- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | @(#) machblue_init.h
- |
- | JSWF: The Portable SWF Engine For Embedded Devices,
- | Copyright (c) 2002-2006, BlueStreak Technology Inc., All Rights Reserved.
- |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifndef _MACHBLUE_INIT_H_
- #define _MACHBLUE_INIT_H_
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Include definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "machblue_defines.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Macro definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Type definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Functions definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /** @defgroup mb_init_group Machblue Init API
- * @{
- * This is Machblue Init API. This api gives the ability to manufacturers
- * to configure and initialize Machblue depending on their needs.
- */
- /**
- * Initializes Machblue Player. mb_player_delete should be called
- * to release allocated resources when the host is no longer needed.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS in case of success, MB_FAILURE otherwise. Cases of
- * failure include insufficient memory etc.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_player_init
- (
- mb_init_config_t *config /**< pointer to a Machblue configuration structure to use
- for initialization values. The default configuration may be
- queried using mb_default_config_get */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes Machblue Player. This releases any resource allocated
- * by the Machblue Player.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS in case of success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- * Failure can occur when the extension has not been initialized.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_player_delete( void );
- /**
- * Initializes a Machblue configuration structure with
- * system default values. This does not change the system configuration.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS in case of success, MB_FAILURE otherwise. Cases of
- * failure include NULL pointer.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_default_config_get
- (
- mb_init_config_t *config /**< pointer to a machblue configuration structure to fill */
- );
- /**
- * Adds an additional document url scheme handle into Machblue DVB
- * host supported url scheme list.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates url_handle in case of success,
- * MB_FAILURE otherwise. Cases of failure includes invalid url handler
- * function table.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_url_scheme_handler_add
- (
- const char *url_scheme_name, /**< name of url scheme to add, ex: "http://" or "ftp://" */
- mb_url_handler_f *url_handler_f, /**< pointer to a machblue DVB url handler function that
- will be used to handle document transcations for that url sheme */
- void *uh_client_data, /**< client data that will be passed to the url handler every time
- it is invoked. May be NULL */
- mb_handle_t *url_handle /**< pointer to location to store handle of url scheme added */
- );
- /**
- * Removes a document url scheme from Machblue DVB host supported url
- * scheme list. @return a MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- * Cases of failure includes invalid url handler.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_url_scheme_handler_remove
- (
- mb_handle_t url_handler_h /**< handle of the url handler to remove */
- );
- /**
- * Adds a new script object to Machblue host.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates script_handle in case of success,
- * or MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_script_object_add
- (
- mb_script_object_t *script_object, /**< pointer to the code of the script object to add */
- mb_handle_t *script_handle /**< pointer to location to store handle of script object added */
- );
- /**
- * Removes a script object from Machblue host.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS in case of success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_script_object_remove
- (
- mb_handle_t script_object /** pointer to handle of the script object to remove */
- );
- /** @} */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- } /* extern "C" */
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /* _MACHBLUE_HOST_H_ */