资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //
- // DBLIB program for using named pipe dump devices for backup and restore data
- // from SQL Server 95.This program is an example and shows the usage of named pipe
- // dump devices on the client side.
- //
- //
- // The program needs the following arguments (it asks from the user interactively) :
- // Operation : DUMP/LOAD
- // Servername : Name of the server to dump from/load into
- // Databasename: Name of the database to be dumped/loaded
- // Stripenum : How many pipes are to be used for dump/load
- // Dumpname : Prefix of the files to write/read the dumped/load data (DMP postfix)
- #define DBNTWIN32
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #include <sqlfront.h>
- #include <sqldb.h>
- // definitions
- #define MAX_DEVICES 32 // maximum number of stripe devices
- #define PIPE_WAIT_TIME 500 // wait time in milliseconds
- #define DBPAGESIZE 2048 // size of physical page dumped
- // status values for dump/load threads
- #define STAT_SUCCESS 0x0 // default status
- #define STAT_ERROR 0x1 // error in the current thread
- #define STAT_ENDTHREAD 0x2 // the current thread has terminated
- // opcode values
- #define DUMP_MODE 0x1 // dump mode of operation
- #define LOAD_MODE 0x2 // load mode of operation
- // this structure is maintained on a global basis among all threads that
- // are doing reads/writes from pipe
- typedef struct ginfo
- {
- char servername[30]; // server name
- char dbname[30]; // database name
- char dumpname[80]; // dump file prefix
- char password[30]; // dblogin password of SA
- long status; // global status flag for error recovery
- short opcode; // operation code
- short stripenum; // number of pipe devices to be used
- } GINFO;
- // this structure contains pipe specific info to be run by different threads
- // that read/write data during the stripe dump/load
- typedef struct pipeinfo
- {
- char pipename[80]; // Physical name of pipe used for client
- char spipename[80]; // Physical name of pipe sent to SQL Server
- char dumpname[80]; // Physical name of the dump file
- short slot; // which device slot
- GINFO *curinfo; // pointer to global info buffer
- long status; // thread local status
- // Macros
- # define NEWARG(i) (*(argv[i]) == '-' || *(argv[i]) == '/')
- # define BUFALIGN(a) ( (BYTE *) ( ((long)a + 64) & 0xffffffc0) )
- // function prototypes
- void parse_parms(int argc, char *argv[], GINFO *curinfo);
- void argvalue(int i, int argc, char* argv[], char* out);
- int set_up_pipes(GINFO *curinfo, PIPEINFO **pipes);
- void close_up_pipes(GINFO *curinfo, PIPEINFO **pipes);
- void dump_proc(PIPEINFO *curpipe);
- void load_proc(PIPEINFO *curpipe);
- // start of the progam
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- RETCODE retcode; // DBLIB return code
- LOGINREC *loginrec = NULL; // DBLIB LOGINREC pointer
- DBPROCESS *dbproc = NULL; // DBLIB DBPROC pointer
- GINFO info; // to store global info & status
- PIPEINFO *pipes[MAX_DEVICES]; // array of PIPEINFO pointers
- char cmd[1024]; // SQL command buffer
- // scratch variables
- char scratch[80];
- int i;
- // Initialize
- for (i=0; i<MAX_DEVICES; i++)
- pipes[i] = NULL;
- info.servername[0] = 0;
- info.dbname[0] = 0;
- info.dumpname[0] = 0;
- info.password[0] = 0;
- info.stripenum = 1;
- info.opcode = DUMP_MODE;
- info.status = STAT_SUCCESS;
- // read the user input
- parse_parms(argc, argv, &info);
- // Install the DBLIB handlers
- dberrhandle(err_handler);
- dbmsghandle(msg_handler);
- printf("Logging on to server...n");
- loginrec = dblogin();
- DBSETLUSER(loginrec, "sa");
- DBSETLPWD(loginrec,"");
- if ((dbproc = dbopen(loginrec, info.servername)) == (DBPROCESS *)NULL)
- {
- printf("dbopen() failed");
- info.status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto clean_up;
- };
- // Set up the thread(s) for reading/writing the pipe device
- if (!set_up_pipes(&info, pipes))
- {
- info.status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto clean_up;
- }
- // prepare the command now
- if (info.opcode == DUMP_MODE)
- strcpy(cmd, "dump database ");
- else
- strcpy(cmd, "load database ");
- strcat(cmd, info.dbname);
- if (info.opcode == DUMP_MODE)
- strcat(cmd, " to ");
- else
- strcat(cmd, " from ");
- for (i=0; i < info.stripenum; i++)
- {
- sprintf(scratch, "pipe = '%s'", &pipes[i]->spipename);
- strcat(cmd, scratch);
- if ((i+1) < info.stripenum)
- strcat(cmd, ", ");
- }
- printf("Command : <%s>n", cmd);
- // this thread will be blocked till the dump/load command is not
- // completed; for changing the behavior to non blocking, use
- // dbsqlsend(), dbdataready() and dbsqlok() instead of dbsqlexec()
- retcode = dbcmd(dbproc, cmd);
- retcode = dbsqlexec(dbproc);
- if (retcode != SUCCEED)
- {
- printf("dbsqlexec failedn");
- info.status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto clean_up;
- }
- // discard results ; we do not need it
- while (dbresults(dbproc) == SUCCEED)
- while (dbnextrow(dbproc) != NO_MORE_ROWS)
- ;
- // We are done with all the work ; clean up the resources and exit
- // strictly speaking, cleanup is not necessary for this since we
- // will exit the program (but for implementing this as a procedures
- // would involve cleanup)
- clean_up:
- if (dbproc)
- dbclose(dbproc);
- if (loginrec)
- dbfreelogin(loginrec);
- close_up_pipes(&info, pipes);
- exit(1);
- return(0);
- }
- // procedure to get all the parameters
- void parse_parms(int argc, char *argv[], GINFO *curinfo)
- {
- int i;
- char argval[30];
- for (i = 0 ; i < argc; i++)
- {
- if (NEWARG(i))
- {
- switch(*(argv[i] + 1))
- {
- case 'S' : // Servername
- argvalue(i,argc,argv,curinfo->servername);
- break;
- case 'D' : // Databasename
- argvalue(i,argc,argv,curinfo->dbname);
- break;
- case 'P' : // SA password
- argvalue(i,argc,argv,curinfo->password);
- break;
- case 'N' : // Stripe Number
- argvalue(i,argc,argv,argval);
- if ((curinfo->stripenum = (short)atoi(argval)) < 1)
- {
- printf("Invalid value %d for stripe device. Setting to 1n");
- curinfo->stripenum = 1;
- }
- else if (curinfo->stripenum > MAX_DEVICES)
- {
- printf("Invalid value %d for stripe device. Setting to %dn",
- curinfo->stripenum = MAX_DEVICES;
- }
- break;
- case 'F' : // Dump file prefix
- argvalue(i,argc,argv,curinfo->dumpname);
- break;
- case 'O' : // Mode of operation
- argvalue(i,argc,argv,argval);
- if ( (!strcmp(argval, "DUMP")) || (!strcmp(argval, "dump")) )
- curinfo->opcode = DUMP_MODE;
- else if ( (!strcmp(argval, "LOAD")) || (!strcmp(argval, "load")) )
- curinfo->opcode = LOAD_MODE;
- else
- {
- printf("Invalid mode %s specifiedn", argval);
- exit(1);
- }
- break;
- case '?' : // Help message
- printf("NMPSDMP -Sservername -Ppassword -O{dump | load} -Ddatabasename -Nstripenumber -Fdumpprefixn");
- exit(1);
- break;
- default:
- printf("Invalid parameter option : %sn", *(argv[i] + 1) );
- printf("NMPSDMP -Sservername -Ppassword -O{dump | load} -Ddatabasename -Nstripenumber -Fdumpprefixn");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // argument reading routine for parse_parms()
- void argvalue(
- int i, // parameter number
- int argc, // #args
- char* argv[], // arglist
- char* out // receives parm 'i'
- ){
- if( *(argv[i]+2) )
- strcpy(out, argv[i]+2);
- else
- {
- if( i+1<argc && !( NEWARG(i+1) ) )
- strcpy(out, argv[i+1]);
- }
- }
- // procedure to setup all the threads for reading pipes
- //
- // return : 1 if success
- // 0 otherwise
- int set_up_pipes(GINFO *curinfo, PIPEINFO **pipes)
- {
- int i;
- PIPEINFO *curpipe;
- char pipebuf[30];
- // for every device
- for (i=0; i < curinfo->stripenum; i++)
- {
- // allocate for the current pipe
- if ((curpipe = malloc(sizeof(PIPEINFO))) == NULL)
- return 0;
- curpipe->slot = i;
- curpipe->curinfo = curinfo;
- curpipe->status = STAT_SUCCESS;
- // prepare the pipe name
- strcpy(curpipe->pipename, "\\");
- strcpy(curpipe->spipename, "\\");
- if (curinfo->servername[0])
- strcat(curpipe->pipename, curinfo->servername);
- else
- strcat(curpipe->pipename, ".");
- strcat(curpipe->spipename, ".");
- strcat(curpipe->pipename, "\pipe\");
- strcat(curpipe->spipename, "\pipe\");
- sprintf(pipebuf, "sqldmpld%d", i);
- strcat(curpipe->pipename, pipebuf);
- strcat(curpipe->spipename, pipebuf);
- // prepare the dump file name
- sprintf(curpipe->dumpname, "%s%d.dmp", curinfo->dumpname, i);
- // now start the thread for this device
- pipes[i] = curpipe;
- if (curinfo->opcode == DUMP_MODE)
- {
- if (!(_beginthread(dump_proc, 0, (LPVOID)curpipe)))
- {
- printf("beginthread failed for slot %dn", i);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(_beginthread(load_proc, 0, (LPVOID)curpipe)))
- {
- printf("beginthread failed for slot %dn", i);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // started all the threads
- return 1;
- }
- // procedure to close all the threads for reading/writing pipes
- //
- // return : nothing
- //
- void close_up_pipes(GINFO *curinfo, PIPEINFO **pipes)
- {
- int i;
- PIPEINFO *curpipe;
- // check if we need to clean up
- if (!curinfo->stripenum)
- return;
- // for every open device
- for (i=0; i < curinfo->stripenum; i++)
- {
- if (!(curpipe = pipes[i]))
- continue;
- // wait for the thread to close itself
- while (!(curpipe->status & STAT_ENDTHREAD))
- SleepEx(10, TRUE);
- // free the allocated memory
- free(curpipe);
- }
- }
- // This procedure does the opening and reading of dumped data sent
- // by the SQL Server. Each thread invoked with this routine services
- // one named pipe (instance) connection; for simplicity we are creating
- // separate named pipes for each stripe number.
- //
- // For dump process, the thread opens the pipe created by SQL Server
- // and connects to it. Then keeps reading data and writing it
- // out to the dumpfile till the SQL Server is done.
- void dump_proc(PIPEINFO *curpipe)
- {
- GINFO *curinfo = curpipe->curinfo;
- HANDLE hpipe = NULL;
- HANDLE hfile = NULL;
- BYTE *buf_start = NULL;
- BYTE *buf_ptr;
- DWORD bufsize, cbread, cbwritten, mode;
- DWORD errcode = 0;
- DWORD offl, offh;
- // Open the pipe
- while (1)
- {
- // check the global flag
- if (curinfo->status & STAT_ERROR)
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- hpipe = CreateFile(curpipe->pipename,
- // break if handle is valid
- if (hpipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- break;
- // check the pipe state
- errcode = GetLastError();
- if (errcode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
- {
- // SQL Server has not yet created the pipe; wait
- continue;
- }
- else if (errcode != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "CreateFile", errcode);
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // Wait for sometime if pipe is busy
- if (!WaitNamedPipe(curpipe->pipename, PIPE_WAIT_TIME))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "WaitNamedPipe", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- }
- printf("dump thread : %d : connected to servern", curpipe->slot);
- // get the buffer size
- if ((!GetNamedPipeInfo(hpipe, NULL, NULL, &bufsize, NULL)) || (bufsize == 0))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "GetNamedPipeInfo", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // Align the buffer size to database pagesize if necessary
- if (bufsize % DBPAGESIZE)
- bufsize = ((bufsize / DBPAGESIZE) - 1) * DBPAGESIZE;
- //printf("dump thread : %d : buffer size %d n", curpipe->slot, bufsize);
- // allocate the buffer for reading incoming data and align it
- if ((buf_start = malloc(bufsize + 64)) == NULL)
- {
- printf("malloc failedn");
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- buf_ptr = BUFALIGN(buf_start);
- // Set the pipe mode to message read mode
- if (!SetNamedPipeHandleState(hpipe, &mode, NULL, NULL))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "SetNamedPipeHandleState", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // open the dump file ; if it exists then overwrite it
- // otherwise open a new file
- hfile = CreateFile(curpipe->dumpname,
- if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "CreateFile", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // set the file pointer to start of file
- offh = 0;
- if ((offl = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, &offh, FILE_BEGIN)) == -1)
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "SetFilePointer", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // now we are all set to read from the pipe; keep reading till the pipe is
- // closed.
- while (1)
- {
- // check the global flag
- if (curinfo->status & STAT_ERROR)
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- if (!ReadFile(hpipe, buf_ptr, bufsize, &cbread, NULL))
- {
- // Are we done reading
- if ((errcode = GetLastError()) == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE)
- break;
- if (errcode != ERROR_MORE_DATA)
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "ReadFile", errcode);
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- }
- //printf("dump thread : %d : read %d bytesn", curpipe->slot, cbread);
- if (!WriteFile(hfile, buf_ptr, cbread, &cbwritten, NULL))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "WriteFile", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto dump_proc_cleanup;
- }
- }
- dump_proc_cleanup:
- // release the resources
- if (buf_start)
- free(buf_start);
- if (hfile)
- {
- FlushFileBuffers(hfile);
- CloseHandle(hfile);
- }
- if (hpipe)
- CloseHandle(hpipe);
- // set the status flags
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ENDTHREAD;
- if (curpipe->status & STAT_ERROR)
- curinfo->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- return;
- }
- // This procedure does the opening and writing of dumped data sent
- // to the SQL Server. Each thread invoked with this routine services
- // one named pipe (instance) connection; we are create
- // separate named pipes for each stripe number.
- //
- // For load process, the thread opens the pipe created by SQL Server
- // and connects to it. Then keeps reading data from the dumpfile till end
- // and writes to the pipe; Finally closes the pipe when done.
- void load_proc(PIPEINFO *curpipe)
- {
- GINFO *curinfo = curpipe->curinfo;
- HANDLE hpipe = NULL;
- HANDLE hfile = NULL;
- BYTE *buf_start = NULL;
- BYTE *buf_ptr;
- DWORD bufsize, cbread, cbwritten, mode;
- DWORD errcode = 0;
- DWORD offl, offh;
- // Open the pipe
- while (1)
- {
- // check the global flag
- if (curinfo->status & STAT_ERROR)
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- hpipe = CreateFile(curpipe->pipename,
- // break if handle is valid
- if (hpipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- break;
- // check the pipe state
- errcode = GetLastError();
- if (errcode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
- {
- // SQL Server has not yet created the pipe; wait
- continue;
- }
- else if (errcode != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "CreateFile", errcode);
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // Wait for sometime if pipe is busy
- if (!WaitNamedPipe(curpipe->pipename, PIPE_WAIT_TIME))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "WaitNamedPipe", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- }
- printf("load thread : %d : connected to servern", curpipe->slot);
- // get the buffer size
- if ((!GetNamedPipeInfo(hpipe, NULL, NULL, &bufsize, NULL)) || (bufsize == 0))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "GetNamedPipeInfo", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // Align the buffer size to database pagesize if necessary
- if (bufsize % DBPAGESIZE)
- bufsize = ((bufsize / DBPAGESIZE) - 1) * DBPAGESIZE;
- //printf("load thread : %d : buffer size %d n", curpipe->slot, bufsize);
- // allocate the buffer for reading incoming data and align it
- if ((buf_start = malloc(bufsize + 64)) == NULL)
- {
- printf("malloc failedn");
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- buf_ptr = BUFALIGN(buf_start);
- // Set the pipe mode to message read mode
- if (!SetNamedPipeHandleState(hpipe, &mode, NULL, NULL))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "SetNamedPipeHandleState", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // open the dump file ; it should exist
- hfile = CreateFile(curpipe->dumpname,
- if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "CreateFile", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // set the file pointer to start of file
- offh = 0;
- if ((offl = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, &offh, FILE_BEGIN)) == -1)
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "SetFilePointer", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- //
- // Read the first page and write it to the pipe
- //
- if ((!ReadFile(hfile, buf_ptr, DBPAGESIZE, &cbread, NULL)) ||
- (cbread != DBPAGESIZE))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "ReadFile", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- if (!WriteFile(hpipe, buf_ptr, DBPAGESIZE, &cbwritten, NULL))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "WriteFile", errcode);
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- //printf("load thread : %d : wrote %d bytesn", curpipe->slot, cbwritten);
- // now we are all set to read from the dumpfile; keep reading till we reach
- // the end of dumpfile
- while (1)
- {
- // check the global flag
- if (curinfo->status & STAT_ERROR)
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- // read from the dump file
- if (!ReadFile(hfile, buf_ptr, bufsize, &cbread, NULL))
- {
- // check if we are done reading
- if ((errcode = GetLastError()) == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF)
- break;
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "ReadFile", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- // Done reading the dump file
- if (cbread == 0)
- break;
- // write to the pipe
- if (!WriteFile(hpipe, buf_ptr, cbread, &cbwritten, NULL))
- {
- printf("Error in %s : %dn", "WriteFile", GetLastError());
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- goto load_proc_cleanup;
- }
- //printf("load thread : %d : wrote %d bytesn", curpipe->slot, cbwritten);
- }
- load_proc_cleanup:
- // release the resources
- if (buf_start)
- free(buf_start);
- if (hfile)
- CloseHandle(hfile);
- if (hpipe)
- {
- FlushFileBuffers(hpipe);
- CloseHandle(hpipe);
- }
- // set the status flags
- curpipe->status |= STAT_ENDTHREAD;
- if (curpipe->status & STAT_ERROR)
- curinfo->status |= STAT_ERROR;
- return;
- }
- INT msg_handler(dbproc,msgno,msgstate, severity, msgtext,server,proc,line)
- PDBPROCESS dbproc;
- DBINT msgno;
- INT msgstate;
- INT severity;
- LPCSTR msgtext;
- LPCSTR server;
- LPCSTR proc;
- {
- if (severity)
- printf("nDB-LIB message: %s n", msgtext);
- return (0);
- };
- INT err_handler(dbproc, severity, herrno, oserr, dberrstr, oserrstr)
- PDBPROCESS dbproc;
- INT severity;
- INT herrno;
- INT oserr;
- LPCSTR dberrstr;
- LPCSTR oserrstr;
- {
- if (severity)
- printf("nDB-LIBRARY error: %s n", dberrstr);
- return (INT_CANCEL);
- };