资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * File : d3dex1.c
- *
- * Abstract : A very simple Direct3D example which simply draws a
- * single, rotating, Gouraud shaded triangle in a fixed
- * size window.
- *
- * For code clarity a number of issues have not been
- * addressed in this sample. For example, full screen
- * operation, resizing the window, texture mapping are
- * not included. Furthermore, certain optimizations have
- * not been included where they would obfuscate the code.
- * Every attempt has been made to highlight these areas
- * will extensive comments.
- *
- * Author : Colin D. C. McCartney
- *
- * Date : 09/04/96
- *
- * Version : V1.0
- *
- * To do:
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- ***********************************************************************/
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Include files
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- #define INITGUID
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <ddraw.h>
- #include <d3d.h>
- #include "nowarn.h"
- #include "resource.h"
- // Multi-monitor support
- // Include this header file which has helper functions
- // which help us use get the right DirectDraw object for
- // the monitor(s) that we want to display on.
- #include "ddmm.h"
- #ifdef DEBUG
- // Make it possible to get reasonable symbols for crummy debuggers
- #define static
- #endif
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Constants
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Class name for this application's window class.
- */
- #define WINDOW_CLASSNAME "D3DSample1Class"
- /*
- * Title for the application's window.
- */
- #define WINDOW_TITLE "D3D Sample 1"
- /*
- * String to be displayed when the application is paused.
- */
- #define PAUSED_STRING "Paused"
- /*
- * Half height of the view window.
- */
- #define HALF_HEIGHT D3DVAL(0.5)
- /*
- * Front and back clipping planes.
- */
- #define FRONT_CLIP D3DVAL(1.0)
- #define BACK_CLIP D3DVAL(1000.0)
- /*
- * Fixed window size.
- */
- #define WINDOW_WIDTH 320
- #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 200
- /*
- * Maximum length of the chosen device name and description of the
- * chosen Direct3D device.
- */
- #define MAX_DEVICE_NAME 256
- #define MAX_DEVICE_DESC 256
- /*
- * Amount to rotate per frame.
- */
- #define M_PI 3.14159265359
- #define M_2PI 6.28318530718
- #define ROTATE_ANGLE_DELTA (M_2PI / 300.0)
- /*
- * Execute buffer contents
- */
- #define NUM_VERTICES 3UL
- #define NUM_STATES 8UL
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Macro funtions.
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Extract the error code from an HRESULT
- */
- #define CODEFROMHRESULT(hRes) ((hRes) & 0x0000FFFFUL)
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Global store
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Application instance handle (set in WinMain).
- */
- static HINSTANCE hAppInstance = NULL;
- /*
- * Running in debug mode?
- */
- static BOOL fDebug = FALSE;
- /*
- * Is the app. active?
- */
- static BOOL fActive = TRUE;
- /*
- * Has the app. been suspended?
- */
- static BOOL fSuspended = FALSE;
- /*
- * DirectDraw interfaces
- */
- static LPDIRECTDRAW lpdd = NULL;
- static LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpddPrimary = NULL;
- static LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE lpddPalette = NULL;
- /*
- * Direct3D interfaces
- */
- static LPDIRECT3D lpd3d = NULL;
- static LPDIRECT3DDEVICE lpd3dDevice = NULL;
- static LPDIRECT3DMATERIAL lpd3dMaterial = NULL;
- static LPDIRECT3DMATERIAL lpd3dBackgroundMaterial = NULL;
- static LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT lpd3dViewport = NULL;
- static LPDIRECT3DLIGHT lpd3dLight = NULL;
- static LPDIRECT3DEXECUTEBUFFER lpd3dExecuteBuffer = NULL;
- /*
- * Direct3D handles
- */
- static D3DMATRIXHANDLE hd3dWorldMatrix = 0UL;
- static D3DMATRIXHANDLE hd3dViewMatrix = 0UL;
- static D3DMATRIXHANDLE hd3dProjMatrix = 0UL;
- static D3DMATERIALHANDLE hd3dSurfaceMaterial = 0UL;
- static D3DMATERIALHANDLE hd3dBackgroundMaterial = 0UL;
- /*
- * Globals used for selecting the Direct3D device. They are
- * globals as it makes it easy for the enumeration callback
- * to read and write from them.
- */
- static BOOL fDeviceFound = FALSE;
- static DWORD dwDeviceBitDepth = 0UL;
- static GUID guidDevice;
- static char szDeviceName[MAX_DEVICE_NAME];
- static char szDeviceDesc[MAX_DEVICE_DESC];
- static D3DDEVICEDESC d3dHWDeviceDesc;
- static D3DDEVICEDESC d3dSWDeviceDesc;
- /*
- * The screen coordinates of the client area of the window. This
- * rectangle defines the destination into which we blit to update
- * the client area of the window with the results of the 3D rendering.
- */
- static RECT rDstRect;
- /*
- * This rectangle defines the portion of the rendering target surface
- * into which we render. The top left coordinates of this rectangle
- * are always zero and the right and bottom give the size of the
- * viewport.
- */
- static RECT rSrcRect = {0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT};
- /*
- * Angle of rotation of the world matrix.
- */
- static double dAngleOfRotation = 0.0;
- /*
- * Predefined transformations.
- */
- static D3DMATRIX d3dWorldMatrix =
- {
- D3DVAL( 1.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 1.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 1.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 1.0)
- };
- static D3DMATRIX d3dViewMatrix =
- {
- D3DVAL( 1.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 1.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 1.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 5.0), D3DVAL( 1.0)
- };
- static D3DMATRIX d3dProjMatrix =
- {
- D3DVAL( 2.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 2.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 1.0), D3DVAL( 1.0),
- D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL( 0.0), D3DVAL(-1.0), D3DVAL( 0.0)
- };
- // Multimonitor globals
- int hMonitor;
- char szMonitor[128];
- RECT rectMonitor;
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Function prototypes
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- static void ReportError(HWND hwnd, int nMessage, HRESULT hRes);
- static void FatalError(HWND hwnd, int nMessage, HRESULT hRes);
- static DWORD BitDepthToFlags(DWORD dwBitDepth);
- static DWORD FlagsToBitDepth(DWORD dwFlags);
- static void SetPerspectiveProjection(LPD3DMATRIX lpd3dMatrix,
- double dHalfHeight,
- double dFrontClipping,
- double dBackClipping);
- static void SetRotationAboutY(LPD3DMATRIX lpd3dMatrix,
- double dAngleOfRotation);
- static HRESULT CreateDirect3D(HWND hwnd);
- static HRESULT ReleaseDirect3D(void);
- static HRESULT CreatePrimary(HWND hwnd);
- static HRESULT RestorePrimary(void);
- static HRESULT ReleasePrimary(void);
- static HRESULT WINAPI EnumDeviceCallback(LPGUID lpGUID,
- LPSTR lpszDeviceDesc,
- LPSTR lpszDeviceName,
- LPD3DDEVICEDESC lpd3dHWDeviceDesc,
- LPD3DDEVICEDESC lpd3dSWDeviceDesc,
- LPVOID lpUserArg);
- static HRESULT ChooseDevice(void);
- static HRESULT CreateDevice(DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight);
- static HRESULT RestoreDevice(void);
- static HRESULT ReleaseDevice(void);
- static LRESULT RestoreSurfaces(void);
- static HRESULT FillExecuteBuffer(void);
- static HRESULT CreateScene(void);
- static HRESULT ReleaseScene(void);
- static HRESULT AnimateScene(void);
- static HRESULT UpdateViewport(void);
- static HRESULT RenderScene(void);
- static HRESULT DoFrame(HWND hwnd);
- static void PaintSuspended(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc);
- static LRESULT OnMove(HWND hwnd, int x, int y);
- static LRESULT OnSize(HWND hwnd, int w, int h);
- static LRESULT OnPaint(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpps);
- static LRESULT OnIdle(HWND hwnd);
- // Multimonitor
- static HRESULT CheckMonitors(HWND hwnd, BOOL fReset);
- WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
- int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR lpszCommandLine, int cmdShow);
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Macro functions
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- /***********************************************************************/
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define ASSERT(x) assert(x)
- #else
- #define ASSERT(x)
- #endif
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Used to keep the compiler happy about any unused parameters.
- */
- #define USE_PARAM(x) (x) = (x)
- /***********************************************************************/
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * Functions
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Report the given error by display a message box.
- */
- static void
- ReportError(HWND hwnd, int nMessage, HRESULT hRes)
- {
- HDC hdc;
- char szBuffer[256];
- char szMessage[128];
- char szError[128];
- int nStrID;
- /*
- * Turn the animation loop off.
- */
- fSuspended = TRUE;
- /*
- * Get the high level error message.
- */
- LoadString(hAppInstance, nMessage, szMessage, sizeof(szMessage));
- /*
- * We issue sensible error messages for common run time errors. For
- * errors which are internal or coding errors we simply issue an
- * error number (they should never occur).
- */
- switch (hRes)
- {
- default: nStrID = IDS_ERR_INTERNALERROR; break;
- }
- LoadString(hAppInstance, nStrID, szError, sizeof(szError));
- /*
- * Show the "paused" display.
- */
- hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
- PaintSuspended(hwnd, hdc);
- ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
- /*
- * Convert the error code into a string (not very informative but
- * it keeps the code simple).
- */
- wsprintf(szBuffer, "%sn%s (Error #%d)", szMessage, szError, CODEFROMHRESULT(hRes));
- MessageBox(hwnd, szBuffer, WINDOW_TITLE, MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL);
- fSuspended = FALSE;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Handle a fatal error. Displays the error message via a message box
- * and then destroys the window.
- */
- static void
- FatalError(HWND hwnd, int nMessage, HRESULT hRes)
- {
- /*
- * Report the error.
- */
- ReportError(hwnd, nMessage, hRes);
- fSuspended = TRUE;
- /*
- * And shut down.
- *
- * NOTE: We don't attempt to clean up. That will be done
- * when WM_DESTROY happens.
- */
- DestroyWindow(hwnd);
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Converts a bit depth into the appropriate DirectDraw bit depth flag.
- */
- static DWORD
- BitDepthToFlags(DWORD dwBitDepth)
- {
- switch (dwBitDepth)
- {
- case 1UL: return DDBD_1;
- case 2UL: return DDBD_2;
- case 4UL: return DDBD_4;
- case 8UL: return DDBD_8;
- case 16UL: return DDBD_16;
- case 24UL: return DDBD_24;
- case 32UL: return DDBD_32;
- default: return 0UL; /* Oh, please... */
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Convert bit depth flags to an acutal bit count. Selects the smallest
- * bit count in the mask if more than one flag is present.
- */
- static DWORD
- FlagsToBitDepth(DWORD dwFlags)
- {
- if (dwFlags & DDBD_1)
- return 1UL;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_2)
- return 2UL;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_4)
- return 4UL;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_8)
- return 8UL;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_16)
- return 16UL;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_24)
- return 24UL;
- else if (dwFlags & DDBD_32)
- return 32UL;
- else
- return 0UL; /* Oh, please... */
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Set the given matrix to a perspective transform for the given half
- * height and front and back clipping planes.
- */
- static void
- SetPerspectiveProjection(LPD3DMATRIX lpd3dMatrix,
- double dHalfHeight,
- double dFrontClipping,
- double dBackClipping)
- {
- double dTmp1;
- double dTmp2;
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dMatrix);
- dTmp1 = dHalfHeight / dFrontClipping;
- dTmp2 = dBackClipping / (dBackClipping - dFrontClipping);
- lpd3dMatrix->_11 = D3DVAL(2.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_12 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_13 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_14 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_21 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_22 = D3DVAL(2.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_23 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_24 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_31 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_32 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_33 = D3DVAL(dTmp1 * dTmp2);
- lpd3dMatrix->_34 = D3DVAL(dTmp1);
- lpd3dMatrix->_41 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_42 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_43 = D3DVAL(-dHalfHeight * dTmp2);
- lpd3dMatrix->_44 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Set the given matrix to a rotation about Y transform of the given
- * number of radians.
- */
- static void
- SetRotationAboutY(LPD3DMATRIX lpd3dMatrix, double dAngleOfRotation)
- {
- D3DVALUE dvCos;
- D3DVALUE dvSin;
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dMatrix);
- dvCos = D3DVAL(cos(dAngleOfRotation));
- dvSin = D3DVAL(sin(dAngleOfRotation));
- lpd3dMatrix->_11 = dvCos;
- lpd3dMatrix->_12 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_13 = -dvSin;
- lpd3dMatrix->_14 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_21 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_22 = D3DVAL(1.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_23 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_24 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_31 = dvSin;
- lpd3dMatrix->_32 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_33 = dvCos;
- lpd3dMatrix->_34 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_41 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_42 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_43 = D3DVAL(0.0);
- lpd3dMatrix->_44 = D3DVAL(1.0);
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Create the DirectDraw/3D driver object and get DirectDraw and Direct3D
- * interfaces for communicating with that object.
- */
- static HRESULT
- CreateDirect3D(HWND hwnd)
- {
- ASSERT(NULL == lpdd);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpd3d);
- /*
- * Create the DirectDraw/3D driver object and get the DirectDraw
- * interface to that object.
- */
- lpdd = DirectDrawCreateFromWindow(hwnd);
- if (lpdd == NULL)
- return E_FAIL;
- /*
- * As we are running in a window set the cooperative level to
- * normal. Also, to ensure that the palette is realized correctly
- * we need to pass the hwnd of the main window.
- */
- hRes = lpdd->lpVtbl->SetCooperativeLevel(lpdd, hwnd, DDSCL_NORMAL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Get the Direct3D interface to the DirectDraw/3D driver object.
- */
- hRes = lpdd->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(lpdd, &IID_IDirect3D, &lpd3d);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Release the DirectDraw/3D driver object.
- */
- static HRESULT
- ReleaseDirect3D(void)
- {
- if (NULL != lpd3d)
- {
- lpd3d->lpVtbl->Release(lpd3d);
- lpd3d = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpdd)
- {
- lpdd->lpVtbl->Release(lpdd);
- lpdd = NULL;
- }
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Create the primary surface (representing the desktop) and create and
- * attach a clipper and, if necessary, a palette.
- */
- static HRESULT
- CreatePrimary(HWND hwnd)
- {
- HDC hdc;
- int i;
- PALETTEENTRY peColorTable[256];
- ASSERT(NULL != hwnd);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpdd);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpddPrimary);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpddPalette);
- /*
- * Create the primary surface.
- */
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS;
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE;
- hRes = lpdd->lpVtbl->CreateSurface(lpdd, &ddsd, &lpddPrimary, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Create the clipper. We bind the application's window to the
- * clipper and attach it to the primary. This ensures then when we
- * blit from the rendering surface to the primary we don't write
- * outside the visible region of the window.
- */
- hRes = DirectDrawCreateClipper(0UL, &lpddClipper, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpddClipper->lpVtbl->SetHWnd(lpddClipper, 0UL, hwnd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- lpddClipper->lpVtbl->Release(lpddClipper);
- return hRes;
- }
- hRes = lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->SetClipper(lpddPrimary, lpddClipper);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- lpddClipper->lpVtbl->Release(lpddClipper);
- return hRes;
- }
- /*
- * We release the clipper interface after attaching it to the surface
- * as we don't need to use it again. The surface holds a reference to
- * the clipper when its been attached. The clipper will therefore be
- * released when the surface is released.
- */
- lpddClipper->lpVtbl->Release(lpddClipper);
- /*
- * If the primary is palettized then so will the device (the device
- * surface must have the same pixel format as the current primary if
- * we want to double buffer with DirectDraw). Hence, if the primary
- * is palettized we need to create a palette and attach it to the
- * primary (and to the device surface when we create it).
- */
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- hRes = lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->GetSurfaceDesc(lpddPrimary, &ddsd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- if (ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwFlags & DDPF_PALETTEINDEXED8)
- {
- /*
- * Initializing the palette correctly is essential. We are
- * running in a window so we need to be a good windows app
- * and not mess with the top ten and bottom ten static
- * colors. Therefore, we copy them from the system palette
- * and mark them as read only (D3DPAL_READONLY). The middle
- * 236 entries are free for use by Direct3D so we mark them
- * free (D3DPAL_FREE).
- *
- * NOTE: In order that the palette entries are correctly
- * allocated it is essential that the free entries are
- * also marked reserved to GDI (PC_RESERVED).
- *
- * NOTE: We don't need to specify the palette caps flag
- * DDPCAPS_INITIALIZE. This flag is obsolete. CreatePalette
- * must be given a valid palette entry array and always
- * initializes from it.
- */
- hdc = GetDC(NULL);
- GetSystemPaletteEntries(hdc, 0, 256, peColorTable);
- ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
- for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
- peColorTable[i].peFlags = D3DPAL_READONLY;
- for (i = 10; i < 246; i++)
- peColorTable[i].peFlags = D3DPAL_FREE | PC_RESERVED;
- for (i = 246; i < 256; i++)
- peColorTable[i].peFlags = D3DPAL_READONLY;
- hRes = lpdd->lpVtbl->CreatePalette(lpdd,
- peColorTable,
- &lpddPalette,
- NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->SetPalette(lpddPrimary, lpddPalette);
- return hRes;
- }
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Attempt to restore the video memory allocated for the primary. This
- * function will be invoked by a DirectX function returning
- * DDERR_SURFACELOST due to a mode switch or fullscreen DOS box
- * invalidating video memory.
- */
- static HRESULT
- RestorePrimary(void)
- {
- ASSERT(NULL != lpddPrimary);
- return lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->Restore(lpddPrimary);
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Release the primary surface and its attached clipper and palette.
- */
- static HRESULT
- ReleasePrimary(void)
- {
- if (NULL != lpddPalette)
- {
- lpddPalette->lpVtbl->Release(lpddPalette);
- lpddPalette = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpddPrimary)
- {
- lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->Release(lpddPrimary);
- lpddPrimary = NULL;
- }
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * This callback is invoked for each Direct3D device installed on the
- * system. For each device we get its identifying GUID, a name and
- * description, a description of its hardware and software capabilities
- * and a user argument (which we don't use).
- */
- EnumDeviceCallback(LPGUID lpGUID,
- LPSTR lpszDeviceDesc,
- LPSTR lpszDeviceName,
- LPD3DDEVICEDESC lpd3dHWDeviceDesc,
- LPD3DDEVICEDESC lpd3dSWDeviceDesc,
- LPVOID lpUserArg)
- {
- BOOL fIsHardware;
- LPD3DDEVICEDESC lpd3dDeviceDesc;
- /*
- * We don't use the user argument so just keep the compiler happy.
- */
- USE_PARAM(lpUserArg);
- /*
- * If there is no hardware support then the color model is zero.
- */
- fIsHardware = (0UL != lpd3dHWDeviceDesc->dcmColorModel);
- lpd3dDeviceDesc = (fIsHardware ? lpd3dHWDeviceDesc : lpd3dSWDeviceDesc);
- /*
- * If we are in debug mode and this is a hardware device skip it.
- */
- if (fDebug && fIsHardware)
- return D3DENUMRET_OK;
- /*
- * Does the device render at the depth we want?
- */
- if (0UL == (lpd3dDeviceDesc->dwDeviceRenderBitDepth & dwDeviceBitDepth))
- {
- /*
- * No skip this device.
- */
- return D3DENUMRET_OK;
- }
- /*
- * The device must support gouraud shaded triangles.
- */
- if (D3DCOLOR_MONO == lpd3dDeviceDesc->dcmColorModel)
- {
- if (!(lpd3dDeviceDesc->dpcTriCaps.dwShadeCaps & D3DPSHADECAPS_COLORGOURAUDMONO))
- {
- /*
- * No gouraud shading. Skip this device.
- */
- return D3DENUMRET_OK;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(lpd3dDeviceDesc->dpcTriCaps.dwShadeCaps & D3DPSHADECAPS_COLORGOURAUDRGB))
- {
- /*
- * No gouraud shading. Skip this device.
- */
- return D3DENUMRET_OK;
- }
- }
- if (!fIsHardware && fDeviceFound && (D3DCOLOR_RGB == lpd3dDeviceDesc->dcmColorModel))
- {
- /*
- * If this is software RGB and we already have found a software
- * mono already then we are not interested. Skip it.
- */
- return D3DENUMRET_OK;
- }
- /*
- * This is a device we are interested in - cache the details away.
- */
- fDeviceFound = TRUE;
- CopyMemory(&guidDevice, lpGUID, sizeof(GUID));
- strcpy(szDeviceDesc, lpszDeviceDesc);
- strcpy(szDeviceName, lpszDeviceName);
- CopyMemory(&d3dHWDeviceDesc, lpd3dHWDeviceDesc, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC));
- CopyMemory(&d3dSWDeviceDesc, lpd3dSWDeviceDesc, sizeof(D3DDEVICEDESC));
- /*
- * If this is a hardware device we have found what we are looking
- * for.
- */
- if (fIsHardware)
- /*
- * Keep looking...
- */
- return D3DENUMRET_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Choose an appropriate Direct3D using the following mechanism:
- *
- * 1) Discard any devices which don't match the current display depth.
- * 2) Discard any devices which can't do gouraud shaded triangles.
- * 3) If a hardware device is found which matches 1) and 2) use it.
- * However, if we are running in debug mode we will skip hardware.
- * 4) Otherwise favour Mono/Ramp mode software renderers over RGB ones
- * as, at least until MMX is widespread, Mono will be faster.
- *
- * The actual implementation of this mechanism is in the callback
- * function above.
- */
- static HRESULT
- ChooseDevice(void)
- {
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3d);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpddPrimary);
- /*
- * As we are running in a window we will not be changing the screen
- * depth and hence the pixel format of the rendering target must match
- * the pixel format of the current primary. Therefore, we need to
- * determine the pixel format of the primary.
- */
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- hRes = lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->GetSurfaceDesc(lpddPrimary, &ddsd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- dwDeviceBitDepth = BitDepthToFlags(ddsd.ddpfPixelFormat.dwRGBBitCount);
- /*
- * Enumerate the devices and pick one.
- */
- fDeviceFound = FALSE;
- hRes = lpd3d->lpVtbl->EnumDevices(lpd3d, EnumDeviceCallback, &fDeviceFound);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- if (!fDeviceFound)
- {
- /*
- * No suitable device was found. We have no alternative but to
- * fail creation entirely.
- */
- }
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Create an instance of the Direct3D device we choose earlier with the
- * given width and height.
- *
- * This function handles all aspects of the device creation including
- * choosing surface memory type, create the device surface, the z-buffer
- * (if necessary) and attaching the palette (if required).
- */
- static HRESULT
- CreateDevice(DWORD dwWidth, DWORD dwHeight)
- {
- LPD3DDEVICEDESC lpd3dDeviceDesc;
- DWORD dwDeviceMemType;
- DWORD dwZBufferMemType;
- DWORD dwZBufferBitDepth;
- ASSERT(NULL != lpdd);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3d);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpddPrimary);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpddDevice);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpd3dDevice);
- /*
- * The first step is to determine the kind of memory (system or
- * video) from which the device surface should be allocated.
- */
- if (0UL != d3dHWDeviceDesc.dcmColorModel)
- {
- lpd3dDeviceDesc = &d3dHWDeviceDesc;
- /*
- * Device has a hardware rasterizer. Currently this means that
- * the device surface must be in video memory.
- */
- }
- else
- {
- lpd3dDeviceDesc = &d3dSWDeviceDesc;
- /*
- * Device has a software rasterizer. We will let DirectDraw
- * decide where the device surface resides unless we are
- * running in debug mode in which case we will force it into
- * system memory. For a software rasterizer the z-buffer should
- * always go into system memory. A z-buffer in video memory will
- * kill performance.
- */
- dwDeviceMemType = (fDebug ? DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY : 0UL);
- }
- /*
- * Create the device surface. The pixel format will be identical
- * to the primary so we don't have to explicitly specify it. We do
- * need to explicity specify the size, memory type and capabilities
- * of the surface.
- */
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- ddsd.dwWidth = dwWidth;
- ddsd.dwHeight = dwHeight;
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE | DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN | dwDeviceMemType;
- hRes = lpdd->lpVtbl->CreateSurface(lpdd, &ddsd, &lpddDevice, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * If we have created a palette then we have already determined that
- * the primary (and hence the device surface) is palettized so
- * attach the palette to the device surface (its already attached to
- * the primary).
- */
- if (NULL != lpddPalette)
- {
- hRes = lpddDevice->lpVtbl->SetPalette(lpddDevice, lpddPalette);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- }
- /*
- * We now determine whether we need a z-buffer or not and if so
- * its bit depth.
- */
- if (0UL != lpd3dDeviceDesc->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth)
- {
- /*
- * The device supports z-buffering. Determine the depth. We
- * select the lowest supported z-buffer depth to save memory.
- * Accuracy is not too important for this sample.
- */
- dwZBufferBitDepth = FlagsToBitDepth(lpd3dDeviceDesc->dwDeviceZBufferBitDepth);
- /*
- * Create the z-buffer.
- */
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS |
- ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER | dwZBufferMemType;
- ddsd.dwWidth = dwWidth;
- ddsd.dwHeight = dwHeight;
- ddsd.dwZBufferBitDepth = dwZBufferBitDepth;
- hRes = lpdd->lpVtbl->CreateSurface(lpdd, &ddsd, &lpddZBuffer, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Attach it to the rendering target.
- */
- hRes = lpddDevice->lpVtbl->AddAttachedSurface(lpddDevice, lpddZBuffer);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- }
- /*
- * Now all the elements are in place (device surface in correct
- * memory type, attached z-buffer of correct depth and memory
- * type, and palette if necessary) we can actually query for the
- * Direct3D we choose earlier.
- */
- hRes = lpddDevice->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(lpddDevice,
- &guidDevice,
- &lpd3dDevice);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Restore the video memory for the device surface and z-buffer if it
- * has been lost.
- */
- static HRESULT
- RestoreDevice(void)
- {
- if (NULL != lpddZBuffer)
- {
- hRes = lpddZBuffer->lpVtbl->Restore(lpddZBuffer);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- }
- if (NULL != lpddDevice)
- {
- hRes = lpddDevice->lpVtbl->Restore(lpddDevice);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- }
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Release the Direct3D device and its associated surfaces.
- */
- static HRESULT
- ReleaseDevice(void)
- {
- if (NULL != lpd3dDevice)
- {
- lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->Release(lpd3dDevice);
- lpd3dDevice = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpddZBuffer)
- {
- lpddZBuffer->lpVtbl->Release(lpddZBuffer);
- lpddZBuffer = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpddDevice)
- {
- lpddDevice->lpVtbl->Release(lpddDevice);
- lpddDevice = NULL;
- }
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Attempt to restore all the surfaces used by the application.
- */
- static LRESULT
- RestoreSurfaces(void)
- {
- hRes = RestorePrimary();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = RestoreDevice();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Fill the single execute buffer used in this sample with all the
- * vertices, transform, light and render state and drawing primitives
- * necessary to draw our triangle.
- *
- * NOTE: This is not the most efficient way of organizing the execute
- * buffer. For best performance you want to minimize state changes. In
- * this sample we submit the execute buffer for each frame in the
- * animation loop and no state in the buffer is modified. The only
- * thing we modify is the world matrix (its contents - not its handle).
- * Therefore, it would be more efficient to extract all the static
- * state instructions into a separate execute buffer which we issue
- * once only at startup and, from then on, simply execute a second
- * execute buffer with vertices and triangles.
- * However, this sample is not exactly performance critical so we will
- * just use one execute buffer and resubmit it its entirety for each
- * frame.
- */
- static HRESULT
- FillExecuteBuffer(void)
- {
- LPD3DVERTEX lpVertex;
- LPD3DINSTRUCTION lpInstruction;
- LPD3DTRIANGLE lpTriangle;
- LPD3DSTATE lpState;
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dExecuteBuffer);
- ASSERT(0UL != hd3dSurfaceMaterial);
- ASSERT(0UL != hd3dWorldMatrix);
- ASSERT(0UL != hd3dViewMatrix);
- ASSERT(0UL != hd3dProjMatrix);
- /*
- * Lock the execute buffer.
- */
- ZeroMemory(&d3dExeBufDesc, sizeof(d3dExeBufDesc));
- d3dExeBufDesc.dwSize = sizeof(d3dExeBufDesc);
- hRes = lpd3dExecuteBuffer->lpVtbl->Lock(lpd3dExecuteBuffer, &d3dExeBufDesc);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * For explanatory purposes we fill the execute buffer by casting
- * a pointer to the execute buffer to the appropriate data structures.
- *
- * !!! NOTE: Issue - alignment.
- */
- lpVertex = (LPD3DVERTEX)d3dExeBufDesc.lpData;
- /*
- * First vertex.
- */
- lpVertex->dvX = D3DVAL( 0.0); /* Position in model coordinates */
- lpVertex->dvY = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- lpVertex->dvZ = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- lpVertex->dvNX = D3DVAL( 0.0); /* Normalized illumination normal */
- lpVertex->dvNY = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- lpVertex->dvNZ = D3DVAL(-1.0);
- lpVertex->dvTU = D3DVAL( 0.0); /* Texture coordinates (not used here) */
- lpVertex->dvTV = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- lpVertex++;
- /*
- * Second vertex.
- */
- lpVertex->dvX = D3DVAL( 1.0); /* Position in model coordinates */
- lpVertex->dvY = D3DVAL(-1.0);
- lpVertex->dvZ = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- lpVertex->dvNX = D3DVAL( 0.0); /* Normalized illumination normal */
- lpVertex->dvNY = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- lpVertex->dvNZ = D3DVAL(-1.0);
- lpVertex->dvTU = D3DVAL( 1.0); /* Texture coordinates (not used here) */
- lpVertex->dvTV = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- lpVertex++;
- /*
- * Third vertex.
- */
- lpVertex->dvX = D3DVAL(-1.0); /* Position in model coordinates */
- lpVertex->dvY = D3DVAL(-1.0);
- lpVertex->dvZ = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- lpVertex->dvNX = D3DVAL( 0.0); /* Normalized illumination normal */
- lpVertex->dvNY = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- lpVertex->dvNZ = D3DVAL(-1.0);
- lpVertex->dvTU = D3DVAL( 1.0); /* Texture coordinates (not used here) */
- lpVertex->dvTV = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- lpVertex++;
- /*
- * Transform state - world, view and projection.
- */
- lpInstruction = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)lpVertex;
- lpInstruction->bOpcode = D3DOP_STATETRANSFORM;
- lpInstruction->bSize = sizeof(D3DSTATE);
- lpInstruction->wCount = 3U;
- lpInstruction++;
- lpState = (LPD3DSTATE)lpInstruction;
- lpState->dtstTransformStateType = D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_WORLD;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = hd3dWorldMatrix;
- lpState++;
- lpState->dtstTransformStateType = D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = hd3dViewMatrix;
- lpState++;
- lpState->dtstTransformStateType = D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_PROJECTION;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = hd3dProjMatrix;
- lpState++;
- /*
- * Lighting state.
- */
- lpInstruction = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)lpState;
- lpInstruction->bOpcode = D3DOP_STATELIGHT;
- lpInstruction->bSize = sizeof(D3DSTATE);
- lpInstruction->wCount = 2U;
- lpInstruction++;
- lpState = (LPD3DSTATE)lpInstruction;
- lpState->dlstLightStateType = D3DLIGHTSTATE_MATERIAL;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = hd3dSurfaceMaterial;
- lpState++;
- lpState->dlstLightStateType = D3DLIGHTSTATE_AMBIENT;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = RGBA_MAKE(128, 128, 128, 128);
- lpState++;
- /*
- * Render state.
- */
- lpInstruction = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)lpState;
- lpInstruction->bOpcode = D3DOP_STATERENDER;
- lpInstruction->bSize = sizeof(D3DSTATE);
- lpInstruction->wCount = 3U;
- lpInstruction++;
- lpState = (LPD3DSTATE)lpInstruction;
- lpState->drstRenderStateType = D3DRENDERSTATE_FILLMODE;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = D3DFILL_SOLID;
- lpState++;
- lpState->drstRenderStateType = D3DRENDERSTATE_SHADEMODE;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = D3DSHADE_GOURAUD;
- lpState++;
- lpState->drstRenderStateType = D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE;
- lpState->dwArg[0] = TRUE;
- lpState++;
- /*
- * The process vertices instruction tells the driver what to
- * do with the vertices in the buffer. In this sample we want
- * Direct3D to perform the entire pipeline on our behalf so
- */
- lpInstruction = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)lpState;
- lpInstruction->bOpcode = D3DOP_PROCESSVERTICES;
- lpInstruction->bSize = sizeof(D3DPROCESSVERTICES);
- lpInstruction->wCount = 1U;
- lpInstruction++;
- lpProcessVertices = (LPD3DPROCESSVERTICES)lpInstruction;
- lpProcessVertices->wStart = 0U; /* First source vertex */
- lpProcessVertices->wDest = 0U;
- lpProcessVertices->dwCount = NUM_VERTICES; /* Number of vertices */
- lpProcessVertices->dwReserved = 0UL;
- lpProcessVertices++;
- /*
- * Draw the triangle.
- */
- lpInstruction = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)lpProcessVertices;
- lpInstruction->bOpcode = D3DOP_TRIANGLE;
- lpInstruction->bSize = sizeof(D3DTRIANGLE);
- lpInstruction->wCount = 1U;
- lpInstruction++;
- lpTriangle = (LPD3DTRIANGLE)lpInstruction;
- lpTriangle->wV1 = 0U;
- lpTriangle->wV2 = 1U;
- lpTriangle->wV3 = 2U;
- lpTriangle++;
- /*
- * Stop execution of the buffer.
- */
- lpInstruction = (LPD3DINSTRUCTION)lpTriangle;
- lpInstruction->bOpcode = D3DOP_EXIT;
- lpInstruction->bSize = 0UL;
- lpInstruction->wCount = 0U;
- /*
- * Unlock the execute buffer.
- */
- lpd3dExecuteBuffer->lpVtbl->Unlock(lpd3dExecuteBuffer);
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Create the elements making up the 3D scene.
- *
- * In this sample the scene consists of the single light, the viewport,
- * the background and surface material, the three transformation matrices
- * and the execute buffer holding the state changes and drawing primitives.
- */
- static HRESULT
- CreateScene(void)
- {
- D3DMATERIAL d3dMaterial;
- D3DLIGHT d3dLight;
- DWORD dwVertexSize;
- DWORD dwInstructionSize;
- DWORD dwExecuteBufferSize;
- D3DEXECUTEBUFFERDESC d3dExecuteBufferDesc;
- D3DEXECUTEDATA d3dExecuteData;
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3d);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dDevice);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpd3dViewport);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpd3dMaterial);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpd3dBackgroundMaterial);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpd3dExecuteBuffer);
- ASSERT(NULL == lpd3dLight);
- ASSERT(0UL == hd3dWorldMatrix);
- ASSERT(0UL == hd3dViewMatrix);
- ASSERT(0UL == hd3dProjMatrix);
- /*
- * Create the light.
- */
- hRes = lpd3d->lpVtbl->CreateLight(lpd3d, &lpd3dLight, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- ZeroMemory(&d3dLight, sizeof(d3dLight));
- d3dLight.dwSize = sizeof(d3dLight);
- d3dLight.dltType = D3DLIGHT_POINT;
- d3dLight.dcvColor.dvR = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- d3dLight.dcvColor.dvG = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- d3dLight.dcvColor.dvB = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- d3dLight.dcvColor.dvA = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- d3dLight.dvPosition.dvX = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- d3dLight.dvPosition.dvY = D3DVAL(-1.0);
- d3dLight.dvPosition.dvZ = D3DVAL(-1.0);
- d3dLight.dvAttenuation0 = D3DVAL( 1.0);
- d3dLight.dvAttenuation1 = D3DVAL( 0.1);
- d3dLight.dvAttenuation2 = D3DVAL( 0.0);
- hRes = lpd3dLight->lpVtbl->SetLight(lpd3dLight, &d3dLight);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Create the background material.
- */
- hRes = lpd3d->lpVtbl->CreateMaterial(lpd3d, &lpd3dBackgroundMaterial, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- ZeroMemory(&d3dMaterial, sizeof(d3dMaterial));
- d3dMaterial.dwSize = sizeof(d3dMaterial);
- d3dMaterial.dcvDiffuse.r = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvDiffuse.g = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvDiffuse.b = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvAmbient.r = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvAmbient.g = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvAmbient.b = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvSpecular.r = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvSpecular.g = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvSpecular.b = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dvPower = D3DVAL(0.0);
- /*
- * As this is the background material we don't want a ramp allocated (we
- * are not going to be smooth shading the background).
- */
- d3dMaterial.dwRampSize = 1UL;
- hRes = lpd3dBackgroundMaterial->lpVtbl->SetMaterial(lpd3dBackgroundMaterial,
- &d3dMaterial);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dBackgroundMaterial->lpVtbl->GetHandle(lpd3dBackgroundMaterial,
- lpd3dDevice,
- &hd3dBackgroundMaterial);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Create the viewport.
- *
- * The actual viewport parameter are set in the function UpdateViewport
- * which is called in response to WM_SIZE.
- */
- hRes = lpd3d->lpVtbl->CreateViewport(lpd3d, &lpd3dViewport, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->AddViewport(lpd3dDevice, lpd3dViewport);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dViewport->lpVtbl->SetBackground(lpd3dViewport, hd3dBackgroundMaterial);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dViewport->lpVtbl->AddLight(lpd3dViewport, lpd3dLight);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Create the matrices.
- */
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->CreateMatrix(lpd3dDevice, &hd3dWorldMatrix);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->SetMatrix(lpd3dDevice, hd3dWorldMatrix, &d3dWorldMatrix);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->CreateMatrix(lpd3dDevice, &hd3dViewMatrix);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->SetMatrix(lpd3dDevice, hd3dViewMatrix, &d3dViewMatrix);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->CreateMatrix(lpd3dDevice, &hd3dProjMatrix);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- SetPerspectiveProjection(&d3dProjMatrix, HALF_HEIGHT, FRONT_CLIP, BACK_CLIP);
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->SetMatrix(lpd3dDevice, hd3dProjMatrix, &d3dProjMatrix);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Create the surface material.
- */
- hRes = lpd3d->lpVtbl->CreateMaterial(lpd3d, &lpd3dMaterial, NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- ZeroMemory(&d3dMaterial, sizeof(d3dMaterial));
- d3dMaterial.dwSize = sizeof(d3dMaterial);
- /*
- * Base green with white specular.
- */
- d3dMaterial.dcvDiffuse.r = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvDiffuse.g = D3DVAL(1.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvDiffuse.b = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvAmbient.r = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvAmbient.g = D3DVAL(0.4);
- d3dMaterial.dcvAmbient.b = D3DVAL(0.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvSpecular.r = D3DVAL(1.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvSpecular.g = D3DVAL(1.0);
- d3dMaterial.dcvSpecular.b = D3DVAL(1.0);
- d3dMaterial.dvPower = D3DVAL(20.0);
- d3dMaterial.dwRampSize = 16UL;
- hRes = lpd3dMaterial->lpVtbl->SetMaterial(lpd3dMaterial, &d3dMaterial);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- hRes = lpd3dMaterial->lpVtbl->GetHandle(lpd3dMaterial, lpd3dDevice, &hd3dSurfaceMaterial);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Build the execute buffer.
- */
- dwVertexSize = (NUM_VERTICES * sizeof(D3DVERTEX));
- dwInstructionSize = (NUM_INSTRUCTIONS * sizeof(D3DINSTRUCTION)) +
- (NUM_STATES * sizeof(D3DSTATE)) +
- dwExecuteBufferSize = dwVertexSize + dwInstructionSize;
- ZeroMemory(&d3dExecuteBufferDesc, sizeof(d3dExecuteBufferDesc));
- d3dExecuteBufferDesc.dwSize = sizeof(d3dExecuteBufferDesc);
- d3dExecuteBufferDesc.dwFlags = D3DDEB_BUFSIZE;
- d3dExecuteBufferDesc.dwBufferSize = dwExecuteBufferSize;
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->CreateExecuteBuffer(lpd3dDevice,
- &d3dExecuteBufferDesc,
- &lpd3dExecuteBuffer,
- NULL);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Fill the execute buffer with the required vertices, state
- * instructions and drawing primitives.
- */
- hRes = FillExecuteBuffer();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Set the execute data so Direct3D knows how many vertices are in the
- * buffer and where the instructions start.
- */
- ZeroMemory(&d3dExecuteData, sizeof(d3dExecuteData));
- d3dExecuteData.dwSize = sizeof(d3dExecuteData);
- d3dExecuteData.dwVertexCount = NUM_VERTICES;
- d3dExecuteData.dwInstructionOffset = dwVertexSize;
- d3dExecuteData.dwInstructionLength = dwInstructionSize;
- hRes = lpd3dExecuteBuffer->lpVtbl->SetExecuteData(lpd3dExecuteBuffer, &d3dExecuteData);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Release all the objects comprising the 3D scene.
- */
- static HRESULT
- ReleaseScene(void)
- {
- if (NULL != lpd3dExecuteBuffer)
- {
- lpd3dExecuteBuffer->lpVtbl->Release(lpd3dExecuteBuffer);
- lpd3dExecuteBuffer = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpd3dBackgroundMaterial)
- {
- lpd3dBackgroundMaterial->lpVtbl->Release(lpd3dBackgroundMaterial);
- lpd3dBackgroundMaterial = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpd3dMaterial)
- {
- lpd3dMaterial->lpVtbl->Release(lpd3dMaterial);
- lpd3dMaterial = NULL;
- }
- if (0UL != hd3dWorldMatrix)
- {
- lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->DeleteMatrix(lpd3dDevice, hd3dWorldMatrix);
- hd3dWorldMatrix = 0UL;
- }
- if (0UL != hd3dViewMatrix)
- {
- lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->DeleteMatrix(lpd3dDevice, hd3dViewMatrix);
- hd3dViewMatrix = 0UL;
- }
- if (0UL != hd3dProjMatrix)
- {
- lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->DeleteMatrix(lpd3dDevice, hd3dProjMatrix);
- hd3dProjMatrix = 0UL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpd3dLight)
- {
- lpd3dLight->lpVtbl->Release(lpd3dLight);
- lpd3dLight = NULL;
- }
- if (NULL != lpd3dViewport)
- {
- lpd3dViewport->lpVtbl->Release(lpd3dViewport);
- lpd3dViewport = NULL;
- }
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Animate the scene.
- *
- * The animation in this sample is simply a rotation about the Y axis.
- * So all we need to do is build a rotation matrix and set the world
- * matrix to that new rotation matrix.
- *
- * Note, we don't need to modify the execute buffer in any way to peform
- * this rotation. We simply set the matrix and resubmit the execute
- * buffer.
- */
- static HRESULT
- AnimateScene(void)
- {
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dDevice);
- ASSERT(0UL != hd3dWorldMatrix);
- /*
- * We rotate the triangle by setting the world transform to a
- * rotation matrix.
- */
- SetRotationAboutY(&d3dWorldMatrix, dAngleOfRotation);
- dAngleOfRotation += ROTATE_ANGLE_DELTA;
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->SetMatrix(lpd3dDevice,
- hd3dWorldMatrix,
- &d3dWorldMatrix);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Update the viewport in response to a change in window size. This
- * ensures that we render at a resolution which matches the client
- * area of the target window.
- */
- static HRESULT
- UpdateViewport(void)
- {
- D3DVIEWPORT d3dViewport;
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dViewport);
- ZeroMemory(&d3dViewport, sizeof(d3dViewport));
- d3dViewport.dwSize = sizeof(d3dViewport);
- d3dViewport.dwX = 0UL;
- d3dViewport.dwY = 0UL;
- d3dViewport.dwWidth = (DWORD)rSrcRect.right;
- d3dViewport.dwHeight = (DWORD)rSrcRect.bottom;
- d3dViewport.dvScaleX = D3DVAL((float)d3dViewport.dwWidth / 2.0);
- d3dViewport.dvScaleY = D3DVAL((float)d3dViewport.dwHeight / 2.0);
- d3dViewport.dvMaxX = D3DVAL(1.0);
- d3dViewport.dvMaxY = D3DVAL(1.0);
- return lpd3dViewport->lpVtbl->SetViewport(lpd3dViewport, &d3dViewport);
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Render the 3D scene.
- *
- * Fundamentally this involved submitting our single execute buffer.
- * However, we also need to clear the back and z-buffers and demark
- * the start and end of the scene (which in this case is a single
- * execute).
- */
- static HRESULT
- RenderScene(void)
- {
- D3DRECT d3dRect;
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dViewport);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dDevice);
- ASSERT(NULL != lpd3dExecuteBuffer);
- /*
- * Clear both back and z-buffer.
- *
- * NOTE: Its safe to specify the z-buffer clear flag even if we
- * don't have an attached z-buffer. Direct3D will simply discard
- * the flag if no z-buffer is being used.
- *
- * NOTE: For maximum efficiency we only want to clear those
- * regions of the device surface and z-buffer which we actually
- * rendered to in the last frame. This is the purpose of the
- * array of rectangles and count passed to this function. It is
- * possible to query Direct3D for the regions of the device
- * surface that were rendered to by that execute. The application
- * can then accumulate those rectangles and clear only those
- * regions. However this is a very simple sample and so, for
- * simplicity, we will just clear the entire device surface and
- * z-buffer. Probably not something you want to do in a real
- * application.
- */
- d3dRect.lX1 = rSrcRect.left;
- d3dRect.lX2 = rSrcRect.right;
- d3dRect.lY1 = rSrcRect.top;
- d3dRect.lY2 = rSrcRect.bottom;
- hRes = lpd3dViewport->lpVtbl->Clear(lpd3dViewport,
- 1UL,
- &d3dRect,
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Start the scene.
- *
- * This function must be called once and once only for every frame
- * of animation. If you have multiple execute buffers comprising a
- * single frame you must have one call to BeginScene() before
- * submitting those execute buffers.
- *
- * NOTE: If you have more than one device being rendered in a
- * single frame, say a rear view mirror in a racing game, call
- * BeginScene() and EndScene() once for each device.
- */
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->BeginScene(lpd3dDevice);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * Submit the execute buffer.
- *
- * We want Direct3D to clip the data on our behalf so we specify
- */
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->Execute(lpd3dDevice,
- lpd3dExecuteBuffer,
- lpd3dViewport,
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->EndScene(lpd3dDevice);
- return hRes;
- }
- /*
- * End the scene.
- */
- hRes = lpd3dDevice->lpVtbl->EndScene(lpd3dDevice);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return hRes;
- /*
- * At this point the scene will have been rendered and the device
- * surface will hold the contents of the rendering.
- */
- return DD_OK;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * Render and show a single frame.
- *
- * This involves rendering the scene and blitting the result to client
- * area of the application window on the primary surface.
- *
- * NOTE: This function handles lost surfaces by attempting to restore
- * the applications surfaces and then retrying the rendering.
- */
- static HRESULT
- DoFrame(HWND hwnd)
- {
- /*
- * We keeping trying until we succeed or we fail for a reason
- * other than DDERR_SURFACELOST.
- */
- while (TRUE)
- {
- hRes = RenderScene();
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- {
- POINT pt;
- RECT rTmp;
- pt.x = pt.y = 0;
- ClientToScreen( hwnd, &pt );
- rTmp = rDstRect;
- // For multi-monitor systems, we need to translate
- // the Desktop coordinates into Device coordinates.
- pt.x -= rectMonitor.left;
- pt.y -= rectMonitor.top;
- OffsetRect(&rTmp, pt.x, pt.y);
- hRes = lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->Blt(lpddPrimary,
- &rTmp,
- lpddDevice,
- &rSrcRect,
- NULL);
- if (SUCCEEDED(hRes))
- /*
- * It worked. Bail.
- */
- return hRes;
- }
- while (DDERR_SURFACELOST == hRes)
- /*
- * The surfaces are lost. Restore them.
- */
- hRes = RestoreSurfaces();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- /*
- * Something went wrong and it wasn't DDERR_SURFACELOST.
- */
- return hRes;
- }
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /*
- * The application suspends when in the background or when handling and
- * error. We signal this fact by drawing a notification string in the
- * client area of the window.
- */
- static void
- PaintSuspended(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)
- {
- HPEN hOldPen;
- HBRUSH hOldBrush;
- COLORREF crOldTextColor;
- int oldMode;
- int x;
- int y;
- SIZE size;
- RECT rect;
- int nStrLen;
- /*
- * Black background.
- */
- hOldPen = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
- hOldBrush = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));
- /*
- * White text.
- */
- oldMode = SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);
- crOldTextColor = SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255));
- GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect);
- /*
- * Clear the client area.
- */
- Rectangle(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right + 1, rect.bottom + 1);
- /*
- * Draw the string centered in the client area.
- */
- nStrLen = strlen(PAUSED_STRING);
- GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, PAUSED_STRING, nStrLen, &size);
- x = (rect.right - size.cx) / 2;
- y = (rect.bottom - size.cy) / 2;
- TextOut(hdc, x, y, PAUSED_STRING, nStrLen);
- SetTextColor(hdc, crOldTextColor);
- SetBkMode(hdc, oldMode);
- SelectObject(hdc, hOldBrush);
- SelectObject(hdc, hOldPen);
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- static LRESULT
- OnMove(HWND hwnd, int x, int y)
- {
- hRes = CheckMonitors(hwnd, FALSE);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- return 0L;
- }
- /*
- * No action if the device has not yet been created or if we are
- * suspended.
- */
- if ((NULL != lpd3dDevice) && !fSuspended)
- {
- /*
- * Repaint the client area.
- */
- hRes = DoFrame(hwnd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_RENDERSCENE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- return 0L;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- static HRESULT
- CheckMonitors(HWND hwnd, BOOL fReset)
- {
- char szBuffer[128];
- if (!fReset && hMonitor == DirectDrawDeviceFromWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL))
- return S_OK;
- // If we do, then first release what we have so far
- ReleaseScene();
- ReleaseDevice();
- ReleasePrimary();
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- // Update our monitor information
- hMonitor = DirectDrawDeviceFromWindow(hwnd, szMonitor, &rectMonitor);
- // Now start from scratch
- hRes = CreateDirect3D(hwnd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- ReportError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_CREATEDEVICE, hRes);
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- return -1L;
- }
- hRes = CreatePrimary(hwnd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- ReportError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_INITSCREEN, hRes);
- ReleasePrimary();
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- return -1L;
- }
- hRes = ChooseDevice();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- ReportError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_NODEVICE, hRes);
- ReleasePrimary();
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- return -1L;
- }
- hRes = CreateDevice((DWORD)rSrcRect.right, (DWORD)rSrcRect.bottom);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_CREATEDEVICE, hRes);
- ReleaseDevice();
- ReleasePrimary();
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- return 0L;
- }
- hRes = CreateScene();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_BUILDSCENE, hRes);
- ReleaseDevice();
- ReleasePrimary();
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- return 0L;
- }
- hRes = UpdateViewport();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_UPDATEVIEWPORT, hRes);
- ReleaseScene();
- ReleaseDevice();
- ReleasePrimary();
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- return 0L;
- }
- /*
- * Update the title to show the name of the chosen device.
- */
- wsprintf(szBuffer, "%s: %s", WINDOW_TITLE, szDeviceName);
- SetWindowText(hwnd, szBuffer);
- return 0L;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /***********************************************************************/
- static LRESULT
- OnSize(HWND hwnd, int w, int h)
- {
- // Check if we need to update our monitor information
- // This can happen if our window is being sized onto
- // another monitor.
- hRes = CheckMonitors(hwnd, FALSE);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- return 0L;
- }
- /*
- * Nothing to do if we are suspended.
- */
- if (!fSuspended)
- {
- /*
- * Update the source and destination rectangles (used by the
- * blit which shows the rendering in the client area).
- */
- rDstRect.right = rDstRect.left + w;
- rDstRect.bottom = rDstRect.top + h;
- // If the window is sized to something larger than our initial size
- // then just use DDraw stretch. If it is something smaller
- // then reduce the complexity for Direct3D since the stretch
- // will just drop pixels anyhow.
- rSrcRect.right = min(w, WINDOW_WIDTH);
- rSrcRect.bottom = min(h, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
- if (NULL != lpd3dDevice)
- {
- /*
- * We already have a device. But is it big enough for the the
- * new window client size?
- *
- * NOTE: As this window is fixed size we should not ever be
- * end up being resized. But just in case we will handle it.
- * This will be useful when we make the application resizable.
- */
- ZeroMemory(&ddsd, sizeof(ddsd));
- ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd);
- hRes = lpddDevice->lpVtbl->GetSurfaceDesc(lpddDevice, &ddsd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_DEVICESIZE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- if ((w > (int)ddsd.dwWidth) || (h > (int)ddsd.dwHeight))
- {
- /*
- * Nope, the device is too small. We need to shut it down
- * and rebuild it.
- */
- /*
- * Execute buffers are bound to devices so when we release
- * the device we must release the execute buffer.
- */
- ReleaseScene();
- ReleaseDevice();
- }
- }
- if (NULL == lpd3dDevice)
- {
- /*
- * No Direct3D device yet. This is either because this is the
- * first time through the loop or because we discarded the
- * existing device because it was not big enough for the new
- * window client size.
- */
- hRes = CreateDevice((DWORD)w, (DWORD)h);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_CREATEDEVICE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- hRes = CreateScene();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_BUILDSCENE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- hRes = UpdateViewport();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_UPDATEVIEWPORT, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- /*
- * Render at the new size and show the results in the window's
- * client area.
- */
- hRes = DoFrame(hwnd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_RENDERSCENE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- return 0L;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- static LRESULT
- OnPaint(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpps)
- {
- USE_PARAM(lpps);
- if (!fSuspended && (NULL != lpd3dDevice))
- {
- /*
- * NOTE: DoFrame() re-renders the scene as well as blitting the
- * result to the primary. As all we really want to do here is
- * repaint the client area we don't really need to re-render -
- * just re-blit. For this simple sample this inefficiency
- * doesn't matter but for real applications not re-rendering
- * may be a useful optimization.
- */
- hRes = DoFrame(hwnd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_RENDERSCENE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Show the suspended image if we are not active, or suspended or
- * if we have not yet created the device.
- */
- PaintSuspended(hwnd, hdc);
- }
- return 0L;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- static LRESULT
- OnIdle(HWND hwnd)
- {
- /*
- * Only animate if we aren't suspended
- * and we have completed initialization.
- */
- if ( !fSuspended && (NULL != lpd3dDevice))
- {
- hRes = AnimateScene();
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_ANIMATESCENE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- hRes = DoFrame(hwnd);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_RENDERSCENE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- return 0L;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- HDC hdc;
- LRESULT lResult;
- switch (msg)
- {
- case WM_CREATE:
- hRes = CheckMonitors(hwnd, FORCE_RESET);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- return -1;
- return 0L;
- case WM_MOVE:
- return OnMove(hwnd, (int)(signed short)LOWORD(lParam), (int)(signed short)HIWORD(lParam));
- case WM_SIZE:
- return OnSize(hwnd, (int)LOWORD(lParam), (int)HIWORD(lParam));
- /*
- * Our rendering fills the entire viewport so we won't bother
- * erasing the background.
- */
- return 1L;
- case WM_PAINT:
- hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
- lResult = OnPaint(hwnd, hdc, &ps);
- EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
- return lResult;
- fActive = (BOOL)wParam;
- if (fActive && !fSuspended && (NULL != lpddPalette))
- {
- /*
- * Realizing the palette using DirectDraw is quite different
- * from GDI. To realize the palette we call SetPalette()
- * each time our application is activated.
- *
- * NOTE: DirectDraw spots the fact that the new palette is the
- * same as the old one and so does not increase the reference
- * count of the palette.
- */
- hRes = lpddPrimary->lpVtbl->SetPalette(lpddPrimary, lpddPalette);
- if (FAILED(hRes))
- {
- FatalError(hwnd, IDS_ERRMSG_REALIZEPALETTE, hRes);
- return 0L;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * If we have been deactived invalidate to show the suspended
- * display.
- */
- InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, FALSE);
- }
- return 0L;
- case WM_KEYUP:
- /*
- * We use the escape key as a quick way of getting out of the
- * application.
- */
- if (VK_ESCAPE == (int)wParam)
- {
- DestroyWindow(hwnd);
- return 0L;
- }
- break;
- case WM_CLOSE:
- DestroyWindow(hwnd);
- return 0L;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- /*
- * All cleanup is done here when terminating normally or
- * shutting down due to an error.
- */
- ReleaseScene();
- ReleaseDevice();
- ReleasePrimary();
- ReleaseDirect3D();
- PostQuitMessage(0);
- return 0L;
- }
- return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- int PASCAL
- WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
- HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
- LPSTR lpszCommandLine,
- int cmdShow)
- {
- WNDCLASS wndClass;
- HWND hwnd;
- MSG msg;
- USE_PARAM(hPrevInstance);
- /*
- * Record the instance handle.
- */
- hAppInstance = hInstance;
- /*
- * Very, very primitive command line processing. We only have one
- * option, debug so we will just assume that if anything was
- * specified on the command line that means debug mode (no hardware
- * all surfaces explicitly in system memory).
- */
- if (0 != *lpszCommandLine)
- fDebug = TRUE;
- /*
- * Register the window class.
- */
- wndClass.style = 0;
- wndClass.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
- wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
- wndClass.hInstance = hInstance;
- wndClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hAppInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPICON));
- wndClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wndClass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
- wndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wndClass.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASSNAME;
- RegisterClass(&wndClass);
- /*
- * Create the main window of the instance.
- */
- hwnd = CreateWindow(WINDOW_CLASSNAME,
- hInstance,
- NULL);
- ShowWindow(hwnd, cmdShow);
- UpdateWindow(hwnd);
- /*
- * The main message dispatch loop.
- *
- * NOTE: For simplicity we handle the message loop with a
- * simple PeekMessage scheme. This might not be the best
- * mechanism for a real application (a separate render worker
- * thread might be better).
- */
- while (TRUE)
- {
- if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0U, 0U, PM_REMOVE))
- {
- /*
- * Message pending. If its QUIT then exit the message
- * loop. Otherwise, process the message.
- */
- if (WM_QUIT == msg.message)
- {
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- TranslateMessage(&msg);
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Animate the scene.
- */
- OnIdle(hwnd);
- }
- }
- return msg.wParam;
- }
- /***********************************************************************/
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * End of file
- *
- ***********************************************************************/