资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: gameproc.c
- * Content: Game processing code
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "gameproc.h"
- #include "util.h"
- #include "gfx.h"
- #include "comm.h"
- #include "input.h"
- #include "lobby.h"
- #include "wizard.h"
- #include "dsound.h"
- #include "sfx.h"
- #include "stdio.h"
- /*
- * Externals
- */
- extern DWORD gdwKeys;
- extern BOOL gbShowFrameCount;
- extern BOOL gbIsHost;
- extern BOOL gbIsActive;
- extern LPDPSESSIONDESC2 glpdpSD;
- extern HWND ghWndMain;
- extern HINSTANCE ghinst;
- extern BOOL gbReliable;
- /*
- * Globals
- */
- FRAG gFrags[64]; // ship framents
- BLOCKS gBlocks; // field layout
- LPVOID glpvReceiveBuffer = NULL; // buffer to store received messages
- DWORD gdwReceiveBufferSize = 0; // size of buffer
- DPID gOurID; // our player id
- BOOL gbHaveHostInit; // do we need to do host initializaton
- int gnProgramState; // current state of the game
- DWORD gdwFrameCount; // used for fps calc
- DWORD gdwFramesLast; // ..
- DWORD gdwFrameTime; // ..
- BOOL gbUpdate; // TRUE if player data needs to be updated
- BOOL gbNoField; // display blocks ?
- BOOL gbSessionLost; // did we get disconnected ?
- HOSTMSG gHostMsg; // message buffer
- BLOCKHITMSG gBlockHitMsg; // ..
- SHIPHITMSG gShipHitMsg; // ..
- ADDBLOCKMSG gAddBlockMsg; // ..
- CONTROLMSG gControlMsg; // ..
- SYNCMSG gSyncMsg; // ..
- TCHAR gDebugBuff[MAX_ERRORMSG]; // buffer for debug output
- /*
- * Statics
- */
- static double gDirx[40] =
- {
- 0.000000,
- 0.156434,
- 0.309017,
- 0.453991,
- 0.587785,
- 0.707107,
- 0.809017,
- 0.891007,
- 0.951057,
- 0.987688,
- 1.000000,
- 0.987688,
- 0.951057,
- 0.891007,
- 0.809017,
- 0.707107,
- 0.587785,
- 0.453990,
- 0.309017,
- 0.156434,
- 0.000000,
- -0.156435,
- -0.309017,
- -0.453991,
- -0.587785,
- -0.707107,
- -0.809017,
- -0.891007,
- -0.951057,
- -0.987688,
- -1.000000,
- -0.987688,
- -0.951056,
- -0.891006,
- -0.809017,
- -0.707107,
- -0.587785,
- -0.453990,
- -0.309017,
- -0.156434
- };
- static double gDiry[40] =
- {
- -1.000000,
- -0.987688,
- -0.951057,
- -0.891007,
- -0.809017,
- -0.707107,
- -0.587785,
- -0.453990,
- -0.309017,
- -0.156434,
- 0.000000,
- 0.156434,
- 0.309017,
- 0.453991,
- 0.587785,
- 0.707107,
- 0.809017,
- 0.891007,
- 0.951057,
- 0.987688,
- 1.000000,
- 0.987688,
- 0.951057,
- 0.891006,
- 0.809017,
- 0.707107,
- 0.587785,
- 0.453990,
- 0.309017,
- 0.156434,
- 0.000000,
- -0.156435,
- -0.309017,
- -0.453991,
- -0.587785,
- -0.707107,
- -0.809017,
- -0.891007,
- -0.951057,
- -0.987688
- };
- /*
- * InitMessageBuffers
- *
- * Sets up buffes used for sending different types of messages
- */
- void InitMessageBuffers(void)
- {
- gHostMsg.byType = MSG_HOST;
- gBlockHitMsg.byType = MSG_BLOCKHIT;
- gShipHitMsg.byType = MSG_SHIPHIT;
- gAddBlockMsg.byType = MSG_ADDBLOCK;
- gControlMsg.byType = MSG_CONTROL;
- gSyncMsg.byType = MSG_SYNC;
- }
- /*
- * LaunchGame
- *
- * Sets up the game layout and launches
- */
- void LaunchGame(void)
- {
- // initialize global message buffers
- InitMessageBuffers();
- // update window title
- UpdateTitle();
- // get current session description (glpdpSD is initialized in here)
- hr = DPlayGetSessionDesc();
- if (FAILED(hr) || (!glpdpSD))
- {
- goto ABORT;
- }
- // initialize random number seed
- srand((int)GetTickCount());
- // clear front buffer before changing palette
- EraseScreen();
- FlipScreen();
- // Begin collecting input
- ReacquireInputDevices();
- // initialize us
- hr = InitOurShip();
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- goto ABORT;
- }
- // get the field layout
- if( gbIsHost )
- {
- // initialize field (done only by host)
- if (!gbNoField)
- InitField();
- // we have host initialization
- gbHaveHostInit = TRUE;
- // start updating screen
- gbIsActive = TRUE;
- }
- else
- {
- // get it from host, if we are joining
- gbHaveHostInit = FALSE;
- }
- // success
- return;
- // something went wrong, terminate game
- ExitGame();
- }
- /*
- * ExitGame
- *
- * Game termination code
- */
- void ExitGame(void)
- {
- // shut down app
- PostMessage( ghWndMain, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 );
- }
- /*
- * InitOurShip
- *
- * Initializes our ship's initial attributes
- */
- HRESULT InitOurShip(void)
- {
- int i;
- SHIP ship;
- // wipe out everything
- ZeroMemory(&ship, sizeof(ship));
- // initialize sound buffers, tell function that it's OUR ship
- // so that it can use the global sound buffers instead of duplicating
- // from them and wasting resources.
- InitPlayerLocalSoundData(&ship, TRUE);
- // calculate ship type based on the number of players in the game
- // we cycle through four ships (Y,R,G,B) for now.
- ship.byType = (BYTE) ((glpdpSD->dwCurrentPlayers-1) % NUM_SHIP_TYPES);
- ship.dPosX = randInt(0,MAX_SHIP_X);
- ship.dPosY = randInt(0,MAX_SHIP_Y);
- ship.cFrame = randInt(0, MAX_SHIP_FRAME);
- ship.bEnable = TRUE;
- // set our local data
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(gOurID, &ship, sizeof(ship), DPSET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // no ship fragments
- for(i=0; i<64; i++)
- gFrags[i].valid = FALSE;
- // success
- return DP_OK;
- // failed
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- *FUNCTION: InitPlayerLocalSoundData
- *
- *
- *NOTES: Takes a ship and initializes ONLY its soundbuffers and sound flags.
- * It leaves everything else alone. Good for when going to
- * full-screen mode, when we need to get rid of the sound buffers
- * for a bit, but don't want to change the data.
- */
- void InitPlayerLocalSoundData(LPSHIP lpShip, BOOL bOurShip)
- {
- int i;
- if (gbSoundInitialized)
- {
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUNDS; i++)
- {
- if (FALSE == WaveGetBuffers(gSoundEffect[i],&lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i], &lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[i], bOurShip))
- {//if it didn't work, get rid of all the other sound buffers
- //the current ones have already been set NULL by the failed function.
- for (--i; i>=0; i--)
- {
- // if it's our ship then we don't want to release the regular
- // (non-3D) buffer because it's just a copy of a pointer to
- // the corresponding GLOBAL sound buffer.
- IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[i]);
- if (!bOurShip)
- {
- IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer [i]);
- }
- lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer [i] = NULL;
- lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[i] = NULL;
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- lpShip->bFiring = FALSE;
- lpShip->bBounced = FALSE;
- lpShip->bDeath = FALSE;
- lpShip->bBlockHit = FALSE;
- lpShip->bEngineRunning = FALSE;
- lpShip->bMoving = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- //if sound initialization has already failed in InitSfx(), then we want the ships'
- //sound buffers to be NULL so that we don't try to release them later.
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUNDS; i++)
- {
- lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer [i] = NULL;
- lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- };
- /*
- *FUNCTION: SetPlayerLocalSoundDataCB (CALLBACK)
- *
- *PURPOSE: Initializes and registers a player's local SOUND data ONLY.
- */
- BOOL WINAPI SetPlayerLocalSoundDataCB(DPID dpId, DWORD dwPlayerType, LPCDPNAME lpName,
- DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext)
- {
- SHIP ship;
- DWORD dwSize = sizeof(ship);
- BOOL bOurShip;
- DPlayGetPlayerData(dpId, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- // no player data yet
- if (0 == dwSize)
- return TRUE;
- //we need to know if it's our ship because we use the global sound buffers
- //while all the other ships have to DUPLICATE their sound buffers from
- //those global buffers.
- bOurShip = (dpId == gOurID);
- InitPlayerLocalSoundData(&ship, bOurShip);
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(dpId, &ship, dwSize, DPSET_LOCAL);
- return (DP_OK == hr);
- };
- /*
- *FUNCTION: InitLocalSoundData
- *
- *PURPOSE: Initializes and registers all players' sound data ONLY
- */
- HRESULT InitLocalSoundData(void)
- {
- hr = DPlayEnumPlayers(&(glpdpSD->guidInstance), SetPlayerLocalSoundDataCB, NULL, 0);
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- *FUNCTION: ReleaseLocalSoundData
- *
- *NOTES: Releases a single ship's local sound buffers.
- */
- void ReleasePlayerLocalSoundData(LPSHIP lpShip)
- {
- int i;
- if (gbSoundInitialized)
- {
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUNDS; i++)
- {
- if (lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i] != NULL)
- {
- IDirectSoundBuffer_Stop (lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i]);
- //only release if it's not just a pointer copy from the global.
- if (lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i] != gSoundEffect[i]->lpDirectSoundBuffer)
- {
- //This ship's buffer is not identical to its global, we can release it.
- IDirectSoundBuffer_Release (lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i]);
- }
- lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i] = NULL;
- }
- if (lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[i] != NULL)
- {
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_Release(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[i]);
- lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /*
- *FUNCTION: ReleasePlayerLocalData (CALLBACK)
- *
- *PURPOSE: Retrieves and releases a player's local data from dplay.
- */
- BOOL WINAPI ReleasePlayerLocalDataCB(DPID dpId, DWORD dwPlayerType, LPCDPNAME lpName,
- DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext)
- {
- SHIP ship;
- DWORD dwSize = sizeof(SHIP);
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(dpId, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Get Player local data failed for id %dn"), dpId);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // no player data yet
- if (0 == dwSize)
- return TRUE;
- ReleasePlayerLocalSoundData(&ship);
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(dpId, &ship, dwSize, DPSET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Set Player local data failed for id %dn"), dpId);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // success
- return TRUE;
- // we failed
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- *FUNCTION: ReleaseLocalData
- *
- *PURPOSE: Releases local data of ALL players.
- */
- void ReleaseLocalData(void)
- {
- if (gnProgramState == PS_ACTIVE)
- {
- hr = DPlayEnumPlayers(&(glpdpSD->guidInstance), ReleasePlayerLocalDataCB, NULL, 0);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- }
- }
- };
- /*
- * ProcessUserInput
- *
- * Processes any input from the user and updates our ship state
- */
- void ProcessUserInput(LPSHIP lpShip)
- {
- static dwOldKeys = 0;
- gbUpdate = FALSE;
- // DSOUND: check if the engine was turned off
- if (!(gdwKeys & (KEY_DOWN | KEY_UP)) &&
- (dwOldKeys & (KEY_DOWN | KEY_UP)))
- {
- gdwKeys |= KEY_ENGINEOFF;
- gControlMsg.byState = (BYTE) gdwKeys;
- // let everyone know that we just turned our engine off
- SendGameMessage((LPGENERICMSG) &gControlMsg, DPID_ALLPLAYERS);
- }
- // update our ship state
- UpdateState(lpShip, gdwKeys);
- // remember current keys for next frame
- dwOldKeys = gdwKeys;
- }
- /*
- * UpdateState
- *
- * Updates the current state of our ship, given user input
- */
- void UpdateState(LPSHIP lpShip, DWORD dwControls)
- {
- lpShip->dwKeys = dwControls;
- if( dwControls & KEY_LEFT )
- {
- gbUpdate = TRUE;
- lpShip->cFrame -= 1;
- if( lpShip->cFrame < 0 )
- lpShip->cFrame += MAX_SHIP_FRAME;
- }
- if( dwControls & KEY_RIGHT )
- {
- gbUpdate = TRUE;
- lpShip->cFrame += 1;
- if( lpShip->cFrame >= MAX_SHIP_FRAME )
- lpShip->cFrame -= MAX_SHIP_FRAME;
- }
- if( dwControls & KEY_UP )
- {
- gbUpdate = TRUE;
- lpShip->dVelX += gDirx[lpShip->cFrame] * 10.0 / 1000.0;
- lpShip->dVelY += gDiry[lpShip->cFrame] * 10.0 / 1000.0;
- }
- if( dwControls & KEY_DOWN )
- {
- gbUpdate = TRUE;
- lpShip->dVelX -= gDirx[lpShip->cFrame] * 10.0 / 1000.0;
- lpShip->dVelY -= gDiry[lpShip->cFrame] * 10.0 / 1000.0;
- }
- if( dwControls & KEY_STOP )
- {
- gbUpdate = TRUE;
- lpShip->dVelX = 0.0;
- lpShip->dVelY = 0.0;
- }
- if( !lpShip->bBulletEnable && lpShip->bEnable )
- {
- if( dwControls & KEY_FIRE )
- {
- gbUpdate = TRUE;
- // launch a new bullet
- lpShip->dBulletPosX = (WORD) (gDirx[lpShip->cFrame]*6.0 + 16.0 + lpShip->dPosX);
- lpShip->dBulletPosY = (WORD) (gDiry[lpShip->cFrame]*6.0 + 16.0 + lpShip->dPosY);
- lpShip->dBulletVelX = gDirx[lpShip->cFrame]*500.0/1000.0;
- lpShip->dBulletVelY = gDiry[lpShip->cFrame]*500.0/1000.0;
- lpShip->bBulletEnable = TRUE;
- lpShip->dwBulletFrame = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * SendSync
- *
- * Sends a sync message with the rendevous position. We are using a synchronization technique in
- * which every player informs everyone else where the player is going to be at the end of the
- * next sync interval. Based on this rendezvous position, everyone tries to move their corresponding
- * ghosts to the rendezvous position by the end of the interval.
- */
- void SendSync(LPSHIP lpShip)
- {
- gSyncMsg.byShipType = lpShip->byType;
- gSyncMsg.cFrame = lpShip->cFrame;
- gSyncMsg.dPosX = lpShip->dPosX + lpShip->dVelX*1000;
- gSyncMsg.dPosY = lpShip->dPosY + lpShip->dVelY*1000;
- }
- /*
- * UpdateDisplayStatus
- *
- * Updates the disable timeout. Enables the ship if disable timeout has elapsed.
- */
- void UpdateDisplayStatus(LPSHIP lpShip)
- {
- DWORD dwTickDiff;
- DWORD dwTickCount;
- // current time
- dwTickCount = timeGetTime();
- // time elapsed since last update
- dwTickDiff = dwTickCount - lpShip->dwLastTick;
- // timestamp
- lpShip->dwLastTick = dwTickCount;
- // update time-out
- lpShip->iCountDown -= dwTickDiff;
- // time-out ?
- if( lpShip->iCountDown < 0 )
- {
- // get new position and enable our lpShip
- lpShip->dPosX = randInt(0,MAX_SHIP_X);
- lpShip->dPosY = randInt(0,MAX_SHIP_Y);
- lpShip->cFrame = randInt(0, MAX_SHIP_FRAME);
- lpShip->bEnable = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * UpdatePosition
- *
- * Updates our ship's position
- */
- void UpdatePosition(DPID dpId, LPSHIP lpShip )
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE oldxCell, oldyCell, newxCell, newyCell, mask, col, row;
- double thisTick, totalTick, xtick, ytick;
- DWORD dwTickCount;
- DWORD dwTickDiff;
- if( !lpShip->bEnable )
- return;
- // how long has it been since we last updated
- dwTickCount = timeGetTime();
- dwTickDiff = dwTickCount - lpShip->dwLastTick;
- // current timestamp
- lpShip->dwLastTick = dwTickCount;
- oldxCell = (int)(lpShip->dPosX+16.0) >> 4;
- oldyCell = (int)(lpShip->dPosY+16.0) >> 4;
- // compute new position
- lpShip->dPosX += lpShip->dVelX * dwTickDiff;
- lpShip->dPosY += lpShip->dVelY * dwTickDiff;
- newxCell = (int)(lpShip->dPosX+16.0) >> 4;
- newyCell = (int)(lpShip->dPosY+16.0) >> 4;
- if(oldxCell != newxCell)
- {
- // we allow ghosts to pass through the blocks
- if( (dpId == gOurID) && IsHit( newxCell, newyCell ) )
- {
- if( lpShip->dVelX > 0.0 )
- lpShip->dPosX = (oldxCell << 4) + 15 - 16;
- else
- lpShip->dPosX = (oldxCell << 4) - 16;
- lpShip->dVelX = -lpShip->dVelX*0.9;
- newxCell = oldxCell;
- lpShip->bBounced = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if(oldyCell != newyCell)
- {
- // we allow ghosts to pass through the blocks
- if( (dpId == gOurID) && IsHit( newxCell, newyCell ) )
- {
- if( lpShip->dVelY > 0.0 )
- lpShip->dPosY = (oldyCell << 4) + 15 - 16;
- else
- lpShip->dPosY = (oldyCell << 4) - 16;
- lpShip->dVelY = -lpShip->dVelY*0.9;
- lpShip->bBounced = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if( lpShip->dPosX > MAX_SHIP_X )
- {
- lpShip->dPosX = MAX_SHIP_X;
- lpShip->dVelX = -lpShip->dVelX*0.9;
- lpShip->bBounced = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( lpShip->dPosX < 0 )
- {
- lpShip->dPosX =0;
- lpShip->dVelX = -lpShip->dVelX*0.9;
- lpShip->bBounced = TRUE;
- }
- if( lpShip->dPosY > MAX_SHIP_Y )
- {
- lpShip->dPosY = MAX_SHIP_Y;
- lpShip->dVelY = -lpShip->dVelY*0.9;
- lpShip->bBounced = TRUE;
- }
- else if ( lpShip->dPosY < 0 )
- {
- lpShip->dPosY =0;
- lpShip->dVelY = -lpShip->dVelY*0.9;
- lpShip->bBounced = TRUE;
- }
- if ((dpId == gOurID) && lpShip->bBounced)
- {
- SendSync(lpShip);
- }
- if( !lpShip->bBulletEnable )
- return;
- // update the active bullet
- lpShip->dwBulletFrame += dwTickDiff;
- if( lpShip->dwBulletFrame >= MAX_BULLET_FRAME )
- {
- lpShip->bFiring = FALSE;
- lpShip->bBulletEnable = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- if( lpShip->dBulletVelX != 0.0 )
- xtick = 8.0/lpShip->dBulletVelX;
- else
- xtick = 999999.0;
- if( lpShip->dBulletVelY != 0.0 )
- ytick = 8.0/lpShip->dBulletVelY;
- else
- ytick = 999999.0;
- if( xtick < 0.0 )
- xtick = -xtick;
- if( ytick < 0.0 )
- ytick = -ytick;
- if( xtick < ytick )
- thisTick = xtick;
- else
- thisTick = ytick;
- if( thisTick > dwTickDiff )
- thisTick = dwTickDiff;
- for( totalTick = 0.0; totalTick < dwTickDiff; )
- {
- totalTick += thisTick;
- lpShip->dBulletPosX += lpShip->dBulletVelX * thisTick;
- lpShip->dBulletPosY += lpShip->dBulletVelY * thisTick;
- if( lpShip->dBulletPosX > MAX_BULLET_X )
- {
- lpShip->dBulletPosX = MAX_BULLET_X;
- lpShip->dBulletVelX = -lpShip->dBulletVelX*0.9;
- }
- else if ( lpShip->dBulletPosX < 0 )
- {
- lpShip->dBulletPosX =0;
- lpShip->dBulletVelX = -lpShip->dBulletVelX*0.9;
- }
- if( lpShip->dBulletPosY > MAX_BULLET_Y )
- {
- lpShip->dBulletPosY = MAX_BULLET_Y;
- lpShip->dBulletVelY = -lpShip->dBulletVelY*0.9;
- }
- else if ( lpShip->dBulletPosY < 0 )
- {
- lpShip->dBulletPosY =0;
- lpShip->dBulletVelY = -lpShip->dBulletVelY*0.9;
- }
- // check to see if it hit anything
- x = (int)(lpShip->dBulletPosX + 0.5) + 1;
- y = (int)(lpShip->dBulletPosY + 0.5) + 1;
- row = y >> 4;
- col = x >> 4;
- mask = 1 << (col & 0x7);
- col = col >> 3;
- if( gBlocks.bits[row][col] & mask )
- {
- // dwScored a block hit
- gBlockHitMsg.byRow = row;
- gBlockHitMsg.byCol = col;
- gBlockHitMsg.byMask = mask;
- SendGameMessage((LPGENERICMSG) &gBlockHitMsg, DPID_ALLPLAYERS);
- gBlocks.bits[row][col] &= ~mask;
- lpShip->dwScore += 10;
- lpShip->bBulletEnable = FALSE;
- lpShip->bBlockHit = TRUE;
- lpShip->bFiring = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * IsHit
- *
- * Tells if there is a block at (x,y) location
- */
- BOOL IsHit( int x, int y )
- {
- int col, mask;
- // outside screen boundaries?
- if( (x < 0) || (y < 0) || (x >= 40) || (y >= 30) )
- return TRUE;
- // look at the block bits
- mask = 1 << (x & 0x7);
- col = x >> 3;
- if( gBlocks.bits[y][col] & mask )
- return TRUE;
- else
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * InitField
- *
- * Initializes block positions on the field
- */
- void InitField(void)
- {
- int i, x, y;
- // clear all gBlocks
- for(x=0; x<5; x++)
- for(y=0; y<30; y++)
- gBlocks.bits[y][x] = 0;
- // set random gBlocks
- for(i=0; i<400; i++)
- {
- x = randInt(0, 40);
- y = randInt(0, 30);
- if( !setBlock(x, y) ) i--;
- }
- }
- /*
- * AddBlock
- *
- * Adds a block to the field
- */
- void AddBlock(void)
- {
- int x,y;
- // maybe add a block?
- if(gbIsHost && gbIsActive && ( randInt( 0, 100 ) > 98 ))
- {
- x = randInt( 0, 40);
- y = randInt( 0, 30);
- if( setBlock( x, y) )
- {
- gAddBlockMsg.byX = (BYTE) x;
- gAddBlockMsg.byY = (BYTE) y;
- SendGameMessage((LPGENERICMSG) &gAddBlockMsg, DPID_ALLPLAYERS);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * setBlock
- *
- * Turns on a block
- */
- BOOL setBlock( int x, int y )
- {
- BYTE mask, col;
- mask = 1 << (x & 0x7);
- col = x >> 3;
- // is Block already set?
- if( gBlocks.bits[y][col] & mask )
- return FALSE;
- // set the block and return success
- gBlocks.bits[y][col] |= mask;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * AddFrag
- *
- * Turns on a fragment
- */
- void AddFrag(LPSHIP lpShip, int offX, int offY)
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<64; i++) // find available fragment
- {
- if( !gFrags[i].valid )
- break;
- }
- if( i == 64 )
- return;
- gFrags[i].dPosX = offX + lpShip->dPosX;
- gFrags[i].dPosY = offY + lpShip->dPosY;
- switch( lpShip->byType )
- {
- case 0: gFrags[i].surf = glpShip0; break;
- case 1: gFrags[i].surf = glpShip1; break;
- case 2: gFrags[i].surf = glpShip2; break;
- case 3: gFrags[i].surf = glpShip3; break;
- default: DEBUG_OUT(TEXT("Unknown ship typen")); return;
- }
- gFrags[i] = 32 * ( (int)lpShip->cFrame / 10 ) + offX;
- gFrags[i].src.left = 32 * ( (int)lpShip->cFrame % 10 ) + offY;
- gFrags[i].src.right = gFrags[i].src.left + 8;
- gFrags[i].src.bottom = gFrags[i] + 8;
- gFrags[i].dVelX = ((double)offX - 12.0)/24.0;
- gFrags[i].dVelY = ((double)offY - 12.0)/24.0;
- gFrags[i].valid = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * UpdateFragment
- *
- * Updates the position of a fragment
- */
- void UpdateFragment(int i)
- {
- DWORD dwTickCount;
- static DWORD dwTickDiff;
- static DWORD dwLastTick;
- if( i == 0)
- {
- dwTickCount = timeGetTime();
- dwTickDiff = dwTickCount - dwLastTick;
- dwLastTick = dwTickCount;
- }
- if( !gFrags[i].valid )
- return;
- gFrags[i].dPosX += (int) (gFrags[i].dVelX * dwTickDiff);
- gFrags[i].dPosY += (int) (gFrags[i].dVelY * dwTickDiff);
- if( (gFrags[i].dPosX < 0.0) || (gFrags[i].dPosX >= 632.0) ||
- (gFrags[i].dPosY < 0.0) || (gFrags[i].dPosY >= 472.0) )
- {
- gFrags[i].valid = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /*
- * DestroyShip
- *
- * Renders a bunch of fragments to show that the ship is destroyed
- */
- void DestroyShip( LPSHIP lpShip )
- {
- // Set flag for explosion sound
- lpShip->bDeath = TRUE;
- // add ship fragments
- AddFrag(lpShip, 0, 0);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 8, 0);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 16, 0);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 24, 0);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 0, 8);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 8, 8);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 16, 8);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 24, 8);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 0, 16);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 8, 16);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 16, 16);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 24, 16);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 0, 24);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 8, 24);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 16, 24);
- AddFrag(lpShip, 24, 24);
- // Play explosion sound
- ProcessSoundFlags(lpShip);
- }
- /*
- * UpdateFrame
- *
- * Refreshes the screen
- */
- BOOL UpdateFrame( void )
- {
- int i;
- DWORD dwTickCount;
- SHIP ship;
- DWORD dwSize;
- static dwSyncLastTick = 0;
- static dwUpdateLastTick = 0;
- switch( gnProgramState )
- {
- case PS_ACTIVE:
- // DINPUT: use DirectInput to read game-play keys
- DI_ReadKeys();
- // get our local data
- dwSize = sizeof(ship);
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(gOurID, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Get Player local data failed for id %dn"), gOurID);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- if (!ship.bEnable)
- {
- // update disable timeout and display status
- UpdateDisplayStatus(&ship);
- }
- else
- {
- // process any change in game controls
- ProcessUserInput(&ship);
- dwTickCount = timeGetTime();
- // synchronize if it's time
- if (gbIsActive && ((dwTickCount - dwSyncLastTick) > SYNC_INTERVAL))
- {
- SendSync(&ship);
- dwSyncLastTick = dwTickCount;
- }
- // if our player changed any keys, let everyone know
- if (gbUpdate)
- {
- // control the number of packets we send
- if ((dwTickCount - dwUpdateLastTick) > UPDATE_INTERVAL)
- {
- // let others know
- gControlMsg.byState = (BYTE) gdwKeys;
- SendGameMessage((LPGENERICMSG) &gControlMsg, DPID_ALLPLAYERS);
- dwUpdateLastTick = dwTickCount;
- }
- }
- }
- // save ship data as RenderPlayerCB reads stored data
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(gOurID, &ship, sizeof(ship), DPSET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // update fragments
- for(i=0; i<64; i++)
- UpdateFragment(i);
- // add a block
- if (!gbNoField)
- AddBlock();
- // render everything
- if (!DrawScreen())
- {
- goto FAIL;
- }
- break;
- case PS_REST:
- if( gbHaveHostInit )
- {
- SetGamePalette();
- gnProgramState = PS_ACTIVE;
- }
- break;
- }
- // success
- return TRUE;
- // failed
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- *FUNCTION: ProcessSoundFlags
- *
- * lpShip: Points to a ship structure (originally retrieved from
- * GetPlayerData) in RenderPlayer.
- *
- *NOTES: All y-coordinates must be made negative, because the
- * 3D Sound API's use an opposite coordinate system than
- * the screen.
- */
- void ProcessSoundFlags(LPSHIP lpShip)
- {
- int i;
- BOOL bStart[MAX_SOUNDS]; //flags, used so we can
- if (!gbSoundInitialized)
- {
- // clear bounce flag so we don't send a message every time through the loop
- lpShip->bBounced = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- //if one is NULL, so are the other ones and we aren't initialized yet.
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUNDS; i++)
- {
- if (lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i]==NULL)
- return;
- }
- //set all our temporary flags to FALSE.
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUNDS; i++)
- {
- bStart[i] = FALSE;
- bStop[i] = FALSE;
- }
- if (lpShip->dwKeys & KEY_ENGINEOFF)
- {
- bStop[SENGINE] = TRUE;
- lpShip->bEngineRunning = FALSE;
- }
- if (lpShip->dwKeys & (KEY_UP | KEY_DOWN))
- {
- if (!lpShip->bEngineRunning) //turn on engine
- {
- bStart[SENGINE] = TRUE;
- if (!lpShip->bMoving) //"fire-up-engine" sound
- {
- bStart[SSTART] = TRUE;
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_SetPosition(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[SSTART],
- P2M(lpShip->dPosX - 320),
- -P2M(lpShip->dPosY - 240),
- D3DVAL(0),
- bStart[SSTART] = TRUE;
- lpShip->bMoving = TRUE;
- }
- lpShip->bEngineRunning = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (lpShip->bMoving)
- {
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_SetPosition(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[SENGINE],
- P2M(lpShip->dPosX - 320),
- -P2M(lpShip->dPosY - 240),
- D3DVAL(0),
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_SetVelocity(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[SENGINE],
- D3DVAL(lpShip->dVelX * 10), //exagerater vel
- -D3DVAL(lpShip->dVelY * 10),
- D3DVAL(0),
- }
- if (lpShip->dwKeys & KEY_STOP)
- {
- if (lpShip->bMoving)
- {
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_SetPosition(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[SSTOP],
- P2M(lpShip->dPosX - 320),
- -P2M(lpShip->dPosY - 240),
- D3DVAL(0),
- bStart[SSTOP] = TRUE;
- bStop[SENGINE] = TRUE;
- lpShip->bEngineRunning = FALSE;
- lpShip->bMoving = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (lpShip->dwKeys & KEY_FIRE)
- {
- if (!lpShip->bFiring)
- {
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_SetPosition(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[BFIRE],
- P2M(lpShip->dPosX - 320),
- -P2M(lpShip->dPosY - 240),
- D3DVAL(0),
- bStart[BFIRE] = TRUE;
- lpShip->bFiring = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (lpShip->bBlockHit)
- {
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_SetPosition(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[LBOOM],
- P2M(lpShip->dBulletPosX - 320),
- -P2M(lpShip->dBulletPosY - 240),
- D3DVAL(0),
- bStart[LBOOM] = TRUE;
- lpShip->bBlockHit = FALSE;
- }
- if (lpShip->bBounced)
- {
- IDirectSound3DBuffer_SetPosition(lpShip->lpDirectSound3DBuffer[SBOUNCE],
- P2M(lpShip->dPosX - 320),
- -P2M(lpShip->dPosY - 240),
- D3DVAL(0),
- bStart[SBOUNCE] = TRUE;
- lpShip->bBounced = FALSE;
- }
- if (lpShip->bDeath)
- {
- bStop [BFIRE] = TRUE;
- bStop [SBOUNCE] = TRUE;
- bStop [SSTOP] = TRUE;
- bStop [SSTART] = TRUE;
- bStop [SENGINE] = TRUE;
- bStart[SBOOM] = TRUE;
- lpShip->bDeath = FALSE; //turn off sound flag.
- }
- //stop, update, and start sounds.
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUNDS; i++)
- {
- if (bStop[i])
- {
- IDirectSoundBuffer_Stop(lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i]);
- bStart[i] = FALSE;
- }
- }
- IDirectSound3DListener_CommitDeferredSettings(glpDirectSound3DListener);
- for (i=0; i<MAX_SOUNDS; i++)
- {
- if (bStart[i])
- {
- IDirectSoundBuffer_SetCurrentPosition(lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i], 0);
- if (DSERR_BUFFERLOST==IDirectSoundBuffer_Play(lpShip->lpDirectSoundBuffer[i],
- 0,
- 0,
- {
- WaveReload(gSoundEffect[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- lpShip->dwKeys = 0;
- };
- /*
- * RenderPlayerCB
- *
- * Renders a ship in its current state. Also checks if we hit the ship and informs
- * the ship that it has been destroyed.
- */
- BOOL WINAPI RenderPlayerCB(DPID dpId, DWORD dwPlayerType, LPCDPNAME lpName,
- DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext)
- {
- SHIP ship, ourShip;
- DWORD dwSize = sizeof(ship);
- BOOL bHit = FALSE;
- DWORD dwTickCount;
- // get ship data
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(dpId, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Get Player local data failed for id %dn"), dpId);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // no player data yet
- if (0 == dwSize)
- return TRUE;
- // ignore current ship ?
- if (ship.bIgnore)
- {
- // if this ship was being ignored, update ignore time-out
- // A time-out is used here to ensure that this ship doesn't get ignored
- // forever on our screen in case the destroy message was dropped.
- dwTickCount = timeGetTime();
- ship.iCountDown -= dwTickCount - ship.dwLastTick;
- ship.dwLastTick = dwTickCount;
- if( ship.iCountDown < 0 )
- {
- ship.bIgnore = FALSE;
- }
- // save ship data
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(dpId, &ship, sizeof(ship), DPSET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Set Player local data failed for id %dn"), dpId);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // we are ignoring this ship, so just bail
- return TRUE;
- }
- // bail, if ship is disabled
- if (!ship.bEnable) return TRUE;
- // update ship's position
- UpdatePosition(dpId, &ship);
- // get our player data to compare with others
- dwSize = sizeof(ship);
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(gOurID, &ourShip, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Get Player local data failed for id %dn"), dpId);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // check if our bullet hit the current ship
- if((dpId != gOurID) && ourShip.bBulletEnable && ship.bEnable)
- {
- if( (ourShip.dBulletPosX > ship.dPosX) &&
- (ourShip.dBulletPosX < (ship.dPosX + 32.0) ) &&
- (ourShip.dBulletPosY > ship.dPosY) &&
- (ourShip.dBulletPosY < (ship.dPosY + 32.0) ) )
- {
- // hasta-la-vista baby
- DestroyShip(&ship);
- // we nailed it
- bHit = TRUE;
- // turn off ship locally
- ship.bEnable = FALSE;
- // temporarily ignore ship until we get a response
- ship.bIgnore = TRUE;
- // set its ignore time-out
- ship.iCountDown = HIDE_TIMEOUT;
- // time-stamp
- ship.dwLastTick = timeGetTime();
- // turn our bullet off
- ship.bBulletEnable = FALSE;
- // update our score
- ourShip.dwScore += 1000;
- // save our score
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(gOurID, &ourShip, sizeof(ourShip), DPSET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- goto FAIL;
- }
- }
- }
- // render the ship
- if (ship.bBulletEnable) DrawBullet(&ship);
- if (ship.bEnable) DrawShip(&ship);
- ProcessSoundFlags(&ship);
- // save ship data
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(dpId, &ship, sizeof(ship), DPSET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Set Player local data failed for id %dn"), dpId);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // inform the player
- if (bHit)
- {
- gShipHitMsg.Id = dpId;
- SendGameMessage((LPGENERICMSG) &gShipHitMsg, dpId);
- }
- // success
- return TRUE;
- // failed
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * DrawScreen
- *
- * Renders the current frame
- */
- BOOL DrawScreen( void )
- {
- BYTE mask, col;
- int x, y;
- // clear screen
- EraseScreen();
- // render players
- hr = DPlayEnumPlayers(NULL, RenderPlayerCB, NULL, 0);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // render field
- for( y=0; y<30; y++)
- {
- for( x=0; x<40; x++)
- {
- mask = 1 << (x & 0x7);
- col = x >> 3;
- if( gBlocks.bits[y][col] & mask )
- DrawBlock( x, y );
- }
- }
- // render score
- if (!DrawScore())
- {
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // render fragments
- DrawFragments();
- // render frame rate
- if( gbShowFrameCount )
- DisplayFrameRate();
- // show
- FlipScreen();
- // success
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * DisplayFrameRate
- *
- * Renders current frame rate
- */
- void DisplayFrameRate( void )
- {
- DWORD time2;
- char buff[256];
- static DWORD dwFrames;
- gdwFrameCount++;
- time2 = timeGetTime() - gdwFrameTime;
- if( time2 > 1000 )
- {
- dwFrames = (gdwFrameCount*1000)/time2;
- gdwFrameTime = timeGetTime();
- gdwFrameCount = 0;
- }
- if( dwFrames == 0 )
- {
- return;
- }
- if (dwFrames != gdwFramesLast)
- {
- gdwFramesLast = dwFrames;
- }
- if( dwFrames > 99 )
- {
- dwFrames = 99;
- }
- buff[0] = (char)((dwFrames / 10) + '0');
- buff[1] = (char)((dwFrames % 10) + '0');
- buff[2] = ' ';
- bltScore(buff, 295, 10);
- }
- /*
- * DrawScore
- *
- * Renders our current score
- */
- BOOL DrawScore( void )
- {
- SHIP ship;
- DWORD dwSize;
- char dwScorebuf[11];
- int rem;
- dwSize = sizeof(ship);
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(gOurID, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Get Player local data failed for id %dn"), gOurID);
- DEBUG_OUT(gDebugBuff);
- goto FAIL;
- }
- // blt everything in reverse order if we are doing destination transparency
- // calculate dwScore string
- dwScorebuf[0] = (BYTE)ship.dwScore/100000 + '0';
- rem = ship.dwScore % 100000;
- dwScorebuf[1] = rem/10000 + '0';
- rem = ship.dwScore % 10000;
- dwScorebuf[2] = rem/1000 + '0';
- rem = ship.dwScore % 1000;
- dwScorebuf[3] = rem/100 + '0';
- rem = ship.dwScore % 100;
- dwScorebuf[4] = rem/10 + '0';
- rem = ship.dwScore % 10;
- dwScorebuf[5] = rem + '0';
- dwScorebuf[6] = ' ';
- bltScore(dwScorebuf, 8, 8);
- // save ship data
- hr = DPlaySetPlayerData(gOurID, &ship, sizeof(ship), DPSET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- goto FAIL;
- }
- return TRUE;
- // failed
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * DrawBlock
- *
- * Renders a block
- */
- void DrawBlock( int x, int y )
- {
- RECT src;
- = 0;
- src.left = 224;
- src.right = src.left + 16;
- src.bottom = + 16;
- bltObject( x << 4, y << 4, glpNum, &src, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY );
- }
- /*
- * DrawShip
- *
- * Renders a ship
- */
- void DrawShip( LPSHIP lpShip )
- {
- RECT src;
- = 32 * (lpShip->cFrame / 10 );
- src.left = 32 * (lpShip->cFrame % 10 );
- src.right = src.left + 32;
- src.bottom = + 32;
- switch( lpShip->byType )
- {
- case 0: surf = glpShip0; break;
- case 1: surf = glpShip1; break;
- case 2: surf = glpShip2; break;
- case 3: surf = glpShip3; break;
- default: DEBUG_OUT(TEXT("Ship type not specifiedn")); return;
- }
- bltObject((int)lpShip->dPosX, (int)lpShip->dPosY, surf, &src, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY );
- }
- /*
- * DrawBullet
- *
- * Renders a bullet
- */
- void DrawBullet( LPSHIP lpShip )
- {
- RECT src;
- src.left = BULLET_X + (lpShip->byType)*4;
- src.right = src.left + 3;
- src.bottom = + 3;
- bltObject((int)lpShip->dBulletPosX, (int)lpShip->dBulletPosY, glpNum, &src, DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY );
- }
- /*
- * DrawFragments
- *
- * Renders the fragments
- */
- void DrawFragments( void )
- {
- int i;
- for(i=0; i<64; i++)
- {
- if( gFrags[i].valid )
- {
- bltObject((int)gFrags[i].dPosX, (int)gFrags[i].dPosY, gFrags[i].surf,
- &(gFrags[i].src), DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY );
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * ReceiveGameMessages
- *
- * Checks if there are any messages for us and receives them
- */
- HRESULT ReceiveMessages( void )
- {
- DPID idFrom, idTo;
- LPVOID lpvMsgBuffer;
- DWORD dwMsgBufferSize;
- // read all messages in queue
- dwMsgBufferSize = gdwReceiveBufferSize;
- lpvMsgBuffer = glpvReceiveBuffer;
- while (TRUE)
- {
- // see what's out there
- idFrom = 0;
- idTo = 0;
- hr = DPlayReceive(&idFrom, &idTo, DPRECEIVE_ALL, lpvMsgBuffer, &dwMsgBufferSize);
- {
- if (lpvMsgBuffer == NULL)
- {
- lpvMsgBuffer = GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, dwMsgBufferSize);
- if (lpvMsgBuffer == NULL)
- return (DPERR_NOMEMORY);
- glpvReceiveBuffer = lpvMsgBuffer;
- gdwReceiveBufferSize = dwMsgBufferSize;
- }
- else if (dwMsgBufferSize > gdwReceiveBufferSize)
- {
- lpvMsgBuffer = GlobalReAllocPtr(lpvMsgBuffer, dwMsgBufferSize, 0);
- if (lpvMsgBuffer == NULL)
- return (DPERR_NOMEMORY);
- glpvReceiveBuffer = lpvMsgBuffer;
- gdwReceiveBufferSize = dwMsgBufferSize;
- }
- }
- else if ((hr == DP_OK) &&
- ((dwMsgBufferSize >= sizeof(GENERICMSG)) ||
- (dwMsgBufferSize >= sizeof(DPMSG_GENERIC))))
- {
- if (idFrom == DPID_SYSMSG)
- {
- DoSystemMessage((LPDPMSG_GENERIC) lpvMsgBuffer, dwMsgBufferSize, idFrom, idTo);
- }
- else
- {
- DoApplicationMessage((LPGENERICMSG) lpvMsgBuffer, dwMsgBufferSize, idFrom, idTo);
- }
- }
- else
- break;
- };
- return hr;
- }
- /*
- * DoSystemMessage
- *
- * Evaluates system messages and performs appropriate actions
- */
- void DoSystemMessage( LPDPMSG_GENERIC lpMsg, DWORD dwMsgSize, DPID idFrom, DPID idTo )
- {
- switch( lpMsg->dwType)
- {
- {
- if( gbIsHost)
- {
- gHostMsg.Blocks = gBlocks;
- SendGameMessage((LPGENERICMSG) &gHostMsg, lpAddMsg->dpId);
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- LPSHIP lpShip;
- if ((sizeof(SHIP) != lpDestroyMsg->dwLocalDataSize) ||
- (NULL == lpDestroyMsg->lpLocalData))
- break;
- lpShip = lpDestroyMsg->lpLocalData;
- ReleasePlayerLocalSoundData(lpShip);
- }
- break;
- case DPSYS_HOST:
- {
- gbIsHost = TRUE;
- UpdateTitle();
- }
- break;
- // inform user that session was lost
- gbSessionLost = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * DoApplicationMessage
- *
- * Evaluates an application message and performs appropriate actions
- */
- void DoApplicationMessage( LPGENERICMSG lpMsg, DWORD dwMsgSize, DPID idFrom, DPID idTo )
- {
- switch( lpMsg->byType )
- {
- case MSG_HOST:
- {
- if( !gbIsHost )
- {
- lpHost = (LPHOSTMSG) lpMsg;
- // receive the field layout
- gBlocks = lpHost->Blocks;
- // have host initializtion at this point
- gbHaveHostInit = TRUE;
- // start updating screen
- gbIsActive = TRUE;
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- lpBlockHit = (LPBLOCKHITMSG) lpMsg;
- gBlocks.bits[lpBlockHit->byRow][lpBlockHit->byCol] &= ~lpBlockHit->byMask;
- }
- break;
- {
- lpAddBlock = (LPADDBLOCKMSG) lpMsg;
- setBlock( lpAddBlock->byX, lpAddBlock->byY);
- }
- break;
- {
- SHIP ship;
- DWORD dwSize;
- dwSize = sizeof(SHIP);
- // get player local data
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(lpShipHit->Id, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return;
- // no player data yet
- if (0 == dwSize)
- return;
- if (!ship.bIgnore)
- {
- // explode the ship on our screen
- DestroyShip(&ship);
- // turn it off
- ship.bEnable = FALSE;
- ship.bBulletEnable = FALSE;
- // if it is us
- if (lpShipHit->Id == gOurID)
- {
- // set our hide time-out
- ship.iCountDown = HIDE_TIMEOUT;
- ship.dwLastTick = timeGetTime();
- // let the world know that we are dead
- gShipHitMsg.Id = gOurID;
- SendGameMessage((LPGENERICMSG) &gShipHitMsg, DPID_ALLPLAYERS);
- }
- }
- // update player local data
- DPlaySetPlayerData(lpShipHit->Id, &ship, sizeof(ship), DPSET_LOCAL);
- }
- break;
- {
- LPCONTROLMSG lpControlMsg;
- SHIP ship;
- DWORD dwSize;
- lpControlMsg = (LPCONTROLMSG) lpMsg;
- dwSize = sizeof(SHIP);
- // get player local data
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(idFrom, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return;
- // no player data yet
- if (0 == dwSize)
- return;
- // update its State
- UpdateState(&ship, (DWORD)lpControlMsg->byState);
- // save it back
- DPlaySetPlayerData(idFrom, &ship, dwSize, DPSET_LOCAL);
- }
- break;
- case MSG_SYNC:
- {
- LPSYNCMSG lpSyncMsg;
- SHIP ship;
- DWORD dwSize;
- lpSyncMsg = (LPSYNCMSG) lpMsg;
- dwSize = sizeof(SHIP);
- // get player local data
- hr = DPlayGetPlayerData(idFrom, &ship, &dwSize, DPGET_LOCAL);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- return;
- // we are seeing this player for the first time
- // so do the initialization
- if (0 == dwSize)
- {
- ZeroMemory(&ship, sizeof(ship));
- // initialize sound buffers (this should never be us)
- if(gOurID == idFrom)
- {
- MessageBox (NULL, "gOurID == idFrom", "Ack!!!", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL);
- _asm int 3
- }
- InitPlayerLocalSoundData(&ship, FALSE);
- ship.byType = lpSyncMsg->byShipType;
- ship.dPosX = lpSyncMsg->dPosX;
- ship.dPosY = lpSyncMsg->dPosY;
- ship.cFrame = lpSyncMsg->cFrame;
- ship.dwLastTick = timeGetTime();
- ship.bEnable = TRUE;
- }
- if (ship.bEnable)
- {
- // head towards rendezvous location (accelerate/decelerate as necessary)
- ship.dVelX = (lpSyncMsg->dPosX - ship.dPosX)/1000;
- ship.dVelY = (lpSyncMsg->dPosY - ship.dPosY)/1000;
- ship.cFrame = lpSyncMsg->cFrame;
- }
- else if (!ship.bIgnore)
- // Ship is alive, but we just don't know it.
- // So, display it at the rendezvous location.
- {
- ship.dPosX = lpSyncMsg->dPosX;
- ship.dPosY = lpSyncMsg->dPosY;
- ship.cFrame = lpSyncMsg->cFrame;
- ship.dwLastTick = timeGetTime();
- ship.bEnable = TRUE;
- }
- // save it back
- DPlaySetPlayerData(idFrom, &ship, sizeof(ship), DPSET_LOCAL);
- }
- break;
- default:
- {
- wsprintf(gDebugBuff, TEXT("Unknown message type %dn"), lpMsg->byType);
- DEBUG_OUT( gDebugBuff );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * SendGameMessage
- *
- * Sends a message to specified player(s)
- */
- void SendGameMessage( LPGENERICMSG lpMsg, DPID idTo )
- {
- int nBytes;
- DWORD dwFlags = 0;
- if (gbSessionLost)
- {
- // no sends when we are not in the session
- return;
- }
- switch( lpMsg->byType )
- {
- case MSG_HOST:
- nBytes = sizeof( HOSTMSG );
- break;
- nBytes = sizeof( BLOCKHITMSG );
- break;
- nBytes = sizeof( SHIPHITMSG );
- break;
- nBytes = sizeof( ADDBLOCKMSG );
- break;
- nBytes = sizeof( CONTROLMSG );
- break;
- case MSG_SYNC:
- nBytes = sizeof( SYNCMSG );
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- if (gbReliable)
- {
- }
- // Send the message to the relevant player(s)
- DPlaySend(gOurID, idTo, dwFlags, (LPVOID)lpMsg, nBytes);
- }
- /*
- * CleanupComm
- *
- * Cleans up communication stuff
- */
- void CleanupComm(void)
- {
- //free up all the local sound buffers
- ReleaseLocalData();
- // free the receive buffer
- if (glpvReceiveBuffer)
- {
- GlobalFreePtr(glpvReceiveBuffer);
- glpvReceiveBuffer = NULL;
- }
- // delete our player
- if( gOurID )
- {
- hr = DPlayDestroyPlayer(gOurID);
- if (FAILED(hr))
- {
- }
- gOurID = 0;
- }
- // cleanup directplay objects
- hr = DPlayClose();
- hr = DPlayRelease();
- }