资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* ** The example uses the following stored procedure,
- ** named "rpctest", which it assumes is located in the
- ** user's default database. Before running this example,
- ** you must create "rpctest" in your default database.
- **
- ** create procedure rpctest
- ** (@param1 int out,
- ** @param2 int out,
- ** @param3 int out,
- ** @param4 int)
- ** as
- ** begin
- ** select "rpctest is running."
- ** select @param1 = 11
- ** select @param2 = 22
- ** select @param3 = 33
- ** select @param1
- **
- ** return 123
- ** end
- **
- */
- #if defined(DBNTWIN32)
- #include <windows.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sqlfront.h>
- #include <sqldb.h>
- #define FMTSTR "%-8.8s %-8.8s %-8.8s %-8.8sn"
- #define FMTSTR1 "%-8.8s %-8.8s %8.8ld %8.8ldn"
- /* Forward declarations of the error handler and message handler routines. */
- int err_handler(DBPROCESS*, int, int, int, char*, char*);
- int msg_handler(DBPROCESS*, DBINT, int, int, char*, char*, char*, DBUSMALLINT);
- void main()
- {
- LOGINREC *login;
- DBPROCESS *dbproc;
- int i;
- int numrets;
- DBINT param1 = 1;
- DBINT param2 = 2;
- DBINT param3 = 3;
- DBINT param4 = 4;
- RETCODE return_code;
- /* Initialize private DB Library structures. */
- dbinit();
- /* Install the user-supplied error-handling and message-handling
- * routines. They are defined at the bottom of this source file.
- */
- dbmsghandle((DBMSGHANDLE_PROC)msg_handler);
- dberrhandle((DBERRHANDLE_PROC)err_handler);
- /* Allocate and initialize the LOGINREC structure to be used
- * to open a connection to SQL Server.
- */
- login = dblogin( );
- DBSETLUSER(login, "user");
- DBSETLPWD(login, "my_passwd");
- DBSETLAPP(login, "rpcexample");
- dbproc = dbopen(login, (char *)"my_server");
- /* Make the rpc. */
- if (dbrpcinit(dbproc, "rpctest", (DBSMALLINT)0) == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbrpcinit failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- if (dbrpcparam(dbproc, "@param1", (BYTE)DBRPCRETURN, SQLINT4,
- -1, -1, (BYTE *)¶m1)
- == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbrpcparam failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- if (dbrpcparam(dbproc, "@param2", (BYTE)DBRPCRETURN, SQLINT4,
- -1, -1, (BYTE *)¶m2)
- == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbrpcparam failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- if (dbrpcparam(dbproc, "@param3", (BYTE)DBRPCRETURN, SQLINT4,
- -1, -1, (BYTE *)¶m3)
- == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbrpcparam failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- if (dbrpcparam(dbproc, "@param4", (BYTE)NULL, SQLINT4,
- -1, -1, (BYTE *)¶m4)
- == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbrpcparam failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- if (dbrpcsend(dbproc) == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbrpcsend failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- if (dbsqlok(dbproc) == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbsqlok failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- while ((return_code = dbresults(dbproc)) != NO_MORE_RESULTS)
- {
- if (return_code == FAIL)
- {
- printf("dbresults failed.n");
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- /* Print any rows that may have been returned. */
- dbprrow(dbproc);
- /* Examine any return parameters that may have arrived. */
- numrets = dbnumrets(dbproc);
- printf("%d return values received.nn", numrets);
- if (numrets != 0)
- {
- printf
- (FMTSTR, "Name", "Type", "Length", "Value");
- printf
- "------------", "------------",
- "------------", "------------");
- for (i = 1; i <= numrets; i++)
- {
- printf
- (FMTSTR1, dbretname(dbproc, i),
- dbprtype(dbrettype(dbproc, i)), dbretlen(dbproc, i),
- *((DBINT *)(dbretdata(dbproc, i))));
- }
- }
- if (dbhasretstat(dbproc))
- printf("Return status = %ldn", dbretstatus(dbproc));
- else
- printf("No return status for this command.n");
- }
- dbexit();
- }
- int err_handler(dbproc, severity, dberr, oserr, dberrstr, oserrstr)
- DBPROCESS *dbproc;
- int severity;
- int dberr;
- int oserr;
- char *dberrstr;
- char *oserrstr;
- {
- if (dberrstr != NULL) printf("DB-Library error:nt%sn", dberrstr);
- if (oserr != DBNOERR)
- printf("Operating-system error:nt%sn", oserrstr);
- if ((dbproc == NULL) || (DBDEAD(dbproc)))
- return(INT_EXIT);
- else
- {
- return(INT_CANCEL);
- }
- }
- int msg_handler(dbproc, msgno, msgstate, severity, msgtext,
- srvname, procname, line)
- DBPROCESS *dbproc;
- DBINT msgno;
- int msgstate;
- int severity;
- char *msgtext;
- char *srvname;
- char *procname;
- {
- printf ("Msg %ld, Level %d, State %dn",
- msgno, severity, msgstate);
- if (srvname != NULL)
- printf ("Server '%s', ", srvname);
- if (procname != NULL)
- printf ("Procedure '%s', ", procname);
- if (line != 0)
- printf ("Line %d", line);
- printf("nt%sn", msgtext);
- return(0);
- }