资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- //==========================================================================;
- //
- //
- // Copyright (C) 1993 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // mciapp.c
- //
- // Description:
- // This is a sample application that demonstrates how to use the
- // Media Control Interface (MCI) in Windows. This application is
- // also useful as an MCI device tester.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 6/93 created.
- //
- //==========================================================================;
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <mmsystem.h>
- #include <commdlg.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "appport.h"
- #include "app.h"
- #include "mciapp.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- //
- //
- //
- BOOL gfExecuting;
- BOOL gfAbortExec;
- HWND ghwndDevices;
- TCHAR gszNone[] = TEXT("(none)");
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppFileSaveModified
- //
- // Description:
- // This function tests if the current script has been modified, and
- // if it has it gives the option of saving the file.
- //
- // NOTE! This function does *NOT* clear the modified bit for the
- // script window. The calling function must do this if necessary.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // PTSTR pszFilePath: Pointer to null terminated file path of current
- // script. This buffer will receive the new file path if one is chosen.
- //
- // PTSTR pszFileTitle: Pointer to null terminated file title of
- // current script. This buffer will receive the new file title if one
- // is chosen.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // Returns TRUE if the calling function should continue--the file was
- // either saved or the user does not wish to save it. Returns FALSE
- // if the calling function should cancel its operation--the user
- // wants to keep the data, but it has not been saved.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 6/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppFileSaveModified
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PTSTR pszFilePath,
- PTSTR pszFileTitle
- )
- {
- BOOL f;
- int n;
- HWND hwndScript;
- //
- // check if the contents of the script window have been modified--if
- // they have then ask the user if they want to save the current
- // contents...
- //
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- f = Edit_GetModify(hwndScript);
- if (f)
- {
- //
- // display an appropriate message box asking for the user's opinion
- //
- switch (n)
- {
- case IDYES:
- f = AppFileSave(hwnd, pszFilePath, pszFileTitle, FALSE);
- if (f)
- break;
- // -- fall through --
- case IDCANCEL:
- //
- // don't continue!
- //
- return (FALSE);
- case IDNO:
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- // ok to continue...
- //
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppFileSaveModified()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppFileNew
- //
- // Description:
- // This function simply clears the script window. If a modified script
- // will be destroyed, then the user is asked if the script should be
- // saved first.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // PTSTR pszFilePath: Pointer to null terminated file path of current
- // script. This buffer will receive the newly initialized file path.
- //
- // PTSTR pszFileTitle: Pointer to null terminated file title of
- // current script. This buffer will receive the newly initialized file
- // title.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is TRUE if the script window was cleared. It is
- // FALSE if the user canceled the operation.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 6/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PTSTR pszFilePath,
- PTSTR pszFileTitle
- )
- {
- BOOL f;
- HWND hwndScript;
- //
- // test for a modified script first...
- //
- f = MciAppFileSaveModified(hwnd, pszFilePath, pszFileTitle);
- if (!f)
- return (FALSE);
- //
- // blow away all the text and set the modified bit to 'NOT'
- //
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- SetWindowText(hwndScript, gszNull);
- Edit_SetModify(hwndScript, FALSE);
- //
- // success
- //
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppFileNew()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppFileOpen
- //
- // Description:
- // This function opens the specified text file and copies the contents
- // of the file into the script edit control.
- //
- // NOTE! This function does NOT check for a modified script! It is
- // assumed that the calling function took care of everything before
- // calling this function.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // PTSTR pszFilePath: Pointer to null terminated file path to open as
- // an MCI script. This buffer will be returned with a fully qualified
- // path of the file that was opened (if successful).
- //
- // PTSTR pszFileTitle: Pointer to buffer to receive the file title of
- // the newly opened file. This buffer does not need to be initialized.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is TRUE if the function is successful. It is FALSE
- // if an error occurred. If an error does occur, then the contents
- // of the script window, pszFilePath and pszFileTitle will remain
- // unchanged.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 6/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PTSTR pszFilePath,
- PTSTR pszFileTitle
- )
- {
- #ifdef UNICODE
- HANDLE hf;
- #else
- #define SEEK_SET 0 // flags for _lseek
- #define SEEK_CUR 1
- #define SEEK_END 2
- HFILE hf;
- #endif
- HWND hwndScript;
- UINT uFileLen;
- LPTSTR psz;
- BOOL fReturn;
- //
- // open the file for reading..
- //
- #ifdef UNICODE
- hf = CreateFile(pszFilePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL,
- return (FALSE);
- #else
- of.cBytes = sizeof(of);
- hf = OpenFile(pszFilePath, &of, OF_READ);
- if (HFILE_ERROR == hf)
- return (FALSE);
- #endif
- //
- // assume the worst
- //
- fReturn = FALSE;
- //
- // determine the length in _bytes_ of the file--note that win 16 is
- // limited to 32k so big files get truncated... improperly.
- //
- // !!! need to handle files that are too big better !!!
- //
- #ifdef WIN32
- uFileLen = (UINT)GetFileSize((HANDLE)hf, NULL);
- #else
- uFileLen = (UINT)_llseek(hf, 0L, SEEK_END);
- _llseek(hf, 0L, SEEK_SET);
- #endif
- //
- // now read the contents of the file into a buffer--display an hour
- // glass in case the file is large and/or we are reading from a slow
- // device... note that the memory allocation may take some time if
- // the pager is in meltdown mode.
- //
- AppHourGlass(TRUE);
- for (;;)
- {
- //
- // allocate enough memory to hold the complete image of the file
- // plus one character for good measure (the forced null termination
- // could fault if don't add one char to size).
- //
- psz = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, uFileLen + sizeof(TCHAR));
- if (NULL == psz)
- break;
- //
- // read the file and copy the contents into the script window
- //
- #ifdef UNICODE
- fReturn = ReadFile(hf, psz, uFileLen, (LPDWORD)&uFileLen, NULL);
- if (!fReturn)
- break;
- #else
- uFileLen = _lread(hf, psz, uFileLen);
- if ((UINT)-1 == uFileLen)
- break;
- #endif
- //
- // make sure the text gets null terminated, then shove it into
- // the script window.
- //
- psz[uFileLen / sizeof(TCHAR)] = ' ';
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- #ifdef UNICODE
- //
- // determine whether the text is Unicode or ANSI: Unicode files
- // all start with a Byte Order Mark (BOM) that will be 0xFEFF in
- // the proper Endian for the file.
- //
- // !!! this application only deals with ANSI and Little Endian
- // Unicode files--should handle more gracefully if not...
- //
- if ((uFileLen >= sizeof(TCHAR)) && (psz[0] == 0xFEFF))
- {
- //
- // set the window text as Unicode--note that we do not send
- // the BOM, the edit control doesn't want it...
- //
- gfuAppOptions |= APP_OPTF_UNICODE;
- SetWindowTextW(hwndScript, (LPCWSTR)&psz[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- gfuAppOptions &= ~APP_OPTF_UNICODE;
- SetWindowTextA(hwndScript, (LPCSTR)psz);
- }
- #else
- SetWindowText(hwndScript, (LPCTSTR)psz);
- #endif
- //
- // now return the fully qualified path and title for the file
- //!!!
- #ifndef UNICODE
- lstrcpy(pszFilePath, of.szPathName);
- #endif
- if (NULL != pszFileTitle)
- {
- AppGetFileTitle(pszFilePath, pszFileTitle);
- }
- fReturn = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- AppHourGlass(FALSE);
- //
- // free memory (if allocated) and close the file. return the result
- // of our attempt...
- //
- if (psz)
- GlobalFreePtr(psz);
- #ifdef UNICODE
- CloseHandle(hf);
- #else
- _lclose(hf);
- #endif
- //
- // !!! before returning, we really should try to display a error
- // message... memory error, etc..
- //
- return (fReturn);
- } // MciAppFileOpen()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppFileSave
- //
- // Description:
- // This function saves the current script to the specified file.
- //
- // NOTE! This function does NOT bring up a save file chooser dialog
- // if the file path is invalid. The calling function is responsible
- // for making sure the file path is valid before calling this function.
- //
- // This function also does NOT modify the 'modified' bit of the script
- // window. This is up to the calling function.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // PCTSTR pszFilePath: Pointer to null terminated file path to save
- // the script to.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is TRUE if the function is successful. It is FALSE
- // if an error occurred. If an error does occur, then the contents
- // of the script window was not saved.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 6/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PCTSTR pszFilePath
- )
- {
- #ifdef UNICODE
- HANDLE hf;
- #else
- HFILE hf;
- #endif
- HWND hwndScript;
- UINT uFileLen;
- DWORD cbBytes;
- LPTSTR psz;
- BOOL fReturn;
- //
- // create the new file--if it already exists, this will open and init
- // it to zero length.
- //
- #ifdef UNICODE
- hf = CreateFile(pszFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ,
- return (FALSE);
- #else
- of.cBytes = sizeof(of);
- hf = OpenFile(pszFilePath, &of, OF_CREATE);
- if (HFILE_ERROR == hf)
- return (FALSE);
- #endif
- //
- // assume the worst
- //
- fReturn = FALSE;
- //
- // get the length in bytes of the script--we add 1 to the result
- // because GetWindowTextLength returns the length in bytes NOT including
- // the null terminator.
- //
- // !!! UNICODE !!!
- //
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- uFileLen = (UINT)GetWindowTextLength(hwndScript) + 1;
- //!!! nFileLen = nFileLen*sizeof(TCHAR); We write ASCII
- //
- // allocate a buffer to hold the script text, get the text, and write
- // it out. display an hour glass in case the file is large and/or we
- // are writing to a slow device...
- //
- AppHourGlass(TRUE);
- for (;;)
- {
- //
- // allocate enough memory to hold the complete image of the script
- //
- psz = GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, uFileLen + sizeof(TCHAR));
- if (NULL == psz)
- break;
- //
- // read the contents of the script window and write it to the
- // new file
- //
- #ifdef UNICODE
- // !!!! Save ASCII file
- GetWindowTextA(hwndScript, (LPSTR)psz, uFileLen);
- WriteFile(hf, psz, uFileLen, &cbBytes, NULL);
- #else
- GetWindowText(hwndScript, (LPTSTR)psz, uFileLen);
- cbBytes = (DWORD)_lwrite(hf, (LPSTR)psz, uFileLen);
- #endif
- //
- // succeed
- //
- fReturn = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- AppHourGlass(FALSE);
- //
- // free memory (if allocated) and close the file. return the result
- // of our attempt...
- //
- if (psz)
- GlobalFreePtr(psz);
- #ifdef UNICODE
- CloseHandle(hf);
- #else
- _lclose(hf);
- #endif
- //
- // !!! before returning, we really should try to display an error
- // message... memory error, etc..
- //
- return (fReturn);
- } // MciAppFileSave()
- //==========================================================================;
- //
- // MCI Device List stuff
- //
- //
- //
- //==========================================================================;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // UINT MciAppGetNumDevices
- //
- // Description:
- // This function sends a command to MCI querying it as to how many
- // devices are currently open in the system. This number is the
- // return value.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // Return (UINT):
- // Returns the number of currently open MCI devices in the system.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- UINT FNGLOBAL MciAppGetNumDevices
- (
- HWND hwnd
- )
- {
- MCIERROR mciError;
- DWORD dwDevices;
- //
- // set things up so that MCI puts the number of open devices directly
- // into dwDevices
- //
- msip.lpstrReturn = (LPVOID)&dwDevices;
- msip.dwRetSize = sizeof(dwDevices);
- //
- // ask MCI how many open devices are in the system--if this errors
- // then return 0...
- //
- mciError = mciSendCommand(MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID,
- (DWORD)(LPVOID)&msip);
- if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR == mciError)
- return ((UINT)dwDevices);
- return (0);
- } // MciAppGetNumDevices()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppDeviceListUpdate
- //
- // Description:
- // This function updates the MCI Device List window if it is displayed.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // BOOL fForceUpdate: Forces the list to be updated even if number
- // of devices has not changed.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // Returns TRUE if the device list needed to be updated. FALSE if
- // the list was fine...
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNLOCAL MciAppDeviceListUpdate
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- HWND hwndDevices,
- BOOL fForceUpdate
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szFormatDevice[] = TEXT("%2d. '%s'");
- static UINT uLastNumDevices;
- MCIERROR mciError;
- HWND hwndList;
- UINT uNumDevs;
- UINT u;
- //
- // if the devices window is not displayed, then fail..
- //
- if (NULL == hwndDevices)
- return (FALSE);
- uNumDevs = MciAppGetNumDevices(hwnd);
- //
- // if not being forced to update list, then make a quick check to
- // see if we should update the list...
- //
- if (!fForceUpdate && (uNumDevs == uLastNumDevices))
- return (FALSE);
- //
- // really update the device list...
- //
- uLastNumDevices = uNumDevs;
- //
- // initialize the devices listbox...
- //
- hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwndDevices, IDD_MCIDEVS_LIST_OPEN);
- ListBox_ResetContent(hwndList);
- SetWindowRedraw(hwndList, FALSE);
- //
- // get the name of each open device in the system and add it to the
- // device list box...
- //
- for (u = 1; u <= uNumDevs; ++u)
- {
- msip.dwNumber = u;
- msip.lpstrReturn = (LPVOID)&szDevName;
- msip.dwRetSize = SIZEOF(szDevName);
- //
- // get the name--if an error is encountered, then skip to the
- // next device...
- //
- mciError = mciSendCommand(MCI_ALL_DEVICE_ID,
- (DWORD)(LPVOID)&msip);
- if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR != mciError)
- continue;
- //
- // add the device name to the listbox..
- //
- wsprintf(ach, szFormatDevice, u, (LPSTR)szDevName);
- ListBox_AddString(hwndList, ach);
- }
- if (0 != uNumDevs)
- ListBox_SetCurSel(hwndList, 0);
- SetWindowRedraw(hwndList, TRUE);
- InvalidateRect(hwndList, NULL, TRUE);
- //
- // set the info button to the correct state: enabled if there are
- // devices open--disabled if no devices are open.
- //
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDevices, IDD_MCIDEVS_BTN_INFO), 0 != uNumDevs);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppDeviceListUpdate()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppCloseAllDevices
- //
- // Description:
- // This function sends the MCI command "close all" and then updates
- // the displayed info for the application.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // Always returns TRUE.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 8/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppCloseAllDevices
- (
- HWND hwnd
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szCloseAll[] = TEXT("close all");
- //
- // close all open devices and update the device list if it is being
- // displayed...
- //
- mciSendString(szCloseAll, NULL, 0, NULL);
- MciAppDeviceListUpdate(hwnd, ghwndDevices, FALSE);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppCloseAllDevices()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppDeviceDlgProc
- //
- // Description:
- // Callback function for the dialog box which displays a list of the
- // currently opened MCI devices.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to window.
- //
- // UINT uMsg: Message being sent to the window.
- //
- // WPARAM wParam: Specific argument to message.
- //
- // LPARAM lParam: Specific argument to message.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is specific to the message that was received. For
- // the most part, it is FALSE if this dialog procedure does not handle
- // a message.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNEXPORT MciAppDeviceDlgProc
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- UINT uMsg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam
- )
- {
- RECT rcApp;
- RECT rc;
- HFONT hfont;
- HWND hwndParent;
- UINT u;
- int n;
- switch (uMsg)
- {
- //
- // move the window so it sits in the upper right corner of the
- // main window by default...
- //
- GetWindowRect(GetParent(hwnd), &rcApp);
- GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
- n = (int)(rc.right - rc.left);
- rc.left = rcApp.right - n - 30;
- MoveWindow(hwnd, (int)rc.left, (int),
- n, (int)(rc.bottom -, FALSE);
- //
- //
- //
- hfont = GetStockFont(SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT);
- SetWindowFont(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_MCIDEVS_LIST_OPEN), hfont, FALSE);
- //
- // update the information displayed in the listbox
- //
- MciAppDeviceListUpdate(GetParent(hwnd), hwnd, TRUE);
- return (TRUE);
- case WM_COMMAND:
- u = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam);
- switch (u)
- {
- case IDCANCEL:
- case IDOK:
- //
- // return button id of the one that was pressed...
- //
- hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd);
- EndDialog(hwnd, u);
- ghwndDevices = NULL;
- gfuAppOptions &= ~APP_OPTF_DEVICELIST;
- SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndParent, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT));
- break;
- n = ListBox_GetCurSel(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_MCIDEVS_LIST_OPEN));
- if (LB_ERR == n)
- break;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- return (FALSE);
- } // MciAppDeviceDlgProc()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppDeviceList
- //
- // Description:
- // This function either displays or destroys the MCI device list
- // window.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // BOOL fActivate: TRUE if the device list window should keep
- // the activation. FALSE if the current active window should remain
- // active.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is TRUE if the device list is displayed. It is
- // FALSE if the device list has been canceled/closed.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppDeviceList
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- BOOL fActivate
- )
- {
- HWND hwndFocus;
- //
- // should we display or destroy it?
- //
- if (0 != (gfuAppOptions & APP_OPTF_DEVICELIST))
- {
- if (NULL != ghwndDevices)
- return (TRUE);
- hwndFocus = GetFocus();
- ghwndDevices = CreateDialog(ghinst, DLG_MCIDEVS, hwnd, (DLGPROC)MciAppDeviceDlgProc);
- if (NULL == ghwndDevices)
- {
- gfuAppOptions &= ~APP_OPTF_DEVICELIST;
- return (FALSE);
- }
- //
- // note that the window will 'flash' because we used CreateDialog
- // when creating the device list window. we keep the flash to
- // a minimum by creating the device window hidden and then showing
- // it... if you want to get rid of the flash completely, then
- // use CreateWindow and write a lot more code.
- //
- if (fActivate)
- {
- ShowWindow(ghwndDevices, SW_SHOW);
- }
- else
- {
- SetActiveWindow(hwnd);
- SetFocus(hwndFocus);
- ShowWindow(ghwndDevices, SW_SHOWNA);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- if (NULL != ghwndDevices)
- {
- EndDialog(ghwndDevices, IDOK);
- ghwndDevices = NULL;
- }
- return (FALSE);
- }
- } // MciAppDeviceList()
- //==========================================================================;
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //==========================================================================;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppUpdateOptions
- //
- // Description:
- // This function updates the options status window to reflect the
- // current status of the options.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // Always returns TRUE.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 8/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppUpdateOptions
- (
- HWND hwnd
- )
- {
- #ifdef UNICODE
- static TCHAR szFormatOptions[] = TEXT("%c%c%c%c");
- #else
- static TCHAR szFormatOptions[] = TEXT("%c%c%c");
- #endif
- //
- // format an appropriate string for the options
- //
- wsprintf(ach, szFormatOptions,
- #ifdef UNICODE
- (0 != (gfuAppOptions & APP_OPTF_UNICODE)) ? 'U' : '-',
- #endif
- (0 != (gfuAppOptions & APP_OPTF_EDITONLY)) ? 'E' : '-',
- (0 != (gfuAppOptions & APP_OPTF_YIELDEXEC)) ? 'Y' : '-',
- (0 != (gfuAppOptions & APP_OPTF_DEBUGLOG)) ? 'L' : '-');
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_OPTIONS), ach);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppUpdateOptions()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppResetStatus
- //
- // Description:
- // This function resets all of the status windows (status, notify,
- // and output). This is used when a new script is created/opened.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // Always returns TRUE.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppResetStatus
- (
- HWND hwnd
- )
- {
- //
- // nuke all status text...
- //
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_OUTPUT), gszNone);
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_STATUS), gszNull);
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_NOTIFY), gszNull);
- MciAppUpdateOptions(hwnd);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppResetStatus()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // void MciAppDebugLog
- //
- // Description:
- // This function logs information to the debugger if the Debug Log
- // option is set. You can then run DBWin (or something similar)
- // to redirect the output whereever you want. Very useful for debugging
- // MCI drivers.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // PCTSTR pszFormat: Pointer to any valid format for wsprintf.
- //
- // Return (void):
- // None.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- void FNCGLOBAL MciAppDebugLog
- (
- PCTSTR pszFormat,
- ...
- )
- {
- va_list va;
- //
- // !!! UNICODE !!!
- //
- //
- if (0 != (gfuAppOptions & APP_OPTF_DEBUGLOG))
- {
- //
- // format and display the string in a message box...
- //
- va_start(va, pszFormat);
- wvsprintf(ach, pszFormat, va);
- va_end(va);
- OutputDebugString(gszAppName);
- OutputDebugString(TEXT(": "));
- OutputDebugString(ach);
- OutputDebugString(TEXT("rn"));
- }
- } // MciAppDebugLog()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppHandleNotify
- //
- // Description:
- // This function handles displaying the notification message from
- // commands sent with the 'notify' option.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // UINT fuNotify: Notification flags (wParam) from MM_MCINOTIFY message.
- //
- // UINT uId: Device id sending notification.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // Always returns TRUE.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppHandleNotify
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- UINT fuNotify,
- UINT uId
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szFormatNotify[] = TEXT("Notify(%u,%u): %s");
- static TCHAR szDBFormatNotify[] = TEXT(" MCI Notify: Id=%u, Flag(%u)='%s'");
- HWND hwndNotify;
- UINT uIds;
- //
- //
- //
- //
- switch (fuNotify)
- {
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- LoadString(ghinst, uIds, ach, SIZEOF(ach));
- hwndNotify = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_NOTIFY);
- AppSetWindowText(hwndNotify, szFormatNotify, uId, fuNotify, (LPSTR)ach);
- //
- // !!! UNICODE !!!
- //
- MciAppDebugLog(szDBFormatNotify, uId, fuNotify, (LPSTR)ach);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppHandleNotify()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppErrorDlgProc
- //
- // Description:
- // Callback function for the dialog box which occurs during the
- // execution of an error in a loop of script commands. It displays
- // Abort, Continue and Ignore buttons.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to window.
- //
- // UINT uMsg: Message being sent to the window.
- //
- // WPARAM wParam: Specific argument to message.
- //
- // LPARAM lParam: Specific argument to message.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is specific to the message that was received. For
- // the most part, it is FALSE if this dialog procedure does not handle
- // a message.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNEXPORT MciAppErrorDlgProc
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- UINT uMsg,
- WPARAM wParam,
- LPARAM lParam
- )
- {
- UINT u;
- switch (uMsg)
- {
- return (TRUE);
- case WM_COMMAND:
- u = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam);
- switch (u)
- {
- case IDABORT:
- case IDOK:
- case IDIGNORE:
- //
- // return button id of the one that was pressed...
- //
- EndDialog(hwnd, u);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- return (FALSE);
- } // MciAppErrorDlgProc()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // MCIERROR MciAppSendString
- //
- // Description:
- // Sends the specified string command to an MCI device via the MCI
- // string interface. Any return strings from MCI devices are displayed
- // in the 'Output' text box. Error values are displayed in the status
- // bar.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // PCTSTR pszCommand: Pointer to the string command to be executed.
- //
- // Return (MCIERROR):
- // The return value is the result of the mciSendString() function.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PCTSTR pszCommand
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szFormatDBSendString[] = TEXT("mciSendString('%s')");
- static TCHAR szFormatOutput[] = TEXT("'%s'");
- static TCHAR szFormatDBOutput[] = TEXT(" MCI Output: '%s'");
- static TCHAR szFormatError[] = TEXT("MCI Error: [%lu], %s");
- static TCHAR szFormatDBError[] = TEXT(" MCI Error : [%lu], '%s'");
- HWND hwndOutput;
- HWND hwndStatus;
- MCIERROR mciError;
- //
- // reset the notify window text..
- //
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_NOTIFY), gszNull);
- //
- // send the string command to MCI--capture the return value and have
- // the notification code go to the main window (MM_MCINOTIFY)...
- //
- // !!! UNICODE !!!
- //
- MciAppDebugLog(szFormatDBSendString, (LPSTR)pszCommand);
- mciError = mciSendString(pszCommand, ach, SIZEOF(ach), hwnd);
- //
- // if the command errored, then beep the _speaker_ (-1). don't want
- // to use wave devices because many mci scripts use them..
- //
- if (MMSYSERR_NOERROR != mciError)
- MessageBeep((UINT)-1);
- MciAppDebugLog(szFormatDBOutput, (LPSTR)ach);
- //
- // put the text message returned by MCI into the 'Output' box
- //
- hwndOutput = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_OUTPUT);
- if (' ' == ach[0])
- SetWindowText(hwndOutput, gszNone);
- else
- AppSetWindowText(hwndOutput, szFormatOutput, (LPSTR)ach);
- //
- // decode the error number returned by MCI and display the string in
- // the status bar...
- //
- // !!! UNICODE !!!
- //
- mciGetErrorString(mciError, ach, SIZEOF(ach));
- MciAppDebugLog(szFormatDBError, mciError, (LPSTR)ach);
- hwndStatus = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_STATUS);
- AppSetWindowText(hwndStatus, szFormatError, mciError, (LPSTR)ach);
- //
- // update our list of currently open devices and stuff...
- //
- MciAppDeviceListUpdate(hwnd, ghwndDevices, FALSE);
- return (mciError);
- } // MciAppSendString()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppGetLine
- //
- // Description:
- // Retrieves the contents of line (uLine) from the script window.
- // The string is placed in the pszLineBuffer. All leading and trailing
- // spaces (and comments) are removed.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwndScript: Handle to script window (multiline edit control)
- // to extract nLine from.
- //
- // int nLine: Line index (zero based) to retrieve.
- //
- // PTSTR pszBuffer: Pointer to string buffer to receive nLine's
- // contents.
- //
- // UINT cchBuffer: Size of pszBuffer is _characters_.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is TRUE if nLine was extracted from the script
- // window. The return value is FALSE if nLine is out of range for
- // the current contents of the script window.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwndScript,
- int nLine,
- PTSTR pszBuffer,
- UINT cchBuffer
- )
- {
- #define IS_SPACE(c) (' ' == (c) || 't' == (c))
- #define IS_EOL(c) ('n' == (c) || 'r' == (c))
- #define IS_WHITE(c) (IS_SPACE(c) || IS_EOL(c))
- int nNumLines;
- //
- // find out how many lines are in the script window--if it is out of
- // range then fail....
- //
- nNumLines = Edit_GetLineCount(hwndScript);
- if ((nLine < 0) || (nLine >= nNumLines))
- {
- pszBuffer[0] = ' ';
- return (FALSE);
- }
- //
- // read the line requested into the string buffer..
- //
- cchBuffer = Edit_GetLine(hwndScript, nLine, pszBuffer, cchBuffer);
- //
- // strip trailing spaces
- //
- while ((cchBuffer > 0) && IS_WHITE(pszBuffer[cchBuffer - 1]))
- {
- cchBuffer--;
- }
- pszBuffer[cchBuffer] = ' ';
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppGetLine()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppInternalCommand
- //
- // Description:
- //
- //
- // Arguments:
- //
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- //
- //
- // History:
- // 2/20/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNLOCAL MciAppInternalCommand
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PTSTR pszCommandLine,
- BOOL fYield
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szWhiteToken[] = " tn";
- static TCHAR szTokenSleep[] = "sleep";
- static TCHAR szTokenPause[] = "pause";
- static TCHAR szFormatError[] = TEXT("INTERNAL Error: Command (%s), %s.");
- static TCHAR szFormatDBError[] = TEXT(" ICmd Error: Command (%s), %s.");
- static TCHAR szSleepComplete[] = TEXT("Sleep complete.");
- static TCHAR szSleepDBComplete[] = TEXT(" Sleeping: sleep complete.");
- static TCHAR szErrorBadCmd[] = TEXT("unrecognized command");
- static TCHAR szErrorBadParam[] = TEXT("invalid parameter");
- static TCHAR szErrorParamRqd[] = TEXT("parameter(s) required");
- static TCHAR szFormatSleeping[] = TEXT("Sleeping for %lu %s...");
- static TCHAR szSeconds[] = TEXT("seconds");
- static TCHAR szMilliseconds[] = TEXT("milliseconds");
- static TCHAR szMinutes[] = TEXT("minutes");
- static TCHAR szHours[] = TEXT("hours");
- PTSTR pchToken;
- PTSTR pchCommand;
- HWND hwndStatus;
- long l;
- DWORD dwSleep;
- PTSTR szSleepUnit;
- //
- // parse the internal command line...
- //
- pchToken = strtok(pszCommandLine, szWhiteToken);
- if (NULL == pchToken)
- return (TRUE);
- hwndStatus = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_STATUS);
- pchCommand = pchToken;
- //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
- //
- // sleep x [ms | s | m | h] (default is milliseconds)
- // pause x [ms | s | m | h] (default is milliseconds)
- //
- //
- //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
- if ((0 == lstrcmpi(pchCommand, szTokenSleep)) ||
- (0 == lstrcmpi(pchCommand, szTokenPause)))
- {
- pchToken = strtok(NULL, szWhiteToken);
- if (NULL == pchToken)
- {
- MessageBeep((UINT)-1);
- AppSetWindowText(hwndStatus, szFormatError,
- (LPSTR)pchCommand, (LPSTR)szErrorParamRqd);
- MciAppDebugLog(szFormatDBError, (LPSTR)pchCommand,
- (LPSTR)szErrorParamRqd);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- //
- // assume the first token after sleep/pause command is a
- // number--do not allow zero or negative numbers!
- //
- l = atol(pchToken);
- if (0 >= l)
- {
- MessageBeep((UINT)-1);
- AppSetWindowText(hwndStatus, szFormatError,
- (LPSTR)pchCommand, (LPSTR)szErrorBadParam);
- MciAppDebugLog(szFormatDBError, (LPSTR)pchCommand,
- (LPSTR)szErrorBadParam);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- //
- // now see what unit
- //
- dwSleep = (DWORD)l;
- szSleepUnit = szMilliseconds;
- pchToken = strtok(NULL, szWhiteToken);
- if (NULL != pchToken)
- {
- switch (pchToken[0])
- {
- case 's':
- case 'S':
- dwSleep *= 1000;
- szSleepUnit = szSeconds;
- break;
- case 'm':
- case 'M':
- //
- // if unit marker is not 'ms' then assume minutes
- //
- if ('s' != pchToken[1])
- {
- dwSleep *= 1000L * 60;
- szSleepUnit = szMinutes;
- }
- break;
- case 'h':
- case 'H':
- dwSleep *= 1000L * 60 * 60;
- szSleepUnit = szHours;
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- //
- //
- AppSetWindowText(hwndStatus, szFormatSleeping, l, (LPSTR)szSleepUnit);
- MciAppDebugLog(szFormatSleeping, l, (LPSTR)szSleepUnit);
- if (!fYield)
- UpdateWindow(hwndStatus);
- //
- // !!! broken !!!
- //
- //
- #ifdef WIN32
- Sleep(dwSleep);
- #else
- {
- DWORD dwStart;
- if (!fYield)
- AppHourGlass(TRUE);
- dwStart = timeGetTime();
- while ((timeGetTime() - dwStart) < dwSleep)
- {
- if (fYield)
- {
- AppYield(hwnd, FALSE);
- if (gfAbortExec)
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) < 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!fYield)
- AppHourGlass(FALSE);
- }
- #endif
- AppSetWindowText(hwndStatus, szSleepComplete);
- MciAppDebugLog(szSleepDBComplete);
- if (!fYield)
- UpdateWindow(hwndStatus);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
- //
- // unrecognized command...
- //
- //
- //- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;
- MessageBeep((UINT)-1);
- AppSetWindowText(hwndStatus, szFormatError,
- (LPSTR)pchCommand, (LPSTR)szErrorBadCmd);
- MciAppDebugLog(szFormatDBError, (LPSTR)pchCommand, (LPSTR)szErrorBadCmd);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppInternalCommand()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // MCIERROR MciAppSingleStep
- //
- // Description:
- // Executes one line from the script window.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // Return (MCIERROR):
- // The return value is the MCIERROR return value from mciSendString.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd
- )
- {
- HWND hwndScript;
- int nLine;
- int nLineStart;
- int nSelStart;
- int nSelEnd;
- MCIERROR mciError;
- BOOL fDidOne;
- //
- // initialize a bunch of stuff...
- //
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- fDidOne = FALSE;
- nLineStart = Edit_LineFromChar(hwndScript, -1);
- nLine = nLineStart;
- //
- // step through the script starting with the current line until we
- // execute one non-comment/blank line...
- //
- for ( ; MciAppGetLine(hwndScript, nLine, ach, SIZEOF(ach)); nLine++)
- {
- //
- // select the current line that is going to be executed....
- //
- nSelStart = Edit_LineIndex(hwndScript, nLine);
- nSelEnd = Edit_LineIndex(hwndScript, nLine + 1);
- if (nSelEnd < nSelStart)
- nSelEnd = 0x7FFF;
- else if (nSelEnd > nSelStart)
- nSelEnd -= 1;
- Edit_SetSel(hwndScript, nSelStart, nSelEnd);
- //
- // anything worth doing something with?
- //
- if ((' ' == ach[0]) || (';' == ach[0]))
- continue;
- //
- // if first character is '!' then process rest of line as an
- // internale MCI App command...
- //
- if ('!' == ach[0])
- {
- MciAppInternalCommand(hwnd, &ach[1], FALSE);
- continue;
- }
- //
- // if we have actually executed a line, then break out... we do
- // this so the above code will have selected the next line for
- // single stepping.
- //
- if (fDidOne)
- break;
- //
- // send the command on the current line to MCI via the string
- // interface.
- //
- mciError = MciAppSendString(hwnd, ach);
- fDidOne = TRUE;
- }
- SetFocus(hwndScript);
- return (mciError);
- } // MciAppSingleStep()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // MCIERROR MciAppExecute
- //
- // Description:
- // Executes the MCI command which is currently selected in the script
- // window. If fSingleStep is TRUE, then only this one line will be
- // executed. Otherwise, every line from the currently selected line to
- // the last line in the script window will be executed sequentially.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // BOOL fYield: TRUE if execution should yield between MCI commands.
- //
- // Return (MCIERROR):
- // The return value is the last MCIERROR return value from executing.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- BOOL fYield
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szFormatRuncount[] = TEXT("%u");
- HWND hwndScript;
- HWND hwndRuncount;
- UINT uRunCount;
- UINT u;
- UINT uLinesExecuted;
- int n;
- int nLine;
- int nLineStart;
- int nSelStart;
- int nSelEnd;
- MCIERROR mciError;
- BOOL fIgnoreErrors;
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- hwndRuncount = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_RUNCOUNT);
- uRunCount = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_RUNCOUNT, NULL, TRUE);
- uLinesExecuted = 0;
- fIgnoreErrors = FALSE;
- gfExecuting = TRUE;
- gfAbortExec = FALSE;
- //
- // if we are yielding, then disable a bunch of controls...
- //
- // if we are not yielding during then bring up an hour glass to show
- // we be busy... don't bother with disabling controls--they can't
- // be used
- //
- if (fYield)
- {
- static TCHAR szButtonStop[] = TEXT("&Stop");
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_BTN_STEP), szButtonStop);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_BTN_GO), FALSE);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_BTN_RUN), FALSE);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_RUNCOUNT), FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- AppHourGlass(TRUE);
- }
- //
- // go through every line in the script window from the currently
- // selected line to the last line...
- //
- nLineStart = Edit_LineFromChar(hwndScript, -1);
- for (u = uRunCount; u; u--)
- {
- nLine = nLineStart;
- for ( ; MciAppGetLine(hwndScript, nLine, ach, SIZEOF(ach)); nLine++)
- {
- //
- // select the current line that is going to be executed....
- //
- nSelStart = Edit_LineIndex(hwndScript, nLine);
- nSelEnd = Edit_LineIndex(hwndScript, nLine + 1);
- if (nSelEnd < nSelStart)
- nSelEnd = 0x7FFF;
- else if (nSelEnd > nSelStart)
- nSelEnd -= 1;
- Edit_SetSel(hwndScript, nSelStart, nSelEnd);
- //
- // check for abort...
- //
- if (gfAbortExec)
- {
- if (IDYES == n)
- goto MciApp_Execute_Exit;
- gfAbortExec = FALSE;
- }
- //
- // anything worth doing something with?
- //
- if ((' ' == ach[0]) || (';' == ach[0]))
- continue;
- //
- // if first character is '!' then process rest of line as an
- // internale MCI App command...
- //
- if ('!' == ach[0])
- {
- MciAppInternalCommand(hwnd, &ach[1], fYield);
- continue;
- }
- //
- // send the command on the current line to MCI via the string
- // interface.
- //
- mciError = MciAppSendString(hwnd, ach);
- if ((MMSYSERR_NOERROR != mciError) && !fIgnoreErrors)
- {
- n = DialogBox(ghinst, DLG_MCIERR, hwnd, (DLGPROC)MciAppErrorDlgProc);
- switch (n)
- {
- case IDABORT:
- goto MciApp_Execute_Exit;
- case IDIGNORE:
- fIgnoreErrors = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- uLinesExecuted++;
- //
- // yield like a good little app..
- //
- if (fYield)
- AppYield(hwnd, FALSE);
- else
- {
- UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_STATUS));
- UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_TEXT_OUTPUT));
- }
- }
- //
- // SetDlgItemInt() won't update the field unless we yield
- // so set window text instead... in case not yielding.
- //
- SetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_RUNCOUNT, u, TRUE);
- if (fYield)
- AppYield(hwnd, FALSE);
- else
- UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_RUNCOUNT));
- }
- MciApp_Execute_Exit:
- gfExecuting = FALSE;
- if (fYield)
- {
- static TCHAR szButtonStep[] = TEXT("&Step");
- SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_BTN_STEP), szButtonStep);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_BTN_GO), TRUE);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_BTN_RUN), TRUE);
- EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_RUNCOUNT), TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- AppHourGlass(FALSE);
- }
- SetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_RUNCOUNT, uRunCount, TRUE);
- SetFocus(hwndScript);
- return (mciError);
- } // MciAppExecute()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppEnterLine
- //
- // Description:
- // This function handles entering a new line into the script window.
- // This may involve executing the new line if Options.Edit Only is
- // not selected.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // BOOL fEditOnly: TRUE if in data entry mode (won't single step the
- // current line before inserting CR/LF). FALSE if the current line
- // should be executed and a CR/LF inserted at the _END_ of the
- // current line.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is always TRUE.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- BOOL fEditOnly
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szEOL[] = TEXT("rn");
- HWND hwndScript;
- int n;
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- //
- // if Options.Edit Only is checked or the user pressed Alt+Enter,
- // then act like a simple edit control...
- //
- if (fEditOnly)
- {
- Edit_ReplaceSel(hwndScript, szEOL);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- //
- // get current line (containing caret)--if there is a
- // selection, the line number of the line containing the
- // _beginning_ of the selection is retrieved.
- //
- SetFocus(hwndScript);
- n = Edit_LineFromChar(hwndScript, -1);
- MciAppSingleStep(hwnd);
- n = Edit_LineIndex(hwndScript, n);
- Edit_SetSel(hwndScript, n, n);
- //
- // now force CR/LF at the _end_ of the current line
- //
- FORWARD_WM_KEYDOWN(hwndScript, VK_END, 1, 0, SendMessage);
- FORWARD_WM_KEYUP(hwndScript, VK_END, 1, 0, SendMessage);
- Edit_ReplaceSel(hwndScript, szEOL);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppEnterLine()
- //==========================================================================;
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //==========================================================================;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppDispatchMessage
- //
- // Description:
- //
- //
- // Arguments:
- //
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- //
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 8/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppDispatchMessage
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PMSG pmsg
- )
- {
- static HWND hwndScript;
- static HACCEL haccl;
- UINT u;
- //
- // if this is the first time through, cache some stuff...
- //
- if (NULL == hwndScript)
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- if (NULL == haccl)
- haccl = LoadAccelerators(ghinst, ACCEL_APP);
- //
- // peek at the message being sent. if it is one of the special
- // things for the script window, then deal with it...
- //
- // !!! this is somewhat bogus !!!
- //
- if ((WM_KEYDOWN == pmsg->message) || (WM_SYSKEYDOWN == pmsg->message))
- {
- if (GetActiveWindow() != hwnd)
- goto MciApp_Dispatch_Continue;
- switch (pmsg->wParam)
- {
- case VK_RETURN:
- if (GetFocus() != hwndScript)
- break;
- //
- // force a line to be 'executed' and stuff... if Alt+Enter
- // was used, then reverse the logic of 'Edit Only' by
- // setting uCode to 0 (from menu)
- //
- u = (GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0) ? 0 : 1;
- FORWARD_WM_COMMAND(hwnd, IDOK, hwndScript, u, PostMessage);
- return (TRUE);
- case VK_TAB:
- if (WM_SYSKEYDOWN == pmsg->message)
- break;
- if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0)
- {
- if (GetFocus() == hwndScript)
- {
- SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_BTN_STEP));
- return (TRUE);
- }
- SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT));
- return (TRUE);
- }
- else if (GetFocus() == hwndScript)
- {
- static TCHAR szTab[] = TEXT("t");
- Edit_ReplaceSel(hwndScript, szTab);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- MciApp_Dispatch_Continue:
- //
- // update the device list if it needs to be updated--also
- // do the floating dialog box message thing...
- //
- if (NULL != ghwndDevices)
- {
- MciAppDeviceListUpdate(hwnd, ghwndDevices, FALSE);
- if (IsDialogMessage(ghwndDevices, pmsg))
- return (TRUE);
- }
- //
- // take care of accelerators and dialog box style things...
- //
- if (TranslateAccelerator(hwnd, haccl, pmsg) ||
- IsDialogMessage(hwnd, pmsg))
- {
- return (TRUE);
- }
- TranslateMessage(pmsg);
- DispatchMessage(pmsg);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppDispatchMessage()
- //==========================================================================;
- //
- // Startup and shutdown code...
- //
- //
- //==========================================================================;
- TCHAR gszKeyOptions[] = TEXT("Options");
- TCHAR gszFormatOptions[] = TEXT("%u");
- TCHAR gszKeyWindow[] = TEXT("Window");
- TCHAR gszKeyFont[] = TEXT("Font");
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppChooseFont
- //
- // Description:
- // This function lets the user choose a new font for the script window.
- // After a new font is chosen, the font structure is stored to the
- // .ini file so it can be restored on the next run of this application.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is TRUE if a new font was chosen. It is FALSE if
- // the user canceled the operation.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 7/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppChooseFont
- (
- HWND hwnd
- )
- {
- HWND hwndScript;
- HFONT hfont;
- HFONT hfontNew;
- hwndScript = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT);
- //
- // get the current script font and pass it to the choose font dialog
- //
- hfont = GetWindowFont(hwndScript);
- hfontNew = AppChooseFont(hwnd, hfont, &lf);
- if (NULL == hfontNew)
- return (FALSE);
- //
- // select the new font into the script window and delete the old one
- //
- SetWindowFont(hwndScript, hfontNew, TRUE);
- DeleteFont(hfont);
- //
- // save the complete description of the chosen font so there can be
- // no strangness in the font mapping next run. this is overkill, but
- // it works...
- //
- AppProfileWriteBytes(gszKeyFont, (LPBYTE)&lf, sizeof(lf));
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppChooseFont()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppSettingsRestore
- //
- // Description:
- // This function restores state information for the application. This
- // function is called just after the main window is created (it has
- // not been ShowWindow()'d). This function will generate the call
- // to ShowWindow before returning.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window that has just been created but
- // not shown.
- //
- // int nCmdShow: The state that the application window should show as.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is always TRUE.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/15/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNLOCAL MciAppSettingsRestore
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- int nCmdShow
- )
- {
- static TCHAR szSecExtensions[] = TEXT("Extensions");
- static TCHAR szKeyMCI[] = TEXT("mci");
- static TCHAR szValAssocMCI[] = TEXT("mciapp.exe ^.mci");
- static TCHAR szKeyMCS[] = TEXT("mcs");
- static TCHAR szValAssocMCS[] = TEXT("mciapp.exe ^.mcs");
- HFONT hfont;
- UINT u;
- RECT rc;
- RECT rcWindow;
- POINT pt;
- int n;
- BOOL f;
- //
- // restore the previous Options state...
- //
- gfuAppOptions = GetProfileInt(gszAppSection, gszKeyOptions, gfuAppOptions);
- //
- // we want to make sure that the association for .MCI and .MCS files is
- // to run MCIAPP.EXE. this way any app that ShellExecute's a .MCI or
- // .MCS file will run this app...
- //
- // in WIN.INI:
- //
- // [Extensions]
- // mci = mciapp.exe ^.mci
- // mcs = mciapp.exe ^.mcs
- //
- u = (UINT)GetProfileString(szSecExtensions, szKeyMCI, gszNull, ach, SIZEOF(ach));
- if ((0 == u) || lstrcmpi(ach, szValAssocMCI))
- {
- WriteProfileString(szSecExtensions, szKeyMCI, szValAssocMCI);
- }
- u = (UINT)GetProfileString(szSecExtensions, szKeyMCS, gszNull, ach, SIZEOF(ach));
- if ((0 == u) || lstrcmpi(ach, szValAssocMCS))
- {
- WriteProfileString(szSecExtensions, szKeyMCS, szValAssocMCS);
- }
- //
- // restore the user's preferred font.
- //
- f = AppProfileReadBytes(gszKeyFont, (LPBYTE)&lf, sizeof(lf));
- if (f)
- {
- hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf);
- if (NULL != hfont)
- {
- SetWindowFont(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT), hfont, FALSE);
- }
- }
- //
- // grab the stored window position and size from the .ini file...
- // there must be four arguments stored or the entry is considered
- // invalid.
- //
- f = AppProfileReadBytes(gszKeyWindow, (LPBYTE)&rcWindow, sizeof(rcWindow));
- if (f)
- {
- //
- // to make sure the user can always get at the window, check to
- // see if the midpoint of the caption is visible--if it is not,
- // then default to the default position used when creating the
- // window.
- //
- n = (rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left) / 2;
- pt.x = (n + rcWindow.left);
- n = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) / 2 + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME);
- pt.y = (n +;
- GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rc);
- if (PtInRect(&rc, pt))
- {
- //
- // fill out the window placement structure--default the
- // maximized and minimized states to default placement by
- // getting its current placement.
- //
- wp.length = sizeof(wp);
- GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp);
- wp.showCmd = nCmdShow;
- wp.rcNormalPosition = rcWindow;
- SetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp);
- return (TRUE);
- }
- }
- //
- // show defaulted and succeed
- //
- ShowWindow(hwnd, nCmdShow);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppSettingsRestore()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppSettingsSave
- //
- // Description:
- // This function saves the current state information for the application.
- // It is called just before the main window is closed (destroyed); or
- // as Windows is exiting (query end session).
- //
- // Note that this function should not destroy any resources--it can
- // be called at any time to save a snapshot of the application state.
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window that will be destroyed shortly.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // The return value is always TRUE.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/15/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppSettingsSave
- (
- HWND hwnd
- )
- {
- PRECT prc;
- BOOL f;
- //
- // save the current option settings--note that we ALWAYS turn off the
- // debug logging option so the app doesn't try to OutputDebugString
- // unexpectedly during the next session...
- //
- gfuAppOptions &= ~APP_OPTF_DEBUGLOG;
- if (GetProfileInt(gszAppSection, gszKeyOptions, 0) != gfuAppOptions)
- {
- wsprintf(ach, gszFormatOptions, gfuAppOptions);
- WriteProfileString(gszAppSection, gszKeyOptions, ach);
- }
- //
- // save the current window placement--only store the size and location
- // of the restored window. maximized and minimized states should
- // remain defaulted on the next invocation of this application.
- //
- wp.length = sizeof(wp);
- f = GetWindowPlacement(hwnd, &wp);
- if (f)
- {
- prc = &wp.rcNormalPosition;
- DPF(0, "WindowPlacement: show=%d, minX=%d, minY=%d, maxX=%d, maxY=%d",
- wp.showCmd, wp.ptMinPosition.x, wp.ptMinPosition.y,
- wp.ptMaxPosition.x, wp.ptMaxPosition.y);
- DPF(0, " normX=%d, normY=%d, normW=%d, normH=%d",
- prc->left, prc->top, prc->right, prc->bottom);
- //
- // save the _bounding rectangle_ of the restored window state...
- //
- AppProfileWriteBytes(gszKeyWindow, (LPBYTE)prc, sizeof(*prc));
- }
- //
- // succeed
- //
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppSettingsSave()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppShutdown
- //
- // Description:
- // This function is called to gracefully shut down the application.
- // If the application should not be closed, a FALSE value is returned.
- // This function is called for WM_CLOSE and WM_QUERYENDSESSION
- // messages...
- //
- // Arguments:
- // HWND hwnd: Handle to main window.
- //
- // PTSTR pszFilePath: Pointer to current file path of script. If the
- // file needs to be saved, then this buffer will receive the new
- // file path if one is chosen.
- //
- // PTSTR pszFilePath: Pointer to current file title of script. If the
- // file needs to be saved, then this buffer will receive the new
- // file title if one is chosen.
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- // Returns TRUE if the application can proceed with close. Returns
- // FALSE if the application should NOT be closed.
- //
- // History:
- // 2/ 9/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- BOOL FNGLOBAL MciAppShutdown
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PTSTR pszFilePath,
- PTSTR pszFileTitle
- )
- {
- int n;
- UINT u;
- BOOL f;
- //
- // if we are currently executing a script (Run or Go), things would
- // get very messy if we tried to close the application. so disallow
- // it!
- //
- // !!! this is rude--bring up dialog with the problem statement !!!
- //
- if (gfExecuting)
- {
- MessageBeep((UINT)-1);
- return (FALSE);
- }
- //
- // check if the script has been modified without saving. if the user
- // cancels the operation, then we will NOT close the application.
- //
- f = MciAppFileSaveModified(hwnd, pszFilePath, pszFileTitle);
- if (!f)
- return (FALSE);
- //
- // if devices are still open, ask user if we should close them down
- // before exiting. the only reason we don't do this by default is
- // for application cleanup testing in mmsystem... i suppose it is
- // a nifty reminder for scripts that don't close devices also.
- //
- u = MciAppGetNumDevices(hwnd);
- if (0 != u)
- {
- switch (n)
- {
- case IDYES:
- MciAppCloseAllDevices(hwnd);
- break;
- case IDNO:
- break;
- case IDCANCEL:
- return (FALSE);
- }
- }
- //
- // save any settings that should be saved on app termination...
- //
- MciAppSettingsSave(hwnd);
- //
- // allow closing of application...
- //
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppShutdown()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppInit
- //
- // Description:
- //
- //
- // Arguments:
- //
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- //
- //
- // History:
- // 2/15/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- HWND hwnd,
- PTSTR pszFilePath,
- PTSTR pszFileTitle,
- LPTSTR pszCmdLine,
- int nCmdShow
- )
- {
- BOOL f;
- //
- //
- //
- MciAppSettingsRestore(hwnd, nCmdShow);
- //
- // strip the command line..
- //
- if (NULL != pszCmdLine)
- {
- while ((' ' != *pszCmdLine) && (' ' == *pszCmdLine))
- pszCmdLine++;
- }
- //
- // if there is a command line, assume it is a filename for a script
- // and try to open it. otherwise, just initialize the script window.
- //
- if ((NULL != pszCmdLine) && (' ' != *pszCmdLine))
- {
- //
- // attempt to open the specified file..
- //
- lstrcpy(pszFilePath, pszCmdLine);
- f = MciAppFileOpen(hwnd, pszFilePath, pszFileTitle);
- if (f)
- {
- AppTitle(hwnd, pszFileTitle);
- SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDD_APP_EDIT_SCRIPT));
- }
- else
- {
- //
- // opening the command line file was untriumphant..
- //
- pszFilePath[0] = ' ';
- pszFileTitle[0] = ' ';
- AppFileNew(hwnd, pszFilePath, pszFileTitle);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- AppFileNew(hwnd, pszFilePath, pszFileTitle);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- //
- MciAppDeviceList(hwnd, FALSE);
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppInit()
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- //
- // BOOL MciAppExit
- //
- // Description:
- //
- //
- // Arguments:
- //
- //
- // Return (BOOL):
- //
- //
- // History:
- // 2/15/93 created.
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- (
- void
- )
- {
- //
- // clean up any resources and stuff we have allocated...
- //
- return (TRUE);
- } // MciAppExit()