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Visual C++
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: input.c
- * Content: DirectInput functionality for FFDonuts sample
- *
- * Functions:
- * inputInitDirectInput()
- * inputCleanupDirectInput()
- * inputEnumDeviceProc(LPDIDEVICEINSTANCE pdidi, LPVOID pv);
- * inputAcquireDevices(void);
- * inputCreateEffects(void);
- * inputProcessDeviceInput(void);
- * inputPrepareDevice(void);
- * inputPlayEffect(DWORD dwEffectFlag);
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "input.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- // file global variables
- static BOOL fIsFFDevice = FALSE; // does our device support
- // ForceFeedback
- static DWORD dwGain = FF_ADULT;// gain selection from user
- static LPDIRECTINPUT gpdi = NULL; // base DirectInput object
- static LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE2 gpdiJoystick = NULL; // DirectInputDevice2 objects
- // support ForceFeedback
- static LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT gpdieBounce = NULL; // effect used when "bouncing"
- // off of the screen edges
- static LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT gpdieExplode = NULL; // effect used when the ship
- // explodes
- static LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT gpdieFire = NULL; // effect used when firing
- //===========================================================================
- // inputInitDirectInput
- //
- // Creates and initializes DirectInput objects
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- BOOL inputInitDirectInput(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd)
- {
- GUID guidDevice;
- TCHAR tszBuf[256];
- // create the base DirectInput object
- hRes = DirectInputCreate(hInst, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, &gpdi, NULL);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, TEXT("DirectInputCreate() failed - %08Xhnn")
- TEXT("DirectX 5 or later required."), hRes);
- MessageBox(hWnd, tszBuf, TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // enumerate for joystick devices
- hRes = gpdi->lpVtbl->EnumDevices(gpdi, DIDEVTYPE_JOYSTICK,
- &guidDevice,
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, TEXT("EnumDevices() failed - %08Xh"), hRes);
- MessageBox(hWnd, tszBuf, TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // create a temporary "Device 1" object
- hRes = gpdi->lpVtbl->CreateDevice(gpdi, &guidDevice, &pdiTempDevice, NULL);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, TEXT("CreateDevice() failed - %08Xhnn")
- TEXT("This version of ""Space Donuts"" requires a JOYSTICK device."), hRes);
- MessageBox(hWnd, tszBuf, TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // get a "Device 2" object
- //
- // this is needed for access to the ForceFeedback functionality
- hRes = pdiTempDevice->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pdiTempDevice,
- &IID_IDirectInputDevice2,
- &gpdiJoystick);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, TEXT("QueryInterface(IID_IDirectInputDevice2) failed - %08Xh"), hRes);
- MessageBox(hWnd, tszBuf, TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // we no longer need the temporary device, go ahead and release it.
- if(pdiTempDevice)
- {
- pdiTempDevice->lpVtbl->Release(pdiTempDevice);
- pdiTempDevice = NULL;
- }
- // set the device's data format
- //
- // This tells the device object to act like a specific device --
- // in our case, like a joystick
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->SetDataFormat(gpdiJoystick, &c_dfDIJoystick);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, TEXT("SetDataFormat(Joystick) failed - %08Xh"), hRes);
- MessageBox(hWnd, tszBuf, TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // set the device's cooperative level
- //
- // ForceFeedback requires Exclusive access to the device.
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->SetCooperativeLevel(gpdiJoystick, hWnd,
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, TEXT("SetCooperativeLevel(Exclusive | Foreground) failed - %08Xh"), hRes);
- MessageBox(hWnd, tszBuf, TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // set joystick parameters (deadzone, etc)
- if(!inputPrepareDevice())
- {
- MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("Device preparation failed"),
- TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- // get the device capabilities
- //
- // We're going to check to see if the device we created supports
- // ForceFeedback. If so, we will create effects, if not, we'll
- // support standard joystick functionality
- fIsFFDevice = FALSE;
- didc.dwSize = sizeof(DIDEVCAPS);
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->GetCapabilities(gpdiJoystick, &didc);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, TEXT("GetCapabilities() failed - %08Xh"), hRes);
- MessageBox(hWnd, tszBuf, TEXT("Space Donuts - Force Feedback"), MB_OK);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if(didc.dwFlags & DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK)
- {
- OutputDebugString("ForceFeedback device found.n");
- // get the gain level from the user
- DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_FORCE), hWnd, inputForceLevelDlgProc);
- // we're supporting ForceFeedback
- fIsFFDevice = TRUE;
- if(!inputCreateEffect(EF_BOUNCE | EF_FIRE | EF_EXPLODE))
- {
- OutputDebugString("inputCreateEffects() failed - ForceFeedback disabledn");
- }
- } //** end if(ForceFeedback device)
- // if we get here, we succeeded
- return TRUE;
- } //*** end inputInitDirectInput()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputCleanupDirectInput
- //
- // Cleans up DirectInput objects
- //
- // Parameters: none
- //
- // Returns: nothing
- //
- //===========================================================================
- void inputCleanupDirectInput(void)
- {
- OutputDebugString("Cleaning up after DirectInputn");
- // Release() effect objects
- if(gpdieBounce)
- {
- gpdieBounce->lpVtbl->Release(gpdieBounce);
- gpdieBounce = NULL;
- }
- if(gpdieExplode)
- {
- gpdieExplode->lpVtbl->Release(gpdieExplode);
- gpdieExplode = NULL;
- }
- if(gpdieFire)
- {
- gpdieFire->lpVtbl->Release(gpdieFire);
- gpdieFire = NULL;
- }
- // Unacquire() and Release() device objects
- //
- // It is perfectly safe to call Unacquire() on a device that is not
- // currently acquired. In fact, it is good practice to call
- // Unacquire() just prior to Release().
- if(gpdiJoystick)
- {
- gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->Unacquire(gpdiJoystick);
- gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->Release(gpdiJoystick);
- gpdiJoystick = NULL;
- }
- // Release() base object
- if(gpdi)
- {
- gpdi->lpVtbl->Release(gpdi);
- gpdi = NULL;
- }
- } //*** end inputCleanupDirectInput()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputEnumDeviceProc
- //
- // Enumerates DirectInput devices of type specified in call to
- // IDirectInput::EnumDevices()
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- {
- GUID *pguidDevice = NULL;
- // validate pv
- // report back the instance guid of the device we enumerated
- if(pv)
- {
- pguidDevice = (GUID *)pv;
- *pguidDevice = pdidi->guidInstance;
- }
- // BUGBUG for now, stop after the first device has been found
- return DIENUM_STOP;
- } //*** end inputEnumDeviceProc()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputEnumEffectTypeProc
- //
- // Enumerates ForceFeedback effect types (ie "Constant Force").
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- {
- GUID *pguidEffect = NULL;
- // validate pv
- // report back the guid of the effect we enumerated
- if(pv)
- {
- pguidEffect = (GUID *)pv;
- *pguidEffect = pei->guid;
- }
- // BUGBUG - look at this some more....
- return DIENUM_STOP;
- } //*** end inputEnumEffectTypeProc()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputAcquireDevices
- //
- // Acquires the input device(s).
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- BOOL inputAcquireDevices(void)
- {
- if(!gpdiJoystick)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // reacquire the device
- if(SUCCEEDED(gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->Acquire(gpdiJoystick)))
- {
- // DirectInput automatically resets the device whenever
- // ownership changes, so we can assume we've got a device
- // unsullied by its previous owner.
- inputCreateEffect(EF_BOUNCE | EF_FIRE | EF_EXPLODE);
- return TRUE;
- }
- // if we get here, we did >not< acquire the device
- return FALSE;
- } //*** end inputAcquireDevices()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputCreateEffect
- //
- // Creates the DirectInputEffect object(s) used by the application
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- BOOL inputCreateEffect(DWORD dwEffectFlags)
- {
- GUID guidEffect;
- DIEFFECT diEffect;
- DIENVELOPE diEnvelope;
- DWORD rgdwAxes[2];
- LONG rglDirections[2];
- TCHAR tszBuf[256];
- // make sure that we have a non-NULL device object
- if(!gpdiJoystick)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // initialize DIEFFECT and DIENVELOPE structures
- ZeroMemory(&diEffect, sizeof(DIEFFECT));
- ZeroMemory(&diEnvelope, sizeof(DIENVELOPE));
- // these fields are the same for all effects we will be creating
- diEffect.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT);
- diEffect.dwSamplePeriod = 0; // use default sample period
- diEffect.dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER;
- diEffect.dwTriggerRepeatInterval = 0;
- diEffect.rgdwAxes = rgdwAxes;
- diEffect.rglDirection = rglDirections;
- diEffect.dwGain = dwGain; // gain selected by user
- // enumerate for a constant force effect
- //
- // both the "bounce" and "fire" effects will be based on the first
- // constant force effect enumerated
- if((dwEffectFlags & EF_BOUNCE) || (dwEffectFlags & EF_FIRE))
- {
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->EnumEffects(gpdiJoystick,
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("EnumEffects(Constant Force) failedn");
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // create "bounce" effect
- if(dwEffectFlags & EF_BOUNCE)
- {
- // if we have already created this effect...
- //
- // Call Release() before recreating it
- if(gpdieBounce)
- {
- gpdieBounce->lpVtbl->Release(gpdieBounce);
- gpdieBounce = NULL;
- }
- // prepare the DICONSTANTFORCE structure
- //
- // this is the type-specific data for this force
- dicf.lMagnitude = 10000;
- // what axes and directions to use?
- // (directions do not matter at this point, set them to 0)
- rgdwAxes[0] = DIJOFS_X;
- rgdwAxes[1] = DIJOFS_Y;
- rglDirections[0] = 0;
- rglDirections[1] = 0;
- // prepare the DIEFFECT structure
- //
- // fill in the force-specific values
- diEffect.dwDuration = 200000;
- diEffect.cAxes = 2;
- diEffect.lpEnvelope = NULL;
- diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE);
- diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &dicf;
- // call CreateEffect()
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->CreateEffect(gpdiJoystick, &guidEffect,
- &diEffect, &gpdieBounce,
- NULL);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, "CreateEffect(Bounce) failed - %08Xhn", hRes);
- OutputDebugString(tszBuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- } //** end if(bounce effect)
- // create "fire" effect
- if(dwEffectFlags & EF_FIRE)
- {
- // if we have already created this effect...
- //
- // Call Release() before recreating it
- if(gpdieFire)
- {
- gpdieFire->lpVtbl->Release(gpdieFire);
- gpdieFire = NULL;
- }
- // prepare the DICONSTANTFORCE structure
- //
- // this is the type-specific data for this force
- dicf.lMagnitude = 10000;
- // what axes and directions to use?
- rgdwAxes[0] = DIJOFS_Y;
- rglDirections[0] = 1;
- // prepare the DIEFFECT structure
- //
- // fill in the force-specific values
- diEffect.dwDuration = 20000;
- diEffect.cAxes = 1;
- diEffect.lpEnvelope = NULL;
- diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE);
- diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &dicf;
- // call CreateEffect()
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->CreateEffect(gpdiJoystick, &guidEffect,
- &diEffect, &gpdieFire,
- NULL);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, "CreateEffect(Fire) failed - %08Xhn", hRes);
- OutputDebugString(tszBuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- } //** end if(fire effect)
- // enumerate for a periodic effect
- //
- // the "explode" effect will be based on the first
- // periodic effect enumerated
- if((dwEffectFlags & EF_EXPLODE))
- {
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->EnumEffects(gpdiJoystick,
- &guidEffect, DIEFT_PERIODIC);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("EnumEffects(Periodic Force) failedn");
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // create "explode" effect
- if(dwEffectFlags & EF_FIRE)
- {
- // if we have already created this effect...
- //
- // Call Release() before recreating it
- if(gpdieExplode)
- {
- gpdieExplode->lpVtbl->Release(gpdieExplode);
- gpdieExplode = NULL;
- }
- // prepare the DIENVELOPE structure
- //
- // We want to shape the explode effect so that it starts
- // at it's peak and then fades out
- diEnvelope.dwSize = sizeof(DIENVELOPE);
- diEnvelope.dwAttackLevel = 0;
- diEnvelope.dwAttackTime = 0;
- diEnvelope.dwFadeLevel = 0;
- diEnvelope.dwFadeTime = 1000000;
- // prepare the DIPERIODIC structure
- //
- // this is the type-specific data for this force
- dipf.dwMagnitude = 10000;
- dipf.lOffset = 0;
- dipf.dwPhase = 0;
- dipf.dwPeriod = 100000;
- // what axes and directions to use?
- rgdwAxes[0] = DIJOFS_X;
- rglDirections[0] = 0;
- // prepare the DIEFFECT structure
- //
- // fill in the force-specific values
- diEffect.dwDuration = 1000000;
- diEffect.cAxes = 1;
- diEffect.lpEnvelope = &diEnvelope;
- diEffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DIPERIODIC);
- diEffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &dipf;
- // call CreateEffect()
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->CreateEffect(gpdiJoystick, &guidEffect,
- &diEffect, &gpdieExplode,
- NULL);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- wsprintf(tszBuf, "CreateEffect(Explode) failed - %08Xhn", hRes);
- OutputDebugString(tszBuf);
- return FALSE;
- }
- } //** end if(explode effect)
- return TRUE;
- } //*** end inputCreateEffects()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputProcessDeviceInput
- //
- // Processes data from the input device. Uses GetDeviceState().
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- DWORD inputProcessDeviceInput(void)
- {
- DWORD dwInput = 0;
- // poll the joystick to read the current state
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->Poll(gpdiJoystick);
- // read the device state
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->GetDeviceState(gpdiJoystick, sizeof(DIJOYSTATE),
- &dijs);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- if((hRes == DIERR_INPUTLOST))
- {
- inputAcquireDevices();
- }
- // we did not read anything, return no motion
- return 0;
- }
- // process device state
- //
- // to preserve as much of the existing input handling code from the
- // original space donuts sample, we will be converting the joystick data to
- // "keyboard" input
- //* x-axis (left)
- if(dijs.lX < 0)
- {
- dwInput |= KEY_LEFT;
- }
- //* x-axis (right)
- if(dijs.lX > 0)
- {
- dwInput |= KEY_RIGHT;
- }
- //* y-axis (forward)
- if(dijs.lY < 0)
- {
- dwInput |= KEY_UP;
- }
- //* y-axis (backward)
- if(dijs.lY > 0)
- {
- dwInput |= KEY_DOWN;
- }
- //* button 0 (fire)
- if(dijs.rgbButtons[0] & 0x80)
- {
- dwInput |= KEY_FIRE;
- }
- //* button 1 (shield)
- if(dijs.rgbButtons[1] & 0x80)
- {
- dwInput |= KEY_SHIELD;
- }
- //* button 2 (stop) - requires a joystick with more than 2 buttons
- if(dijs.rgbButtons[2] & 0x80)
- {
- dwInput |= KEY_STOP;
- }
- // return the new device state
- return dwInput;
- } //*** end inputProcessDeviceInput()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputPrepareDevice
- //
- // Performs device preparation by setting the device's parameters (ie
- // deadzone).
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- BOOL inputPrepareDevice(void)
- {
- // quick check to make sure that the object pointer is non-NULL
- if(!gpdiJoystick)
- {
- return FALSE;
- }
- // call Unacquire() on the device
- //
- // SetParameter() will fail if a device is currently acquired, we are
- // doing this here in case we get careless and forget to call this
- // function either before we call Acquire() or after we call Unacquire().
- gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->Unacquire(gpdiJoystick);
- // set the axis ranges for the device
- //
- // We will use the same range for the X and Y axes. We are setting them
- // fairly low since we are not concerned with anything other than
- // "left", "right", "forward", "backward" and "centered"
- //* prepare DIPROPRANGE structure
- dipr.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPRANGE);
- dipr.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(dipr.diph);
- dipr.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET;
- dipr.lMin = RANGE_MIN; // negative to the left/top
- dipr.lMax = RANGE_MAX; // positive to the right/bottom
- //* x-axis
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_X;
- //* set the x-axis range property
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->SetProperty(gpdiJoystick, DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("SetProperty(RANGE, X-Axis) failed.n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- //* y-axis
- dipr.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_Y;
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->SetProperty(gpdiJoystick, DIPROP_RANGE, &dipr.diph);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("SetProperty(RANGE, Y-Axis) failed.n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // set the deadzone for the device
- //
- // We will use the same deadzone percentage for the X and Y axes.
- // This call uses a symbolic constant for the deadzone percentage so that
- // it is easy to change if we decide we don't like it.
- //* prepare DIPROPDWORD structure
- dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof(DIPROPDWORD);
- dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof(dipdw.diph);
- dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_BYOFFSET;
- dipdw.dwData = DEADZONE;
- //* set the x-axis range property
- dipdw.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_X;
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->SetProperty(gpdiJoystick, DIPROP_DEADZONE, &dipdw.diph);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("SetProperty(DEADZONE, X-Axis) failed.n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- //* y-axis
- dipdw.diph.dwObj = DIJOFS_Y;
- hRes = gpdiJoystick->lpVtbl->SetProperty(gpdiJoystick, DIPROP_DEADZONE, &dipdw.diph);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("SetProperty(DEADZONE, Y-Axis) failed.n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // set the ForceFeedback gain
- //
- // If the device supports feedback, use the user selected gain level
- // to scale the strength of the forces applied to the stick. We do this
- // so that if a small child is playing the game, the stick does not jerk
- // hard enough to hurt them, yet an adult can have a stronger force
- // experience
- if(fIsFFDevice)
- {
- // BUGBUG get setting from user (done somewhere else)
- dwGain = FF_ADULT;
- }
- // Acquire the device(s)
- //
- // This is being done as a convenience since we unacquired earlier in
- // this function. This does not guarantee that the device will be
- // acquired at the time we return from the function (in other words, we
- // are not going to spin here until we get a succeessful acquisition).
- inputAcquireDevices();
- // we've actually done somthing here
- return TRUE;
- } //** end inputPrepareDevice()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputPlayEffect
- //
- // Plays specified effect object.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- BOOL inputPlayEffect(DWORD dwEffectFlags, LONG lDirection)
- {
- DIEFFECT diEffect;
- LONG rglDirections[2] = { 0, 0 };
- // initialize DIEFFECT structure
- ZeroMemory(&diEffect, sizeof(DIEFFECT));
- diEffect.dwSize = sizeof(DIEFFECT);
- // play "bounce" effect?
- if(dwEffectFlags & EF_BOUNCE)
- {
- if(gpdieBounce)
- {
- // set the direction
- //
- // since this is a polar coordinate effect, we will pass the angle
- // in as the direction relative to the x-axis, and will leave 0
- // for the y-axis direction
- //
- // Direction is passed in in degrees, we convert to 100ths
- // of a degree to make it easier for the caller.
- rglDirections[0] = lDirection * 100;
- diEffect.cAxes = 2;
- diEffect.rglDirection = rglDirections;
- hRes = gpdieBounce->lpVtbl->SetParameters(gpdieBounce,
- &diEffect,
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("SetParameters(Bounce effect) failedn");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // play the effect
- hRes = gpdieBounce->lpVtbl->Start(gpdieBounce, 1, 0);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("Start(Bounce effect) failedn");
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- } //** end if(play bounce)
- // play "fire" effect?
- if(dwEffectFlags & EF_FIRE)
- {
- if(gpdieFire)
- {
- // play the effect
- hRes = gpdieFire->lpVtbl->Start(gpdieFire, 1, 0);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("Start(Fire effect) failedn");
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- } //** end if(play fire)
- // play "explode" effect?
- if(dwEffectFlags & EF_EXPLODE)
- {
- if(gpdieExplode)
- {
- // BUGBUG how many iterations of the effect??
- hRes = gpdieExplode->lpVtbl->Start(gpdieExplode, 1, 0);
- if(FAILED(hRes))
- {
- OutputDebugString("Start(Explode effect) failedn");
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- } //** end if(play explode)
- return TRUE;
- } //*** end inputPlayEffect()
- //===========================================================================
- // inputForceLevelDlgProc
- //
- // Dialog proceedure for handling the Force Level dialog box.
- //
- // Parameters:
- //
- // Returns:
- //
- //===========================================================================
- BOOL CALLBACK inputForceLevelDlgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam)
- {
- int nSelection = 0;
- switch(uMsg)
- {
- // select default / current setting
- switch(dwGain)
- {
- case FF_CHILD:
- nSelection = IDC_CHILD;
- break;
- nSelection = IDC_BODYBUILDER;
- break;
- case FF_ADULT:
- default:
- nSelection = IDC_ADULT;
- break;
- }
- CheckRadioButton(hWnd, IDC_CHILD, IDC_BODYBUILDER, nSelection);
- return TRUE;
- case WM_COMMAND:
- {
- switch(LOWORD(wParam))
- {
- case IDOK:
- // get user's force level selection
- if(IsDlgButtonChecked(hWnd, IDC_CHILD))
- {
- OutputDebugString("Child leveln");
- dwGain = FF_CHILD;
- }
- else if(IsDlgButtonChecked(hWnd, IDC_BODYBUILDER))
- {
- OutputDebugString("Bodybuilder leveln");
- }
- else
- {
- OutputDebugString("Adult level (Default)n");
- dwGain = FF_ADULT;
- }
- EndDialog(hWnd, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }