资源名称:AirForce.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #include "afMatrix.h"
- #include "afVec3.h"
- #include "afVec3n.h"
- #include "afVec4.h"
- #include <D3DX8.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <math.h>
- void sincos(float a, float& s, float& c)
- {
- s = (float)sin(a);
- c = (float)cos(a);
- }
- afMatrix::afMatrix()
- {
- makeIdent();
- }
- afMatrix::afMatrix(const float* nElements)
- {
- memcpy(&m00, nElements, 16*sizeof(float));
- }
- afMatrix::afMatrix(const D3DXMATRIX& nMat)
- {
- *getD3DMatrix() = nMat;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::makeIdent()
- {
- m00 = m11 = m22 = m33 = 1.0f;
- m01 = m02 = m03 =
- m10 = m12 = m13 =
- m20 = m21 = m23 =
- m30 = m31 = m32 = 0.0f;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::makeProjection(float nFovY, float nAspect, float nNear, float nFar)
- {
- float h = (float)(cos(nFovY/2) / sin(nFovY/2));
- float w = h / nAspect;
- m00 = w; //2*nNear/w;
- m01 = m02 = m03 = m10 = 0.0f;
- m11 = h; //2*nNear/h;
- m12 = m13 = m20 = m21 = 0.0f;
- m22 = nFar/(nFar-nNear);
- m23 = 1.0f;
- m30 = m31 = 0.0f;
- m32 = nNear*nFar/(nNear-nFar);
- m33 = 0.0f;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::makeRotZXY(float nHead, float nPitch, float nRoll)
- {
- float sinY;
- float cosY;
- sincos(nHead, sinY, cosY);
- float sinX;
- float cosX;
- sincos(nPitch, sinX, cosX);
- float sinZ;
- float cosZ;
- sincos(nRoll, sinZ, cosZ);
- float cosYxcosZ = cosY*cosZ;
- float sinYxsinZ = sinY*sinZ;
- float sinYxcosZ = sinY*cosZ;
- float cosYxsinZ = cosY*sinZ;
- m00 = sinX*sinYxsinZ + cosYxcosZ;
- m01 = - cosX*sinZ;
- m02 = sinX*cosYxsinZ - sinYxcosZ;
- m10 = cosYxsinZ - sinX*sinYxcosZ;
- m11 = cosX*cosZ;
- m12 = - sinX*cosYxcosZ - sinYxsinZ;
- m20 = cosX*sinY;
- m21 = sinX;
- m22 = cosX*cosY;
- m03 = m13 = m23 = m30 = m31 = m32 = 0.0f;
- m33 = 1.0f;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::makeTrans(const afVec3& nTrans)
- {
- m00 = m11 = m22 = m33 = 1.0f;
- m01 = m02 = m03 =
- m10 = m12 = m13 =
- m20 = m21 = m23 = 0.0f;
- m30 = nTrans[0];
- m31 = nTrans[1];
- m32 = nTrans[2];
- }
- bool
- afMatrix::makeLookat(const afVec3n& nDir, const afVec3n& nUp)
- {
- afVec3 vec1, vec2;
- vec1.cross( nUp, nDir );
- vec2.cross( nDir, vec1 );
- if (vec1.normalize()==0.0f || vec2.normalize()==0.0f)
- return false;
- m00 = vec1[0];
- m01 = vec1[1];
- m02 = vec1[2];
- m10 = vec2[0];
- m11 = vec2[1];
- m12 = vec2[2];
- m20 = nDir[0];
- m21 = nDir[1];
- m22 = nDir[2];
- m03 = m13 = m23 = m30 = m31 = m32 = 0.0f;
- m33 = 1.0f;
- return true;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::makeScale(const afVec3& scale)
- {
- m00 = scale[0];
- m11 = scale[1];
- m22 = scale[2];
- m01 = m02 = m03 =
- m10 = m12 = m13 =
- m20 = m21 = m23 =
- m30 = m31 = m32 = 0.0f;
- m33 = 1.0f;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::makeScale(float s)
- {
- m00 = m11 = m22 = s;
- m01 = m02 = m03 =
- m10 = m12 = m13 =
- m20 = m21 = m23 =
- m30 = m31 = m32 = 0.0f;
- m33 = 1.0f;
- }
- bool
- afMatrix::invert()
- {
- afMatrix tmp(*this);
- // Gauss-Jordan elimination with partial pivoting
- makeIdent();
- int i, j, i1;
- // Loop over cols of a from left to right, eliminating above and below diag
- for (j = 0; j<4; j++)
- {
- // Find largest pivot in column j among rows j..3
- i1 = j; // Row with largest pivot candidate
- for (i = j+1; i<4; i++)
- if (fabs(tmp[i][j])>fabs(tmp[i1][j]))
- i1 = i;
- // Swap rows i1 and j in tmp and this to put pivot on diagonal
- afVec4 swap(tmp[i1]);
- tmp.rowVec4(i1) = tmp.rowVec4(j);
- tmp.rowVec4(j) = swap;
- swap = rowVec4(i1);
- rowVec4(i1) = rowVec4(j);
- rowVec4(j) = swap;
- // Scale row j to have a unit diagonal
- if (tmp[j][j]==0.f)
- return false;
- rowVec4(j) /= tmp[j][j];
- tmp.rowVec4(j) /= tmp[j][j];
- // Eliminate off-diagonal elems in col j of tmp, doing identical ops to this
- for (i = 0; i<4; i++)
- if (i!=j)
- {
- rowVec4(i) -= tmp[i][j]*rowVec4(j);
- tmp.rowVec4(i) -= tmp[i][j]*tmp.rowVec4(j);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::preMult(const afMatrix& nLf)
- {
- assert(this!=&nLf);
- float r0,r1,r2;
- r0 = m00; r1 = m10; r2 = m20;
- m00 = nLf.m00*r0+nLf.m01*r1+nLf.m02*r2+nLf.m03*m30;
- m10 = nLf.m10*r0+nLf.m11*r1+nLf.m12*r2+nLf.m13*m30;
- m20 = nLf.m20*r0+nLf.m21*r1+nLf.m22*r2+nLf.m23*m30;
- m30 = nLf.m30*r0+nLf.m31*r1+nLf.m32*r2+nLf.m33*m30;
- r0 = m01; r1 = m11; r2 = m21;
- m01 = nLf.m00*r0+nLf.m01*r1+nLf.m02*r2+nLf.m03*m31;
- m11 = nLf.m10*r0+nLf.m11*r1+nLf.m12*r2+nLf.m13*m31;
- m21 = nLf.m20*r0+nLf.m21*r1+nLf.m22*r2+nLf.m23*m31;
- m31 = nLf.m30*r0+nLf.m31*r1+nLf.m32*r2+nLf.m33*m31;
- r0 = m02; r1 = m12; r2 = m22;
- m02 = nLf.m00*r0+nLf.m01*r1+nLf.m02*r2+nLf.m03*m32;
- m12 = nLf.m10*r0+nLf.m11*r1+nLf.m12*r2+nLf.m13*m32;
- m22 = nLf.m20*r0+nLf.m21*r1+nLf.m22*r2+nLf.m23*m32;
- m32 = nLf.m30*r0+nLf.m31*r1+nLf.m32*r2+nLf.m33*m32;
- r0 = m03; r1 = m13; r2 = m23;
- m03 = nLf.m00*r0+nLf.m01*r1+nLf.m02*r2+nLf.m03*m33;
- m13 = nLf.m10*r0+nLf.m11*r1+nLf.m12*r2+nLf.m13*m33;
- m23 = nLf.m20*r0+nLf.m21*r1+nLf.m22*r2+nLf.m23*m33;
- m33 = nLf.m30*r0+nLf.m31*r1+nLf.m32*r2+nLf.m33*m33;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::postMult(const afMatrix& nRt)
- {
- assert(this!=&nRt);
- float l0, l1, l2;
- l0 = m00; l1 = m01; l2 = m02;
- m00 = l0*nRt.m00 + l1*nRt.m10 + l2*nRt.m20 + m03*nRt.m30;
- m01 = l0*nRt.m01 + l1*nRt.m11 + l2*nRt.m21 + m03*nRt.m31;
- m02 = l0*nRt.m02 + l1*nRt.m12 + l2*nRt.m22 + m03*nRt.m32;
- m03 = l0*nRt.m03 + l1*nRt.m13 + l2*nRt.m23 + m03*nRt.m33;
- l0 = m10; l1 = m11; l2 = m12;
- m10 = l0*nRt.m00 + l1*nRt.m10 + l2*nRt.m20 + m13*nRt.m30;
- m11 = l0*nRt.m01 + l1*nRt.m11 + l2*nRt.m21 + m13*nRt.m31;
- m12 = l0*nRt.m02 + l1*nRt.m12 + l2*nRt.m22 + m13*nRt.m32;
- m13 = l0*nRt.m03 + l1*nRt.m13 + l2*nRt.m23 + m13*nRt.m33;
- l0 = m20; l1 = m21; l2 = m22;
- m20 = l0*nRt.m00 + l1*nRt.m10 + l2*nRt.m20 + m23*nRt.m30;
- m21 = l0*nRt.m01 + l1*nRt.m11 + l2*nRt.m21 + m23*nRt.m31;
- m22 = l0*nRt.m02 + l1*nRt.m12 + l2*nRt.m22 + m23*nRt.m32;
- m23 = l0*nRt.m03 + l1*nRt.m13 + l2*nRt.m23 + m23*nRt.m33;
- l0 = m30; l1 = m31; l2 = m32;
- m30 = l0*nRt.m00 + l1*nRt.m10 + l2*nRt.m20 + m33*nRt.m30;
- m31 = l0*nRt.m01 + l1*nRt.m11 + l2*nRt.m21 + m33*nRt.m31;
- m32 = l0*nRt.m02 + l1*nRt.m12 + l2*nRt.m22 + m33*nRt.m32;
- m33 = l0*nRt.m03 + l1*nRt.m13 + l2*nRt.m23 + m33*nRt.m33;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::multVector(afVec4& dst, const afVec4& src) const
- {
- dst[0] = src[0]*m00 + src[1]*m10 + src[2]*m20 + src[3]*m30;
- dst[1] = src[0]*m01 + src[1]*m11 + src[2]*m21 + src[3]*m31;
- dst[2] = src[0]*m02 + src[1]*m12 + src[2]*m22 + src[3]*m32;
- dst[3] = src[0]*m03 + src[1]*m13 + src[2]*m23 + src[3]*m33;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::multVector(afVec4& dst, const afVec3& src) const
- {
- dst[0] = src[0]*m00 + src[1]*m10 + src[2]*m20 + m30;
- dst[1] = src[0]*m01 + src[1]*m11 + src[2]*m21 + m31;
- dst[2] = src[0]*m02 + src[1]*m12 + src[2]*m22 + m32;
- dst[3] = src[0]*m03 + src[1]*m13 + src[2]*m23 + m33;
- }
- void
- afMatrix::multVector(afVec3& dst, const afVec3& src) const
- {
- dst[0] = src[0]*m00 + src[1]*m10 + src[2]*m20 + m30;
- dst[1] = src[0]*m01 + src[1]*m11 + src[2]*m21 + m31;
- dst[2] = src[0]*m02 + src[1]*m12 + src[2]*m22 + m32;
- }
- afMatrix&
- afMatrix::operator=(const D3DXMATRIX& nMat)
- {
- *getD3DMatrix() = nMat;
- return *this;
- }
- bool
- afMatrix::operator==(const afMatrix& nMat) const
- {
- return m00==nMat.m00 && m01==nMat.m01 && m02==nMat.m02 && m03==nMat.m03 &&
- m10==nMat.m10 && m11==nMat.m11 && m12==nMat.m12 && m13==nMat.m13 &&
- m20==nMat.m20 && m21==nMat.m21 && m22==nMat.m22 && m23==nMat.m23 &&
- m30==nMat.m30 && m31==nMat.m31 && m32==nMat.m32 && m33==nMat.m33;
- }