资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: gameproc.h
- * Content: game processing info. include file
- *
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include <ddraw.h>
- #include <dplay.h>
- #include <dsound.h>
- #include "sfx.h"
- #include "duel.h"
- // align on single byte boundaries
- // this is a stop-gap measure until the structures can be re-arranged.
- #pragma pack(1)
- #define MAX_SHIP_X (MAX_SCREEN_X - 32)
- #define MAX_SHIP_Y (MAX_SCREEN_Y - 32)
- #define MAX_SHIP_FRAME 40
- #define MAX_BULLET_X (MAX_SCREEN_X - 3)
- #define MAX_BULLET_Y (MAX_SCREEN_Y - 3)
- #define MAX_BULLET_FRAME 400
- #define NUM_SHIP_TYPES 4
- #define DEF_SHOW_DELAY (2000)
- #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 256
- #define UPDATE_INTERVAL 40 // interval between position updates in milliseconds (25 FPS)
- #define SYNC_INTERVAL 1000 // synchronize once every second
- #define HIDE_TIMEOUT 5000 // time for which a ship is disabled after a hit
- /*
- * keyboard commands
- */
- #define KEY_STOP 0x00000001l
- #define KEY_DOWN 0x00000002l
- #define KEY_LEFT 0x00000004l
- #define KEY_RIGHT 0x00000008l
- #define KEY_UP 0x00000010l
- #define KEY_FIRE 0x00000020l
- #define KEY_ENGINEOFF 0x00000040l
- /*
- * Offsets for the bullet bitmap
- */
- #define BULLET_X 304
- #define BULLET_Y 0
- typedef struct _frag
- {
- double dPosX;
- double dPosY;
- RECT src;
- double dVelX;
- double dVelY;
- BOOL valid;
- /*
- * structures
- */
- typedef struct _SHIP
- {
- double dPosX, dPosY; // ship x and y position
- double dBulletPosX, dBulletPosY; // bullet x and y position
- DWORD dwBulletFrame; // bullet frame
- char cFrame; // current ship frame
- BYTE byType; // ship type
- BOOL bEnable; // is this ship active?
- BOOL bBulletEnable; // Is there an active bullet?
- double dVelX, dVelY; // ship x and y velocity (pixels/millisecond)
- double dBulletVelX, dBulletVelY; // bullet x and y velocity (pixels/millisecond)
- DWORD dwScore; // current score
- DWORD dwLastTick; // most recent time stamp
- BOOL bIgnore; // flag used to synchronize ship explosions
- int iCountDown; // enable time-out
- DWORD dwFrameCount; // number of frames since beginning of time
- /* DSOUND members */
- LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER lpDirectSoundBuffer [MAX_SOUNDS]; // SoundBuffer interface
- LPDIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER lpDirectSound3DBuffer[MAX_SOUNDS]; // 3D interface (to same buffer)
- DWORD dwKeys; // the keyboard state
- BOOL bEngineRunning; // These BOOLs keep track of the ship's
- BOOL bMoving; // last condition so we can play sounds
- BOOL bBounced; // when they change
- BOOL bBlockHit;
- BOOL bDeath;
- BOOL bFiring;
- /* DSOUND members */
- typedef struct _BLOCKS
- {
- BYTE bits[30][5];
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- // communication packet structures
- //----------------------------------------------------------
- #define MSG_HOST 0x11 // message containing field layout, sent by host
- #define MSG_BLOCKHIT 0x22 // block hit message
- #define MSG_SHIPHIT 0x33 // ship hit message
- #define MSG_ADDBLOCK 0x44 // add block message
- #define MSG_CONTROL 0x55 // game keys message
- #define MSG_SYNC 0x66 // synchronization message containing the rendezvous location
- typedef struct _GENERICMSG
- {
- BYTE byType;
- typedef struct _HOSTMSG
- {
- BYTE byType;
- BLOCKS Blocks;
- typedef struct _BLOCKHITMSG
- {
- BYTE byType;
- BYTE byRow;
- BYTE byCol;
- BYTE byMask;
- typedef struct _SHIPHITMSG
- {
- BYTE byType;
- DPID Id;
- typedef struct _ADDBLOCKMSG
- {
- BYTE byType;
- BYTE byX;
- BYTE byY;
- typedef struct _CONTROLMSG
- {
- BYTE byType;
- BYTE byState;
- typedef struct _SYNCMSG
- {
- BYTE byType;
- BYTE byShipType; // this is needed only when sends are unreliable
- char cFrame;
- double dPosX;
- double dPosY;
- /*
- * Prototypes
- */
- void LaunchGame(void);
- void ExitGame(void);
- HRESULT InitOurShip(void);
- HRESULT InitLocalSoundData(void);
- void InitPlayerLocalSoundData(LPSHIP lpShip, BOOL bOurShip);
- BOOL WINAPI SetPlayerLocalSoundDataCB(DPID dpId, DWORD dwPlayerType, LPCDPNAME lpName,
- DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext);
- void ReleaseLocalData(void);
- void ReleasePlayerLocalSoundData(LPSHIP lpShip);
- BOOL WINAPI ReleasePlayerLocalDataCB(DPID dpId, DWORD dwPlayerType, LPCDPNAME lpName,
- DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext);
- void UpdateState(LPSHIP lpShip, DWORD dwControls);
- void SendSync(LPSHIP lpShip);
- void UpdateDisplayStatus(LPSHIP lpShip);
- void UpdatePosition( DPID dpId, LPSHIP ship );
- BOOL IsHit( int x, int y );
- void InitField(void);
- BOOL setBlock( int x, int y );
- void AddFrag(LPSHIP lpShip, int offX, int offY);
- void UpdateFragment(int i);
- void DestroyShip( LPSHIP lpShip);
- void DestroyGame( void );
- BOOL UpdateFrame( void );
- void ProcessSoundFlags(LPSHIP lpShip);
- BOOL WINAPI RenderPlayerCB(DPID dpId, DWORD dwPlayerType, LPCDPNAME lpName,
- DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpContext);
- BOOL DrawScreen( void );
- BOOL DrawScore( void );
- void DrawShip( LPSHIP lpShip );
- void DrawBlock( int x, int y );
- void DrawBullet( LPSHIP lpShip );
- void DrawFragments( void );
- void DisplayFrameRate( void );
- void GetConnection(void);
- HRESULT ReceiveMessages( void );
- void DoSystemMessage( LPDPMSG_GENERIC lpMsg, DWORD dwMsgSize, DPID idFrom, DPID idTo );
- void DoApplicationMessage( LPGENERICMSG lpMsg, DWORD dwMsgSize, DPID idFrom, DPID idTo );
- void SendGameMessage( LPGENERICMSG lpMsg, DPID idTo );
- void CleanupComm(void);
- // restore default alignment
- #pragma pack()