- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | @(#) machblue_porting_core.h
- |
- | JSWF: The Portable SWF Engine For Embedded Devices,
- | Copyright (c) 2002-2006, BlueStreak Technology Inc., All Rights Reserved.
- |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Include definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "machblue_defines.h"
- #include "machblue_customer.h"
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Macro definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Type definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------
- | Functions definition below this line
- +----------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*
- * ======================= Porting Layer Init API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup init_group Porting Layer Init API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to initialize or delete the
- * core porting layer.
- */
- /**
- * Invoked by Machblue to initialize the porting layer. This
- * will be called before any calls to the porting layer.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_porting_layer_init
- (
- void *init_client_data /**< platform specific init client data specified in mb_init_config_t */
- );
- /**
- * Invoked by Machblue to delete the porting layer. Machblue will
- * not make any calls to the porting layer after this call
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_porting_layer_delete( void );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Memory Allocation API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup memory_alloc_group Memory Allocation API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to allocate memory from the platform.
- */
- /**
- * Allocates a memory chunk from the system heap. This function will only be called
- * if Machblue's heap is initialized as growable.
- * @return an aligned pointer to the allocated memory chunk on success or NULL on failure.
- */
- extern void *mb_malloc
- (
- mb_size_t size /**< size to allocate in bytes */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes a previously allocated memory chunk.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_free
- (
- void *ptr /**< previously allocated memory chunk to free */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Moveable Memory Block Allocation API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup memory_block_alloc_group Moveable Memory Block Allocation API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to allocate moveable memory blocks from
- * the platform.
- */
- /**
- * Allocates a movable memory block from the system heap.
- * On systems that do not support movable memory blocks, MB_FAILURE
- * should be returned. This function will only be called if Machblue's heap
- * is initialized as growable.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates "mem_block" on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_mem_block_alloc
- (
- mb_size_t size, /**< size to allocate in bytes */
- mb_mem_block_t *mem_block /**< pointer to mem block to allocate */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes a previously allocated memory block.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_mem_block_free
- (
- mb_mem_block_t mem_block /**< previously allocated memory block handle to free */
- );
- /**
- * Locks (pins) a memory block in memory.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and sets locked_prt to an aligned pointer to the
- * allocated memory block on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_mem_block_lock
- (
- mb_mem_block_t mem_block, /**< memory block handle to lock */
- void **locked_ptr /**< pointer to location to store pointer to locked memory block */
- );
- /**
- * Unlocks (unpins) a memory block
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_mem_block_unlock
- (
- mb_mem_block_t mem_block /**< memory block handle to unlock */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Synchronization API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup synchronization_group Synchronization API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's synchronization
- * api.
- */
- /**
- * Creates a new semaphore.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates "semaphore" or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_semaphore_create
- (
- mb_semaphore_t *semaphore, /**< pointer to semaphore to create */
- unsigned int initial_value /**< initial number of resource */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes a semaphore.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_semaphore_delete
- (
- mb_semaphore_t semaphore /**< semaphore to delete */
- );
- /**
- * Signals a counting semaphore (V).
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_semaphore_signal
- (
- mb_semaphore_t semaphore /**< counting semaphore to signal */
- );
- /**
- * Waits on a counting semaphore (P).
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_semaphore_wait
- (
- mb_semaphore_t semaphore /**< Semaphore to wait on */
- );
- /**
- * Tries to wait on a semaphore (non-blocking). Returns immediatly
- * (does not block) if the semaphore has a zero count otherwise atomically
- * decreases count (consumes the resource).
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_BUSY if the semaphore count is zero
- * or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_semaphore_trywait
- (
- mb_semaphore_t semaphore /**< Semaphore to wait on */
- );
- /**
- * Creates a new mutex. This should maps to the fast mutex implementation
- * (a.k.a. non reccursive mutex) on the platform.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and update "mutex" on success, or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_mutex_create
- (
- mb_mutex_t *mutex /**< pointer to mutex to create */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes a mutex.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_mutex_delete
- (
- mb_mutex_t mutex /**< mutex to delete */
- );
- /**
- * Locks a mutex.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_mutex_lock
- (
- mb_mutex_t mutex /**< mutex to lock */
- );
- /**
- * Unlocks a mutex
- *
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_mutex_unlock
- (
- mb_mutex_t mutex /**< mutex to unlock */
- );
- /**
- * Tries to lock a mutex (non-blocking). Returns immediatly (does
- * not block) if the mutex is already locked otherwise locks it.
- *
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_BUSY if the mutex is already locked
- * or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_mutex_trylock
- (
- mb_mutex_t mutex /**< mutex to lock */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Thread API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup thread_group Thread API API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's thread api.
- */
- /**
- * Creates a new thread.
- * @return a MB_SUCCESS and updates "tid" on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_thread_create
- (
- mb_tid_t *tid, /**< pointer to location to store new thread id */
- mb_thread_attributes_t *thread_attrib, /**< pointer to attributes of thread to create */
- mb_thread_start_function_t *start_function, /**< pointer to thread start function */
- void *arg /**< pointer to argument to pass to start function */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes a thread. This simply deletes the handle to the
- * trhead on platforms that have such a notion. The thread should
- * not be killed as a result of this call.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_thread_delete
- (
- mb_tid_t tid /**< tid of thread to delete */
- );
- /**
- * Joins (waits for completion of) a thread.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_thread_join
- (
- mb_tid_t tid /**< tid of thread to join */
- );
- /**
- * Gets the current thread id.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates tid on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_thread_id_get
- (
- mb_tid_t *tid /**< pointer to location to store current thread id */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Message Passing API ===================
- */
- /** @defgroup message_group Message Passing API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's message passing
- * api.
- */
- /**
- * Posts a message to a thread.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_msg_post
- (
- mb_tid_t tid, /**< tid to post message to */
- mb_message_t *msg /**< pointer to message to post */
- );
- /**
- * Waits for a message in the current thread mesasge queue.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_msg_wait
- (
- mb_message_t *msg /**< msg structure used to store received message */
- );
- /**
- * Gets a message from the current thread message queue without waiting.
- * If the queue is empty it @return immediatly.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS if a message was successfully retrieved, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_msg_get_no_wait
- (
- mb_message_t *msg /**< msg structure used to store received message */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Timer API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup timer_group Timer API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's timer
- * api.
- */
- /**
- * Sets Machblue's timer. The timer callback function should be invoked when
- * the specified delay expires. Machblue will only schedule one timer at a time.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_timer_set
- (
- long delay, /**< timer delay in milliseconds */
- mb_timer_callback_f *callback_f, /**< timer callback function */
- void *cb_client_data /**< timer callback function client data */
- );
- /**
- * Cancels Machblue's timer request.
- * This function cancels Machblue's timer request.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_timer_cancel( void );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Memory Utility API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup memory_util_group Memory Utility API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's memory utility
- * api.
- */
- /**
- * Sets a memory block to a given pattern.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_memset
- (
- void *ptr, /**< pointer to memory block to set */
- int pattern, /**< pattern to set */
- mb_size_t n /**< number of bytes to set */
- );
- /**
- * Moves n bytes from src to dest.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_memmove
- (
- void *dest, /**< destination to move bytes to */
- const void *src, /**< source to move bytes from */
- mb_size_t n /**< numbers of bytes to move */
- );
- /**
- * Copies n bytes from src to dest.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_memcpy
- (
- void *dest, /**< destination to copy bytes to */
- const void *src, /**< source to copy bytes from */
- mb_size_t n /**< numbers of bytes to copy */
- );
- /**
- * Compares n bytes from ptr1 against ptr2.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern int mb_memcmp
- (
- const void *ptr1, /**< pointer to first memory block to compare */
- const void *ptr2, /**< pointer to second memory block to compare */
- mb_size_t n /**< number of bytes to compare */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= String API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup string_group String API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's string formatting
- * api.
- */
- /**
- * Converts letter to upper case.
- * @return upper case letter (locale dependent).
- */
- extern int mb_toupper
- (
- int c /**< character to convert */
- );
- /**
- * Converts letter to lower case.
- * @return lower case letter (locale dependent).
- */
- extern int mb_tolower
- (
- int c /**< character to convert */
- );
- /**
- * Prints a formated string based on the specified format. The output
- * is stored in the provided string.
- * @return the number of characters printed.
- */
- extern int mb_sprintf
- (
- mb_char_t *str, /**< destination string */
- const mb_char_t *format, /**< printf format specification string */
- ... /**< argument list */
- );
- /**
- * Prints a formated string based on the specified format. The intended output
- * is stdout. It may be redirected at the customer discretion.
- * @return the number of characters printed.
- */
- extern int mb_printf
- (
- const mb_char_t *format, /**< printf format specification string */
- ... /**< argument list */
- );
- /**
- * Prints a formated string based on the specified format (variable argument
- * list version). The output is stored in the provided string.
- * @return the number of characters printed.
- */
- extern int mb_vsprintf
- (
- mb_char_t *str, /**< destination string */
- const mb_char_t *format, /**< printf format specification string */
- va_list args /**< argument list*/
- );
- /**
- * Prints a formated string based on the specified format(variable argument
- * list version). The intended output is stdout. It may be redirected at the
- * customer discretion.
- * @return the number of characters printed.
- */
- extern int mb_vprintf
- (
- const mb_char_t *format, /**< printf format specification string */
- va_list args /**< argument list */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Math API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup math_group Math API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's math api.
- * This api not used for critical operations in the player. So
- * a software fpu implementation is acceptable.
- */
- /**
- * Initializes the random number generator.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_srand
- (
- unsigned int seed /**< seed number */
- );
- /**
- * @return a random number between 0 and mb_rand_max().
- */
- extern int mb_rand( void );
- /**
- * @return the value of the maximum random number that can be returned by
- * mb_rand().
- */
- extern int mb_rand_max( void );
- /**
- * @return the absolute value of x.
- */
- extern float mb_fabsf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Arc Cosine of x.
- */
- extern float mb_acosf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Arc Sine of x.
- */
- extern float mb_asinf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Arc Tangent of x ( ]-pi/2,pi/2[ resolution ).
- */
- extern float mb_atanf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Arc Tangent of (y / x) for ]-pi,pi] / {-pi/2,pi/2} resolution.
- */
- extern float mb_atan2f
- (
- float y, /**< */
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Cosine of x.
- */
- extern float mb_cosf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Sine of x.
- */
- extern float mb_sinf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Tangent of x.
- */
- extern float mb_tanf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Exponential of x.
- */
- extern float mb_expf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the Natural Logarithm of x.
- */
- extern float mb_logf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the x raised to the power of y.
- */
- extern float mb_powf
- (
- float x, /**< */
- float y /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the square root of x.
- */
- extern float mb_sqrtf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the largest integer smaller than x.
- */
- extern float mb_floorf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the smallest integer larger than x.
- */
- extern float mb_ceilf
- (
- float x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the reminder of x / y (double version).
- */
- extern double mb_fmod
- (
- double x, /**< */
- double y /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return the reminder of x / y (float version).
- */
- extern float mb_fmodf
- (
- float x, /**< */
- float y /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return non zero if x is not a number, 0 otherwise.
- */
- extern int mb_isnan
- (
- double x /**< */
- );
- /**
- * @return non zero if x is a finite number, 0 otherwise.
- */
- extern int mb_finite
- (
- double x /**< */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Socket API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup socket_group Socket API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's socket api.
- */
- /**
- * Creates a new communication socket.
- * @return MB_SCCESS and updates "s" on success or MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_socket_create
- (
- mb_socket_t *s, /**< pointer to socket to create */
- mb_socket_type_t socket_type /**< socket type to create */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes a new communication socket.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_socket_delete
- (
- mb_socket_t s /**< socket to delete */
- );
- /**
- * Connects a stream socket to a remote host.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_socket_connect
- (
- mb_socket_t s, /**< socket to connect */
- const mb_char_t *hostname, /**< tcp/ip hostname of the host to connect to */
- unsigned int port /**< tcp/ip port to connect to */
- );
- /**
- * Disconnects a stream socket from a remote host. It is legal
- * for the client to disconnect a socket already disconnected by the
- * server (and vice-versa).
- *
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_socket_disconnect
- (
- mb_socket_t s /**< socket to disconnect */
- );
- /**
- * Polls a socket for a given event.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS if the event condition polled for is current, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_socket_poll
- (
- mb_socket_t s, /**< socket to poll */
- mb_socket_event_t event /**< event to poll for */
- );
- /**
- * Sends data over a connected stream socket.
- * @return the amount of data sent on success and a strcitly negative number
- * on failure.
- */
- extern mb_ssize_t mb_socket_send
- (
- mb_socket_t s, /**< socket to send data on */
- const void *msg, /**< message to send */
- mb_size_t length /**< size of the message to send in bytes */
- );
- /**
- * Receives data from a connected stream socket.
- * @return the amount of data read on success and a strcitly negative number
- * on failure.
- */
- extern mb_ssize_t mb_socket_recv
- (
- mb_socket_t s, /**< socket to receive data from */
- void *buf, /**< buffer to receive data in */
- mb_size_t length /**< length in bytes of buffer */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= File API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup file_group File API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's file api.
- */
- /**
- * Opens a file.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_file_open
- (
- mb_file_t *file, /**< pointer to file handle to store handle of newly opened file */
- const mb_char_t *path, /**< path of the file to open */
- const mb_char_t *mode /**< mode in which the file should be open: "r" for read only,
- "w" for write only, "rw" for read/write access and "a" for
- append mode. */
- );
- /**
- * Closes a file.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_file_close
- (
- mb_file_t f /**< file handle to close */
- );
- /**
- * Reads data from a file.
- * @return ther number of byte actually read.
- */
- extern mb_size_t mb_file_read
- (
- mb_file_t f, /**< file to read data from */
- void *ptr, /**< pointer to read data into */
- mb_size_t count /**< number of bytes to read */
- );
- /**
- * Writes data to a file.
- * @return ther number of byte actually written.
- */
- extern mb_size_t mb_file_write
- (
- mb_file_t f, /**< file to write data to */
- const void *ptr, /**< pointer to data to write */
- mb_size_t count /**< number of bytes to write */
- );
- /**
- * Removes a file from the file system.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_file_remove
- (
- const mb_char_t *pathname /**< pathname of the file to remove */
- );
- /**
- * Gets the statistics of a file.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_file_stats
- (
- const mb_char_t *pathname, /**< pathname of the file to stat */
- mb_file_stats_t *stats /**< user provided mb_file_stats_t structure used to store
- requested file statistics */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Directory API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup directory_group Directory API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's directory api.
- */
- /**
- * Opens a file.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_NOT_A_DIRECTORY if the requested name
- * is not a directory otherwise returns MB_FAILURE.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_dir_open
- (
- mb_dir_t *dir, /**< pointer to directory handle to store handle of newly
- opened directory */
- const mb_char_t *name /**< name of the directory to open */
- );
- /**
- * Closes a directory.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_dir_close
- (
- mb_dir_t dir /**< directory to close */
- );
- /**
- * Gets the first entry of a directory. mb_dir_entry_next may called
- * to get the next entries of the directory.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_dir_entry_first
- (
- mb_dir_t dir, /**< directory to query */
- mb_dir_entry_t *entry /**< pointer to directory entry to update */
- );
- /**
- * Gets the next entry of a directory. mb_dir_entry_first should be called
- * to get the first entry of the directory.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_dir_entry_next
- (
- mb_dir_t dir, /**< directory to query */
- mb_dir_entry_t *entry /**< pointer to directory entry to update */
- );
- /**
- * Removes a directory from the file system.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_dir_remove
- (
- const mb_char_t *pathname /**< absolute pathname of the directory to remove */
- );
- /**
- * Creates a new directory in the file system.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_dir_create
- (
- const mb_char_t *pathname /**< absolute pathname of the directory to create */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Surface API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup surface_group Surface API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's surface api.
- */
- /**
- * Creates a new surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates "surface" on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_create
- (
- mb_surface_t *surface, /**< pointer to surface to create */
- int width, /**< width of the surface to create */
- int height, /**< height of the surface to create */
- mb_pixel_format_t format /**< pixel format of the surface to create */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes a surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_delete
- (
- mb_surface_t surface /**< surface to delete */
- );
- /**
- * Computes the amount of memory that would be required to create a surface
- * with the provided attributes. size_req is updated with the amount of memory
- * required in case of success.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_requirement_get
- (
- int width, /**< width of the surface to estimate */
- int height, /**< height of the surface to estimate */
- mb_pixel_format_t format, /**< pixel format of the surface to estimate */
- mb_size_t *size_req /**< pointer to location to store size requirements */
- );
- /**
- * Queries the attributes of a surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_attributes_get
- (
- mb_surface_t surface, /**< surface to query */
- int *width, /**< pointer to location to store the width of
- the surface */
- int *height, /**< pointer to location to store the height of
- the surface */
- mb_pixel_format_t *format /**< pointer to location to store the pixel format
- of the surface */
- );
- /**
- * Clears a surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_clear
- (
- mb_surface_t surface, /**< surface to clear */
- mb_rect_t *rect, /**< rectangle area to clear */
- unsigned int color /**< color in surface color format */
- );
- /**
- * Locks a surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates locked_ptr on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- * The pitch value is updated in case of success.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_lock
- (
- mb_surface_t surface, /**< surface to lock */
- int *pitch, /**< pointer to int to store store surface pitch */
- void **locked_ptr /**< pointer to the location to store pointer to the
- locked surface buffer */
- );
- /**
- * Unlocks a surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_unlock
- (
- mb_surface_t surface /**< surface to unlock */
- );
- /**
- * Blits a surface into another surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_surface_blit
- (
- mb_surface_t dest_surface, /**< destination surface */
- mb_rect_t *dest_rect, /**< destination rectangle area to blit to */
- mb_surface_t src_surface, /**< source surface */
- mb_rect_t *src_rect, /**< source rectangle area to blit from */
- mb_blit_option_t options /**< blit options */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Font API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup font_group Font API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's font api.
- */
- /**
- * Creates a new font object.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS and updates "font" on success, MB_FAILURE othrewise.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_font_create
- (
- mb_font_t *font, /**< pointer to font to create */
- const mb_char_t *font_name, /**< name of the font to create */
- mb_font_style_t style, /**< style of the font to create */
- int size /**< size of the font to create */
- );
- /**
- * Deletes an existing font object.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_font_delete
- (
- mb_font_t font /**< font object to delete */
- );
- /**
- * Sets a new font size to the font object.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_font_size_set
- (
- mb_font_t font, /**< font object to modify */
- int new_size /**< new size to set */
- );
- /**
- * Gets a font object attributes.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_font_attributes_get
- (
- mb_font_t font, /**< font object to query */
- int *size, /**< pointer to int to store font size */
- int *ascender, /**< pointer to int to store font ascender */
- int *spacing /**< pointer to int to store font spacing */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Text Drawing API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup text_group Text Drawing API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's text drawing api.
- */
- /**
- * Gets a text extent (bounds).
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_text_bounds_get
- (
- const mb_char_t *text, /**< text to evaluate */
- int length, /**< length in characters of the text to evaluate */
- mb_font_t font, /**< font to use for the extent calculation */
- mb_rect_t *bounds /**< pointer to mb_rect_t used to store calculated extent */
- );
- /**
- * Draws a text into a surface.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success and MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_text_draw
- (
- const mb_char_t *text, /**< text to draw */
- int length, /**< length in characters of the text to draw */
- mb_surface_t surface, /**< destination surface to draw text to */
- mb_font_t font, /**< font to draw text with */
- mb_point_t *baseline_anchor_point, /**< anchor point to draw text at (relative to surface) */
- mb_rect_t *clipping_rect, /**< text clipping rectangle (relative to surface) */
- unsigned int color /**< color of the text to draw in native surface format */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= PCM engine API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup pcm_group PCM engine API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's pcm engine api.
- */
- /**
- * Opens device pcm engine for playback.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_pcm_engine_open
- (
- mb_pcm_engine_t *pcm_engine /**< pointer to pcm engine handle to store handle
- of newly opened pcm engine */
- );
- /**
- * Closes PCM engine.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_pcm_engine_close
- (
- mb_pcm_engine_t pcm_engine /**< PCM engine to close */
- );
- /**
- * Sets PCM engine format.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_pcm_engine_format_set
- (
- mb_pcm_engine_t pcm_engine, /**< pcm engine to configure */
- mb_pcm_format_t format, /**< pcm format requested */
- unsigned long sample_rate, /**< pcm sample rate requested in Hz */
- int n_channels /**< number of channels requested (1 for mono,
- 2 for stereo, etc.) */
- );
- /**
- * Plays a sample buffer on a PCM engine.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_pcm_engine_play
- (
- mb_pcm_engine_t pcm_engine, /**< pcm engine to play samples on */
- const void *sample_buffer, /**< sample buffer to play */
- int n_samples, /**< number of samples to play */
- mb_pcm_callback_f *callback_f, /**< callback function to invoke when playback is over */
- void *cb_client_data /**< callback function client data */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= Kernel Panic API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup kernel_panic_group Kernel Panic API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's kernel panic api.
- */
- /**
- * Invokes by Machblue when an unrecoverable error has been encountered.
- * @return none.
- */
- extern void mb_panic
- (
- const mb_char_t *str /**< panic string to display before aborting */
- );
- /** @} */
- /*
- * ======================= System Time API ===========================================
- */
- /** @defgroup system_time_group System Time API
- * @{
- * This API is used by Machblue to access the platform's system time api.
- */
- /**
- * Gets the current system time (UTC).
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_system_time_get
- (
- mb_system_time_t *system_time /**< pointer to mb_system_time_t structure to update */
- );
- /**
- * Gets the system time zone.
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE on failure.
- */
- extern mb_error_t mb_timezone_get
- (
- mb_timezone_t *timezone /**< pointer to mb_timezone_t structure to update */
- );
- /** @} */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- } /* extern "C" */
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /* _MACHBLUE_PORTING_CORE_H_ */