资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| Custom Auto Test DLL
- //|
- //| Title: CUSTOM.C
- //|
- //| Purpose:
- //| This sample Auto Test DLL shows how an ODBC auto test may be written and
- //| subsequently run via the ODBC Test application. To use this DLL:
- //| 1) Compile the source code via the BUILD.EXE program
- //| CUSTOM.C This shource file with test code
- //| CUSTOM.H Include files with defines, macros, and prototypes
- //| CUSTOM.RC Resource file for string tables
- //| (Note that .H and .RC files are optional in for an Auto Test)
- //| 2) Start the ODBC Test application
- //| 3) If you have not done so, choose Tools, Manage Test Sources and define
- //| a test source to run against
- //| 4) Choose Tools, Manage Tests and add the CUSTOM.DLL created in step 1
- //| to the list of installed test DLLs
- //| 5) Choose Tools, Run Tests and select "Custom Auto Test" and your Test Source
- //| from step #3
- //| For more details, please see the SDK documentation.
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "autotest.h"
- #include "custom.h"
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Defines and macros
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define CHECKTEST(lps, exprc, actrc, func)
- {
- if(!CheckTest(lps, exprc, actrc, (LPSTR)func))
- return TEST_ABORTED;
- }
- #define CHECKERRS(sErr)
- if(!sErr) szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE, "ttPassedrnrn");
- else szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE, "tt%d errorsrnrn", sErr);
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Local function prototypes
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SWORD FAR PASCAL DoHelloWorld(HENV FAR * phenv, HDBC FAR * phdbc,
- HSTMT FAR * phstmt, lpSERVERINFO lpSrvr);
- SWORD FAR PASCAL DoDisplayInfoDesc(HENV FAR * phenv, HDBC FAR * phdbc,
- HSTMT FAR * phstmt, lpSERVERINFO lpSrvr);
- SWORD FAR PASCAL DoSimpleConnect(HENV FAR * phenv, HDBC FAR * phdbc,
- HSTMT FAR * phstmt, lpSERVERINFO lpSrvr);
- LPSTR szFuncName);
- //
- // This structure is declared to describe the test cases and descriptions
- // that this auto test supports. Note that the strings are stored in
- // the resource fork, but could have been hard coded.
- //
- struct {
- UINT uiName; // Test case name
- UINT uiDesc; // Test case description
- TESTCASEFUNC lpTestFunc; // Pointer to function to implement test
- } TestCases[] = {
- // szName szDesc lpTestFunc
- // -------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------
- idsHelloWorld, idsHelloWorldDesc, DoHelloWorld,
- idsDisplayInfo, idsDisplayInfoDesc, DoDisplayInfoDesc,
- idsSimpleConnect, idsSimpleConnectDesc, DoSimpleConnect,
- };
- //**************************************************************************
- //*************************** External Interfaces ************************
- //* These functions are called by ODBC Test to gather run-time information
- //**************************************************************************
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| AutoTestName:
- //| This function is called to give the name of the auto test (which cannot
- //| exceed AUTO_MAX_TEST_NAME) as well as the number of test cases which
- //| are implemented in this test DLL.
- //| Parms:
- //| szName The name to be displayed
- //| pcbTestCases Pointer to count of test cases
- //| Returns:
- //| TRUE if successful (pcbTestCases set), FALSE for error
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL EXTFUN AutoTestName(LPSTR szName, UINT FAR * pcbTestCases)
- {
- GetRCString(hLoadedInst, szName, AUTO_MAX_TEST_NAME, idsTestName);
- *pcbTestCases = NumItems(TestCases);
- return TRUE;
- }
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| AutoTestDesc:
- //| This function is called by ODBC Test when a description of a specific
- //| test case is required. The returned name must be no larger than
- //| AUTO_MAX_TESTCASE_NAME including the NULL terminator. The returned
- //| description must be no larger than AUTO_MAX_TESTDESC_NAME including the
- //| NULL. iTest will be 1-based index of the test required.
- //|
- //| Note that iTest will start at 1 and will go to the number of
- //| test cases as specified by the AutoTestName function.
- //|
- //| Parms:
- //| iTest 1-based index of test case required
- //| szName The name of the test case
- //| szDesc A description of the test case
- //| Returns:
- //| TRUE if successful, FALSE for error
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL EXTFUN AutoTestDesc(UWORD iTest, LPSTR szName, LPSTR szDesc)
- {
- // Extra protection should AutoTestName return invalid pcbTestCases
- if(iTest > NumItems(TestCases))
- return FALSE;
- // Use GetRCString to retrieve resource string directly into return
- // values
- GetRCString(hLoadedInst, szName,
- AUTO_MAX_TESTCASE_NAME, TestCases[(iTest-1)].uiName);
- GetRCString(hLoadedInst, szDesc,
- AUTO_MAX_TESTDESC_NAME, TestCases[(iTest-1)].uiDesc);
- return TRUE;
- }
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| AutoTestFunc:
- //| This function is called to execute a test case selected by the user for
- //| execution. The lpSrvr structure contains the information required for
- //| connected (as defined in the chosen Test Source), as well as other
- //| usefull information. See the AUTOTEST.H file for the structure
- //| declaration.
- //|
- //| Use the GETBIT macro to determine which test should be executed.
- //|
- //| Parms:
- //| lpSrvr Information required for running the test
- //| Returns:
- //| Nothing
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void EXTFUN AutoTestFunc(lpSERVERINFO lpSrvr)
- {
- HENV henv=NULL;
- HDBC hdbc=NULL;
- HSTMT hstmt0=NULL;
- int iDex;
- SWORD cErrCnt; // Count errors
- char szName[AUTO_MAX_TESTCASE_NAME+6]; // Room for NULL and rn
- // Sets the error count to 0
- InitTest(lpSrvr);
- // Loop through the count of test cases looking for set bits via GETBIT.
- // When a bit is set, that test is to be run. We've stored the
- // function address which will implement the test, so simply call it.
- for(iDex=1; iDex<=NumItems(TestCases); iDex++)
- if(GETBIT(lpSrvr->rglMask, iDex)) {
- // Print out title of test
- GetRCString(hLoadedInst, szName,
- AUTO_MAX_TESTCASE_NAME, TestCases[(iDex-1)].uiName);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE, "%s:rn", (LPSTR)szName);
- // Call the test case and add errors
- cErrCnt =
- (*TestCases[(iDex-1)].lpTestFunc)(&henv, &hdbc, &hstmt0, lpSrvr);
- if(cErrCnt != TEST_ABORTED)
- lpSrvr->cErrors += cErrCnt;
- else
- goto abort;
- }
- return;
- // When a test must abort, the test case should call the AbortTest
- // macro which sets lpSrvr->cErrors to TEST_ABORTED.
- abort:
- return;
- }
- //**************************************************************************
- //***************************** Test Cases *******************************
- //* The following functions implement the tests
- //**************************************************************************
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| DoHelloWord:
- //| This is a simple test which uses the szLogPrintf and szMessageBox
- //| functions defined in GATORTST.DLL.
- //|
- //| Note that this test also simulates an error by returning a count
- //| of 1. This value is then totaled by ODBC Test and displayed as
- //| part of the grand total.
- //|
- //| Returns:
- //| Number of Errors or TEST_ABORTED
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SWORD FAR PASCAL DoHelloWorld(HENV FAR * phenv, HDBC FAR * phdbc,
- HSTMT FAR * phstmt, lpSERVERINFO lpSrvr)
- {
- SWORD sErr=1; // Pretend there was 1 error
- // The szMessageBox function will display a formatted message via the
- // Windows MessageBox function. This function should not be used
- // for standard testing since a good test will run unattended.
- szMessageBox(lpSrvr->hwnd,
- "Hello World",
- "This is a sample message.");
- // The szLogPrintf function is preferred for output operations. It will
- // format your string using wvsprintf (which has a limit of 2000 characters)
- // and log the result both to the output window and to a file per
- // user instructions.
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE, "tHello World!!rn");
- // check for errors
- return sErr;
- }
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| DoDisplayInfoDesc:
- //| This test case will use the szLogPrintf function to dump the contents
- //| of the lpSrvr structure.
- //|
- //| Returns:
- //| Number of Errors or TEST_ABORTED
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SWORD FAR PASCAL DoDisplayInfoDesc(HENV FAR * phenv, HDBC FAR * phdbc,
- HSTMT FAR * phstmt, lpSERVERINFO lpSrvr)
- {
- SWORD sErr=0;
- #ifndef WIN32
- #define szAddress "%04X:%04Xrn"
- #else
- #define szAddress "%08Xrn"
- #endif
- // The hwnd parameter is the window of style "edit" which is used for output.
- // The szLogFile parameter is used for file logging of output.
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "thwnd:ttttttt%04Xrn", lpSrvr->hwnd);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tszLogFile:tttt%srn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->szLogFile);
- // Print out address information. Note that szAddress is conditionaly compiled
- // to handle 16 and 32-bit. It will be concatenated to the format string
- // by the compiler to create a file platform correct string.
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "thenv:ttttttt" szAddress,
- #ifndef WIN32
- HIWORD(lpSrvr->henv), LOWORD(lpSrvr->henv));
- #else
- lpSrvr->henv);
- #endif
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "thdbc:ttttttt" szAddress,
- #ifndef WIN32
- HIWORD(lpSrvr->hdbc), LOWORD(lpSrvr->hdbc));
- #else
- lpSrvr->hdbc);
- #endif
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "thstmt:ttttttt" szAddress,
- #ifndef WIN32
- HIWORD(lpSrvr->hstmt), LOWORD(lpSrvr->hstmt));
- #else
- lpSrvr->hstmt);
- #endif
- // The following are defined via the Tools, Manage Test Sources dialog in
- // the ODBC Test application.
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tszSource:ttttt%srn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->szSource);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tszValidServer0:tttttt%srn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->szValidServer0);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tszValidLogin0:tttttt%srn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->szValidLogin0);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tszValidPassword0:ttt%srn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->szValidPassword0);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tszKeywords:ttt%srn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->szKeywords);
- // The following elements describe the run-time environment
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tcErrors:tttttt%drn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->cErrors);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tfDebug:tttttt%drn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->fDebug);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tfScreen:tttttt%drn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->fScreen);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tfLog:tttttttt%drn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->fLog);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tfIsolate:tttttt%drn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->fIsolate);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "tvCursorLib:tttt%lurn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->vCursorLib);
- szLogPrintf(lpSrvr, FALSE,
- "thLoadedInst:ttt%04Xrn", (LPSTR)lpSrvr->hLoadedInst);
- // check for errors
- return sErr;
- }
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| DoSimpleConnect:
- //| This test case will use the information in SERVERINFO to make a connection
- //| to the chosen test source.
- //|
- //| Returns:
- //| Number of Errors or TEST_ABORTED
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SWORD FAR PASCAL DoSimpleConnect(HENV FAR * phenv, HDBC FAR * phdbc,
- HSTMT FAR * phstmt, lpSERVERINFO lpSrvr)
- {
- SWORD sErr=0;
- // This test will assume that the ODBC handles passed in
- // are NULL. One could have this function do a connection
- // and pass the handles to other test functions.
- rc = SQLAllocEnv(phenv);
- CHECKTEST(lpSrvr, SQL_SUCCESS, rc, "SQLAllocEnv");
- rc = SQLAllocConnect(*phenv, phdbc);
- CHECKTEST(lpSrvr, SQL_SUCCESS, rc, "SQLAllocConnect");
- rc = SQLConnect(*phdbc, lpSrvr->szValidServer0, SQL_NTS,
- lpSrvr->szValidLogin0, SQL_NTS,
- lpSrvr->szValidPassword0, SQL_NTS);
- ? rc : SQL_SUCCESS),
- rc, "SQLConnect");
- rc = SQLAllocStmt(*phdbc, phstmt);
- CHECKTEST(lpSrvr, SQL_SUCCESS, rc, "SQLAllocStmt");
- rc = SQLFreeStmt(*phstmt, SQL_DROP);
- CHECKTEST(lpSrvr, SQL_SUCCESS, rc, "SQLFreeStmt");
- rc = SQLDisconnect(*phdbc);
- CHECKTEST(lpSrvr, SQL_SUCCESS, rc, "SQLDisconnect");
- rc = SQLFreeConnect(*phdbc);
- CHECKTEST(lpSrvr, SQL_SUCCESS, rc, "SQLFreeConnect");
- rc = SQLFreeEnv(*phenv);
- CHECKTEST(lpSrvr, SQL_SUCCESS, rc, "SQLFreeEnv");
- // check for errors
- return sErr;
- }
- //**************************************************************************
- //************************* Utility Functions ****************************
- //* This section contains internal utility functions
- //**************************************************************************
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //| CheckTest:
- //| This function will do a simple comparison of return codes and issue
- //| erros on failure. Use the CHECKTEST macro to invoke.
- //|
- //| Returns:
- //| TRUE if the codes match, FALSE on error
- //*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LPSTR szFuncName)
- {
- if(exprc != actrc) {
- szLogPrintf(lps, FALSE, "t%s failed:rn", (LPSTR)szFuncName);
- szLogPrintf(lps, FALSE, "ttExpected: %drn", exprc);
- szLogPrintf(lps, FALSE, "ttActual: %drn", actrc);
- return FALSE;
- }
- else
- return TRUE;
- }