资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DrvMgr.cpp
- ** Purpose: Implements DD/D3D Driver/Device enumeration
- **
- ** Copyright (c) 1995 - 1997 by Microsoft, all rights reserved.
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Includes
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "DrvMgr.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Typedefs
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- // Used with Enumeration Callbacks
- typedef struct tagDD_CB_INFO
- {
- BOOL fResult; // Success/Failure
- DWORD cCount; // Current count
- void * lpExtra; // Current Driver/Device/Etc.
- typedef DD_CB_INFO * LPDD_CB_INFO;
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Global Variables
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- // Global DDDrvMgr data
- DWORD DDDrvMgr::g_fFlags = 0L;
- DWORD DDDrvMgr::g_cDrivers = 0L;
- LPDDDrvInfo DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverRoot = NULL;
- LPDDDrvInfo DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverTail = NULL;
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Local Prototypes
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL WINAPI DriverEnumCallback (LPGUID lpGuid, LPTSTR lpDesc,
- LPTSTR lpName, LPVOID lpExtra);
- LPVOID lpExtra);
- HRESULT WINAPI TextureFormatEnumCallback (LPDDSURFACEDESC lpTexFormatDesc,
- LPVOID lpExtra);
- HRESULT WINAPI DeviceEnumCallback (LPGUID lpGuid,
- LPTSTR lpName,
- LPTSTR lpDesc,
- LPVOID lpExtra);
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Functions
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: ValidateDriver
- ** Purpose: Find DD driver matching user choice
- ** or returns the primary driver on failure
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDDrvInfo ValidateDriver (LPGUID lpDDGuid)
- {
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDrvNew, lpDrvNext;
- // Find Driver matching specified GUID
- lpDrvNew = DDDrvMgr::FindDriver (lpDDGuid, &lpDrvNext);
- if (lpDrvNew)
- {
- // Exact match
- return lpDrvNew;
- }
- // Return next best match (or failure)
- return lpDrvNext;
- } // End ValidateDriver
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: ValidateMode
- ** Purpose: Find DD mode matching user choice (w,h,bpp)
- ** Notes: filters modes against device, if specified.
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo ValidateMode (
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDriver, /* In: DD Driver */
- DWORD w, /* In: width, height, bpp */
- DWORD h,
- DWORD bpp,
- DWORD refresh,
- LPD3DDevInfo lpFilter) /* In: Device used as filter */
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew, lpModeNext;
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDriver)
- return FALSE;
- if (! lpFilter)
- lpModeNew = lpDriver->FindMode (w, h, bpp, refresh, &lpModeNext);
- else
- {
- // Filter mode against D3D device compatiblity
- lpModeNew = lpDriver->FindModeSupportsDevice (w, h, bpp, refresh,
- lpFilter,
- &lpModeNext);
- }
- if (lpModeNew)
- {
- // Exact match
- return lpModeNew;
- }
- // Return next best match (or failure)
- return lpModeNext;
- } // End ValidateMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: ValidateDevice
- ** Purpose: Find D3D device matching user choice
- ** Notes: Filters devices against mode, if specified.
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPD3DDevInfo ValidateDevice(
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDriver,
- LPGUID lpD3DGuid,
- LPDDModeInfo lpFilter)
- {
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevNew, lpDevNext;
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDriver)
- return FALSE;
- if (! lpFilter)
- {
- lpDevNew = lpDriver->FindDevice (lpD3DGuid, &lpDevNext);
- }
- else
- {
- // Filter device against mode
- lpDevNew = lpDriver->FindDeviceSupportsMode (lpD3DGuid,
- lpFilter,
- &lpDevNext);
- }
- if (lpDevNew)
- {
- // Exact match
- return lpDevNew;
- }
- // Return next best match (or failure)
- return lpDevNext;
- } // End ValidateDevice
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: ValidateFormat
- ** Purpose: Find texture format matching user choice (ddpfPixelformat)
- ** Notes: filters modes against device, if specified.
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo ValidateFormat (
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevice, /* In: D3D Device */
- DWORD bpp)
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpFormatNew, lpFormatNext;
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDevice)
- return FALSE;
- lpFormatNew = lpDevice->FindFormat (bpp, &lpFormatNext);
- if (lpFormatNew)
- {
- // Exact match
- return lpFormatNew;
- }
- // Return next best match (or failure)
- return lpFormatNext;
- } // End ValidateFormat
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: ValidateFormat
- ** Purpose: Find texture format matching user choice (ddpfPixelformat)
- ** Notes: filters modes against device, if specified.
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo ValidateFormat (
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevice, /* In: D3D Device */
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpFormatNew, lpFormatNext;
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDevice)
- return FALSE;
- lpFormatNew = lpDevice->FindFormat (lpddpf, &lpFormatNext);
- if (lpFormatNew)
- {
- // Exact match
- return lpFormatNew;
- }
- // Return next best match (or failure)
- return lpFormatNext;
- } // End ValidateFormat
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: GetDesktopMode
- ** Purpose: Find DD mode corresponding to desktop
- ** and a compatible D3D device.
- ** Notes:
- **
- ** 1. We have no choice, we are stuck with the current desktop mode.
- ** 2. Since we can't change the mode, we must choose a D3D device
- ** that is compatible with the current mode.
- **
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL GetDesktopMode (
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDriver, /* In: Driver */
- LPGUID lpD3DGuid, /* In: Requested D3D device guid */
- LPDDModeInfo * lpMode, /* Out: Desktop Mode */
- LPD3DDevInfo * lpDev) /* Out: D3D device compatible with mode */
- {
- HWND hDesktop;
- HDC hdc;
- DWORD w, h, bpp;
- LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevNew, lpDevNext;
- // Check Parameters
- if ((! lpDriver) || (! lpMode) || (! lpDev))
- return FALSE;
- // Get Desktop Mode info
- hDesktop = GetDesktopWindow ();
- hdc = GetDC (hDesktop);
- w = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, HORZRES);
- h = GetDeviceCaps (hdc, VERTRES);
- bpp = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps (hdc, BITSPIXEL);
- ReleaseDC (hDesktop, hdc);
- // Get Mode
- lpModeNew = lpDriver->FindMode (w, h, bpp, 0, NULL);
- if (! lpModeNew)
- return FALSE;
- // Get Compatible Device
- lpDevNew = lpDriver->FindDeviceSupportsMode (lpD3DGuid,
- lpModeNew,
- &lpDevNext);
- if (! lpDevNew)
- {
- if (! lpDevNext)
- return FALSE;
- lpDevNew = lpDevNext;
- }
- // Save results
- *lpMode = lpModeNew;
- *lpDev = lpDevNew;
- // Success
- return TRUE;
- } // End GetDesktopMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: GetFullscreenMode
- ** Purpose: Find D3D Device and a compatible mode
- ** Notes:
- **
- ** 1. Pick the D3D device first
- ** 2. Pick a DD mode that is compatible with our D3D device choice.
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL GetFullscreenMode (
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDriver, /* In: Driver */
- LPGUID lpD3DGuid, /* In: requested D3D device guid */
- DWORD w, /* In: requested mode */
- DWORD h,
- DWORD bpp,
- DWORD refresh,
- LPDDModeInfo * lpMode, /* Out: Valid Desktop Mode compatible with device */
- LPD3DDevInfo * lpDev) /* Out: Valid D3D device */
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew, lpModeNext;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevNew, lpDevNext;
- // Check Parameters
- if ((! lpDriver) || (! lpMode) || (! lpDev))
- return FALSE;
- // Get D3D Device
- lpDevNew = lpDriver->FindDevice (lpD3DGuid, &lpDevNext);
- if (! lpDevNew)
- {
- if (! lpDevNext)
- return FALSE;
- lpDevNew = lpDevNext;
- }
- // Double check requested mode parameters
- if ((w == 0) || (h == 0) || (bpp == 0))
- {
- // Pick a reasonable full screen default
- // Most Hardware devices support 16 bpp,
- // many don't support 8 bpp, so pick 16
- w = 640;
- h = 480;
- bpp = 16;
- }
- // Get Compatible Mode
- lpModeNew = lpDriver->FindModeSupportsDevice (w, h, bpp, refresh,
- lpDevNew,
- &lpModeNext);
- if (! lpModeNew)
- {
- if (! lpModeNext)
- return FALSE;
- lpModeNew = lpModeNext;
- }
- // Save results
- *lpMode = lpModeNew;
- *lpDev = lpDevNew;
- // Success
- return TRUE;
- } // End GetFullscreenMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: ChooseDriverDefaults
- ** Purpose: Chooses default driver, mode, and device
- ** Notes:
- **
- ** Windowed: The mode comes from the desktop and can't be changed
- ** so derive the device from the mode.
- ** FullScreen: Any mode is fine. Hardware is more interesting than
- ** software, so derive the mode from the device
- **
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT ChooseDriverDefaults (
- LPGUID lpGuidDD, // In: Requested DD Guid
- DWORD dwW, // In: Requested Mode (w,h,bpp,refresh)
- DWORD dwH,
- DWORD dwRefresh,
- LPGUID lpGuidD3D, // In: Requested D3D Guid
- BOOL fFullScreen, // In: Fullscreen or Windowed mode
- LPDDDrvInfo * lpDriver, // Out: Valid Driver
- LPDDModeInfo * lpMode, // Out: Valid Mode
- LPD3DDevInfo * lpDevice) // Out: Valid Device
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDrvNew;
- LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevNew;
- // Check Parameters
- if ((! lpDriver) || (! lpMode) || (! lpDevice))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Initialize Driver Manager, if necessary
- if (! DDDrvMgr::isInitialized ())
- {
- hResult = DDDrvMgr::Init ();
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- return hResult;
- }
- // Find Driver matching specified GUID
- lpDrvNew = ValidateDriver (lpGuidDD);
- if (! lpDrvNew)
- {
- // Error, invalid DD Guid
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- if (fFullScreen)
- {
- // Get D3D device and compatible mode
- if (! GetFullscreenMode (lpDrvNew, lpGuidD3D,
- dwW, dwH, dwBPP, dwRefresh,
- &lpModeNew, &lpDevNew))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Get Desktop mode and compatible D3D device
- if (! GetDesktopMode (lpDrvNew, lpGuidD3D, &lpModeNew, &lpDevNew))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- }
- // Return results
- *lpDriver = lpDrvNew;
- *lpMode = lpModeNew;
- *lpDevice = lpDevNew;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End ChooseDriverDefaults
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: FlagsToBitDepth
- ** Purpose: Gets Bit Depth from DDPF Flags
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD FlagsToBitDepth (DWORD dwFlags)
- {
- if (dwFlags & DDBD_1)
- return 1L;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_2)
- return 2L;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_4)
- return 4L;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_8)
- return 8L;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_16)
- return 16L;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_24)
- return 24L;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_32)
- return 32L;
- else
- return 0L;
- } // End FlagsToBitDepth
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: BitDepthToFlags
- ** Purpose: Converts BPP to corresponding DDPF flag
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD BitDepthToFlags (DWORD dwBPP)
- {
- switch (dwBPP)
- {
- case 1:
- return DDBD_1;
- case 2:
- return DDBD_2;
- case 4:
- return DDBD_4;
- case 8:
- return DDBD_8;
- case 16:
- return DDBD_16;
- case 24:
- return DDBD_24;
- case 32:
- return DDBD_32;
- default:
- // Error
- return (DWORD)0L;
- }
- } // End BitDepthToFlags
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: isPalettized
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL isPalettized (LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpf)
- {
- if (! lpddpf)
- {
- // Error,
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (lpddpf->dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED1)
- return TRUE;
- if (lpddpf->dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED2)
- return TRUE;
- if (lpddpf->dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED4)
- return TRUE;
- if (lpddpf->dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8)
- return TRUE;
- // Not palettized
- return FALSE;
- } // End IsPalettized
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Local Functions
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DriverEnumCallback
- ** Purpose: Add this DD driver to global driver list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL WINAPI DriverEnumCallback(
- GUID FAR * lpGuid,
- LPTSTR lpDesc,
- LPTSTR lpName,
- LPVOID lpExtra)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPDD_CB_INFO lpInfo;
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDriver;
- DWORD dwIndex;
- if (! lpExtra)
- {
- // Programming error, invalid pointer
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- lpInfo = (LPDD_CB_INFO)lpExtra;
- dwIndex = lpInfo->cCount;
- // Get Pointer to driver info
- lpDriver = new DDDrvInfo;
- if (! lpDriver)
- {
- // Error, Not enough memory to create driver
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Initialize driver
- // Enumerate modes, D3D devices
- hResult = lpDriver->Create (lpGuid, lpName, lpDesc);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- {
- // Error, Driver Create failed
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Add To Global Driver List
- hResult = DDDrvMgr::AddDriver (lpDriver);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- {
- // Error, Driver Create Failed
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Increment driver count
- lpInfo->cCount++;
- // Success
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- } // End DriverEnumCallback
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: ModeEnumCallback
- ** Purpose: Add this mode to the driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT WINAPI ModeEnumCallback (
- LPVOID lpExtra)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPDDModeInfo lpMode;
- LPDD_CB_INFO lpInfo;
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDriver;
- DWORD dwIndex;
- if (! lpExtra)
- {
- // Programming error, invalid pointer
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- lpInfo = (LPDD_CB_INFO)lpExtra;
- lpDriver = (LPDDDrvInfo) lpInfo->lpExtra;
- dwIndex = lpInfo->cCount;
- if (! lpDriver)
- {
- // Programming Error, invalid pointer
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- if (! lpDDSurfDesc)
- {
- // Error, invalid pointer
- }
- // Double check structure size
- if (lpDDSurfDesc->dwSize != sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC))
- {
- // Error, structure is wrong size
- }
- // Create Mode node
- lpMode = new DDModeInfo;
- if (! lpMode)
- {
- // Error, not enough memory to store mode info
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Copy surface description
- lpMode->ddSurfDesc = *lpDDSurfDesc;
- // Add Mode to Driver Mode List
- hResult = lpDriver->AddMode (lpMode);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- {
- // Error, not enough memory to store mode info
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Update mode count
- lpInfo->cCount++;
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- } // End ModeEnumCallback
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: TextureFormatEnumCallback
- ** Purpose: Add this mode to the driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT WINAPI TextureFormatEnumCallback (
- LPDDSURFACEDESC lpTextureFormat,
- LPVOID lpExtra)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPDDModeInfo lpFormat;
- LPDD_CB_INFO lpInfo;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevice;
- DWORD dwIndex;
- if (! lpExtra)
- {
- // Programming error, invalid pointer
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- lpInfo = (LPDD_CB_INFO)lpExtra;
- lpDevice = (LPD3DDevInfo)lpInfo->lpExtra;
- dwIndex = lpInfo->cCount;
- if (! lpDevice)
- {
- // Programming error, invalid pointer
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- if (! lpTextureFormat)
- {
- // Error, invalid pointer
- }
- // Double check structure size
- if (lpTextureFormat->dwSize != sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC))
- {
- // Error, structure is wrong size
- }
- // Create format node
- lpFormat = new DDModeInfo;
- if (! lpFormat)
- {
- // Error, not enough memory to store format info
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Copy texture format description
- lpFormat->ddSurfDesc = *lpTextureFormat;
- // Add format to D3D device format list
- hResult = lpDevice->AddFormat (lpFormat);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- {
- // Error, not enough memory to store mode info
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Update format count
- lpInfo->cCount++;
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- } // End TextureFormatEnumCallback
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DeviceEnumCallback
- ** Purpose: Add this D3D Device Driver info to the driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT WINAPI DeviceEnumCallback (
- LPGUID lpGuid,
- LPTSTR lpName,
- LPTSTR lpDesc,
- LPVOID lpExtra)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- LPDD_CB_INFO lpInfo;
- LPDDDrvInfo lpDriver;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevice;
- DWORD dwIndex;
- if (! lpExtra)
- {
- // Programming error, invalid pointer
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- lpInfo = (LPDD_CB_INFO) lpExtra;
- lpDriver = (LPDDDrvInfo) lpInfo->lpExtra;
- dwIndex = lpInfo->cCount;
- if (! lpDriver)
- {
- // Programming Error, invalid pointer
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Create D3D Device node
- lpDevice = new D3DDevInfo;
- if (! lpDevice)
- {
- // Not Enough memory to create D3D device node
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Initialize D3D Device info
- hResult = lpDevice->Create (lpGuid, lpName, lpDesc,
- lpHalDevice, lpHelDevice);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- {
- // Error
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Add to Driver D3D Device list
- hResult = lpDriver->AddDevice (lpDevice);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- {
- // Error
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- }
- // Update D3D device Driver count
- lpInfo->cCount++;
- return DDENUMRET_OK;
- } // End DeviceEnumCallback
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** DDModeInfo Methods
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDModeInfo::GetWidth
- ** Purpose: Gets the Width for this mode
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD DDModeInfo::GetWidth (void)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (ddSurfDesc.dwSize != sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC))
- return 0L;
- // Check that Pixel format is valid
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.dwFlags & DDSD_WIDTH))
- return 0L;
- // Get Bits Per Pixel
- return ddSurfDesc.dwWidth;
- } // DDModeInfo::GetWidth
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDModeInfo::GetHeight
- ** Purpose: Gets the Height for this mode
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD DDModeInfo::GetHeight (void)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (ddSurfDesc.dwSize != sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC))
- return 0L;
- // Check that Pixel format is valid
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.dwFlags & DDSD_HEIGHT))
- return 0L;
- // Get Bits Per Pixel
- return ddSurfDesc.dwHeight;
- } // DDModeInfo::GetHeight
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDModeInfo::GetBPP
- ** Purpose: Gets the Bits per pixel for this mode
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD DDModeInfo::GetBPP (void)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (ddSurfDesc.dwSize != sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC))
- return 0L;
- // Check that Pixel format is valid
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.dwFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT))
- return 0L;
- if (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize != sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT))
- return 0L;
- // Assume it is RGB
- return ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount;
- } // DDModeInfo::GetBPP
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDModeInfo::GetMode
- ** Purpose: Gets the Mode info (w,h,bpp) for this mode
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDModeInfo::GetMode (
- DWORD & dwW,
- DWORD & dwH,
- DWORD & dwBPP,
- DWORD & dwRefresh)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (ddSurfDesc.dwSize != sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC))
- // Check that width is valid
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.dwFlags & DDSD_WIDTH))
- // Check that height is valid
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.dwFlags & DDSD_HEIGHT))
- // Check that Pixel format is valid
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.dwFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT))
- if (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwSize != sizeof(DDPIXELFORMAT))
- // Get Width, height, BPP
- dwW = ddSurfDesc.dwWidth;
- dwH = ddSurfDesc.dwHeight;
- dwBPP = ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount;
- dwRefresh = 0L;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // DDModeInfo::GetMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDModeInfo::ModeSupportedByDevice
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL DDModeInfo::ModeSupported (LPD3DDevInfo lpDevice)
- {
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDevice)
- return FALSE;
- // Make sure D3D device supports this mode
- DWORD dwBPP = GetBPP ();
- DWORD dwFlag = BitDepthToFlags (dwBPP);
- DWORD dwDepths = 0L;
- // Get Supported Bit Depths for this D3D device
- if (lpDevice->isHardware ())
- dwDepths = lpDevice->d3dHalDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth;
- else
- dwDepths = lpDevice->d3dHelDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth;
- if (dwDepths & dwFlag)
- {
- // Supported !!!
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Not Supported !!!
- return FALSE;
- } // End DDModeInfo::ModeSupported
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDModeInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: Checks if this mode matches (w,h,bpp)
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL DDModeInfo::Match (DWORD dwW, DWORD dwH, DWORD dwBPP)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (ddSurfDesc.dwSize != sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC))
- return FALSE;
- // Check for Match
- if ((ddSurfDesc.dwWidth == dwW) &&
- (ddSurfDesc.dwHeight == dwH))
- {
- if (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == dwBPP)
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- } // DDModeInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: Checks if this mode matches with this surface desc
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL DDModeInfo::Match (const DDSURFACEDESC & ddsd)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (ddsd.dwSize != sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC))
- return FALSE;
- // Check Height
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_HEIGHT)
- {
- if (ddsd.dwHeight != ddSurfDesc.dwHeight)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Width
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_WIDTH)
- {
- if (ddsd.dwWidth != ddSurfDesc.dwWidth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Pitch
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_PITCH)
- {
- if (ddsd.lPitch != ddSurfDesc.lPitch)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Back Buffer count
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT)
- {
- if (ddsd.dwBackBufferCount != ddSurfDesc.dwBackBufferCount)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check MipMap count
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT)
- {
- if (ddsd.dwMipMapCount != ddSurfDesc.dwMipMapCount)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check ZBufferBitDepth
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_ZBUFFERBITDEPTH)
- {
- if (ddsd.dwZBufferBitDepth != ddSurfDesc.dwZBufferBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Refresh Rate
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_REFRESHRATE)
- {
- if (ddsd.dwRefreshRate != ddSurfDesc.dwRefreshRate)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Alpha Bit Depth
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_ALPHABITDEPTH)
- {
- if (ddsd.dwAlphaBitDepth != ddSurfDesc.dwAlphaBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check ColorKey Dest Blt
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_CKDESTBLT)
- {
- if (ddsd.ddckCKDestBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKDestBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddsd.ddckCKDestBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKDestBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check ColorKey Dest Overlay
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_CKDESTBLT)
- {
- if (ddsd.ddckCKDestOverlay.dwColorSpaceLowValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKDestOverlay.dwColorSpaceLowValue)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddsd.ddckCKDestOverlay.dwColorSpaceHighValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKDestOverlay.dwColorSpaceHighValue)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check ColorKey Src Blt
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_CKSRCBLT)
- {
- if (ddsd.ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceLowValue)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddsd.ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKSrcBlt.dwColorSpaceHighValue)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check ColorKey Src Overlay
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_CKSRCOVERLAY)
- {
- if (ddsd.ddckCKSrcOverlay.dwColorSpaceLowValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKSrcOverlay.dwColorSpaceLowValue)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddsd.ddckCKSrcOverlay.dwColorSpaceHighValue !=
- ddSurfDesc.ddckCKSrcOverlay.dwColorSpaceHighValue)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Pixel Format
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_PIXELFORMAT)
- {
- if (! Match (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat))
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Caps
- if (ddsd.dwFlags & DDSD_CAPS)
- {
- // Superset is OK
- if ((ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps & ddSurfDesc.ddsCaps.dwCaps) !=
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Success, we have a match
- return TRUE;
- } // DDModeInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDModeInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: Checks if this mode matches (bpp)
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL DDModeInfo::Match (DWORD dwBPP)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (ddSurfDesc.dwSize != sizeof (DDSURFACEDESC))
- return FALSE;
- // Check for Match
- if (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount == dwBPP)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- } // DDModeInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: Checks if this mode matches the requested pixel format
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL DDModeInfo::Match (const DDPIXELFORMAT & ddpf)
- {
- DWORD dwCheck;
- // Check parameters
- if (ddpf.dwSize != sizeof (DDPIXELFORMAT))
- return FALSE;
- // Check Alpha-Only flag
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHA)
- {
- // Is this mode alpha only too ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHA))
- return FALSE;
- // Do Alpha bit depths match ?!?
- if (ddpf.dwAlphaBitDepth != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwAlphaBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check ZBuffer-Only flag
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_ZBUFFER)
- {
- // Is this mode Z-buffer only too ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ZBUFFER))
- return FALSE;
- // Do Z-depths match ?!?
- if (ddpf.dwZBufferBitDepth != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwZBufferBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Compressed flag
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_COMPRESSED)
- {
- // Is this mode compressed too ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_COMPRESSED))
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check FourCC flag
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC)
- {
- // Is this mode a fourCC code too ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_FOURCC))
- return FALSE;
- // Do fourCC codes match ?!?
- if (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFourCC != ddpf.dwFourCC)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Palette flags
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & dwCheck)
- {
- DWORD dwOne = ddpf.dwFlags & dwCheck;
- DWORD dwTwo = ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & dwCheck;
- // Do palette formats match ?!?
- if (dwOne != dwTwo)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check RGB flags
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_RGB)
- {
- // Does this mode support RGB too ???
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_RGB))
- return FALSE;
- // Check RGBTOYUV flag
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_RGBTOYUV)
- {
- // Does this mode support RGBTOYUV too???
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_RGBTOYUV))
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Do BPP's match?
- if (ddpf.dwRGBBitCount != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount)
- return FALSE;
- // Do Masks match
- if (ddpf.dwRBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddpf.dwGBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwGBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddpf.dwBBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwBBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- // Check Alpha Channel
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS)
- {
- // Does this mode support Alphachannel as well ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS))
- return FALSE;
- // Do Alpha channel masks match
- if (ddpf.dwRGBAlphaBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBAlphaBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Z channel
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_ZPIXELS)
- {
- // Does this mode support Z channel as well ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ZPIXELS))
- return FALSE;
- // Do Z channel masks match
- if (ddpf.dwRGBZBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBZBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Check YUV flags
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_YUV)
- {
- // Does this mode support YUV too ???
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_YUV))
- return FALSE;
- // Do BPP's match?
- if (ddpf.dwYUVBitCount != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwYUVBitCount)
- return FALSE;
- // Do Masks match
- if (ddpf.dwYBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwYBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddpf.dwUBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwUBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- if (ddpf.dwVBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwVBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- // Check Alpha channel
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS)
- {
- // Does this mode support Alphachannel as well ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS))
- return FALSE;
- // Do Alpha channel masks match
- if (ddpf.dwYUVAlphaBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwYUVAlphaBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Z channel
- if (ddpf.dwFlags & DDPF_ZPIXELS)
- {
- // Does this mode support Z channel as well ?!?
- if (! (ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_ZPIXELS))
- return FALSE;
- // Do Z channel masks match
- if (ddpf.dwRGBZBitMask != ddSurfDesc.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBZBitMask)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Success, we have a match
- return TRUE;
- } // DDModeInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** D3DDevInfo Methods
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::isHardware
- ** Purpose: Checks if this D3D Device is a hardware driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL D3DDevInfo::isHardware (void)
- {
- // No correct way of doing this,
- // but if the hardware caps don't specify a shading
- // model then it probably isn't hardware accelerated
- DWORD dwColorModel = d3dHalDesc.dcmColorModel;
- if (dwColorModel)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::isHardware
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: Checks if this D3D Device matches this guid
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL D3DDevInfo::Match (LPGUID lpGuid)
- {
- if (lpGuid == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- if (! isValid ())
- return FALSE;
- if (guid != *lpGuid)
- return FALSE;
- // Success
- return TRUE;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: Checks if this D3D Device matches the specified
- ** hardware and/or software description
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- {
- if (! isValid ())
- return FALSE;
- // Check Parameters
- if ((! lpHal) && (! lpHel))
- return FALSE;
- //
- // Compare Hal description's
- //
- if (lpHal)
- {
- if (lpHal->dwSize != sizeof (D3DDEVICEDESC))
- return FALSE;
- // Check ColorModel
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_COLORMODEL)
- {
- // If it does more than we are interested in that's OK
- if ((lpHal->dcmColorModel & d3dHalDesc.dcmColorModel) !=
- lpHal->dcmColorModel)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Device Caps
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_DEVCAPS)
- {
- // If it does more than we are asking, that's OK
- if ((lpHal->dwDevCaps & d3dHalDesc.dwDevCaps) !=
- lpHal->dwDevCaps)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check transform caps
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_TRANSFORMCAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check Clipping
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_BCLIPPING)
- {
- if (lpHal->bClipping != d3dHalDesc.bClipping)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check lighting caps
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_LIGHTINGCAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check line caps
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_LINECAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check triangle caps
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_TRICAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check Render Surface bit depth
- if (lpHal->dwDeviceRenderBitDepth)
- {
- if (lpHal->dwDeviceRenderBitDepth != d3dHalDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Z-Buffer surface bit depth
- if (lpHal->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth)
- {
- if (lpHal->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth != d3dHalDesc.dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Max buffer size
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_MAXBUFFERSIZE)
- {
- // Only worry, if it is smaller than what we want
- if (lpHal->dwMaxBufferSize > d3dHalDesc.dwMaxBufferSize)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Max Vertex count
- if (lpHal->dwFlags & D3DDD_MAXVERTEXCOUNT)
- {
- // Only worry, if it is smaller than what we want
- if (lpHal->dwMaxVertexCount > d3dHalDesc.dwMaxVertexCount)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- //
- // Compare Hel description's
- //
- if (lpHel)
- {
- if (lpHel->dwSize != sizeof (D3DDEVICEDESC))
- return FALSE;
- // Check ColorModel
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_COLORMODEL)
- {
- // If it does more than we are interested in that's OK
- if ((lpHel->dcmColorModel & d3dHelDesc.dcmColorModel) !=
- lpHel->dcmColorModel)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Device Caps
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_DEVCAPS)
- {
- // If it does more than we are asking, that's OK
- if ((lpHel->dwDevCaps & d3dHelDesc.dwDevCaps) !=
- lpHel->dwDevCaps)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check transform caps
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_TRANSFORMCAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check Clipping
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_BCLIPPING)
- {
- if (lpHel->bClipping != d3dHelDesc.bClipping)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check lighting caps
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_LIGHTINGCAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check line caps
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_LINECAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check triangle caps
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_TRICAPS)
- {
- // Note: Flesh this out later
- }
- // Check Render Surface bit depth
- if (lpHel->dwDeviceRenderBitDepth)
- {
- if (lpHel->dwDeviceRenderBitDepth != d3dHelDesc.dwDeviceRenderBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Z-Buffer surface bit depth
- if (lpHel->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth)
- {
- if (lpHel->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth != d3dHelDesc.dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Max buffer size
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_MAXBUFFERSIZE)
- {
- // Only worry, if it is smaller than what we want
- if (lpHel->dwMaxBufferSize > d3dHelDesc.dwMaxBufferSize)
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Check Max Vertex count
- if (lpHel->dwFlags & D3DDD_MAXVERTEXCOUNT)
- {
- // Only worry, if it is smaller than what we want
- if (lpHel->dwMaxVertexCount > d3dHelDesc.dwMaxVertexCount)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Success
- return TRUE;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::Create
- ** Purpose: Creates a new D3D Device
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT D3DDevInfo::Create (
- LPGUID lpD3DGuid,
- LPTSTR lpD3DName,
- LPTSTR lpD3DDesc,
- {
- // Copy GUID
- if (! lpD3DGuid)
- {
- // Error, Invalid device
- }
- guid = *lpD3DGuid;
- // Copy Name
- LPTSTR szTemp;
- if (! lpD3DName)
- {
- szTemp = TEXT("UNKNOWN");
- }
- else
- {
- szTemp = lpD3DName;
- }
- DWORD cLen = _tcslen (szTemp);
- DWORD cbSize = (cLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- szName = (LPTSTR) malloc (cbSize);
- if (szName)
- {
- _tcsncpy (szName, szTemp, cLen);
- szName[cLen] = 0;
- }
- // Copy Description
- if (! lpD3DDesc)
- {
- szTemp = TEXT("UNKNOWN");
- }
- else
- {
- szTemp = lpD3DDesc;
- }
- cLen = _tcslen (szTemp);
- cbSize = (cLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- szDesc = (LPTSTR) malloc (cbSize);
- if (szDesc)
- {
- _tcsncpy (szDesc, szTemp, cLen);
- szDesc[cLen] = 0;
- }
- // Copy D3D info
- if (lpD3DHal)
- {
- d3dHalDesc = *lpD3DHal;
- }
- if (lpD3DHel)
- {
- d3dHelDesc = *lpD3DHel;
- }
- // Mark Texture format list as not loaded
- cFormats = 0L;
- turnFormatsLoadedOff ();
- // Mark as valid
- validOn ();
- return DD_OK;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::Create
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::Destroy
- ** Purpose: Cleanup any memory or interfaces
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void D3DDevInfo::Destroy (void)
- {
- // Destroy Texture Formats
- DestroyFormats ();
- // Clean up strings
- if (szDesc)
- {
- free (szDesc);
- szDesc = NULL;
- }
- if (szName)
- {
- free (szName);
- szName = NULL;
- }
- lpPrev = NULL;
- lpNext = NULL;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::Destroy
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::LoadFormats
- ** Purpose: Loads texture formats
- ** Notes:
- **
- ** In order to load texture formats, we need to have a valid D3D Device
- ** Getting a D3D Device directly complicates the Driver Manager code.
- **
- ** So we will defer loading texture formats until we have created a valid
- ** D3D device in D3DWindow::InitRender and then call this function to
- ** Load all the texture formats.
- **
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT D3DDevInfo::LoadFormats (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE2 lpD3DDevice)
- {
- // Have we already loaded the texture formats
- if (! formatsLoaded ())
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- DD_CB_INFO cbInfo;
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpD3DDevice)
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Enumerate all Texture Formats for this device
- cbInfo.fResult = TRUE;
- cbInfo.lpExtra = (void *)this;
- cbInfo.cCount = 0L;
- hResult = lpD3DDevice->EnumTextureFormats (TextureFormatEnumCallback,
- (void *)&cbInfo);
- if (FAILED(hResult))
- {
- // Error
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Double check count
- if ((! cbInfo.fResult) || (cbInfo.cCount == 0) || (cFormats != cbInfo.cCount))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Mark texture formats as loaded
- turnFormatsLoadedOn ();
- }
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // D3DDevInfo::LoadFormats
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::DestroyFormats
- ** Purpose: Destroys texture formats
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT D3DDevInfo::DestroyFormats (void)
- {
- if (formatsLoaded ())
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurr, lpNext, lpPrev;
- lpCurr = lpFormatRoot;
- // Walk linked list and destroy all Format nodes
- while (lpCurr)
- {
- lpNext = lpCurr->lpNext;
- lpPrev = lpCurr->lpPrev;
- // Remove node from List
- if (lpPrev)
- lpPrev->lpNext = lpNext;
- else
- lpFormatRoot = lpNext;
- if (lpNext)
- lpNext->lpPrev = lpPrev;
- else
- lpFormatTail = lpPrev;
- // Destroy this node
- lpCurr->lpNext = NULL;
- lpCurr->lpPrev = NULL;
- delete lpCurr;
- // Move to next node in list
- lpCurr = lpNext;
- }
- cFormats = 0L;
- lpFormatRoot = NULL;
- lpFormatTail = NULL;
- // Mark as unloaded
- turnFormatsLoadedOff ();
- }
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::DestroyFormats
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::AddFormat
- ** Purpose: add new texture format to format list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT D3DDevInfo::AddFormat (LPDDModeInfo lpFormatNew)
- {
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpFormatNew)
- {
- // Error, Invalid parameters
- }
- // Add to tail of Format List
- lpFormatNew->lpPrev = lpFormatTail;
- lpFormatNew->lpNext = NULL;
- // Update tail
- if (lpFormatTail)
- lpFormatTail->lpNext = lpFormatNew;
- lpFormatTail = lpFormatNew;
- // Update Root
- if (! lpFormatRoot)
- lpFormatRoot = lpFormatNew;
- // Update count
- cFormats++;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::AddFormat
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::DelFormat
- ** Purpose: removes texture format from format list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT D3DDevInfo::DelFormat (LPDDModeInfo lpFormatDel)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (lpFormatDel)
- {
- // Error
- }
- // Remove this Mode From mode list
- LPDDModeInfo lpPrevMode = lpFormatDel->lpPrev;
- LPDDModeInfo lpNextMode = lpFormatDel->lpNext;
- if (lpPrevMode)
- lpPrevMode->lpNext = lpNextMode;
- else
- lpFormatRoot = lpNextMode;
- if (lpNextMode)
- lpNextMode->lpPrev = lpPrevMode;
- else
- lpFormatTail = lpPrevMode;
- // Destroy format node
- lpFormatDel->lpPrev = NULL;
- lpFormatDel->lpNext = NULL;
- delete lpFormatDel;
- // Update count
- cFormats--;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::DelFormat
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::FindFormat
- ** Purpose: finds specified texture format
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo D3DDevInfo::FindFormat (
- LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpddpf, /* In: Texture Format Desc */
- LPDDModeInfo * lpNextBest, /* Out: Second best match */
- LPDDModeInfo lpStart) /* In: start from this node */
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurrFormat, lpNextFormat;
- // Get Starting node
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrFormat = lpFormatRoot;
- else
- lpCurrFormat = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrFormat;
- // Search format list for best match
- while (lpCurrFormat)
- {
- lpNextFormat = lpCurrFormat->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrFormat->Match (*lpddpf))
- {
- return lpCurrFormat;
- }
- lpCurrFormat = lpNextFormat;
- }
- // Failure, user may use lpNextBest instead
- return NULL;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::FindFormat
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::FindFormat
- ** Purpose: finds specified texture format from requested BPP
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo D3DDevInfo::FindFormat (
- DWORD bpp, /* In: requested BPP */
- LPDDModeInfo * lpNextBest, /* Out: Second best match */
- LPDDModeInfo lpStart) /* In: start from this node */
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurrFormat, lpNextFormat;
- // Get Starting node
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrFormat = lpFormatRoot;
- else
- lpCurrFormat = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrFormat;
- // Search format list for best match
- while (lpCurrFormat)
- {
- lpNextFormat = lpCurrFormat->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrFormat->Match (bpp))
- {
- return lpCurrFormat;
- }
- lpCurrFormat = lpNextFormat;
- }
- // Failure, user may use lpNextBest instead
- return NULL;
- } // End D3DDevInfo::FindFormat
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: D3DDevInfo::EnumFormats
- ** Purpose: Enumerate Formats in this Device
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD D3DDevInfo::EnumFormats (const D3DDEV_ENUMINFO & eiInfo)
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurrFormat, lpNextFormat;
- // Check Match Callback function
- if (! eiInfo.fpcbEnum)
- {
- // Error, invalid callback
- return ENUM_ERROR;
- }
- // Get Starting node
- if (eiInfo.lpStart)
- lpCurrFormat = (LPDDModeInfo)(eiInfo.lpStart);
- else
- lpCurrFormat = lpFormatRoot;
- // Do callback on each node in list
- while (lpCurrFormat)
- {
- lpNextFormat = lpCurrFormat->lpNext;
- // Call Enum Mode Callback
- dwResult = (*eiInfo.fpcbEnum)((LPVOID)this, lpCurrFormat, eiInfo.dwExtra);
- // Check for early exit
- if (dwResult & ENUM_STOP)
- {
- // Return result code
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- }
- }
- // Failure
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- } // End D3DDevInfo::EnumFormats
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** DDDrvInfo Methods
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::Create
- ** Purpose: Create a new Driver description
- ** Notes:
- ** 1. If the driver doesn't support D3D we treat it as an invalid driver.
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::Create (
- GUID FAR * lpGuid,
- LPTSTR lpDriverName,
- LPTSTR lpDriverDesc)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- if (isValid ())
- {
- // Programmer Error, already valid, call Fini to cleanup
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Copy GUID
- if (! lpGuid)
- {
- primaryOn ();
- }
- else
- {
- guid = *lpGuid;
- }
- // Copy Name
- LPTSTR szTemp;
- if (! lpDriverName)
- {
- szTemp = TEXT("UNKNOWN");
- }
- else
- {
- szTemp = lpDriverName;
- }
- DWORD cLen = _tcslen (szTemp);
- DWORD cbSize = (cLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- szName = (LPTSTR) malloc (cbSize);
- if (szName)
- {
- _tcsncpy (szName, szTemp, cLen);
- szName[cLen] = 0;
- }
- // Copy Desc
- if (! lpDriverDesc)
- {
- szTemp = TEXT("UNKNOWN");
- }
- else
- {
- szTemp = lpDriverDesc;
- }
- cLen = _tcslen (szTemp);
- cbSize = (cLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
- szDesc = (LPTSTR) malloc (cbSize);
- if (szDesc)
- {
- _tcsncpy (szDesc, szTemp, cLen);
- szDesc[cLen] = 0;
- }
- // Create DirectDraw Object
- hResult = DirectDrawCreate (lpGuid, &lpDD, NULL);
- if FAILED (hResult)
- {
- // Error
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- goto lblCLEANUP;
- }
- // Get The DirectDraw2 Interface
- hResult = lpDD->QueryInterface ((REFIID)IID_IDirectDraw2, (void **)&lpDD2);
- if (FAILED(hResult))
- {
- // Error
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- goto lblCLEANUP;
- }
- // Get The Direct3D Interface
- hResult = lpDD->QueryInterface ((REFIID)IID_IDirect3D2, (void **)&lpD3D);
- if (FAILED(hResult))
- {
- // Error
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- goto lblCLEANUP;
- }
- // Get The Driver Caps
- ddHalCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS);
- ddHelCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DDCAPS);
- hResult = lpDD2->GetCaps (&ddHalCaps, &ddHelCaps);
- if (FAILED(hResult))
- {
- // Error
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- goto lblCLEANUP;
- }
- // Enumerate all Modes for this DD Driver
- cModes = 0L;
- turnModesLoadedOff ();
- hResult = LoadModes (lpDD2);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- goto lblCLEANUP;
- // Enumerate all D3D Devices for this driver
- cDevices = 0L;
- turnDevicesLoadedOff ();
- hResult = LoadDevices (lpD3D);
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- goto lblCLEANUP;
- // Mark as Valid Driver
- validOn ();
- // Success
- hResult = DD_OK;
- // Cleanup the Interfaces before leaving
- if (lpD3D)
- {
- lpD3D->Release ();
- lpD3D = NULL;
- }
- if (lpDD2)
- {
- lpDD2->Release ();
- lpDD2 = NULL;
- }
- if (lpDD)
- {
- lpDD->Release ();
- lpDD = NULL;
- }
- return hResult;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::Create
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::Destroy
- ** Purpose: Cleanup any memory or interfaces
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void DDDrvInfo::Destroy (void)
- {
- // Destroy all Modes and Devices
- DestroyDevices ();
- DestroyModes ();
- // Clean up strings
- if (szDesc)
- {
- free (szDesc);
- szDesc = NULL;
- }
- if (szName)
- {
- free (szName);
- szName = NULL;
- }
- lpPrev = NULL;
- lpNext = NULL;
- // Mark as an invalid driver
- validOff ();
- } // End DDDrvInfo::Destroy
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: checks for match with specified guid
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL DDDrvInfo::Match (LPGUID lpGuid)
- {
- if (! isValid())
- return FALSE;
- if (! lpGuid)
- {
- if (isPrimary())
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*lpGuid == guid)
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::Match
- ** Purpose: checks for match with specified hal,hel caps
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- BOOL DDDrvInfo::Match (LPDDCAPS lpHal, LPDDCAPS lpHel)
- {
- if (! isValid())
- return FALSE;
- if ((! lpHal) && (! lpHel))
- return FALSE;
- // Check for match with hal caps
- if (lpHal)
- {
- // Flesh out later
- }
- if (lpHal)
- {
- // Flesh out later
- }
- // Success
- return TRUE;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::Match
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::LoadModes
- ** Purpose: Load all modes associated with this DD Driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- {
- // Have we already loaded the modes
- if (! modesLoaded ())
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- DD_CB_INFO cbInfo;
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDD2)
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Enumerate all modes for this driver
- cbInfo.fResult = TRUE;
- cbInfo.lpExtra = (void *)this;
- cbInfo.cCount = 0L;
- hResult = lpDD2->EnumDisplayModes (0L, NULL, &cbInfo,
- ModeEnumCallback);
- if (FAILED(hResult))
- {
- // Error
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Double check count
- if ((! cbInfo.fResult) || (cbInfo.cCount == 0) || (cModes != cbInfo.cCount))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Mark Modes as loaded
- turnModesLoadedOn ();
- }
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // D3DDevInfo::LoadModes
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::DestroyModes
- ** Purpose: Destroys all Modes in Mode List
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::DestroyModes (void)
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurr, lpNext, lpPrev;
- lpCurr = lpModeRoot;
- // Walk linked list and destroy all Mode nodes
- while (lpCurr)
- {
- lpNext = lpCurr->lpNext;
- lpPrev = lpCurr->lpPrev;
- // Remove node from List
- if (lpPrev)
- lpPrev->lpNext = lpNext;
- else
- lpModeRoot = lpNext;
- if (lpNext)
- lpNext->lpPrev = lpPrev;
- else
- lpModeTail = lpPrev;
- // Destroy this node
- lpCurr->lpNext = NULL;
- lpCurr->lpPrev = NULL;
- delete lpCurr;
- // Move to next node in list
- lpCurr = lpNext;
- }
- cModes = 0L;
- lpModeRoot = NULL;
- lpModeTail = NULL;
- turnModesLoadedOff ();
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::DestroyModes
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::AddMode
- ** Purpose: add new mode to mode list
- ** Notes: 1
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::AddMode (LPDDModeInfo lpModeNew)
- {
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpModeNew)
- {
- // Error, Invalid parameters
- }
- // Add to tail of Mode List
- lpModeNew->lpPrev = lpModeTail;
- lpModeNew->lpNext = NULL;
- // Update tail
- if (lpModeTail)
- lpModeTail->lpNext = lpModeNew;
- lpModeTail = lpModeNew;
- // Update Root
- if (! lpModeRoot)
- lpModeRoot = lpModeNew;
- // Update count
- cModes++;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::AddMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::DelMode
- ** Purpose: removes mode from mode list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::DelMode (LPDDModeInfo lpModeDel)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (lpModeDel)
- {
- // Error
- }
- // Remove this Mode From mode list
- LPDDModeInfo lpPrevMode = lpModeDel->lpPrev;
- LPDDModeInfo lpNextMode = lpModeDel->lpNext;
- if (lpPrevMode)
- lpPrevMode->lpNext = lpNextMode;
- else
- lpModeRoot = lpNextMode;
- if (lpNextMode)
- lpNextMode->lpPrev = lpPrevMode;
- else
- lpModeTail = lpPrevMode;
- lpModeDel->lpPrev = NULL;
- lpModeDel->lpNext = NULL;
- // Destroy mode node
- delete lpModeDel;
- // Update count
- cModes--;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::DelMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::FindMode
- ** Purpose: finds specified mode
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo DDDrvInfo::FindMode (
- DWORD dwW, /* In: Match this width */
- DWORD dwH, /* In: Match this Height */
- DWORD dwBPP, /* In: Match this Bits Per Pixel */
- DWORD dwRefresh, /* In: Not supported yet... */
- LPDDModeInfo * lpNextBest, /* Out: Return next best match */
- LPDDModeInfo lpStart) /* In: Start search from this mode */
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurrMode, lpNextMode;
- // Get Starting node
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrMode = lpModeRoot;
- else
- lpCurrMode = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrMode;
- // Search mode list for best match
- while (lpCurrMode)
- {
- lpNextMode = lpCurrMode->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrMode->Match (dwW, dwH, dwBPP))
- {
- return lpCurrMode;
- }
- else if (lpCurrMode->Match (640, 480, 8))
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrMode;
- }
- lpCurrMode = lpNextMode;
- }
- // Failure, user may use lpNextBest instead
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::FindMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::FindMode
- ** Purpose: finds specified mode
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo DDDrvInfo::FindMode (
- LPDDSURFACEDESC lpddsd, /* In: Mode Desc */
- LPDDModeInfo * lpNextBest, /* Out: Second best match */
- LPDDModeInfo lpStart) /* In: start from this node */
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurrMode, lpNextMode;
- // Get Starting node
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrMode = lpModeRoot;
- else
- lpCurrMode = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrMode;
- // Search mode list for best match
- while (lpCurrMode)
- {
- lpNextMode = lpCurrMode->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrMode->Match (*lpddsd))
- {
- return lpCurrMode;
- }
- else if (lpCurrMode->Match (640, 480, 8))
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrMode;
- }
- }
- // Failure, user may use lpNextBest instead
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::FindMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::EnumModes
- ** Purpose: Enumerate modes in this Driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD DDDrvInfo::EnumModes (const DDDRV_ENUMINFO & eiInfo)
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurrMode, lpNextMode;
- // Check Match Callback function
- if (! eiInfo.fpcbEnum)
- {
- // Error, invalid callback
- return ENUM_ERROR;
- }
- // Get Starting node
- if (eiInfo.lpStart)
- lpCurrMode = (LPDDModeInfo)(eiInfo.lpStart);
- else
- lpCurrMode = lpModeRoot;
- // Do callback on each node in list
- while (lpCurrMode)
- {
- lpNextMode = lpCurrMode->lpNext;
- // Call Enum Mode Callback
- dwResult = (*eiInfo.fpcbEnum)((LPVOID)this, lpCurrMode, eiInfo.dwExtra);
- // Check for early exit
- if (dwResult & ENUM_STOP)
- {
- // Return result code
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- }
- }
- // Failure
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- } // End DDDrvInfo::EnumModes
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::LoadDevices
- ** Purpose: Load all Devices associated with this DD Driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::LoadDevices (LPDIRECT3D2 lpD3D2)
- {
- // Have we already loaded the D3D Devices for this driver
- if (! devicesLoaded ())
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- DD_CB_INFO cbInfo;
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpD3D2)
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- cbInfo.fResult = TRUE;
- cbInfo.lpExtra = (void *)this;
- cbInfo.cCount = 0L;
- hResult = lpD3D2->EnumDevices (DeviceEnumCallback, &cbInfo);
- if (FAILED(hResult))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Double check count
- if ((! cbInfo.fResult) || (cbInfo.cCount == 0) || (cDevices != cbInfo.cCount))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Mark Devices as loaded
- turnDevicesLoadedOn ();
- }
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // DDDrvInfo::LoadDevices
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::DestroyDevices
- ** Purpose: Destroys all Devices in Device List
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::DestroyDevices (void)
- {
- LPD3DDevInfo lpCurr, lpNext, lpPrev;
- lpCurr = lpDeviceRoot;
- // Walk linked list and destroy all D3D Device nodes
- while (lpCurr)
- {
- lpNext = lpCurr->lpNext;
- lpPrev = lpCurr->lpPrev;
- // Remove node from List
- if (lpPrev)
- lpPrev->lpNext = lpNext;
- else
- lpDeviceRoot = lpNext;
- if (lpNext)
- lpNext->lpPrev = lpPrev;
- else
- lpDeviceTail = lpPrev;
- // Destroy this node
- lpCurr->lpNext = NULL;
- lpCurr->lpPrev = NULL;
- delete lpCurr;
- // Move to next node in list
- lpCurr = lpNext;
- }
- cDevices = 0L;
- lpDeviceRoot = NULL;
- lpDeviceTail = NULL;
- turnDevicesLoadedOff ();
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::DestroyDevices
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::AddDevice
- ** Purpose: add new D3D device to device list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::AddDevice (LPD3DDevInfo lpDevNew)
- {
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDevNew)
- {
- // Error, Invalid parameters
- }
- // Add to tail of Mode List
- lpDevNew->lpPrev = lpDeviceTail;
- lpDevNew->lpNext = NULL;
- // Update tail
- if (lpDeviceTail)
- lpDeviceTail->lpNext = lpDevNew;
- lpDeviceTail = lpDevNew;
- // Update Root
- if (! lpDeviceRoot)
- lpDeviceRoot = lpDevNew;
- // Update count
- cDevices++;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::AddDevice
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::DelDevice
- ** Purpose: removes D3D device from Device list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvInfo::DelDevice (LPD3DDevInfo lpDevDel)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (lpDevDel)
- {
- // Error
- }
- // Remove this Mode From mode list
- LPD3DDevInfo lpPrevDev = lpDevDel->lpPrev;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpNextDev = lpDevDel->lpNext;
- if (lpPrevDev)
- lpPrevDev->lpNext = lpNextDev;
- else
- lpDeviceRoot = lpNextDev;
- if (lpNextDev)
- lpNextDev->lpPrev = lpPrevDev;
- else
- lpDeviceTail = lpPrevDev;
- lpDevDel->lpPrev = NULL;
- lpDevDel->lpNext = NULL;
- // Destroy mode node
- delete lpDevDel;
- // Update count
- cDevices--;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::DelDevice
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::FindDevice
- ** Purpose: finds specified D3D Device
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPD3DDevInfo DDDrvInfo::FindDevice (
- LPGUID lpGuid,
- LPD3DDevInfo * lpNextBest,
- LPD3DDevInfo lpStart)
- {
- LPD3DDevInfo lpCurrDev, lpNextDev;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpHardware = NULL;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpMMX = NULL;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpRGB = NULL;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpFirst = NULL;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = NULL;
- // Get Root
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrDev = lpDeviceRoot;
- else
- lpCurrDev = lpStart;
- lpFirst = lpCurrDev;
- // Search mode list for best match
- while (lpCurrDev)
- {
- lpNextDev = lpCurrDev->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrDev->Match (lpGuid))
- {
- return lpCurrDev;
- }
- if (lpCurrDev->isHardware ())
- {
- if (! lpHardware)
- lpHardware = lpCurrDev;
- }
- if (lpCurrDev->guid == IID_IDirect3DRGBDevice)
- {
- if (! lpRGB)
- lpRGB = lpCurrDev;
- }
- if (lpCurrDev->guid == IID_IDirect3DMMXDevice)
- {
- if (! lpMMX)
- lpMMX = lpCurrDev;
- }
- lpCurrDev = lpNextDev;
- }
- if (lpNextBest)
- {
- if (lpHardware)
- *lpNextBest = lpHardware;
- else if (lpRGB)
- *lpNextBest = lpRGB;
- else if (lpMMX)
- *lpNextBest = lpMMX;
- else if (lpFirst)
- *lpNextBest = lpFirst;
- }
- // Failure, user may use lpNextBest instead
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::FindDevice
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::FindDevice
- ** Purpose: finds specified D3D Device
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPD3DDevInfo DDDrvInfo::FindDevice (
- LPD3DDevInfo * lpNextBest,
- LPD3DDevInfo lpStart)
- {
- LPD3DDevInfo lpCurrDev, lpNextDev;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpHardware = NULL;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpMMX = NULL;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpRGB = NULL;
- LPD3DDevInfo lpFirst = NULL;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = NULL;
- // Get Root
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrDev = lpDeviceRoot;
- else
- lpCurrDev = lpStart;
- lpFirst = lpCurrDev;
- // Search mode list for best match
- while (lpCurrDev)
- {
- lpNextDev = lpCurrDev->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrDev->Match (lpHal, lpHel))
- {
- return lpCurrDev;
- }
- if (lpCurrDev->isHardware ())
- {
- if (! lpHardware)
- lpHardware = lpCurrDev;
- }
- if (lpCurrDev->guid == IID_IDirect3DRGBDevice)
- {
- if (! lpRGB)
- lpRGB = lpCurrDev;
- }
- if (lpCurrDev->guid == IID_IDirect3DMMXDevice)
- {
- if (! lpMMX)
- lpMMX = lpCurrDev;
- }
- lpCurrDev = lpNextDev;
- }
- if (lpNextBest)
- {
- if (lpHardware)
- *lpNextBest = lpHardware;
- else if (lpRGB)
- *lpNextBest = lpRGB;
- else if (lpMMX)
- *lpNextBest = lpMMX;
- else if (lpFirst)
- *lpNextBest = lpFirst;
- }
- // Failure
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::FindDevice
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::FindDeviceSupportsMode
- ** Purpose: finds specified D3D Device that is compatible
- ** with specified mode
- ** Notes;
- **
- ** 1. First looks for an exact match that is compatible
- ** 2. Looks for a hardware device that is compatible
- ** 3. Looks for any device that is compatible
- **
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPD3DDevInfo DDDrvInfo::FindDeviceSupportsMode (
- LPGUID lpGuid,
- LPDDModeInfo lpMode,
- LPD3DDevInfo * lpNextBest,
- LPD3DDevInfo lpStart)
- {
- LPD3DDevInfo lpCurrDev, lpNextDev;
- // Check parameters
- if (! lpMode)
- {
- // Error, Invalid parameters
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- // Get Root
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrDev = lpDeviceRoot;
- else
- lpCurrDev = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- {
- if (lpMode->ModeSupported (lpCurrDev))
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrDev;
- }
- // Search mode list for best match
- while (lpCurrDev)
- {
- lpNextDev = lpCurrDev->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrDev->Match (lpGuid))
- {
- if (lpMode->ModeSupported (lpCurrDev))
- return lpCurrDev;
- }
- else if (lpCurrDev->isHardware ())
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- {
- if (lpMode->ModeSupported (lpCurrDev))
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrDev;
- }
- }
- else if (lpMode->ModeSupported (lpCurrDev))
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrDev;
- }
- lpCurrDev = lpNextDev;
- }
- // Failure, user may use lpNextBest instead
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::FindDeviceSupportsMode
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::FindModeSupportsDevice
- ** Purpose: finds specified mode that is compatible
- ** with specified D3D device
- **
- ** 1. First trys for an exact mode, if it is compatible
- ** 2. Then looks for 640, 480, 16, if it is compatible
- ** 3. Then looks for any mode that is compatible
- **
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDModeInfo DDDrvInfo::FindModeSupportsDevice (
- DWORD dwW,
- DWORD dwH,
- DWORD dwRefresh, /* In: Not supported yet ... */
- LPD3DDevInfo lpDevice,
- LPDDModeInfo * lpNextBest,
- LPDDModeInfo lpStart)
- {
- LPDDModeInfo lpCurrMode, lpNextMode;
- // Check parameters
- if (! lpDevice)
- {
- // Error, Invalid parameters
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- // Get Root
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrMode = lpModeRoot;
- else
- lpCurrMode = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- {
- if (lpCurrMode->ModeSupported (lpDevice))
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrMode;
- }
- // Search mode list for best match
- while (lpCurrMode)
- {
- lpNextMode = lpCurrMode->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrMode->Match (dwW, dwH, dwBPP))
- {
- if (lpCurrMode->ModeSupported (lpDevice))
- return lpCurrMode;
- }
- else if (lpCurrMode->Match (640, 480, 16))
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- {
- if (lpCurrMode->ModeSupported (lpDevice))
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrMode;
- }
- }
- else if (lpCurrMode->ModeSupported (lpDevice))
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrMode;
- }
- lpCurrMode = lpNextMode;
- }
- // Failure, user may use lpNextBest instead
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::FindModeSupportsDevice
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::EnumDevices
- ** Purpose: Enumerate D3D devices in driver
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD DDDrvInfo::EnumDevices (const DDDRV_ENUMINFO & eiInfo)
- {
- LPD3DDevInfo lpCurrDev, lpNextDev;
- // Check Match Callback function
- if (! eiInfo.fpcbEnum)
- {
- // Error, invalid callback
- return ENUM_ERROR;
- }
- // Get Starting node
- if (eiInfo.lpStart)
- lpCurrDev = (LPD3DDevInfo)(eiInfo.lpStart);
- else
- lpCurrDev = lpDeviceRoot;
- // Do callback on each node in list
- while (lpCurrDev)
- {
- lpNextDev = lpCurrDev->lpNext;
- dwResult = (*eiInfo.fpcbEnum)((LPVOID)this, lpCurrDev, eiInfo.dwExtra);
- // Check for early exit
- if (dwResult & ENUM_STOP)
- {
- // Return result code
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- }
- lpCurrDev = lpNextDev;
- }
- // Failure
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- } // End DDDrvInfo::EnumDevices
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvInfo::GetGuid
- ** Purpose:
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPGUID DDDrvInfo::GetGuid (void)
- {
- if (isPrimary ())
- return NULL;
- else
- return &guid;
- } // End DDDrvInfo::GetGuid
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** DDDrvMgr Methods
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::Init
- ** Purpose: Grovel all DD driver info in system
- ** and store in global DDInfo structures
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvMgr::Init (void)
- {
- if (! isInitialized ())
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- g_cDrivers = 0L;
- // Load all drivers in system
- hResult = LoadDrivers ();
- if (FAILED (hResult))
- return hResult;
- // Mark as initialized
- initOn ();
- }
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::Init
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::Fini
- ** Purpose: Cleanup all global DDInfo structures
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvMgr::Fini (void)
- {
- if (isInitialized ())
- {
- DestroyDrivers ();
- // Mark as not initialized
- initOff ();
- }
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::Fini
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::LoadDrivers
- ** Purpose: Load all DD Drivers in system
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvMgr::LoadDrivers (void)
- {
- HRESULT hResult;
- DD_CB_INFO cbInfo;
- // Initialize all valid drivers in system
- cbInfo.fResult = TRUE;
- cbInfo.cCount = 0L;
- cbInfo.lpExtra = (void *)NULL;
- hResult = DirectDrawEnumerate (DriverEnumCallback, &cbInfo);
- if (FAILED(hResult))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Double check count
- if ((! cbInfo.fResult) || (cbInfo.cCount == 0) || (g_cDrivers != cbInfo.cCount))
- {
- REPORTERR (hResult);
- return hResult;
- }
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // DDDrvMgr::LoadDrivers
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::DestroyDrivers
- ** Purpose: Destroys all Drivers in Driver List
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvMgr::DestroyDrivers (void)
- {
- LPDDDrvInfo lpCurr, lpNext, lpPrev;
- lpCurr = g_lpDriverRoot;
- // Walk linked list and destroy all D3D Device nodes
- while (lpCurr)
- {
- lpNext = lpCurr->lpNext;
- lpPrev = lpCurr->lpPrev;
- // Remove node from List
- if (lpPrev)
- lpPrev->lpNext = lpNext;
- else
- g_lpDriverRoot = lpNext;
- if (lpNext)
- lpNext->lpPrev = lpPrev;
- else
- g_lpDriverTail = lpPrev;
- // Destroy this node
- lpCurr->lpNext = NULL;
- lpCurr->lpPrev = NULL;
- delete lpCurr;
- // Move to next node in list
- lpCurr = lpNext;
- }
- g_cDrivers = 0L;
- g_lpDriverRoot = NULL;
- g_lpDriverTail = NULL;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::DestroyDrivers
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::DDDrvMgr
- ** Purpose: Default constructor
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DDDrvMgr::DDDrvMgr (void)
- {
- lpCurrDriver = NULL;
- lpCurrMode = NULL;
- lpCurrDevice = NULL;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::DDDrvMgr
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::~DDDrvMgr
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DDDrvMgr::~DDDrvMgr (void)
- {
- } // End DDDrvMgr::~DDDrvMgr
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::AddDriver
- ** Purpose: add new driver to driver list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvMgr::AddDriver (LPDDDrvInfo lpDrvNew)
- {
- // Check Parameters
- if (! lpDrvNew)
- {
- // Error, Invalid parameters
- }
- // Add to tail of Mode List
- lpDrvNew->lpPrev = DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverTail;
- lpDrvNew->lpNext = NULL;
- // Update tail
- if (DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverTail)
- DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverTail->lpNext = lpDrvNew;
- DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverTail = lpDrvNew;
- // Update Root
- if (! DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverRoot)
- DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverRoot = lpDrvNew;
- // Update count
- g_cDrivers++;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::AddDriver
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::DelDriver
- ** Purpose: removes driver from driver list
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- HRESULT DDDrvMgr::DelDriver (LPDDDrvInfo lpDrvDel)
- {
- // Check parameters
- if (lpDrvDel)
- {
- // Error
- }
- // Remove this Mode From mode list
- LPDDDrvInfo lpPrevDrv = lpDrvDel->lpPrev;
- LPDDDrvInfo lpNextDrv = lpDrvDel->lpNext;
- if (lpPrevDrv)
- lpPrevDrv->lpNext = lpNextDrv;
- else
- DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverRoot = lpNextDrv;
- if (lpNextDrv)
- lpNextDrv->lpPrev = lpPrevDrv;
- else
- DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverTail = lpPrevDrv;
- lpDrvDel->lpPrev = NULL;
- lpDrvDel->lpNext = NULL;
- // Destroy mode node
- delete lpDrvDel;
- // Update count
- g_cDrivers--;
- // Success
- return DD_OK;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::DelDriver
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::FindDriver
- ** Purpose: Finds driver corresponding to guid
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDDrvInfo DDDrvMgr::FindDriver (
- LPGUID lpGuid,
- LPDDDrvInfo * lpNextBest,
- LPDDDrvInfo lpStart)
- {
- LPDDDrvInfo lpCurrDrv, lpNextDrv;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (! isInitialized ())
- {
- // Error, not initialized
- return NULL;
- }
- #endif
- // Get Start node
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrDrv = DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverRoot;
- else
- lpCurrDrv = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrDrv;
- while (lpCurrDrv)
- {
- lpNextDrv = lpCurrDrv->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrDrv->Match (lpGuid))
- {
- // Success
- return lpCurrDrv;
- }
- else if (lpCurrDrv->isPrimary ())
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrDrv;
- }
- lpCurrDrv = lpNextDrv;
- }
- // Failure, user could use next best instead
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::FindDriver
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::FindDriver
- ** Purpose: Finds driver corresponding to specified device caps
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- LPDDDrvInfo DDDrvMgr::FindDriver (
- LPDDDrvInfo * lpNextBest,
- LPDDDrvInfo lpStart)
- {
- LPDDDrvInfo lpCurrDrv, lpNextDrv;
- // Get Start node
- if (! lpStart)
- lpCurrDrv = DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverRoot;
- else
- lpCurrDrv = lpStart;
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrDrv;
- while (lpCurrDrv)
- {
- lpNextDrv = lpCurrDrv->lpNext;
- if (lpCurrDrv->Match (lpHal, lpHel))
- {
- // Success
- return lpCurrDrv;
- }
- else if (lpCurrDrv->isPrimary ())
- {
- if (lpNextBest)
- *lpNextBest = lpCurrDrv;
- }
- lpCurrDrv = lpNextDrv;
- }
- // Failure, user could use next best instead
- return NULL;
- } // End DDDrvMgr::FindDriver
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** Name: DDDrvMgr::EnumDrivers
- ** Purpose: Enumerate drivers
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- DWORD DDDrvMgr::EnumDrivers (const DDDRV_ENUMINFO & eiInfo)
- {
- LPDDDrvInfo lpCurrDrv, lpNextDrv;
- // Check Match Callback function
- if (! eiInfo.fpcbEnum)
- {
- // Error, invalid callback
- return ENUM_ERROR;
- }
- // Get starting node
- if (eiInfo.lpStart)
- lpCurrDrv = (LPDDDrvInfo)(eiInfo.lpStart);
- else
- lpCurrDrv = DDDrvMgr::g_lpDriverRoot;
- // for each driver, call user defined match callback function
- while (lpCurrDrv)
- {
- lpNextDrv = lpCurrDrv->lpNext;
- // Call Enum Drivers Callback
- dwResult = (*eiInfo.fpcbEnum)((LPVOID)lpCurrDrv, NULL, eiInfo.dwExtra);
- // Check for early exit
- if (dwResult & ENUM_STOP)
- {
- // Return result code
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- }
- }
- // Failure
- return (dwResult & ~ENUM_STOP);
- } // End DDDrvMgr::EnumDrivers
- /*
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ** End of File
- **-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */