- javac.err.invalid.arg=invalid argument: {0}
- javac.opt.source=Provide source compatibility with specified release
- javac.opt.arg.release=<release>
- javac.opt.scramble=Scramble private identifiers in bytecode
- javac.msg.usage.nonstandard.footer=These options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.
- javac.opt.scrambleall=Scramble package visible identifiers in bytecode
- javac.opt.printsearch=Print information where classfiles are searched
- javac.opt.switchcheck=Warn about fall-through in switches
- javac.opt.nogj=Don't accept generics in the language
- javac.opt.deprecation=Output source locations where deprecated APIs are used
- a synopsis of standard options
- javac.opt.s=Emit java sources instead of classfiles
- javac.opt.Xstdout=Redirect standard output
- javac.err.file.not.found=file not found: {0}
- release 1.4 requires target release 1.4
- javac.opt.encoding=Specify character encoding used by source files
- javac.opt.nowarn=Generate no warnings
- javac.err.error.writing.file=error writing {0}; {1}
- javac.opt.arg.file=<filename>
- javac.opt.gj=Accept generics in the language (the default)
- javac.opt.g=Generate all debugging info
- javac.opt.moreinfo=Print extended information for type variables
- javac.opt.d=Specify where to place generated class files
- javac.opt.arg.dirs=<dirs>
- target release: {0}
- javac.opt.prompt=Stop after each error
- javac.opt.warnunchecked=Output source locations where unchecked operations are used
- input/output error occurred.nConsult the following stack trace for details.n
- javac.opt.arg.pathname=<pathname>
- javac.opt.X=Print a synopsis of nonstandard options
- javac.opt.version=Version information
- javac.opt.sourcepath=Specify where to find input source files
- javac.opt.extdirs=Override location of installed extensions
- javac.opt.g.none=Generate no debugging info
- javac.opt.retrofit=Retrofit existing classfiles with generic types
- javac.opt.arg.encoding=<encoding>
- javac.msg.usage.header=Usage: {0} <options> <source files>nwhere possible options include:
- javac.msg.resource=nnThe system is out of resources.nConsult the following stack trace for details.n
- javac.opt.verbose=Output messages about what the compiler is doing
- class files for specific VM version
- javac.err.req.arg={0} requires argument
- javac.err.invalid.flag=invalid flag: {0}
- javac.opt.arg.path=<path>
- javac.msg.bug=An exception has occurred in the compiler ({0}). Please file a bug at the Java Developer Connection ( after checking the Bug Parade for duplicates. Include your program and the following diagnostic in your report. Thank you.
- javac.opt.printflat=Print abstract syntax tree after inner class conversion
- javac.opt.bootclasspath=Override location of bootstrap class files
- javac.err.invalid.source=invalid source release: {0}
- javac.opt.g.lines.vars.source=Generate only some debugging info
- javac.opt.classpath=Specify where to find user class files