资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- // ===============================================================
- // notify.c
- // ===============================================================
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <dsound.h>
- #include "dsstream.h"
- // externs
- extern LPDIRECTSOUNDNOTIFY lpDirectSoundNotify;
- extern WAVEINFOCA wiWave;
- extern HWND hWndMain;
- // function prototypes
- void UpdateProgressBar(void);
- // ===============================================================
- // HandleNotifications
- // Deals with the notification events.
- // Two events have been defined in SetNotifications().
- // The first (index 0) handles position notifications, triggered
- // after wiWave.dwNotifySize bytes and the second event deals with
- // the stop notification.
- // Initally, the entire buffer is filled with the FillDataBuffer()
- // call, when the user asks the stream to play. With each subsequent
- // notification, handled by this function, the rest of the file
- // is read into the buffer.
- // ===============================================================
- DWORD HandleNotifications(LPVOID lpvoid)
- {
- DWORD hr = DS_OK;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DWORD dwPlayPos, dwWritePos;
- #endif
- DWORD hRet = 0;
- while((hRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, hNotifyEvent, FALSE, INFINITE))!= WAIT_FAILED)
- {
- if (wiWave.bDonePlaying == TRUE)
- {
- DPF(0, "Posting stop message");
- UpdateProgressBar();
- SendMessage( hWndMain, WM_DSSTREAM_DONE, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0 );
- break; //quit while loop.
- }
- // Deal with the event that got signalled.
- switch(hRet-WAIT_OBJECT_0)
- {
- case 0:
- { // A play notification has been received.
- LPBYTE lpWrite1;
- DWORD dwWrite1;
- UINT cbActual = 0;
- // update the progress slider and wiWave.dwProgress.
- UpdateProgressBar();
- // If the entire file has been read into the buffer, bFoundEnd will be TRUE.
- if (!wiWave.bFoundEnd)
- { // read in more of the file.
- DPF(0, "Received a notify event with FoundEnd = FALSE. NR = %lu", wiWave.dwNextWriteOffset );
- #ifdef DEBUG
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->GetCurrentPosition(lpDSBStreamBuffer, &dwPlayPos, &dwWritePos);
- DPF(1, "dwPlayPos = %lu and dwWritePos = %lu", dwPlayPos, dwWritePos);
- #endif
- // Lock the buffer.
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->Lock(lpDSBStreamBuffer,
- wiWave.dwNextWriteOffset,
- wiWave.dwNotifySize,
- &lpWrite1, &dwWrite1,
- NULL, NULL, 0);
- if (hr != DS_OK)
- {
- DPF(0, "couldn't lock buffer with hr = %lu", hr);
- return hr;
- }
- if (dwWrite1 < wiWave.dwNotifySize)
- {
- DPF(0, "Lock returned number of bytes and requested size differ");
- }
- // now read the file.
- hr = WaveReadFile(wiWave.hmmio, dwWrite1, lpWrite1, &wiWave.mmck, &cbActual);
- // if cbActual is less than the amount asked for, we may have
- // reached end of file. If we are looping, we will simply read the
- // file in again until we have written dwWrite1 bytes into the buffer.
- // If not looping we fill with silence.
- if ((DWORD)cbActual < dwWrite1)
- {
- DPF(3, "ReadFile read less than what we asked for. less by %lu", dwWrite1-(DWORD)cbActual);
- if (!wiWave.bLoopFile)
- {
- wiWave.bFoundEnd = TRUE;
- // fill up the rest of the buffer with silence.
- DPF(0, "Filling in silence");
- FillMemory( lpWrite1+cbActual, (UINT)dwWrite1-cbActual,
- (BYTE)(wiWave.pwfx->wBitsPerSample == 8 ? 128 : 0));
- }
- else
- { // we're looping. Read in the file again.
- int nChkErr = 0;
- UINT cbWritten = cbActual; // from previous call above.
- DPF(0, "Looping so read in file again");
- while (cbWritten < (UINT)dwWrite1) // write only one notification worth.
- { // this will keep reading in until the buffer is full. For very short files.
- nChkErr = WaveStartDataRead( &wiWave.hmmio, &wiWave.mmck, &wiWave.mmckInRIFF );
- ASSERT(nChkErr == 0); // we've already this before so shouldn't fail.
- nChkErr = WaveReadFile(wiWave.hmmio, (UINT)dwWrite1-cbWritten,
- lpWrite1 + cbWritten, &wiWave.mmck, &cbActual);
- ASSERT(nChkErr == 0); // we've already this before so shouldn't fail.
- cbWritten += cbActual;
- } // while
- ASSERT(wiWave.bFoundEnd == FALSE);
- }// if or not looping
- }
- //unlock now
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->Unlock(lpDSBStreamBuffer, (LPVOID)lpWrite1, dwWrite1, NULL, 0 );
- // setup the nextwrite offset.
- wiWave.dwNextWriteOffset += dwWrite1;
- if (wiWave.dwNextWriteOffset >= wiWave.dwBufferSize)
- wiWave.dwNextWriteOffset -= wiWave.dwBufferSize;
- }// if !bFoundEnd.
- else
- {
- // We have read in the whole file. We will keep filling in silence
- // in the buffer to allow the remaining sound bytes filled earlier
- // to be played.
- DPF(1, "Received a notify event and bFoundEnd = TRUE");
- ASSERT(wiWave.bLoopFile == FALSE);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- // if we've read all the file and we're not looping,
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->GetCurrentPosition(lpDSBStreamBuffer, &dwPlayPos, &dwWritePos);
- DPF(1, "dwPlayPos = %lu and dwWritePos = %lu", dwPlayPos, dwWritePos);
- #endif
- // Allow the rest of the bytes to be played and fill here
- // with silence. The next notification will quit the while loop.
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->Lock(lpDSBStreamBuffer,
- wiWave.dwNextWriteOffset,
- wiWave.dwNotifySize,
- &lpWrite1, &dwWrite1,
- NULL, NULL, 0);
- DPF(0, "Filling in silence");
- FillMemory(lpWrite1, dwWrite1,(BYTE)(wiWave.pwfx->wBitsPerSample == 8 ? 128 : 0));
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->Unlock(lpDSBStreamBuffer, (LPVOID)lpWrite1, dwWrite1, NULL, 0 );
- // We don't want to cut off the sound before it's done playing.
- // If doneplaying is set, the next notification event will post a stop message.
- if (wiWave.mmckInRIFF.cksize > wiWave.dwNotifySize &&
- wiWave.dwProgress >= wiWave.mmckInRIFF.cksize - wiWave.dwNotifySize)
- {
- wiWave.bDonePlaying = TRUE;
- }
- else // for short files.
- if (wiWave.dwProgress >= wiWave.mmckInRIFF.cksize)
- wiWave.bDonePlaying = TRUE;
- }// else
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- { // A stop notification has been received.
- DPF(0, "Received the stop event");
- // update ui.
- //UpdateProgressBar();
- #ifdef DEBUG
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->GetCurrentPosition(lpDSBStreamBuffer, &dwPlayPos, &dwWritePos);
- DPF(1, "dwPlayPos = %lu and dwWritePos = %lu", dwPlayPos, dwWritePos);
- #endif
- // Set bDonePlaying to True.
- wiWave.bDonePlaying = TRUE;
- // call stop.
- if (lpDSBStreamBuffer)
- {
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->Stop(lpDSBStreamBuffer);
- ASSERT(hr == DS_OK); // why would this fail in tis app?
- }
- CloseHandle(hNotifyEvent[0]);
- CloseHandle(hNotifyEvent[1]);
- hNotifyEvent[0] = hNotifyEvent[1] = (HANDLE)NULL;
- break;
- }
- default:
- ASSERT(FALSE); // we should never fall in here.
- break;
- }// end switch
- } // while
- //UpdateProgressBar();
- DPF(0, "Exiting thread");
- return TRUE;
- } //handlenotifications()
- // ===========================================================
- // UpdateProgressBar
- // Gets the current play position and updates the progress
- // bar accordingly.
- // ===========================================================
- void UpdateProgressBar(void)
- {
- DWORD dwPlayPos, dwWritePos;
- int hr = 0;
- DWORD dwPlayed = 0;
- hr = lpDSBStreamBuffer->lpVtbl->GetCurrentPosition(lpDSBStreamBuffer, &dwPlayPos, &dwWritePos);
- if (hr != DS_OK)
- {
- DPF(0, "getCurrentPos returned failure");
- }
- DPF(1, "CurrentPos = %lu and LastPos = %lu", dwPlayPos, wiWave.dwLastPos);
- if (dwPlayPos < wiWave.dwLastPos)
- {
- dwPlayed = wiWave.dwBufferSize - wiWave.dwLastPos + dwPlayPos;
- }
- else
- {
- dwPlayed = dwPlayPos - wiWave.dwLastPos;
- }
- wiWave.dwProgress += dwPlayed;
- wiWave.dwLastPos = dwPlayPos;
- DPF(1, "wiWave.dwProgress = %lu", wiWave.dwProgress);
- DPF(1, "Posting %lu", wiWave.dwProgress);
- PostMessage( hWndMain, WM_DSSTREAM_PROGRESS, 0L, wiWave.dwProgress );
- }