资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Microsoft OLE DB TABLECOPY Sample
- // Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation
- //
- // @doc
- //
- // @module LIST.H
- //
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #ifndef _LIST_H_
- #define _LIST_H_
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Includes
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Defines
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- typedef void* LISTPOS;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CNode
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> class CNode
- {
- public:
- // constructors
- CNode(TYPE val, CNode* pPrevNode, CNode* pNextNode);
- // members
- TYPE m_data; // element data
- CNode* m_pNextNode; // next CNode
- CNode* m_pPrevNode; // prev CNode
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CNode::CNode
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> CNode<TYPE>::CNode(TYPE data, CNode* pPrevNode, CNode* pNextNode)
- {
- //Constructor
- m_data = data;
- m_pPrevNode = pPrevNode;
- m_pNextNode = pNextNode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> class CList
- {
- public:
- //constructors
- CList();
- virtual ~CList();
- //members
- //list modifying operations
- virtual LISTPOS AddHead(TYPE element); // Add to Head
- virtual LISTPOS AddTail(TYPE element); // Add to Tail
- virtual LISTPOS InsertBefore(LISTPOS position, TYPE element); // Add before position
- virtual LISTPOS InsertAfter(LISTPOS position, TYPE element); // Add after position
- virtual TYPE RemoveHead(); // Remove from Head
- virtual TYPE RemoveTail(); // Remove from Tail
- virtual TYPE RemoveAt(LISTPOS position); // RemoveAt position
- virtual void RemoveAll(); // Remove all elements
- //Seeking methods
- virtual LISTPOS Find(TYPE element); // Find element
- //Peek methods
- virtual LISTPOS GetHeadPosition(); // Head Position
- virtual LISTPOS GetTailPosition(); // Tail Position
- virtual TYPE GetHead(); // Head element
- virtual TYPE GetTail(); // Tail element
- virtual TYPE GetNext(LISTPOS& position); // Next element
- virtual TYPE GetPrev(LISTPOS& position); // Prev element
- //Data methods
- virtual TYPE GetAt(LISTPOS position) const; //Get element value
- virtual TYPE SetAt(LISTPOS position, TYPE element); //Set element value
- //Array-like methods
- virtual LISTPOS FindIndex(ULONG iIndex); //Index element
- //informational methods
- virtual BOOL IsEmpty(); // IsEmpty
- virtual ULONG GetCount(); // Elements in the list
- private:
- //data
- CNode<TYPE>* m_pHeadNode; // Head of CList
- CNode<TYPE>* m_pTailNode; // Tail of CList
- ULONG m_ulElements; // Elements in the list
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::CList
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> CList<TYPE>::CList()
- {
- //constructor
- m_pHeadNode = NULL;
- m_pTailNode = NULL;
- m_ulElements = 0;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::~CList
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> CList<TYPE>::~CList()
- {
- //Remove all elements
- RemoveAll();
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::AddHead
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::AddHead(TYPE element)
- {
- //Add to the Head of the CList, (stack)
- CNode<TYPE>* pHeadNode = new CNode<TYPE>(element, NULL, m_pHeadNode);
- ASSERT(pHeadNode);
- //If there was a list hook the head->prev to the new head
- if(m_pHeadNode)
- m_pHeadNode->m_pPrevNode = pHeadNode;
- //If there isn't a tail element, hook it to the head
- if(!m_pTailNode)
- m_pTailNode = pHeadNode;
- m_pHeadNode = pHeadNode;
- m_ulElements++;
- return m_pHeadNode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::AddTail
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::AddTail(TYPE element)
- {
- //Add to the m_pTailNode of the CList
- CNode<TYPE>* pTailNode = new CNode<TYPE>(element, m_pTailNode, 0);
- ASSERT(pTailNode);
- //if previously empty
- if(!m_pHeadNode)
- m_pHeadNode = pTailNode;
- else
- m_pTailNode->m_pNextNode = pTailNode;
- m_pTailNode = pTailNode;
- m_ulElements++;
- return m_pTailNode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::GetHeadPosition
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::GetHeadPosition()
- {
- //return Head element Position
- return m_pHeadNode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::GetTailPosition
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::GetTailPosition()
- {
- //return Tail element Position
- return m_pTailNode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::GetHead
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline TYPE CList<TYPE>::GetHead()
- {
- //return Head element value
- ASSERT(m_pHeadNode);
- return m_pHeadNode->m_data;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::AddTail
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline TYPE CList<TYPE>::GetTail()
- {
- // return Tail element value
- ASSERT(m_pTailNode);
- return m_pTailNode->m_data;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::GetNext
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline TYPE CList<TYPE>::GetNext(LISTPOS& position)
- {
- ASSERT(position);
- //Set position to the next element
- CNode<TYPE>* pNode = (CNode<TYPE>*)position;
- position = pNode->m_pNextNode;
- //return the current element
- return pNode->m_data;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::GetPrev
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline TYPE CList<TYPE>::GetPrev(LISTPOS& position)
- {
- ASSERT(position);
- //Set position to the next element
- CNode<TYPE>* pNode = (CNode<TYPE>*)position;
- position = pNode->m_pPrevNode;
- //return the current element
- return pNode->m_data;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::GetAt
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline TYPE CList<TYPE>::GetAt(LISTPOS position) const
- {
- ASSERT(position);
- return ((CNode<TYPE>*)position)->m_data;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::SetAt
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline TYPE CList<TYPE>::SetAt(LISTPOS position, TYPE element)
- {
- ASSERT(position);
- //Save the old data
- CNode<TYPE>* pNode = (CNode<TYPE>*)position;
- TYPE oldData = pNode->m_data;
- //Store new data
- pNode->m_data = element;
- //return olddata
- return oldData;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::Find
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::Find(TYPE element)
- {
- //return pointer to found element
- for(CNode<TYPE>* p = m_pHeadNode; p; p = p->m_pNextNode)
- if(p->m_data == element)
- return p; // return position to found CNode
- return NULL; // return NULL if not found
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::IsEmpty
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline BOOL CList<TYPE>::IsEmpty()
- {
- // returns TRUE if Empty
- return m_ulElements == 0;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::RemoveHead
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> TYPE CList<TYPE>::RemoveHead()
- {
- //Remove and return from the Head of the List
- ASSERT(m_pHeadNode);
- CNode<TYPE>* pHeadNode = m_pHeadNode; // pointer to the Removed node
- TYPE element = GetHead(); //make a copy, before deleteing
- m_pHeadNode = pHeadNode->m_pNextNode; // reroute Head to exclude the first element
- if(m_pHeadNode)
- m_pHeadNode->m_pPrevNode = NULL;
- else
- m_pTailNode = NULL;
- m_ulElements--;
- delete pHeadNode; // delete head
- return element;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::RemoveTail
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> TYPE CList<TYPE>::RemoveTail()
- {
- //Remove and return from the m_pTailNode of the CList
- ASSERT(m_pTailNode);
- CNode<TYPE>* pTailNode = m_pTailNode->m_pPrevNode;
- TYPE element = GetTail(); //make a copy before deleteing
- m_pTailNode = pTailNode;
- if(m_pTailNode)
- m_pTailNode->m_pNextNode = NULL;
- else
- m_pHeadNode = NULL;
- m_ulElements--;
- delete m_pTailNode;
- return element;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::RemoveAt
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> TYPE CList<TYPE>::RemoveAt(LISTPOS position)
- {
- //Remove CList[position]
- ASSERT(position);
- CNode<TYPE>* pNode = (CNode<TYPE>*)position;
- TYPE oldData = pNode->m_data;
- // If removing the head
- if (pNode == m_pHeadNode)
- m_pHeadNode = pNode->m_pNextNode;
- else
- pNode->m_pPrevNode->m_pNextNode = pNode->m_pNextNode;
- //If removing the tail
- if (pNode == m_pTailNode)
- m_pTailNode = pNode->m_pPrevNode;
- else
- pNode->m_pNextNode->m_pPrevNode = pNode->m_pPrevNode;
- m_ulElements--;
- delete pNode;
- return oldData;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::RemoveAll
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> void CList<TYPE>::RemoveAll()
- {
- // Remove all items from the CList
- for(CNode<TYPE>* p = m_pHeadNode; p; p = p->m_pNextNode)
- delete p;
- m_pHeadNode = NULL;
- m_pTailNode = NULL;
- m_ulElements = 0;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::GetCount
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> inline ULONG CList<TYPE>::GetCount()
- {
- // return the Length
- return m_ulElements;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::InsertBefore
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::InsertBefore(LISTPOS position, TYPE element)
- {
- //insert before the position
- if(position == m_pHeadNode) // Add before Head
- return AddHead(element);
- CNode<TYPE>* pOldNode = (CNode<TYPE>*)position;
- //otherwise a little more difficult
- CNode<TYPE>* pNewNode = new CNode<TYPE>(element, pOldNode->m_pPrevNode, pOldNode);
- //Create the new node
- pNewNode->m_pNextNode = new CNode<TYPE>(element, pOldNode->m_pPrevNode, pOldNode->m_pNextNode);
- //Hook up before after nodes to it
- pOldNode->m_pPrevNode->m_pNextNode = pNewNode;
- pOldNode->m_pPrevNode = pNewNode;
- m_ulElements++;
- return pNewNode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::InsertAfter
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::InsertAfter(LISTPOS position, TYPE element)
- {
- //insert after the position
- if(position == m_pTailNode) // Add after the m_pTailNode
- return AddTail(element);
- CNode<TYPE>* pOldNode = (CNode<TYPE>*)position;
- //other wise a little more difficult
- CNode<TYPE>* pNewNode = new CNode<TYPE>(element, pOldNode, pOldNode->m_pNextNode);
- //Hook up before after nodes to it
- pOldNode->m_pNextNode->m_pPrevNode = pNewNode;
- pOldNode->m_pNextNode = pNewNode;
- m_ulElements++;
- return pNewNode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // CList::FindIndex
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- template <class TYPE> LISTPOS CList<TYPE>::FindIndex(ULONG iIndex)
- {
- ASSERT(iIndex>=0 && iIndex<m_ulElements);
- CNode<TYPE>* pNode = m_pHeadNode;
- //Find the specified index
- while(iIndex--)
- pNode = pNode->m_pNextNode;
- return (LISTPOS)pNode;
- }
- #endif //_LIST_H_