- //*****************************************************************************
- //File Name: kb_machblue_tv_record.c
- //
- //Description: record function
- //
- // used by Machblue DVB Player to access the system's Recorder engine
- // used by Machblue DVB Player to manipulate recordings
- //
- //Author: steven
- //
- //Date: 2007.01.20
- //
- //Version: v1.0
- //*****************************************************************************
- #include "machblue_defines.h"
- #include "machblue_porting_core.h"
- #include "machblue_tv_defines.h"
- #include "machblue_tv_customer.h"
- #include "machblue_tv_porting.h"
- #include "kb_machblue_client_data.h"
- #include "kb_machblue_client_define.h"
- /**
- * This function gets the system's recording space information.
- * used < pointer to long to store total recording space used in KB >
- * remaining < pointer to long to store total recording space remaining in KB >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_space_get(unsigned long *used,unsigned long *remaining)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function retrieves the number of recordings available
- * in the system.
- * recording_count < pointer to int to store event count >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_count_get(int *recording_count)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function retrieves recordings from the system.
- * This function is ASYNCHRONOUS. The system should send an
- * MB_TV_NR_RECORDINGS_GET notification once the request is completed.
- * first_recording_pos < position of the first recording to get (0 based) >
- * recording_count < pointer to number of recordings to retrieve.
- * This pointer should be updated with number of recordings actually retrieved >
- * recording_list < pointer to list of recordings to update >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recordings_get(int first_recording_pos,int *recording_count,mb_tv_recording_t *recording_list)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function releases a recording object.
- * recording < recording object to release >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_release(mb_tv_recording_t recording)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function records the specified event.
- * This function is ASYNCHRONOUS. The system should send an
- * MB_TV_NR_EVENT_RECORD notification once the request is completed.
- * event < event to record >
- * extra_time < additional time in seconds to record after the event as a safety gap for overflowing events >
- * periodicity < recording periodicity. i.e. if the event belongs to a series how often should we record it >
- * recording < pointer to newly created recording to update >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_event_record(mb_tv_event_t event,unsigned long extra_time,
- mb_tv_periodicity_t periodicity,mb_tv_recording_t *recording)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function records the specified service.
- * This function is ASYNCHRONOUS. The system should send an
- * MB_TV_NR_SERVICE_RECORD notification once the request is completed.
- * service < service to record >
- * start_time < recording start time in seconds since 01/01/70 UTC.
- If set to 0, then the recording should start imediately >
- * stop_time < recording stop time in seconds since 01/01/70 UTC.
- If set to 0, then the service will be recorded until stop is invoked on the recording. >
- * periodicity < recording periodicity. i.e. should we repeat this manual recording daily, weekly, etc. >
- * recording < pointer to newly created recording to update >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_service_record(mb_tv_service_t service,mb_time_t start_time,mb_time_t stop_time,
- mb_tv_periodicity_t periodicity,mb_tv_recording_t *recording)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- #if MB_PLAYER_1_2
- /**
- * This function specifies a list of recordings to delete in order
- * to resolve the specified conflict.
- * conflict < conflict to resolve >
- * recording_list < MB_TV_INVALID_RECORDING terminated list of recordings to delete to solve conflict >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_conflict_resolve(mb_tv_conflict_t conflict,mb_tv_conflict_item_t *conflict_item_list,int item_count)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function retrieves a recordings attributes.
- * recording < recording object to query >
- * recording_attrib < recording attributes structure to update >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_attributes_get(mb_tv_recording_t recording,mb_tv_recording_attributes_t *recording_attrib)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function retrieves a recording synthetized service.
- * recording < recording object to query >
- * service < pointer to recording service to update >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_service_get(mb_tv_recording_t recording,mb_tv_service_t *service)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function retrieves a recording state.
- * recording < recording object to query >
- * state < pointer to recording state to update >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_state_get(mb_tv_recording_t recording,mb_tv_recording_state_t *state)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function stops a recording. This only afects recordings
- * recording < recording object to stop >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_stop(mb_tv_recording_t recording)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**
- * This function deletes a recording.
- * recording < recording object to delete >
- * @return MB_SUCCESS on success, MB_FAILURE otherwise.
- */
- mb_error_t mb_tv_recording_delete(mb_tv_recording_t recording)
- {
- return MB_SUCCESS;
- }
- #endif