- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!--
- This software is released under a licence similar to the Apache Software Licence.
- See org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.package.html for details.
- The latest version is available at
- DTD for configuring Proxool using XMLConfigurator
- version $Revision: 1.4 $, $Date: 2003/03/05 23:28:56 $
- author billhorsman
- author $Author: billhorsman $ (current maintainer)
- since Proxool 0.6
- -->
- <!ELEMENT proxool-config (proxool+)>
- <!ELEMENT proxool (alias, driver-url, driver-class, driver-properties?, house-keeping-sleep-time?, house-keeping-test-sql?, maximum-connection-count?, minimum-connection-count?, maximum-connection-lifetime?, maximum-new-connections?, simultaneous-build-throttle?, recently-started-threshold?, overload-without-refusal-lifetime?, maximum-active-time?, verbose?, trace?, fatal-sql-exception*, prototype-count?)>
- <!-- This is the alias for the pool -->
- <!ELEMENT alias (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- The delegate driver we are delegating to
- (for instance, org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver) -->
- <!ELEMENT driver-class (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- The URL the delegate driver uses
- (for instance, jdbc:hsqldb:test) -->
- <!ELEMENT driver-url (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- If the connection cound it less than this then the housekeeper will build some more
- Defaults to zero. -->
- <!ELEMENT minimum-connection-count (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- The maximum amount of connections to the database. Defaults to 15. -->
- <!ELEMENT maximum-connection-count (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- Any idle connections older than this will be removed by the housekeeper (milliseconds).
- Defaults to 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000 (4 hours). -->
- <!ELEMENT maximum-connection-lifetime (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- This is the maximum number of connections we can be building at any one time. That is,
- the number of new connections that have been requested but aren't yet available for use.
- Defaults to 10. -->
- <!ELEMENT maximum-new-connections (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- This is the maximum number of connections we can be building at any one time. That is,
- the number of new connections that have been requested but aren't yet available for use.
- Defaults to 10. -->
- <!ELEMENT simultaneous-build-throttle (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- How long the house keeping thread sleeps for (milliseconds). Defaults to
- 30000 (30 seconds) -->
- <!ELEMENT house-keeping-sleep-time (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- If the house keeping thread finds and idle connections it will test them with this SQL statement.
- It should be _very_ quick to execute. Something like checking the current date or something. If
- not defined then this test is omitted. -->
- <!ELEMENT house-keeping-test-sql (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- If there are fewer than this number of connections available then we will build some more
- (assuming the maximum-connection-count is not exceeded). Defaults to zero. -->
- <!ELEMENT prototype-count (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- This helps us determine whether the pool status. As long as at least one connection was
- started within this threshold (milliseconds) or there are some spare connections available
- then we assume the pool is up. Defaults to 60 seconds. -->
- <!ELEMENT recently-started-threshold (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- This helps us determine the pool status. If we have refused a connection within this threshold
- (milliseconds) then we are overloaded. Defaults to 60 seconds. -->
- <!ELEMENT overload-without-refusal-lifetime (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- If a connection is active for longer than this (milliseconds) then we assume it has stalled or
- something. And we kill it. Defaults to 5 minutes. -->
- <!ELEMENT maximum-active-time (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- Either false (quiet) or true (loud). Default is false. -->
- <!ELEMENT verbose (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- If true then every execution will be logged. Default is false. -->
- <!ELEMENT trace (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- All SQLExceptions are caught and tested for containing this text fragment. If it matches than
- this connection is considered useless and it is discarded. Regardless of what happens the
- exception is always thrown again. This property behaves like a collection; you can set it more
- than once and each value is checked. -->
- <!ELEMENT fatal-sql-exception (#PCDATA)>
- <!-- This contains all the properties that are passed onto the
- delegate driver. -->
- <!ELEMENT driver-properties (property*)>
- <!-- Each property is a simple name-value pair. -->
- <!ELEMENT property EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST property
- >
- <!--
- Revision history:
- $Log: proxool.dtd,v $
- Revision 1.4 2003/03/05 23:28:56 billhorsman
- deprecated maximum-new-connections property in favour of
- more descriptive simultaneous-build-throttle
- Revision 1.3 2003/03/03 11:12:01 billhorsman
- fixed licence
- Revision 1.2 2003/01/23 10:41:05 billhorsman
- changed use of pool-name to alias for consistency
- Revision 1.1 2002/12/16 01:04:31 chr32
- Moved from parent package.
- Revision 1.3 2002/12/15 23:27:50 chr32
- Clarified som names.
- Revision 1.2 2002/12/11 01:13:15 billhorsman
- with doc
- Revision 1.1 2002/12/11 00:55:09 billhorsman
- draft
- -->