normal
- hr = S_OK;
- }
- }
- SAFE_FREE(rgIndexUsed);
- SAFE_FREE(rgIndexColumnDescs);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::CreateSQLStmt
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::CreateSQLStmt(ESQL_STMT eSqlStmt, WCHAR* pwszSqlStmt, BOOL fShowSql)
- {
- ASSERT(pwszSqlStmt);
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_NAME_LEN*2]; // Buffer
- switch(eSqlStmt)
- {
- //SELECT <ColumnList> FROM <QualifiedTableName>
- {
- //Create the SELECT statment
- wcscpy(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_SELECT);
- // Loop through each column
- for(ULONG i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- // Add the column to the list (quoted)
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_rgColDesc[i].wszColName);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- if(i<m_cColumns-1)
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_COMMA);
- }
- // Add the Table Name
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_FROM);
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_wszQualTableName);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- }
- break;
- {
- wcscpy(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_INSERT_INTO);
- //Add the Table Name
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_wszQualTableName);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_LPAREN);
- ULONG cColumns = 0;
- // Add the column list
- for(ULONG i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- //Only Bind updatable columns
- if(m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE || m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN)
- {
- //Only add a leading comma if there are preceding columns
- if(cColumns++)
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_COMMA);
- // Add the column to the list (quoted)
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_rgColDesc[i].wszColName);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- }
- }
- //Add VALUES clause
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_VALUES_CLAUSE);
- // Loop through each column
- cColumns = 0;
- for(i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- //Only Bind those columns that are updatable
- if(m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE || m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN)
- {
- //Only add a leading comma if there are preceding columns
- if(cColumns++)
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_COMMA);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_PARAM);
- }
- }
- // Finish off the string
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_RPAREN);
- }
- break;
- {
- // Setup the initialize CREATE TABLE '<CTableName>'
- wcscpy(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_CREATE_TABLE);
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_wszQualTableName);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- // Setup (<ColList>)
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_LPAREN);
- // Loop through each column and format the column name, type, and precision
- for(ULONG i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- // Add the column to the list (quoted)
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_rgColDesc[i].wszColName);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_SPACE);
- // Add ColumnType (formatted with CreateParams)
- GetTypeNameAndParams(i, wszBuffer);
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wszBuffer);
- //Add PRIMARY KEY if Supported and a PrimaryKey Column
- if(m_rgColDesc[i].fIsPrimaryKey && m_pCDataSource->m_fPrimaryKeysSupported && m_pCWizard->m_pCTableCopy->m_fCopyPrimaryKeys)
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_PRIMARY_KEY);
- //Add Comma
- if(i<m_cColumns-1)
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_COMMA);
- }
- //Add trailing ")"
- wcscat(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_RPAREN);
- }
- break;
- {
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_wszQualTableName);
- swprintf(pwszSqlStmt, wsz_DROP_TABLE_, wszBuffer);
- }
- break;
- default:
- ASSERT(!"Unhandled Case!");
- break;
- };
- // If user wants to see the statement, show it to them
- if(m_pCWizard->m_pCTableCopy->m_fShowQuery && fShowSql)
- wsz_SHOW_SQL_, m_pCDataSource->m_pwszDataSource, pwszSqlStmt);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::AdjustBindings
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::AdjustBindings(ULONG cBindings, DBBINDING* rgBindings, void* pData)
- {
- ASSERT(pData);
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- //Adjust all Storage Objects
- //We have 2 problems. First some providers (MSDASQL) may require the LENGTH
- //of the storage object bound. We have no clue what the LENGTH is unless
- //we read the entire stream. Second some providers may only allow 1 storage
- //object open at any one time. The simplest soltuion would be just to buffer
- //the provider storage objects into our own and release the providers...
- for(ULONG i=0; i<cBindings; i++)
- {
- //DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL - nothing to adjust
- if(BINDING_STATUS(rgBindings[i],pData) == DBSTATUS_S_ISNULL)
- continue;
- //Need to Adjust the LENGTH binding to be cbMaxLen
- BINDING_LENGTH(rgBindings[i], pData) = rgBindings[i].cbMaxLen;
- if(rgBindings[i].wType == DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN)
- {
- //Obtain the providers ISeqStream object
- ISequentialStream* pISequentialStream = (ISequentialStream*)BINDING_VALUE(rgBindings[i], pData);
- //Copy the providers stream into our own CISeqStream object
- CISeqStream* pCISeqStream = new CISeqStream();
- pCISeqStream->Write(pISequentialStream, NULL);
- BINDING_VALUE(rgBindings[i], pData) = (ULONG)pCISeqStream;
- SAFE_RELEASE(pISequentialStream);
- //Indicate the LENGTH Binding
- BINDING_LENGTH(rgBindings[i], pData) = pCISeqStream->Length();
- }
- BINDING_STATUS(rgBindings[i],pData) = DBSTATUS_S_OK;
- }
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::CreateAccessors
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::CreateAccessors(ULONG* pcBindingInfo, BINDINGINFO** prgBindingInfo, ULONG* pcRowSize, ULONG ulBlobSize, BOOL* pbOutofLine)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pIRowset);
- ASSERT(m_pIAccessor);
- ASSERT(pcBindingInfo);
- ASSERT(prgBindingInfo);
- ASSERT(pbOutofLine);
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- ULONG ulOffset = 0;
- ULONG i,cBindings = 0;
- DBBINDING* rgBindings = NULL;
- ULONG cStorageObjects = 0;
- //Alloc the space for BindingInfo
- ULONG cBindingInfo = 0;
- BINDINGINFO* rgBindingInfo = NULL;
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgBindingInfo, BINDINGINFO, m_cColumns);
- //Alloc the space to hold the Bindings and Accessors
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgBindings, DBBINDING, m_cColumns);
- cBindings = 0;
- for(i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- //SetUp the Bindings
- rgBindings[cBindings].iOrdinal = m_rgColDesc[i].iOrdinal;
- rgBindings[cBindings].obStatus = ulOffset;
- rgBindings[cBindings].obLength = ulOffset + sizeof(DBSTATUS);
- rgBindings[cBindings].obValue = ulOffset + sizeof(DBSTATUS) + sizeof(ULONG);
- rgBindings[cBindings].pTypeInfo = NULL;
- rgBindings[cBindings].pBindExt = NULL;
- rgBindings[cBindings].dwMemOwner= DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;
- rgBindings[cBindings].eParamIO = DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM;
- rgBindings[cBindings].dwFlags = 0;
- rgBindings[cBindings].bPrecision= m_rgColDesc[i].bPrecision;
- rgBindings[cBindings].bScale = m_rgColDesc[i].bScale;
- rgBindings[cBindings].pObject = NULL;
- rgBindings[cBindings].wType = m_rgColDesc[i].wType;
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen = m_rgColDesc[i].ulColumnSize;
- //Account for the NULL terminator
- if(rgBindings[cBindings].wType == DBTYPE_STR)
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen += sizeof(CHAR);
- if(rgBindings[cBindings].wType == DBTYPE_WSTR)
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen += sizeof(WCHAR);
- //Adjust ISLONG Columns if not bound as ISeqStream
- if(m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG)
- ADJUST_SIZE(rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen, ulBlobSize);
- //ISeqStream
- //Since some providers may only allow 1 storage object bound at a time
- //we will create a seperate accessor for each storage object bound.
- if(m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG && ulBlobSize == ULONG_MAX)
- {
- cStorageObjects++;
- //Setup wType
- rgBindings[cBindings].wType = DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN;
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen = sizeof(IUnknown*);
- //Setup pObject structure
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgBindings[cBindings].pObject, DBOBJECT, 1);
- rgBindings[cBindings].pObject->iid = IID_ISequentialStream;
- rgBindings[cBindings].pObject->dwFlags = STGM_READ;
- //Only need a seperate Accessor if there is more than 1 Storage column
- if(cStorageObjects > 1)
- {
- //Setup BindingInfo
- rgBindingInfo[cBindingInfo].cBindings = 1;
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgBindingInfo[cBindingInfo].rgBindings, DBBINDING, 1);
- memcpy(rgBindingInfo[cBindingInfo].rgBindings, &rgBindings[cBindings], sizeof(DBBINDING));
- //Create the accessor for the Storage column
- XTESTC(hr = m_pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, 1, &rgBindings[cBindings], 0, &rgBindingInfo[cBindingInfo].hAccessor, NULL));
- cBindingInfo++;
- }
- }
- //Determine if there is out of line data...
- switch(rgBindings[cBindings].wType)
- {
- *pbOutofLine = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- ulOffset = ROUNDUP(rgBindings[cBindings].obValue + rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen);
- //Already handled ISeqStream columns
- if(!(m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG && ulBlobSize == ULONG_MAX && cStorageObjects>1))
- cBindings++;
- }
- //Create the accessor for the entire row, (excluding Storage columns)
- if(cBindings)
- {
- //Setup BindingInfo
- rgBindingInfo[cBindingInfo].cBindings = cBindings;
- rgBindingInfo[cBindingInfo].rgBindings = rgBindings;
- XTESTC(hr = m_pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, cBindings, rgBindings, 0, &rgBindingInfo[cBindingInfo].hAccessor, NULL));
- cBindingInfo++;
- }
- //Size for pData
- if(pcRowSize)
- *pcRowSize = ulOffset;
- //Accessors
- *pcBindingInfo = cBindingInfo;
- *prgBindingInfo = rgBindingInfo;
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::GetRowset
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::GetRowset(DWORD dwInsertOpt)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource);
- WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_NAME_LEN];
- ULONG cPropSets = 0;
- DBPROPSET* rgPropSets = NULL;
- //Release the current rowset
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIRowset);
- SAFE_RELEASE(m_pIAccessor);
- //Kagera's Implementation requires IID_RowsetLocate for BLOB Support
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_IRowsetLocate, DBPROPSET_ROWSET))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetLocate, DBPROPSET_ROWSET, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, TRUE);
- if(dwInsertOpt != IDR_PARAM_SETS && IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_UPDATABILITY, DBPROPSET_ROWSET))
- //DBPROP_IRowsetChange
- if(dwInsertOpt == IDR_INSERTROW_IMMEDIATE && IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_IRowsetChange, DBPROPSET_ROWSET))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetChange, DBPROPSET_ROWSET, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, TRUE);
- //DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate
- if(dwInsertOpt == IDR_INSERTROW_BUFFERED && IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate, DBPROPSET_ROWSET))
- {
- //In order to insert more rows while there are pending changes
- SetProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate, DBPROPSET_ROWSET, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets, DBTYPE_BOOL, TRUE);
- }
- //Setup TableID
- DBID TableID;
- TableID.eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
- //Quote the TableName
- TableID.uName.pwszName = wszBuffer;
- GetQuotedID(wszBuffer, m_wszQualTableName);
- //IOpenRowset
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pIOpenRowset->OpenRowset(NULL, &TableID, NULL, IID_IRowset, cPropSets, rgPropSets, (IUnknown**)&m_pIRowset));
- CHECKC(m_pIRowset);
- //Obtain the Accessor
- XTESTC(hr = m_pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void**)&m_pIAccessor));
- FreeProperties(cPropSets, rgPropSets);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::CopyData
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::CopyData(CTable* pCSourceTable, ULONG* pcRowsCopied)
- {
- ASSERT(pCSourceTable && pcRowsCopied);
- WCHAR wszSqlStmt[MAX_QUERY_LEN]; // Format the select statement
- WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_NAME_LEN];
- ULONG i,j,ulOffset = 0;
- ULONG cBindings = 0;
- DBBINDING* rgBindings = NULL;
- IAccessor* pIAccessor = NULL;
- ULONG cRowSize = 0;
- IRowset* pISourceRowset = pCSourceTable->m_pIRowset;
- IRowsetChange* pIRowsetChange = NULL;
- IRowsetUpdate* pIRowsetUpdate = NULL;
- ULONG cRowsObtained = 0;
- HROW* rghRows = NULL;
- void* pData = NULL;
- void* pRowData = NULL;
- ULONG cRows = 0;
- CTableCopy* pCTableCopy = m_pCWizard->m_pCTableCopy;
- ULONG ulParamSets = pCTableCopy->m_dwInsertOpt == IDR_PARAM_SETS ? pCTableCopy->m_ulParamSets : 0;
- ULONG ulBlobSize = pCTableCopy->m_dwBlobOpt == IDR_BLOB_SIZE ? pCTableCopy->m_ulBlobSize : ULONG_MAX;
- ULONG ulMaxRows = pCTableCopy->m_dwRowOpt == IDR_ROW_COUNT ? pCTableCopy->m_ulMaxRows : ULONG_MAX;
- BOOL bOutofLine = FALSE;
- ULONG cBindingInfo = 0;
- BINDINGINFO* rgBindingInfo = NULL;
- CProgress* pCProgress = m_pCWizard->m_pCProgress;
- //Get the Rowset from the SourceTable
- QTESTC(hr = pCSourceTable->CreateAccessors(&cBindingInfo, &rgBindingInfo, &cRowSize, ulBlobSize, &bOutofLine));
- //Obtain the Accessor
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgBindings, DBBINDING, m_cColumns);
- cBindings = 0;
- for(i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- rgBindings[cBindings].iOrdinal = ulParamSets ? cBindings+1 : m_rgColDesc[i].iOrdinal;
- rgBindings[cBindings].obStatus = ulOffset;
- rgBindings[cBindings].obLength = ulOffset + sizeof(DBSTATUS);
- rgBindings[cBindings].obValue = ulOffset + sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(DBSTATUS);
- rgBindings[cBindings].pTypeInfo = NULL;
- rgBindings[cBindings].pBindExt = NULL;
- rgBindings[cBindings].dwPart = DBPART_VALUE | DBPART_LENGTH | DBPART_STATUS;
- rgBindings[cBindings].dwMemOwner= DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED;
- rgBindings[cBindings].eParamIO = ulParamSets ? DBPARAMIO_INPUT : DBPARAMIO_NOTPARAM;
- rgBindings[cBindings].dwFlags = 0;
- rgBindings[cBindings].bPrecision= pCSourceTable->m_rgColDesc[i].bPrecision;
- rgBindings[cBindings].bScale = pCSourceTable->m_rgColDesc[i].bScale;
- rgBindings[cBindings].pObject = NULL;
- rgBindings[cBindings].wType = pCSourceTable->m_rgColDesc[i].wType;
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen = pCSourceTable->m_rgColDesc[i].ulColumnSize;
- //Account for the NULL terminator
- if(rgBindings[cBindings].wType == DBTYPE_STR)
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen += sizeof(CHAR);
- if(rgBindings[cBindings].wType == DBTYPE_WSTR)
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen += sizeof(WCHAR);
- //Adjust ISLONG Columns if not bound as ISeqStream
- if(pCSourceTable->m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG)
- ADJUST_SIZE(rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen, ulBlobSize);
- //ISeqStream
- if(m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISLONG &&
- pCTableCopy->m_dwBlobOpt == IDR_ISEQ_STREAM)
- {
- //Setup wType
- rgBindings[cBindings].wType = DBTYPE_IUNKNOWN;
- rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen = sizeof(IUnknown*);
- //Setup pObject structure
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgBindings[cBindings].pObject, DBOBJECT, 1);
- rgBindings[cBindings].pObject->iid = IID_ISequentialStream;
- rgBindings[cBindings].pObject->dwFlags = STGM_READ;
- }
- ulOffset = ROUNDUP(rgBindings[cBindings].obValue + rgBindings[cBindings].cbMaxLen);
- //Only Bind Updatable columns
- //Note, we are not using the Source info here, since in the process
- //of adjusting columns to a different DSN, the columns may have become writeable
- if(m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITE || m_rgColDesc[i].dwFlags & DBCOLUMNFLAGS_WRITEUNKNOWN)
- cBindings++;
- }
- //If using Parameters to INSERT the Data
- if(pCTableCopy->m_dwInsertOpt == IDR_PARAM_SETS)
- {
- // Now create the INSERT INTO statment
- CreateSQLStmt(ESQL_INSERT, wszSqlStmt, ulParamSets);
- //Set the command text
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText->SetCommandText(DBGUID_DBSQL, wszSqlStmt));
- //Create the Target Accessor
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void**)&pIAccessor));
- XTESTC(hr = pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_PARAMETERDATA, cBindings, rgBindings, ulOffset, &hAccessor, NULL));
- }
- //were using InsertRow
- else
- {
- //Obtain IRowsetChange interface from the TargetRowset
- XTESTC(hr = m_pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IRowsetChange, (void**)&pIRowsetChange));
- //Create the Target Accessor
- XTESTC(hr = m_pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void**)&pIAccessor));
- XTESTC(hr = pIAccessor->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, cBindings, rgBindings, ulOffset, &hAccessor, NULL));
- if(pCTableCopy->m_dwInsertOpt == IDR_INSERTROW_BUFFERED)
- XTESTC(hr = m_pIRowset->QueryInterface(IID_IRowsetUpdate, (void**)&pIRowsetUpdate));
- }
- // Display the progress dialog
- pCProgress->Display();
- pCProgress->SetHeading(wsz_COPYING);
- //Alloc room for pData
- SAFE_ALLOC(pData, BYTE, max(ulParamSets, 1) * cRowSize);
- memset(pData, 0, max(ulParamSets, 1) * cRowSize);
- //Setup DBPARAMS Struct
- DBParams.cParamSets = 1; //Numer of Parameter sets
- DBParams.hAccessor = hAccessor; //Target Param Accessor
- DBParams.pData = pData; //Source Data
- while(cRows < ulMaxRows)
- {
- XTESTC(hr = pISourceRowset->GetNextRows(NULL, 0, (ulParamSets > 1) ? ulParamSets : MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, &cRowsObtained, &rghRows));
- if(cRowsObtained==0)
- break;
- //Determine the number of rows that are actually needed to retrieve
- //The user might have specfified the number of rows to retrieve which could
- //be smaller than the number in the block size
- ULONG cRowsNeeded = min(cRowsObtained, ulMaxRows-cRows);
- //Use Parameters to INSERT the data, use MultipleParamSets
- if(ulParamSets > 1)
- {
- //GetData
- for(i=0; i<cRowsNeeded; i++)
- {
- pRowData = (BYTE*)pData + (i*cRowSize);
- for(j=0; j<cBindingInfo; j++)
- {
- XTESTC(hr = pISourceRowset->GetData(rghRows[i], rgBindingInfo[j].hAccessor, pRowData));
- //AdjustBindings
- QTESTC(hr = AdjustBindings(rgBindingInfo[j].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[j].rgBindings, pRowData));
- }
- }
- //Adjust the paramerer sets
- DBParams.cParamSets = cRowsNeeded;
- //Execute the INSERT (multiple param sets)
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, &DBParams, NULL, NULL));
- //FreeBindingData - outofline memory
- for(i=0; i<cRowsNeeded && bOutofLine; i++)
- {
- pRowData = (BYTE*)pData + (i*cRowSize);
- for(j=0; j<cBindingInfo; j++)
- QTESTC(FreeBindingData(rgBindingInfo[j].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[j].rgBindings, pData));
- }
- // Update insert progress
- swprintf(wszBuffer, wsz_COPIED_RECORDS, (cRows += cRowsNeeded));
- if(!pCProgress->Update(wszBuffer))
- goto CLEANUP;
- }
- //Use Paramseters to INSERT the data, but only 1 ParamSet (not multiple)
- else if(ulParamSets == 1)
- {
- for(i=0; i<cRowsNeeded; i++)
- {
- for(j=0; j<cBindingInfo; j++)
- {
- //GetData
- XTESTC(hr = pISourceRowset->GetData(rghRows[i], rgBindingInfo[j].hAccessor, pData));
- //AdjustBindings
- QTESTC(hr = AdjustBindings(rgBindingInfo[j].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[j].rgBindings, pData));
- }
- //Execute the INSERT
- XTESTC(hr = m_pCDataSource->m_pICommandText->Execute(NULL, IID_NULL, &DBParams, NULL, NULL));
- //FreeBindingData - outofline memory
- for(j=0; j<cBindingInfo && bOutofLine; j++)
- QTESTC(FreeBindingData(rgBindingInfo[j].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[j].rgBindings, pData));
- // Update insert progress
- swprintf(wszBuffer, wsz_COPIED_RECORDS, cRows++);
- if(!pCProgress->Update(wszBuffer))
- goto CLEANUP;
- }
- }
- //Use InsertRow to INSERT the Data
- else
- {
- for(i=0; i<cRowsNeeded; i++)
- {
- for(j=0; j<cBindingInfo; j++)
- {
- //GetData from the Source
- XTESTC(hr = pISourceRowset->GetData(rghRows[i], rgBindingInfo[j].hAccessor, pData));
- //AdjustBindings
- QTESTC(hr = AdjustBindings(rgBindingInfo[j].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[j].rgBindings, pData));
- }
- //InsertRow to the Target
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowsetChange->InsertRow(NULL, hAccessor, pData, NULL));
- // Update insert progress
- if(pCTableCopy->m_dwInsertOpt == IDR_INSERTROW_IMMEDIATE)
- {
- // Update insert progress
- swprintf(wszBuffer, wsz_COPIED_RECORDS, cRows++);
- if(!pCProgress->Update(wszBuffer))
- goto CLEANUP;
- }
- //FreeBindingData - outofline memory
- for(j=0; j<cBindingInfo && bOutofLine; j++)
- QTESTC(FreeBindingData(rgBindingInfo[j].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[j].rgBindings, pData));
- }
- //Use IRowsetUpdate::Update if in Bufferred mode
- //Update all, since we don't have the inserted row handles...
- if(pCTableCopy->m_dwInsertOpt == IDR_INSERTROW_BUFFERED)
- {
- XTESTC(hr = pIRowsetUpdate->Update(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- // Update insert progress
- swprintf(wszBuffer, wsz_COPIED_RECORDS, cRows += cRowsNeeded);
- if(!pCProgress->Update(wszBuffer))
- goto CLEANUP;
- }
- }
- //Release the group of rows
- XTESTC(hr = pISourceRowset->ReleaseRows(cRowsObtained, rghRows, NULL, NULL, NULL));
- SAFE_FREE(rghRows);
- }
- //Stop the propgress
- pCProgress->Destroy();
- *pcRowsCopied = cRows;
- //Release Accessors
- if(hAccessor)
- XTEST(pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(hAccessor, NULL));
- SAFE_RELEASE(pIAccessor);
- //Free any outofbound data, (error case)
- for(i=0; i<cBindingInfo; i++)
- FreeBindingData(rgBindingInfo[i].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[i].rgBindings, pData);
- //Release Accessors
- for(i=0; i<cBindingInfo; i++)
- {
- XTEST(pCSourceTable->m_pIAccessor->ReleaseAccessor(rgBindingInfo[i].hAccessor, NULL));
- FreeBindings(rgBindingInfo[i].cBindings, rgBindingInfo[i].rgBindings);
- }
- SAFE_FREE(rgBindingInfo);
- FreeBindings(cBindings, rgBindings);
- SAFE_FREE(pData);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pIRowsetChange);
- SAFE_RELEASE(pIRowsetUpdate);
- SAFE_FREE(rghRows);
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::GetTypeInfoRowset
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::GetTypeInfoRowset(IAccessor** ppIAccessor, HACCESSOR* phAccessor, IRowset** ppIRowset)
- {
- ASSERT(ppIAccessor && phAccessor && ppIRowset);
- ASSERT(m_pCDataSource && m_pCDataSource->m_pIOpenRowset);
- IDBSchemaRowset* pIDBSchemaRowset = m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBSchemaRowset;
- //Provider doesn't have to support IDBSchemaRowset
- if(pIDBSchemaRowset == NULL)
- return E_FAIL;
- //Bind all the columns from types rowset:
- const static ULONG cBindings = 6;
- const static DBBINDING rgBindings[cBindings] =
- {
- 1,
- offsetof(TYPEINFO, wszTypeName), // offset of value in consumers buffer
- 0, // offset of length
- 0, // offset of status
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // for ole object
- NULL, // reserved
- DBPART_VALUE, // specifies Value is bound only
- DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED, // memory is client owned
- MAX_NAME_LEN, // size in bytes of the value part in the consumers buffer
- 0, // reserved
- DBTYPE_WSTR, // data type indicator
- 0, // precision
- 0, // scale
- 2,
- offsetof(TYPEINFO, wType), // offset of value in consumers buffer
- 0, // offset of length
- 0, // offset of status
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // for ole object
- NULL, // reserved
- DBPART_VALUE, // specifies Value is bound only
- DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED, // memory is client owned
- sizeof(USHORT), // size in bytes of the value part in the consumers buffer
- 0, // reserved
- DBTYPE_UI2, // data type indicator
- 0, // precision
- 0, // scale
- 3,
- offsetof(TYPEINFO, ulColumnSize), // offset of value in consumers buffer
- 0, // offset of length
- 0, // offset of status
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // for ole object
- NULL, // reserved
- DBPART_VALUE, // specifies Value is bound only
- DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED, // memory is client owned
- sizeof(ULONG), // size in bytes of the value part in the consumers buffer
- 0, // reserved
- DBTYPE_UI4, // data type indicator
- 0, // precision
- 0, // scale
- 6,
- offsetof(TYPEINFO, wszCreateParams),// offset of value in consumers buffer
- 0, // offset of length
- 0, // offset of status
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // for ole object
- NULL, // reserved
- DBPART_VALUE, // specifies Value is bound only
- DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED, // memory is client owned
- MAX_NAME_LEN, // size in bytes of the value part in the consumers buffer
- 0, // reserved
- DBTYPE_WSTR, // data type indicator
- 0, // precision
- 0, // scale
- 7,
- offsetof(TYPEINFO, fIsNullable), // offset of value in consumers buffer
- 0, // offset of length
- 0, // offset of status
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // for ole object
- NULL, // reserved
- DBPART_VALUE, // specifies Value is bound only
- DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED, // memory is client owned
- sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), // size in bytes of the value part in the consumers buffer
- 0, // reserved
- DBTYPE_BOOL, // data type indicator
- 0, // precision
- 0, // scale
- 12,
- offsetof(TYPEINFO, fIsAutoInc), // offset of value in consumers buffer
- 0, // offset of length
- 0, // offset of status
- NULL, // reserved
- NULL, // for ole object
- NULL, // reserved
- DBPART_VALUE, // specifies Value is bound only
- DBMEMOWNER_CLIENTOWNED, // memory is client owned
- sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), // size in bytes of the value part in the consumers buffer
- 0, // reserved
- DBTYPE_BOOL, // data type indicator
- 0, // precision
- 0, // scale
- };
- //GetRowset
- XTESTC(hr = pIDBSchemaRowset->GetRowset(NULL, DBSCHEMA_PROVIDER_TYPES, 0, NULL, IID_IRowset,0, NULL, (IUnknown**)ppIRowset));
- //Create the the Accessor
- XTESTC(hr = (*ppIRowset)->QueryInterface(IID_IAccessor, (void **)ppIAccessor));
- XTESTC(hr = (*ppIAccessor)->CreateAccessor(DBACCESSOR_ROWDATA, cBindings, rgBindings, 0, phAccessor, NULL));
- return hr;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // HRESULT CTable::GetColumnDesc
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- HRESULT CTable::GetColumnDesc(DBCOLUMNDESC** prgColumnDesc)
- {
- //Init buffer
- ULONG i=0;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- DBCOLUMNDESC* rgColumnDesc = NULL;
- SAFE_ALLOC(rgColumnDesc, DBCOLUMNDESC, m_cColumns);
- // For each column, fill out DBCOLUMNDESC info
- for(i=0; i<m_cColumns; i++)
- {
- //TypeName
- rgColumnDesc[i].pwszTypeName = m_rgColDesc[i].wszTypeName;
- rgColumnDesc[i].pTypeInfo = NULL;
- rgColumnDesc[i].pclsid = NULL;
- //ColumnID
- rgColumnDesc[i].dbcid.eKind = DBKIND_NAME;
- rgColumnDesc[i].dbcid.uName.pwszName = m_rgColDesc[i].wszColName;
- //Typeinfo
- rgColumnDesc[i].wType = m_rgColDesc[i].wType;
- rgColumnDesc[i].ulColumnSize = m_rgColDesc[i].ulColumnSize;
- rgColumnDesc[i].bPrecision = m_rgColDesc[i].bPrecision;
- rgColumnDesc[i].bScale = m_rgColDesc[i].bScale;
- //Properties
- rgColumnDesc[i].cPropertySets = 0;
- rgColumnDesc[i].rgPropertySets = NULL;
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_COL_AUTOINCREMENT, DBPROPSET_COLUMN))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_COL_AUTOINCREMENT, DBPROPSET_COLUMN, &rgColumnDesc[i].cPropertySets, &rgColumnDesc[i].rgPropertySets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgColDesc[i].fIsAutoInc);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_COL_FIXEDLENGTH, DBPROPSET_COLUMN))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_COL_FIXEDLENGTH, DBPROPSET_COLUMN, &rgColumnDesc[i].cPropertySets, &rgColumnDesc[i].rgPropertySets, DBTYPE_BOOL, IsNumericType(m_rgColDesc[i].wType));
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_COL_NULLABLE, DBPROPSET_COLUMN))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_COL_NULLABLE, DBPROPSET_COLUMN, &rgColumnDesc[i].cPropertySets, &rgColumnDesc[i].rgPropertySets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgColDesc[i].fIsNullable);
- if(IsSettableProperty(m_pCDataSource->m_pIDBInitialize, DBPROP_COL_PRIMARYKEY, DBPROPSET_COLUMN))
- SetProperty(DBPROP_COL_PRIMARYKEY, DBPROPSET_COLUMN, &rgColumnDesc[i].cPropertySets, &rgColumnDesc[i].rgPropertySets, DBTYPE_BOOL, m_rgColDesc[i].fIsPrimaryKey && m_pCWizard->m_pCTableCopy->m_fCopyPrimaryKeys);
- }
- *prgColumnDesc = rgColumnDesc;
- return hr;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Class CISeqStream
- //
- // My implementation of ISeqStream interface
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- CISeqStream::CISeqStream()
- {
- m_iPos = 0;
- m_cRef = 0;
- m_pBuffer = NULL;
- m_cBufSize = 0;
- //The constructor AddRef's
- AddRef();
- }
- CISeqStream::~CISeqStream()
- {
- //Shouldn't have any references left
- ASSERT(m_cRef == 0);
- SAFE_FREE(m_pBuffer);
- }
- ULONG CISeqStream::AddRef(void)
- {
- return ++m_cRef;
- }
- ULONG CISeqStream::Release(void)
- {
- ASSERT(m_cRef);
- if(--m_cRef)
- return m_cRef;
- delete this;
- return 0;
- }
- HRESULT CISeqStream::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv)
- {
- ASSERT(ppv);
- *ppv = NULL;
- if (riid == IID_IUnknown)
- *ppv = this;
- if (riid == IID_ISequentialStream)
- *ppv = this;
- if(*ppv)
- {
- ((IUnknown*)*ppv)->AddRef();
- return S_OK;
- }
- }
- BOOL CISeqStream::Seek(ULONG iPos)
- {
- //Make sure the desired position is within the buffer
- ASSERT(iPos == 0 || iPos < m_cBufSize);
- //Reset the current buffer position
- m_iPos = iPos;
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CISeqStream::Clear()
- {
- //Frees the buffer
- m_iPos = 0;
- m_cBufSize = 0;
- SAFE_FREE(m_pBuffer);
- return TRUE;
- }
- BOOL CISeqStream::CompareData(void* pBuffer)
- {
- ASSERT(pBuffer);
- //Quick and easy way to compare user buffer with the stream
- return memcmp(pBuffer, m_pBuffer, m_cBufSize)==0;
- }
- HRESULT CISeqStream::Read(void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbRead)
- {
- //Parameter checking
- if(pcbRead)
- *pcbRead = 0;
- if(!pv)
- if(cb == 0)
- return S_OK;
- //Actual code
- ULONG cBytesLeft = m_cBufSize - m_iPos;
- ULONG cBytesRead = cb > cBytesLeft ? cBytesLeft : cb;
- //if no more bytes to retrive return
- if(cBytesLeft == 0)
- return S_FALSE;
- //Copy to users buffer the number of bytes requested or remaining
- memcpy(pv, (void*)((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_iPos), cBytesRead);
- m_iPos += cBytesRead;
- if(pcbRead)
- *pcbRead = cBytesRead;
- if(cb != cBytesRead)
- return S_FALSE;
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT CISeqStream::Write(const void *pv, ULONG cb, ULONG* pcbWritten)
- {
- //Parameter checking
- if(!pv)
- if(pcbWritten)
- *pcbWritten = 0;
- if(cb == 0)
- return S_OK;
- //Enlarge the current buffer
- m_cBufSize += cb;
- //Need to append to the end of the stream
- SAFE_REALLOC(m_pBuffer, BYTE, m_cBufSize);
- memcpy((void*)((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_iPos), pv, cb);
- if(pcbWritten)
- *pcbWritten = cb;
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT CISeqStream::Write(ISequentialStream* pISeqStream, ULONG* pcbWritten)
- {
- //Parameter checking
- if(!pISeqStream)
- if(pcbWritten)
- *pcbWritten = 0;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- //Need to read (in chunks) from the Stream passed in and sotre in our CISeqStream object
- while(hr==S_OK && cbRead==MAX_STREAM_BLOCK_SIZE)
- {
- //Keep appending the data to the end of our buffer
- hr = pISeqStream->Read((BYTE*)m_pBuffer + m_cBufSize, MAX_STREAM_BLOCK_SIZE, &cbRead);
- m_cBufSize += cbRead;
- if(pcbWritten)
- *pcbWritten += cbRead;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }