资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* Demo of Two-Phase Commit Service
- **
- ** This example uses the two-phase commit service
- ** to perform a simultaneous update on two servers.
- ** In this example, one of the servers participating
- ** in the distributed transaction also functions as
- ** the commit service.
- **
- ** In this particular example, the same update is
- ** performed on both servers. You can, however, use
- ** the commit server to perform completely different
- ** updates on each server.
- **
- */
- #if defined(DBNTWIN32)
- #include <windows.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sqlfront.h>
- #include <sqldb.h>
- char cmdbuf[256];
- char xact_string[128];
- /* Forward declarations of the error handler and message handler.
- */
- int err_handler(DBPROCESS*, int, int, int, char*, char*);
- int msg_handler(DBPROCESS*, DBINT, int, int, char*);
- void abortall (DBPROCESS * dbproc_server1, DBPROCESS * dbproc_server2, DBPROCESS * dbproc_commit, DBINT commid);
- void main(argv,argc)
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- DBPROCESS *dbproc_server1;
- DBPROCESS *dbproc_server2;
- DBPROCESS *dbproc_commit;
- LOGINREC *login;
- DBINT commid;
- RETCODE ret_server1;
- RETCODE ret_server2;
- // set error/msg handlers for this program
- dbmsghandle((DBMSGHANDLE_PROC)msg_handler);
- dberrhandle((DBERRHANDLE_PROC)err_handler);
- /* Open connections with the servers and the commit service. */
- printf("Demo of Two Phase Commitn");
- login = dblogin();
- DBSETLUSER(login, "user");
- DBSETLPWD(login, "my_passwd");
- DBSETLAPP(login, "example");
- dbproc_server1 = dbopen (login, "my_server1");
- dbproc_server2 = dbopen (login, "my_server2");
- dbproc_commit = open_commit (login, "my_commitsrv");
- if (dbproc_server1 == NULL ||
- dbproc_server2 == NULL ||
- dbproc_commit == NULL)
- {
- printf (" Connections failed!n");
- exit (ERREXIT);
- }
- /* Use the "pubs" database. */
- dbuse(dbproc_server1, "pubs");
- dbuse(dbproc_server2, "pubs");
- /* Start the distributed transaction on the commit service. */
- commid = start_xact(dbproc_commit, "demo", "test", 2);
- /* Build the transaction name. */
- build_xact_string ("test", "my_commitsrv", commid, xact_string);
- /* Build the first command buffer. */
- sprintf(cmdbuf, "BEGIN TRANSACTION %s", xact_string);
- /* Begin the transactions on the different servers. */
- dbcmd(dbproc_server1, cmdbuf);
- dbsqlexec(dbproc_server1);
- dbcmd(dbproc_server2, cmdbuf);
- dbsqlexec(dbproc_server2);
- dbcancel(dbproc_server1);
- dbcancel(dbproc_server2);
- /* Do various updates. */
- sprintf(cmdbuf, " update titles set price = $1.50 where");
- strcat(cmdbuf, " title_id = 'BU1032'");
- dbcmd(dbproc_server1, cmdbuf);
- ret_server1 = dbsqlexec(dbproc_server1);
- dbcmd(dbproc_server2, cmdbuf);
- ret_server2 =dbsqlexec(dbproc_server2);
- if (ret_server1 == FAIL || ret_server2 == FAIL)
- {
- /* Some part of the transaction failed. */
- printf(" Transaction aborted -- dbsqlexec failedn");
- abortall(dbproc_server1, dbproc_server2, dbproc_commit, commid);
- }
- dbcancel(dbproc_server1);
- dbcancel(dbproc_server2);
- /* Find out if all servers can commit the transaction. */
- sprintf(cmdbuf, "PREPARE TRANSACTION");
- dbcmd(dbproc_server1, cmdbuf);
- dbcmd(dbproc_server2, cmdbuf);
- ret_server1 = dbsqlexec(dbproc_server1);
- ret_server2 = dbsqlexec(dbproc_server2);
- if (ret_server1 == FAIL || ret_server2 == FAIL)
- {
- /* One or both of the servers failed to prepare. */
- printf(" Transaction aborted -- PREPARE failedn");
- abortall(dbproc_server1, dbproc_server2, dbproc_commit, commid);
- }
- dbcancel(dbproc_server1);
- dbcancel(dbproc_server2);
- /* Commit the transaction. */
- if (commit_xact(dbproc_commit, commid) == FAIL)
- {
- /* The commit server failed to record the commit. */
- printf( " Transaction aborted -- commit_xact failedn");
- abortall(dbproc_server1, dbproc_server2, dbproc_commit, commid);
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- /* The transaction has successfully committed. Inform the servers.
- */
- sprintf(cmdbuf, "COMMIT TRANSACTION");
- dbcmd(dbproc_server1, cmdbuf);
- if (dbsqlexec(dbproc_server1) != FAIL)
- remove_xact(dbproc_commit, commid, 1);
- dbcmd(dbproc_server2, cmdbuf);
- if (dbsqlexec(dbproc_server2) != FAIL)
- remove_xact(dbproc_commit, commid, 1);
- /* Close the connection to the commit server. */
- close_commit(dbproc_commit);
- printf( "We made it!n");
- dbexit();
- exit(STDEXIT);
- }
- /* Function to abort the distributed transaction. */
- void abortall( dbproc_server1, dbproc_server2, dbproc_commit, commid )
- DBPROCESS *dbproc_server1;
- DBPROCESS *dbproc_server2;
- DBPROCESS *dbproc_commit;
- DBINT commid;
- {
- /* Some part of the transaction failed. */
- /* Inform the commit server of the failure. */
- abort_xact(dbproc_commit, commid);
- /* Roll back the transactions on the different servers. */
- sprintf(cmdbuf, "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION");
- dbcmd(dbproc_server1, cmdbuf);
- if (dbsqlexec(dbproc_server1) != FAIL)
- remove_xact(dbproc_commit, commid, 1);
- dbcmd(dbproc_server2, cmdbuf);
- if (dbsqlexec(dbproc_server2) != FAIL)
- remove_xact(dbproc_commit, commid, 1);
- dbexit();
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- /* Message and error handling functions. */
- int msg_handler(dbproc,msgno,msgstate, severity, msgtext)
- DBPROCESS *dbproc;
- DBINT msgno;
- int msgstate;
- int severity;
- char *msgtext;
- {
- /* Msg 5701 is just a USE DATABASE message, so skip it. */
- if (msgno == 5701)
- return (0);
- /* Print any severity 0 message as is, without extra stuff. */
- if (severity == 0)
- {
- printf ("%sn",msgtext);
- return (0);
- }
- printf("SQL Server message %ld, severity %d:nt%sn",
- msgno, severity, msgtext);
- if (severity >>= 16)
- {
- printf("Program Terminated! Fatal SQL Server error.n");
- exit(ERREXIT);
- }
- return (0);
- }
- int err_handler(dbproc, severity, dberr, oserr, dberrstr, oserrstr)
- DBPROCESS *dbproc;
- int severity;
- int dberr;
- int oserr;
- char *dberrstr;
- char *oserrstr;
- {
- if ((dbproc == NULL) || (DBDEAD(dbproc)))
- return (INT_EXIT);
- else
- {
- printf ("DB-LIBRARY error: nt%sn", dberrstr);
- if (oserr != DBNOERR)
- printf ("Operating system error:nt%sn", oserrstr);
- }
- return (INT_CANCEL);
- }