资源名称:MSDN_VC98.zip [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*==========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * File: dxa.cpp
- *
- * This file contains functions that make use of DirectX Animation
- * to render animation to a ddraw surface.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- #include "dxa.h"
- IDAViewPtr DXA::_view = NULL;
- /*
- * StartOle
- *
- * Start the Ole services.
- */
- struct StartOle {
- StartOle() { CoInitialize( NULL ); }
- ~StartOle() { CoUninitialize(); }
- } _inst_StartOle;
- /*
- * dump_com_error
- *
- * Dump the com error should an exception occurs in InitDXAViewObj.
- * This is mainly for debugging purpose.
- */
- void dump_com_error( _com_error &e )
- {
- char buf[2048];
- sprintf(buf, _T( "Oops - hit an error!ntCode = %08lxntCode meaning = %sn" ),
- e.Error(), e.ErrorMessage());
- OutputDebugString(buf);
- }
- /*
- * initDXAViewObj
- *
- * Create the DAView object, construct the model, then start the model.
- *
- */
- BOOL DXA::initDXAViewObj(IUnknown *ddsurf)
- {
- try {
- IDAStaticsPtr e;
- // Create the statics object
- e.CreateInstance( L"DirectAnimation.DAStatics" );
- // Create and establish the view
- _view.CreateInstance( L"DirectAnimation.DAView" );
- // Import Media (images and sound in this case). The
- // GetCurrentDirectory() (which will return the path to either
- // the debug or release sub directory) is used as a starting
- // point for relative file importing.
- TCHAR szMediaBase[_MAX_PATH];
- GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szMediaBase),szMediaBase);
- _tcscat(szMediaBase,_T("\..\..\..\..\..\media\"));
- _tcscpy(szImg,szMediaBase);
- _tcscpy(szGeo,szMediaBase);
- _tcscpy(szSnd,szMediaBase);
- _tcscat(szImg,_T("image\"));
- _tcscat(szGeo,_T("geometry\"));
- _tcscat(szSnd,_T("sound\"));
- IDAGeometryPtr rawSphere =
- e->ImportGeometry( _bstr_t(szGeo) + _bstr_t( "sphere.wrl" ) );
- IDAGeometryPtr rawCube =
- e->ImportGeometry( _bstr_t(szGeo) + _bstr_t( "cube.wrl" ) );
- IDAGeometryPtr rawCone =
- e->ImportGeometry( _bstr_t(szGeo) + _bstr_t( "cone.wrl" ) );
- IDAGeometryPtr rawCylinder =
- e->ImportGeometry( _bstr_t(szGeo) + _bstr_t( "cylinder.wrl" ) );
- // Import a sound, supply null as the second argument since we don't
- // want a length.
- IDASoundPtr snd = e->ImportSound( _bstr_t(szSnd) + _bstr_t( "etherial.mp2" ) )->Sound->Loop();
- // Size the objects down.
- IDATransform3Ptr scaler = e->Scale3UniformAnim( e->DANumber( 0.25 ) );
- IDAGeometryPtr sphere = rawSphere->Transform( scaler );
- IDAGeometryPtr cube = rawCube->Transform( scaler );
- IDAGeometryPtr cone = rawCone->Transform( scaler );
- IDAGeometryPtr cylinder = rawCylinder->Transform( scaler );
- IDAGeometryPtr xcone = cone->Transform( e->Rotate3Anim(
- e->GetXVector3(), e->DANumber( 3.1415927 ) ) );
- IDAColorPtr color1 = myColor( 0, 2, e );
- IDAColorPtr color2 = myColor( 0.25, 3, e );
- IDAColorPtr color3 = myColor( 0.5, 4, e );
- IDAColorPtr color4 = myColor( 0.75, 1, e );
- // Shapes to start with (many with time varying colors)
- IDAGeometryPtr shapes[] = {
- sphere->DiffuseColor( color1 ),
- sphere->DiffuseColor( color1 ),
- cone->DiffuseColor( color2 ),
- xcone->DiffuseColor( color2 ),
- cube->DiffuseColor( color3 ),
- cube->DiffuseColor( color3 ),
- cylinder->DiffuseColor( color4 ) };
- // Places to Translate them to.
- double tls[][3] = { { 0.75, 0, 0 },
- { -0.75, 0, 0 },
- { 0, 0.75, 0 },
- { 0, -0.75, 0 },
- { 0, 0, 0.75 },
- { 0, 0, -0.75 },
- { 0, 0, 0 } };
- // Go ahead and accumulate up the Translated geometry by cycling
- // through the arrays.
- IDAGeometryPtr geo = e->EmptyGeometry;
- for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof( shapes ) / sizeof( shapes[0] ); i++ ) {
- IDATransform3Ptr xf = e->Translate3Anim( e->DANumber( tls[i][0] ),
- e->DANumber( tls[i][1] ), e->DANumber( tls[i][2] ) );
- geo = e->UnionGeometry( geo, shapes[i]->Transform( xf ) );
- }
- // Set the whole thing in motion
- IDATransform3Ptr xf =
- e->Compose3( e->Rotate3Anim( e->GetXVector3(), e->LocalTime ),
- e->Compose3( e->Rotate3Anim( e->GetZVector3(), e->Mul( e->LocalTime, e->DANumber( 1.9 ) ) ),
- e->Compose3( e->Rotate3Anim( e->GetYVector3(), e->Mul( e->LocalTime, e->DANumber( 3.1415927 ) ) ),
- e->Scale3UniformAnim( e->DANumber( 0.75 ) ) ) ) );
- geo = geo->Transform( xf );
- // Render into an image, and overlay atop a solid image.
- IDAImagePtr geoIm = geometryImage( e->UnionGeometry( geo, e->DirectionalLight ), e );
- IDAImagePtr model = e->Overlay( geoIm, e->SolidColorImage( e->White ) );
- // Set the size of the viewport. Not doing this (as done in this
- // case) will render the animation accross the entire primary surface.
- _view->SetViewport(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
- // Let the view draw to the primary surface.
- _view->IDirectDrawSurface = ddsurf;
- _view->CompositeDirectlyToTarget = FALSE;
- // Start the model on the view.
- _view->StartModel(model, snd, 0);
- } catch (_com_error &e) {
- dump_com_error( e );
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- BOOL DXA::resetDXASurfaces(IUnknown *ddsurf)
- {
- try {
- _view->IDirectDrawSurface = ddsurf;
- } catch (_com_error &e) {
- dump_com_error( e );
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /*
- * geometryImage
- * Renders a geometry as an image
- */
- IDAImagePtr DXA::geometryImage( IDAGeometryPtr geo, IDAStaticsPtr e ) {
- IDACameraPtr cam = e->PerspectiveCameraAnim( e->DANumber( 1 ),
- e->DANumber( 0 ) )->Transform( e->Translate3Anim(
- e->DANumber( 0 ), e->DANumber( 0 ), e->DANumber( 2 ) ) );
- IDATransform2Ptr sc = e->Scale2UniformAnim( e->DANumber( 0.1 ) );
- return geo->Render( cam )->Transform( sc );
- }
- /*
- * myColor
- * Create a animated color whose saturation varies over time.
- */
- IDAColorPtr DXA::myColor( double hue, double saturationRate,
- IDAStaticsPtr e ) {
- IDANumberPtr sat = e->Add( e->Mul( e->Sin( e->Mul( e->LocalTime,
- e->DANumber( saturationRate ) ) ), e->DANumber( 0.5 ) ), e->DANumber( 0.5 ) );
- return e->ColorHslAnim( e->DANumber( hue ), sat, e->DANumber( 0.5 ) );
- }
- /*
- * tick
- * Ask DA to sample and display the model.
- */
- void DXA::tick() {
- static double startTime = 0;
- struct _timeb timebuffer;
- if (_view != NULL) {
- _ftime( &timebuffer );
- double thisTime = timebuffer.time + ( timebuffer.millitm / 1000.0 );
- if ( startTime == 0 ) {
- startTime = thisTime;
- thisTime = 0;
- }
- else
- thisTime -= startTime;
- _view->Tick(thisTime);
- _view->Render();
- }
- }