资源名称 [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #ifndef __GRID_HXX_
- #define __GRID_HXX_
- #include "canvas.hxx"
- #include "cset.hxx"
- #include "font.hxx"
- //========== CGridIt ===========================================
- class CGridIt
- {
- public:
- CGridIt(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, SIZE size, POINT pt) :
- _pt(pt), _size(size), _cCol(cCol), _cRow(cRow),
- _iRow(0), _iCol(0), _cx(pt.x), _cy(pt.y)
- {}
- BOOL Done() { return _iCol == _cCol; };
- UINT Row() { return _iRow; };
- UINT Col() { return _iCol; };
- COORD Cx() { return _cx; }
- COORD Cy() { return _cy; }
- void operator++()
- {
- if( !Done())
- {
- _iRow++;
- if( _iRow == _cRow )
- {
- _iRow = 0;
- _cy = _pt.y;
- _iCol++;
- _cx +=;
- }
- }
- }
- protected:
- POINT _pt;
- SIZE _size;
- UINT _cRow;
- UINT _iRow;
- UINT _cCol;
- UINT _iCol;
- COORD _cx, _cy;
- };
- //========== CGrid =============================================
- class CGrid
- {
- public:
- virtual void Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt)=0;
- protected:
- SIZE _size;
- UINT _cCol;
- UINT _cRow;
- };
- //========== CLineGrid =========================================
- class CLineGrid : public CGrid
- {
- public:
- CLineGrid(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, SIZE size);
- void SetStyle(int iStyle = PS_DOT );
- void SetWeight(int nWeight = 1 );
- void Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt);
- protected:
- int _iStyle;
- int _nWeight;
- };
- //========== CTextGrid =========================================
- class CTextGrid : public CGrid
- {
- public:
- CTextGrid() { _pCharUsed = NULL;};
- ~CTextGrid() { if (_pCharUsed != NULL) _pCharUsed = (USHORT*)LocalFree(LocalHandle(_pCharUsed));};
- void SetFont(HFONT hfont);
- void SetTextOrg()
- {
- _ptOrg.x =;
- _ptOrg.y=7*;
- };
- void SetTextOrg(COORD x, COORD y)
- {
- _ptOrg.x=x;
- _ptOrg.y=y;
- };
- virtual void Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt);
- virtual void DrawElement(CCanvas& canvas, COORD x, COORD y, UINT i, UINT j)=0;
- UINT Hittest(POINT pt, POINT ptTest);
- void SetCharTable();
- protected:
- POINT _ptOrg;
- HFONT _font;
- UINT _iEltOffset;
- USHORT * _pCharUsed;
- };
- //========== CCharGrid =============================================
- class CCharGrid : public CTextGrid
- {
- public:
- CCharGrid(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, SIZE size, UINT iEltOffset=0);
- virtual void DrawElement(CCanvas& canvas, COORD x, COORD y, UINT i, UINT j);
- //protected:
- };
- //========== CCodeGrid =============================================
- #define HEXADECIMAL 0
- #define DECIMAL 1
- #define MASKROOT 1
- class CCodeGrid : public CTextGrid
- {
- public:
- CCodeGrid(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, SIZE size, UINT iEltOffset=0);
- void SetFormat(UINT fuFormat=HEXADECIMAL, UINT cDigits=1);
- void DrawElement(CCanvas& canvas, COORD x, COORD y, UINT i, UINT j);
- protected:
- UINT _cDigits;
- TCHAR _szFormat[5];
- };
- //========== CBlockFormat =============================================
- // formatting elements common to all blocks
- class CBlockFormat
- {
- public:
- SIZE _size; // size of grid cell
- CFont _fontChar;
- CFont _fontCode;
- UINT _fuFormat;
- protected:
- CBlockFormat();
- };
- //========== CFrameFormat =============================================
- // formatting elements common to all frames
- class CFrameFormat : public CBlockFormat
- {
- public:
- CFont _fontHeader;
- CFont _fontLabel;
- protected:
- CFrameFormat();
- };
- //========== CPageFormat =============================================
- //
- #define PAGEELEMS 2
- #define PAGEPRINT 4
- class CPageFormat : public CFrameFormat
- {
- public:
- CPageFormat(UINT fuFormat);
- void SetFormat(UINT fuFormat=HEXADECIMAL);
- CFont _fontPageNum;
- UINT _fuFormat;
- POINT _ptPE[3];
- POINT _pt; // "origin" of page proper
- };
- //========== CCharBlock =============================================
- class CCharBlock
- {
- public:
- CCharBlock(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, UINT iBlockOffset, const CBlockFormat &bf);
- void Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt);
- UINT Hittest(POINT pt, POINT ptTest);
- void SetFormat(UINT fuFormat=HEXADECIMAL);
- void SetFont(HFONT font);
- protected:
- CLineGrid _Line;
- CCharGrid _Char;
- CCodeGrid _Code;
- };
- //========== CBlockFrame =============================================
- class CBlockFrame : public CCharBlock
- {
- public:
- CBlockFrame(UINT cCol, UINT cRow, POINT pt, UINT iBlockOffset,
- TCHAR *szHeader, const CFrameFormat &ff);
- ~CBlockFrame();
- void Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc, POINT pt);
- protected:
- void Draw(CCanvas& canvas, POINT pt);
- TCHAR * _szHeader;
- SIZE _size;
- UINT _cCol;
- UINT _cRow;
- HFONT _fontHeader;
- CCodeGrid _Cols;
- // optional
- CCodeGrid * _pRows;
- };
- //========== CPage ===================================================
- class CPage
- {
- public:
- CPage(HINSTANCE hInst, CPageFormat& pf, UINT nPage=0);
- ~CPage();
- void Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc);
- void SetFormat(UINT fuFormat=HEXADECIMAL);
- void SetFont( HFONT hfont);
- UINT Hittest( POINT pt);
- protected:
- UINT InitPage(UINT nPage);
- CPageFormat& _pf;
- UINT _cBlock; // 0..4
- CBlockFrame* _apBlock[4]; // at most 4 blocks/page
- POINT _aptBlock[4];
- CCodeGrid _PageHeadR; // Right header
- CCodeGrid _PageHeadL; // Left header
- CCodeGrid _PageNums; // Page number
- };
- //========== CFontRange ===================================================
- class CFontRange
- {
- friend class CTextGrid;
- public:
- void SetFontRange(HWND hwnd, HFONT hfont);
- ~CFontRange();
- BOOL IsPageUsed(UINT nPage) { return _fPageUsed[nPage]; };
- private:
- void SwapShort (PUSHORT p);
- void SwapULong (PULONG p);
- BOOL CountUCSegments(HDC hdc);
- UINT _fPageUsed[256];
- };
- //========== CModel ==================================================
- #define USEDONLY 0
- #define ALLPAGES 1
- class CModel
- {
- public:
- ~CModel();
- // iteration
- void NextPage();
- void PrevPage();
- void NextSection();
- void PrevSection();
- BOOL CanNextPage() { return _iPage + 1 < _macPage; };
- BOOL CanPrevPage() { return _iPage; };
- BOOL CanNextSection() { return _iPage +16 < _macPage; };
- BOOL CanPrevSection() { return _iPage + 1 >= 16; };
- UINT GetPage() { return _iPage; };
- void SetPage(UINT nPage);
- UINT GetMaxPage() { return _macPage; };
- UINT GetMaxSection() { return _macPage / 16; };
- // Layout
- void Paint(CCanvas& canvas, RECT rc){_pPage->Paint(canvas, rc);};
- UINT Hittest( POINT pt);
- void GetLineSize( SIZE * psize) { psize->cx = 4*INCH2/5;
- psize->cy = INCH2;
- }
- // Formatting
- BOOL ChooseFont(HWND hwnd);
- HFONT GetFont();
- BOOL CreateFont(LOGFONT &lf);
- void GetFormat(UINT &fuFormat);
- void SetFormat(UINT fuFormat=HEXADECIMAL);
- void GetPageMode(UINT &fPageMode);
- void SetPageMode(UINT fPageMode=USEDONLY);
- void SetCSet(CSet * pCset);
- BOOL IsModelPageUsed(UINT nPage) {return _fr.IsPageUsed(nPage);}
- protected:
- UINT _iPage;
- UINT _macPage;
- CPageFormat _pf;
- CPage * _pPage;
- UINT _fPageMode;
- CFontRange _fr;
- };
- #endif